Undergraduate Prospectus 2014 - University of Worcester

Undergraduate Prospectus 2014 - University of Worcester

Undergraduate Prospectus 2014 - University of Worcester


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<strong>Undergraduate</strong><strong>Prospectus</strong> <strong>2014</strong>www.worcester.ac.uk

Book your placeat an Open Daywww.worcester.ac.uk/opendaysOpen days2013Come andsee foryourself…• Sunday 23June 2013• Saturday 21& Sunday 22September 2013• Thursday31 OctOBer& Friday 1nOvember 2013• Wednesday 13nOvember 2013• SUNDay 1DecemBER 2013Follow us on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/worcester_uniBecome our fanon Facebookwww.facebook.com/<strong>University</strong>Of<strong>Worcester</strong>Follow our studentblog to find out moreabout student life:worcesterstudentlife.comWelcome tothe <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>www.worcester.ac.uk

Scan this code andtake a look, or typewww.worcester.ac.ukinto your browser.in brief• <strong>Worcester</strong>’saim is to be anoutstanding<strong>University</strong> atwhich to be astudent andfrom whichto graduateIn this image:Study facilities atThe Hive, Britain’sfirst university andpublic library.3

Don’t understand some<strong>of</strong> the terminology?See our Higher Educationglossary.Read more aboutkey milestones inour history and pickup all our latestnews on our websitewww.worcester.ac.ukglossaryp192In this image:The historic Georgianbuildings <strong>of</strong> theCity Campus.www.worcester.ac.uk

WhyChoose the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>?The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>is an outstanding place atwhich to be a student.We provide excellentgraduate employmentprospects as a result <strong>of</strong> ourcommitment to academicquality and our focus on thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> relevant,pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills.A history <strong>of</strong> achievementThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> is atruly modern Higher Educationinstitution and one <strong>of</strong> the country’smost innovative universities, butmuch <strong>of</strong> its present character andvalues can be traced back to itsfoundation in 1946 as an EmergencyTeacher Training College to ‘winthe peace through education’. Fromthese beginnings, it has quicklyestablished itself as one <strong>of</strong> thecountry’s most popular universities.With over 10,000 studentsstudying over 200 courses,<strong>Worcester</strong> is a flourishing anddynamic institution with stronglinks to its roots in outstandingand purposeful education.Academic excellenceOur qualifications are rigorousand our staff have a reputationfor inspiring teaching andinnovative thinking.Expert, independent organisationssuch as the Quality AssuranceAgency have given our courses anumber <strong>of</strong> commendations andwe have received excellent reportsfrom Ofsted and the Nursingand Midwifery Council. We alsowork with a range <strong>of</strong> externalorganisations, such as the BritishPsychological Society and theBroadcast Journalism TrainingCouncil, who support and accreditour pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications.The <strong>University</strong> is home to severalinternational research centres,including the National Pollen andAerobiology Research Unit, which,in partnership with the Met Office,provides the UK’s pollen forecasts aswell as performing groundbreakingresearch in areas <strong>of</strong> hay fever; theAssociation for Dementia Studies;and the International Forum forResearch in Children’s Literature.5

In this image:The environmental testchamber in the CharlesDarwin Building.MarijaKelbauskaite2nd yearBusiness, Advertisingand Public RelationsBA (Hons)“I think it’sgreat how the<strong>University</strong> hasgrown – fromthe Riversidebuilding toall otherdevelopmentsthat arecontinuouslygoing on. Theatmosphere isvery friendly!”take a look at ourcampus facilities.first class learningp27www.worcester.ac.uk

Threecampuses,Onesingle siteThe <strong>University</strong> has three campuses,aLL within easy waLKing distance <strong>of</strong>each other and are weLL linked withFOOtpaths and cycle routes.Our campuses areall within walkingdistance <strong>of</strong> each otherand are close to thecity centre. Take a lookat our maps to seehow easy it is to travelbetween our facilitiesby either scanning thisQR code or visitingwww.worcester.ac.uk/discover/find-usThe St John’s Campus is set inlovely parkland and is located in afriendly, residential area <strong>of</strong> the city.The <strong>University</strong>’s home for over 60years, it has benefited from extensiverefurbishment and modernisation aswell as the construction <strong>of</strong> brandnew science laboratories, sportsfacilities and Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence.The <strong>University</strong>’s new RiversideCampus includes a 2,000 capacity,indoor sports arena. This is anexciting new university andcommunity resource, the country’sfirst specifically created facility tocater for the needs <strong>of</strong> wheelchairathletes. The campus also hasteaching spaces and specialisedarts facilities.In the centre <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, on thesite <strong>of</strong> previously derelict buildings,the <strong>University</strong>’s City Campus hascome to life. The fully restored andmodernised historic buildings <strong>of</strong> theformer <strong>Worcester</strong> Royal Infirmarysit alongside high quality studentresidences. The Hive, which containsBritain’s first fully integrateduniversity and public library, isnext door to the City Campus.7

In this image:The River Severn andancient <strong>Worcester</strong>Cathedral are righton the <strong>University</strong>’sdoorstep.ZimariElizabeth3rd yearDigital Film ProductionBA (Hons) (exchangestudent from the Usa)“I like thepeople and thetown. I comefrom NewJersey and itis different towhat is here.In <strong>Worcester</strong>everything isclose by and Ireally like it!”We very muchwelcome studentsfrom aroundthe world. Bothinternational andUK students benefithugely from culturalexchange whichenhances learningexperience andemployability. Findout more at www.worcester.ac.ukA first-rate<strong>University</strong>andCathedralCitywww.worcester.ac.uk

Download ourStudents’ Guide to<strong>Worcester</strong> for toptips on settling intothe city by eitherscanning this codeor visitingwww.worcester.ac.uk/documents/worcester-cityguide.pdfA beautiful part <strong>of</strong> the countryWe are located in a very attractivepart <strong>of</strong> the country. <strong>Worcester</strong>is situated between two areas <strong>of</strong>outstanding natural beauty – theundulating countryside <strong>of</strong> theMalvern Hills and the beautifullandscape <strong>of</strong> the Cotswolds. It’s nearto Birmingham and London is onlytwo hours away by road or rail.A great student experienceWe attract a diverse group <strong>of</strong> studentsfrom a variety <strong>of</strong> different backgroundsand ages. Because we are a smalluniversity, it’s easy to get to knowpeople and make friends quickly. The<strong>University</strong> places great emphasis oncreating a friendly and supportiveenvironment for our students.A pr<strong>of</strong>essional universitywith inclusive valuesPr<strong>of</strong>essionalism is at the heart <strong>of</strong>everything we do. We are committedto the delivery <strong>of</strong> an education processthat recognises ability and potential,which will build the self-confidenceand competence <strong>of</strong> our students. Weembed pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism, employabilityand career management skills in all ourprogrammes <strong>of</strong> study so that graduatesare well equipped for the job market.Glasgownewcastle-upon-tynebirminghamCardiffmanchesterlondonin brief• under anhour frombirmingham• 2 hours fromLOnDOn• cLOSe to thecotSWOLDS• near themalvern hiLLS9

Egle Beliunaite2nd yearStudent <strong>of</strong> Piet Grobler.Graphic Designand Illustration BAJoint Honours“No matterwhat courseyou are doing,lecturersare alwaysinterested instudents andwhat they do,regardless<strong>of</strong> their owninterests orstyle. Theyare alwaysthere to helpand make usfeel confidentin ourselves.”learningatworcesterWe inspire our students to reach their fuLLpotential through exceLLent, innovativeteaching, scholarship and research.Teaching from leadersin academic excellenceWe are a small community in whichhigh quality teaching in groups, andgood pr<strong>of</strong>essional relationshipsbetween staff and students in apersonal and encouragingenvironment are important.Our academic staff conductinnovative research that bringsreal benefits to business andsociety and to the education <strong>of</strong> ourstudents. A number <strong>of</strong> our staffhave been awarded NationalTeaching Fellowships. They will playa major role in your educationalexperience and are dedicated tomaking sure that your learning isexciting, rewarding and relevant.Quality assuredThe Quality Assurance Agency(Qaa) is responsible for safeguardingthe standards <strong>of</strong> learning inHigher Education. Qaa reportshave consistently recognisedthe quality <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. The most recentreport was published in 2011 andis available at www.qaa.ac.ukAcademic tutoringInformed, intellectual discussionwith academic staff and fellowstudents lies at the heart <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong> learning experience.As a new undergraduate student,you are provided with an appointedAcademic Tutor (usually someonewho teaches on your course and whowill remain with you throughoutyour undergraduate studies) to helpyou do this. This system providescontinuity for you, as you will getto know one member <strong>of</strong> academicstaff who will be your key regularpoint <strong>of</strong> contact with the <strong>University</strong>.www.worcester.ac.uk

Piet GroblerIllustrationcourse leaderPiet Grobleris just one<strong>of</strong> our manyinspiringlecturers.He leads theIllustrationcourses and isan AcademicTutor. Theillustrator <strong>of</strong>75 books, heis the winner<strong>of</strong> the GoldenApple award atthe Biennalefor Illustrationand a SilverMedal in theJapaneseNomaConcourscompetition.In this image:Lecturer PietGrobler and studentEgle Beliunaitein the dedicatedIllustration studio.11

Dina Tomasplacement yearstudentMarketing, Advertisingand Public RelationsBA (Hons)“Doing aplacementyear is afantasticopportunityas it helpsme developfurther skillsand get realexperience,such as howa press <strong>of</strong>ficereally works.”In this image:Dina Tomas inMulberry House, acentre for pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment withinthe Business School.www.worcester.ac.uk

FlexiBLeapproachesto learningJoint degreesThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> <strong>of</strong>fersone <strong>of</strong> the most varied selections <strong>of</strong>two-subject degrees in the country.Our Joint Honours programmesallow you to specialise in two subjectareas, giving you great flexibility andthe chance to explore your interestsfurther. You can study familiarsubjects or choose new ones.Joint Honours courses can lead tounique opportunities in research andfurther study at postgraduate level,as well as making you attractive to awider range <strong>of</strong> potential employers.Employers welcome the ability<strong>of</strong> Joint Honours graduatesto study across subject areasand the employment record <strong>of</strong>our graduates is excellent.For a complete list <strong>of</strong> our coursecombinations, see page 184or visit www.ucas.comElective modulesIf you choose to study a Single Honourscourse, you can choose from a number<strong>of</strong> ‘Elective’ modules to add breadthto your studies and enhance youremployability. These modulescomplement your main area <strong>of</strong> study,but give you a chance to meet studentsand staff from different disciplinesand acquire a deeper understanding<strong>of</strong> key contemporary issues.The current electives include:Business and Social Enterprise;Explorations in Education;Sustainability; Healthy Lifestylesand World Cultures and Languages(French, German, Italian, Spanish,Japanese, Chinese Mandarin,EFL and Academic English).Overseas exchangesIn today’s world where globalisationbrings countries and peoples closertogether than ever before, culturalcompetence and internationalexperience are essential attributes.For many students, a short period<strong>of</strong> study abroad, immersed in anothereducational system and culturecan be a life-changing experience,opening up further opportunities.Exchange programmesare available for most<strong>of</strong> our courses andgive you theopportunity to studyfor a semester ora year at a partnerinstitution withoutextending orinterrupting yourdegree programme.Work experiencewhile you studyWork experience andcourse placementsadd value to yourqualification.This can help yougain an advantagein the graduate job market bydeveloping valuable skills in areaslike communication, time andproject management, problemsolvingand teamworking.Extended work placements arean integral part <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> ourcourses, such as Nursing andTeaching. Most other courseshave the option <strong>of</strong> taking a shortplacement or a full ‘sandwich year’.Part-time studyAs a newundergraduatestudent, you areprovided withan appointedAcademic Tutor(usually one <strong>of</strong>the peopleteaching onyour courseand who willremain with youthroughout yourundergraduatestudies) tohelp you.There are many reasons toconsider studying part-time:work commitments, familyresponsibilities or just a preferencefor working at a slower pace. Itcan also be a more affordableway to access Higher Education.There are many students studyingpart-time at <strong>Worcester</strong>, fromshort bites <strong>of</strong> learning rightthrough to degreeand postgraduatequalifications. Ourcourses are designedto be flexible. If youwant to vary theamount <strong>of</strong> time youspend studying fromyear to year, or eventake a break for awhile, you can.Most part-timestudents studyingfor an undergraduatedegree take betweenfour and sevenyears to completethe course.Although somepr<strong>of</strong>essional courses,including Nursing and Midwifery,require full-time study, the majority<strong>of</strong> our programmes can be studiedpart-time. See page 40 for acomplete list <strong>of</strong> part-time courses.in brief• specialise intwo subjectswith jointdegrees• study onecourse andaDD on electivemodules tomake you moreemployaBLe.FOr moreinFOrmationplease visitwww.worcester.ac.uk/journey/ELECTIvemoDULES• To see a fuLLlist <strong>of</strong> ourExchangeDestinationsplease visit:www.worcester.ac.uk/coMMUnity/exCHangepaRTnerinstitutions• FlexiBLelearningto suit you,with ourpart-time study13

In this image:An exhibition andeducation spacededicated to thehistory <strong>of</strong> medicine.AlexanderSchreiber3rd yearBusiness, Managementand Economics BA (Hons)“Everythingwe do in oursessionsis veryinteractive,for examplewe regularlydo practicalcase studies.It is greatwhat a widerange <strong>of</strong>learningresourceswe use inour course.”www.worcester.ac.uk

learningatworcesterAccess to original resourcesThe <strong>University</strong>’s Research Collectionsconsist <strong>of</strong> a diverse range <strong>of</strong> printedbooks and journals, archivalresources and artefacts in support <strong>of</strong>the academic work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>and the wider scholarly community.This rich range <strong>of</strong> resourcessupports your studies and givesyou the opportunity to develophigh-level research skills.Bringing history to lifeThe Hive Library is home tothe <strong>Worcester</strong>shire Archive andArchaeology Service. You can accessthousands <strong>of</strong> archaeological sites,historic buildings and landscaperecords and 12 miles <strong>of</strong> originalarchives through their collections.The InfirmaryMedical MuseumThis new, beautifully appointedmuseum is located at the CityCampus. It includes artefactsfrom the former <strong>Worcester</strong>Royal Infirmary and across<strong>Worcester</strong>shire, as well ascelebrating the history <strong>of</strong> the site.the british medicalassociation wasfounded in 1832 inthe city campus’ charleshastings building.Art, performance andexhibition spacesThere are many permanent artinstallations on campus as wellas flexible exhibition spaces.The studio theatres at St John’sand at The Hive are host to bothstudent productions and touringshows throughout the year.15

TuitionFees andfinancialsupportLearn about the diFFerent options availableto help you cover your living cOSts whileyou study at <strong>Worcester</strong>.The cost <strong>of</strong> Higher EducationThe Government introduced newfinancial arrangements in 2012,which led to the withdrawal<strong>of</strong> most <strong>of</strong> the public fundingfor Higher Education.The fees at <strong>Worcester</strong> reflectthe cost <strong>of</strong> efficiently providingan excellent education.Our philosophy is that oncea student is selected to studyhere, they become a member<strong>of</strong> our community. Thisinforms everything we do.At <strong>Worcester</strong>, we are committedto providing our future studentswith an outstanding education,facilities and opportunities.The <strong>University</strong> remains committedto providing more opportunitiesfor highly talented, ambitiousstudents regardless <strong>of</strong> theirfinancial circumstances.www.worcester.ac.uk

For full details on feesand financial support,scan this code orvisit our websitewww.worcester.ac.uk/feesTuition Fees• The standard annual fee forfull-time undergraduate studyfor UK/EU students enrollingon BA/BSc degrees in 2013 is£8,650 per year. Please see ourwebsite www.worcester.ac.uk/fees for the latest information.Full-time undergraduate coursesnormally take three years tocomplete (fees will rise annually)• Part-time fees are generallycharged on a pro rata basis• For the majority <strong>of</strong> Foundationdegree courses, which arecompleted over two years, anannual tuition fee <strong>of</strong> £6,000 willapply (except for Pre-Hospital,Unscheduled & EmergencyCare and Arboriculture, whichhave fees <strong>of</strong> £8,650)• Most HNDs in 2013/14 will havean annual tuition fee <strong>of</strong> £7,450(an exception is HND BusinessStudies, which is £8,650)• Full-time students studyingNursing or Midwifery will, ifon an NHS supported place,get their fees paid. In additionthey can also apply for amaintenance loan and grant• Some trainee teachers, dependenton the subject studied andprevious qualification, will receivea PGce bursary. The tuition feefor full-time PGce is £9,000• If you are an international student,please visit the Internationalwebpages for more detailedinformation www.worcester.ac.uk/internationalLoans and GrantsStudent loans are availableto fund tuition fees and helptowards the cost <strong>of</strong> living.Tuition fee loansThe tuition fee loan covers yourannual tuition fees <strong>of</strong> £8,650.The Student Loans Companypays this, on your behalf, directlyto the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>for each year <strong>of</strong> your study. Theloan will be reduced by any feewaiver you have been awarded.Maintenance loansYou can also apply for a maintenanceloan for day-to-day living expensessuch as accommodation and food.This will be paid into your bankaccount at the start <strong>of</strong> term, onceyou’ve registered on your course.The current maximum you canborrow is £5,500 if you live awayfrom home and £4,375 if youlive at home.The exact amount you can borrowdepends on a number <strong>of</strong> factorssuch as your household incomeand what help you’re eligible forwith a maintenance grant.Maintenance grantsFull-time students may also applyfor a maintenance grant to helpwith living costs. Maintenancegrants don’t have to be repaid.The maximum you can get is£3,354 a year, available to thosewhose household income is lessthan £25,000. Varying amountsare awarded to students whosehousehold income (including that <strong>of</strong>parents) is less than £42,600 a year.Some special support grants areavailable for families on incomesupport or housing benefit.Apply online at the same timeas you are applying for loans.Part-time studentsLoans for tuition fees are availableto eligible part-time undergraduatedegree students who completea minimum <strong>of</strong> 25 per cent <strong>of</strong> thefull-time course load per year(30 credits or more).The <strong>University</strong> also helps studentscompete for paid work throughour earn as you learn scheme.in brief• BA/BSc degrees –£8,650 per year• part-timechargedpro rata• foundation –£6,000 per year• HNDs – £7,450per year17

In this image:A student takesadvantage <strong>of</strong> thestudy space in thenew Peirson Centre.Gemma Crowe3rd yearScholarship winner,Forensic & AppliedBiology BSc (Hons)“I am delightedthat all thehard workI have putin has beenrecognised bythe <strong>University</strong>.It has reallyencouragedme to continueworkinghard in myfinal year.”Scholarshipsandbursariesat <strong>Worcester</strong>www.worcester.ac.uk

Several scholarships and fee waivers areavailaBLe at <strong>Worcester</strong> to help you fundyour tuition and living cOSts.Find out more about<strong>Worcester</strong>’s manyscholarshipswww.worcester.ac.uk/scholarshipsYear OneYear ThreeAcademic achievementscholarship fee waiversThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong><strong>of</strong>fers a £1,000 first year feewaiver to all applicants whoachieve three distinctions inBtec, ABB or above at A Level,or the equivalent qualification(as per HEFce guidelines).National scholarshipfee waiverThe National ScholarshipProgramme has been introducedby the UK Government to lowerthe fees for students from thelowest income households tohelp their entry into HigherEducation. It is funded by the<strong>University</strong> and the Government.Each is a fee waiver <strong>of</strong> £3,000, ora pro rata amount in the case <strong>of</strong>part-time students, for the firstyear <strong>of</strong> study.National Scholarships are awardedon a rigorously means-tested basisto those students from the lowestincome households and will beawarded to students assessed toreceive the full maintenance grant.International AcademicScholarshipInternational (non-eu) students areeligible to apply for scholarshipsup to £2,000 each. The <strong>University</strong>Scholarship Committee will assessthe candidates’ applications basedon their academic merits and willaward the strongest applicants.For more details please visit:www.worcester.ac.uk/internationalYear TwoAcademic scholarshipsBased solely on academicperformance in the first fullyear <strong>of</strong> study, the <strong>University</strong>awards up to 100 scholarships <strong>of</strong>£1,000 to eligible, high achievingundergraduate students. Thesescholarships have been funded bya generous philanthropic donationfrom the Clive Richards Charity.Bosch scholarshipsFour £2,500 Bosch scholarships areawarded on a competitive basis atthe end <strong>of</strong> Year One to studentsstudying business, computing andrelated subjects. These scholarshipswill include the opportunity to takea one year paid work placementwith the <strong>Worcester</strong> Bosch Group.Academic scholarshipsBased solely on academicperformance in the second full year<strong>of</strong> study, the <strong>University</strong> awards up to100 scholarships <strong>of</strong> £1,000 each toeligible high achieving undergraduatestudents. These scholarshipsare available thanks to generousgifts made to the <strong>University</strong> byalumni, Fellows, philanthropistsand friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>, and<strong>University</strong> fundraising initiatives.Additional <strong>University</strong>scholarshipsStudents can also apply forscholarship funding to help withoutstanding voluntary projects orto pursue high level achievementin the arts, sport, or other fields.You can read about current<strong>Worcester</strong> students’ successes atwww.worcester.ac.uk/newsWychavon ScholarshipsThe scholarship will be open tostudents from the Wychavon districtchoosing to study full-time at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> (exceptnursing and midwifery students)and can be taken up for coursesstarting in September 2013. Thescholarship will provide £500 perstudent, for up to 100 students ineach <strong>of</strong> the three academic years.in brief• support isavailable forevery year <strong>of</strong>your studies• AcademicAchievementScholarshipsare awardedto eligiBLe,high achievingundergraduatestudents19

Student studyand guidance:The PeirsonStudy andGuidanceCentre islocated onthe St John’sCampus andis a one stopshop formost studentqueries.In this image:A group work areain the Study andGuidance Centre.www.worcester.ac.uk

STUdentcentreMake the Centreyour first pointOF contact forpractical helpwith learning,finances, healthand housing:• General enquiries• Financial support• Housing inFOrmation• Dyslexia anddisability support• Academic learningsupport• <strong>University</strong> ID carDS• Internationalstudent support• Student mental healthand weLL-being support• Career guidance• Course registrationprocedures• IT supportStudent Counselling ServiceOur pr<strong>of</strong>essional, confidentialcounselling service is available to allstudents. You can talk about anyproblem with a counsellor, includingpersonal problems and study worries.Information andLearning ServicesThe IT Help Desk is located inthe Peirson Centre and is yourmain point <strong>of</strong> contact for anyit or audio-visual queries.‘Blackboard’ is an intranet andonline learning platform which isaccessible to all students. You’llbe able to access course materials,contact your lecturer and keep upto date with the latest resources.Disability andDyslexia ServiceWe are committed to promotingopportunities for you if youhave disabilities or learningdifficulties, such as dyslexia. Wecan <strong>of</strong>fer support and advice,including identifying the necessaryadjustments to enable effectivestudy; accessing specialist funding;arranging specialist assessments;and organising recommendedsupport. We also liaise withstaff to ensure that you havethe opportunity to participatefully in <strong>University</strong> life.Chaplaincy ServiceThe Chaplaincy Service is open toall students and staff, irrespective <strong>of</strong>religious beliefs. It encourages you toexplore questions <strong>of</strong> faith, meaningand purpose; to learn about majorworld religions; to have confidentialconversations; and to take partin social events. There are quiet,multifaith prayer rooms available atthe St John’s and City Campuses.Academic Learning SupportThe Study Skills team provide helpwith academic skills, including essaywriting, time management, revisionand examination techniques. We runa range <strong>of</strong> workshops throughoutthe year and/or can meet you ona one-to-one basis. You can alsoaccess our Writer in Residence, whois available to help hone your writingtechniques and help you make thetransition into Higher Education.On-campus Nursery,accredited by OfstedThe <strong>University</strong>’s in-house nursery,Unitots, is situated on the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>’s St John’s Campusand takes children from threemonths up to school age. Thenursery is self-contained and haslarge outside facilities. It is alsoable to access facilities on thecampus such as the gym, sportscentre, library and nature walks.Talk to thefriendlyadvisors at ourStudent Centreabout extrasupport foryour learning,health andfinances.21

find out more aboutour earn as you learnprogramme.www.WOrcester.ac.uk/earn-as-you-learnTom Folker3rd yearOutdoor AdventureLeadership &Management BSc (Hons)“Throughthe StudentAmbassadorScheme Ican combinework andstudies, asthe hours arevery flexible.I get to do alot <strong>of</strong> differentthings,includingworkingduringFreshers’week andhelping newstudents.”Careerand SkillsDevelopmentUse our Careers Service and pr<strong>of</strong>eSSional netWOrKSto buiLD your skiLLS, gain industry insightsand plan your next career move.Employable graduatesThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> hasone <strong>of</strong> the highest overall graduateemployment rates for any Englishuniversity with 15 out <strong>of</strong> 16graduates in work or further studywithin six months <strong>of</strong> leaving.Specialist careers adviceYou can contact the friendly staffat the Careers Service in the PeirsonCentre to evaluate your career goalsand plan your next steps.Discuss your plans in confidence at ameeting with an advisor and exploreour extensive career resources, whichinclude computer-aided guidancepackages, occupational interestguides and aptitude testing systems.We also <strong>of</strong>fer career developmentgroup sessions and host a variety<strong>of</strong> employability related eventsthroughout the year.Part-time workThe Careers Service can helpyou find both paid and voluntarypart-time employment duringyour studies. Vacancies areadvertised through a weeklybulletin and in the Student Centre.Aside from the obvious benefit<strong>of</strong> earning money, taking onpart-time work while you studycan significantly boost youremployability after graduation.www.worcester.ac.uk

The <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>is one <strong>of</strong> thecity’s biggestemployersand manystudents findpart-time workon campusthroughour studentambassadorscheme. Theaverage rate<strong>of</strong> pay iscurrently£7.53 per hour.In this image:Student ambassadorsgetting ready foran Open Day.23

A close-knit campuscommunityThere is a friendly community feel at<strong>Worcester</strong>, which is created by ourcompact, closely situated campuses.This environment enables ourstudents to form lasting friendshipswith peers and lecturers very quickly.You will feel part <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> lifefrom the very first day you arrive.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a supportivelearning environment, and anexcellent mix <strong>of</strong> opportunities ina safe area where students canexperience a bit <strong>of</strong> everything.

CAMPUSfacilitiesFIRST claSS learningenvIRonMEnTS25

ChristopherMcClelland3rd yearNursing – AdultBSc (Hons)“The facilitiesat the<strong>University</strong> arereally good,especiallythe clinicalrooms wherestudentscan attendtrainingsimulationsto build onskills andexperiencescenariosbefore goingout intopractice,preparing forthe real wardexperience.”In this image:The on-campusClinical Skills Room.www.worcester.ac.uk

FACILITIESin classWe are one <strong>of</strong> the fastest grOWing universities inthe country. With applications more than treBLingin the last seven years, we have an exciting futureahead and we’ve invested the money we’ve gainedfrom our grOWth right back into the <strong>University</strong>.Modern classroomsOur commitment to academicexcellence is backed by the highestquality support and facilities.Our learning spaces feature state<strong>of</strong>-the-artlearning equipment,including built-in PCs with projectors,video conferencing capability, highquality audio and Wi-Fi access.Social learning spacesand IT equipmentGroup study and learning spacesare provided throughout the<strong>University</strong>. These flexible areas havebeen created to provide a studyenvironment that’s right for you. Allstudents are able to move betweenzones and use them as they wish.The wireless network and internetconnections in every room meanthat the latest technology andlearning resources are easilyaccessible. There are plenty <strong>of</strong> openaccess computers in the library, thePeirson Study and Guidance Centreand in a number <strong>of</strong> computer labs.Specialised facilitiesWe have a range <strong>of</strong> coursespecificfacilities, including:• Clinical skills rooms fornurses and midwives• Psychology and Maclabs in Peirson• Broadcasting studios in Peirson• Gyms, a fitness suite, the Motionand Performance Centre, sportspitches and the new arena• two drama studios• new science laboratories• Art, illustration andceramics studios• Dance studio• GIS mapping suite• Sound and video studios• computer laboratories27

FACILITIESLIBRARYZhana YovchevaInternationalstudentBusiness Psychology MSc“From all studyfacilities <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong> Iespecially likeThe Hive – afantastic biglibrary whereyou can findall the booksthat you need,very modernand high-tech.”A brand new libraryThe <strong>University</strong> library provideslearning spaces across all thecampuses and access to an everincreasing range <strong>of</strong> resources,both physical and electronic. At itsheart is The Hive, an exceptional£60 million facility which openedin 2012. It dramatically increasesthe learning resources, technology,study and social spaces available to<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> students.With over a quarter <strong>of</strong> a million booksand 12 miles <strong>of</strong> archive collections,The Hive is no ordinary library. It hasa busy events programme, withregular public lectures, exhibitionsand performances.Rich resourcesBy combining our resourceswith <strong>Worcester</strong>shire CountyCouncil, we’ve been able to createa spectacular facility that farexceeds anything that we couldhave achieved on our own.The Hive is huge, giving you morespaces to study as well as relax andeven eat. The award-winning buildingis stunning, with plenty <strong>of</strong> naturallight, open spaces, comfortablefurniture and inspiring architecture.There are 250 new computersalong with access to printers,Wi-Fi and laptop points.The new children’s library is one<strong>of</strong> the best in the country. If youare working towards a teachingor early years qualification, itcan help to bring your studies tolife and <strong>of</strong>fers exceptional workexperience opportunities.The brand new facilities also includea studio theatre, café, exhibitionspaces and meeting rooms whichare helping to strengthen linksbetween the <strong>University</strong> and localbusiness, cultural, and educationalorganisations, with all the associatedbenefits to our students.You can also access a range <strong>of</strong>council facilities, including therecords <strong>of</strong>fice and archaeologyservice plus all <strong>of</strong> the public librarybooks and other resources.Explore the pastThe dedicated history floor<strong>of</strong>fers access to information on<strong>Worcester</strong>shire dating back tothe last Ice Age, all brought tolife with the latest technology.You can study thousands <strong>of</strong>records detailing archaeologicalsites, ancient monuments andbuildings in <strong>Worcester</strong>shire.This gives you the chance toundertake original research anddevelop high level academic skills.Electronic informationThe library also gives you access toelectronic information, includingdatabases, e-journals and e-books.You can access this material fromany computer with an internetconnection, making it easy toresearch from home or from one <strong>of</strong>the many study spaces on campus.Find what you needOur dedicated library staff willhelp you navigate through our vastcollection <strong>of</strong> information sources, soyou can successfully locate, accessand evaluate the resources you need.The Hive is supplemented byexcellent learning facilities at theother <strong>University</strong> sites, includingthe Peirson Building at St John’sCampus. Completely refurbishedin 2012, Peirson contains 250 PCsincluding 40 iMacs, and is open 24/7.The Hive, Britain’sfirst <strong>University</strong>and puBLiclibrary, <strong>of</strong>fers arich variety <strong>of</strong>resources forstudents andresearchers.www.worcester.ac.uk

In this image:Inside the mainfoyer <strong>of</strong> The Hive.Find out more aboutthe facilities andresources availableat The Hive byscanning this code ortyping the followingaddress into yourbrowserwww.worcester.ac.uk/hive• The library isopen every dayOF the weekfrom 8.30amuntil 10pm• 24-hour studyspaces areavailable onBOth campuses• SocialLearningspaces arealso availableat Riverside• a wide rangeOF resources,includinge-BOOKS andelectronicJOurnaLSare availableonline29

Kynton SwingleSU Presidentstudents’union“The Students’Unionrepresentsall students’interests andprovides notonly academicand welfaresupport, butalso lots <strong>of</strong>opportunitiesto makethe most <strong>of</strong>your studentexperiencethroughvolunteeringor joiningsports clubsand societies.”<strong>Worcester</strong> Students’Union is an independentcharity. Registeredcharity no. 1145192Get adviceand support,join cluBS andsocieties andtake part in ahuge rangeOF events andentertainment.Eat, meet friendsand socialiseThe Students’ Union is here toprovide an independent voice torepresent you and <strong>of</strong>fer supportduring your time at <strong>University</strong>.<strong>Worcester</strong> Students’ Union isaffiliated to the National Union <strong>of</strong>Students (nuS) and plays an activerole in national politics. The SU alsoorganise a host <strong>of</strong> sporting and socialevents to keep you entertained.The Union has its own recentlyrefurbished building on campus,with a large bar area, café andon-campus shop. During the day,it’s a place to meet friends, eat,chat and relax between lectures.In the evening, the venue becomesa vibrant social space that hosts arange <strong>of</strong> attractions from televisedsporting events to karaoke.Advice and supportThe Students’ Union provides a freeand independent advice service to allstudents, which covers everythingfrom academic and housing queriesto consumer concerns.Join a club or societyThere are around 50 clubs andsocieties, which cater for a broadrange <strong>of</strong> interests. Activitiesinclude anything from extracurricularacademic excursionsto dramatic performances.Take part in sportThe SU support a range <strong>of</strong> sportingactivities, including basketball, rugby,football, cycling, rowing, hockeyand snow sports, for example. Ifyou want to try something new,other options include Americanfootball, climbing and dance.Many <strong>of</strong> the teams excel at anational level, particularly themen’s basketball team, whohave been BucS champions forsix out <strong>of</strong> the last eight years.Become a volunteerThe Students’ Union provides arange <strong>of</strong> volunteering opportunitiesthat can help you help others, whiledeveloping skills for your futurecareer. The Union promotesopportunities from local charitiesand there are also plenty <strong>of</strong> ways tovolunteer on-campus too, such aswriting for the student newspaperor being a member <strong>of</strong> the Freshers’volunteering crew.www.worcester.ac.uk

Find a complete list<strong>of</strong> clubs, societiesand activities onthe Students’Union websitewww.worcsu.comFollow the Students’Union on FacebookSU ElectedOfficers,StudentAcademicreps (StARs)and StudentCouncillorscan representstudent issuesand ensureyour studentexperience isthe very best.In this image:The Pear Tree,the Students’ Unionnew bar and café.31

DayanaTodorova2nd yearMarketing, Advertisingand Public RelationsBA (Hons)“When I waslooking fora universityin England,I wanted togo to a nice,beautiful andtraditional city– exactly what<strong>Worcester</strong> is.The perfectlocation onlyadds to itscharm.”In this image:Students stroll pastshops and cafés onhistoric Friar Street.www.worcester.ac.uk

<strong>Worcester</strong> is an ancientand beautiful Cathedralcity, with a significantstudent population.www.WOrcester.ac.ukworcester is one <strong>of</strong> thesafest cities in the uk.Everything you needto know about<strong>Worcester</strong>, includingthings to see and dowww.visitworcester.comCITY LIVING:<strong>Worcester</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> <strong>of</strong>fersa frienDLy, safe,small tOWnfeel combinedwith citySOphistication.A student-friendly city<strong>Worcester</strong> is a great city forstudent life.Students make up a good proportion<strong>of</strong> the local community, so you’ll findplenty <strong>of</strong> places to go with friendsand meet new people. Studentsfrom all over the world choose tostudy here, providing a rich, cultural,social and educational mix.It has an energetic and variednightlife, numerous leisure facilities,heritage attractions, beautifulparks and lots <strong>of</strong> places to eatand drink. With the <strong>University</strong>located so close to everything,it is easy to get around.A great location<strong>Worcester</strong> is conveniently locatedin the middle <strong>of</strong> England. It’s aneasy two hours to London andless than an hour to Birmingham.There are excellent transportationconnections, with two train stationsand a coach depot within walkingdistance <strong>of</strong> the campuses. <strong>Worcester</strong>is lucky to be in one <strong>of</strong> the mostbeautiful parts <strong>of</strong> the country,sitting between the impressiveMalvern Hills and the Cotswolds.Britain’s longest river, the Severn,runs right past the <strong>University</strong>.33

MonikaMartincicova3rd yearDrama andPerformance BA (Hons)“<strong>Worcester</strong><strong>of</strong>fers anextraordinaryexperiencefor the dramastudent, withits art-culturallife. Alongsidethe SwanTheatre, avariety <strong>of</strong>festivals,concerts andmuseumsprovideopportunitieswhere youcan developyour talent.”www.worcester.ac.uk

In this image:One <strong>of</strong> the on-campusAstroTurf pitches, withHalls <strong>of</strong> Residencein the background.city LIVINGworcesterget an insight intocampus facilitieson <strong>of</strong>fer at worcester.www.WOrcester.ac.ukVisit our yOUtUBE channelfor clips <strong>of</strong> campuswww.youtube.com/user/universityworcester?feature=watchShopping<strong>Worcester</strong>’s compact city centre islargely pedestrianised and <strong>of</strong>fersa traffic-free ambience. You canfind all the leading shops on thehigh street as well as designerlabels, independent boutiquesand second-hand stores.City <strong>of</strong> sport<strong>Worcester</strong> is a brilliant city forsports, for both spectators andcompetitors. <strong>Worcester</strong> teamscompete at the country’s highestlevel in basketball, rugby and cricket.The <strong>University</strong>’s men’s basketballteam is one <strong>of</strong> Britain’s best.<strong>Worcester</strong> also <strong>of</strong>fers outstandingopportunities for disability sport.Premier League football is close by inBirmingham and the Black Country.Stage and screenFilm enthusiasts can watch the latestblockbusters at the Vue or Odeoncinemas; whilst the Splendid Cinemafeatures a more avant-garde <strong>of</strong>fering.If you enjoy something moretheatrical, the nearby Swanand Malvern theatres <strong>of</strong>fer aprogramme <strong>of</strong> national andlocal drama. The world-famousRoyal Shakespeare Theatre is innearby Stratford-upon-Avon.35

In this image:The bright, modernkitchen in one <strong>of</strong> theHalls at City Campus.Your placeguaranteedAll first yearundergraduateswho firmlyaccept aconditional orunconditional<strong>of</strong>fer by 1May 2013,and apply foraccommodationby 31 May 2013,are guaranteeda place in our<strong>University</strong>managedaccommodation.accommodationThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a wide range<strong>of</strong> high quality accommodation with plenty<strong>of</strong> choice in location, price and facilities.www.worcester.ac.uk

If you’d like to see ourHalls, visit us at anOpen Day. For moreinformation visitwww.worcester.ac.uk/accommodationHome from homeOur Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence are gatheredtogether in lively student villages,right in the heart <strong>of</strong> our campuses.Our accommodation team canalso help you find <strong>of</strong>f-campusaccommodation through ournetwork <strong>of</strong> accredited landlords.What are the options?You can choose from several types <strong>of</strong>high quality accommodation, much<strong>of</strong> it recently built or renovated:• <strong>University</strong> Halls <strong>of</strong> Residenceat the St John’s Campus• <strong>University</strong> Halls <strong>of</strong> Residenceat the City Campus• <strong>University</strong>-managed Halls<strong>of</strong> Residence in the heart<strong>of</strong> the city centre• <strong>University</strong>-managed housesin the city and near St John’s• Off-campus private rentedaccommodation, accredited bythe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Living in HallsWe have over 1,000 rooms acrossour Halls. All rooms are singleoccupancy and fully furnished.New Halls with en suite extrarooms feature laminate floors,a secure video entry systemand flat screen televisions.CostsWe <strong>of</strong>fer Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence to suit avariety <strong>of</strong> budgets and needs. Rentsvary according to specification.In 2012, the lowest rent was forPershore and Evesham Hall at£79 per week. Rooms in Pershoreand Evesham Hall are based on atraditional dormitory style witha shared kitchen and bathroom.The highest rent in 2012 was £133per week for our en suite extraaccommodation. Most <strong>University</strong>accommodation is arrangedin a ‘flat’ style, with betweenfour and ten people per flat.All <strong>University</strong> Halls <strong>of</strong> Residencetenancy agreements run for astandard term <strong>of</strong> 39 weeks. Longerterms are available for studentsstudying for a longer academic year(usually nursing/midwifery students).All <strong>University</strong>-managed houses’tenancy agreements run for astandard term <strong>of</strong> 44 weeks, althoughwe will accommodate students forlonger, if required, for their course.All Halls <strong>of</strong> Residencebenefit from:• Free wired internet access,cables are also provided• No extra charges for gas,electricity and water• 24-hour securityand welfare support• 24-hour emergency maintenance• Free contents insurance• Facilities for self-cateringand recycling• Cleaning <strong>of</strong> communal areas• Free gym membership• Bespoke accommodationfor disabled studentsApplying foraccommodationIf you have confirmed <strong>Worcester</strong> asyour first choice by 1 May 2013 andapplied for accommodation by31 May, you are guaranteed a place in<strong>University</strong>-managed accommodation.Applications are completed via ouronline system; access and details onhow to apply will be sent once youhave accepted the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> as your first choice. Youwill be required to choose threepreferences <strong>of</strong> accommodation; theseare not in priority order, but we willattempt to meet one <strong>of</strong> these threepreferences. Accommodation isallocated on a first come, first servedbasis, so it is important that youapply as soon as possible.Accommodation is mixed sex butsingle sex accommodationis usually available on request.Apply for yournew homeTo find out aboutapplying and toview the differentaccommodationoptions available, visitour website at www.worcester.ac.uk/accommodationYou can also get intouch with us ataccommodation@worc.ac.ukor telephone01905 855300.37

ead more <strong>of</strong>our graduatesuccess stories.www.WOrCEster.ac.uk/alumniOurgraduatesare amongthe mostsuccessful inthe UK, with15 out <strong>of</strong> 16<strong>Worcester</strong>graduatesin work orcontinuing tostudy withinsix months <strong>of</strong>graduating.worcesterforeverWhen you embark on your course at <strong>Worcester</strong>you begin a lifeLOng relationship with the<strong>University</strong>’s alumni aSSOciation.On the day you graduate,you automatically becomea member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> AlumniAssociation, which ismade up <strong>of</strong> over 20,000former students.Members <strong>of</strong> our Alumni Associationlive and work in countries across theglobe and many <strong>of</strong> them are nowleaders in their fields.Benefits <strong>of</strong> membershipMembership to the AlumniAssociation is free and includes:• Access to the <strong>University</strong>’scareer services – continue toreceive careers advice for up tothree years after graduation• News – keep up to date withthe latest news from the<strong>University</strong> with the Spiritmagazine and through theregularly updated website• Network – join our AlumniFacebook Group to stay in touchand make valuable new contacts• Events – receive invitationsto a range <strong>of</strong> events, includingthe annual summer reunionVolunteering opportunitiesWe value your continuedinvolvement in <strong>Worcester</strong> life aftergraduation. You can play a vital rolein supporting the development <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong> and the next generation<strong>of</strong> students through placements,guest lectures and mentoring.All you need to do to remain apart <strong>of</strong> this valuable network isto keep us up to date with yourcontact details, we’ll do the rest.www.worcester.ac.uk

In this image:Graduate Kyle Gogginworking in a modernclassroom overlookingsports facilities at thenew Riverside campus.Kyle GogginAfter graduating with aSports Science BSc, Kylesecured a job as a sportsscientist for <strong>Worcester</strong>Warriors Rugby Club“If you havea specificinterest, thelecturerswill give youdifferentpossibilities.I did aplacement withthe <strong>Worcester</strong>WarriorsRugby Clubwhich hasdeveloped intoa full-time job,my dream job.”39

