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DOCUMENTARIESTHE SPIRIT OF ‘45d. Ken Loach, United Kingdom, 2013 23 JULY 22:00 MUSGRAVE A; 24 JULY 18:00 SUNCOAST AThis new documentary offering from acclaimed features director Ken Loach looks backnostalgically on the era in the UK immediately after WWII and the spirit of unity thatcarried Britons through the years of conflict and inspired a vision of a fairer society. Thefilm not only looks back at the founding moment of the welfare state and the subsequentnationalisation of most areas of public life by the Labour government of the late forties,but also follows through to the failure of Thatcherism to deliver on these ideals. Tenderand humane, this grounded documentary does an admirable job of reminding us of whatthe socialism of the past has to teach modern politics.English, 94 minTOUCHING THE DRAGONd. Damon Foster, Craig Foster, SouthAfrica, 201290 34th Durban International Film Festival24 JULY 15:00 BLUE; 27 JULY 13:00 EKHAYAAccomplished nature documentarian and underwater cinematographer Roger Horrocks heardlegends of men supposedly ‘calling’ wild crocodiles out of the river and a crocodile shamanwho can swim and ride on the back of a giant crocodile without being eaten, and though thestories sound unlikely, he believes that he too has experienced first-hand the ways in whichthese ancient reptiles are possible of showing emotion. Feeling a deep connection to crocodiles,he is compelled to investigate these stories further, in the hope of meeting ‘Chito’, the crocodileshaman. This thrilling documentary stands as a precious record of a unique moment in theconnection between humans and nature, which will never again be seen on film. World Premiere.Filmmakers in attendanceEnglish, 52 minVALENTINE ROADd. Marta Cunningham, United21 JULY 16:30 SNEDDON; 23 JULY 20:00 SNEDDONStates, 2012In 2008, eighth-grader Larry King began experimenting with alternative gender identity,wearing make-up and high-heeled shoes to school. Just before Valentine’s Day, heconfessed to having a crush on jock, Brandon McInerney. Embarrassed by the proposition,McInerney the following day shot King twice point blank in the back of the head duringa class lesson on ‘tolerance.’ This bravely nonpartisan film delves into the beliefs andprejudices of a society that simmers with tension over issues of homophobia, racismand gun control, and explores the tragedy of two troubled boys from equally damagedhomes seeking no more than a sense of belonging, and in so doing, exposing the deepvulnerability that invariably lies behind acts of intolerance. African Premiere.English, 88 min

AFRICAN METROPOLIS20 JULY 17:00 MUSGRAVE B; 21 JULY 16:00 BLUEIn this vibrant, teeming project, seven African directors each explore their own AfricanMetropolis: the legendary cities of Abidjan, Cairo, Dakar, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Lagosand Nairobi. The seven directors were selected among 40 entries and launched theirshort films under the project title African Metropolis. The festival screening includes thefollowing short films:HOMECOMINGd. Jim Chuchu, Kenya, 2013, Short FilmBEREAd. Vincent Moloi, South Africa, 2013, Short FilmNZETE YA LIBOKAd. Carol Maloba, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2013, Short FilmTHE LINE-UPd. Folasakin Iwajomo, Nigeria, 2013, Short FilmTHE CAVEd. Ahmed El Ghoneimy, Egypt, 2013, Short FilmTO REPEL GHOSTSd. Philipe Lacôte, Ivory Coast, 2013, Short FilmTHE OTHER WOMANd. Marie Ka, Senegal, 2013, Short FilmWorld PremiereFilmmakers in attendance34th Durban International Film Festival 91

AFRICAN METROPOLIS20 JULY 17:00 MUSGRAVE B; 21 JULY 16:00 BLUEIn this vibrant, teeming project, seven African directors each explore their own AfricanMetropolis: the legendary cities <strong>of</strong> Abidjan, Cairo, Dakar, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Lagosand Nairobi. The seven directors were selected among 40 entries and launched theirshort films under the project title African Metropolis. The festival screening includes thefollowing short films:HOMECOMINGd. Jim Chuchu, Kenya, 2013, Short FilmBEREAd. Vincent Moloi, South Africa, 2013, Short FilmNZETE YA LIBOKAd. Carol Maloba, Democratic Republic <strong>of</strong> Congo, 2013, Short FilmTHE LINE-UPd. Folasakin Iwajomo, Nigeria, 2013, Short FilmTHE CAVEd. Ahmed El Ghoneimy, Egypt, 2013, Short FilmTO REPEL GHOSTSd. Philipe Lacôte, Ivory Coast, 2013, Short FilmTHE OTHER WOMANd. Marie Ka, Senegal, 2013, Short FilmWorld PremiereFilmmakers in attendance34th Durban International Film Festival 91

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