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Enhancing the gameexperienceSportsViz Arena enables broadcasters to superimposestatic and animated 3D graphicsover the live coverage of a sports event. Thesolution ensures that the graphics remain inplace, regardless of camera movement. Theresult is a holistic video experience in whichthe 3D graphics appear to be part of the livecoverage.To achieve this, Viz Arena fully utilizesthe creative functionality of Viz Artist: 2Dand 3D real-time graphics, text, video,logos, images, and animations can be superimposedon the live video feeds, enrichinginformation and creating an enhanced look.LIVE-EVENT TRACKING. Viz Arena candisplay real-time distance, height and velocitymeasurements on grass, track, snow,water, and in 3D space. Local terrain maps,on a small or large scale, can be overlaid toshow the detailed contours ofa surface area.This is particularly useful for eventswith no standard field layout, such as skijumping or golf. Similarly, team badgesand sponsors’ logos can be laid down ona surface over which players can walk.Alternatively, a virtual foreground objectcan be keyed onto the video coverage andplayers will appear behind or in front ofthe object, making it an integral part of thevideo experience.IMAGE-BASED TRACKING. Using a cleanvideo feed, with at least two visible straightlines, Viz Arena can simulate camera trackingin real-time. The system recognizes thepattern of the pitch, creating the modelinstantly. This makes it possible to applygraphics to the field without mechanicaltracking heads. Therefore, to generate theirown virtual graphics in-house, all thatGAMESChannel 10 Australiaused Viz Arenaand immersivegraphics for their2010 coverage ofthe CommonwealthGames. See video onvizrt.<strong>com</strong>/newsbroadcasters need is a video tape of a sportsevent. This functionality allows them toinclude virtual sports graphics in their programmingwithout investing in a traditionalcamera-tracking system.The tracking data is linked to recordedvideo material. By using a fast DDR, thedirector can overlay virtual graphics, inreplay, seconds after an event takes place.Image-based tracking can also be usedto <strong>com</strong>pensate for cameras on unstableground, or cameras with a very high zoom.The image recognition system corrects themechanical tracking data, thereby creatinga steady result.VIRTUAL ADVERTISING. Viz Arena candisplay advertisements on billboards, in aplaying field and/or around the edge of aplaying field, as well as overlaying a newor animated <strong>com</strong>mercial over an existingadvertisement.TYPICAL USE. Viz Arena is widely used forlive coverage of many major sporting events.Graphics show up-to-the-minute details,vital both for viewers’ interest and for advertisingopportunities.MULTIPLE MODELS in one control application.Viz Arena can have multiple calibrationmodels in one control application.For instance, horse racing might have onemodel for the grandstand straight, one forthe final straight and a third for the stalls,displaying horse names and jockey colors.When the main switcher moves from camerato camera, the control application switchesto the corresponding model instantly. Ifmore than one camera is needed in a location,extra cameras can share the modelwith the main camera.Viz Arena Key Features• Dynamic, correct-perspective graphicaloverlays for every playing area• Virtual advertising, game analysis andimage insertion• Pattern-recognition system for graphicsoverlay, without any camera-tracking data• Easy and fast registration of both the fieldand the position of the camera• Lens and field calibration in a fast onetimeprocess• Real-time distance measurements andobject placement during live action• Customized plug-ins for every type ofsports event• Velocity estimation and heightmeasurement• Recording of camera-tracking data forimmediate play and replay• Optional scoreboard module, based oncharacter recognition, enables synchronizationof broadcast clock with officialscoreboard• High-resolution camera tracking for pan/tilt/zoom, and focus for up to 16 camerasThe <strong>Vizrt</strong> Catalogue 2011 117

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