If you don’t knowwhere to begin,visit our interactivecourse finder www.worcester.ac.uk/inspiremeAll coursesare availableboth fulland parttime,unlessindicated.Full-time onlyPart-time only* See also BusinessSpecialist Degrees** See also BusinessSpecialist Degreesand Marketing,Advertising & PRcoursesOur courses are designed to meetyour needs and career aspiratIOnsAAccountancy62Accounting BA (Hons)* 42Advertising62Advertising BA (Hons)** 43Animal Biology BSc (Hons) 44Animation BA (Hons) 45Applied Criminology BA (Hons) 46Applied Social Policy BA (Hons) 47Applied Social Policy:Health & Society BA (Hons) 48Applied Social Policy:Law & the Family BA (Hons) 49Applied Social Policy:Older Adults BA (Hons) 50Applied Youth Justice BA (Hons) 51Arboriculture BSc (Hons)/FdSc 52Archaeology & HeritageStudies BA (Hons) 53Archaeology & LandscapeStudies BSc (Hons) 54Art & Design BA (Hons) 57Art & Design Hnd 55BBiochemistry BSc (Hons) 58Biology BSc (Hons) 59Birth and BeyondPractitioner/Educator 60Business Management BA (Hons) 61Business Management Hnd 64Business Psychology BSc (Hons) 65Business Specialist Degrees BA (Hons) 62you can readmore about ourcourses onlinewww.worcester.ac.ukCChild & AdolescentMental Health FdSc 66Computing BSc (Hons) 67Computing SpecialistDegrees BSc (Hons) 68Conservation Ecology BSc (Hons) 70Counselling BSc (Hons)Top-up Degree 71DDance Hnd 77Developmental PsychologyBSc (Hons) 78Digital Film Production BA (Hons) 79Drama & Performance BA (Hons) 80EEarly Childhood (Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice) BA (Hons) 81Early Years Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Status 82Early Years Sector Endorsed FdA 83Ecology BSc (Hons) 84Economics62Education Studies BA (Hons) 85English Language Studies BA (Hons) 86English Literary Studies BA (Hons) 87Entrepreneurship62Environmental ManagementBSc (Hons) 88Environmental Science BSc (Hons) 89FFilm Studies BA (Hons) 90Finance62Fine Art Practice BA (Hons) 91Football Business Management& Coaching FdSc 92Forensic & AppliedBiology BSc (Hons) 94Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) 95Counselling FdSc 72Counselling Psychology BSc (Hons) 73GCreative Digital Media BA (Hons) 74Garden Design Hnc 96Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGeography BSc (Hons) 97Writing BA (Hons) 75Graphic Design &Cricket Coaching &Multimedia BA (Hons) 98Management BSc (Hons) 76HHealth & Social Care FdSc 99Health Sciences BSc (Hons)Top-up Degree 100History BA (Hons) 101Horticulture BSc (Hons) 102Horticulture Hnd 103Human Biology BSc (Hons) 104Human Geography BA (Hons) 105Human Nutrition BSc (Hons) 106Human Resource Management 62IIllustration BA (Hons) 107Information Technology forEducation BSc (Hons) 108Integrated Children’s Services FdA 109Integrated Working with Children &Families BA (Hons) Top-up Degree 110International BusinessBA (Hons) Top-up Degrees 111International BusinessManagement BA (Hons) 112www.worcester.ac.uk

JJournalism BA (Hons) 113LLeadership62Learning Disabilities FdSc 114Learning Support FdA 115Lifelong Learning Qualificationsfor Teachers CPD 116Lifelong Learning Qualifications forTeachers Itt Diploma in Teaching in theLifelong Learning Sector (dtLLS) 117MManagement62Management BA (Hons)* 118Marketing62Marketing, Advertising &Public Relations BA (Hons) 120Marketing BA (Hons)** 119Media & Cultural Studies BA (Hons) 121Mental Health FdSc 122Midwifery BSc (Hons) 123NNursing BSc (Hons) 124OOccupational Therapy BSc (Hons) 126Organic Horticulture Hnc 127Outdoor Adventure Leadership& Management BSc (Hons) 128pick up useful tipsand learn about oursuccessful graduatesthroughout thecourse sectionPParamedic Science DipHE 129Physical Education BSc (Hons) 130Physical Education and OutdoorEducation BSc (Hons) 131Physical Geography BSc (Hons) 132Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) 133Plant Science BSc (Hons) 134Politics: People & Power BA (Hons) 135Pre-Hospital, Unscheduled& Emergency Care FdSc 136Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Gardening Hnc 137Pr<strong>of</strong>essional PracticeBA (Hons) Top-up Degree 138Psychology BSc (Hons) 139Psychology/PsychologicalStudies BSc (Hons) 140Public Relations** 62RRehabilitation & Recovery FdSc 141SScreenwriting BA (Hons) 142Social Welfare BA (Hons)Top-up Degree 143Sociology BA (Hons) 145Specialist Top-up Degrees in SocialWelfare BA (Hons) 144Sport Business ManagementBA (Hons) 146Sport Business Management &Events Management BA (Hons) 147Sport Development &Coaching BA (Hons) 149Sport & Exercise PsychologyBSc (Hons) 150Sport & Exercise Science BSc (Hons) 151Sports Coaching Hnd 152Sports Coaching Science BSc (Hons) 153Sports Coaching Science withDisability Sport BSc (Hons) 154Sports Performance &Coaching Hnd 155Sports Studies BSc (Hons) 156Sports Studies Hnd 157Sports Therapy BSc (Hons) 158TTeaching: Assessment-only Routefor Primary and Secondary Qts 166Teaching & Learning FdA 160Teaching: Postgraduate/Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Graduate Certificatein Education Primary 162Teaching: Postgraduate/Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGraduate Certificate in EducationSecondary 164Teaching: Primary Initial TeacherEducation (with Qts) BA (Hons) 159Teaching: School Direct PartnershipProvision (Primary and Secondary) 161UUrban & Electronic Music Hnd 167YYoung People Services FdA 168Youth & CommunityServices BA (Hons) 169Our coursesare designedto meetyour needsand careeraspirationsThe following pages<strong>of</strong>fer an overview <strong>of</strong>what you can expectfrom your educationwith us. Each coursepage provides youwith a summary<strong>of</strong> what the courseentails, informationon entry requirementsand highlights thecareer opportunities.To find out moreabout our coursesand academic staff,visit our website atwww.worcester.ac.ukYou can also visit usat an Open Day or getin touch with us onstudy@worc.ac.uk41

UCAS CodeAccounting BA(Single Honours)N400 BA/AccFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ManagementBA (Hons) p118• Business SpecialistDegrees BA (Hons),Accountancypathway p62AccountingBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionAccounting BA (Hons) is a specialistdegree with a clear focus on financialmanagement and corporateaccounting against a local, national,and global business context.You will develop your numeracy andanalytical skills as well as honingyour pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in problem-solving,pr<strong>of</strong>essional communications,leadership, teamworking, timemanagement, organisation,prioritisation and self-discipline.You will be taught by qualifiedaccountants with businessexperience, as well as engagingwith practitioners from thefinancial sector. The opportunityto take a placement year afteryour second year <strong>of</strong> study willprovide you with hands-on businessexperience to enhance your CV.This course is recognised by theInstitute <strong>of</strong> Financial Accountants(IFA) as meeting their requirementsfor Associate membership.It is also accredited by the CharteredInstitute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants(CIma) and graduates may thereforebe eligible for some exemptionsfrom the CIma qualification.Students will also have theoption to obtain Level 3 in SAGE50 accounts certification.Career OpportunitiesThe Accounting degree is designedto underpin a stimulating andrewarding career with a range <strong>of</strong>companies and organisations.Graduates will have the opportunityto pursue a career in banking,insurance, corporate or personalfinance, financial analysis andaudit, or as a trainee accountant.A degree in Accounting is a goodpreparation for a career in generalbusiness or management.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used includingcase studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Opportunity to take a oneyear work placement inthe financial sectorCourse ContentYear 1• Business Accounting Systems• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Viability: Financial& Economic Perspectives• Law for AccountingYear 2• Macro & Micro Economics• Financial Management& Accounting• TaxationYear 3• Audit, Ethics & Governance• Financial Reporting• International Business Strategy• International FinancialStandards for SMEs• Strategic Accounting &Financial ManagementFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.An exchange semesterin Germany, a year’sFinance placement withthe NHS, a first classdegree, now workingat KPMG.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityLUBICA KUBOVEOVAwww.worcester.ac.uk

AdvertisingBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionAdvertising BA (Hons) has beenwritten by advertising practitionersto focus on the practicalmanagement <strong>of</strong> advertising fromboth client and agency perspectives.This means that you do not needa design or creative background.This degree enables you to markyourself out as a dedicated student<strong>of</strong> advertising. You will explorecreative and contemporary aspects<strong>of</strong> advertising, its role as a brandingtool and its power to influenceand persuade customer behaviour,thinking and perceptions. You willpractice campaign planning workas part <strong>of</strong> a real campaign team.You will develop skills that will helpyou to ‘make it’ in a competitiveindustry. You will develop agenuine passion for advertising;become an expert communicatorcapable <strong>of</strong> working effectivelyas a team player and be able tocope with time pressures.You will also develop skills inanalytical thinking, creativity,problem-solving, client relations,leadership, organisation,prioritisation and self-reliance.You will be taught by advertisingpractitioners with multinationalexperience e.g. PepsiCo,Procter & Gamble, 7Up, Shell,TetraPak and Tropicana.Career OpportunitiesOur degrees in Advertisingwill prepare you for a range <strong>of</strong>graduate jobs in the industry suchas structured graduate inductionprogrammes, account management,account planning, media planningand media buying. You will alsohave the opportunity to move intoa career in general management.Alternatively, a degree in Advertisingprovides an appropriate platformfor setting up your own business.If you wish to continue yourstudies, our Masters programmesin Advertising, Marketing orManagement would be a goodcomplement to your first degree.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used includingcase studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and portfolios.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Opportunity to take a oneyear work placement in thecommunications industriesCourse ContentYear 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Viability: Financial& Economic Perspectives• Creative Communications:Ideas & ImpactsYear 2• Advertising: Influence& Persuasion• Business Ethics• Customer Behaviour& Decision-makingYear 3• Advertising Campaign• Brand Management• Business Project• Contemporary Advertising:Apps, Guerillas, Viral & MoreFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.Working in businessdevelopment at PepsiCo,dealing with over 250clients, focusing onWalkers, Tropicana andQuaker accounts.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityGINA HANKINSONUCAS CodeAdvertising BA(Single Honours)N561 BA/AdFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Marketing,Advertising &Public RelationsBA (Hons) p120• Business SpecialistDegrees BA (Hons),Advertisingpathway p6243

UCAS CodeAnimal Biology BSc(Hons) D300 BSc/ABIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAS tariffpoints if you haveA2 Biology and A2in another Sciencee.g. Chemistry• 280 points ifyou have A2Biology and A1 inanother Science• 290 points ifyou have A1Biology and A2 inanother Science• 300 points if youhave A1 Biology• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88• Biology BSc(Hons) p59Animal BiologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionThe Animal Biology course is part <strong>of</strong>the Biological Sciences programme.Animal Biology is an excitingsubject to study. You will followanimal life from the functioning<strong>of</strong> the not-so-simple cell to thecontrol and co-ordination <strong>of</strong>complex processes enablinganimals to survive and reproduce.harriet carried outan independent studywhich attractednational attention.She is now studying inmunich for a masters.www.positivenews.org.ukHARRIET WINDLEYIn the first year the modules allowyou to develop a comprehensiveunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the key elements <strong>of</strong>animal biology. In Years 2 and 3 thesubjects become more specialisedand our modular scheme allows youto focus on the aspects <strong>of</strong> animallife which you find most interesting,ranging from animal behaviour toeco-physiology. A strong practicalemphasis runs throughout thecourse, complementing a traditionalapproach to learning and givingyou the chance to develop thepractical skills which could be <strong>of</strong>great value in later employment.In your final year you willundertake an Independent StudyResearch Project on a subject <strong>of</strong>your choice. Past studies haveincluded topics such as comparisonmethods <strong>of</strong> DNA extraction fromfaeces <strong>of</strong> the Western LowlandGorilla (Gorilla gorilla ssp.gorilla),the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> predatorodours as rodent repellents,and the factors influencing themigration <strong>of</strong> the common toad.Single Honours students will takea module on project and careerdevelopment in Year 2 that notonly prepares you for the final yearindependent study, but also enablesyou to reflect on the skills you havegained and prepares you for yourbiological career after <strong>University</strong>.Career OpportunitiesThis course will prepare you for anumber <strong>of</strong> different career pathsincluding wildlife warden, healthservices, scientific research, teachingand education, as well as progressionto higher degrees such as a PhD.AssessmentA range <strong>of</strong> assessment methodshas been devised to test a range<strong>of</strong> student skills. Assessmenttypes include seminar papers,tests, reports, presentationsand examinations (includingpractical examinations).Additional Information• Single or Joint HonoursCourse Content*Year 1• Biological Diversity• Cell Biology• Comparative Animal PhysiologyYear 2• Molecular Genetics• Animal Senses & Survival• Invertebrate Biology• Animal BehaviourYear 3• Animal Movement• Behavioural Ecology• Physiological Ecology• Parasitology* Regular updates may meanthat exact module titles onthe course may differ.For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

AnimationBA (Hons)After going for a workplacement at aardman,richard was <strong>of</strong>fereda job on ‘the pirates’production duringhis third year studies.RICHARD SMITHUCAS CodeAnimation BA(Single Honours)W616 BA/AniCourse IntroductionThe Animation course at <strong>Worcester</strong>has been designed by practisingexperts in the field to matchthe demands <strong>of</strong> both the mediaindustries and our students. Itprovides an exciting opportunityto graduate as a competentpractitioner <strong>of</strong> all aspects <strong>of</strong>this developing discipline.Supported by opportunities togain a range <strong>of</strong> digital mediaskills, the result will be to widenyour potential employability.All animation techniques are coveredby the course: you can study 3Dcomputer generated modelling andanimation, digital 2D, traditionalrostrum work and also stop-motionmodel animation. You will alsoacquire skills in editing, sound,compositing, concept art for gamesand animation, VFX techniques,and creative concept generation.Although the course has astrong practical emphasis, it isunderpinned by a sound foundation<strong>of</strong> theoretical and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalengagement. Animation lecturersare experienced experts in their fieldand they can pass this expertiseand knowledge on to you.Career OpportunitiesThe course will enable youto develop a wide range <strong>of</strong>transferable skills, includingresearch and analysis techniques,problem-solving, and effectivecommunication and negotiation.Animators are increasingly indemand as the industry expands.Our interdisciplinary approach givesflexibility and a wider view <strong>of</strong> theworld that is attractive to employers.You will find career opportunities notonly in animation production, butalso in the games industry, televisionmotion graphics, compositing,special effects and advertising.Alternatively, you may wish toprogress to postgraduate study.AssessmentReflective reports, practical work,tutor-, self- and peer-assessment.Additional Information• Single or Joint HonoursStudents studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor study fromtheir second yearCourse Content• Animation: Origin & Function(mandatory)• Animation: HumanLocomotion (mandatory)• Creative Digital Imaging• Illustration: Image & Text• Illustration & Printmaking• Introduction to DigitalFilm Production• Illustration: Origin & Function• Introduction to Digital Sound• Drawing for Animators(mandatory)• 2D Animation (mandatory)• Stop-motion Animation(mandatory)• 3D Modelling & Texturing(mandatory)• 3D Rigging & Animation• Research Methods for DigitalMedia (mandatory)• Drawing 2• Digital Sound Production• Negotiated Production(mandatory)• Illustration Genres• Digital Video Production• Opening Sequences &Compositing for TV & Cinema• Digital Photography &Image Manipulation• Creative Sound Manipulation• Independent Study (mandatory)• Extension modules• The Final Exhibition (mandatory)• Studio Photography• Negotiated Project (mandatory)• Work Placement• Special Effects Photography• Experimental Digital Media• Sound for the MovingImage 1 (mandatory)• Digital Media CommunicationSkills (mandatory)• Concept Art: Character& CharacterisationIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendfor interview and toprovide a portfoli<strong>of</strong>or considerationYou mayalso like...• Creative DigitalMedia BA (Hons) p74• Digital FilmProduction BA(Hons) p79• Graphic Design& MultimediaBA (Hons) p98• IllustrationBA (Hons) p10745

UCAS CodeFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comApplied CriminologyBA (Hons)*An applied degree inCriminology withpractice placements inprobation provides anexcellent foundationfor work with theprobation services.EntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 or www.worcester.ac.ukfor further detailsYou mayalso like...• Applied YouthJusticeBA (Hons) p51• Applied Social PolicyBA (Hons) p47• SociologyBA (Hons) p145• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139Course IntroductionIf you are interested in criminology,criminal justice, or probation,and wish to develop a career inthe field then this new appliedcourse will introduce you tothe theory, policy and workingpractices <strong>of</strong> the associated sectors.The course has been written inconjunction with West MerciaProbation Trust who are activelyinvolved with the programme andwho also provide and superviseplacements in Years 2 and 3.Following the National OccupationalStandards/Skills for Justice youwill be introduced to the socialand political frameworks <strong>of</strong>practice, research within the field,and study themes such as socialproblems, responding to crime,reducing and addressing <strong>of</strong>fendingbehaviour, substance misuse, anddomestic violence, and in additiongain a sound understanding <strong>of</strong>the legislative framework.A student focused approachfosters the development <strong>of</strong>essential sector skills such ascommunication, reflection, researchand pr<strong>of</strong>essional reflexivity.We welcome mature studentapplications. Please see detailsat the back <strong>of</strong> this prospectus.Career OpportunitiesAn applied degree in Criminologywith practice placements inprobation provides an excellentfoundation for work with theprobation services. However, thedegree is also oriented to the broadfield <strong>of</strong> criminal justice and graduatesare well prepared for entry into theprison and police services, and theincreasing opportunities availablein voluntary sector organisations.Postgraduate study is a furtheroption for instance in Social Work,Domestic Violence, Social Policy orother vocationally oriented awards.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used to ensure that your finalgrade is an accurate reflection<strong>of</strong> your performance during thecourse. Knowledge, reflection,communication, research andpresentation skills are assessedusing essays, reports, presentationsand seminars. Placement practice isassessed using the Skills for JusticeFoundations for Practice Framework.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• The West Mercia ProbationTrust placements are open toSingle Honours students• Joint Honours awards withSociology, or Psychology, or SocialPolicy have been constructedappropriate to the awardCourse Content• Introduction to Criminology,Criminal Justice &Offending Behaviour• Your Rights, My Rights &the Legislative Framework• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Practice• Introducing Research• Introduction to Sociology• Society, Social Problems& Responses to Crime,• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice 1 Probation• Research Methods,Process & Practice• Addressing Offending Behaviour• Understanding Crime & Deviance• Race & Ethnicity inContemporary Britain• Safeguarding the Family• Family Law• Independent Study• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice 2• Forensic Psychology• Crime, Criminals, Victims& Communities – ReducingRe-<strong>of</strong>fending• Substance Misuse• Domestic Violence• Response to Crime:The Justice Process• Counselling Skills• Health & Offenders*Subject to validationwww.worcester.ac.uk

Applied Social PolicyBA (Hons)*Course IntroductionStudying Social Policy meansstudying issues relevant to yourdaily life. Social policy as a practicalsubject is concerned with theformulation <strong>of</strong> policies to improveindividuals’ and society’s wellbeing.Social policy as an academicsubject is the critical exploration<strong>of</strong> the theories and concepts whichunderpin such policies. This degreebrings these two strands together toexplore how and why social policiescan be used to effect change andimprovement in health, education,social services and other areasthat affect the welfare andwell-being <strong>of</strong> citizens. The course at<strong>Worcester</strong> is an Applied degree andyou will have the opportunity toundertake a work placement in orderto put your learning into practise.Studying social policy providesyou with an insight into historicaland contemporary perspectives <strong>of</strong>social interventions. You will explorethe ideological and theoreticalfoundations and principles <strong>of</strong> socialpolicy and you will examine theinfluence and impact that thesehave upon social policymakers,and ultimately society.When you study Applied SocialPolicy you will draw on a variety<strong>of</strong> different disciplines includingsociology, economics, politics andlaw. If you are interested in howsociety functions and in analysis<strong>of</strong> the implications <strong>of</strong> this forindividuals, groups and families,this course will meet your needs.Career OpportunitiesSocial policy provides careeropportunities in very differenttypes <strong>of</strong> organisations and servicesin the statutory, voluntary andprivate sectors. Employers valuethe analytical skills that this degreeendows. This includes policy analysisand monitoring, analysing publicadministration, personal socialservices, housing, children and adultservices, support work, communitydevelopment and welfare rights.The analytical focus <strong>of</strong> this degreewill provide you with an idealgrounding for postgraduate study,whether practice-based such associal work, or more academicallyfocused such as Masters and PhD.AssessmentAssessment methods are designedto provide you with evidence <strong>of</strong>the skills valued in relevant fields<strong>of</strong> work, e.g. reflection, research,presentation skills, essays, casestudies and report writing.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Opportunities for workbasedlearning experienceSocial policy providescareer opportunitiesin a wide range<strong>of</strong> organisationsand services.Course Content• Introduction to Rights &Legislative Frameworks• Introduction to Social Policy• Learning from the Past:The Historical Development<strong>of</strong> Social Policy• Equality & Inequalities in Society• Social & Political Theory• Themes in Policy Analysis• Interpersonal Skills forthe Workplace• Contextualising the Family:Culture, Diversity & theFamily in a Changing World• Research: Process & Practice• Social Policy & Ideology• Safeguarding the Family(Children, Adults & Young People)• Work-based Learning• Evidence-based Policy• Social (In) Security• Housing for All• Policy & Education• Family, Gender & Work• User Involvement inPolicy & Practice• Comparative Policy & Practice• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Judgement& Decision-making• Leading & Managing• Policy & Practice inFostering & Adoption• Domestic Abuse• Substance Misuse*Subject to validationUCAS CodeApplied Social PolicyBA (Single Honours)L510 BA/ASPFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• AccreditedPrior Learning/ExperientialLearning (APL/apeL)considered• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p143• Health SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-upDegree p100• Health & SocialCare FdSc p9947

UCAS CodeApplied Social Policy:Health & SocietyBA (Single Honours)L990 BA/ASPHSFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAStariff points• AccreditedPrior Learning/ExperientialLearning (APL/apeL) considered• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p143• Health SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-upDegree p100• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99Applied Social Policy:Health & SocietyBA (Hons)*Course IntroductionGood social policy plays animportant role in promoting andmaintaining healthy societies. Thebalance between state interventionand individual responsibility forhealth are important subjects fordebate. You will study social policyas a core subject, and examine howthis is applied to health. You willbe introduced to the ideologicalunderpinnings and theoreticalprinciples <strong>of</strong> social policy and healthand debate how these are appliedto support change in individuals,populations and society.Opportunities for work-basedlearning in the field promote thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> sector skills suchas communication, reflection,research, pr<strong>of</strong>essional reflexivity,and engagement with the valuebase <strong>of</strong> work in the health sector.The balance betweenstate regulationand individualresponsibility is a keyissue for debate.Career OpportunitiesSocial policy provides careeropportunities within a wide range<strong>of</strong> organisations and services withstatutory, voluntary and privateemployers who value the analyticalskills that the degree endows. Thisincludes work within a variety <strong>of</strong>different pr<strong>of</strong>essions includingpolicy analysis and monitoring,health administration, personalsocial services, housing, communitydevelopment and welfare rights.The applied focus <strong>of</strong> the degreealso provides an ideal groundingfor direct work with service userswithin the statutory, voluntaryand private health services.Postgraduate study in a number<strong>of</strong> fields is a further option.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methods areused to equip you with knowledgeand skills valued in the healthand welfare sectors; reflection,communication, research andpresentation skills are assessedusing essays, case studies, tests,presentations and seminars.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Flexible study options with fulland part-time routes available• Inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional modules• Opportunities for workbasedlearningCourse Content• Conceptualising Health• Mental Health• Mental Health & the Older Adult• Interventions in Health• Introduction to Rights &Legislative Frameworks• Introduction to Social Policy• Learning from the Past:The Historical Development<strong>of</strong> Social Policy• Equality & Inequalities in Society• Interpersonal Skills forthe Workplace• Contextualising the Family:Culture, Diversity & theFamily in a Changing World• Themes in Policy Analysis• Research: Process & Practice• Social Model <strong>of</strong> Disability• Safeguarding the Family (Children,Adults & Young People)• Work-based Learning(subject specific)• Housing for All• Family, Gender & Work• Facilitating Group Work• User Involvement inPolicy & Practice• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Judgement& Decision-making• Mental Health Interventionswith Older Adults• Citizenship & Personalisation• Leading & Managing• Domestic Abuse• Substance Misuse• Counselling Theory & Practice*Subject to validationwww.worcester.ac.uk

Applied Social Policy:Law & the FamilyBA (Hons)*Course IntroductionWhat constitutes a family? How andwhy has family life changed? Whatcan be done to improve family life?If you are interested in thesequestions then this course couldbe for you. Social policy and laware important in securing changeand improvement in family lives.This degree provides you withthe opportunity to study socialpolicy and to apply the theoriesand concepts to interventions andpolicies related to ‘the family’. Youwill be introduced to the ideologicalunderpinnings and theoreticalprinciples <strong>of</strong> social policy andexamine the influences these haveupon ‘the family’ and society.Opportunities for work-basedlearning in the field promote thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> sector skills suchas communication, reflection,research, pr<strong>of</strong>essional reflexivity,and engagement with the valuebase <strong>of</strong> work with families,young people and children.Social policy and law areimportant in securingchange and improvementin family lives.Career OpportunitiesSocial policy provides careeropportunities within a wide range <strong>of</strong>organisations and services who valuethe analytical skills that the degreeendows. This includes work withina variety <strong>of</strong> different pr<strong>of</strong>essionsincluding policy analysis andmonitoring, public administration,personal social services, housing,community development andwelfare rights. The applied focus <strong>of</strong>the degree also provides an idealgrounding for direct work withservice users in children’s and familyservices, for instance as a familysupport worker, Sure Start, residentialwork, or learning support services.Postgraduate study is a furtheroption with popular choices such asma Social Work (qualifying award),ma Social Policy, and MA Dynamics<strong>of</strong> Domestic Violence, <strong>of</strong>feringappropriate pr<strong>of</strong>essional development.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used to ensure that your finalgrade is an accurate reflection<strong>of</strong> your performance during thecourse. Knowledge, reflection,communication, research andpresentation skills are assessedusing essays, case studies, tests,presentations and seminars.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Flexible study options with fulland part-time routes available• Inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional modules• Opportunities for workbasedlearningCourse Content• Introduction to Rights &Legislative Frameworks• Introduction to Social Policy• Learning from the Past:The Historical Development<strong>of</strong> Social Policy• Equality & Inequalities in Society• Theorising the Family• Interpersonal Skills forthe Workplace• Contextualising the Family:Culture, Diversity & theFamily in a Changing World• Research: Process & Practice• Safeguarding the Family (Children,Adults & Young People)• Work-based Learning(subject specific)• Healthy Families: Policy& Practice in Early MentalHealth Interventions• Housing for All• Policy & Education• Family, Gender & Work• Family Law (with option tobecome a McKenzie volunteer)• Facilitating Group Work• User Involvement inPolicy & Practice• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Judgement& Decision-making• Leading & Managing• Policy & Practice inFostering & Adoption• Domestic Abuse• Substance Misuse• Counselling Theory &Practice-based Learning*Subject to validationUCAS CodeApplied Social Policy:Law & the FamilyBA (Single Honours)LM42 BA/asplfFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAStariff points• AccreditedPrior Learning/ExperientialLearning (APL/apeL)considered• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p143• Health SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-upDegree p100• Health & SocialCare FdSc p9949

UCAS CodeApplied Social Policy:Older Adults BA(Single Honours)L400 BA/aspoaFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAStariff points• AccreditedPrior Learning/ExperientialLearning (APL/apeL)considered• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p143• Health SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-upDegree p100• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99Applied Social Policy:Older AdultsBA (Hons)*Course IntroductionThere is significant demographicchange in the western world aspeople either live healthier, livelonger or live with chronic diseaseor disability. The increasing number<strong>of</strong> older adults with dementia is aproblem that society must addressif these people are going to receivethe care and support they need.Social policy is crucial in rising to thischallenge by creating appropriateresponses to enable change andsecure improvements to the lives<strong>of</strong> individuals and their families.This degree provides you withthe opportunity to study socialpolicy as a core subject and toapply the theories and concepts tointerventions and policies related toolder people. You will be introducedto the ideological underpinningsand theoretical principles <strong>of</strong> socialpolicy and debate the impact thatthese have upon older people.apply the theoriesand concepts tointerventions andpolicies related toolder people.Opportunities for work-basedlearning in the field promotethe development <strong>of</strong> sectorskills such as communication,reflection, research, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalreflexivity, and engagement withthe value base <strong>of</strong> work with olderpeople and their families.Career OpportunitiesSocial policy provides careeropportunities within a wide range<strong>of</strong> organisations and services withstatutory, voluntary and privateemployers who value the analyticalskills that the degree endows. Thisincludes work within a variety <strong>of</strong>different pr<strong>of</strong>essions includingpolicy analysis and monitoring,public administration, personalsocial services, housing, communitydevelopment and welfare rights.The applied focus <strong>of</strong> the degreealso provides an ideal groundingfor direct work with older peopleas service users. Postgraduate studyis a further option, with popularchoices such as MA Social Work(qualifying award), MA Social Policy,and MA Dynamics <strong>of</strong> DomesticViolence, <strong>of</strong>fering appropriatepr<strong>of</strong>essional development.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used to ensure that you areequipped with skills valued byemployers in this sector. Knowledge,reflection, communication, researchand presentation skills are assessedusing essays, case studies, tests,presentations and seminars.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Flexible study options with fulland part-time routes available• Inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional modules• Opportunities for workbasedlearningCourse Content• Introduction to Rights &Legislative Frameworks• Introduction to Social Policy• Learning from the Past:The Historical Development<strong>of</strong> Social Policy• Equality & Inequalities in Society• Conceptualising Healthin Older Adults• Theorising the Family• Interpersonal Skills forthe Workplace• Contextualising the Family:Culture, Diversity & theFamily in a Changing World• Research: Process & Practice• Mental Health & the Older Adult• Social Model <strong>of</strong> Disability• Safeguarding the Family(Children, Adults & Young People)• Work-based Learning(subject specific)• Housing for All• Family, Gender & Work• Facilitating Group Work• User Involvement inPolicy & Practice• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Judgement& Decision-making• Mental Health Interventionswith Older Adults• Citizenship & Personalisation• Leading & Managing• Domestic Abuse• Substance Misuse• Counselling Theory & Practice*Subject to validationwww.worcester.ac.ukwww.worceste

Applied Youth JusticeBA (Hons)*An applied degree inYouth Justice withpractice placementsprovides an excellentfoundation for workacross the sector.UCAS CodeFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comCourse IntroductionIf you are interested in criminology,criminal justice, or probation,and young people and wish todevelop a career in the fieldthen this new applied coursewill introduce you to the theory,policy and working practices.The course has been written inconjunction with West MerciaProbation Trust who are activelyinvolved with the programme.Placements in the Youth Justicesector introduce you to appropriateworking practices and activelyprepare you for work in the field.Following the National OccupationalStandards/skills for Justice you willbe introduced to the social andpolitical frameworks <strong>of</strong> practice,research within the field, and studythemes such as social problems,responding to crime, reducing andaddressing <strong>of</strong>fending behaviour inyoung people, substance misuse,and domestic violence, and inaddition gain a sound understanding<strong>of</strong> the legislative framework.A student focused approachfosters the development <strong>of</strong>essential sector skills such ascommunication, reflection, researchand pr<strong>of</strong>essional reflexivity.We welcome mature studentapplications. Please see detailsat the back <strong>of</strong> this prospectus.Career OpportunitiesAn applied degree in Youth Justicewith practice placements provides anexcellent foundation for work acrossthe sector. However, the degree isalso oriented to the broad field <strong>of</strong>criminal justice and graduates arewell prepared for entry into theprison and police services, and theincreasing opportunities availablein voluntary sector organisations.Postgraduate study is a furtheroption for instance in Social Work,Domestic Violence, Social Policy orother vocationally oriented awards.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used to ensure that your finalgrade is an accurate reflection<strong>of</strong> your performance during thecourse. Knowledge, reflection,communication, research andpresentation skills are assessedusing essays, reports, presentationsand seminars. Placement practice isassessed using the Skills for JusticeFoundations for Practice Framework.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Placement opportunities areopen to Single Honours students• Joint Honours awards withSociology, or Psychology, or SocialPolicy have been constructedappropriate to the awardCourse Content• Introduction to Youth Justice& Offending Behaviour• Your Rights, My Rights & theLegislative Framework• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Practice• Introducing Research• Introduction to Sociology• Society, Social Problems& Responses to Crime• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice 1Youth Justice• Research Methods,Process & Practice• Addressing Youth Crime &Anti-Social Behaviour• Understanding Crime & Deviance• Race & Ethnicity inContemporary Britain• Safeguarding the Family• Family Law• Independent Study• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice 2Youth Justice• Forensic Psychology• Youth Justice & ReducingRe-<strong>of</strong>fending• Substance Misuse• Domestic Violence• Response to Crime:The Justice Process• Counselling Skills• Health & Offenders*Subject to validationEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 or www.worcester.ac.ukfor further detailsYou mayalso like...• Applied Social PolicyBA (Hons) p47• SociologyBA (Hons) p145• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139r.ac.uk51

UCAS CodeArboriculture FdScD510 P FdSc/ArbArboriculture & TreeManagement BSc(Single Honours)D501 BSc/atmFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• For Foundationdegree 120 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Progression ordirect entry to thefinal BSc (Hons)Top-up year will bepossible followingsuccessfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> theFoundation degreeor equivalentqualificationYou mayalso like...• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88• ConservationEcologyBSc (Hons) p70• HorticultureBSc (Hons) p102• EcologyBSc (Hons) p84In partnership with Pershore CollegeArboricultureBSc (Hons)/FdScCourse IntroductionThis course is ideal for those whowish to become arboriculturistsor tree surgeons and have a headfor heights. Integrated workbasedlearning helps to placeacademic learning into context andprepares you for the workplace.All modules are delivered bystaff with substantial experiencein amenity arboriculture.these courses areaccredited by theInstitute <strong>of</strong> CharteredForesters enablinggraduates to apply forassociate membership<strong>of</strong> this pr<strong>of</strong>essionalorganisation.Course modules cover the keyprinciples <strong>of</strong> amenity arboriculture,maintenance <strong>of</strong> trees and woodlandsboth practically and in thelaboratory. A mandatory period<strong>of</strong> work placement is an essentialelement <strong>of</strong> the Foundation degreeand enables you to apply theprinciples developed on the courseto real, workplace situations.Successful completion <strong>of</strong> theFoundation degree will enableprogression to the final year <strong>of</strong> theBSc (Hons) Arboriculture & TreeManagement course where theprinciples <strong>of</strong> community forestryand tree arboricultural management,and silviculture will be developed.Career OpportunitiesThis Foundation degree course canprovide you with access to a widerange <strong>of</strong> careers in the arboriculturalindustry including tree surgery, localauthority arboricultural <strong>of</strong>ficer,woodland and estate managementand arboricultural contracting.ProgressionAlternatively, successful completion<strong>of</strong> the Foundation degree will allowyou to progress to further HigherEducation courses including the finalyear <strong>of</strong> the BSc (Hons) Arboricultureprogramme. Many students also goon to start their own businesses.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught at PershoreCollege (part <strong>of</strong> WarwickshireCollege) in collaboration with the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. PershoreCollege is a centre <strong>of</strong> vocationalexcellence for Horticulture.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods has been devised to test arange <strong>of</strong> student skills. Assessmenttypes include seminar papers,tests, reports, presentations andexaminations (including practicalexaminations). The Foundationdegree requires a mandatory period<strong>of</strong> work placement, equivalent to10 weeks, which can be spreadover the duration <strong>of</strong> the courseeither in blocks or one day perweek but must include at least twoweeks in Year 1 <strong>of</strong> the course.Course ContentYear 1• Academic Development& Work-based Learning• Horticultural Science• Plant Use & Establishment• Arboricultural Principles• Tree Work Skills• Tree Hazard Analysis• Hardy Nursery Stock Production• Mechanisation & FinanceYear 2• Tree & Woodland Management• Trees, Planning & the Law• Business Environment & Marketing• Work-based Learning in theHorticultural Sector• Research & Statistics• Applied Horticultural Science• Arboricultural Industry& the Global MarketYear 3Direct Entry/Top-up Year:• Independent Study• Integrative Assignments• Arboricultural Technology• Silviculture• Habitat Creation & Management• The Urban Forest• Business & Personnel Managementwww.worcester.ac.uk

Archaeology & Heritage StudiesBA (Hons)Course IntroductionHow has Britain’s past been‘discovered’, presented andinterpreted? What can we learnabout the past and the present? Youwill seek answers to these kinds <strong>of</strong>questions on this exciting course.The main disciplines contributingtowards the programme arearchaeology, geography and history.Investigate interesting artefactsand landscapes and learn aboutthe material remains <strong>of</strong> fascinatingpast cultures. There are fieldtrips and opportunities for moreextended practical work throughprojects and work placements.There is a wide variety <strong>of</strong>modules which allow you togain a broad understanding,or alternatively specialise in aparticular area <strong>of</strong> interest.This multidisciplinary course allowsyou to take elective modules inbusiness, providing a foundationfor future employment withinheritage management. You canalso investigate how views <strong>of</strong> ourheritage shape developments inthe present by studying aspects<strong>of</strong> the planning process and ourapproach to conservation issues.Career OpportunitiesThe course opens up a host <strong>of</strong>exciting career paths in the arts,archaeology, environmentalmanagement, local governmentand planning, the media andmuseums. This is also an idealbase for postgraduate study.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including coursework, essays,reports and project work.Additional Information• Single Honours• Major• Joint• MinorCourse ContentYear 1• Introduction to Archaeology• Introduction to Heritage• Archaeology & Heritage <strong>of</strong>the British Landscape• World Archaeology &Ancient Civilisations• Human Origins• Country & the City• Reconstructing the PastYear 2• Archaeological Theory & Research• Displaying the Past: Museums,Artefacts & Collections• Field Excavation Module• Visions <strong>of</strong> England: History,Heritage & Identity• The Archaeology <strong>of</strong> Death & Burial• Heritage Tourism & Place Promotion• Architecture & the Built Heritage• Iron Age & Roman Britain• Landscape Archaeology• Environmental Archaeology• (Re)Presenting the Past:History in Film• GISYear 3• Managing the HistoricEnvironment• Neolithic & Bronze Age Britain• Medieval Archaeology& Local Heritage• Work Placement• Extension Module• Independent Study inArchaeology & Heritage• The Home Front: Britain 1939-45• Forensic Archaeology• GIS• Heritage Tourism &Place Promotion• Architecture & the Built Heritage• Countryside Conservation• Town & Country PlanningFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.Ellen has recentlystarted a year-longinternship with theNational Trust.Follow Ellen’s blog atwww.viewfrommyattic.wordpress.comELLEN GORFUCAS CodeArchaeology &Heritage Studies BA(Single Honours)DV44 BA/ahsIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ConservationEcologyBSc (Hons) p70• Archaeology &Landscape StudiesBSc (Hons) p54• Human GeographyBA (Hons) p10553

UCAS CodeArchaeology &Landscape StudiesBSc (Single Honours)VK43 BSc/ALSFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Human GeographyBA (Hons) p105• EcologyBSc (Hons) p84• EnvironmentalScienceBSc (Hons) p89• Archaeology &Heritage StudiesBA (Hons) p53Archaeology & Landscape StudiesBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionLandscape studies are diverse andexciting and this course providesyou with the wide range <strong>of</strong> practicaland academic skills needed tosucceed in this field.This degree provides an integrated,multidisciplinary approach tostudying the landscape. You willcombine the methods and theory<strong>of</strong> archaeology with those used tostudy the physical environment andinterpret the landscape. The impact<strong>of</strong> human activity on the naturallandscape is investigated as a way <strong>of</strong>enhancing our understanding <strong>of</strong> thedifferent processes that form andaffect the archaeological record.This course introduces you toa wide range <strong>of</strong> techniquesneeded to decipher the landscape,including archaeological excavation,topographical survey, aerialphotographic interpretation andessential computing skills. Practicalwork and field trips are essentialto the course, allowing you toapply your skills in observation andinterpretation to the real world. AnIndependent Study will allow you t<strong>of</strong>ocus on a particular area <strong>of</strong> interest.Career OpportunitiesYou will be prepared for careers inarchaeological fieldwork (contractarchaeology), archaeologicalconsultancy, local government andplanning, national organisations suchas English Heritage, Natural England,the Environment Agency,The National Trust, conservation,countryside management,museums and the heritage industry,teaching, the Civil Service andresearch. This is also an idealbase for postgraduate study.AssessmentMost work is assessed throughdifferent kinds <strong>of</strong> coursework – thereare very few exams on the course.Wide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including report writing, fieldworkprojects, reflective journals,essays and presentations.Additional Information• Single HonoursCourse ContentYear 1• Introduction to Archaeology• Earth Systems, Processes& Landscapes• Archaeology & Heritage <strong>of</strong>the British Landscape• World Archaeology &Ancient Civilisations• Human Origins• Introduction to River Science• Introduction to GeologyRobbie achieved a firstclass honours degreeand is now a GIS andGeography Technician at<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.robbie AUSTRUMSYear 2• Archaeological Theory & Research• Archaeology & LandscapeStudies Excavation Module• The Archaeology <strong>of</strong> Death& Burial• Landscape Archaeology• Environmental Archaeology• The Study & Interpretation<strong>of</strong> Artefacts• GIS• Soils & the Environment• Mountain GeomorphologyYear 3• Archaeology & LandscapeStudies Research Project• Managing the HistoricEnvironment• Neolithic & Bronze Age Britain• Medieval Archaeology& Local Heritage• Work Placement• Extension Module• Forensic Archaeology• Environmental Geology• GIS• Applied GIS & Remote Sensing• Mountain Glaciers & Landscape• Ice Age EnvironmentsFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Art & DesignHND*UCAS CodeArt & Design Hnd21ww HND/adCourse IntroductionThe Hnd places strong emphasison drawing and its applications ina variety <strong>of</strong> visual communicationcontexts. Students’ learningwill range across the practicaland conceptual processes andapproaches that underpin animation,fine art, graphic design andillustration. Working with a widevariety <strong>of</strong> media, including digitalmedia, students will develop ideasand approaches to communicationthat address the visual culture,problems and possibilities <strong>of</strong> today’sworld and the creative ideas andvisual thinking that help shape it.Whether through painting oranimation, comic book illustrationor web design, students will beencouraged to be ambitious forwhat they can achieve and forhow their creativity can supporttheir long-term development.The first year <strong>of</strong> the Hnd willenable you to experience arange <strong>of</strong> disciplines and mediapractices and support you to makeinformed choices about whichspecialist direction to take.At the end <strong>of</strong> the first year, subjectto success at a portfolio interviewand satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> Year1, you may transfer to <strong>Worcester</strong>’sSingle Honours courses in either:You will then undertake twomore years’ specialist study toachieve a BA (Hons) qualification.Alternatively you may continuewith the broader study providedby the course until you obtainyour Hnd at the end <strong>of</strong> Year 2.Following completion <strong>of</strong> theHnd, you may then opt to stay at<strong>Worcester</strong> for a third year, whenyou can progress to <strong>Worcester</strong>’sBA (Hons) Art & Design Top-upDegree. The Top-up degree willenable you to maintain a breadth<strong>of</strong> study right up to degree level.Career OpportunitiesThis course will support yourprogression to employment sectorsthat value creativity, resourcefulness,visual skills, the ability to problemsolve and self-motivation andreliance. It will support your workingin community and educationalsettings in which participation inthe arts and creative activity play arole. It will also enable you to <strong>of</strong>ferprospective employers a range <strong>of</strong>visual and design skills associatedwith web-based and other forms<strong>of</strong> visual communication. TheArt & Design Top-up Degree willfurther enhance your employabilityin these areas whilst alsosupporting your progression toteaching, self-employment andjobs in the creative industries.Course ContentYear 1• Materials & Making 1• Image & Text 1• Visual Research 1• Digital Communication 1Year 2• Materials & Making 2• Visual Research 2• Digital Communication 2• Negotiated Practice*Subject to validationThe HND places strongemphasis on drawingand its applicationsin a variety <strong>of</strong> visualcommunicationcontexts.For the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 160-200 UCAStariff points and aportfolio interview• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Art & DesignBA (Hons) p57• Fine Art PracticeBA (Hons) p91• IllustrationBA (Hons) p107• Animation• Creative Digital Media• Fine Art Practice• Graphic Design & Multimedia• Illustration55


Art & DesignBA (Hons)UCAS CodeArt & Design BA(Single Honours)ww12 BA/ArDeCourse IntroductionThe Art & Design course at<strong>Worcester</strong> recognises and enablesyou to develop connections betweena range <strong>of</strong> practices in art and designfields. It introduces you to an array<strong>of</strong> tools, both traditional and digital,and develops your use <strong>of</strong> themalongside the evaluative and criticalskills that are appropriate to yourstudy as it develops. Modules aredesigned to enable you to exploityour creative potential and growyour visual communication skills,working with a broad range <strong>of</strong> media.The first year is ‘diagnostic’ in thatit aims to provide you with anopportunity to sample working witha variety <strong>of</strong> media and practices andto review your previous experience.It introduces you to different areas<strong>of</strong> visual communication throughteaching and learning that encourageexperimentation, self-directedstudy and project work. By the end<strong>of</strong> the first year, you will have hadan opportunity to explore whereyour particular interests lie and, inthe second year, you will be ableto build on these and to developyour individual practice and visuallanguage through increasingemphasis upon experimentationand innovation. The third yearfocuses on encouraging you toconsolidate your practice throughindependent study and throughdevelopment <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcompetencies that will enhanceyour employability, with learningtaking place through Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice, Placement and FinalShow modules, amongst others.The course is supported by aprogramme <strong>of</strong> research tripsin which you are encouragedto participate. In recent years,there have been trips to Rome,Florence and New York and newdestinations are planned this year.Career OpportunitiesThis course <strong>of</strong>fers an excellentfoundation for a career in anyarts-related industry. In previousyears graduates have gone onto set up their own studios,undertake postgraduate study, andto pursue careers in teaching, arttherapy, arts administration, art ineducation and community arts.AssessmentAssessment is generally by means<strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> major and minorpractical projects supportedby a reflective learning journaland a learning report.Additional Information• Single Honours• Year 1 modules in Fine ArtPractice and Theory, TextileDesign and Landscape and VisualIdentity are also available atSouth <strong>Worcester</strong>shire College• Media specialisms include printing,ceramics, textiles, painting,new media and photography• Programme <strong>of</strong> visits to museumsand art galleries locally,nationally and in EuropeCourse ContentYear 1• Art & Design Practices 1• Digital Practices inContemporary Art & Design 1• Experimental Photography• Ceramics• Textiles• Animation: Origins & Functions• Illustration: Image Making• Visual ResearchYear 2• Art & Design Practices 2• Digital Practices inContemporary Art & Design 2• Art in Context• Negotiated Practice• Visual Research 2Year 3• Independent Study• Negotiated Practice• Research & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPresentation• Art & Design Practices 3For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.‘flood alert: be prepared’was a highly successfulexhibition <strong>of</strong> recentgraduates’ work,including work bylucinda hodgetts whograduated in art &Design in 2011.lucinda hodgettsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendfor interview and toprovide a portfolioand a piece <strong>of</strong>written work forconsiderationYou mayalso like...• Fine Art PracticeBA (Hons) p91• IllustrationBA (Hons) p107• Creative DigitalMedia BA (Hons) p74• Graphic Design& MultimediaBA (Hons) p9857

UCAS CodeBiochemistry BSc(Single Honours)C700 BSc/BCBiochemistryBSc (Hons)*Modules are diverse,ranging from studies<strong>of</strong> protein structureand function tocancer biology.EntryRequirements• 240-280 UCAStariff points• Students will beexpected to havestudied Biology toat least A Level.Those with AS orA Level Chemistrywill be <strong>of</strong>feredlower UCAStariff pointsYou mayalso like...• Biology BSc(Hons) p59• Human BiologyBSc (Hons) p104Course IntroductionBiochemistry lies at the veryheart <strong>of</strong> biology and investigatesthe interaction <strong>of</strong> molecules toexplain the fundamentals <strong>of</strong> life,where a small change in a singlemolecule can have a dramaticeffect on an entire organism.The continuing development<strong>of</strong> biochemical and moleculartechniques allows biochemiststo explore diverse topics suchas the origins <strong>of</strong> life, growth anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> organisms andthe molecular basis <strong>of</strong> disease.By studying Biochemistry at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> you willfind yourself in a supportive andinspirational environment, wherewe encourage you to achieveyour full academic and personalpotential. Our excellent teachingfacilities include a recent £7million purpose-built teachinglaboratory, containing state-<strong>of</strong>the-artlaboratory equipment.Many <strong>of</strong> our staff are involved incutting edge research in areas suchas genetics, protein science, cellbiology, microbiology and aspects <strong>of</strong>medical biochemistry, all <strong>of</strong> whichinspires and informs our teaching.In your first year you will studya wide range <strong>of</strong> subjects whichwill enable you to develop acomprehensive appreciation <strong>of</strong>biochemistry. In Years 2 and 3the subjects you take becomemore specialised and the modularscheme enables you to tailor yourcourse to the areas <strong>of</strong> biochemistrythat you find most interesting.The modules are diverse, rangingfrom studies <strong>of</strong> protein structureand function to cancer biology.In Year 3 you will undertakeyour own research project on atopic that interests you as part<strong>of</strong> your Independent Study.Career OpportunitiesGraduates <strong>of</strong> Biochemistryhave excellent opportunities foremployment, with many workingas scientific researchers withinacademic, government, industrial ormedical institutions both nationallyand internationally. Graduates mayalso work in teaching, scientificpublishing or in business. Manygraduates also continue theirstudies at MSc or PhD level.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmenttechniques is employed to give youthe opportunity to demonstrate yourknowledge, skills and understanding.These may include practical reports,presentations, written critiques,projects and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours onlyCourse ContentYear 1: Mandatory modules• Cell Biology• Introduction toMolecular Bioscience• Biological Diversity• Introduction to HumanAnatomy & PhysiologyYear 1: Optional modules• Introduction to Forensic Biology• Comparative Zoology• Introduction to Ecology• Introduction to Nutritionin HumansYear 2: Mandatory modules• Research Methods• Microbiology• Immunology• Protein Structure & Function• Molecular Genetics• Human Genetics• Human BiochemistryYear 2: Optional modules• Work Experience• Animal Behaviour• Botany• Medical Forensic Science• Systems Physiology• Comparative Vertebrate DigestionYear 3: Mandatory modules• Independent Study(research project)• Genomics & Bioinformatics• Developmental Genetics• Molecular Biology <strong>of</strong> Cancer• Pharmacology• Integrated Studies in BiologyYear 3: Optional modules• Mammalian Reproduction• Plant Development & Physiology• Forensic DNA Analysis*Subject to validationwww.worcester.ac.uk

BiologyBSc (Hons)UCAS CodeBiology BSc(Single Honours)C100 BSc/BioCourse IntroductionBiology is a wide-ranging subject.Nevertheless, the disciplinehas clear unifying themes; theprinciples <strong>of</strong> natural selection arecore whether one is consideringthe survival <strong>of</strong> species, the birth<strong>of</strong> new gene functions or theevolution <strong>of</strong> a fold in a protein.This course provides not only theopportunity to study classicalbiology but also to understandthe dramatic effects <strong>of</strong> the newtechnologies that have sweptthrough the subject over the lastdecade. It deals with many differentgroups <strong>of</strong> organisms in terms <strong>of</strong>their structure, development,physiology, metabolism and ecology.It also explains how new moleculartechniques have added enormouslyto knowledge so that modernbiologists can address questionsthat were unanswerable in the past.There is a clear linkage between thisnew information and establishedknowledge. The new ‘genomics’ istaught alongside Mendelian geneticsand ‘bioinformatics’ methods showhow evolution can be followed byexamining DNA and amino acidsequences from different species.Lecturers have strong researchexpertise but there is a strong focuson supporting student learning.There is an emphasis on practicalwork making use <strong>of</strong> our excellentnew facilities. In your final year,you will undertake an IndependentStudy Research Project that allowsyou to gain valuable personalexperience in the design andimplementation <strong>of</strong> a research plan.Throughout the course, youwill engage in activities that aredesigned to enhance your skillswith a particular emphasis onthose characteristics directlyrelated to employability.Career OpportunitiesThe course prepares you for anumber <strong>of</strong> degree paths includingscientific researcher withingovernment, industry or medicalinstitutions, medical and laboratorysales, nature conservation, arange <strong>of</strong> public sector workand a teaching career. Furtherstudy through Masters and PhDdegrees are also possibilities.Additional Information• Single Honours• Joint Honours• The course has receivedexcellent feedback throughthe National Student SurveyAssessmentA range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including seminar papers,tests, reports, presentationsand examinations (includingpractical examinations).gemma graduated fromworcester, completed aphd and is now carryingout commercialresearch on foods.www.campden.co.ukgemma chopeCourse Content*Among the modules thatare <strong>of</strong>fered are:Year 1• Biological Diversity• Cell Biology• Introduction to Ecology• Comparative Animal PhysiologyYear 2• Plant Biology• Animal Senses & Survival• Human Systems Physiology• Infectious Agents & AllergensYear 3• Parasitology• Plant Development & Physiology• Genomics & Bioinformatics• Animal Movement• Mammalian ReproductionFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.* Regular updates may meanthat exact module titles onthe course may differ.It is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinations addbreadth to your studiesand can enhanceyour employability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAS tariffpoints if you haveA2 Biology and A2in another Sciencee.g. Chemistry• 280 points ifyou have A2 inBiology and A1 inanother Science• 290 points ifyou have A1Biology and A2 inanother Science• 300 points if youhave A1 Biology• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Animal BiologyBSc (Hons) p44• Forensic & AppliedBiology BSc (Hons)p94• Human BiologyBSc (Hons) p10459

UCAS CodeFull-time applicationsthrough UCAS,part-time applicationsthrough NCT.L52A CertHE/bbpEntryRequirements• You’ll need twoA Levels (orequivalent)at Grade C orabove. If you areshortlisted, youwill be invitedfor interview.• Applicants whodo not meet theformal entryrequirements willbe considered onan individual basis.• Applicantsmay requirean EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck, if followingthe Doula pathwayfor exampleYou mayalso like:• MidwiferyBSc (Hons) p123www.worcester.ac.ukBirth and BeyondPractitioner/Educator• CertHE Birth and Beyond Practitioner • FdA Advanced Birthand Beyond Practitioner • BA (Hons) Birth and BeyondCourse IntroductionCourses that prepare parentsfor the transition to parenthoodshould support and informparents for labour, birth and earlyparenthood. Our courses trainyou to work pr<strong>of</strong>essionally withparents to achieve these aims.To become a Birth and BeyondPractitioner, you should bepassionate about birth, babiesand parenting and feel that notonly does every woman deservea great birth experience, butthat all couples deserve respectand support as parents. Youshould want to inspire others.The Birth and Beyond programmeshave been designed in partnershipwith NCT to enable you to developa role as a Birth and Beyondpractitioner, and subsequentlyin other NCT practitioner roles.An NCT Licence-to-Practise isawarded for each practitioner role(Birth and Beyond Practitioner,nct Antenatal Teacher, NCTBreastfeeding Counsellor, NCTPostnatal Leader, NCT Yoga forPregnancy Teacher, NCT Doula).The courses address the Department<strong>of</strong> Health’s initiative to providegood quality, consistent antenataland postnatal care to parents andtheir families in the transition toparenthood, and are taught byqualified NCT tutors and accreditedby the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.Opportunities towork with parentsNCT training is vocational and leadsto a variety <strong>of</strong> flexible and rewardingroles, including facilitating Birthand Beyond courses for both NCTand the NHS; leading antenatalcourses or yoga for pregnancycourses; providing breastfeedinginformation and support; facilitatingpostnatal groups; and providingsupport for parents as a Doula.Additional Information• You can choose to studyfull-time or part-time• Flexible forms <strong>of</strong> study designedto fit around your life• Taught at differentlocations across UK• Vocationally focused experiencein work environmentsCPD OpportunitiesIndividual or groups <strong>of</strong> modulesat Level 5 are available for bothcurrent NCT practitioners to furtherdevelop their skill base, and forstudents with relevant qualificationsin related fields such as midwifery.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessments are used toenable you to demonstrate yourknowledge and skills as a practitioner,for example facilitated andinteractive sessions, essays, reportsand presentations.Course ContentCerthe Birth and BeyondPractitioner• Facilitating Adult Group Learning• New Family: Changes andChallenges Part 1• The Developing BabyThe Birth and Beyondprogrammes have beendesigned in partnershipwith the NationalChildbirth Trust.• Introduction to Reflective Practice• Giving BirthFdA Birth and BeyondAdvanced Practitioner• Challenges and Choicesaround Labour and Birth• Undisturbed Birth• Counselling Skills fornct practitioners• Applying Counselling Skills fornct Breastfeeding counsellors• Understanding Women’sExperience <strong>of</strong> Breastfeeding• Developing and UsingBreastfeeding Knowledgeand Skills• New Family Part 2• Facilitating Postnatal Groups• Relax, Stretch and Breathe• NCT Yoga for Pregnancy• Dimensions <strong>of</strong> the Role <strong>of</strong> Doula• Realisation <strong>of</strong> the Role <strong>of</strong> Doula• Relax and Stretch with Baby• Understanding and using Research• Understanding Loss• Understanding theNeonatal Unit Experience• Meeting Different Needsusing Diverse Media• Working with Health andSocial Care Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• The NCT Educatorba (Hons) Birth and BeyondEducator• Reflecting on Assessment Practice• Adult Learning• Curriculum Design, Developmentand Management• Independent Study

Business ManagementBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionBusiness Management BA (Hons)is a flexible and dynamic course thatprovides a sound understanding <strong>of</strong>managerial theory and practice and<strong>of</strong>fers the potential to specialise in yourchosen areas <strong>of</strong> interest. There is a widerange <strong>of</strong> options, and opportunitiesfor specialisation in Years 2 and 3.Throughout the course you will beencouraged to apply the conceptsand theories discussed during yourcourse to real settings, and you willhave the opportunity to developa range <strong>of</strong> skills and attributes tomake you attractive to your futureemployer. These include effectivecommunication, problem-solving,research, planning, organisation,analysis, numeracy, IT, teamwork,leadership, personal efficiency,creativity and entrepreneurship.Career OpportunitiesThis degree is designed to underpina successful career in any aspect <strong>of</strong>management, across all businesssectors, including teaching. Itis also an excellent base to goon to postgraduate study.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> methods including:case studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major, Joint, Minor• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Opportunity to take a oneyear work placement• Option to investigate startingyour own business• Flexibility to change to analternative named awardCourse ContentMandatory modules include:Year 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism• Business Viability: Financial& Economic PerspectivesYear 2• Business EthicsYear 3• Enhancing Organisations& Employability• International Business Strategy• Intercultural PerspectivesYou can also choose from anextensive range <strong>of</strong> optionalmodules, such as:Year 1• Business Accounting Systems• Business Law• Creative Communications:Ideas & Impacts• Law for Accounting• Web & E-businessYear 2• Advertising: Influence & Persuasion• Business Research• Business Sustainability• Commercial Law• Contemporary MarketingCommunications• Creative Problem-solving• Customer Behaviour &Decision-makingFirst class degreeand successful sales/marketing placement ledto book funding, bonusand full-time post at AirTechnology Systems.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityjames sheeHy• E-business• Entrepreneurship & SmallBusiness Management• EU, Human Rights & theLegal Environment• Financial & ManagementAccounting• International Marketing• Leadership Principles & Practice• Macro & Micro Economics• Managing HR & Performance• Operations, Project &Risk Management• Public Relations & Campaigning• Selling & Sales Management• Taxation• Work-based LearningYear 3• Audit, Ethics & Governance• Brand Management• Business Project• Collaborative Leadership• Contemporary Advertising:Apps, Guerillas, Viral & More• Contemporary Developmentsin Strategic Marketing• E-business• Economics for Business• Financial Reporting• International Banking & Finance• Innovation & Intrapreneurship• International Marketing• Managing Emerging Issues• Spin Doctors, Lobbyists &Other Hidden Persuaders• Strategic Accounting &Financial Management• Strategic Challenges <strong>of</strong> Hrm• Work-based LearningFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeBusiness ManagementBA (Single Honours)N200 BA/bmFor direct entry toYear 3 with a relevantFD/HND, useN20A BA/bmanIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ManagementBA (Hons) p118• BusinessSpecialist DegreesBA (Hons) p62• InternationalBusinessManagementBA (Hons) p11261

UCAS CodeFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p61www.worcester.ac.uk• Accountancy • Advertising • Economics • Entrepreneurship• Finance • Human Resource Management • Leadership• Management • Marketing • Public RelationsBusiness Specialist DegreesBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionThese Single Honours namedawards are designed to develop asound understanding <strong>of</strong> businesstheory and practice with a particularfocus on two specialist pathways.They enable you to signal to futureemployers your chosen areas<strong>of</strong> interest and expertise. Thereare over 30 Business Specialistdegree titles to choose from.You can combine two pathways fromAccountancy, Advertising, Economics,Entrepreneurship, Finance, HumanResource Management, Leadership,Management, Marketing and PublicRelations. See the table belowfor the combinations available.Throughout the course youwill be encouraged to applythe concepts and theoriesdiscussed to real settings.The followingcombinationsare available:AccountancyAdvertisingEconomicsHRMEntrepreneurshipFinanceLeadershipManagementMarketingPRAccountancyAdvertisingEconomicsYou will have the chance to developyour practical skills throughout thecourse and, in addition, you willbe given opportunities to use IT inthe preparation and presentation<strong>of</strong> your work, enabling you tobecome fully conversant withrelevant business technology.Career OpportunitiesThese degrees are designed tounderpin a successful career inany aspect <strong>of</strong> management, acrossall business sectors. They alsomake a great base for teachingor for postgraduate study.Whichever pathway you choose,you will hone your problem-solvingskills as well as becoming adeptat strategic planning, analysis andorganisation. You will be able toundertake independent researchthat will develop your personalefficiency, alongside opportunities toHRMEntrepreneurshipFinanceLeadershipManagementMarketingPRbuild your teamwork and leadershipskills. You will become an expertcommunicator, with innovation,creativity and entrepreneurshipas your key attributes.For each degree, the first year <strong>of</strong>core modules is the same. In Years2 and 3, you select core modulesand also two modules from each<strong>of</strong> your specialist pathways.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> methods includingcase studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroadat one <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Undertake an independentresearch project• Investigate starting yourown business• An opportunity to take aone year work placement• Flexibility to change toan alternative businesscourse after Year 1The full list <strong>of</strong> award titlesavailable comprises:• Business, Accountancy& Advertising• Business, Accountancy& Economics• Business, Accountancy & HumanResource Management• Business, Accountancy& Marketing

Successful placementled to full-time postas HR DevelopmentCo-ordinator at BoschThermotechnology Ltd.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityELLISSE THOMPSON• Business, Accountancy& Public Relations• Business, Advertising & HumanResource Management• Business, Advertising& Public Relations• Business, Economics & Advertising• Business, Economics & Finance• Business, Economics & HumanResource Management• Business, Economics &Public Relations• Business, Entrepreneurship& Accountancy• Business, Entrepreneurship& Advertising• Business, Entrepreneurship &Human Resource Management• Business, Entrepreneurship& Management• Business, Entrepreneurship& Marketing• Business, Entrepreneurship& Public Relations• Business, Finance & Accountancy• Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship• Business, Finance & Marketing• Business, Human ResourceManagement & Public Relations• Business, Leadership &Entrepreneurship• Business, Leadership & HumanResource Management• Business, Leadership& Management• Business, Management& Accountancy• Business, Management& Advertising• Business, Management & Economics• Business, Management & Finance• Business, Management &Human Resource Management• Business, Management & Marketing• Business, Management& Public Relations• Business, Marketing & Advertising• Business, Marketing & Economics• Business, Marketing & HumanResource Management• Business, Marketing & Leadership• Business, Marketing &Public RelationsCourse ContentCore Content (for all pathways)Year 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism• Business Viability: Financial& Economic PerspectivesYear 2• Business EthicsYear 3• Enhancing Organisations& Employability• International Business StrategySpecialist Content• You will study relevantmodules from your twochosen pathways accordingto the title <strong>of</strong> your degreeAccountancy Pathway• Financial & ManagementAccounting• Strategic Accounting &Financial ManagementAdvertising Pathway• Advertising: Influence & Persuasion• Contemporary Advertising:Apps, Guerillas, Viral & MoreEconomics Pathway• Macro & Micro Economics• Economics for BusinessEntrepreneurship Pathway• Entrepreneurship & SmallBusiness Management• Innovation & IntrapreneurshipFinance Pathway• Taxation• Financial ReportingHuman ResourceManagement Pathway• Managing HR & Performance• Strategic Challenges <strong>of</strong> HrmLeadership Pathway• Leadership Principles & Practice• Collaborative LeadershipManagement Pathway• Operations, Project &Risk Management• Managing Emerging IssuesMarketing Pathway• Customer Behaviour &Decision-making• Contemporary Developmentsin Strategic MarketingPublic Relations Pathway• Public Relations & Campaigning• Spin Doctors, Lobbyists &Other Hidden PersuadersRECOGNISEDCOURSE<strong>Worcester</strong> BusinessSchool degrees in PRare recognised by theChartered Institute <strong>of</strong>Public Relations (CIpr).For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.63

UCAS CodeBusinessManagement Hnd001N HND/BusManFor the latestinformation, checkthe UCAS websiteat www.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 160 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or aboveYou mayalso like...• ManagementBA (Hons) p118Business ManagementHND2 year full-timeCourse IntroductionThe Business Management Hndis designed to help you developthe skills that employers need andwant. These skills will enable youto make an immediate contributionin your role and give you theconfidence to influence the strategicdirection <strong>of</strong> the organisation.This Hnd <strong>of</strong>fers you the opportunityto follow a broad businessbased,contemporary curriculum.Consequently, it is ideal if youwant to keep your career optionsopen. Alongside an exploration<strong>of</strong> the major business functions(management, marketing andfinance) and <strong>of</strong> the businessenvironment in which they operate,you will consider the legal, ethicaland sustainability issues that concernorganisations today. You will work onlive projects with client organisationsand investigate potential businessstart-up opportunities.Managing Director <strong>of</strong>Hewett Recruitmentdescribes this as “aninnovative and excitingnew course whichfully supports studentemployability”.LOUISE HEWETTOur Hnd in Business Managementhas been designed to meet theneeds <strong>of</strong> employers. You willwork on practical work-relatedassessments, working with realclients, and practising the skills thatorganisations need to succeed inthe modern business environment.You will develop key transferableskills, such as teamworking andpresentation, and develop practicalwork-related skills, such as projectmanagement and web design.You will learn how to becomean excellent and persuasivecommunicator; to think creativelyand analytically; to manageprojects; to work effectively as amember <strong>of</strong> a team, with the abilityto lead and inspire others; to beself-reliant; to use initiative and tochampion an ethical and sociallyresponsible approach to business.ProgressionSuccessful completion <strong>of</strong> the HndBusiness Management will allowentry onto the third year <strong>of</strong> the BA(Hons) Business Management degreeat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. Youwill have the opportunity to takean optional placement year if youdecide to progress on to thedegree course.Course ContentYear 1• The Business Manager• Leadership & Management• Law, Ethics & Sustainability• Web & E-businessYear 2• Accounting & Finance• Business Entrepreneurship• Marketing, Sales &Customer Management• Integrated Projectwww.worcester.ac.uk

Business PsychologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionThe Business Psychology degree willgive you insight into the application<strong>of</strong> behavioural and motivationalmodels to the workplace. A strongemphasis is placed on effectivemanagement competencies in areassuch as communication, teamwork,leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, time management,resource management and criticalreflection. You will learn aboutpsychological theory, techniques andapplications; these are valuable skillsif you wish to move into the fields<strong>of</strong> occupational psychology, humanresource management or personnel.In Year 1 you will gain an awareness<strong>of</strong> fundamental managementand psychological principles.Complementary aspects <strong>of</strong> businessand psychology are developed inYears 2 and 3. You will investigatethe development <strong>of</strong> brands alongsidethe development <strong>of</strong> human emotionsand behaviour. You can furtherinvestigate your chosen specialismthrough your Independent Study inan applied organisational setting.Career OpportunitiesBusiness psychologists arein demand in areas such asoccupational psychology, healthpsychology, human resourcemanagement, marketing,export marketing, personnelmanagement and consultancy.The course makes you eligiblefor Graduate Basis for CharteredMembership <strong>of</strong> the BritishPsychological Society, whichis a criterion looked uponfavourably by many employers.This course is also an ideal basefor postgraduate study.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including research reports, casestudies, essays, literature reviews,presentations and examinations.EmployabilityA degree in Psychology is highlyfavoured by employers, givingyou an excellent advantage in thejob market. During your studieswith us you will learn new skills,develop existing expertise, studya wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches andmethodologies and leave with abroader range <strong>of</strong> knowledge, skillsand abilities. An important part <strong>of</strong>this learning process is the ability toreflect upon your own experiences,an aspect <strong>of</strong> practice engaged in byall pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists. Wewill help you to develop these skillsthrough the Academic Tutoringsystem; you will be providedwith an Understanding Skills &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism booklet, which youwill use both as a record <strong>of</strong> yourlearning and a tool for self-reflection.Additional Information• Single HonoursCourse Content• Advertising & theMind <strong>of</strong> the Consumer• Business Psychology• Cognitive Psychology• Employee Relations• Financial Concepts• Human Resource Management• Independent Study• Individual Differences• Key Figures & Themesin Psychology• Developmental Psychology• Management Concepts• Managing a Diverse Workforce• Marketing Concepts• Physiological Psychology• Research Methods 1, 2 & 3• Social Psychology• Studying PsychologyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.psychology studentsscoop business awardfrom bizcom.www.worcester.ac.ukiain smithUCAS CodeBusiness PsychologyBSc (Single Honours)C815 BSc/BPsyFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• CounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons) p73• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139• Forensic PsychologyBSc (Hons) p95• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p15065

UCAS CodeHealth & Social Care(Child & AdolescentMental Health) FdScL514 FdSc/CAMHFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants willbe invited forinterview• EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck requiredYou mayalso like...• CounsellingFdSc p72• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• LearningDisabilitiesFdSc p114Child & Adolescent Mental HealthFdScCourse IntroductionIf you want to work to improve themental health and psychologicalwell-being <strong>of</strong> children and youngpeople and to work with theirfamilies and carers, this course willinterest you. This course addressesthe national occupational andsector skills necessary to work inchild and adolescent mental health.The course has been developed inpartnership with local and regionalemployers. Work-based learningthroughout the course is designedto enable you to apply yourknowledge and skills in real settings.You will learn best practice intherapeutic interventions anddevelop your communication skillsto enable you to work effectivelyto support the mental health <strong>of</strong>children and young people.after the course, jowent on to achievea first class hons inapplied health sciences.jo atkinCareer OpportunitiesThis course prepares you for worksupporting and promoting child andadolescent mental health and wellbeingin the health, social care andeducation sectors, both statutoryand non-statutory. Graduates canexpect greater employability andenhanced promotion prospects.ProgressionOn completion, you will be eligibleto apply for direct entry to thethird year <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Undergraduate</strong>Modular Top-up Degrees at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> for example:BSc (Hons) Health Sciences orBA (Hons) Social Welfare.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including practical assessments,coursework assignments,reflective practice, portfolio work,presentations, case studies, reports.Additional Information• It can be studied full-time overtwo years. The taught component<strong>of</strong> the course will normallybe delivered one day a weekacross two semesters per year• A significant component <strong>of</strong>the course consists <strong>of</strong> workbasedlearning. Applicants whoare not currently employedin an environment workingwith children or young peoplewill be assisted to secure aplacement in a suitable settingCourse ContentYear 1 (Core)• Introduction to Study Skills• Interpersonal Skills &Therapeutic Communication• Values, Attitudes & Inequalities• An Integrative Approach toSafeguarding Children &Young People• Mental Health PromotionStrategies with Children,Young People & Families• Child & Adolescent Development• Integrating Theory & Practice(200 hours work placement)Year 2 (Core)• Children & Young People’sMental Health• Interventions with Children,Young People & Families• Social Research Methodologies,Methods & Processes• Literature Review Contract• Group Work with Children,Young People & Families• Individual Project(double module 200 hourswork placement)www.worcester.ac.uk

ComputingBSc (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionThis Computing degree allows youthe flexibility to study a broadrange <strong>of</strong> aspects <strong>of</strong> modern-daycomputing. It is designed to inspireyou whether you are choosing toengage with the depth and richness<strong>of</strong> computing theory, to experiencethe production <strong>of</strong> complex systems,or to target the vocational aspects.A particular focus is the adoption<strong>of</strong> a skills-based learning approachto the concepts, structuredtechniques and tools used in theanalysis, design, development andimplementation <strong>of</strong> computer-basedsystems which is a key aspect <strong>of</strong> thework <strong>of</strong> a computing pr<strong>of</strong>essional.You will explore the development <strong>of</strong>s<strong>of</strong>tware applications, web-basedsolutions, database systems, securityand game design and development.You will study a selection <strong>of</strong>emerging topics which will informyou <strong>of</strong> likely future developmentsand their impact in the widest sense.With a very strong focus onemployability, this degree willequip you with skills required<strong>of</strong> a pr<strong>of</strong>essional workingwithin the computing industryas well as knowledge <strong>of</strong> theplace and scope <strong>of</strong> computingwithin present-day society.Career OpportunitiesComputing has transformedthe world <strong>of</strong> business, makingcomputer literacy a key skill forpr<strong>of</strong>essionals, so a <strong>Worcester</strong>Business School degree inComputing will open doors to avery broad range <strong>of</strong> career options.Many <strong>of</strong> our graduates go onto careers in systems analysis,website design, database design,network management, s<strong>of</strong>twaredevelopment, security analysisand IT services and support. Ifyou wish to continue your studies,our Masters programmes inManagement or InternationalManagement would be a goodcomplement to your first degree.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsincluding case studies, researchprojects, reports, presentations,development <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware and systemsand examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major, Joint, Minor• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• An opportunity to take aone year work placement• Flexibility to change toan alternative computingcourse after Year 1• Solve a practical problemfor a clientCourse ContentMandatory modules include:Year 1• The Computing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional• Introduction to ApplicationDevelopment• Introduction to Web & DatabaseDevelopment or Introduction toGame Design & Development• Computing Options or ElectiveCareer move from ITTechnician (Hereford& <strong>Worcester</strong> Fire andRescue Service), nowtaking PGCE course inSecondary School ICT.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityemma faulknerYear 2• Systems Analysis Design• Computing Options or ElectiveYear 3• Computing Project• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in Context• Computing OptionsYou can also choose from anextensive range <strong>of</strong> optionalmodules such as:Year 1• Creative Computing• Digital InfrastructureYear 2• Game Design & Engineering• Mobile Application Development• Object Oriented Design& Development• Web Applications Development• E-business• Work-related ProjectYear 3• Modelling & Simulation• Distributed ApplicationDevelopment• Practical Database Applications• Nature <strong>of</strong> Computing• Cyber Security• Advanced Web ApplicationsDevelopment• Advanced Game Design& Engineering• Mobile Application Development• E-business• Work-related ProjectFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeComputing BSc(Single Honours)G400 BSc/CompIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ComputingSpecialist DegreesBSc (Hons) p6867

UCAS CodeBusiness InformationTechnology BSc (Hons)G500 BSc/bitComputerGames Design& DevelopmentBSc (Hons)G451 BSc/CGMDWeb DevelopmentBSc (Hons)G452 BSc/WebDFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comYou mayalso like...• ComputingBSc (Hons) p67• Business Information Technology BSc (Hons)• Computer Games Design & Development BSc (Hons)• Web Development BSc (Hons)Computing Specialist DegreesBSc (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionThis suite <strong>of</strong> three courses allowsyou to become a computingpr<strong>of</strong>essional capable <strong>of</strong> makingan immediate impact on theeffectiveness <strong>of</strong> operations and along-term difference to the strategicdirection <strong>of</strong> an organisation.Business InformationTechnology BSc (Hons)This degree enables you to combinea study <strong>of</strong> the fundamental aspects<strong>of</strong> IT applications and processeswith an exploration <strong>of</strong> businessdynamics, viability, operations andmanagement which enables IT todevelop competitive advantagefor business organisations.Career OpportunitiesThe degree provides you withhybrid skills and will opendoors to a wide range <strong>of</strong> IT andmanagement career options.Course ContentYear 1• The Computing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional• Introduction to Web &Database Development• Business Viability: Financial& Economic Perspectives• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management PerspectivesYear 2• Systems Analysis & Design• E-business• Operations, Project &Risk Management• Computing or BusinessOption or ElectiveYear 3• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in Context• Operations, Project &Risk Management• Computing Options• Business Options• Business InformationTechnology ProjectYou will also be able to selectadditional optional modules inBusiness Management and Computing.Computer GamesDesign & DevelopmentBSc (Hons)Computer Games is an importantapplication area within computerscience. Its relevance is multilayeredand embraces both thegeneral public and industry.This degree provides a balancededucation with an equal focus on thes<strong>of</strong>tware development and gamedesign branches <strong>of</strong> the digital gamesdomain. This enhances employabilityand self-employment opportunitiesin the games industry, the interactivemedia industry, and all the relatedcreative and technical domains <strong>of</strong>computing and IT. The degree takesinto account current developments,such as the massive growth <strong>of</strong> thesocial networking and mobile gamesindustries, and the self-employmentopportunities generated by moderndeveloper-to-player retail channels(for example Micros<strong>of</strong>t’s Xbox LIVEMarketplace, and Apple’s AppStore).www.worcester.ac.uk

Career OpportunitiesThis degree will prepare you forroles in the game industry, thewider interactive media industriesor provide an appropriateplatform for setting up your ownbusiness or freelance working.Course ContentYear 1• The Computing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional• Introduction to ApplicationDevelopment• Introduction to GameDesign & Development• Computing Option or ElectiveYear 2• System Analysis & Design• Game Design & Engineering• Object Oriented Design& Development• Computing Option or ElectiveYear 3• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in Context• Advanced Game Design& Engineering• Computing Options• Game Design &Development ProjectYou will also be able toselect additional optionalmodules in Computing.Web DevelopmentBSc (Hons)The Internet is one <strong>of</strong> the world’sfastest-growing technologies.This course explores all aspects <strong>of</strong>the web – the aesthetics <strong>of</strong> webdesign, the underlying technicalknowledge required and theimportance <strong>of</strong> a sound, userfocusedsystems approach.Throughout your course you willapply your learning to developcomputing artefacts such as asmall dynamic online shopping site.Career OpportunitiesThis degree provides you withthe skills and knowledge to workas a web developer in the ITindustry, or a platform to take onfreelance web development workor set up your own business.Course ContentYear 1• The Computing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional• Introduction to Web &Database Development• Introduction to ApplicationDevelopment• Computing Option or ElectiveYear 2• Systems Analysis & Design• Web Applications Development• E-business• Computing Option or ElectiveHAppily employed withsmall design firm, andregularly called byrecruiters; long-termwants to set up ownweb-testing business.www.worcester.ac.uk/communitydaniel hollandsYear 3• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in Context• Advanced Web ApplicationsDevelopment• Computing Options• Web Development ProjectYou will also be able toselect additional optionalmodules in Computing.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods including case studies,research projects, reports,presentations, development<strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware and systems,and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Build teamwork, leadershipand personal efficiency• Specialise in your chosenfield to improve yourcareer prospects• An opportunity to take aone year placement• Solve a practical problemfor a client• Flexibility to change toan alternative Computingcourse after Year 1EntryRequirements• 240 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails69

UCAS CodeConservation EcologyBSc (Hons)C181 BSc/CEcFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 to 280 UCAStariff points• 240 points mustinclude A2 Biologyand A2 in anotherScience (includesEnvironmentalScience)• 260 pointsmust include A2Biology and A1 inanother Science• 270 pointsmust include A1Biology and A2 inanother Science• 280 points mustinclude A1 Biology• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnvironmentalScienceBSc (Hons) p89• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88• EcologyBSc (Hons) p84• Plant ScienceBSc (Hons) p134Conservation EcologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionConservation <strong>of</strong> endangeredspecies and threatened habitats,management <strong>of</strong> potentialconflicts between recreationand conservation, planningbiodiversity strategies and natureconservation management andspecies reintroductions are some<strong>of</strong> the areas covered by this course.The Conservation Ecology BScprogramme provides graduateswith a strong understanding <strong>of</strong> theecological science behind nature andcountryside conservation. Alongsidethis there is a robust appliedaspect by which skills in practicalconservation, biological surveying,conservation managementplanning and recreationalmanagement are developed.At <strong>Worcester</strong>, the <strong>University</strong> iswell placed geographically totake advantage <strong>of</strong> the manyenvironments and habitats in thearea; the Malvern, Cotswold andWye Valley Areas <strong>of</strong> OutstandingNatural Beauty (AONBs), many localnature reserves and country parks,as well as the wider landscape. Alsocontrasting environments furtherafield are examined, for examplein the Mediterranean region,during a residential field trip.In the final year you will undertakean independent research projectin a topic <strong>of</strong> interest to you overthe academic year, supported byyour Independent Study tutor.Past topics have included speciesdiversity in water meadows, theimpact <strong>of</strong> introduced species andhabitat use by small mammals.Direct Entry in Years 2/3You can also enter directly into Year2 or 3 if you have the appropriateprior learning either in earlieryears or at other HE institutions.Career OpportunitiesGraduation from this courseprepares you for a career in nature orcountryside conservation with suchorganisations as Natural England,rspB, the Environment Agency, TheNational Trust, the Wildlife Trusts,Forestry Commission and Localand County Councils. Alternatively,careers with ecological consultanciesor research are also destinations.AssessmentThere is a wide range <strong>of</strong>assessment types includingcoursework, essays, field andlaboratory reports, presentations,examinations and project work.Additional Information• Single Honours• Strong links with sectororganisations for work experience• Field trip to Provence (Year 3)Skills in practicalconservation, biologicalsurveying, conservationmanagement planningand recreationalmanagement aredeveloped.Course ContentYear 1• Biological Diversity• Introduction to Ecology• Basics <strong>of</strong> Biological Surveying• History <strong>of</strong> Landscape• Mapping for the Environment• Practical ConservationYear 2• Conservation SiteManagement Planning• Conservation Ecology<strong>of</strong> Habitats & Species• Populations &Community Ecology• UK Conservation Legislation• Field Techniques in Ecology• GeographicalInformation SystemsYear 3• Independent Study• Restoration Ecology• International Conservation• Behavioural Ecology• Ex-situ Species Conservation& Management• Landscape Ecology• Residential EcologyField CourseFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

CounsellingBSc (Hons) Top-up DegreeCourse IntroductionA variety <strong>of</strong> reports by centralgovernment and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalbodies have identified the growingneed for counselling amongst thegeneral public. This Top-up degreehas been designed to providethose with existing practicalqualifications in counselling anadvanced critical insight into thisvery important pr<strong>of</strong>ession.You will investigate and criticallyevaluate different theories <strong>of</strong>counselling, while developing anddemonstrating research skills andtheoretical methodologies.Career OpportunitiesThis course will enable you to accessa range <strong>of</strong> counselling-focusedcareers and related employmentopportunities. Many students onthis programme will be employed incounselling roles or will have comefrom recent counselling study orrelated employment. This Top-updegree enhances your pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment and employability.Specific careers in counselling orworking with clients in a healthand social care setting will beopen to successful graduates. Thiscourse prepares you to undertakehigher degrees in research orother postgraduate study.Course Content• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Issuesin Counselling• Ethical Issues in Counselling• Independent Study(double module)• Counselling Theory & Practice• Practice-based modules• Optional selection drawn fromrelevant modules in Health,Social Welfare & PsychologyEntryRequirements• A recognised Hndor Foundationdegree in Counselling.Please contactAdmissions for morespecific informationYou mayalso like...• Health SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-upDegree p100• Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p143This degree enhancesyour pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment andemployability.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment strategiesare used to prepare you for futureemployment including reflectionon practice, essays, presentationsand written examinations.Additional Information• Only available part-time• Opportunities forindependent research71

UCAS CodeCounselling FdScB941 FdSc/CFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• Level 3qualification inCounselling Skills(minimum <strong>of</strong> 120hours tuition,which includesboth theoryand skills)• Passes at A-Cin four GCSEsubjects, includingEnglish Languageor equivalentYou mayalso like...• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• LearningDisabilitiesFdSc p114• Child & AdolescentMental HealthFdSc p66• Mental HealthFdSc p122www.worcester.ac.ukIn partnership with Herefordshire College <strong>of</strong> TechnologyCounsellingFdScCourse IntroductionReports by central government andpr<strong>of</strong>essional bodies have identifiedthe growing demand for counsellingamongst the general public. Oncompletion <strong>of</strong> this programmeyou will be eligible to register as apr<strong>of</strong>essional counsellor. A majorstrength <strong>of</strong> this qualificationis the close collaboration withcounselling agencies/employersin the development <strong>of</strong> counsellingpractice opportunities.Course design has taken fullaccount <strong>of</strong> the core competencyrequirements contained in theBritish Association for Counselling& Psychotherapy’s Core Curriculum,published in May 2009. The coursetakes a person-centred approach asits core model. Academic skills andpersonal development work reflectthis emphasis, encouraging studentsto develop as reflective practitioners,who seek to <strong>of</strong>fer a therapeuticrelationship which fosters clientchange and development.During the first year, you willgain a grounding in the personcentredapproach and will developskills, knowledge <strong>of</strong> other majorapproaches in counselling andpersonal awareness/development.Alongside this, you will alsocomplete 50 hours <strong>of</strong> work-basedlearning, which means that youwill need to be in paid or voluntaryemployment that will enable themto utilise your developing counsellingskills. During the second year, youwill need to complete 150 hours<strong>of</strong> supervised counselling practicein addition to attending College.Career OpportunitiesThe course will place you in anexcellent position to meet possibletraining requirements for counsellorregistration. The Foundation degreein Counselling can help you obtainemployment in a variety <strong>of</strong> settingssuch as schools and colleges, theNHS, different counselling agencies(e.g. bereavement, alcohol) andprivate practice. The qualificationmay also enhance possibilities fordevelopment in an existing role.ProgressionThe course <strong>of</strong>fers an opportunityfor progression to a one yearTop-up BSc (Hons) in Counsellingat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.Progression to the final year <strong>of</strong>other undergraduate degrees inCounselling may also be possible.Fees<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> fees apply.Possible additional costs are: 20-30hours <strong>of</strong> counselling supervision,which can cost between £30-£40per hour if not provided bythe counselling agency wherecounselling practice takes place.AssessmentThe method <strong>of</strong> teaching is variedand will involve experiential as wellas didactic teaching and learning.Learning on counselling practice willbe an essential part <strong>of</strong> the course.Assessment is through academic,experiential and work-basedassignments/projects. Thereare no examinations.Students haveUndertaken WORK-BASEDLEARNING for a variety<strong>of</strong> organisationssuch as victim support,childline, HM prison, redcross, acorns, actionfor children and dropin centres.Location <strong>of</strong> Study• <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>/Herefordshire College <strong>of</strong>Technology (Hct) collaborativeprogramme – the coursewill be taught at HctAdditional Information• The course is full-time overtwo academic years. One daya week in College and anothertwo days a week in relatedwork-based activity and study• It is also possible to study thecourse over three years, part-timeCourse ContentYear 1• Person-centred Approachesin Counselling• Personal & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment (1)• Comparative Theoretical Approaches• Human Growth & Development• Social, Political & CulturalContext <strong>of</strong> Counselling• Counselling Children& Young People• Independent Work-based Learning (1)Year 2• Introduction toCounselling Research• Personal & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment (2)• Developing the Skills <strong>of</strong>Person-centred Counselling• Introduction to Counselling Ethics& the Law Relating to Counselling• Counselling for Loss & Grief• Independent Work-basedLearning (2)

Counselling PsychologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionCounselling Psychology is anamalgamation <strong>of</strong> psychologicaltheory, research and therapeuticpractice with an emphasis onpersonal development. Thiscourse will provide you with anunderstanding <strong>of</strong> all core areas<strong>of</strong> psychology with an addedemphasis on ways in whichpsychological theories <strong>of</strong> personalityand relationship formationcontribute to the understanding<strong>of</strong> mental health and the practice<strong>of</strong> counselling psychology.In addition to the core areas <strong>of</strong>psychology required for GraduateBasis for Chartered Membership(GBC) with the British PsychologicalSociety, all three years <strong>of</strong>ferdistinct Counselling Psychologymodules. Year 1 provides anoverview <strong>of</strong> the theoreticaland philosophical foundations<strong>of</strong> Counselling Psychology.Year 2 focuses on theories <strong>of</strong>relationship formation alongsideinterpersonal communicationprocesses. Year 3 <strong>of</strong>fers anoverview <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essional andethical issues involved in thepractice <strong>of</strong> Counselling Psychologyand a dedicated independentstudy assignment with a focuson Counselling Psychology.Career OpportunitiesThis course will provide you withthe foundations to pursue furtherpr<strong>of</strong>essional training towardsbecoming a Chartered Counsellingor Clinical Psychologist. Otherpossible psychology-relatedpostgraduate pr<strong>of</strong>essional trainingprogrammes might include thoseleading to psychology careers ineducation, health, academia, sportThis course willprovide you with thefoundations to pursuefurther pr<strong>of</strong>essionaltraining.and forensics. The acquisition <strong>of</strong>psychological theory and knowledgealongside the communication skillsgained would place graduates ata distinct advantage in a variety<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essions, particularly inhealth-related disciplines.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including research reports, casestudies, essays, literature reviews,presentations, examinationsand communication skills,analysis and demonstration.Additional Information• Please note that, at this level,students will not practice formalcounselling skills, but successfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> the degree couldlead to further training to becomea Counselling PsychologistEmployabilityA degree in Psychology is highlyfavoured by employers, givingyou an excellent advantage in thejob market. During your studieswith us you will learn new skills,develop existing expertise, studya wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches andmethodologies and leave with abroader range <strong>of</strong> knowledge, skillsand abilities. An important part <strong>of</strong>this learning process is the ability toreflect upon your own experiences,an aspect <strong>of</strong> practice engaged in byall pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists. Wewill help you to develop these skillsthrough the Academic Tutoringsystem; you will be providedwith an Understanding Skills &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism booklet, which youwill use both as a record <strong>of</strong> yourlearning and a tool for self-reflection.Course Content• Cognitive Psychology• Ethical Issues in Counselling• Individual Differences• Interpersonal CommunicationProcesses & Skills• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Issuesin Counselling• Research Methods• Psychology & Popular Culture• Relationship Formation• Social Psychology• Studying Psychology• Theories <strong>of</strong> CounsellingPsychologyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeCounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons)C843 BSc/CPFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• Forensic PsychologyBSc (Hons) p95• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139• Business PsychologyBSc (Hons) p65• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p15073

UCAS CodeCreative Digital MediaBA (Single Honours)W212 BA/CDMIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-300 UCAStariff points• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendfor interview and toprovide a portfoli<strong>of</strong>or considerationYou mayalso like...• Graphic Design& MultimediaBA (Hons) p98• Art & DesignBA (Hons) p57• AnimationBA (Hons) p45• Digital FilmProductionBA (Hons) p79Creative Digital MediaBA (Hons)Course IntroductionIncreasingly, the media industriesare demanding practitioners whocan function as multidisciplinaryexperts, even if they specialise ina particular area. Creative DigitalMedia is a course that has beendesigned to produce graduateswho can fulfil this requirement.With tutorial guidance, you will havethe opportunity to choose modulesthat suit your particular interestsand abilities and that define you asa practitioner. This <strong>of</strong>fers you theprospect <strong>of</strong> an exciting cross-mediaexperience, with expert guidance onyour path into the pr<strong>of</strong>essional arenain the final year. You will also gain awide range <strong>of</strong> transferable skills suchas research and analysis techniques,problem-solving, communicationand negotiation. Throughout yourcourse, you will have access tothe broadcast-standard video andsound studios, and digital computersuites in the <strong>University</strong>’s state<strong>of</strong>-the-artDigital Arts Centre.Career OpportunitiesOur interdisciplinary approachgives flexibility and a wider view<strong>of</strong> the world, which is attractiveto employers. Graduates havesucceeded in a variety <strong>of</strong> careersthat include graphic design,video production, animation, artsadministration, multimedia andinteractive design, and teaching.This course also provides anideal base from which to goon to postgraduate study.AssessmentReflective reports, practical work,self-, tutor- and peer-assessment.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours.Students studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor studyfrom their second year• Opportunity to select either aspecialist or a multiple-strandroute in areas such as web design,digital video, digital sound,graphic design and animation• Excellent facilities, including state<strong>of</strong>-the-artDigital Arts Centre,computer suites with editing,animation and design s<strong>of</strong>twareand broadcast-standard televisionand sound recording studiosCourse Content• Graphic Design: Theory& Practice (mandatory)• Introduction to Animation(mandatory)• Introduction to Digital FilmProduction (mandatory)• Creative Digital Imaging• Illustration: Image & Text• Illustration & Printmaking• Introduction to Digital Sound• Drawing & Visualisation(mandatory)• Introduction to Multimedia• 2D Animation• Internet & Multimediapart <strong>of</strong> the winningteam for <strong>Worcester</strong>City Council’s designcompetition that wasa live brief in thethird year.www.worcester.ac.ukBALAZS PAKOZDI• Stop-motion Animation• Digital Photography& Image Manipulation• Publication Design• Graphic Information Design• 3D Modelling & Texturing• 3D Computer Animation• Research Methods for DigitalMedia (mandatory)• Digital Sound Production• Digital Video Production• Special Effects Photography• Opening Sequences &Compositing for TV & Cinema• Creative Sound Manipulation• Independent Study (mandatory)• Illustration Genres• Extension modules• The Final Exhibition (mandatory)• Green Design• Negotiated Project• Studio Photography• Illustration: The PersonalStatement• Work Placement• Multi-camera Studio Production• Experimental Digital Media• Pressure Projects• Digital Media CommunicationSkills (mandatory)• Illustration: Origin & FunctionFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional WritingBA (Hons)Course IntroductionCreative and pr<strong>of</strong>essional writing isone <strong>of</strong> the fastest growing areas <strong>of</strong>undergraduate study nationally, notleast because students recognisethe wealth <strong>of</strong> transferable skills thatcan be acquired. This new courseis responding to the demand fromcurrent and aspiring <strong>Worcester</strong>students who wish to develop theirwriting skills to degree level.The <strong>Worcester</strong> Joint Honours coursewill complement a number <strong>of</strong> otheravailable Joint Honours programmesincluding English Literary Studies,Screenwriting and Film Studies,which all lead to degrees thatare exciting, academic, practicaland <strong>of</strong>fer clear routes to a range<strong>of</strong> employment opportunities.The writing course at <strong>Worcester</strong> willhelp you to develop your confidence;you will become a highly skilledcritic in analysis <strong>of</strong> your own andyour fellow students’ work. Youwill develop your critical thinkingand engage with the intellectualissues informing the discipline<strong>of</strong> writing. You will develop acritical understanding <strong>of</strong> literarydevelopments and will be able toplace your own writing within thecontext <strong>of</strong> published creative work.You will also develop expertise incommercial writing – writing formagazines, reviewing, scriptwriting,editing – and you will develop anunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the publishing andmarketing processes in both thecommercial and creative industries.Career OpportunitiesGraduates from this course,studied jointly with English Literaryor Language Studies, will be verysuccessful candidates for careersin teaching because <strong>of</strong> the emphasison writing in the new Englishcurricula. Graduates may equallygo on to work in sectors suchas publishing, the media, andmarketing and communications.The course also provides an excellentbasis for further study or for selfemployment as a freelance writer.Additional Information• Suggested joint pathwaysto study with Creative &Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writing are: English(Literary or Language Studies),Media & Cultural Studies,Screenwriting, Creative DigitalMedia, Illustration, History• Opportunities for your work tobe published online and in print• A range <strong>of</strong> writing-relatedactivities, such as readings,and in house magazines• The chance to work withpractising industry pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsand published creative writers• Opportunities for work experiencewith local literary festivalsAssessment• Creative and reflective writingincluding fiction and poetry• Non-fiction includingjournalism, reviews, lifewriting and nature writing• Major third year writing project• Portfolio <strong>of</strong> pitches to publishers/agents/competitions• Academic writing includingediting and essaysCourse Content• Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalWriting Techniques• The Theory <strong>of</strong> Writing• Feature Writing• Environmental Writing• Writing for the Screen• Digital Writing• Life Writing• Earn a Living Through WritingFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.Creative andPr<strong>of</strong>essional writingis one <strong>of</strong> the fastestgrowing areas <strong>of</strong>undergraduate studynationally.UCAS CodeThis degree isonly available incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff pointsYou mayalso like...• English LiteraryStudiesBA (Hons) p87• English LanguageStudiesBA (Hons) p86• ScreenwritingBA (Hons) p14275

UCAS CodeCricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons)nx81 BSc/CCMFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Physical EducationBSc (Hons) p130• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Sports CoachingScienceBSc (Hons) p153• Sport Development& CoachingBA (Hons) p149Cricket Coaching & ManagementBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionCricket Coaching and Managementis a creative and innovative coursefor cricket players, coaches or indeedanyone with an enthusiasm forcricket. It develops an insight intocricket coaching, development andmanagement through theoreticaland practical experience. Thecourse focuses on the work<strong>of</strong> the modern cricket coach/development <strong>of</strong>ficer/manager.The work-based learning element<strong>of</strong> the programme, in collaborationwith <strong>Worcester</strong>shire CountyCricket Club, provides excellentopportunities for work experienceand additional qualifications. Theseopportunities allow students todevelop their own coaching practiceand expand their knowledge <strong>of</strong>specific principles <strong>of</strong> trainingand performance analysis.This degree has been developed tomeet the needs <strong>of</strong> this importantsector. It should be appreciated thatcricket coaching and developmentneeds to be planned for at a local,regional and national level, thereforethe appropriate management skillsmust also be developed, particularlyin the area <strong>of</strong> human resources andsecuring funds for projects. This areahas grown in importance in relationto local/regional employmentopportunities and internationaldevelopment work and aid projects.This can range from the governingbodies <strong>of</strong> sport ensuring that theirsports are strengthened in newemerging markets, to charities usingsport related projects to improve thequality <strong>of</strong> people’s lives. This coursealso equips the student with thevital skills to compete in this excitingarea such as developing expertise inentrepreneurship, problem-solvingand management. Areas <strong>of</strong> study willinclude: Sport Science (Physiology,Psychology, Biomechanics);Principles <strong>of</strong> Coaching (Philosophyand styles); Skill Acquisition;Performance Analysis; SportsMarketing; Sports BusinessManagement; Sports Developmentand Events Management.Career OpportunitiesThis course will provide studentswith the practical skills, academicknowledge and coaching expertisethat will ultimately enable them togain employment as communitycricket coaches, performancecricket coaches, or to starta career in the wider cricketindustry. The degree provides anexcellent foundation for a widerange <strong>of</strong> careers, including sportsdevelopment and management,sports coaching, performanceanalysis, teaching, research, thearmed forces and public services.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used, includingreports, essays, oral presentationsand coaching sessions.collaboration with<strong>Worcester</strong>shire CountyCricket Club providesexcellent opportunitiesfor work experienceand additionalqualifications.Additional Information• Single Honours only (designatedmodules only plus a selectionfrom other subjects)• The Institute has links withuniversities throughout Europe,Australasia and South-EastAsia and students will havethe opportunity to studyfor one semester abroadCourse Content• Principles & Practice <strong>of</strong>Cricket Coaching• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Cricket Coaching• Introduction to MotorLearning & Skill Acquisition• Science in Cricket Coaching• Coaching Pedagogy & Practice• Sport Operational Management• Performance Analysis in Cricket• Work-based Learning (Cricket)• Applied Performance Analysis• Independent Study – Cricket FocusFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

In partnership with Kidderminster CollegeDanceHNDCourse IntroductionOur Dance Hnd <strong>of</strong>fers highlypractical and intensive technicaltraining to extend and developyour performance skills. Specificcontemporary techniques arestudied alongside a traditionalclassical ballet approach andcommercial techniques <strong>of</strong> Jazzand Street Dance. Choreographyis used to expand creative thinkingand a variety <strong>of</strong> new digitalmedia is available to supportyour choreographic work.An emphasis is placed onvocational training and the skillsrequired to enter the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalworlds <strong>of</strong> performing arts. Youwill have the opportunity toundertake a work placement aswell as examining the theories andpractice <strong>of</strong> specific dance roles.This course is run in association withKidderminster College and youwill study at Kidderminster.Having had extensivepractical dancetraining on the HNDDance course, Edytacontinued her trainingat the world famousMartha Graham School<strong>of</strong> Contemporary Dancein New York.Edyta jegerCareer OpportunitiesThe course opens up a range <strong>of</strong>careers and career opportunities,including: freelance choreographer,dancer, dance teacher, dancetherapist, dance artist in thecommunity, arts administrator,dance reconstruction andnotation. Alternatively, you maywish to continue to a BA Top-updegree or postgraduate study.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyKidderminster College.AssessmentPractical assessmentsincluding technique class,performance, practice-basedseminars, choreography.Written assessments includingreports, analytical essays, logs,presentations and seminars.Additional Information• Available full- and part-timeCourse Content• Contemporary Technique 1• Ballet Technique 1• Choreography• Preparation for Performance• Jazz Dance• Understanding Dance:History & Analysis• Performance• Contemporary Technique 2• Ballet Technique 2• Urban Dance• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Studies• Choreography for Film• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice• Performance ProjectFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeDance Hnd005W K HND/DaFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• A minimum <strong>of</strong> 60ucas tariff pointsfrom one A Level(or equivalent Level3 qualifications) plusat least five GCSEsat Grades A-C• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited for auditionYou mayalso like...• Drama &PerformanceBA (Hons) p80• Media &Cultural StudiesBA (Hons) p121• ScreenwritingBA (Hons) p14277

UCAS CodeDevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons)C820 BSc/dpsyFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• BusinessPsychologyBSc (Hons) p65• CounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons) p73• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139• ForensicPsychologyBSc (Hons) p95• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p150Developmental PsychologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionThis course will provide you with anunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the core areas inpsychology, with an added emphasison how this knowledge is appliedto child development. You will beintroduced to the ways in whichpsychological theory and researchcontribute to our understanding <strong>of</strong>typical and atypical developmentand the role <strong>of</strong> the psychologistin a range <strong>of</strong> educational,health and social contexts.In addition to the core areas inpsychology required for GraduateBasis for Chartered Membership(GBC) with the British PsychologicalSociety, each <strong>of</strong> the three years<strong>of</strong>fers distinct developmentalpsychology modules. Year 1 providesan introduction to the main conceptsand theories in child development.Year 2 looks in more detail attypical development, focusing onhow research in developmentalpsychology contributes to ourunderstanding <strong>of</strong> children’s cognitiveand socio-emotional skills. Finally,in Year 3 you will learn how thisknowledge and understandingis applied to improving childand adolescent well-being andcarry out an independent studyassignment with a focus ondevelopmental psychology.Career OpportunitiesThis course will provide you withthe foundations to pursue furtherpr<strong>of</strong>essional training towardsbecoming a Chartered Educationalor Clinical Psychologist. Otherpossible psychology-relatedpostgraduate pr<strong>of</strong>essional trainingprogrammes might include thoseleading to psychology careers incounselling, health, academia, sportand forensics. The acquisition <strong>of</strong>psychological theory and knowledgealongside the communicationsskills gained would place graduatesat a distinct advantage in a variety<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essions, particularly inhealth-related disciplines.EmployabilityA degree in Psychology is highlyfavoured by employers, givingyou an excellent advantage in thejob market. During your studieswith us you will learn new skills,develop existing expertise, studya wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches andmethodologies and leave with abroader range <strong>of</strong> knowledge, skillsand abilities. An important part <strong>of</strong>this learning process is the ability toreflect upon your own experiences,an aspect <strong>of</strong> practice engaged in byall pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists. Wewill help you to develop these skillsthrough the Academic Tutoringsystem; you will be providedwith an Understanding Skills &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism booklet, which youwill use both as a record <strong>of</strong> yourlearning and a tool for self-reflection.you will study the role<strong>of</strong> the psychologist ina range <strong>of</strong> educational,health and socialcontexts.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including research reports, casestudies, essays, literature reviews,presentations, examinationsand communication skills,analysis and demonstration.Additional Information• Single HonoursCourse Content• Cognitive Psychology• Ethical Issues in Counselling• Individual Differences• Interpersonal CommunicationProcesses & Skills• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Issues in Counselling• Research Methods• Psychology & Popular Culture• Relationship Formation• Social Psychology• Studying Psychology• Theories <strong>of</strong> CounsellingPsychologyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Digital Film ProductionBA (Hons)Course IntroductionDigital technology has changedthe way that film, video, soundand animation are conceived andproduced. While the fundamentalprinciples <strong>of</strong> moving imageproduction remain constant, thereis a huge range <strong>of</strong> technologies,techniques and means <strong>of</strong> deliveryemerging and maturing. Thisevolution has opened up newareas <strong>of</strong> study that you will havethe opportunity to explore.The course invites diverse creativepractice using time-based digitalmedia techniques. You can explorecamera, sound, editing, animationand image manipulation; youcan experiment with directing,producing, screenwriting andeven performing. You will engagewith contemporary debatesthrough examination <strong>of</strong> thehistorical and theoretical contexts<strong>of</strong> contemporary practice.The majority <strong>of</strong> the work will takeplace in purpose-built spaces in andaround the Digital Arts Centre. Thisincludes a video studio, sound studio,individual edit suites and severalcomputer suites with a full range <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional image manipulation,editing and sound post-productions<strong>of</strong>tware. There are also meeting/production spaces and a dedicatedrange <strong>of</strong> specialised film productionequipment. Outside the Centreyou will find screening facilities,drama and performance spaces anda range <strong>of</strong> fully equipped teachingrooms available to the course.Career OpportunitiesTypical career routes into mediainclude: employment in productioncompanies working in TV, film orcommercial production, furtherspecialised training in a specificindustry-related job role, workingas a freelancer, or setting upyour own small business.Our multi-strand course givesyou the opportunity to take yourstudy in a particular direction and/or to achieve a portfolio <strong>of</strong> skillsand knowledge that is attractive topotential employers and clients.The array <strong>of</strong> transferable skillsassociated with the subjectensures that graduates are wellqualified for a range <strong>of</strong> careerpaths. You may also wish toprogress to postgraduate study.AssessmentContinuous assessment; tutor-,self- and peer-assessment;reflective reports; practical work.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours.Students studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor studyfrom their second year• Suggested pathways tostudy alongside Digital FilmProduction include Animation,Creative Digital Media, FilmStudies and Screenwriting• Practical work combined withtheoretical and contextual studyworked for a yearproducing marketingvideos for a s<strong>of</strong>twarecompany, wrote andfilmed a feature film,and had his <strong>University</strong>film ‘Birds & Bee Stings’shown in threefilm festivals.BEN WHITEHEADCourse Content• 2D Digital Animation• 3D Modelling & Animation• Corporate DigitalVideo Production• Creative Digital Imaging• Creative Sound for theMoving Image• Digital Film Production• Digital Media Research Skills• Digital Photography& Image Manipulation• Digital Sequences& Special Effects• Writing for the Screen• Directors on Screen• Editing• Experimental Digital Media• Experimental Film Production• Extension Module• Factual Film Production• Film Language & Form• Film Movements• Final Exhibition• Introduction to Animation• Introduction to DigitalFilm-making• Introduction to Equipment& Techniques• Introduction to Experimental Film• Introduction to Multimedia• Multi-camera Video Production• Single Camera Drama• Recording Sound forthe Moving Image• Stop-motion Animation• Screenwriting Fundamentals• Work PlacementUCAS CodeDigital Film ProductionBA (Single Honours)W612 BA/dfpIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendfor interview and toprovide a portfoli<strong>of</strong>or considerationYou mayalso like...• ScreenwritingBA (Hons) p142• Creative DigitalMedia BA (Hons) p74• AnimationBA (Hons) p45• Film StudiesBA (Hons) p9079

UCAS CodeDrama & PerformanceBA (Single Honours)W400 BA/dpstIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff pointsincluding a Level3 qualification ina related subject.Candidates will beinvited to interview,which will include apractical workshop.• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ScreenwritingBA (Hons) p142• Dance Hnd p77• Media &Cultural StudiesBA (Hons) p121www.worcester.ac.ukDrama & PerformanceBA (Hons)Course IntroductionEmphasis is placed on learningthrough practice: on engaging withideas creatively and academically.The course <strong>of</strong>fers both breadth anddepth <strong>of</strong> understanding <strong>of</strong> drama andperformance. Core modules addressthree specific strands <strong>of</strong> performance– text-based theatre, devisedperformance and applied drama (i.e.working through drama in socialcontexts, for example with youngpeople or people with disabilities).These modules <strong>of</strong>fer specialistteaching, and enable students toidentify and develop work (over thethree years) with the approach thatmost interests them. At the sametime, the course <strong>of</strong>fers a variety<strong>of</strong> additional modules to broadenstudents’ interest and understanding,e.g. Contemporary PerformancePractice; Dance and PhysicalTheatre; Political Theatre; TheatreHistory; Multimedia Performance;Writing for Performance;International Theatre Practices.We have close links with thepr<strong>of</strong>ession at local, national andinternational levels which means thatstudents are at the hub <strong>of</strong> a network<strong>of</strong> theatre specialists and producers.Leading theatre companies andpractitioners (such as FranticAssembly, Shared Experience,Punch-drunk) regularly visit forworkshops and there are manyvaluable opportunities to get involvedin pr<strong>of</strong>essional projects designedto enhance your employability.Local opportunities also includeworking with: internationallyrenowned performance and digitalmedia company C+T; the mask andphysical theatre company Vamos;Attic Theatre for children andyoung people; Footsteps Theatre,which makes work involving peoplewith disabilities; CheltenhamEveryman Theatre; Malvern FestivalTheatres. Various modules withinthe course prepare you for a careerin the broad field <strong>of</strong> drama andperformance, including an optionalWork Placement module, duringwhich you spend time working in atheatre, or with a company, or in aschool, learning and reflecting on areal working experience. You will joina vibrant performance culture andwill have the chance to get involvedwith dance, music and theatre groupswithin the <strong>University</strong> including LocoShow Co (which presents musicaltheatre), and Spotlight DramaSociety, the <strong>University</strong> Choir andthe Dance Society. The Institute isactively involved in performanceresearch and takes on pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcommissions. You will be encouragedto become involved in both.Career OpportunitiesCareer routes include arts andmedia-related employment orpostgraduate actor training. Recentgraduates have been successful insetting up their own companies. Inaddition, teaching, working in theyouth, community or social sector,and marketing or public relations areall popular choices. You may alsowish to progress to postgraduatestudy and <strong>Worcester</strong> runs an excitingma Drama with distinct strands inContemporary Theatre Practicesand Theatre and Young People.all our students haveequal opportunitiesto act, direct, write,devise and designperformance work.AssessmentPractical and written assignments,including portfolios, essays,performance, theatre reviews andpractical and written Final Projects.Additional Information• An emphasis on experientiallearning through practice• Top-up year <strong>of</strong>fered to enablestudents with an Hnd inPerforming Arts to progress toan Honours degree in Drama• Excellent, modern facilitiesincluding two fully equippedStudio Theatres, and videoand sound editing facilities• Exciting theatre trips to a range<strong>of</strong> easily accessible venues inBirmingham, Warwick, <strong>Worcester</strong>and Stratford-upon-AvonSample Course Content• Making Performance: DevisedPerformance, AppliedTheatre & Scenography• Staging Plays: Reading& Performing Plays• Movement, Masks,Puppetry & Animation• International Theatre Practices• Singing & Performance• Acting for the Stage• The Actor, Voice &Solo Performance• Theory & Practice inDrama & Performance• Directed Public Performance• Applied Theatre: History,Real Lives & Performance• The Working World <strong>of</strong> Theatre

Early Childhood(Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice)BA (Hons)Course IntroductionAre you interested in how youngchildren think, learn and develop?The study <strong>of</strong> Early Childhood isconcerned with the developmentand care <strong>of</strong> children from birth toeight years, within the context <strong>of</strong>society, family and culture. You willacquire experience in a wide range<strong>of</strong> Early Years settings as well asdeveloping an understanding <strong>of</strong> howtheories can be put into practice.Flexible CourseCore modules will provide you withthe framework for developing yourskills and knowledge. You will thenbe able to select from an extensiverange <strong>of</strong> optional modules in areas<strong>of</strong> specific interest to you or t<strong>of</strong>ollow a potential career path.We welcome applications fromstudents without the formalentry qualifications but who haveexperience <strong>of</strong> working with childrenand families – please see the MatureStudents section for details.claire is a single mumwho overcame manyobstacles to graduate.she is now a FamilySupport Worker in aChildren’s Centre.claire leachCareer OpportunitiesThe care and development <strong>of</strong> youngchildren is a rapidly expanding area,<strong>of</strong>fering graduates a wide range <strong>of</strong>career opportunities. BA (Hons)Early Childhood (Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice) will equip you with theskills needed to find employmentwithin the childcare and educationpr<strong>of</strong>essions. You will also have asuitable foundation for a range <strong>of</strong>careers in social work, children’scharities, nurseries, day care centres,schools and the health service.This course is an ideal platformfrom which to access the EarlyYears Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Status (eyps)programme. Please refer to page 82for further details <strong>of</strong> EYPS.This is also an ideal base forpostgraduate study.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> methods are usedwithin this course to assess learning.These include displays, reports,presentations, portfolios and essays.Additional Information• Single Honours• Chance to study overseas• Opportunities for fieldwork andinvaluable practical experiencein early childhood settingsCourse Content• Theory into Practice• Early Childhood Policy• Tuning into Children• Children in Society:Aspects <strong>of</strong> Childhood• Researching in EarlyChildhood Settings• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice inEarly Childhood• Independent Study• Children’s Play & Playfulness• Parents & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• Gender & Children• The Child in the Family• Health & Well-being• Communication & Representation• Creative & Expressive Arts• Children as Learners• Representations <strong>of</strong> Childhood• The Graduate Practitioner• Advanced Leadership• Children with Additional Needs• Parents & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals:Positive Relationships• Children as Thinkers• Children becoming Literate• Children’s Rights• Values in EducationFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeEarly Childhood(Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice)BA (Single Honours)X310 BA/elFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-280 UCAStariff points andminimum <strong>of</strong> fourgcses at C or aboveincluding Maths andEnglish Language• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• An EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredYou mayalso like...• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCE– Primary p162• Primary InitialTeacher EducationBA (Hons) p159• Integrated Workingwith Children &Families BA (Hons)Top-up Degree p110• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p8581

Equivalent in levelto Qualified TeacherStatus (QTS).EntryRequirements• eyps is a graduatelevel statusEarly YearsPr<strong>of</strong>essional Status• If you already havea full degree anddepending on yourprevious experience,you will be eligiblefor either thepart-time GraduatePractitionerPathway whichlasts for six monthspart-time; or the fulltraining GraduateEntry Pathwaywhich lasts for 12months full-timeand attracts a£3,500 bursary.• If you have an EarlyYears Foundationdegree you maybe eligible for the<strong>Undergraduate</strong>PractitionerPathway, whichlasts for 12 months• All applicants musthave achieved GCSEGrade C or above(or recognisedequivalent) inMathematics andEnglish LanguageYou mayalso like...• Early Childhood(Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice)BA (Hons) p81• Integrated Workingwith Children &Families BA (Hons)Top-up Degree p110Course IntroductionThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> isone <strong>of</strong> eight ‘Prime Organisations’commissioned to deliver the EarlyYears Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Status (eyps)programme in England. The<strong>University</strong> currently leads delivery<strong>of</strong> EYPS across the West Midlandsand South West regions workingin partnership with <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Gloucestershire; <strong>University</strong>College Plymouth St Mark &St John; Newman <strong>University</strong>College; and the Somerset Centrefor Integrated Learning (scIL).The first few years <strong>of</strong> a child’s lifeare crucial in their development.High quality care and supportduring these early years can providethe necessary foundations forfuture achievement, as well as<strong>of</strong>fering much-needed assistanceto parents and families. This highquality care and support can onlybe achieved by a well trained,properly supported and highlymotivated workforce – which iswhy the Early Years Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalStatus (eyps) has been created.Equivalent in level to QualifiedTeacher Status (Qts), EYPS willbe awarded to you when youhave demonstrated that youmeet a set <strong>of</strong> graduate levelstandards when working withchildren from birth to five years.As an Early Years Pr<strong>of</strong>essional youwill be key to raising the quality <strong>of</strong>early years provision and becomean agent <strong>of</strong> change to improve andpromote good outcomes for children.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>has been designated as a providerfor EYPS and is working inpartnership with Local Authoritiesand Children’s Services.This course is <strong>of</strong>fered subjectto government funding.Different PathwaysThere are a number <strong>of</strong> differentroutes to EYPS depending onyour current experience andqualifications. Those who alreadyhave a relevant degree e.g. EarlyChildhood Studies BA (Hons),and who have experience <strong>of</strong> thebirth to five years age group canproceed straight to GraduatePractitioner Pathway, whereasthose without the full range <strong>of</strong>experience will need an assessment<strong>of</strong> their training requirements.Whichever pathway you take, whenyou achieve EYPS you will havethe satisfaction <strong>of</strong> knowing thatyou will play an important part inimproving outcomes for babies,toddlers and young children.Career OpportunitiesWith the Government aiming tohave graduate level pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsin all full day care settings, thoseattaining EYPS will be in greatdemand over the next few years.AssessmentDemonstrate that you meet a set<strong>of</strong> eight national standards andtheir related indicators which coverobservation and planning, knowledge<strong>of</strong> the Early Years Foundation Stage;relationships with children andparents, pr<strong>of</strong>essional development,leadership and collaboration.Exhibit the skill, creativity,commitment, energy andenthusiasm that leading practicein the early years requires, andthe intellectual and leadershipskills required <strong>of</strong> the effectiveEarly Years Practitioner.FundingAll EYPS training pathways attractTeaching Agency funding or can beself-funded if you do not qualify forfunding. Candidates on the full-time,one year pathway, currently receivea government bursary <strong>of</strong> £3,500.For candidates on the part-timepathways and currently workingin private, voluntary maintainedand independent Early Yearssettings, employers may receivesupport for supply cover.All programmes subject to TAfunding or requirements may besubject to government changes.www.worcester.ac.uk

For partners see location <strong>of</strong> studyEarly YearsSector Endorsed FdACourse IntroductionThis Sector Endorsed programme<strong>of</strong> study seeks to develop you as areflective Early Years practitionercapable <strong>of</strong> making a positiveimpact upon the children, familiesand communities with whom youwork. The course adopts a childcentredapproach to Early Yearsand a holistic view <strong>of</strong> the childwithin a culture <strong>of</strong> inter-agency andmulti-pr<strong>of</strong>essional teamworking. Itprovides a framework for academicand pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills developmentwith learning embedded withinyour developing knowledge,understanding and experiencein practice. A range <strong>of</strong> learning,teaching and assessment methodsare used to support your pr<strong>of</strong>essionaland academic developmentthrough the course, with a strongemphasis upon e-learning.The course interweaves the threestrands <strong>of</strong> personal/pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment, theory and practice,and practice/work-based enquiry,underpinned by the study skillsnecessary to succeed at <strong>University</strong>.This interconnected approach isreflected in a range <strong>of</strong> assignmentsdesigned to encourage you toconsider a variety <strong>of</strong> perspectivesand the development <strong>of</strong> criticalskills in relation to theory applied topractice. Individual modules addresschild development, the child aslearner, curriculum planning, workingwith parents, positive learningenvironments, and safeguardingchildren. In the final year, you will berequired to engage in a small-scaleenquiry focused upon enhancingquality within your workplace.Career OpportunitiesAfter graduating from theFoundation degree programme it ispossible to apply for the BA HonoursTop-up Degree in Integrated Workingwith Children and Families (IWCF).After successful completion <strong>of</strong> theIWCF Top-up, or a related Top-updegree, students may choose toprogress further and apply for apgce (Qualified Teacher Status)or Early Years Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Status(eyps) course. Please check thecurrent <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> andTeacher Agency websites for entryrequirements for these programmes,including GCSEs. Other careeropportunities after completing aFoundation degree include workingin day care nurseries, schools, theHealth Service, social servicesand with children’s charities.Full-time andPart-time RoutesThe part-time programme is taughtover three years for applicantsalready employed or workingin a voluntary capacity in EarlyYears. Students attend taughtsessions one day a week and arerequired to be in practice for aminimum <strong>of</strong> one day per week.The full-time programmeis taught over two years forapplicants not employed in anEarly Years setting with studentsattending taught sessions twodays a week and placementsfor another two days a week.The tutors are verysupportive and you arealso supported by otherstudents on the course;you never feel that youare on your own.acting nursery managerAssessmentPractical and theoretical methods <strong>of</strong>assessment that link to your practiceand lead to improving quality forchildren and families are used;there are no formal examinations.If you have studied at anotherinstitution at the same level andhave been awarded credits forthat study, you may wish to haveyour previous study accreditedby making an application forAccreditation <strong>of</strong> Prior Learning (apL).Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught at partnerinstitutions: BirminghamMetropolitan College, BournvilleCollege and Halesowen College(full and part-time); <strong>Worcester</strong>College <strong>of</strong> Technology; NEWCollege (Redditch) and StourbridgeCollege (part-time). The <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> also teaches theprogramme on a part-time basisin partnership with HerefordshireLocal Authority Learning andAchievement (Early Years) Service.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> also<strong>of</strong>fer a Flexible and Distributedprogramme involving blendedlearning i.e. online learningsupported by some face to facesessions (subject to approval).Course ContentThere are a range <strong>of</strong> modulesrelevant to Early Years practitioners.Content reflects currentinitiatives and research in earlychildhood care and education.For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeEarly YearsX312 E, J, Q,V FdA/eyFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 140 UCAS tariffpoints and aminimum <strong>of</strong> fourgcses at GradeC or above• Evidence <strong>of</strong> Level2 Literacy• A current EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService check• Non-standardentry routes willalso be consideredAll applicants for thepart-time programmeroute who are workingin an early yearssetting will also berequired to provide:• A statement <strong>of</strong>support fromyour currentemployer/voluntaryplacement toprovide the time,opportunity andprovision <strong>of</strong> supportfor work-basedrequirementsand release toattend college oruniversity-basedstudy, whereappropriate• A testimony/reference froman appropriatelyqualified referee83

UCAS CodeThis degree isonly available incombination withanother course.EcologyBSc (Hons)The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 to 280 UCAStariff points• 240 must includeA2 Biology andA2 in anotherScience (includesEnvironmentalScience)• 260 must includeA2 Biology and A1in another Science• 270 must includeA1 Biology and A2in another Science• 280 must includeA1 Biology• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88Course IntroductionEcology is the science that examinesthe interrelationship betweenthe living environment and thephysical environment. For thosenot wishing to specialise on ourConservation Ecology BSc, thisJoint Honours programme allowsyou to combine your interest inecology with another subject area,e.g. Environmental Management,Animal Biology or Geography.At <strong>Worcester</strong>, the <strong>University</strong> iswell placed geographically totake advantage <strong>of</strong> the manyenvironments and habitats in thearea. Also, we look further afieldat contrasting environments, forexample in the Mediterraneanregion and the Cairngorms, duringresidential field trips. There is astrong emphasis on fieldwork, aswe believe that students learn bestby experiencing the environmentand practising skills at first hand.In the final year you will undertakean independent research project.This is an opportunity to researcha topic <strong>of</strong> interest to you over theacademic year, supported by yourIndependent Study tutor. Pasttopics have included the impact<strong>of</strong> introduced species, uptake <strong>of</strong>heavy metals by maize (allied tophytoremediation studies), effects<strong>of</strong> trampling on species diversityon footpaths, and the study <strong>of</strong>flooding events in local rivers.Direct Entry in Years 2/3You can also enter directly into Year2 or 3 if you have the appropriateprior learning either in earlieryears or at other HE institutions.Career OpportunitiesGraduation from this courseprepares you for a career with suchorganisations as Natural England,the Environment Agency, Localand County Councils, businessand industry, e.g. consultancies,or undertaking research.AssessmentThere are a wide range <strong>of</strong>assessment types includingcoursework, essays, field andlaboratory reports, presentations,examinations and project work.Additional Information• Joint Honours only• Strong links with sectororganisations for work experience• Field trip to Provence (Year 3)Examines therelationship betweenthe living and physicalenvironments.Course ContentYear 1• Biological Diversity• Introduction to Ecology• Basics <strong>of</strong> Biological SurveyingYear 2• Conservation Ecology<strong>of</strong> Habitats & Species• Populations &Community Ecology• Field Techniques in EcologyYear 3• Independent Study• Restoration Ecology• Behavioural Ecology• Landscape Ecology• Residential Ecology Field CourseFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.• ConservationEcologyBSc (Hons) p70www.worcester.ac.uk

Education StudiesBA (Hons)Course IntroductionHow can we support learnersto achieve? How should HigherEducation be funded? Can schoolsprovide equal opportunities for all?What can be done about bullying?How do other countries organisetheir education systems? These arejust some <strong>of</strong> the fascinating topicsthat you will have the opportunityto explore when you do this course.You will be supported to take partin practical investigations, writeassignments, complete group tasksand create presentations as wellas have the opportunity to visit arange <strong>of</strong> educational institutions andmeet pr<strong>of</strong>essionals from a variety<strong>of</strong> roles in the sector. The courseacts as an excellent pathway to thepgce but also to a wider variety<strong>of</strong> progression and employmentroutes. The course tutors andexcellent wider support servicesat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer a range <strong>of</strong>advice, guidance and opportunitiesto increase your employability skills.You will be assigned an AcademicTutor who will have an overview<strong>of</strong> your studies throughout youruniversity career. Students areable to undertake guided workexperience as a part <strong>of</strong> their course.If you are looking for employmentin other sectors, then the flexiblestructure <strong>of</strong> the course and theopportunity to engage in yourown area <strong>of</strong> research will allowyou to direct your study pattern.This course can be taken as SingleHonours, Major, Joint or Minor.Top-up DegreeThere is a Year 3 Top-up programmefor students progressing fromsuitable Foundation degrees orthe equivalent, and direct entryinto Year 2 is also possible forsuitably qualified candidates (e.g.dtLL’s holders). These routes areorganised such that they reflectthe busy lives <strong>of</strong> the students witha variety <strong>of</strong> twilight, Saturday andother blended learning options.Career OpportunitiesKnowledge <strong>of</strong> the practical andtheoretical underpinnings <strong>of</strong>education is a very useful asset,equipping you for a diverserange <strong>of</strong> future careers andprogression routes, not only ineducation but in related fieldssuch as personnel, training, socialwork, welfare support, housing,charities and local government.AssessmentA variety including: essays, reviews,projects, group and individualpresentations, the making <strong>of</strong>resources etc., many <strong>of</strong> whichwill enhance your IT skills.Study Structure• Year 1 starts from your ownexperience <strong>of</strong> education and buildson that as it analyses currentpolicies and practices. The history<strong>of</strong> the development <strong>of</strong> moderneducation is also explored asis the practice <strong>of</strong> the area in avariety <strong>of</strong> global contextsyou will have theopportunity toundertake workexperience andmentoring.• Psychological aspects <strong>of</strong>education, the use <strong>of</strong> e-media, andissues <strong>of</strong> equality, amongst otherthemes, are also engaged with• In Years 2 and 3 you will explorethemes around education andresearch as well having a variety<strong>of</strong> choice <strong>of</strong> optional modulesincluding work experience. You willbe encouraged to select modulesaccording to your own interestsso that a coherent programme<strong>of</strong> study can be achieved• You can take a pathwaythroughout the three years thatrelates to themes <strong>of</strong> specialand inclusive education and byfollowing particular modulescan graduate with a descriptor<strong>of</strong> ‘Inclusive Education’ in yourdegree title. This descriptoris also available to those onthe Year 3 Top-up route• It is possible to studyabroad for a semesterCourse Content• The Foundations <strong>of</strong> Education• Inner City Education• Research & Education• From Exclusion to Inclusion?• Religious Education• Psychological Approachesto Education• The Global Dimension &Citizenship in Education• Exploring IT in Education• Relationships in Education• Radical Educations• Independent ResearchUCAS CodeEducation StudiesBA (Single Honours)X302 BA/esIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor some moduleson the courseYou mayalso like...• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCESecondary p164• Integrated Workingwith Children &Families BA (Hons)Top-up Degree p110• Primary InitialTeacher EducationBA (Hons) p159• Early Childhood(Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice)BA (Hons) p8185

UCAS CodeThis degree isonly available incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnglishLiterary StudiesBA (Hons) p87• HistoryBA (Hons) p101• JournalismBA (Hons) p113• Creative &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalWritingBA (Hons) p75English Language StudiesBA (Hons)Course IntroductionThis course is for students whoseinterest is in the social, cultural andhistorical study <strong>of</strong> language andwho subsequently wish to applythe study <strong>of</strong> English language inpr<strong>of</strong>essional contexts. You’ll alsoimprove your own language useby practising linguistic analysis,conducting independent researchand by writing. You will haveopportunities to analyse the use <strong>of</strong>English language by first and secondlanguage speakers and writers, andto consider its power in multiculturaland technological contexts. Bytaking the opportunity to studyoptional modules in TEFL (TeachingEnglish as a Foreign Language)you will explore the processes <strong>of</strong>language acquisition whilst alsodeveloping career opportunities.This Joint Honours course isespecially recommended forstudents with English Languageand Literature backgrounds. Thecombination <strong>of</strong> the two subjectsis particularly recommended forthose who aspire to teach English.English Language Studies will also bea popular choice for those studentsstudying companion joint subjects inthe Humanities such as Journalism,Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writing,Screenwriting and Film Studies.LAURA COMPLETED TWOTEFL MODULES AND ISnow working AS A TEFLteacher IN THAILAND.LAURA MILESCareer OpportunitiesMany graduates <strong>of</strong> this coursewill take a postgraduate educationcourse as a fourth year <strong>of</strong> studyand then enter the teachingpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Others will find that theskills acquired through the study <strong>of</strong>English are particularly highlyregarded in all pr<strong>of</strong>essions wheregood communication skills areprized, (e.g. publishing, journalism,public relations, human resourcesand web-based communication).The course provides continuousopportunities to developemployability and includeswork experience, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalwriting and a career and personaldevelopment module. There is arange <strong>of</strong> opportunities to studyfor a semester abroad and thiscomplements our TEFL provision.AssessmentWide-ranging assessmenttypes including seminarpresentations, essays, reviews,creative writing and reports.Additional Information• Joint Honours only. Suggestedjoint pathways to study withEnglish Language Studiesare: English Literary Studies;Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writing;Journalism; Film Studies; Media &Cultural Studies; Sports Studies• The course content emphasisestransferable skills for employment,both communication andpractical research skills• The subject content coversrequirements for those whowish to progress to teaching• Students have the opportunityto develop an independentresearch project in the third yearCourse Content• History <strong>of</strong> the English Language• Describing English• Introduction to TEFL• Name Studies• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sociolinguistics• Language & Power• Approaches to EnglishLanguage Theory• English Language inthe 21st Century• Researching Language Variation• Language Style & Identity• Multilingualism• Hypertexts• Research Project• Modern Foreign LanguagesFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

English Literary StudiesBA (Hons)Course IntroductionLiterature involves conversationsbetween generations, betweennations, between the individualand society, between the self andthe soul. To understand theseconversations as fully as possible,<strong>Worcester</strong> students are encouragedto study literary texts contextually.You will have the opportunity toexplore what people have beenthinking and writing – in the form<strong>of</strong> fiction, poetry and drama – forthe past 500 years, in England andin countries around the world. Thisis a stimulating and challengingcourse, covering the development <strong>of</strong>literature right up to the present day.You will pursue special interestsand strengths through the widerange <strong>of</strong> optional modules.Enthusiastic, highly qualified staffwill encourage you to questionreceived opinion and to engagewith new critical perspectives.You may study English LiteraryStudies as a Single Honours courseor combine it with a range <strong>of</strong> othercourses as Joint Honours, includingEnglish Language Studies; this is anespecially appropriate combinationif you aspire to teach English.Another option is to combine withCreative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writing.Career OpportunitiesMany English graduates will take afourth year Postgraduate Certificatein Education before entering theteaching pr<strong>of</strong>ession. Other studentswill take a certificate in TEFL andbecome teachers <strong>of</strong> English asa second language at home orabroad. Those graduates whoachieve particularly good resultsin their first degree may chooseto progress to a Masters course,which will <strong>of</strong>ten then lead to furtherstudy to PhD. Many studentsprogress to careers requiringgood communication skills suchas careers in Public Relations,or work as researchers in mediaor publishing companies.Throughout the English LiteraryStudies degree there is a focuson developing employability.There are attractive opportunitiesfor work experience, a creditedwork project module, anda career and pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment module. Studentsare also strongly encouragedto take up the opportunity tostudy abroad for a semester.AssessmentWritten coursework includingreports, summaries, journals,essays and presentations.There are no exams.Additional Information• Available as Single Honoursor Joint Honours• Popular subjects studied incombination with this courseinclude: English Language Studies,Media & Cultural Studies,Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writingand Drama & Performance• Study abroad• Focused support fordeveloping employability• Opportunity for progressionto PGCE (for teaching)Holly graduated in2009 and is currentlyworking in the filmindustry for a visualeffects studio as aproductionco-ordinator.holly priceCourse ContentSelection <strong>of</strong> modules in first year:• What is Literature? Texts,Authors & Readers• English Literature Acrossthe Centuries• English RenaissanceTexts & Contexts• Introduction to American Writing• Power, Sex & Identity inRestoration Literature• Science Fiction• Introduction to TEFLSelection <strong>of</strong> modules insecond and third years:• Approaches to Literary Studies:Critical & Theoretical Matters• Literature in Englisharound the World• Shakespearean Comedy• Culture & Politics inVictorian Fiction• Stories <strong>of</strong> America• The Pre-Raphaelites: Word & Image• Children’s Literature• The Great War & Literary England• Justice & Revenge inRenaissance Drama• English Renaissance Poetry• Fantasy & the 1890s• Cities & Fiction• American Writing &the Wilderness• Irish Writing in theTwentieth Century• Literature & Film• Postcolonial Literature• Contemporary Women’s Poetry• Work Project Module• Independent Research ProjectUCAS CodeEnglish LiteraryStudies BA(Single Honours)Q300 BA/EngIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnglishLanguage StudiesBA (Hons) p86• Drama &PerformanceBA (Hons) p80• JournalismBA (Hons) p113• Creative &Pr<strong>of</strong>essional WritingBA (Hons) p7587

UCAS CodeEnvironmentalManagement BSc(Single Honours)F850 BSc/EnvMgtIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 UCAStariff pointsincluding two A2qualificationsfrom Sciencesubjects (includesEnvironmentalScience/Studies,Geography,Geology orMathematics.• 260-270 mustinclude A2qualificationsin at least oneScience subjector Geographyor Geology andA1, a secondScience subjector Geography,Geology orMathematics• 280 must includeA1 qualifications ina Science subject,Geography orGeologyEnvironmental ManagementBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionWhy is <strong>Worcester</strong> Racecoursesometimes more suitable for fishthan horses? How do you write amanagement plan for the MalvernHills Conservators? How muchlead accumulates in the soil <strong>of</strong>roadside verges? This topical coursewill answer these questions.The wide range <strong>of</strong> environmentsand habitats in the surroundingregion encourages our emphasison fieldwork. The Centre forRural Research at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> has a strongreputation and staff act asconsultants to Natural England,the Environment Agency, theMalvern Hills Conservatorsand major land developers.You will focus on the ruralenvironment from the perspective<strong>of</strong> the landforms themselvesand the interplay between theenvironment and its inhabitants.You will carry out laboratory studiesand develop your knowledge andskills within several disciplines,drawing on the expertise <strong>of</strong> staff inareas such as nature conservationmanagement, river pollutionand countryside planning.jason is now workingfor welsh water as aflow analyst.jason copseyDirect Entry into Years 2/3You can also enter directly into Year2 or 3 if you have the appropriateprior learning either in earlieryears or at other HE institutions.Career OpportunitiesOn completion <strong>of</strong> the course,you may follow a career as anenvironmental manager (e.g. withNatural England, Wildlife Trust orthe Environment Agency), localgovernment, particularly countrysideservices and environmental planning,consultancy, teaching or research.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment typesincluding coursework, tests,practical reports, projects,examinations and essays.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major,Joint and Minor• Semester one start onlyCourse ContentYear 1• Introduction toEnvironmental Sciences• Environmental Change –Past, Present & Future• Introduction to Ecology• Basis <strong>of</strong> Biological Surveying• Mapping the Environment• Classification & SpeciesIdentificationYear 2• Research Methods• Ecology – Individualsto Ecosystems• Theory & Practice <strong>of</strong>Environmental Analysis• Field Techniques in Ecology• Ecology <strong>of</strong> Freshwater• Work Experience• Conservation SiteManagement Planning• Geographical Information Systems• River Monitoring & Assessment• Rural GeographyYear 3• Independent Study inEnvironmental Sciences• Residential EnvironmentalField Trip• Landscape Ecology• Environmental Impact Assessment• Restoration Ecology• Sustainable Solutions for Energy& Waste Management• Adaptations to ExtremeEnvironments• River Conservation &Management 1• River Conservation &Management 2• Countryside Conservation& Agricultural Change• Town & Country PlanningFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Environmental ScienceBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionEnvironmental Science at <strong>Worcester</strong>explores the theory and scientificexplanations to allow a fullunderstanding <strong>of</strong> environmentalissues. The learning <strong>of</strong> field andlaboratory skills and their practicalapplications in investigations,prepare our students for rewardingcareers in the environmental sector.Many current environmental issuesare studied such as climate changeand its consequences, meteorologyand climatology, monitoring <strong>of</strong>water bodies and action against theirpollution, the nature <strong>of</strong> soils andtheir analysis for nutrient contentand heavy metal contamination.At <strong>Worcester</strong>, the <strong>University</strong> iswell placed geographically totake advantage <strong>of</strong> the manyenvironments and habitats in thearea. Also we look further afieldat contrasting environments, forexample in the Mediterraneanregion and the Cairngorms, duringresidential field trips. We havea strong emphasis on fieldwork,believing that students learn bestby experiencing the environmentand practising skills at first hand.The final year Independent Researchproject is your opportunity toresearch a topic <strong>of</strong> interest to youover the academic year, supportedby your Independent Study tutor.Past topics have included speciesdiversity in water meadows, uptake<strong>of</strong> heavy metals by maize (allied tophytoremediation studies), effect<strong>of</strong> trampling on species diversityon footpaths, and the study <strong>of</strong>flooding events in local rivers.Career OpportunitiesThe course will prepare you forvarious careers <strong>of</strong>fered in thefollowing sectors and many others:local government, statutory agenciesand organisations e.g. NaturalEngland, Environment Agency,deFra, environmental laboratories,BtcV, etc. Also consultancy; businessand industry; media and publicrelations; teaching and research.AssessmentThere is a wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes including coursework (essays,management plans, critiques,etc.) practical reports, projects,presentations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours only• Semester 1 start onlyCourse ContentYear 1• Introduction toEnvironmental Sciences• Environmental Change –Past, Present & Future• Introduction to Ecology• Earth Systems, Processes& Landscapes• Introduction to Geology• An Introduction to River ScienceYear 2• Research Methods• Theory & Practice <strong>of</strong>Environmental Analysis• Meteorology & Climatewe have a strongemphasis on fieldwork– experiencing theenvironment andpractising skills atfirst hand.• Geographical Information Systems• Field Techniques in Ecology• Ecology <strong>of</strong> Freshwater• Work Experience• Natural Hazards• Mountain Geomorphology• River Monitoring & AssessmentYear 3• Independent Study inEnvironmental Sciences• Residential EnvironmentalField Trip• Mountain EnvironmentsField Course• Environmental Pollution (Landand Water) & its Management• Applied GIS & Remote Sensing• Environmental Impact Assessment• Atmospheric Pollution• River Conservation &Management 1• River Conservation &Management 2• Environmental Geology• Mountain Glaciers & Landscape• GISFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeEnvironmentalScience BSc (Hons)F750 BSc/EnvSFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 UCAS tariffpoints including twoA2 qualificationsfrom Sciencesubjects, Geography,Geology orMathematics.• 260-270 mustinclude A2qualifications in atleast one Sciencesubject, Geographyor Geology andA1 a secondScience subject,Geography, Geologyor Mathematics• 280 must includeA1 qualifications ina Science subject,Geography orGeologyYou mayalso like...• BiologyBSc (Hons) p59• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88• ConservationEcologyBSc (Hons) p70• GeographyBSc (Hons) p9789

UCAS CodeFilm Studies BA (Hons)P303 BA/FilmSFilm StudiesBA (Hons)It is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinations addbreadth to yourstudies and canenhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• CreativeDigital MediaBA (Hons) p74• Media &Cultural StudiesBA (Hons) p121• ScreenwritingBA (Hons) p142• Digital FilmProductionBA (Hons) p79Course IntroductionThe Film Studies programme isbased on the idea <strong>of</strong> film praxis:how theory informs practice andhow practice, in turn, informstheory. Development along theselines has required a rethinking<strong>of</strong> what is meant by ‘practice’beyond the narrowly defined roles<strong>of</strong> ‘film-maker’ and ‘screenwriter’to encompass areas includingfilm marketing, distribution,exhibition, curation, festivals,film journalism and audienceresearch. Film praxis is embeddedinto all mandatory/core modulesacross all three years <strong>of</strong> study.The typical student who graduateswith Film Studies as (or as part<strong>of</strong>) their degree will have had theopportunity to acquire a diverserange <strong>of</strong> skills and practicalexperience through their mandatory/core modules across all three years.In the second year there will bean opportunity to reflect on thetransferable skills that your degreestudy develops, and to enhance yourconfidence in preparation for entryinto the job market post graduation.Career OpportunitiesFilm Studies develops student skillsin practice-as-research and researchas-practicefor a number <strong>of</strong> cultureand media industries includingexhibition, distribution, audiencebasedmarketing, journalism, filmeducation, curating, programming,film-making, screenwriting andfurther academic research.AssessmentThere is a wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods including oral andwritten presentations, essays andreports; in some cases practicalfilm-making may be <strong>of</strong>fered.Additional Information• Single Honours• Joint Honours• Suggested joint pathways tostudy alongside Film Studiesinclude: English Literary Studies,Drama & Performance, DigitalFilm Production, Media & CulturalStudies, and ScreenwritingCourse Content• Introduction to Film:Theory & Practice• Hollywood & Beyond• Contemporary World Cinema• Reality, Truth & theDocumentary Film• Approaches to Film• Film: Culture, Audience, Industry• Film Genre• British Cinema• Representations <strong>of</strong> Gender,Sexuality & Race• Independent Study• Work Experience• Film & Folklore• Film Reviewing• Studies in Cult &Exploitation Cinema• Underworld UKFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.Working as aproductionco-ordinator forEndemol UK.KIRSTY BRETTLEwww.worcester.ac.uk

Fine Art PracticeBA (Hons)Course IntroductionFine Art at The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> encourages thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> inventivequestioning and visual intelligence.The course is rooted in broadresearch concerns such as objects,place, narrative and journeys, butembraces a variety <strong>of</strong> visual interestsand disciplines. Our students workusing a wide range <strong>of</strong> processesand methodologies, and becomearticulate and confident about whatthey are presenting, because this iswhat they will need when they leave.We value thoughtfulness,experiential enquiry and visualpoetry, and foster students who arehard-working, practical and widelyemployable. Fine Art students atthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> developa clear understanding <strong>of</strong> theirresponsibilities with regard to legal,moral and ethical codes <strong>of</strong> practice.Recent graduates have progressedto setting up their own creativebusinesses or to postgraduate study.Students are provided with theopportunity to learn transferableacademic and technical skills.These skills help them to realisetheir potential in critical thinkingand looking and to cultivate anindividual voice in their practicaland written work. Our courselecturers are practising artistsand researchers, and are activenationally and internationally.<strong>Worcester</strong> is conveniently locatedfor students to have easy accessto galleries in Birmingham,Oxford and Bristol. Regular studyvisits are <strong>of</strong>fered to Londonand recent international tripsinclude destinations <strong>of</strong> Rome,Florence and New York. Studentsare also encouraged to exploreopportunities to extend theirpractice, through additionalstudy and work placements, andexhibitions and competitions.Career OpportunitiesGraduates from the course have hadsuccess in a variety <strong>of</strong> careers in thearts as well as in going on to studyat postgraduate level. Increasingly,graduates are undertaking a variety<strong>of</strong> freelance commissions andrunning their own businesses.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment typesincluding continuous assessment,tutor/self/peer assessment,reflective journal, reports,presentations and practical work.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Students studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor studyfrom their second yearawarded with theCecil Lewis SculptureScholarship.www.worcester.ac.ukKEN OMOMCourse ContentYear 1• Critical & Contextual Practice 1• Drawing 1• Studio Practice 1• Studio Practice 2• Fine Art Practice 1• Illustration & Printmaking• Object Making 1• Photography & Portraiture• Introduction to Illustration• Creative Digital Image MakingYear 2• Fine Art Practice 2• Experimental Photography• Critical & Contextual Practice 2• Object Making 2• Studio Practice 3• Drawing 2• Illustration GenresYear 3• Independent Study for Fine Art• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Presentation& Research• Fine Art Practice 3• Work Placement Module• Critical & Contextual Practice 3• Object Making 3• Extension ModulesFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeFine Art Practice BA(Single Honours)W100 BA/fapIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendfor interview and toprovide a portfolioand a piece <strong>of</strong>written work forconsiderationYou mayalso like...• CreativeDigital MediaBA (Hons) p74• Graphic Design& MultimediaBA (Hons) p98• Art & DesignBA (Hons) p57• IllustrationBA (Hons) p10791

UCAS CodeFootball BusinessManagement &Coaching FdSccn6F S FdSc/fbmcEntryRequirements• 180 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A full Disclosure& Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Sport BusinessManagement BA(Hons) p146www.worcester.ac.ukThis is a <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> validated course deliveredat Stourbridge College Centre <strong>of</strong> Sporting ExcellenceFootball BusinessManagement & CoachingFdSc*Course IntroductionFootball is a global economicand social, as well as sporting,phenomenon. Every weekendthe English Premier league iswatched by over 170 millionpeople in over 200 countries.In the UK it is a major industry withwell over 100,000 jobs that dependon football. New opportunitiesconsistently present themselvesin this expanding global industry.The football industry has provedrobust regardless <strong>of</strong> the economicclimate over the last 100 years.The sports industry is a significantand growing sector <strong>of</strong> theeconomy. Sport England (2010)research reveals that the sportsbusiness accounts for 1.8% <strong>of</strong>all employment in England.Career opportunities within thesports industry have been boostedby London’s staging <strong>of</strong> the 2012Olympic and Paralympic Games.Continued post-Olympics growthin the sector will be assuredthrough Britain’s staging <strong>of</strong> othermega-events. Sport England arealso investing £1bn in Youth andCommunity sport over the next fiveyears which will create a number <strong>of</strong>opportunities locally and nationwide.This course will focus on boththe football and business relatedknowledge needed to equipgraduates for a role in the footballindustry and develop a clearunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the importance<strong>of</strong> football within the context <strong>of</strong>economic, social and cultural lifeboth in the UK and worldwide.You will be equipped to cope withthe challenges and issues in thisdynamic and rapidly expandingindustry and have the opportunityto gain football coaching awardsthroughout the course. Thiscourse will develop the skills andknowledge required for a successfulcareer in the sports industry.ProgressionOn successful completion <strong>of</strong> theprogramme, there are opportunitiesto progress onto a linked BSc (Hons)Degree programme at <strong>Worcester</strong>or to seek employment withinthe football and sport industry.To view the course, please visitthe Stourbridge College websitewww.stourbridge.ac.uk/heAssessmentVocational throughout, you willbenefit from applying the skillsyou learn to the workplace andhave access to leisure facilities inStourbridge to carry out work-basedstudy. Assessment for each modulevaries, however, and includes arange <strong>of</strong> assessment methods suchas observational analysis, reportwriting, presentations, writtenwork and research proposals.Additional Information• Institution links to the UK SportsInstitute and Youth Sport Trustand Bases (British Association<strong>of</strong> Sport and Exercise Sciences)• Opportunity to progressto degree levelYou will be equippedto cope with thechallenges and issuesin this dynamic andrapidly expandingindustry.• Students will also maintain a level<strong>of</strong> fitness through football training• Stourbridge College have stronglinks with local pr<strong>of</strong>essionaland semi-pr<strong>of</strong>essional clubs inthe Football League pyramidwhere some students mayhave ambitions to play• The College also has linkswith Premier League clubsCourse Content• Work-based Learning –linked to coaching• Introduction to theBusiness <strong>of</strong> Football• Principles <strong>of</strong> Coaching• Training for Football Fitness –Strength and Conditioning• Football in theCommunity/Society• Disability and Inclusionwithin Football• Work-based Opportunity – eitherBusiness/Football related• The Business <strong>of</strong> Football – ClubGrowth/Community Programmes• Analysis <strong>of</strong> performance/Skillacquisition and development/Long-term player development• Coaching for performance –progression for principles• Current issues withinFootball/Coaching• Football in a Global Context(the work <strong>of</strong> UEFA and FIFA)*Subject to validation

In this image:On-campusAstroTurf pitches.93

UCAS CodeForensic & AppliedBiology BSc(Single Honours)fc41 BSc/fsabFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirementsStudents must havethe following A1 orA2 equivalents:• 240 UCAS tariffpoints mustinclude A2 Biology/Chemistry and A2in another Science• 260 UCAS tariffpoints mustinclude A2 Biology/Chemistry and A1in another Science• 270 UCAS tariffpoints mustinclude A1 Biology/Chemistry and A2in another Science• 280 UCAS tariffpoints mustinclude A1 Biology/Chemistry• Students from BtecForensic courseswill, depending onthe nature <strong>of</strong> theircourse, be acceptedwith 240 points• Non-standardentry via theexploratory essayroute is availableYou mayalso like...• Human BiologyBSc (Hons) p104• Biology BSc(Hons) p59www.worcester.ac.ukForensic & Applied BiologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionAmongst the benefits <strong>of</strong> studyingthis course at <strong>Worcester</strong> are smallclass sizes and access to a range <strong>of</strong>experienced forensic practitioners.A strong practical emphasis runsthroughout the course and youwill have access to a range <strong>of</strong>specialist equipment and facilities,for example, our crime scene house.You will develop both laboratoryand fieldwork skills. With a ‘handson’approach, we bring theory tolife, and develop your intellectual,practical and social skills relevantto both forensic and generalbiological careers. You will also gainexperience <strong>of</strong> archaeology and itsrelationship to forensic science.In your final year you will undertakean Independent Study (normallydesigned in Year 2). This is a doublemodule and must be taken ina forensic-based subject. It is avery practical project and pasttopics have included studies ondecomposition, forensic entomology,extraction and analysis <strong>of</strong> DNA,diatom analysis and the use <strong>of</strong>geophysics in forensic archaeology.This course cannot be combined withother subjects but <strong>of</strong>fers extensivepractical training. On completion <strong>of</strong>this course, you may be eligible formembership <strong>of</strong> the Forensic ScienceSociety. You may also be able toapply for student membership <strong>of</strong>the Forensic Science Society and theSociety <strong>of</strong> Biology while you study.The Forensic & Applied Biologycourse is formally accredited bythe Forensic Science Society andhas a fully equipped crime scenehouse. Furthermore, the Societycommended the <strong>University</strong>’scommitment to the use <strong>of</strong> specialistForensic Practitioners on the courseand the high practical component(with particular reference to theResearch Projects conducted bystudents in their third year <strong>of</strong>study). For further details <strong>of</strong> theForensic Science Society, pleasevisit their website: www.forensicscience-society.org.uk/HomeCareer OpportunitiesThis course prepares you for a range<strong>of</strong> careers in different fieldsand services, including the policeforce, fire service, local governmentand planning, laboratory andenvironmental research, Civil Serviceor teaching and all biologycareers available to those on atraditional biology degree course.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including essays, field, laboratoryand forensic reports, seminarpresentations, oral presentation <strong>of</strong>evidence, and research projects.Course Content• Interpretation, Evaluation& Reporting <strong>of</strong> Evidence• Forensic Archaeology• Forensic DNA Analysis• Biological Indicators forCrime Reporting• Crime Scene Investigation• Independent Study(double module)• Cell Biology• Human Genetics• Pharmacology & Toxicology• Integrated Studies• Medical Forensics• Human Genetics• Molecular Genetics• Introduction to HumanAnatomy & Physiology• Introduction to Forensic Science• Research MethodsFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.working as ananalytical laboratoryassistant at roarforensics, whichinvolves receivingpolice and coroner’ssamples for analysis.CAROLINE MILLINGTON

Forensic PsychologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionForensic psychology is one <strong>of</strong> thefastest growing areas <strong>of</strong> employment<strong>of</strong> psychology graduates.Forensic psychologists deal withthe application <strong>of</strong> psychologyin the criminal and civil justicefield. This course will provide youwith a comprehensive groundingin forensic psychology andbiology and their application tounderstanding <strong>of</strong>fending behaviour.SAM IS A VOLUNTEER FORcircles OF supportAND ACCOUNTABILITY,working IN OFFENDERrehabilitation.SAM UPPALYou will learn about psychologicaltheory, research and biologicalmethods/techniques – skills andknowledge that will be usefulif you later wish to enter theoccupation <strong>of</strong> forensic psychology.In Year 1 you will be introducedto aspects <strong>of</strong> forensic psychologyand forensic biology. In the secondyear you will study a variety <strong>of</strong>modules including Psychology& the Law. In the third year youwill study both forensic andclinical psychology, and biologicalindicators for crime reporting.Career OpportunitiesAs with other degrees conferringGBC (Graduate Basis for CharteredMembership) with the BritishPsychological Society, thecourse provides the foundationfor a career as a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpsychologist. The course alsoprovides a foundation for a variety<strong>of</strong> careers including social work andresearch. A further qualification(Higher degree) and supervisedpractice (leading to Chartershipas a forensic psychologist) arerequired to enable you to work as apr<strong>of</strong>essional forensic psychologist(see the British PsychologicalSociety website for details).EmployabilityA degree in Psychology is highlyfavoured by employers, givingyou an excellent advantage in thejob market. During your studieswith us you will learn new skills,develop existing expertise, studya wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches andmethodologies and leave with abroader range <strong>of</strong> knowledge, skillsand abilities. An important part <strong>of</strong>this learning process is the ability toreflect upon your own experiences,an aspect <strong>of</strong> practice engaged in byall pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists. Wewill help you to develop these skillsthrough the Academic Tutoringsystem; you will be providedwith an Understanding Skills &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism booklet, which youwill use both as a record <strong>of</strong> yourlearning and a tool for self-reflection.AssessmentAssessment methods includeexams, essays, presentationsand practical assignments.Course Content• Introduction toForensic Psychology• Introduction to Forensic Biology• Critical Thinking in Psychology• Cognitive Psychology• Biopsychology• Research Methods 3• Developmental Psychology• Social Psychology• Individual Differences• Psychology & the Law• Crime Scene Investigation• Independent Study(on a forensic topic)• Forensic Psychology• Clinical Psychology• Critical Forensic Psychology• Biological Indicators forCrime ReportingFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeForensic PsychologyBSc (Hons)C816 BSc/fpsyFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• CounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons) p73• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139• Business PsychologyBSc (Hons) p65• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p15095

EntryRequirements• 160 UCAStariff points• Applicants whodo not meet theformal entryrequirements areconsidered on anindividual basis• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• OrganicHorticultureHnc p127• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGardeningHnc p137• HorticultureBSc (Hons) p102• HorticultureHND p103• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88In partnership with Pershore CollegeGarden DesignHNCCourse IntroductionThis design-led course, writtenin conjunction with one <strong>of</strong> thecountry’s top garden designers, isideal for those seeking a career ingarden design and who want a highlevel pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualification. Itaims to develop the design skills <strong>of</strong>those who wish to become selfemployedgarden designers or workwithin the landscape industry.As well as spending one day atCollege each week, you will beexpected to carry out a minimum <strong>of</strong>12 hours personal study per week.On the course, you are encouragedto produce imaginative and accuratedesigns and to recognise the mostappropriate use <strong>of</strong> plants andmaterials. In addition to gardendesign, you will study plant use, theuse <strong>of</strong> hard landscape materials,surveying, horticultural science,and project management.Pershore College is the WestMidlands’ Regional Centre forthe Royal Horticultural Society,the national headquarters <strong>of</strong>the Alpine Garden Society andholds the National Philadelphusand Penstemon collections forthe National Council for theConservation <strong>of</strong> Plants and Gardens.Career OpportunitiesThe programme has beendeveloped for someone whointends to enter the industry asa garden designer and projectmanager and who could seek selfemploymentor employment withina design team in the landscape oramenity horticulture sectors.There are also openings in teachingand training, horticultural therapy,journalism and the media.ProgressionAlternatively, successful completion<strong>of</strong> the Hnc can lead to direct entryinto the second year <strong>of</strong> the HndHorticulture where a pathwayin Amenity Horticulture andLandscape Design can be studied.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught at PershoreCollege (part <strong>of</strong> WarwickshireCollege) in collaboration with the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. PershoreCollege is a centre <strong>of</strong> vocationalexcellence for Horticulture.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods is used to test a range <strong>of</strong>student skills. Assessment typesinclude design projects, end tests,plant identification exercises,written reports, oral presentationsand practical assessments.Additional Information• Two years part-time study,one day per weekCourse Content• Plant Use & Knowledge• Horticultural Science• Introduction to Garden Design• Surveying & Design• Plant Use & Design• Establishing & Managinga Small Business• Garden Design: Principles& Practice• Landscape Levelling& ConstructionFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.ideal for those seeking acareer in garden designand a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalqualification.www.worcester.ac.uk

GeographyBSc (Hons)There are numerousopportunities forfieldwork and this isa distinctive feature<strong>of</strong> the programme.UCAS CodeGeography BSc(Single Honours)L700 BSc/GeoCourse IntroductionWhat makes places and landscapesdifferent? What will happen if wecontinue to drain all our naturalresources? Geography is anexciting, dynamic subject that has,at its core, the integrated study<strong>of</strong> the Earth’s places, peoples,environments and societies. Inthese times <strong>of</strong> environmentaland economic concerns, it isnow more relevant than ever.With its wide range <strong>of</strong> modules,opportunities for specialisation anda practical emphasis throughout,the Geography course at <strong>Worcester</strong>is a great way to learn about theworld in which we live. Thereare numerous opportunities forfieldwork, both local and residential,and this is a distinctive feature <strong>of</strong>the programme. Resource provisionis excellent, and includes rivermonitoring installations, 24-houraccess computer rooms, a brand newdigital mapping and survey suite, anda range <strong>of</strong> field mapping technology– including a remote controlhelicopter with camera attachment.The first year <strong>of</strong> the course <strong>of</strong>fersan introduction to the breadth <strong>of</strong>the discipline, with fieldwork andpractical activities featuring from theoutset. The second and third yearsprovide increasing opportunitiesfor specialisation, with the content<strong>of</strong> many modules benefiting fromstaff research and consultancyactivities. Throughout, you will findenthusiastic staff and a friendly andsupportive learning environment.Career OpportunitiesThis course will prepare you for a range<strong>of</strong> interesting and diverse careers,including environmental consultancy,geographical information systems(GIS) management, local governmentand planning, conservation, workingwith the Wildlife Trust or CivilService, research and teaching.Alternatively, you may wish tocontinue to postgraduate study andother pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including essays, field and laboratoryreports, video podcasts, seminarpresentations and research projects.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major, Joint, Minor• Cannot be combined withPhysical Geography BSc (Hons)or Human Geography BA (Hons)• Great facilities (digitalmapping and survey suite,laboratories, river monitoringstations, computer room)• Opportunity to spend asemester overseasCourse ContentYear 1• Geographical Investigations• Earth Systems, Processes& Landscapes• Introduction to Geology• Introduction to River Science• People & Place• Country & the City• Unequal WorldYear 2• Geography Field Course• Researching Geography• GIS• Natural Hazards• Meteorology & Climate• River Monitoring & Assessment• Mountain Geomorphology• Contemporary Issues inHuman Geography• Geographies <strong>of</strong> Development• Rural Geography• Urban Geography• Architecture & the Built Heritage• Heritage Tourism &Place PromotionYear 3• Research Project in Geography• Mountain EnvironmentsField Course• Changing Places Field Course• Work Placement• GIS• Applied GIS & Remote Sensing• Applying Geography• Rivers Conservation& Management• River Conservation &Management Research Project• Environmental Geology• Mountain Glaciers & Landscape• Ice Age Environments• Cultural Geography• Political Geography• Countryside Conservation& Agricultural Change• Town & Country Planning• Architecture & the Built Heritage• Heritage Tourism &Place Promotion• Environment & Developmentin Sub-Saharan AfricaIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Human GeographyBA (Hons) p105• Physical GeographyBSc (Hons) p132• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88• EcologyBSc (Hons) p8497

UCAS CodeGraphic Design& Multimedia BA(Single Honours)W210 BA/GDMIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendfor interview and toprovide a portfoli<strong>of</strong>or considerationYou mayalso like...• Fine Art PracticeBA (Hons) p91• Art & DesignBA (Hons) p57• IllustrationBA (Hons) p107• CreativeDigital MediaBA (Hons) p74Graphic Design & MultimediaBA (Hons)Course IntroductionThis course combines creativeability with expertise in computertechnology to develop excellentcommunication skills in graphicdesign, web design and multimedia.Throughout, there will be manyopportunities for you to workon ‘live’ projects and briefs setby clients in contexts such aspublication design, museumsand local industries. GraphicDesign & Multimedia is anexciting, motivating programme,created by highly experiencedand enthusiastic staff to matchevolving industry requirements.You will be encouraged to developyour creative, imaginative andcritical skills within a critical designcontext while gaining experience indesign and pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice.The course will also enable you tocommunicate effectively to differentaudiences and to develop all thekey skills sought by employers,including writing and presentation,research and evaluation skills, andthe ability to work independentlyand in small production teams.straight after the2012 degree show, domworked for john lewisas a website productionassistant and is now auser interface designerfor locassa in london.www.dribbble.com/dgambettadominic gambettaCareer OpportunitiesGraduates from this course havegone on to work in sectors suchas publishing, graphic design,web design, media and artsadministration, and some are selfemployed.This course also providesan excellent basis for further studies.In a Destinations Survey carriedout by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Careers Service, 94% <strong>of</strong> Designstudents had found work or hadgone on to further study withinsix months <strong>of</strong> graduating.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> methods: continuousassessment; reflective developmentjournal; reflective written reports;presentations; and practical work.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours withoption to become the majoror minor part <strong>of</strong> a degreefrom your second yearCourse Content• Graphic Design: Theory& Practice (mandatory)• Graphic Design& Typography (mandatory)• Creative Digital Imaging• Publication Design (mandatory)• Green Design• Children’s Book Design• Illustration: Image & Text• Illustration & Printmaking• Introduction to Animation• Introduction to Digital Sound• Drawing & Visualisation(mandatory)• Introduction to Multimedia(mandatory)• Graphic InformationDesign (mandatory)• Internet & Multimedia(mandatory)• Digital Photography& Image Manipulation• Research Methods forDigital Media• Opening Sequences& Compositing for TV & Cinema• 3D Modelling & Texturing• Creative Sound Manipulation• Independent Study (mandatory)• Extension Modules• The Final Exhibition (mandatory)• Illustration Genres• Studio Photography• Work Placement• Negotiated Project (mandatory)• Pressure Projects (mandatory)• Experimental Digital Media• Digital Media CommunicationSkills (mandatory)www.worcester.ac.uk

Also in partnership with HerefordshireCollege <strong>of</strong> TechnologyHealth & Social CareFdScCourse IntroductionHealth and social care is increasinglydelivered by a range <strong>of</strong> differentpractitioners in a wide variety <strong>of</strong>settings. Studying this course willprepare you to work with childrenor young people, vulnerable adults,older people, individuals withdisabilities or chronic disease andpeople with mental health problems.An essential element <strong>of</strong> the course iswork-based learning. You will workin a health or social care placementin order to enable you to developand apply knowledge and skillsto the support <strong>of</strong> service users.This Foundation degree meets theNational Occupational Standards forthis sector and has been designedin partnership with employers.The degree can be studied fulltimeover two years. The taughtcomponent <strong>of</strong> the course willnormally be delivered on one day aweek across two semesters per year.Career OpportunitiesGraduates can expect greateremployability and enhancedpromotion prospects. There willbe opportunities open to you inhealth and care sectors, voluntaryand private organisations.ProgressionAlternatively, you may choose to goonto further study at degree level.On completion, you are eligible toapply for direct entry to a third yearBSc or BA (Hons) Top-up programmeat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> forexample BSc (Hons) Health Sciencesor BA (Hons) Social Welfare.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including practical assessment,coursework assignments, reflectivepractice and portfolio work,project work, individual and grouppresentations, case studies, reports.Additional Information• Taught at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> and HerefordshireCollege <strong>of</strong> Technology• A significant component <strong>of</strong> thecourse consists <strong>of</strong> work-basedlearning. Applicants who arenot currently employed in anenvironment working in a healthor social care setting will need tosecure a placement in a suitablesetting, equating to one day aweek for the duration <strong>of</strong> thecourse or 200 hours in each year• Flexible programme to meetlearning needs for specificcontexts or service user groupsa significantcomponent <strong>of</strong> thecourse consists <strong>of</strong>work-based learning.Course Content• Introduction to Study Skills• Interpersonal Skills &Therapeutic Communication• Understanding Health• Improving Service Quality• Politics, Policy & Empowerment• Values, Attitudes & Inequalities• Theory into Practice• Work-based Learning• Social Research Methodologies,Methods & Processes• Teamworking & Enabling Others• Applied Biology for Care Practice• Managing Health Conditions• Literature Review ModuleUCAS CodeHealth & SocialCare FdScL511-, B, FdSc/hscFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants may beinvited for interview• Enhanced Disclosure& Barring Servicecheck required• APL awardedfor RegisteredManagers AwardYou mayalso like...• Child & AdolescentMental HealthFdSc p66• Mental HealthFdSc p122• CounsellingFdSc p7299

UCAS CodeHealth Sciences BSc(Single Honours)Top-up DegreeB990 BSc/ahsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• For Level 6 entry,a Diploma or 120credits at Level5 is necessary.Some moduleshave specific entryrequirements ifthey are associatedwith awards froma regulatory body• There areopportunitiesfor accreditation<strong>of</strong> prior learningfor the purposes<strong>of</strong> entry andthis informationis available viaAdmissions andthe <strong>University</strong>web pagesHealth SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-up DegreeCourse IntroductionThe Top-up degree programmeat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> isa bespoke programme that hasbeen designed specifically forstudents in health who would liketo achieve a graduate pr<strong>of</strong>ile andfurther their career prospects.This programme will appeal tonurses, paramedics, foundationdegree students and internationalstudents who would like to top uptheir existing health qualifications toLevel 6 study to achieve an Honoursdegree. The pathway has beendesigned to promote pr<strong>of</strong>essionalismin practice and to enable studentsto tailor their programme <strong>of</strong> studyto their own area <strong>of</strong> practice.There are both full-time and parttimeroutes to allow flexibilityfor students in full- or part-timeemployment. Many <strong>of</strong> the modulesare <strong>of</strong>fered online to allow studentsto study around work commitments.The course is mappedto the Knowledge andSkills Framework whichmeets the requirementsfor NHS Careers.The course runs once a yearstarting in September. Throughoutthe curriculum there is a strongemphasis on pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism, clinicalgovernance and leadership skillsfor practice development. Thisallows all practitioners to reviewand critique their work and theenvironments they work in anddevelop skills for good practicewhich they can disseminate.Separate from the Top-up degreeprogramme there is also a range<strong>of</strong> Continuous Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment modules at Levels5 and 6. Please see the <strong>University</strong>website for more details about this.Career OpportunitiesMany health care related jobopportunities are looking foremployees with graduate skills.The programme is mapped to theKnowledge and Skills Frameworkwhich meets the requirementsfor NHS careers. Undertakingthe Top-up degree programmeis also an opportunity for healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to achieve theacademic credits and experienceto further promote their careers,with further options to study atMasters level in the future.AssessmentThere are a wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including case studies,critical incident analysis, seminarpresentation, work-based projectsand independent and group projects.Course ContentTo complete the degree you willbe required to complete six 20credit modules which will includethree mandatory modules:• The Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Health –20 credits• Research Methods – 20 credits• Independent Study – 40 creditsYou will then choose two <strong>of</strong>the four optional modules:• Legal & Ethical Issues forPr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice• Leadership Skills• Mentorship for Assessmentin Practice• Negotiated StudyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

HistoryBA (Hons)UCAS CodeHistory BA(Single Honours)V100 BA/HisCourse Introduction<strong>Worcester</strong> has a long-standingreputation for <strong>of</strong>fering a stimulatingdegree course at the cutting edge <strong>of</strong>current historiography, delivered in asupportive and informal atmosphere.A review by the Quality AssuranceAgency found that there was anexcellent relationship between staffand students, excellent supportfor students, excellent feedbackto students and that staff wereenthusiastic and <strong>of</strong> high quality.This course has been designed toprovide a coherent programme,yet at the same time to permit youto study the types <strong>of</strong> history thatappeal to you most. In the process,you will acquire research, analyticaland communication skills thatare highly valued by employers.Career OpportunitiesThere will be opportunities forprogression to a diverse range <strong>of</strong>careers, including careers in teaching,accountancy, law, media, localgovernment, the police, retailing,administration, marketing, socialwork and management. Growingnumbers <strong>of</strong> graduates successfullyundertake postgraduate researchin history both at <strong>Worcester</strong> andat other universities. Some havesubsequently become universitylecturers. The study <strong>of</strong> History equipsyou with a wide range <strong>of</strong> transferableskills, that will serve you well.AssessmentEssays, documentary analysis,presentations, book and filmreviews, timed tests, dissertation.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours.Students studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor studyfrom their second year• Suggested joint pathwaysto study alongside Historyinclude Politics, Sociology,Archaeology & HeritageStudies and EnglishCourse Content• How to do History (mandatory)• Global History• The Early Modern World• Ideology & Conflict inEurope Since 1789• Reconstructing the Past• Twentieth-Century Britain:Conflict, Stability & Change• An Introduction to Media History• TV History• Methods & Debates inHistory (mandatory)• Politics, Religion & Societyin Ireland Since 1690• Twentieth-Century USA• From Slavery to Civil Rights:African Americans, 1860-1960• Religion & Society in EarlyModern England, 1532-1660• British Women’s History,1790-2000• Germany from Unificationto Reunification• Modern Japan, 1854-1951• Britain in the Long NineteenthCentury, 1789-1914• Sex & Society in England,1600-1900• Politics & Society inTwentieth-Century Russia• (Re)-presenting the Past:History in Film• History Work Experience module• Nationalism (mandatoryfor Single Honours)• The USA & World War Two• The Home Front: Britain 1939-45• Hollywood Goes to War• Nazi Germany, 1933-45:Politics, War & Genocide• Jack the Ripper: History,Literature & Myth• Propaganda & Politics inthe Twentieth Century• Witchcraft• Martin Luther King Jr.& His Opponents• Empire & Appeasement• The Atlantic Slave TradeFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.originally from finland,kristo graduated in2011. he is now A PhDSTUDENT at WORCESTERresearching therussian-finnish war.KRISTO KARVINENIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Politics:People & PowerBA (Hons) p135• EnglishLiterary StudiesBA (Hons) p87• SociologyBA (Hons) p145101

UCAS CodeHorticulture BSc(Single Honours)D410 P BSc/HortFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 160 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ConservationEcologyBSc (Hons) p70• Plant ScienceBSc (Hons) p134• OrganicHorticultureHnc p127• HorticultureHND p103www.worcester.ac.ukIn partnership with Pershore College• Amenity Horticulture & Landscape Design• Horticultural Crop Production• Organic & Sustainable HorticultureHorticultureBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionHorticulture is a highly rewardingindustry and this course <strong>of</strong>fersfascinating opportunities for the study<strong>of</strong> disciplines ranging from landscapedesign to pest biology, garden historyto crop production and projectmanagement to food production.Students will be based at the60-hectare (150-acre) site atPershore College which providesthem with unique opportunitiesfor practical experience,experimentation and observation.Pershore College is the WestMidlands Regional Centre forthe Royal Horticultural Society,the national headquarters <strong>of</strong> theAlpine Garden Society and holdsthe National Philadelphus andPenstemon Collections for theNational Council for Conservation<strong>of</strong> Plants and Gardens.Both experienced horticulturistsand those new to the disciplineare welcome to apply. You willbe introduced to the scientific,technological and managerialprinciples upon which modernhorticulture is founded. Then youwill develop your knowledge <strong>of</strong> thehorticultural industry and focus yourstudies on one <strong>of</strong> three specialistpathways: Amenity Horticulture& Landscape Design, HorticulturalCrop Production, or Organic &Sustainable Horticulture.Career OpportunitiesAmenity Horticulture& Landscape DesignThis specialism opens upemployment opportunities ingarden management, gardendesign, contract management,education or self-employment.Horticultural Crop ProductionBy following this pathway you willbe prepared for a rewarding career ingarden centre industry, production <strong>of</strong>edible crops and ornamental plants,education or starting your own business.Organic & Sustainable HorticultureThis specialism equips you for acareer in organic crop productionor in a garden maintained usingorganic principles.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> coursework includingassignments, laboratory reports,plant identification exercises, verbalpresentations, practical projects,designs, case studies, end-tests andfinal year independent research project.Additional Information• Based at Pershore College(part <strong>of</strong> Warwickshire College)• Course received eightcommendations for good practicein a recent Subject ReviewCourse ContentYear 1• Mechanisation & Finance• Plant Use & Knowledge• Plant Propagation• Introduction to Garden Design• Nursery Management• Plant & Weed Biology• Soils & Plant NutritionYear 2: Core modules• Pests & DiseasesDouglas is due tograduate in 2013;this year he wonthe Institute <strong>of</strong>Horticulture ‘YoungHorticulturist <strong>of</strong> theYear’ award.www.warwickshire.ac.ukDOUGLAS MACKAY• Business Environment• Research & Statistics• Plant Growth & DevelopmentYear 2: Pathway modulesAmenity Horticulture& Landscape Design• Advanced Garden Design• Contract Management• Garden History• Plant Use & Knowledge 2Horticultural Crop Production• Crop Production Mechanisation• Sustainable Horticulture• Outdoor Edible Crop Production• Protected CroppingOrganic & Sustainable Horticulture• Crop Production Mechanisation• Sustainable Horticulture• Organic Crop ProductionYear 3: Core modules• Independent Study• Business & Personnel Management• Plant StrategiesYear 3: Pathway modulesAmenity Horticulture& Landscape Design• Advanced Landscape Design• Contemporary Issues• Landscape PlanningHorticultural Crop Production• Crop Protection• Plant Breeding & Gene Technology• Retail HorticultureOrganic & Sustainable Horticulture• Post-harvest Management• The Organic Future• Habitat Creation & Management

In partnership with Pershore College• Amenity Horticulture & Landscape Design• Horticultural Crop Production• Organic & Sustainable HorticultureHorticultureHNDCourse IntroductionStudy fascinating horticulturaldisciplines including landscapedesign, pest biology, gardenhistory, crop mechanisation,project management and cropproduction. The programmeaccommodates the needs <strong>of</strong> bothexperienced horticulturists andthose new to the discipline.You will have access to a range <strong>of</strong>first class facilities available onboth the <strong>Worcester</strong> and Pershorecampuses. Facilities include sciencelaboratories, library facilities,computer centre incorporatingcad and a 60-hectare site atPershore for practical experience.Pershore College is the WestMidlands Regional Centre forthe Royal Horticultural Society,the national headquarters <strong>of</strong> theAlpine Garden Society and holdsthe National Philadelphus andPenstemon Collections for theNational Council for Conservation<strong>of</strong> Plants and Gardens.You will be introduced to thescientific, technological andmanagerial principles upon whichmodern horticulture is founded.Then you will develop yourknowledge <strong>of</strong> the horticulturalindustry and focus your studieson one <strong>of</strong> three specialistpathways: Amenity Horticulture& Landscape Design, HorticulturalCrop Production or Organic &Sustainable Horticulture.ProgressionSuccessful completion <strong>of</strong> theHnd in Horticulture will allowprogression to the third year <strong>of</strong>the Horticulture BSc (Hons).Career OpportunitiesAmenity Horticulture &Landscape DesignEmployment opportunities ingarden management, gardendesign, contract management,education or self-employment.Horticultural Crop ProductionCareers in garden centre industry,production <strong>of</strong> edible crops andornamental plants, education orstarting your own business.Organic & Sustainable HorticultureCareers in organic crop productionor in a garden maintained usingorganic principles.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught at PershoreCollege (part <strong>of</strong> WarwickshireCollege) in collaboration with the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. PershoreCollege is a centre <strong>of</strong> vocationalexcellence for Horticulture.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> coursework includingassignments, laboratory reports,plant identification exercises, verbalpresentations, practical projects,designs, case studies and end-tests.Additional Information• Vocationally orientated, thiscourse is based at Pershore College• Two year, full-time course withpart-time route availableWinner <strong>of</strong> the 2012Worshipful Company<strong>of</strong> Gardeners ‘Prince<strong>of</strong> Wales Trophy’, Lucyis continuing herstudies by topping-upto BSc Organic andSustainableHorticulture.LUCY FOSKETTCourse ContentYear 1• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional & AcademicDevelopment• Mechanisation & Finance• Plant Use & Knowledge• Plant Propagation• Introduction to Garden Design• Hardy Nursery Stock &Nursery Management• Plant & Weed Biology• Soils & Plant NutritionYear 2: Core modules• Applied Horticultural Science(Pests & Diseases)• Business Environment & Marketing• Research & Statistics• Plant Growth, Development& EcologyYear 2: Pathway modulesAmenity Horticulture &Landscape Design• Advanced Garden Design & Graphics• Landscape Contract &Project Management• Historical & ContemporaryInfluences in Garden Design• Plant Use & Knowledge 2Horticultural Crop Production• Crop Production Mechanisation• Sustainable Horticulture& Water Management• Outdoor Edible Crop Production• Protected CroppingOrganic & Sustainable Horticulture• Crop Production Mechanisation• Sustainable Horticulture& Water Management• Organic Crop ProductionUCAS CodeHorticulture Hnd014D P HND/HFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 160 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• HorticultureBSc (Hons) p102• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGardeningHnc p137• Garden DesignHnc p96• OrganicHorticultureHnc p127103

UCAS CodeHuman Biology BSc(Single Honours)B150 BSc/HBioIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinations addbreadth to your studiesand can enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAS tariffpoints if you haveA2 Biology/HumanBiology and A2 inanother Sciencee.g. Chemistry• 280 UCAS tariffpoints if you haveA2 Biology/ HumanBiology and A1 inanother Science• 290 UCAS tariffpoints if you haveA1 Biology/HumanBiology and A2 inanother Science• 300 UCAS tariffpoints if youhave A1 Biology/Human Biology• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• BiologyBSc (Hons) p59www.worcester.ac.ukHuman BiologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionExplore the biology <strong>of</strong> humanbeings, and their relationship withtheir environment. Our stimulatingcourse is taught by enthusiastic,experienced tutors who have a realpassion for their subject. Specialistlaboratory and computing facilitiesare excellent and the course featuresa practical, hands-on emphasis.Not only does this help you tounderstand key concepts, it alsoprovides you with the specialist skillsdemanded by employers. You willenjoy a friendly, supportive learningenvironment; at <strong>Worcester</strong>, you arenot just another face in the crowd.In your first year you will developa comprehensive understanding<strong>of</strong> the structure and functions <strong>of</strong>living organisms appropriate tothe course. In Years 2 and 3 themodules become more specialised.Subjects central to Human Biologysuch as Cell Biology are deliveredin double modules to allow forsuitable development <strong>of</strong> the subjectand for the delivery <strong>of</strong> importantsubject-specific and generic skills.ED Studied humanbiology at worcesterwhich enabledhim to achieve hisambition; he is nowstudying medicine.ED JOHNSTONEIn your final year you will undertakean Independent Study which is adouble module. The IndependentStudy will have been designed inYear 2. Past topics have includedamplification <strong>of</strong> ancient humandna, relationship between theactn3 gene, 577 SNP allelevariations and speed/strengthperformance phenotypes and theantimicrobial effects <strong>of</strong> curry spices.Career OpportunitiesThis course will prepare you fora number <strong>of</strong> different careerpaths including work with thepolice, laboratory practice,medical and laboratory salesand postgraduate degrees. Somestudents are using Human Biologyas a route into medical school.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including seminar papers,tests, reports, presentationsand examinations (includingpractical examinations).Additional Information• Single Honours students willtake a module on project andcareer development in Year 2that not only prepares youfor the final year independentstudy but also enables you toreflect on the skills you havegained and prepares you for yourbiological career after universityCourse Content*Year 1• Cell Biology• Introduction to HumanBiology & Disease• Human Anatomy & PhysiologyYear 2• Molecular Genetics• Human Genetics• Human Systems Physiology• Applied Human Metabolism• Microbial Biology• Medical Forensic ScienceYear 3• Parasitology• Forensic DNA Analysis• Human Neuro-Endocrineand Immuno-Physiology• Pharmacology• Mammalian ReproductionFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.* Regular updates may meanthat exact module titles onthe course may differ.

Human GeographyBA (Hons)Course IntroductionHuman Geography is an exciting anddiverse subject which examines theconnections between people and theirbroader environment. In the dynamicworld <strong>of</strong> the 21st century, exploringthe impact <strong>of</strong> social, economic,cultural and political change on placesand regions is vitally important.With its range <strong>of</strong> modules,opportunities for specialisation anda practical emphasis throughout,the Human Geography course at<strong>Worcester</strong> is a great way to learnabout the world in which we live.It provides opportunities to examineaspects <strong>of</strong> change and developmentin urban and rural contexts,nationally and internationally. Adistinctive feature <strong>of</strong> the programmeis the numerous opportunities forfieldwork, both local and residential.Resource provision is excellent,and includes 24-hour accesscomputer rooms and a brand newdigital mapping and survey suite.The first year <strong>of</strong> the course <strong>of</strong>fersan introduction to the breadth <strong>of</strong>the discipline, with fieldwork andpractical activities featuring from theoutset. The second and third yearsprovide increasing opportunitiesfor specialisation, with the content<strong>of</strong> many modules benefiting fromstaff research and consultancyactivities. Field trips to regionslike Provence are a key feature,providing students with a variedcultural, as well as educational,experience. Throughout, you will findenthusiastic staff and a friendly andsupportive learning environment.Career OpportunitiesThe knowledge and skills acquiredin Human Geography, togetherwith the ability to think criticallyabout the world we live in, areuseful in many different careercontexts, including environmentalconsultancy, geographicalinformation systems (GIS)management, local governmentand planning, conservationorganisations, Wildlife Trust, CivilService, research or teaching.Alternatively, you may wish tocontinue to postgraduate studyand other pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including essays and fieldreports, video podcasts, seminarpresentations and research projects.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major,Joint and Minor• Cannot be combined withGeography BSc (Hons)• Supported by staff researchand consultancy• First class facilities (includingdigital mapping and survey suite,laboratories and computer room)• Practical, hands-on emphasis• Strong careers focus, withwork placement opportunity• Local, national andinternational fieldwork• Opportunity to spend asemester overseasHuman Geographyexamines theconnections betweenpeople and theirenvironment.Course ContentYear 1• Geographical Investigations• People & Place• Country & the City• Unequal World• Environmental Issues:Past Present & FutureYear 2• Human Geography Field Course• Researching Human Geography• GIS• Contemporary Issues inHuman Geography• Geographies <strong>of</strong> Development• Rural Geography• Urban Geography• Architecture & the Built Heritage• Heritage Tourism & Place PromotionYear 3• Research Project inHuman Geography• Changing Places Field Course• Work Placement• GIS• Applied GIS & Remote Sensing• Applying Geography• Cultural Geography• Political Geography• Countryside Conservation& Agricultural Change• Town & Country Planning• Architecture & the Built Heritage• Heritage Tourism &Place Promotion• Environment & Developmentin Sub-Saharan AfricaFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeHuman GeographyBA (Single Honours)L701 BSc/hgIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Archaeology &Landscape StudiesBSc (Hons) p54• Physical GeographyBSc (Hons) p132• GeographyBSc (Hons) p97105

UCAS CodeHuman NutritionBSc (Single Honours)B400 BSc/hnIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAS tariffpoints must includeA2 Biology and A2in another Sciencee.g. Chemistry• 280 UCAS tariffpoints must includeA2 Biology and A1in another Science• 290 UCAS tariffpoints must includeA1 Biology and A2in another Science• 300 UCAS tariffpoints must includeA1 Biology• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• BiologyBSc (Hons) p59• Human BiologyBSc (Hons) p104Human NutritionBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionThe Human Nutrition course atthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> <strong>of</strong>fersyou an opportunity to explorethe connections between foodconstituents, diet and health,with an emphasis on practicalexperience and real life scenarios.The course will look in detail atthe functions <strong>of</strong> nutrients andother bioactive compounds. Wewill consider the processes thatchange the amounts and activity<strong>of</strong> these food components asthey travel from farm to food, thefactors that affect our ability toutilise them as they journey frommouth to metabolism and theconsequences <strong>of</strong> inadequate supplyand imbalance on human physiology.We will also look at our changingnutritional requirements as wegrow and age; the political andsocial consequences <strong>of</strong> poornutrition; and the work beingundertaken to improve the quality<strong>of</strong> food in our schools, hospitalsand the wider community.Finally, there will be ampleopportunity to gain both laboratoryand theoretical skills in a ‘hands-on’approach that allows thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> intellectual,practical and social skills relevant tothe work <strong>of</strong> a nutritionist.Career OpportunitiesYou will have opportunities todevelop a wide range <strong>of</strong> skillsincluding research, data collectionand analysis, communication skills,critical evaluation, dietary analysisand laboratory techniques. You willalso develop presentational andteamwork skills and the confidence tooperate in a variety <strong>of</strong> environmentswhere nutritional knowledge is<strong>of</strong> paramount importance.Nutritionists who can look at evidenceand make measured and reasonedjudgements are required in scientificand health fields, but also in themedia, as nutritional journalists andpresenters; in retailing, as managers<strong>of</strong> health food shops and as advisorsin the larger supermarkets; andin finance, to ensure there is abalanced view relating to new foodtechnology and that any risks areneither under or over-stated.Many other openings are alsoavailable in areas such as education(healthy school food programme)and food production (advisors togrowers and animal husbandry)and food provision (advisors ortrainers <strong>of</strong> catering staff).AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including essays, seminar papers,tests, reports, presentations andexaminations (including practicalexaminations). These are designedto develop a range <strong>of</strong> skills thatcan be transferred to a widevariety <strong>of</strong> work environments.Course Content*Year 1• Introduction to Nutrition• Introduction to Anatomy& Physiology• Health & Disease• Cell BiologyYear 2• The Food Supply Chain• Applied Human Metabolism• Research Methods• Human Systems Physiology• Work ExperienceYear 3• Public Health Nutrition• Nutrition through the Life Cycle• Human Nutrition &Disease Modulation• Human Neuro, Endocrine& Immuno Physiology• Independent Study* Regular updates may meanthat exact module titles onthe course may differ.For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.caroline used the skillsand knowledge gainedfrom her degree tostart her own business:enhanced bodyboot camp. www.enhancebodybootcamp.co.ukCAROLINE FORSTERwww.worcester.ac.uk

IllustrationBA (Hons)Course IntroductionIllustration is a pervasive visualform, and increasingly so in anage <strong>of</strong> mass communication. Thecourse at <strong>Worcester</strong> covers thecomplete range <strong>of</strong> genres andforms: illustration for picturebooks, political articles, editorial,the graphic novel and advertising.You will be given a comprehensivefoundation in drawing techniquesand illustration skills in the firstyear, leading to a wide range <strong>of</strong>applications, from traditionaltechniques to digital realisation.We <strong>of</strong>fer many opportunities for youto work with exciting experimentalcross-media techniques, withexpert guidance on your path intothe pr<strong>of</strong>essional arena in the finalyear. You will also gain a wide range<strong>of</strong> transferable skills, for exampleresearch and analysis techniques,problem-solving, communicationand negotiation. Throughout yourcourse, you will have access toart and design studios and digitalcomputer suites in the <strong>University</strong>’sstate-<strong>of</strong>-the-art Digital Arts Centre.Career OpportunitiesIllustrators are in increasing demandas the media industries expand.Options for the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalillustrator include newspapersand magazines, books, advertising,exhibiting independent work,television and the Internet.All these fields are potentialshowcases for graduates’ work.Our interdisciplinary approach givesflexibility and a wider view <strong>of</strong> theworld that is attractive to employers.Graduates will find careeropportunities not only in illustrationbut also television motion graphics,graphic design, publishing, storywriting, studio management andadvertising. The course also providesan ideal basis for postgraduate study.AssessmentReflective reports; practical work;tutor-, self- and peer-assessment.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours.Students studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor studyfrom their second year• Creative use <strong>of</strong> traditionaltechniques or digital technology• A comprehensive foundation indrawing techniques and skills• Wide-ranging applications,from traditional techniquesto digital realisation• Understand the history andtheory <strong>of</strong> illustrationCourse Content• Illustration: Origin &Function (mandatory)• Illustration: Image &Text (mandatory)• Illustration & Printmaking• Illustration: ImageMaking (mandatory)• Illustration: ContemporaryPractice (mandatory)• Fine Art Practice 1• Drawing & Visualisation(mandatory)• Graphic Design & TypographyCheryl’s experimentalcollages were highlycommended at the2012 InternationalCheltenham IllustrationAwards and will beexhibited at the Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford.www.cheltenhamillustration-awards.comCheryl Howard• Animation: Origin & Function• Introduction to Animation• Creative Digital Imaging• Research Methods for DigitalMedia (mandatory)• Illustration: The PersonalStatement (mandatory)• Illustration Genres 1:Children’s Books & TheGraphic Novel (mandatory)• Illustration Genres 2:Newspaper, Magazine &Advertising (mandatory)• Location Drawing & ReportageIllustration (mandatory)• Drawing 2• Fine Art Practice 2• Stop-motion Animation• 2D Digital Animation• 3D Computer Modelling• Publication Design• Graphic Information Design• Digital Photography &Image Manipulation• Independent Study (mandatory)• Illustration Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice (mandatory)• The Final Exhibition (mandatory)• Fine Art Practice 3• Green Design• Work Placement Module• Negotiated Project (mandatory)• Accessible Web Design• Children’s Book Design• Experimental Digital Media• Extension Module• Digital Media CommunicationSkills (mandatory)• Research Methods for DigitalMedia (mandatory)For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeIllustration BA(Single Honours)W220 BA/IllIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-300 UCAStariff points• Shortlistedapplicants areinvited to attendan interview and toprovide a portfoli<strong>of</strong>or considerationYou mayalso like...• Fine Art PracticeBA (Hons) p91• AnimationBA (Hons) p45• Art & DesignBA (Hons) p57• Graphic Design& MultimediaBA (Hons) p98107

UCAS CodeInformationTechnology forEducation BSc(Single Honours)G5X1 BSc/ITEdTFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• ComputingBSc (Hons) p67• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p85Information Technology for EducationBSc (Hons)3 year full-timeCourse IntroductionThis course develops yourknowledge and skills in a broadrange <strong>of</strong> IT areas and has beencreated specifically for thoseinterested in a career in either Ictteaching, pr<strong>of</strong>essional IT training ordevelopment <strong>of</strong> e-learning resources.It is a highly flexible Single Honoursdegree, which you can customise tosuit your particular areas <strong>of</strong> interestto explore how IT can transformconventional methods <strong>of</strong> learning.You will be taught by computingand education specialists, whocombine theory and practice in theuse <strong>of</strong>, and development <strong>of</strong>, learningtechnologies. It will <strong>of</strong>fer you theopportunity to specialise in areas <strong>of</strong>IT such as information systems orweb development and introduce youto the fundamentals <strong>of</strong> educationand, in particular, how IT can beused in a learning environment.This is a fascinating area wherethere is considerable investmentbeing made and the opportunitiesfor career progression for a wellqualifiedindividual are excellent.During the course you will honeyour problem-solving skills as wellas becoming adept at researchand evaluation. You will becomean expert in communication usingIT, while building your abilityto work as part <strong>of</strong> a team.Career OpportunitiesA variety <strong>of</strong> career paths will beopen to you where you can putyour newly attained InformationTechnology skills into practice withinan education context. There will bea broad range <strong>of</strong> contexts to choosefrom, including primary or secondaryschool teaching, adult education orInformation Technology training,development and consultancy work.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment typesincluding reports, presentations,essays, exams, research anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> IT applications.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or AustraliaThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s unique,specialist degreeenabled Zerrin toachieve her longheldaim <strong>of</strong> becomingan IT teacher.ZERRIN WOODCourse ContentYear 1• Introduction toApplication Development• Introduction to Web & DatabaseDevelopment or Introduction toGame Design & Development• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Education• Computing or EducationOption or ElectiveYear 2• Systems Analysis & Design• Research in Education• Computing Options• Education Option or ElectiveYear 3• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in Context• IT for Education Project• Computing Options• Education OptionsFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

In partnership with The Learning Institute & Somerset SCIttIntegrated Children’s ServicesFdACourse IntroductionThis Foundation degree makesa significant contribution to thepr<strong>of</strong>essional understanding andnecessary collaboration andcommunication between the widerange <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional serviceswhich work with children and theirfamilies. It is intended to developthe knowledge, understanding andskills <strong>of</strong> those involved or interestedin inter-agency and interdisciplinarywork. It also contributes to therequirement to develop careerpathways, built on clearerrelationships between qualificationsthat enable staff to progress withinand across different sectors.The Foundation degree in IntegratedChildren’s Services is designed toaddress key issues regardingcommunication, co-operativeworking and shared pr<strong>of</strong>essionalaims and processes. These havebeen the focus <strong>of</strong> national policyin safeguarding children and youngpeople since the first Laming Report.A key aim <strong>of</strong> the degree is to ensurethat you and other students fromdifferent pr<strong>of</strong>essional backgroundsdevelop a common understanding<strong>of</strong> meeting the needs <strong>of</strong> childrenand young people throughcollaborative working. The degreeis also intended to help meetyour pr<strong>of</strong>essional developmentaspirations and needs which arespecific to your employment setting.The course is run by two partnerinstitutions (The LearningInstitute and Somerset SCITT)at university approved centres<strong>of</strong> these institutions.Career OpportunitiesThis Foundation degree isdesigned to support employmentin a range <strong>of</strong> children’s servicesand may also enable entry torelevant Level 6 Higher Educationprogrammes, such as Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice BA (Hons) which is taughtcurrently in the South West.After completing an Honoursdegree you may wish to progressfurther onto Masters Levelpartnership programmes, whichinclude PGCE (teacher training),Postgraduate Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment, PGDip and MA ormsc in Leadership and Managementin Integrated Children’s Services.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used, both practical andtheoretical. These include:• Formal (summative) assignments,which include a critical review<strong>of</strong> module learning outcomes• Informal (formative)work-based tasksIn addition, Accreditation <strong>of</strong>Prior Experiential Learning(apeL) can be given for thosestudents who have evidence <strong>of</strong>appropriate academic qualificationsor work-based learning.Course ContentYear 1• Introduction to Study Skills• Reflective Journal• Safeguarding & Well-being <strong>of</strong>Children & Young People• An Introduction toCommunication & Managementin Integrated Children’s Services• Introduction to theDevelopment <strong>of</strong> Children& Young People (0-19 years)• Understanding Motivation& Behaviour in Children& Young People• Work-based Project(double module)Year 2• Reflective Journal• Developing Collaborationin Integrated Children’sServices (double module)• Social & Emotional Development<strong>of</strong> Children & Young People(0-19 years) (double module)• Working with VulnerableChildren & Young People• Work-based IndependentStudy (double module)For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.the course is run by twopartner institutions –The Learning Instituteand Somerset scitt.UCAS CodeIntegrated Children’sServices FdAL520 G, I FdA/icsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirementsPasses A-C in fourgcse subjects plus:• UCAS tariff: 60points from a6-unit award(or equivalent).(Accredited KeySkills at Level 3 canbe counted towardsthe tariff total)• It is a requirement<strong>of</strong> the programmethat all studentsundertaking theprogramme will bein a relevant workenvironment, eitheras a paid member<strong>of</strong> staff or on avoluntary basis• Applicantsintending to studythe Foundationdegree as part <strong>of</strong> aroute to gaining ahigher pr<strong>of</strong>essionalqualification(such as qualifiedteacher statusor higher levelteaching assistantstatus) shouldnote the entryrequirements forthose programmesYou mayalso like...• Early Years SectorEndorsed FdA p83109

EntryRequirements• Foundation degree,Early Years SectorEndorsed FdA,DipHE, HNDor equivalentqualification in EarlyChildhood Studiesor related subject• GCSE Englishat Grade C orequivalent evidence<strong>of</strong> standard <strong>of</strong>written Englishand GCSE Mathsat Grade Cor equivalentfrom <strong>2014</strong>• Experience <strong>of</strong>working with youngchildren and families• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course• Supportiveacademic reference• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsNon-standard entryroutes will also beconsidered. Weencourage applicationsfrom candidateswho can provideevidence <strong>of</strong> theirability to work atLevel 6 and substantialexperience in theEarly Years sector.If your qualificationis not listed, pleasecontact Admissionsfor advice.Integrated Working withChildren & FamiliesBA (Hons) Top-up DegreeCourse IntroductionEarly Childhood is a multidisciplinarysubject relating to the study <strong>of</strong>children from birth to eight yearsin the context <strong>of</strong> the family, cultureand society. The provision <strong>of</strong> thiscourse on a full-time or part-timebasis, means that students willreceive an integrated and holisticapproach to the subject, whichencourages different perspectivesand respect for children, familiesand other pr<strong>of</strong>essional roles.The course content and structurehave been developed to reflect astudent-centred approach, enablingstudents from diverse but relevanteducational and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalbackgrounds to build on previouslearning and experience in EarlyChildhood. Reflective thinking andaction are essential to students’engagement with lifelong learningand pr<strong>of</strong>essional development. Thesubject draws on different disciplinesand pr<strong>of</strong>essional backgrounds toreflect the complexity <strong>of</strong> children’slives and their development.Students are supported in thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> a personalphilosophy <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional valuesand continuous improvement.The course is also <strong>of</strong>fered with two<strong>of</strong> our partner colleges; at HalesowenCollege and at Matthew BoltonCollege, Birmingham, as part <strong>of</strong> theBirmingham Metropolitan College.This provision is on a part-time basis.It is possible to exit the Top-updegree with a Graduate Certificateaward in Integrated Working withChildren & Families at <strong>Worcester</strong>.This award is available to a studentwho has successfully completed60 credits <strong>of</strong> the requiredmodules from the programme.Career OpportunitiesIntegrated Working with Children &Families graduates have knowledge<strong>of</strong> the education and care <strong>of</strong>children from birth to eight years,giving a foundation for a range<strong>of</strong> careers within childcare andeducation pr<strong>of</strong>essions, includingsocial work, teaching, children’scharities, nurseries, children andfamily centres, schools and thehealth service. The Top-up degreealso provides the academic route forthe individual who wishes to gaintheir Early Years Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Status(eyps) – please see page 82 for moreinformation about this opportunity.AssessmentVaried assessment methods areused to make sure your finalgrade is an accurate reflection<strong>of</strong> your performance during thecourse. Knowledge, understandingand skills are assessed, aswell as your presentation andcommunication skills. Assessmentmethods include essays, journals,presentations, displays, reports,seminars and research projects.Course ContentYou will have the opportunity toselect modules that relate to yourfuture career plans, including aselection <strong>of</strong> modules from theEarly Childhood Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice BA (Hons) degree.You may also like...• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice BA(Hons) Top-up Degree p138• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p85• Primary Initial TeacherEducation BA (Hons) p159• Early Childhood (Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice) BA (Hons) p81UCAS CodeIntegrated Working with Children& Families BA (Hons) Top-upDegree LX53 BA/iecsFor the latest information anducas codes visit www.ucas.comThe sharing <strong>of</strong> goodpractice, pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldiscussions anddebates, group projectsand independentworking supportedjennie within her roleas an Early Years andChildcare Consultant.JENNIE, EARLY YEARS &CHILDCARE CONSULTANTwww.worcester.ac.uk

• International Business BA (Hons)• International Finance BA (Hons)• International Human Resource Management BA (Hons)• International Marketing BA (Hons)International BusinessBA (Hons) Top-up Degrees1 year full-timeCourse IntroductionThese four Top-up degrees <strong>of</strong>fera wide range <strong>of</strong> options andopportunities for specialisation.You will be encouraged to apply theconcepts and theories discussed toreal-world settings and to developyour practical skills. You will havethe opportunity to extend yourknowledge and skills relatingto the study <strong>of</strong> internationalbusiness and/or experience <strong>of</strong>an international culture.Alongside your academicdevelopment, you will be able todevelop your key transferable skills,including project management,problem-solving, planning, analysis,organisation and implementation.You will become an efficientcommunicator, while building yourteamwork and leadership skills.Career OpportunitiesThese courses are ideal preparationfor an international businesscareer in all trading businesseswho import/export as well asin multinational corporations,international trade organisations,government, transportation orinternational aid. Alternatively,they are an excellent entry routeto postgraduate (Masters) study.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods including case studies,market pr<strong>of</strong>ile research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single HonoursCourse ContentCore modulesInternational Business BA (Hons)• Contemporary Global Systems• Global Business Strategy• Intercultural Perspectives• Business Project• Business OptionsInternational Finance BA (Hons)• Contemporary Global Systems• Global Business Strategy• Advanced ManagementAccounting• Corporate Finance• Advanced FinancialAccounting & Analysis• The Business <strong>of</strong> Banking• Business ProjectInternational Human ResourceManagement BA (Hons)• Intercultural Perspectives• Global Business Strategy• Managing the Diverse Workforce• In the Contemporary Workplace• Managing Emerging Issues• Sustainable Management• Business ProjectInternational Marketing BA (Hons)• Intercultural Perspectives• Global Business Strategy• Contemporary Developmentsin Advertising & Marketing• Contemporary Marketing Strategy• Brand Management• International Marketing• Business ProjectBusiness options(Availability subject to awardtitle selected and prior study)• Coaching and Mentoring• Economics <strong>of</strong> Business• Managing Emerging Issues• Sustainable Management• Contemporary Marketing Strategy• International Marketing• Brand Management• Contemporary Developmentsin Advertising and Marketing• The Business <strong>of</strong> Banking• Public Relations and Society• Selling the Prime Minister• Managing Entrepreneurship• Entre and Intrapreneurship• Managing the Diverse Workforce• In the Contemporary Workplace• E-businessFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.YubinG enjoyedundergraduate studyat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> and stayedon to complete hermasters.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityYUBING LIUCAS CodesInternationalBusiness BA (Hons)N121 BA/IntbiInternationalFinance BA (Hons)N390 BA/IntfiInternational HumanResource ManagementBA (Hons)N690 BA/hrmiInternationalMarketing BA (Hons)N550 BA/IntMkt1For the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• Students musthave successfullycompleted thefirst two years <strong>of</strong>a degree, or haveobtained an Hnd orFoundation degree ineither InternationalBusiness or Businessplus experience <strong>of</strong>studying or workingin an internationalenvironment.Overseas studentswith an equivalentqualification to theabove will also beexpected to haveIELts 6.0 or above• We encourageapplications fromthose who have(or are workingtowards) appropriatequalifications inbusiness, whichwould allow entrydirect to Year 3111

UCAS CodeInternational BusinessManagementBA (Hons)N122 BA/ibmFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above.• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p61• BusinessSpecialist DegreesBA (Hons) p62www.worcester.ac.ukInternational BusinessManagementBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionInternational Business Managementis a specialist degree aimed atstudents who wish to developtheir understanding <strong>of</strong> businessmanagement within an internationalcontext. The course has acompulsory semester overseasenabling you to experience businessin a truly international setting.A key feature <strong>of</strong> this courseis the opportunity to selectfrom a wide range <strong>of</strong> businessoptions, both at <strong>Worcester</strong> andoverseas, in order to tailor thecourse to suit your interests anddeveloping global experience.You will also study one or two newmodern foreign languages (Chinese(Mandarin), French, German,Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with theoption to take up a third in Year 2when you will spend a semesterat one <strong>of</strong> our partner universities– in the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia – whereyou will be taught in English.There is also an opportunityto gain valuable workexperience in a placement yearbetween Years 2 and 3.Career OpportunitiesThis degree in InternationalBusiness Management is designedto underpin a successful careerin a business operating in aglobal context, in either a homebasedbusiness or organisationsoperating further afield.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods including case studies,market pr<strong>of</strong>ile research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Compulsory semester overseas• Opportunity to take aone year work placementCourse ContentMandatory modules include:Year 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism• Business Viability: Financial& Economic Perspectives• Language – you can chooseYear 2• Business EthicsYear 3• International Business Strategy• Intercultural PerspectivesOptional modules include:Year 2• Advertising: Influence& Persuasion• Business Research• Business Sustainability• Commercial Law• Contemporary MarketingCommunications• Customer Behaviour &Decision-making• E-business• Entrepreneurship & SmallBusiness ManagementStudy abroadand learning newlanguages makefor an excitingspecialist degree withinternational context.• EU, Human Rights &The Legal Environment• Financial & ManagementAccounting• International Marketing• Leadership Principles & Practice• Macro & Micro Economics• Managing HR & Performance• Operations, Project &Risk Management• Public Relations & Campaigning• Selling & Sales Management• Taxation• Work-based LearningYear 3• Audit, Ethics & Governance• Brand Management• Work-based Learning• Collaborative Leadership• Contemporary Advertising• Contemporary Developmentsin Strategic Marketing• E-business• Economics for Business• Enhancing Organisations& Employability• Financial Reporting• Innovation & Intrapreneurship• International Banking & Finance• International Business Project• International Marketing• Managing Emerging Issues• Spin Doctors, Lobbyists &Other Hidden Persuaders• Strategic Challenges <strong>of</strong> Hrm• Strategic Accounting &Financial Management• Work-based LearningFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.

you will be taught byindustry experts andlearn essential andup-to-date techniques.JournalismBA (Hons)UCAS CodeJournalism BA (Singleor Joint Honours)P500 BA/JourCourse IntroductionAt <strong>Worcester</strong> we <strong>of</strong>fer you theopportunity <strong>of</strong> becoming multiskilledto meet the needs <strong>of</strong>today’s media environment.The department has strong linkswith industry. These includea Media Diversity Partnershipwith the BBC, and close linkswith the city’s communityradio station, Youthcomm,and the <strong>Worcester</strong> News.The course provides grounding injournalism theory and practiceand, through a hands-on approach,introduces you to the concept<strong>of</strong> multi-platform delivery.There is scope for you to developspecial skills as you move intoYears 2 and 3, with a range <strong>of</strong>pathways including broadcast,photography, print and politics.A wide range <strong>of</strong> module optionsenables you to create your owndistinct programme with topicsincluding sport, feature writing andTV researcher skills. Some modulesengage with current debates onthe power and responsibility <strong>of</strong> themedia. There are opportunities tostudy abroad for one semester.You will be taught by industryexperts and learn essential andup-to-date techniques that willmake you more attractive toprospective employers. Thereare excellent work placementopportunities in collaborationwith local organisations andorganisations based further afield.High pr<strong>of</strong>ile speakers includeHeather Brooke, the journalistwho set the ball rolling on themps’ expenses scandal.<strong>Worcester</strong>’s Journalism courseachieved Broadcast JournalismTraining Council accreditation(pending) in July 2012, placing it inan elite group <strong>of</strong> universities. Thisindustry Kitemark ensures thatstandards are delivered to the highestlevel. It also enables opportunities forstudents to undertake a range <strong>of</strong> workplacements within the broadcastingsector and supports them to competeeffectively in the marketplace.Career OpportunitiesThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Journalism course will provideyou with practical skills to workas a journalist, researcher, or inrelated communications jobssuch as public relations. You willbe well placed to progress topostgraduate study in journalismor in a wide range <strong>of</strong> other areas.AssessmentEssays, seminar presentations,journalistic writing and contributionsto published projects.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours, with optionto become the Major or Minorpart <strong>of</strong> a Joint Honours degreefrom students’ second year• Suggested joint pathways to studyalongside Journalism includeEnglish, Politics: People & Powerand Media & Cultural Studies• Study a modern approach tojournalism as it evolves in arapidly changing media landscape• Learn about journalism practisedon newspapers, magazines,television, radio and online• Take a combined approachto the theory and practice <strong>of</strong>journalism, learning about the‘why’ as well as the ‘how’• Benefit from work placementswith local media organisations andproduce your own published work• Studying journalism will helpyou develop a wide range <strong>of</strong>transferable skills. You’ll be ableto write clearly and simply, gatherinformation from interviewingand research, organise yourselfand others, pay attention todetail and acquire excellenttime management skills.Course Content• Introduction to Journalism• Feature Writing• Law, Ethics & Society• Internet Journalism• Magazine Production• Broadcast Journalism• Reporting Politics• Journalism Project• Developing Careers• TV Research Skills• Documentary Photography• Sports Journalism• Advanced Journalism• Work Placement Module• Independent Study• Advanced PrintFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.It is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinations can addbreadth to your studiesand can enhanceyour employability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280-300 UCAS tariffpoints (Single Honours)• 240-300 UCAStariff points(Joint Honours)• Candidates shouldhave good EnglishLanguage skills• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou may also like...• Creative Digital MediaBA (Hons) p74• Politics: People &Power BA (Hons) p135• English LanguageStudies BA (Hons) p86• Sports CoachingScience BSc (Hons) p153• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156• English LiteraryStudies BA (Hons) p87• Media & CulturalStudies BA (Hons) p121113

UCAS CodeHealth & Social Care(Learning Disabilities)FdSc L512 HSCLDFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants willbe invited forinterview• EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck requiredYou mayalso like...• Child & AdolescentMental HealthFdSc p66• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• CounsellingFdSc p72• Mental HealthFdSc p122• Young PeopleServices FdA p168Learning DisabilitiesFdScCourse IntroductionIf you are interested in a careerwithin Learning Disability services,or already work in this field andwant to gain a qualification,this course is for you.You will learn how to workeffectively with individuals witha range <strong>of</strong> learning disabilities,autistic spectrum disorders andchallenging behaviours. Work-basedlearning forms a significant part<strong>of</strong> the course and will enable youto link theory to the workplace.During the programme, youwill spend time studying withother students undertakingdifferent Foundation degrees.The contribution <strong>of</strong> a widerange <strong>of</strong> service users and carersis an important and valuableelement <strong>of</strong> the course.Career OpportunitiesGraduates can expect greateremployability and enhancedpromotion prospects. The course isfor individuals looking to progresswithin the Learning Disabilityservices or for those interested indeveloping a career in this field.ProgressionAlternatively, you may choose to goon to further study at degree level.On completion <strong>of</strong> the FoundationDegree, you are eligible to applyfor direct entry to the Top-up year<strong>of</strong> BSc (Hons) Health Sciencesor BA (Hons) Social Welfare.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is also taught atHerefordshire College <strong>of</strong> Technology.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including coursework assignments,reflective practice and portfolio<strong>of</strong> work, individual and grouppresentations, case studies, groupwork and project planning, reportsand practical assessment.Additional Information• Chance to progress to arelevant Top-up degreeand postgraduate study• Can be studied part-time• A significant component <strong>of</strong> thecourse consists <strong>of</strong> work-basedlearning. Applicants who arenot currently employed in anenvironment working with peoplewho have learning disabilities willneed to secure a placement in asuitable setting; equating to oneday a week for the duration <strong>of</strong> thecourse or 200 hours in each year• Inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional learningand vocational learningCourse Content• Introduction to Study Skills• Interpersonal Skills &Therapeutic Communication• Understanding Health• Improving Service Quality• Politics, Policy & EmpoweringPractice in Learning Disability• Values, Attitudes & Inequalities• Theory into Practice• Work-based Learning• Research, Process & Epistemology• Teamworking & Enabling Others• Experiences <strong>of</strong> Learning Disability& Associated Conditions• Interventions in Learning Disability& Associated Conditions• Negotiated Contract Modulethere is significantservice user andcarer involvementin the course.www.worcester.ac.uk

For partners see location <strong>of</strong> studyLearning SupportFdACourse IntroductionThis career-focused course is idealfor students who are currentlyemployed in (or have access to)a Learning Support environment.The course will develop a personalapproach to practice by furtheringyour understanding <strong>of</strong> education.You will be encouraged to drawupon your existing skills, knowledgeand experience as well as recogniseyour strengths and resolve personalpr<strong>of</strong>essional development needs.The course modules are designedto give you the necessary expertiseand knowledge to confidently tackleproblems in a range <strong>of</strong> workingenvironments and to put yourstudies to use in the real world.You will engage in a range <strong>of</strong> learningand assessment styles and beencouraged to become effectiveand independent in researchingand presenting work. Work-basedassignments will enable you toengage with your own practice andto share knowledge and expertisewith others through activities suchas group work and presentations.In the second year <strong>of</strong> the courseyou will undertake a work-basedstudy which will allow you, withindividual tutorial support, to focuson a particular area <strong>of</strong> interestwithin your pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice.Career OpportunitiesThis course will supportemployment in a range <strong>of</strong>educational settings and with awide range <strong>of</strong> learners includingmainstream and special schools,educational support services,such as the Learning Support andBehaviour Support Services.ProgressionThe course provides a sound basisfor further study at degree levelincluding the Education StudiesTop-up BA (Hons) delivered at<strong>Worcester</strong>. Students may thenchoose to apply for a PGCE or otherteacher training route. Currententry requirements for teachingtraining courses can be found on theTeaching Agency website. There mayalso be the possibility <strong>of</strong> applyingto enter Level 5 <strong>of</strong> the BA (Hons)Primary Initial Teacher Educationat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThe course is run at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> and also in associationwith South <strong>Worcester</strong>shireCollege (Evesham campus),Herefordshire College <strong>of</strong> Technologyand at Halesowen College.AssessmentWritten assignments, individualand group presentations, casestudies and portfolios.Problem-based learning andworkplace investigation skills.Course Content• Preparing for Study• Creative Curriculum• Child Development• Understanding Learning Support• Managing Challenging Behaviour• Partnerships in Education• Wider Aspects <strong>of</strong> Disability• Introduction to Research Methods• Inclusion in Theory & Practice• Supporting Additional Needs• School-based Study(double module)• Talking & Listening with Others• Meeting the National Agenda• Evaluationyou will beencouraged to drawupon your existingskills, knowledgeand experience.UCAS CodeLearning Support FdAX300-, C, E FdA/lsptFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAS tariffpoints• Plus current/recent experience<strong>of</strong> working withlearners, minimumtwo years,and employedor working ina voluntarycapacity withinan appropriateeducational setting• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course• Applicants with n<strong>of</strong>ormal qualificationsmay be consideredfor Mature StudentEntry Routes• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Early Years SectorEndorsed FdA p83• IntegratedChildren’s ServicesFdA p109• Teaching & LearningFdA p160115

EntryRequirements• dtLLS, PGCE orCertEd or otherappropriateinitial teachertraining award• Level 3 personalskills in English• GCSE EnglishLanguage andMathematicsor equivalent• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course• Access to requiredteaching hours: 75hours <strong>of</strong> teachingpractice per diplomaYou mayalso like...• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p85• Itt Programmesfor Teachers in theLifelong LearningSector p117• Diploma in Teaching & Learning English in the Lifelong Learning Sector• Diploma in Teaching & Learning ESOL in the Lifelong Learning SectorLifelong LearningQualifications for TeachersCPD*Course Introductioncpd Diplomas in Teaching &Learning (English or ESOL)Are you interested in developingyour teaching skills in Englishor ESOL? The CPD diplomasare part <strong>of</strong> a suite <strong>of</strong> teachereducation programmes. Thecourses are for new or experiencedteachers who wish to developtheir subject skills and acquire asubject specific qualification. Thediplomas are one year part-timeprogrammes taught by members<strong>of</strong> the Centre for Secondary andPost-Compulsory Education.As a teacher undertaking theprogramme you will developskills, knowledge and criticalunderstanding <strong>of</strong> learning andteaching issues in the postcompulsorysector. You willapply these qualities to yourown pr<strong>of</strong>essional practiceand demonstrate effectivelearning and teaching in yourown subject specialism.*Subject to government decisioncpd diplomas represent some<strong>of</strong> the most up-to-date teachingqualifications available. Thecontent has been informed bykey learning theory and recentresearch findings. Principles <strong>of</strong>inclusion and collaborative learningwill underpin your learning.Career OpportunitiesThe nature <strong>of</strong> teaching and learningin the lifelong learning sectoris changing rapidly, generatingnew opportunities and new rolesand responsibilities for teachers.Progression through a CPD diplomaprogramme will develop yourteaching skills, personal learningand level <strong>of</strong> critical evaluation,providing you with the confidence,skills and knowledge to seekfurther pr<strong>of</strong>essional and careeropportunities. Teachers in thelifelong learning sector are nowrequired to achieve QTLS (QualifiedTeacher Learning and Skills) or ATLS(Associate Teacher Learning andSkills) status from the Institute forLearning. The CPD diplomas <strong>of</strong>feredhere can support the process <strong>of</strong>achieving pr<strong>of</strong>essional status.Course Content• Personal & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment• Literacy, Learning & Teaching• Literacy, ESOL & the Learners• ESOL Theories & Frameworks• ESOL Learning & Teaching• Literacy Theories & FrameworksFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.the courses are for newor experienced teachersto develop subject skills.AssessmentCoursework, including: writtenassignments, teaching plans,reflective journal, presentations,research reports, analysis <strong>of</strong> theoryand practice, observations <strong>of</strong>teaching, portfolio <strong>of</strong> evidence.www.worcester.ac.uk

In partnership with Bournville College and Halesowen CollegeLifelong LearningQualifications for TeachersItt Diploma in Teaching in theLifelong Learning Sector (dtLLS)*Course IntroductionThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Partnership <strong>of</strong>fers a suite <strong>of</strong>programmes that meet nationalpr<strong>of</strong>essional standards (for LifelongLearning UK) for teachers in postcompulsoryeducation settingsand has been graded as ‘Good’ byOfsted (2010). The programme isendorsed by LSIS, the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalbody for teachers in FE.The initial teacher training courses inthe partnership provide opportunitiesfor you to gain the most up-to-dateteaching qualifications available.The qualifications you canachieve are: Preparing to Teachin the Lifelong Learning Sector;Certificate in Teaching in theLifelong Learning Sector; andDiploma in Teaching in the LifelongLearning Sector. The Diploma is atwo year part-time programme.Modules within the programmeare sequenced to ensure youare adequately prepared for theteaching role through planningfor learning and developing skillsin teaching, enabling learning,assessment, research andpr<strong>of</strong>essional development.Career OpportunitiesThe nature <strong>of</strong> teaching and learningin the Lifelong Learning Sectoris changing rapidly, generatingnew opportunities and new rolesand responsibilities for teachers.Progression through the initialteacher training programmewill develop your teaching skills,personal learning and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpractice, providing you with theconfidence, skills and knowledgeto seek further pr<strong>of</strong>essional andcareer opportunities. Teachers inthe Lifelong Learning Sector are nowrequired to achieve QTLS (QualifiedTeacher Learning and Skills) oratLS (Associate Teacher Learningand Skills) status from the Institutefor Learning. The initial teachertraining qualifications <strong>of</strong>feredhere are key requirements for theachievement <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional status.The programme also enablesprogression on to the final year<strong>of</strong> the Education Studies BA(Hons) (for those who haven’tgot a degree already) deliveredat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.There is also possible progressionto Masters Level programmesfor those who have a degree.AssessmentCoursework, including: writtenassignments, teaching plans,reflective journal, presentations,research reports, analysis <strong>of</strong> theoryand practice, observations <strong>of</strong>teaching, portfolio <strong>of</strong> evidence.Additional Information• The initial teacher trainingprogrammes have been developedby the <strong>University</strong> in partnershipwith FE colleges in the WestMidlands. The programmesare delivered at partnershipcolleges which currently includeBournville and HalesowenCourse Content• Preparing to Teach in theLifelong Learning Sector &Planning & Enabling Learning• Enabling Learning & Assessment• Theories & Principles <strong>of</strong> Learning• Assessing, Teaching & ResearchingMy Subject Specialism• Curriculum Developmentfor Inclusive Practice• Wider Pr<strong>of</strong>essional PracticeEntryRequirements• Level 3 personalskills in the subjectspecialism• GCSE EnglishLanguage andMathematics atGrade C or Level2 Key Skills inCommunicationand Application<strong>of</strong> Number• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course• Access to a mentorin a ‘regulatedlocation’• Access to requirednumber <strong>of</strong> teachinghours: up to 75hours per yeardepending onqualification• Applicants with n<strong>of</strong>ormal qualificationsmay be consideredfor Mature StudentEntry RoutesYou mayalso like...• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p85• Lifelong LearningQualifications forTeachers: CPD p116The content <strong>of</strong> the course has beeninformed by key learning theory andrecent research findings. Principles<strong>of</strong> inclusion and collaborativelearning will underpin your learning.*Subject to government decisionafter the level 5 diploma,simon completed adegree in educationstudies and is now atoxford studying foran ma in education.Simon Thomas117

UCAS CodeManagement BA(Single Honours)N201 BA/MgtFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p61• Business SpecialistDegrees BA (Hons),Managementpathway p62ManagementBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionManagement BA (Hons) is aspecialist degree designed todevelop graduates capable <strong>of</strong>being effective employees andleaders, as well as managers, keento champion change and confrontdifficulties. In addition to recognisingwhat makes a business viable, thisdegree explores the management<strong>of</strong> people, operations, projects andrisk. It also considers the roles <strong>of</strong>ethics, sustainability, leadership andintercultural awareness in enhancingorganisational performance.Particular emphasis is placedon exploring the managementfunction as it relates to all types <strong>of</strong>organisations from blue-chip globalcompanies to small businesses andpublic and voluntary sectors. Likeall our degrees in management, thiscourse has been mapped against theNational Occupational Standardsset by the Management StandardsCentre – the Government-recognisedstandards setting body for themanagement and leadership areas.You will develop skills in problemsolving,logical thinking, businessanalysis, creativity, teamwork,leadership, effective and persuasivecommunication, time and projectmanagement, personal initiativeand self-reliance, together witha sensitivity to diversity.Career OpportunitiesYour specialist Management degreewill prepare you for a wide range<strong>of</strong> career options in commercial,public and voluntary/non-pr<strong>of</strong>itsectors, and will prepare you for acareer as a management consultantor as a manager <strong>of</strong> a particularbusiness function, perhaps via acompany management trainingscheme. If you wish to continue yourstudies, our Masters programmesin Management or InternationalManagement would be a goodcomplement to your first degree.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> methods including:case studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Opportunity to take aone year work placement• Investigate starting yourown businessCourse ContentMandatory modules include:Year 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism• Business Viability: Financial& Economic PerspectivesYear 2• Leadership Principles & Practice• Managing HR & Performance• Operations, Project &Risk ManagementYear 3• Collaborative Leadership• Enhancing Organisations& Employability• International Business Strategy• Managing Emerging Issues• Strategic Challenges <strong>of</strong> HrmFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.After a career-boostingplacement year, now atthe start <strong>of</strong> an excitingcareer with Apple.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityjames adamswww.worcester.ac.uk

MarketingBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionMarketing BA (Hons) is a fullyintegrated specialist Marketingdegree in which you will have theopportunity to explore a range <strong>of</strong>contemporary aspects <strong>of</strong> marketingin more depth, including marketingcommunications, customer andconsumer behaviour, customerpsychology, interactive marketing,marketing information, brandmanagement and internationalmarketing. There is particularemphasis on the global andintercultural context in whichmarketing and trade occurs.This course seeks to inspire youto function as an instinctivemarketer who adopts andchampions marketing both as anunderpinning business philosophyand management function. Likeall our marketing degrees, thiscourse is mapped against theChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing’sPr<strong>of</strong>essional Marketing Standards.You will learn to be an excellentcommunicator, analyst, problemsolver,decision-maker, teamworkerand business strategist, as well asdeveloping skills in creative thinking,time management, personalinitiative, self-reliance, organisation,prioritisation, responsiveness,proactivity and reflective thinking.Career OpportunitiesYour <strong>Worcester</strong> degree in Marketingwill prepare you to work ‘in-house’in a wide range <strong>of</strong> product andservice organisations, charitiesor the public sector. Typical rolesinclude marketing manager/assistantmanager, product manager, brandmanager, marketing analyst, salesconsultant, events manager orweb marketer. You may choose towork within a specialist marketing,advertising, public relations,Internet or research agency orto take a broader managementor business development role inrisk management, accountancy,banking, insurance, investment,retail or general management.If you wish to continue yourstudies, our Masters programmesin Marketing would be a goodcomplement to your first degree.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used, includingcase studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Opportunity to take aone year work placement• Investigate starting yourown businessNow maximising websitepromotions, developingnew business andanalysing onlinecustomer behaviouras Assistant OnlineMerchandising Managerat ArgoS.www.worcester.ac.uk/communityStuart johnstonCourse ContentMandatory modules include:Year 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Creative Communications:Ideas & Impacts• Business Viability: Financial& Economic PerspectivesYou can also select fromadditional optional modules in:• Business Accounting Systems• Business LawYear 2• Business Ethics• Contemporary MarketingCommunications• Customer Behaviour &Decision-makingYear 3• Brand Management• Contemporary Developmentsin Strategic Marketing• International Business Strategy• International MarketingFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeMarketing BA(Single Honours)N501 BA/MktFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Marketing,Advertising &Public RelationsBA (Hons) p120• BusinessSpecialist DegreesBA (Hons) p62119

UCAS CodeMarketing,Advertising &Public Relations BA(Single Honours)np5F BA/maprFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• MarketingBA (Hons) p119• Business SpecialistDegrees BA(Hons), Marketing,Advertising orPublic Relationspathway p62• AdvertisingBA (Hons) p43Marketing, Advertising& Public RelationsBA (Hons)3 year full-time or 4 year sandwichCourse IntroductionThis is a specialist, dynamic courseproviding a sound understanding<strong>of</strong> marketing communicationstheory and practice, built on a solidfoundation <strong>of</strong> general businessunderstanding. It is designed toprepare you for an exciting careeron either the client or agency side<strong>of</strong> the marketing communicationsindustry. It signals your aspirationsto become a dedicated marketingcommunications specialist.You will apply concepts and theoriesexplored during your course in‘real settings’. For example, youwill take an advertising campaignfrom the first stage <strong>of</strong> productinterrogation through to the finalstage <strong>of</strong> client proposals. You willhave the opportunity to developsophisticated advertising plansbased on extensive research andanalysis, including target markets,media consumption, positioningand creative development. Youwill explore aspects <strong>of</strong> customerbehaviour and psychology and thepersuasive power and influence<strong>of</strong> marketing communications.During the course you will honeyour problem-solving skills as wellas becoming adept at planning,analysis and organisation. You willdevelop your personal efficiency,alongside opportunities to buildyour teamwork and leadershipskills. You will become an expertcommunicator, with innovation,creativity and entrepreneurshipas your key attributes.Career OpportunitiesThis course is designed to underpina successful career in marketing,advertising, public relations orgeneral management, across allbusiness sectors, includingagency or client organisations.It is also an ideal base forpostgraduate study.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used, includingcase studies, research projects,reports, presentations, businesssimulations and examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours• Opportunity to study abroad atone <strong>of</strong> our partner universitiesin the USA, Canada, Europe,New Zealand or Australia• Opportunity to take aone year work placement• Flexibility to change toan alternative businesscourse after Year 1RECOGNISEDCOURSEThis degree isrecognised by theChartered Institute <strong>of</strong>Public Relations (CIpr).Course ContentMandatory modules include:Year 1• Business Dynamics: Marketing& Management Perspectives• Business Viability: Financial& Economic Perspectives• Creative Communications:Ideas & ImpactsYear 2• Advertising: Influence& Persuasion• Contemporary MarketingCommunications• Public Relations & CampaigningYear 3• Brand Management• Advertising Campaign• Contemporary Developmentsin Strategic Marketing• Spin Doctors, Lobbyists &Other Hidden PersuadersFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.Six week internshipat a London integratedadvertising agencyled to Junior PublisherManager role atmobile advertisingplatform Tapjoy.JULIA OGNIEVAwww.worcester.ac.uk

Media & Cultural StudiesBA (Hons)Course IntroductionIn three years on our degree courseyou will have the opportunity tostudy everything from newspapersto television, music to advertising,film to the Internet, and will betaught by experts in areas thatrange across television advertising,popular culture, pornography,gender, war reporting, children andthe media, and environmentalism.With their help, you will get toconsider the pivotal role played bymedia and culture in shaping bothyour identity and understanding<strong>of</strong> national and global events.Studied as either Single Honoursor jointly with another subject,Media & Cultural Studies at<strong>Worcester</strong> is an academic ratherthan a practical degree. As such,the broad knowledge that youwill gain will <strong>of</strong>fer enhancedemployment opportunities acrossthe media and cultural industries.Furthermore, in a ‘media society’,where an understanding <strong>of</strong> howto communicate is all-important,graduates <strong>of</strong> media and culturalstudies courses now work in a widerange <strong>of</strong> other industries, and areinvolved in designing websites,writing publicity and press material,and running media training. Withemployment sectors includingmarketing, public relations,event management, teaching,business, and the public sector, itis perhaps unsurprising that MediaStudies is now identified as one<strong>of</strong> the top ten degree subjects forproducing employable graduates.You can take the course as a SingleHonours subject, or combine itwith, for example, Journalismor a practical course such asGraphic Design & Multimedia.Top up your studiesto degree levelYou may be eligible to enter directlyonto the Media & Cultural Studiescourse in Year 2 if you have anappropriate Hnd in Media.Career OpportunitiesGraduates <strong>of</strong> media and culturalstudies work in a wide range <strong>of</strong>careers to which communicationskills are central, includingmarketing and public relations,publishing, media and journalism,business and industry, charitiesand public administration. Thecourse also provides a soundbasis for postgraduate study.AssessmentA range <strong>of</strong> traditional and innovativemethods including essays,presentations, research projects,blogs, journals and creative writing.Alice found graduateemployment atMediaCom afterfinishing her degreeand works on brandssuch as MG and Bentley.alice hadleyAdditional Information• Available as Single or Joint Honours• Study media from the perspective<strong>of</strong> their production and audiencereception as well as focus ona range <strong>of</strong> media texts fromnews coverage <strong>of</strong> war to soaps• An excellent subject tocombine with others includingEnglish, Journalism, Film,Politics, Sociology and GraphicDesign & MultimediaCourse Content• Studying Media & Culture• Applying Media & CulturalStudies Theory• Popular Cultures• Media & Social Change• Introduction to Gender& Representation• Introduction to Television• Introduction to New Media• Popular Music & Cultural Change• Research in Media, CulturalStudies & Journalism• War, Democracy & the Media• Gender & Popular Fiction• Independent Study• Gender, Feminism &Popular Culture• TV Times• Work Project• Screening the Nation• Radio Times• Green MediaFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeMedia & CulturalStudies BA(Single Honours)P392 BA/mcsIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnglishLanguage StudiesBA (Hons) p86• JournalismBA (Hons) p113• SociologyBA (Hons) p145• Film StudiesBA (Hons) p90121

UCAS CodeMental Health FdScL515, FdSc/mhFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAStariff points• An EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course, plusan OccupationalHealth check• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Child & AdolescentMental HealthFdSc p66• LearningDisabilitiesFdSc p114• CounsellingFdSc p72• Pre-Hospital,Unscheduled& EmergencyCare FdSc p136Mental HealthFdScCourse IntroductionThis nationally recognisedqualification is suitable for anyoneworking or wanting to work toimprove the mental health andpsychological well-being <strong>of</strong> peopleand to work with their familiesand carers in a range <strong>of</strong> health andsocial care settings. The Foundationdegree develops knowledge andskills that employers are lookingfor across the spectrum <strong>of</strong> mentalhealth services. The Foundationdegree, contributes to personaland career development and hasbeen developed in partnership withlocal and regional employers.The course has a strong vocationalfocus and prepares you for workto support and promote mentalhealth and well-being in healthand social care settings, bothstatutory and non-statutory.The taught component <strong>of</strong> the coursewill normally be delivered one daya week across two semesters peryear. A significant component <strong>of</strong> thecourse must be made up <strong>of</strong> workbasedlearning. Students who arenot in suitable employment will besupported to seek a placement ina mental health setting one day aweek for the duration <strong>of</strong> the course.Career OpportunitiesThere will be opportunities opento you in the health and caringpr<strong>of</strong>essions and in statutory,voluntary and private organisations.ProgressionAlternatively, on completion, youare eligible to apply for directentry to the third year <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Undergraduate</strong> Modular Schemeat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> onthe Social Welfare BA (Hons) andHealth related Top-up Degrees.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including courseworkassignments, reflective practiceand portfolio work, individualand group presentations, casestudies, leaflets, posters, reportsand practical assessment.Additional Information• The degree can be studiedeither full or part-time overa minimum <strong>of</strong> two years anda maximum <strong>of</strong> five yearsCourse Content• Introduction to Study Skills• Interpersonal Skills &Therapeutic Communication• Understanding Health• Improving Service Quality• Politics, Policy & Empowerment• Values, Attitudes, & Inequalities• Theory into Practice,Work-based Learning• Social Research Methodologies,Methods & Processes• Experiences <strong>of</strong> Mental Distress• Interventions in Mental Distress• Literature Review Module• Teamworking & Enabling Others• Individual Project• Work-based LearningFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.this course has givenJenn an insight into thecareer she is hoping togo into once she hascompleted the training.JENN BREMERwww.worcester.ac.uk

MidwiferyBSc (Hons)My passion has alwaysbeen to support andpromote physiologicalbirth. Working inWolverhampton’sMidwifery Led Unit hasgiven me this amazingopportunity.kookie saltUCAS CodeMidwifery BSc(Single Honours)B720 BSc/MidCourse IntroductionThis three year, full-timecourse enables you to becomea knowledgeable, competentmidwife and join this rewardingpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Students are wellsupported by an enthusiasticteam <strong>of</strong> midwife teachers whoenjoy very good partnershipworking with the local Trusts.A registered midwife is uniquelyplaced to support the needs<strong>of</strong> women and their familiesthroughout the childbirthexperience. This is a three year,full-time course that requires equalcommitment to theory and clinicalpractice, enabling you to becomea knowledgeable, competentmidwife and join this rewardingpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Successful completionwill enable you to achieve thedual awards <strong>of</strong> a BSc Honoursdegree and registration with theNursing and Midwifery Council topractice as a Registered Midwife.You will be able to respondeffectively and appropriately to theneeds <strong>of</strong> women from conceptionright through to the postnatalperiod, adapting within a changinghealth care environment. Theclinical practice element <strong>of</strong> thecourse means that you will work ina variety <strong>of</strong> community and hospitalsettings throughout Herefordshireand <strong>Worcester</strong>shire. These includeantenatal and postnatal wards,gynaecology wards, labour wards,Itu and community clinics.Course applicants are encouragedto consider attending an awardwinningMidwifery Taster session.These have been designed toprovide prospective students withan opportunity to discuss therealities <strong>of</strong> becoming and being amidwife. For further information orto book a place, visit our websiteat www.worcester.ac.ukCareer OpportunitiesThe work <strong>of</strong> the midwife coversa very wide area <strong>of</strong> health careand includes teaching, researchand practice. You could find workin a variety <strong>of</strong> clinical settings,from infertility clinics to teenagepregnancy specialists; obstetrichigh dependency units and birthcentres. As a registered midwife,you will also have the opportunityto undertake further study at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, includingthe Advancing Practice MSc, as wellas a range <strong>of</strong> specialist modulesincluding mentor preparation,examination <strong>of</strong> the newborn,contraception and sexual health.Assessment• Continuous assessment<strong>of</strong> clinical practice• Web folios• Group presentations• Unseen, scenario-basedexaminations• An independent studyAdditional Information• The course commences inJanuary and September each year(subject to Regional Contract)• Half <strong>of</strong> the course is spentin clinical placement• NHS student bursariesavailable (income assessed)Course ContentThe midwifery curriculum isdelivered using an enquiry-basedlearning approach (EBL). This isan active learning method thatencourages students to worktogether on issues related tothe childbirth continuum usingspecifically designed clinical triggers.The process <strong>of</strong> EBL encouragesstudents to work together in orderto ask pertinent questions andlocate resources to help answerthose questions. This type <strong>of</strong>learning promotes the acquisition<strong>of</strong> skills that support personal andpr<strong>of</strong>essional growth, as well asencourage students to challengepractice. Each year, studentsapply EBL through the study <strong>of</strong>three modules. These are:• Lifelong Learning, 30 credits• Theoretical Foundations <strong>of</strong>Midwifery, 30 credits• Midwifery Practice, 60 creditsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints (to includeat least onerelevant subjecte.g. Psychology,Sociology, Biologyor Health & SocialCare), with fivegcses Grade C orabove includingEnglish, Maths &Science, evidence<strong>of</strong> recent academicstudy (withinfive years)• Please contactadmissions foralternativequalifications• EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService check andOccupational Healthchecks required• Shortlistedapplicants willbe invited to aselection dayYou mayalso like...• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139• NursingBSc (Hons) p124• Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p143• Sports TherapyBSc (Hons) p158123

UCAS CodeAdult Nursing B740Children’sNursing B730Mental HealthNursing B760You mayalso like...• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• Pre-Hospital,Unscheduled &Emergency CareFdSc p136• Sports TherapyBSc (Hons) p158• MidwiferyBSc (Hons) p123EntryRequirements• NHS regulationsrequire nursingstudents to obtainsatisfactoryhealth clearanceand an EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService check• Acceptableperformance atinterview. Allcandidates willbe interviewedby appropriateacademic,practice staff andservice users• Shortlistedapplicants willbe invited forinterview• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Adult Nursing• Children’s Nursing• Mental Health Nursing Fields <strong>of</strong> PracticeNursingBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionPreparation for Clinical Practice:Do you want to make a differenceto someone else’s life? Nurses makean essential contribution to thecare, support and rehabilitation <strong>of</strong>people whose health is affected byillness, injury or chronic disease. At<strong>Worcester</strong> we develop pr<strong>of</strong>essional,flexible and responsive nursinggraduates, who are not only caringand compassionate, but who are selfaware,reflective practitioners whohave the ability to think critically.The Pre-Registration Nursing degreeprogramme acknowledges thatnursing is a practice-based, academicand pr<strong>of</strong>essional discipline. Ourcurriculum is designed and deliveredin partnership with local healthproviders and with those who usehealth services through our strongservice user and carer network.You will gain practice experiencein a range <strong>of</strong> health settings inHerefordshire and <strong>Worcester</strong>shiresupported by qualified, nursementors. The changing demandson health services means thatfuture nurses will need to bepolitically astute and innovative,with excellent communicationand interpersonal skills, who seekto work in partnership with, andempower, service users and theirfamilies and who are motivatedto take a lead in quality healthcare developments and initiatives.These are the characteristics thatwe develop in our students.Our programme, first and foremostaims to produce excellent futurenurses, who are fit for purpose andable to meet the key nursing needs<strong>of</strong> all patient groups, but who alsodevelop specialist skills for theirchosen field <strong>of</strong> practice. You willstudy subjects including: anatomyand physiology, pharmacology,psychology, sociology, health anddisease, law, ethics, and researchmethodology and apply thislearning in practice settings.Adult Health:Adult nurses focus on the needs<strong>of</strong> patients with a diverse range<strong>of</strong> health and dependency needs.You will learn how to assess, planand implement their physical andemotional care requirements,particularly addressing the specificneeds <strong>of</strong> the ageing population.Adult field <strong>of</strong> practice nursesare articulate, flexible, decisionmakersable to promote healthand well-being, prioritise care andimplement evidence-based nursingpractice. They work collaborativelywith the interpr<strong>of</strong>essional team,service users and their families,respecting their rights, choicesand wishes. The emphasis is onproviding a high quality experiencefor all service users, in a widerange <strong>of</strong> health care settings.Children’s Health:Meeting the specific needs <strong>of</strong>children, young people and theirfamilies is at the core <strong>of</strong> children’snursing. You will become safe andresponsive practitioners who canwork collaboratively with otherhealth pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to providehigh quality child and familycentred care in both child healthand social care provision. Futurechildren’s nurses need to be ableto empower each child and theirfamily to receive individualised care.Child nurses provide the healthcare support necessary for childrento reach their full potential.Mental Health:Mental health nurses support andpromote the recovery <strong>of</strong> thosesuffering from acute or long-termmental health needs. Mental healthnurses are effective communicators,able to collaborate with themultidisciplinary team to supportperson-centred recovery. Informedby critical engagement, promotion<strong>of</strong> principles <strong>of</strong> self-determinationand self-management, mentalhealth nurses shape currentand future mental healthagendas and developments.www.worcester.ac.uk

Practice Experience andCareer OpportunitiesFifty per cent <strong>of</strong> the programmetakes place in the practice settingwhere you will experience a range <strong>of</strong>challenging and exciting placements.Adult placements include:Medical and surgical areas,critical care settings, individuals’homes, and older people’sservices and primary care.Mental Healthplacements include:The acute setting, caring for olderpeople, individuals recovering frommental health problems, communityservices and specialist placementsincluding substance misuse, child andadolescent mental health services.pre-registrationnursing students,selected with the help<strong>of</strong> service users andcarers, practice clinicalskills within the ukand overseas.www.worcester.ac.ukChildren’s placements include:The acute setting, experiencewith school nurses and healthvisitors, the Community Children’sNursing Team, caring for newbornbabies and children with learningand physical disabilities.Practice experience takesplace within the counties <strong>of</strong>Herefordshire and <strong>Worcester</strong>shire.Opportunities exist for practiceexperience overseas or to aspecialist placement within theUK. Additional funding maybe available for placementswithin the European Union.Successful completion <strong>of</strong> theprogramme leads to registrationas a Registered Nurse with theNursing & Midwifery Council.AssessmentThere will be continual assessment<strong>of</strong> practice, in addition to arange <strong>of</strong> theory assessments.Additional Information• Three years full-time• No university tuition fees• Two intake dates each year(September and February)for the Adult field• One intake a year(September) for the Children’sand Mental Health fields• Planned and supportedopportunity to undertake anoverseas elective placement• Practice Experience andCareer OpportunitiesEntryRequirements(Available forAdult and MentalHealth branches)• 260 UCAS tariff points• The Access to HEDiploma (60 credits,including 45 at Level3) with a minimum <strong>of</strong>16 Level 3 credits atMerit or Distinction• Minimum <strong>of</strong> fivegcses at Grade C, orabove including Mathsand English. Key SkillsLevel 2 (in Mathsand English), or OcrAdult Numeracy andLiteracy Level 2 willbe considered instead• IELts 7.0• Evidence <strong>of</strong> recenteducation experience(within the lastfive years)(Children’s Nursing)• 280 UCAStariff points• The Access to HEDiploma (60 credits,including 45 atLevel 3) with aminimum <strong>of</strong> 18Level 3 credits atMerit or Distinction• Minimum <strong>of</strong> fivegcses at Grade C,or above includingMaths and English.Key Skills Level 2 (inMaths and English),or Ocr AdultNumeracy andLiteracy Level 2 will beconsidered instead• IELts 7.0• Evidence <strong>of</strong> recenteducation experience(within the lastfive years)125

UCAS CodeOccupationalTherapy BSc (Hons)B930 BSc/otOccupational TherapyBSc (Hons)*BRIONY HAS BEEN ANoccupational THERAPISTFOR OVER 30 YEARS ANDHAS ENJOYED NEARLYEVERY DAY OF HERworking CAREER.BRIONY WILLIAMSEntryRequirements• 300-340 UCAStariff points plus5 GCSEs at A*-Cincluding EnglishLanguage, Mathsand Science• Biology, HumanBiology, PE,Psychology,Sociology or SportsScience Level 3qualificationrequired• General Studiesnot acceptablefor this subject• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• All <strong>of</strong>fers aresubject tosatisfactoryHealth Clearanceand EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck.You mayalso like...• PhysiotherapyBSc (Hons) p133• Sports TherapyBSc (Hons) p158• Rehabilitation &Recovery FdSc p141Course IntroductionOccupational Therapy is a rewardingand flexible career which providespractitioners the opportunity towork with a wide range <strong>of</strong> people.Occupational Therapists assess andwork with adults and children whohave a physical illness, learning orphysical disability or mental healthproblems. Occupational Therapistsassess people’s ability to engage inthe daily activities and occupationsthat are important to them andassist them to achieve their personalgoals and gain independence.Occupational Therapists workwith people in their own homes, incommunity units, hospitals, socialservices and even in prisons.In ensuring you benefit from aninter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional experience youwill share some teaching withstudents on our BSc Physiotherapycourse and will attend conferencedays alongside other healthpr<strong>of</strong>essional students. You will besupported by an experienced andenthusiastic course team. A feature<strong>of</strong> the course is the close linksbetween the <strong>University</strong> lecturersand placement mentors in the localarea. We are committed to theeffective integration <strong>of</strong> theory topractice and this is a key feature<strong>of</strong> our course. The course hasa strong and unique leadershipelement that runs throughout theprogramme and will help equip youto be an exceptional practitioner.This course is designed anddelivered in partnership withOccupational Therapists workingacross Herefordshire and<strong>Worcester</strong>shire to ensure that itaddresses changing health needs andembraces contemporary practice.Graduates <strong>of</strong> the OccupationalTherapy programme are eligiblefor membership <strong>of</strong> the BritishAssociation <strong>of</strong> OccupationalTherapists and can apply forpr<strong>of</strong>essional registration with theHealth Care Pr<strong>of</strong>essions Council.Career OpportunitiesThis course prepares you to work asa Registered Occupational Therapistwithin the NHS and in communitysettings, industry, independentand voluntary sectors. In addition,there are opportunities to workin education, research, servicemanagement and overseas.AssessmentStudents will be continuouslyassessed in pr<strong>of</strong>essional practiceand will have a range <strong>of</strong> theoryassessments including essays,presentations and reports.Additional Information• Small cohorts• The course commences inSeptember and is three years fulltimeand up to five years part-time• There are strong links withpractice – students will spend asignificant period <strong>of</strong> time workingin practice alongside clinicians• Shared study with physiotherapy,sports therapy, nursing, healthand social care students, whereappropriate, to maximiseinter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional learningfor health pr<strong>of</strong>essions• Clinical skills developedthrough practice at university insimulated home environmentand simulation suites in additionto work-based learning• Leadership skills embeddedthroughout the course• Business and entrepreneurialskills included in the curriculum• Teaching by staff who areexperts in their field• Strong links with localclinicians which enhancestudent work-based learningCourse Content• Occupational Therapy PracticeSkills & Self-leadership• Introduction to FoundationSciences for OccupationalTherapists• Interpersonal Skills, Values& Self-awareness forHealth Pr<strong>of</strong>essions• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice forOccupational Therapists 1• Applied Sciences forOccupational Therapists• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice forOccupational Therapists 2• Research & Evidence-basedPractice for Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• Teamworking and Leadershipfor Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• Exploring Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diversity;Enhancing Employability• Leadership & Management• Independent Study• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice forOccupational Therapists 3*Subject to validationwww.worcester.ac.uk

In partnership with Pershore CollegeOrganic HorticultureHNCCourse IntroductionThe Hnc in Organic Horticultureis a part-time course (one day perweek over two years) validated bythe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> andtaught at Pershore College. This wellestablished course is ideal for thoseinterested in a career change or forthose who are already working inhorticulture. Using our organicallycertified facilities, students developa sound knowledge <strong>of</strong> organicprinciples and standards. The courseis broad-based and covers both thegrowing <strong>of</strong> edible crops and themanagement <strong>of</strong> ornamental gardens.Pershore College is the WestMidlands’ Regional Centre forthe Royal Horticultural Society,the national headquarters <strong>of</strong>the Alpine Garden Society andholds the National Philadelphusand Penstemon Collections forthe National Council for theConservation <strong>of</strong> Plants and Gardens.the course coversboth the growing<strong>of</strong> edible crops andthe management <strong>of</strong>ornamental gardens.Career OpportunitiesThe programme has been developedfor someone who intends toenter the industry as a smallscalegrower or gardener and whocould seek self-employment oremployment within these sectors.There are also openings in teachingand training, horticultural therapy,journalism and the media.ProgressionAlternatively, successful completion<strong>of</strong> the Hnc can lead to directentry into the second year <strong>of</strong>the Hnd Horticulture where apathway in Organic and SustainableHorticulture can be studied.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught at PershoreCollege (part <strong>of</strong> WarwickshireCollege) in collaboration with the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. PershoreCollege is a centre <strong>of</strong> vocationalexcellence for Horticulture.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods has been devised totest a range <strong>of</strong> student skills.Assessment types include practicalprojects, reports, investigations,presentations and examinations(including practical examinations).Additional Information• Two years, part-time study• Pershore College has Centre <strong>of</strong>Vocational Excellence statusfor Horticulture and has hadorganically certified facilitiesfor more than 20 yearsCourse Content• Principles <strong>of</strong> Organic Horticulture• Plant Propagation• Horticultural Science• Plant Use & Knowledge• Introduction to OrganicCrop Production• Mechanisation & Finance• Organic Pest & DiseaseManagement• Garden Management& MaintenanceFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.EntryRequirements• 160 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Applicants who donot meet the formalentry requirementsare considered onan individual basis• The Collegewelcomesapplications fromstudents withrelevant workexperience whodo not have fullformal academicqualifications• Accreditation <strong>of</strong>Prior Learning willbe consideredYou mayalso like...• ConservationEcology BSc(Hons) p70• Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGardeningHnc p137• HorticultureHND p103127

UCAS CodeOutdoor AdventureLeadership &Management BSc(Single Honours)xn92 BSc/OALMFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Physical EducationBSc (Hons) p130• Sport Development& Coaching BA(Hons) p149• Sport & ExerciseScience BSc(Hons) p151• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76In partnership with Herefordshire College <strong>of</strong> TechnologyOutdoor AdventureLeadership & ManagementBSc (Hons)*Course IntroductionWork in the dynamic, physicallyand emotionally challenging field<strong>of</strong> outdoor adventure leadershipand management by studying thisbroad, vocationally-based course.You will develop an understanding<strong>of</strong> the scientific and businesscontext <strong>of</strong> outdoor adventureactivities, with the chance togain skills and experience in bothwater and land-based activities.In the final year, you will conductan Expedition Studies module anda research project in an area <strong>of</strong>your choice. Choose from a range<strong>of</strong> modules to suit your interestsin areas such as reviewing andfacilitation, adventure tourism,forest schools and entrepreneurship.We also <strong>of</strong>fer an opportunity tostudy at one <strong>of</strong> our internationalpartner institutions during Year 2.Local and national employershave been consulted in coursedevelopment. A programme <strong>of</strong>optional coaching courses runsalongside the course enablingstudents to achieve relevantNational Governing Body Awards.worked in the Dolomitesas a guide on mountainwalks and via ferrata.now at MarlboroughCollege, where hewill lead a range <strong>of</strong>adventurous activitiesin the UK and overseas.THOMAS SLADERCareer OpportunitiesPrevious graduates have securedwork in local authorities, outdoorcentres, commercial activitycentres, as trek leaders, at holidaycompanies, in development trainingorganisations, Higher Education,self-employment and teaching.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThe course is run in associationwith Herefordshire College <strong>of</strong>Technology (Holme Lacy campus).It is based at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> with practical activitiesrun in Herefordshire. The BreconBeacons National Park and theWye Valley are prime areas forexploring outdoor adventure.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including coursework assignments,practical activities, individualand group presentations, casestudies, reports and exams.Course Content• Foundations <strong>of</strong> OutdoorAdventure Leadership& Management• Water-based PersonalOutdoor Adventure Skills• Land-based PersonalOutdoor Adventure Skills• Introduction to MotorLearning & Skill Acquisition• Understanding Weather & Climate• The Research Process(Outdoor AdventureLeadership & Management)• Scientific Approaches to OutdoorAdventure Performance• Work Placement(Outdoor Adventure)• Water-based Coaching• Land-based Leadership• Expedition Studies• Independent Study• Applied Facilitation & Reviewing• Environmental Approachesto Outdoor Adventure• Adventure Tourism• Forest Schools/Bushcraft• Outdoor Adventure &Diverse Populations• Contemporary Issues inOutdoor EducationFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.*Subject to validationwww.worcester.ac.uk

Paramedic ScienceDipHECourse IntroductionAre you a registered paramedicwho is looking to advanceyour career prospects?This programme has been developedin conjunction with our practicepartners and forms a strongfoundation for developing yourspecialist clinical and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalknowledge. This course will allowyou to hone your existing skillsand identify further areas <strong>of</strong>specialist learning. Opportunities forparamedics to develop their careersand responsibilities are increasingand by providing us with informationabout your experience we can tailora programme that is unique to you.With mandatory modules which willequip you for developing your role asa mentor, and a substantial number<strong>of</strong> optional modules that can beselected to reflect your individualinterests, the course will enable youto evolve as a reflective practitioner.Modules can be delivered on aflexible basis for those in full-timework. This course is suitable forparamedics who hold the IHcdparamedic award and are registeredwith the Health Care Pr<strong>of</strong>essionsCouncil. To qualify for the award,all modules must be completedwithin a five year time scale.Applicants who have undertakenadditional study may beeligible for APL/apeL.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessments areused to enable the student todemonstrate the acquisition <strong>of</strong>both skills and knowledge.Modules can bedelivered on a flexiblebasis to suit serviceconstraints for thosein full-time work.Course ContentMandatory modules:• Academic Skills forHigher Education• Mentorship for Assessmentin Practice• Evidence & Research for PracticeOptional modules:• Care Across the Lifespan• Emergency Preparedness• Principles <strong>of</strong> Trauma Care• Diabetes• Effective Care forVulnerable People• Vascular Disease• Care, Loss, Death & Bereavement• Respiratory Conditions• Clinical Health Assessment• Clinical Leadership inParamedic Practice• Negotiated Contract ModuleEntryRequirements• This course issuitable forparamedics whohold the IHcdparamedic awardand are registeredwith the HealthCare Pr<strong>of</strong>essionsCouncilYou mayalso like...• Health SciencesBSc (Hons) Top-upDegree p100129

UCAS CodeThis degree isonly available incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes, visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this courseYou mayalso like...• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Sport &Exercise ScienceBSc (Hons) p151• SportsPerformance& CoachingHND p155• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156Physical EducationBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionIf you have a passion for physicaleducation and sport, then studyPhysical Education (pe) in theInstitute <strong>of</strong> Sport & Exercise Scienceat <strong>Worcester</strong>, a university with aproven record <strong>of</strong> excellence in thisfield. This degree is specificallydesigned to meet the changingneeds <strong>of</strong> the PE pr<strong>of</strong>ession andhas a broad range <strong>of</strong> modules thatprepare you for a career in PE.The PE course can be followed aseither Major (from Level 5 onwards),Joint or Minor Honours subject.This <strong>of</strong>fers you flexibility in terms<strong>of</strong> your chosen career, with Majorand Joint options providing asound basis for anyone wishing toprogress onto either a primary orsecondary Postgraduate Certificate<strong>of</strong> Education teaching qualification.During the course, you will betaught by an experienced andenthusiastic team <strong>of</strong> PE practitionerswho are committed to providing aquality experience that will enableyou to become an effective andemployable graduate. You will gainvaluable experience on placementsand have the opportunity <strong>of</strong>working in both primary andsecondary school settings.You have the option <strong>of</strong> studyingabroad, spending a semesterwith one <strong>of</strong> our internationalpartner universities.There are also numerousopportunities for you to supplementthe course with a range <strong>of</strong> NationalGoverning Body awards, ensuringthat you extend your knowledgeand understanding further.Career OpportunitiesDue to the flexible nature <strong>of</strong> thecourse, students are able to developspecific areas <strong>of</strong> interest, experiencenew areas <strong>of</strong> study and build on theirstrengths whilst addressing areas <strong>of</strong>weakness in order that they achievetheir full potential. Tutors are ableto give students individualisedadvice on career pathways.Previous graduates have foundemployment in a variety <strong>of</strong>areas, including teaching, SchoolSports Co-ordinators (ssco),lecturing, public services, thearmed forces, coaching, NHSactivity co-ordinators, sales, sportsdevelopment managers, leisureand recreation management,health promotion/corporatefitness, personal fitness training,sports information analyst,performance analyst, sportsmarketing and event management.pe graduates are also able t<strong>of</strong>ollow a variety <strong>of</strong> pathways intoPostgraduate Level study includingMasters degrees and PhD studies.AssessmentPerformance analysis, presentations,essays, teaching and coachingsessions, exams and projects,practical work experience andindependent research.selected to play forengland/gb at theworld universitygames in china in 2011.THOMAS thorleyAdditional Information• Joint Honours only (Majorroute is available as an optionfrom Year 2 onwards)• May also be taken as aMinor (cannot be taken Jointor as a Minor with Sport& Exercise Science)Course Content• Introduction to Physical Education• Scientific Principles <strong>of</strong>Movement in PE• Dance & Gymnastics• Fundamentals <strong>of</strong>Athletics in Schools• Learning & Teaching inPhysical Education• The Research Process:Physical Education• School-based Learning• Teaching Gymnastics & Dancein Secondary Schools• Swimming & Outdoor &Adventurous Activities• Teaching Inclusive PE• Independent Study• Application <strong>of</strong> Learning & TeachingTheory in Physical Education• Primary PE• 14-19 PE & Sport• Widening Participation in PE,Sport & Physical ActivityFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Physical Education& Outdoor EducationBSc (Hons)*Course IntroductionIf you have a passion for physicaleducation and outdoor education,then study Physical Education(pe) and Outdoor Education in theInstitute <strong>of</strong> Sport & Exercise Scienceat <strong>Worcester</strong>, a university with aproven record <strong>of</strong> excellence in thisfield. This degree is specificallydesigned to meet the changing needs<strong>of</strong> the PE pr<strong>of</strong>ession and outdoorindustry and has a broad range <strong>of</strong>modules that prepare you for acareer in PE/Outdoor Education.The course is a joint pathwayonly. This ensures that you areprovided with an equal mix betweenpe and Outdoor Education, inorder to <strong>of</strong>fer you flexibility interms <strong>of</strong> your chosen career.During the course, you will betaught by an experienced andenthusiastic team <strong>of</strong> both PE andOutdoor Education practitioners,who are committed to providing aquality experience that will enableyou to become an effective andemployable graduate. You will gainvaluable experiences on placements,and have the opportunity <strong>of</strong>working in both primary andsecondary school settings, alongwith a range <strong>of</strong> outdoor settings.You have the option <strong>of</strong> studyingabroad, spending a semesterwith one <strong>of</strong> our internationalpartner universities.There are also numerousopportunities for you to supplementthe course with a range <strong>of</strong> NationalGoverning Body awards, ensuringthat you extend your knowledgeand understanding further.Career OpportunitiesDue to the flexible nature <strong>of</strong> thecourse, students are able to developspecific areas <strong>of</strong> interest, experiencenew areas <strong>of</strong> study and build on theirstrengths whilst addressing areas <strong>of</strong>weakness in order that they achievetheir full potential. Tutors are ableto give students individualisedadvice on career pathways.Graduates from this coursewould be expected to be able t<strong>of</strong>ind employment in a variety <strong>of</strong>areas, including primary schoolteaching, secondary schoolteaching, instructing, outdoorcentre, lecturing, public services,the armed forces, coaching, sales,sports development managers,leisure and recreation management,health promotion, corporatefitness and team building, personalfitness training, sports marketingand event management.pe and Outdoor Educationgraduates would also be able t<strong>of</strong>ollow a variety <strong>of</strong> pathways intopostgraduate level study includingMasters degrees and PhD studies.AssessmentEssays, presentations, teachingassessments, practicalperformance assessments,examinations, projects, groupwork, practical work experienceand independent research.Additional Information• Joint Honours onlyYou will have theopportunity <strong>of</strong>working in bothprimary and secondaryschool settings,along with a range<strong>of</strong> outdoor settings.Course Content• Introduction to Physical Education• Scientific Principles <strong>of</strong>Movement in PE• Dance & Gymnastics• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Outdoor Education• Land-based Personal Skills• Safety Management• Learning & Teaching inPhysical Education• The Research Process• School-based Learning• Swimming & Outdoor &Adventurous Activities• Facilitation & Review• Water-based Personal Skills• Work-based Learning• Weather & Climate• Application <strong>of</strong> Learning Theoryin Physical Education• Primary PE• 14-19 PE & Sport• Residential Experience• Forest Schools• Contemporary Issues• Independent Study*Subject to validationUCAS CodePhysical Education andOutdoor EducationBSc (Hons)cx63 BSc/peoeEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this courseYou mayalso like...• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Sport &Exercise ScienceBSc (Hons) p151• Sports Performance& CoachingHND p155• Physical EducationBSc (Hons) p130131

UCAS CodePhysical GeographyBSc (Hons)F800 BSc/pgIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Archaeology &Landscape StudiesBSc (Hons) p54• EcologyBSc (Hons) p84• GeographyBSc (Hons) p97• Human GeographyBA (Hons) p105Physical GeographyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionFrom the movement <strong>of</strong> windblownsand on a beach, to the long-termevolution <strong>of</strong> the world’s greatmountain belts, Physical Geographyis concerned with the range <strong>of</strong>processes that shape our naturalenvironment. It also considers therole <strong>of</strong> humans in modifying thephysical environment and how wecontribute to the world’senvironmental problems, suchas climate change, landslidesand flooding.With a range <strong>of</strong> modules,opportunities for specialisation anda practical emphasis throughout,the Physical Geography course at<strong>Worcester</strong> is a great way to learnabout the world in which we live.Resource provision is excellent,and includes river monitoringinstallations, 24-hour accesscomputer rooms and a brandnew digital mapping and surveysuite. Field mapping equipmentincludes a range <strong>of</strong> GPS units aswell as a remote control helicopterwith camera attachment. Thereare numerous opportunities forfieldwork, both local and residential,and this is a distinctive feature<strong>of</strong> the programme. Residentialfieldwork to the Cairngorms, theLake District, France and Switzerlandprovides valuable opportunitiesto study environments that aremarkedly different from thosefound locally. The first year <strong>of</strong> thecourse <strong>of</strong>fers an introduction tothe breadth <strong>of</strong> the discipline, withfieldwork and practical activitiesfeaturing from the outset.The second and third years provideincreasing opportunities forspecialisation, with the content<strong>of</strong> many modules benefiting fromstaff research and consultancyactivities. Throughout, you will findenthusiastic staff and a friendly andsupportive learning environment.Career OpportunitiesYou will develop skills relevant toa wide range <strong>of</strong> careers, includingenvironmental consultancy,geographical informationsystems (GIS) management,local government and planning,conservation organisations, WildlifeTrust, Civil Service, research orteaching. Alternatively, you may wishto continue to postgraduate studyand other pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including essays, field and laboratoryreports, video podcasts, seminarpresentations and research projects.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major,Joint and Minor• Cannot be combined withGeography BSc (Hons)• First class facilities (includingdigital mapping and survey suite,laboratories, river monitoringstations and computer room)• Supported by staff researchand consultancy• Local and residential fieldwork• Opportunity to spend asemester overseasFacilities includea digital mappingand survey suite,laboratories, rivermonitoring stationsand a remote controlhelicopter withcamera attachment.Course ContentYear 1• Geographical Investigations• Earth Systems, Processes& Landscapes• Introduction to Geology• Introduction to River Science• Environmental Issues:Past, Present & FutureYear 2• Physical Geography Field Course• Researching Physical Geography• GIS• Natural Hazards• Meteorology & Climate• Mountain GeomorphologyYear 3• Research Project inPhysical Geography• Mountain EnvironmentsField Course• Work Placement• GIS• Applied GIS & Remote Sensing• Applying Geography• River Conservation& Management• River Conservation &Management Research Project• Environmental Geology• Mountain Glaciers & Landscape• Ice Age EnvironmentsFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

PhysiotherapyBSc (Hons)*Course IntroductionPhysiotherapists will play anessential role in meeting the vision<strong>of</strong> the future health and social careworkforce. Physiotherapy is arewarding and flexible career andyou will work with adults andchildren in varied health and caresettings, from intensive care tocommunity care. Physiotherapistshelp to restore movement andfunction to those affected by injury,illness or disability. Physiotherapyplays an important role in preventinginjury and uses a ‘whole person’approach to health and well-being,which includes advising patientsabout their lifestyle.In ensuring you benefit from aninter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional experience, youwill share some teaching alongsideOccupational Therapy students andattend some conference days withother health pr<strong>of</strong>essional students.A feature <strong>of</strong> this course is theclose links between the <strong>University</strong>lecturers and practice educators inthe local area. The course preparesyou to work as a competent,effective physiotherapist.However, a notable element <strong>of</strong>this course is the opportunityto gain skills in leadership andbusiness that will add value to yourqualification and make you standout as a potential employee.This course is designed anddelivered in partnershipwith physiotherapists acrossHerefordshire and <strong>Worcester</strong>shire.The course integrates theoryand practice by ensuring thatpractice runs alongside theory.When in practice you will besupported by an experiencedphysiotherapist and othermembers <strong>of</strong> the MultidisciplinaryTeam. In addition, you will havethe opportunity to work undersupervision in the <strong>University</strong>’sMcClelland Centre for Healthand Wellbeing to enhance youremployability still further. Onsuccessful completion <strong>of</strong> thecourse you will be eligible formembership <strong>of</strong> the CharteredSociety <strong>of</strong> Physiotherapy andfor registration with the Healthand Care Pr<strong>of</strong>essions Council.Career OpportunitiesYou will be qualified to work in avariety <strong>of</strong> roles within the NHS,industry, community settings,sport and the private, independentand voluntary sectors. In addition,there are opportunities to workin education, research, servicemanagement and overseas.AssessmentStudents will be continuouslyassessed in pr<strong>of</strong>essional practiceand will have a range <strong>of</strong> theoryassessments including essays,presentations and reports.Additional Information• Small cohorts• Course commences in Septembereach year and is normallythree years full-time and upto five years part-time• Strong links with practice –students will spend a significantperiod <strong>of</strong> time working inpractice alongside cliniciansthe course <strong>of</strong>fersstudents the bestpossible start to theirphysiotherapy career,giving them all theskills necessary foremployment.Jane Cartwright,Quality Lead NHS Trust• Shared learning with occupationaltherapy, sports therapy,nursing, health and social carestudents, where appropriate,to maximise inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essionallearning for health pr<strong>of</strong>essions• Clinical skills developed throughpractise in ‘high tech’ simulationsuites and state-<strong>of</strong>-the-artMotion Performance Centre inaddition to work-based learning• Leadership skills embeddedthroughout the course• Business and entrepreneurialskills included in the curriculum• Opportunity to take anoverseas elective placement• Teaching by staff who areexperts in their fieldCourse Content• Physiotherapy PracticeSkills & Self-leadership• Introduction to FoundationSciences for Physiotherapists• Interpersonal Skills, Values & Selfawarenessfor Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essions• Physiotherapy Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice 1• Applied Sciences forPhysiotherapists• Physiotherapy Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice 2• Research & Evidence-basedPractice for Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• Teamworking & Leadershipfor Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• Exploring Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diversity;Enhancing Employability• Leadership & Management• Independent Study• Physiotherapy Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice 3*Subject to validationUCAS CodePhysiotherapyBSc (Hons)B160 BSc/PFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 300-340 UCAStariff points plus5 GCSEs at A*-Cincluding EnglishLanguage, Mathsand Science• Biology, HumanBiology, PE orSports ScienceLevel 3 qualificationrequired• General Studiesnot acceptablefor this subject• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• All <strong>of</strong>fers are subjectto satisfactoryHealth Clearanceand EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService checkYou mayalso like...• OccupationalTherapyBSc (Hons) p126• Sports TherapyBSc (Hons) p158133

UCAS CodePlant Science BSc(Single Honours)C210 BSc/bpsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 260 UCAS tariffpoints if you haveA2 Biology and A2in another Sciencee.g. Chemistry• 280 points ifyou have A2Biology and A1 inanother Science• 290 points ifyou have A1Biology and A2 inanother Science• 300 points if youhave A1 Biology• Students willnormally beexpected to havestudied Biology toat least AS Level• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EcologyBSc (Hons) p84• BiologyBSc (Hons) p59• OrganicHorticultureHnc p127• EnvironmentalManagementBSc (Hons) p88Plant ScienceBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionThe Plant Science course is part <strong>of</strong>the Biological Sciences programme.Our stimulating course is taughtby enthusiastic, experienced tutorswho have a real passion for theirsubject. The impact <strong>of</strong> plant scienceon society and the environmentare important issues that arecentral to this course. We explorethe biology <strong>of</strong> plants and theirrelationship with the environmentand have access to a wide range<strong>of</strong> local plant habitats and linkswith voluntary organisations.A strong, practical emphasisruns throughout the course,complementing a traditionalapproach to learning. In yourfirst year you will develop a deepunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the structureand functions <strong>of</strong> plants. In Years 2and 3 the modules become morespecialised. Subjects central to PlantScience such as Biological Diversityand Cell Biology are deliveredin double modules to allow forsuitable development <strong>of</strong> the subjectand for the delivery <strong>of</strong> importantsubject-specific and generic skills.In your final year you will undertakean Independent Study (a researchproject), which is a double module.The Independent Study will havebeen designed in Year 2. Pasttopics have included the effect<strong>of</strong> carbohydrate type on tobaccosuspension cell cultures; the use<strong>of</strong> plant species as indicators <strong>of</strong>ancient woodland status andthe effect <strong>of</strong> flooding on plantgrowth and development.Career OpportunitiesThis course will prepare you for anumber <strong>of</strong> different career paths,including nature conservation,wildlife warden, work for thepublic sector and environmentalconsultancies as well as progressionto higher degrees such as PhD.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including seminar papers,tests, reports, presentationsand examinations (includingpractical examinations).Additional InformationStudents will also take a moduleon project and career developmentin Year 2. This not only preparesyou for the final year independentstudy but also enables you toreflect on the skills you havegained, preparing you for yourbiological career after university.Course Content*Year 1• Cell Biology• Introduction to EcologyYear 2• Molecular Genetics& Conservation• Plant Biology• Soils & the Environment• Field Identification Skills• Project & Career DevelopmentYear 3• Plant Development & Physiology• Restoration Ecology• Residential EnvironmentalField TripFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.* Regular updates may meanthat exact module titles onthe course may differ.phil carried out anindependent studyon flooding plantsand is currentlycompleting a phd atleicester university.Phil handswww.worcester.ac.uk

Politics: People & PowerBA (Hons)Course IntroductionIf you are interested in issuesthat matter to people, anddeveloping your potential to pursuerewarding and fulfilling careers,then this course is for you.Politics is about how to get thingsdone, but many are now turningaway from party politics to findother ways <strong>of</strong> speaking out – fromenvironmental or ‘disability rights’pressure groups, to everyday‘resistance against rules’, andeven to ‘opting out’. This courseaccordingly <strong>of</strong>fers a more ‘peoplecentred’view <strong>of</strong> politics: youexamine all the ways that peopleuse to influence others, past andpresent. You can specialise incontemporary politics, or historicalpolitics, or study a mixture <strong>of</strong> thetwo. You can also follow particularareas <strong>of</strong> interest such as mediacommunication and journalism, orpolicy choices in education, socialwelfare, the economy, or the localcommunity. In your second year,you may, if you wish, study for asemester in another country, andyou can also undertake an (optional)Politics-related work placement.Examine campaigns,protests and otherforms <strong>of</strong> expression.Career OpportunitiesThis course will enable you todemonstrate an interest in the fastchangingworld and will provide youwith the ability to generate ideas, toshow initiative and to communicatewith people from all walks <strong>of</strong> life.Our students have a goodrecord <strong>of</strong> gaining employment,and Politics graduates work inmany different sectors includingteaching, the police, probation,housing, the civil service, localgovernment, and planning, aswell as pressure groups, voluntaryorganisations, charities, the media,journalism and social work.The course also provides an ideal basisfor progression to postgraduate study.AssessmentCoursework, essays, written papers,and oral reports; in two or threemodules, short in-class tests; noexams on compulsory modulesor on most optional modules;Independent Project in final year.Additional Information• Joint, with option to become theMinor part <strong>of</strong> a Joint Honoursdegree from students’ second year• Suggested joint pathways forstudy with Politics include:Sociology, History, Media &Cultural Studies, and Journalism• Opportunity to studya semester abroad• Gain skills in analysing situationsand evaluating evidence.Examine campaigns, protestsand other forms <strong>of</strong> expressionCourse Content• Democracy, Politics,Media & Ideas• Political Thought• The Research Process• Propaganda & Politics• War, Media & Democracy• Journalism Values & Ethics• Journalism & Society• International Journalism• Social Movements, Minority Rights• Women in British Politics• Feminism• ‘Race’ & Ethnicity• ‘Race’ & Education• Education Policy• Welfare for All?• Pressure Groups• Crime & the Justice Process• People Versus PowerAcross the Globe• Global Change• Space, Place & Power• Local Services, Community Power• Town & Country Planning• The US Constitution• 20th Century Europe• 20th Century Russia• Emergence <strong>of</strong> Modern Ireland• Nazi Germany, 1933-45• Nationalism• A modern foreign language<strong>of</strong> your choice• Improving your Academic WritingFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeThis degree isonly available incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• JournalismBA (Hons) p113• English LiteraryStudiesBA (Hons) p87• HistoryBA (Hons) p101• SociologyBA (Hons) p145135

UCAS CodePre-Hospital,Unscheduled &Emergency Care FdScB790 FdSc/phecFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 120 UCAS tariffpoints, NVQs arenot accepted• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedapplicants will beinvited for selection• EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck andOccupationalHealth checksrequired• Evidence <strong>of</strong> adultcare experienceis essentialYou mayalso like...• Mental HealthFdSc p122• CounsellingFdSc p72• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• Young PeopleServices FdA p168Pre-Hospital, Unscheduled& Emergency CareFdScCourse IntroductionBegin a rewarding and challengingcareer. Paramedic practitionersplay an increasingly important rolein emergency and unscheduledcare. The role <strong>of</strong> the paramedic hasextended over recent years and thiscourse brings together the latestelements in contemporary care. Itis designed to equip students withthe values, knowledge and skills thatare specifically relevant to work as aparamedic. This course has a strongpractical focus, providing you withthe opportunity to work alongsidequalified personnel and preparesyou for work in the AmbulanceService. 50% <strong>of</strong> the course ispractice-based, with opportunityto experience different practicerequirements across both urbanand rural environments. Whilstin practice you will be expectedto work the shift patterns <strong>of</strong> theAmbulance Service personnel.This course has been developed inpartnership with the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> and the West MidlandsAmbulance Service NHS Trust,and will be appropriate for anyonewho has an interest in pre-hospitaland emergency care, or whocurrently works within the NHS.Career OpportunitiesOn completion <strong>of</strong> the course you willbe eligible to apply for pr<strong>of</strong>essionalregistration with the Health & CarePr<strong>of</strong>essions Council (Hcpc). Youare then eligible for employmentas a registered paramedic withthe Ambulance Service. Once youhave completed the Foundationdegree you will be eligible to applyfor the Health Sciences Top-upDegree to obtain your BSc.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> teaching, learning andassessment approaches will be used,which will emphasise the relationshipbetween theory and real life issuesand experiences during practice.Additional Information• Course includes attendance at<strong>University</strong> for a maximum <strong>of</strong> twodays per week and in-practicework experience• Check out our Facebookpage: Paramedic courses at<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Course ContentYear 1• Biosciences for Practice 1(double module)• Biosciences for Practice 2(double module)• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development(double module)• Work-based Learning(double module)Year 2• Biosciences for Practice 3(double module)• Research & Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice (double module)• Effective Care for VulnerablePeople (double module)• Work-based Learning(double module)on completion you’llbe eligible to applyfor pr<strong>of</strong>essionalregistration withthe Health & CarePr<strong>of</strong>essions Council(HCPC).www.worcester.ac.uk

In partnership with Pershore CollegePr<strong>of</strong>essional GardeningHNCCourse IntroductionThis course, based at PershoreCollege, is ideal for people with akeen interest in horticulture and whowant a pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualification.It covers a broad range <strong>of</strong> subjectsand is ideal for those wishing todevelop a career in estate gardening.The course utilises the excellentresources at Pershore as wellas those <strong>of</strong> local gardens andhorticultural businesses.Although not essential, studentsare encouraged to seek work inPr<strong>of</strong>essional Gardening whilst onthe course, in order to gain extravaluable practical experience.With this in mind, the Collegehas contact with the Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGardeners’ Guild and the Women’sFarm and Garden Association,both <strong>of</strong> which may be able toassist students with employmentand further practical training.Pershore College is the WestMidlands Regional Centre forthe Royal Horticultural Society,the national headquarters <strong>of</strong>the Alpine Garden Society andholds the National Philadelphusand Penstemon Collections forthe National Council for theConservation <strong>of</strong> Plants and Gardens.Career OpportunitiesThis course can provide accessto career opportunities in gardenmanagement, teaching/educationand contract management.ProgressionAlternatively, successful completion<strong>of</strong> the Hnc will allow progressionto further Higher Educationcourses, including Foundationdegree and BSc (Hons).Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught at PershoreCollege (part <strong>of</strong> WarwickshireCollege) in collaboration with the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. PershoreCollege is a centre <strong>of</strong> vocationalexcellence for horticulture.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods has been devised totest a range <strong>of</strong> student skills.Assessment types includeseminar papers, tests, reports,presentations and examinations(including practical examinations).Additional Information• Two years, part-time study,one day per weekCourse Content• Horticultural Science• Plant Use & Knowledge• Plant Propagation• Introduction to Garden Design• Mechanisation & Finance• Plant Use & Design• Garden Maintenance& Management• The Production GardenFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.This course is Idealfor those wishing todevelop a career inestate gardening.EntryRequirements• 160 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Applicants who donot meet the formalentry requirementsare considered onan individual basisYou mayalso like...• HorticultureBSc (Hons) p102• Plant ScienceBSc (Hons) p134• Garden DesignHnc p96• OrganicHorticultureHnc p127137

UCAS CodePr<strong>of</strong>essional PracticeBA (Hons)Top-up DegreeX370 G, I BA/Ed1For the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 120 credits atLevel 4 HE• 120 credits atLevel 5 HE• Applicants musthave currentexperience<strong>of</strong> workingin a relevantpr<strong>of</strong>essional setting• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this courseYou mayalso like...• Early Childhood(Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice)BA (Hons) p81• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p85• Integrated Workingwith Children& Families BA(Hons) Top-upDegree p110• Primary InitialTeacher EducationBA (Hons) p159For partners see location <strong>of</strong> studyPr<strong>of</strong>essional PracticeBA (Hons) Top-up DegreeCourse IntroductionIf you are currently working in apr<strong>of</strong>essional area (i.e. early years,children’s services or education), thiscourse will give you the opportunityto progress with your existingHigher Education qualificationsto achieve a full Honours degree.The course has been specificallydesigned to Top-up Foundationdegrees in a relevant area, or forstudents with pr<strong>of</strong>essional teachingqualifications at Levels 4 and 5.A pr<strong>of</strong>essional is one whocontinuously engages with selfappraisaland self-questioning toenhance their role. This continualprocess ensures that pr<strong>of</strong>essionalscan strive to meet current and futuredemands, engaging proactivelyopposed to reactively. The BA (Hons)in Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice has beendesigned to facilitate this process,ensuring that students are equippedwith the relevant knowledge, skillsand experience within theirpr<strong>of</strong>essional focus. Consequently,the aim <strong>of</strong> the programme is toinfluence and improve pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpractice within a studentorientatedframework.The degree operates as a final yearprogression award, combiningtheoretical and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalperspectives culminating in afinal research project based onthe individual’s particular focus.Career OpportunitiesCompletion <strong>of</strong> this course can enableyou to apply for postgraduate studyin education or other related areas.Many graduates continue theirstudies and career developmentthrough postgraduate trainingprogrammes for primary teachingor the early years pr<strong>of</strong>essionalstatus, alternatively applyingfor Masters qualifications.Additional Information• The degree consists <strong>of</strong> eightmodules. You will take fivetaught modules and a tripleIndependent Study based on atopic <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional interest• Each annual cohort has aSeptember start and thecourse is run as a full-timeand part-time pathwayAssessmentA range <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used including essays,portfolios, case studies, reflectiveevaluations, Independent Study.Location <strong>of</strong> Study• The course can only be studiedthrough The Learning Institute(Cornwall) or Somerset SCIttCourse Content• Independent Study (triple module)• Specialism module (doublemodule in either early years,children’s services or education)• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional DevelopmentPlanning• Applied Psychological Perspectives• Reflecting on Practice:Evaluation & ChangeSUE managed tocontinue in her role asHead <strong>of</strong> Nursery whilestudying and jugglingthis with family life.SUE FANCOURTwww.worcester.ac.uk

PsychologyBSc (Hons)UCAS CodePsychology BSc(Single Honours)C800 BSc/PsyCourse IntroductionFrom brain and behaviour, topersonality and psychologicaldisorders, or the influence <strong>of</strong>other people on an individual’sthoughts, studying psychology isboth fascinating and important.This course will develop the skillsyou need to become competent inunderstanding thoughts, feelingsand behaviours, investigatingtheories and carrying out research.We <strong>of</strong>fer flexibility with a range<strong>of</strong> different pathways, whichreflect differing levels <strong>of</strong> eligibilityfor British Psychological Society(BPS) membership, includingGraduate Basis for CharteredMembership (GBC) status.Members <strong>of</strong> the Psychologyteam have completed a widevariety <strong>of</strong> research projects andconsultancies, e.g. quality <strong>of</strong> lifeassessment; psychology <strong>of</strong> pain;treatment <strong>of</strong> depression and GPattitudes; perceptions <strong>of</strong> speechstyle; attitudes to crime; the impact<strong>of</strong> volunteering on mental health;psycholinguistics; the well-beingand experience <strong>of</strong> children; decisionmakingand critical judgement byAuthorised Firearms Officers.Career OpportunitiesThis course provides the foundationfor a career as a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpsychologist, e.g. clinical, counselling,educational, forensic, health oroccupational; practical experienceand further training will be requiredafter you graduate to pursuethese careers and you must have aPsychology degree conferring GBC.This course also provides afoundation for careers in social work,research, industry and commerce,human resource management andadministration. Other employmentopportunities include working withpeople with disabilities, counselling,marketing, speech and languagetherapy and prison psychology.EmployabilityA degree in Psychology is highlyfavoured by employers, givingyou an excellent advantage in thejob market. During your studieswith us you will learn new skills,develop existing expertise, studya wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches andmethodologies and leave with abroader range <strong>of</strong> knowledge, skillsand abilities. An important part <strong>of</strong>this learning process is the ability toreflect upon your own experiences;an aspect <strong>of</strong> practice engaged in byall pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists. Wewill help you to develop these skillsthrough the Academic Tutoringsystem; you will be providedwith an Understanding Skills &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism booklet, which youwill use both as a record <strong>of</strong> yourlearning and a tool for self-reflection.Assessment• Wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including practicalresearch reports, case studies,essays, literature reviews,presentations and examinationsAdditional Information• Single Honours (GBC eligibility),Major (GBC), Joint, Minor• Eligibility for Graduate Basis forChartered Membership (GBC) withthe British Psychological Society• First class facilities, including anumber <strong>of</strong> specialised laboratoriesand a host <strong>of</strong> testing equipmentCourse Content• Business Psychology• Clinical Psychology• Cognitive Psychology• Contemporary Issuesin Applied Psychology• Contemporary Issues inTheoretical Psychology• Counselling & Therapy• Critical Thinking• Educational Psychology• Psychology <strong>of</strong> Emotion• Human Factors• Individual Differences• Introduction toHealth Psychology• Developmental Psychology• Research Methods• Psychology in the Real World• Social Psychology• Psychology & Popular CultureFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.mSc clinical psychologyat keele and assistantpsychologist at lifescience centre inbirmingham.ELISHIA CLEMENTSIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list <strong>of</strong>combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• CounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons) p73• Forensic PsychologyBSc (Hons) p95• Business PsychologyBSc (Hons) p65• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p150139

UCAS CodePsychologicalStudies BSc (Hons)C801 BSc/PSySFor a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• CounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons) p73• ForensicPsychologyBSc (Hons) p95• BusinessPsychologyBSc (Hons) 65• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p150In partnership with Gloucestershire CollegePsychology/Psychological StudiesBSc (Hons)*Course IntroductionThe BSc Psychological Studiescourse is taught part-time onthe Gloucestershire Collegesite in Cheltenham.During your first two years atGloucestershire College, you willstudy psychology modules whichare designed and validated by the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, workingtowards BSc Psychology at Level 4.This is a British Psychological Societyaccredited course as long as youcontinue your Level 5/6 studiesat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.Level 4 modules include:Introduction to Psychology,Psychology & Popular Cultureand Research Methods.Completed the MScPsychology conversioncourse in one year withmerit and is now enroute to becoming achartered occupationalpsychologist.GILLIAN WALLIf you progress beyond Level 4 atGloucestershire College, you willstudy a mix <strong>of</strong> modules designedby Gloucestershire College and the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, workingtowards BSc Psychological Studies.These Level 5 modules include:Social Psychology, IndividualDifferences and Introduction toCounselling Psychology. Importantly,this is not a British PsychologicalSociety accredited course.You will study the same academiccontent at Level 4 as <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> students on theBSc Psychology course but yourprogramme will be delivered in theevening with a focus on flexibilityand your individual needs.Career OpportunitiesThis course also provides afoundation for careers in social work,research, industry and commerce,human resource management andadministration. Other employmentopportunities include working withpeople with disabilities, counselling,marketing, speech and languagetherapy and prison psychology.* The BSc is awarded only if studentscomplete Levels 5 & 6 at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, see page 139AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmenttypes, including practicalresearch reports, case studies,essays, literature reviews,presentations and examinations.Course Content• Study <strong>of</strong> Psychology 1 & 2• Psychological Methods 1 & 2• Study Skills in Psychology• Critical Thinking in Psychology• Psychology in the Real World• Psychology & Popular Culturewww.worcester.ac.uk

Rehabilitation & RecoveryFdSc*Course IntroductionThis Foundation degree willdevelop the knowledge, skills andcompetencies necessary for you towork at an Assistant Practitionerlevel in health care, specificallyin rehabilitation. The course hasa strong practice and vocationalfocus and as well as learning withinthe <strong>University</strong> you will apply thisknowledge in relevant health caresettings. Supported rehabilitationis essential for people who sufferfrom acute or chronic illness,injury or post-surgery in orderthat they can maximise recoveryand develop effective strategiesto manage any functional deficits.Care for this group <strong>of</strong> users is beingrelocated out <strong>of</strong> acute services intothe community, and there is anincreasing need for well qualifiedpractitioners to work alongsideusers in both acute settings andin their own homes, providingspecialist rehabilitative care.Career OpportunitiesGraduates can expect greateremployability and enhancedpromotion prospects. ThisFoundation degree will developthe knowledge, skills andcompetencies necessary for you towork at an Assistant Practitionerlevel in health care, specificallyin rehabilitation and recovery.ProgressionOn completion, students canapply for entry to year 2 <strong>of</strong> BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy or BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy.Alternatively, you may go on t<strong>of</strong>urther study at degree level;specifically the Social Welfare BA(Hons) and Health Top-up Degrees.Additional Information• Course commences in Septembereach year and is normallytwo years full-time and upto four years part-time• Strong links with practice –students will spend a significantperiod <strong>of</strong> time working inpractice alongside clinicians• Shared learning with otherFoundation degree students inhealth and social care, learningdisability, mental health and childand adolescent mental health andalso physiotherapy, occupationaltherapy, sports therapy andnursing, where appropriate, tomaximise inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essionallearning for health pr<strong>of</strong>essions• Clinical skills developed throughpractise in a simulation suite inaddition to work-based learning• Teaching by staff who areexperts in their fieldAssessmentStudents will be continuouslyassessed in practice andwill have a range <strong>of</strong> theoryassessments including essays,presentations and reports.Course Content• Introduction to StudySkills (15 credits)• Interpersonal Skills, Values &Self-awareness (30 credits)• Introduction to FoundationSciences (15 credits)• Understanding Health &Social Care (30 credits)• Work-based Learning(Rehabilitation) (30 credits)• Social Research Methodology,Methods and Processes (15 credits)• Teamworking & EnablingOthers (15 credits)• Recovery & Rehabilitation(30 credits)• Work-based Learning(Rehabilitation) (30 credits)*Subject to validationGraduates can expectgreater employabilityand enhancedpromotion prospects.UCAS CodeRehabilitation &Recovery FdScB991 FdSc/rrFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• Passes at A-C in fivegcse subjects plus:• UCAS tariff:A minimum <strong>of</strong>80 points at ALevel which mustinclude at leastone 6 unit award• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Health Clearanceand EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this courseYou mayalso like...• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• Mental HealthFdSc p122• Learning DisabilitiesFdSc p114141

UCAS CodeThis degree isonly available incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinations addbreadth to yourstudies and enhanceyour employability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Creative &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalWritingBA (Hons) p75• Digital FilmProductionBA (Hons) p79• Film StudiesBA (Hons) p90• Drama &PerformanceBA (Hons) p80• AnimationBA (Hons) p45• EnglishLanguage StudiesBA (Hons) p86www.worcester.ac.ukScreenwritingBA (Hons)Course IntroductionThis course engages with ideascreatively and academically. Itemphasises learning throughpractice. Throughout, there areopportunities to focus on areas<strong>of</strong> particular interest to you.You will develop a deeper, realunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the demands<strong>of</strong> writing for film, television andradio, supported and advised bya staff team with backgroundsin, and current experience <strong>of</strong>,pr<strong>of</strong>essional, industry work.Modules provide opportunitiesto take your ideas through thedevelopment process and to turnthem into full scripts targetedat the appropriate medium. Thefirst year module Scriptwriting:Ideas, Development and Structureensures that, by the year end, youwill have produced a portfolio <strong>of</strong>creative ideas that include theconstruction <strong>of</strong> character, creatingback stories, writing monologues,dialogue, and a short film outline.At least one <strong>of</strong> your concepts will bedeveloped into a 15-minute shortfilm script. Hollywood and Beyondwill introduce you to the history anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> Hollywood Film andthe major narrative structure thatunderpins it. This is the opportunityto create an original ‘epic’ treatment.The Year 2 mandatory moduleintroduces you to the concept<strong>of</strong> writing to a brief and providesthe opportunity to develop ‘miniprojects’ in response to industrystylewriting briefs addressinga variety <strong>of</strong> media and a range<strong>of</strong> styles, lengths and genres.There are also optional modulesincluding, for example, ScreenAdaptation, Radio and TV Comedy,and Stage to Screen. In the finalyear, you will develop one <strong>of</strong> yourideas or ‘mini projects’ from Years1/2 into a full-length feature filmscript or a one-hour episode <strong>of</strong> aTV drama and series bible. You willalso debate alternative theoriesand approaches to film structureand be introduced to the culturesand practices <strong>of</strong> the broadcastingindustry and the TV commissioningprocess. You will have theopportunity to embrace alternativesto conventional scriptwritingand to explore possibilitiesresulting from new technology.In preparation for graduation, anindustry-focused module examines,through research, exercises,presentations and visiting speakers,the cultures and practices that youmay experience when you go onto pursue careers in the creativeindustries. The course seeks toprovide information on availableopportunities whilst encouragingyour development <strong>of</strong> thosetransferable, self-directed habitsnecessary not only to the success<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional practitioners, butalso to employment in all fields.We are sometimes approached bycommercial companies looking forstudents to undertake pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcommissions and you will be invitedand encouraged to become involvedin these, as well as to use industrystandard screenwriting s<strong>of</strong>tware.You may also have the opportunityto work in the Digital Arts Centreon related areas <strong>of</strong> production.members <strong>of</strong> staff alsohave pr<strong>of</strong>essional,industry backgroundsand can <strong>of</strong>fer expertadvice and support.Career OpportunitiesMany career path options areopened up by studying on this courseincluding working in the digital artsindustries, in film, television and artsorganisations, in production <strong>of</strong> onlinecontent or in social media marketing;taking up university and schoolteaching, or postgraduate academicand creative writing courses arealso potential progression routes.AssessmentA wide variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods including presentations,scriptwriting, treatments, storyoutlines, recorded content, essaysand production <strong>of</strong> a portfolio.Additional Information• Joint Honours• Dynamic course providing creativeand challenging approaches towriting for the screen from initialconception to fully fledged script

Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-up DegreeUCAS CodeSocial WelfareBA (Hons)Top-up DegreeL540 BA/SocWCourse IntroductionIf you are currently working in asocial welfare related environment orhave completed a Foundation degreeor a diploma level qualificationin this or a related subject area,this course will not only add toyour pr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge andunderstanding, but will also provideyou with the opportunity to achievean Honours Level qualification.a student-focusedapproach promotesthe development <strong>of</strong>essential sector skills.This Top-up course is flexible,<strong>of</strong>fering both full and part-timeroutes and a wide range <strong>of</strong> modulesto enable you to apply your studyto work with a range <strong>of</strong> serviceusers. In addition, you will gain anappreciation <strong>of</strong> service provisionand delivery across the statutory,voluntary or private sectors withina social, political and legal context.A student-focused approachpromotes the development <strong>of</strong>essential sector skills such ascommunication, reflection, research,pr<strong>of</strong>essional reflexivity, and furtherengagement with the value base<strong>of</strong> social work and social care.Career OpportunitiesThis course will prepare you forwork across the broad field <strong>of</strong> socialwelfare in statutory, voluntary andprivate services in areas such as: thepersonal social services, residentialwork, children and families, olderpeople, housing, and disabilityservices. Graduate destinationsinclude family workers, drug andalcohol support workers, social work(adult and children), management <strong>of</strong>services in the care sector, housingand homelessness, children’s centres,advisory services, and therapeuticwork. Postgraduate study is afurther option with popular choicessuch as MA Social Work (qualifyingaward), MA Social Policy, andma The Dynamics <strong>of</strong> DomesticViolence, <strong>of</strong>fering appropriatepr<strong>of</strong>essional development.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used to ensure that your finalgrade is an accurate reflection<strong>of</strong> your performance during thecourse. Knowledge, reflection,communication, researchand presentation skills areassessed using essays, reports,presentations and seminars.Additional Information• Single Honours• One year Top-up degree forFoundation degrees, Hndsand Diploma in Social Work• Flexible study options with fulland part-time routes available• Option modules associatedwith identified career routesCourse Content• Politics, Policy & Welfare• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Judgement& Decision-making• Applied Research• Interventions in Social Welfare• Substance Use & Misuse• Families, Myths, theState & Welfare• Children’s Rights• Criminal Justice & Social Welfare• User Involvement inHealth & Welfare• Citizenship & Personalisation• Housing & Homelessness• Counselling Theory & Practice• Leading & Managing inHealth & Social Care• Independent Study• Disability, Policy & PracticeEntryRequirements• Foundation degree,Hnd in Health &Social Care andother diploma Levelqualifications• Diploma inSocial Work• AccreditedPrior Learning/ExperientialLearning (APL/apeL)considered• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Applied SocialPolicyBA (Hons) p47• PsychologyBSc (Hons)/PsychologicalStudies BSc(Hons) p140• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99143

UCAS CodeSocial Welfare BA(Single Honours)Top-up DegreesL540 BA/SocWFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• Foundationdegree in CAMHS,or Health &Social Care• AccreditedPrior Learning/ExperientialLearning (APL/apeL)considered• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsAdditionalInformation• Single Honours• One year Top-updegree forFoundation degrees,in named fields• Flexible studyoptions with fulland part-timeroutes available• Inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essionalmodules andpathway relateddedicated modulesYou mayalso like...• AppliedSocial PolicyBA (Hons) p47• Health & SocialCare FdSc p99• Social Welfare (Child & Adolescent Mental Health) BA (Hons)• Social Welfare (Health & Social Care) BA (Hons)Specialist Top-up Degreesin Social WelfareBA (Hons) Top-up DegreesCourse IntroductionIf you have completed a Foundationdegree or a diploma level qualificationin Child and Adolescent MentalHealth (camHS), or Health andSocial Care, then one <strong>of</strong> thesenamed awards will not only add toyour pr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge andunderstanding but will also provideyou with the opportunity to achievean Honours Level qualificationwith a specific named pathway.The pathways are flexible, <strong>of</strong>feringboth full and part-time routes.The range <strong>of</strong> modules enable you todevelop pr<strong>of</strong>essionally. In addition,you will gain an understanding<strong>of</strong> service provision and deliveryacross the three sectors within asocial, legal and political context.Inter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional learning ispromoted by the use <strong>of</strong> sharedmodules across the pathwaysand with the BA Social Policy.A student-focused approachpromotes the development <strong>of</strong>sector skills such as communication,reflection, research, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalreflexivity, and further engagementwith the value base <strong>of</strong> yourchosen pathway.Career OpportunitiesThis course will prepare you forwork in either: child and adolescentmental health, the learning disabilityfield, or health and social care,depending on your chosen pathway.Apart from the vocational focus,the skills and knowledge gainedare transferable into associatedfields. Career paths includestatutory, voluntary and privateservices in areas such as:For the CAMHS award:The personal social services,residential work, childrenand families, learning supportservices, children’s centres andtherapeutic interventions.For the Health & SocialCare award:Service management in the caresector, housing, health supportservices and related fields.Postgraduate study is a furtheroption with popular choices suchas MA Social Work (qualifyingaward), MA Social Policy, andma Dynamics <strong>of</strong> DomesticViolence, <strong>of</strong>fering appropriatepr<strong>of</strong>essional development.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessment methodsare used to ensure that yourfinal grade is a comprehensivereflection <strong>of</strong> your performanceduring the course. Knowledge,reflection, communication,research and presentation skillsare assessed using essays, reports,presentations and seminars.the pathways areflexible, <strong>of</strong>feringboth full andpart-time routes.Course ContentInter-pr<strong>of</strong>essional modules:• Politics, Policy & Welfare• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Judgement& Decision-making• Applied Research• Interventions in Social Welfare• Criminal Justice & Social Welfare• Substance Use & Misuse• Housing & Homelessness• Leading & Managing inHealth & Social Care• Counselling Theory & Practicecamhs award:• Independent Study in Child &Adolescent Mental Health• Ways <strong>of</strong> Working & PromotingChild & Adolescent Mental Health• Families, Myths, theState & Welfare• Children’s RightsHealth & Social Care award:• Independent Study inHealth & Social Care• Service User Involvementin Health & Welfare• Leading & Managing inHealth & Social CareFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

SociologyBA (Hons)UCAS CodeSociology BA(Single Honours)L300 BA/SocCourse IntroductionIf you’re curious about the everydaylives <strong>of</strong> people in the modern worldand how they interact with eachother in society as a whole, thenSociology is for you. Our coursewill particularly appeal if you wantfriendly, personal support fromtutors whose focus is on teaching.working as a servicedelivery assistant, westmercia victim support.SARAH JOYNESYou will study themes such as: socialwelfare and criminal justice; home,work and careers; diversity (genderand ‘race’); media and culture. Youcan tailor the course to match yourinterests, focusing, for example, onsingle parents, environmental issues,health and illness, the police, courtsand prisons and social problems.We welcome mature students.Please see the details at the back<strong>of</strong> this prospectus for maturestudent entry requirements.Career OpportunitiesA degree in Sociology is a gatewayto many careers, especiallyjobs that involve managing andcommunicating with people, thinkingout solutions to problems, andunderstanding the diverse societyin which we live. Our graduateshave an excellent employmentrecord having taken up careersin sectors including housing, theprobation service, youth work,caring pr<strong>of</strong>essions, social services,the police, business and personnelmanagement, public relations,media, marketing, and teaching.In order to help you reflect,plan and work on your careerand progression aspirations andoptions, the Sociology courseprovides a number <strong>of</strong> opportunitiesto discuss and develop them.The course also provides an idealbasis for postgraduate study.AssessmentA range <strong>of</strong> methods including:coursework, essays, reports, seminarpapers and oral presentationsand Independent Study. Thereare no formal exams.Additional Information• Single or Joint Honours• Students studying Joint Honourshave the option to specialisethrough major/minor studyfrom their second yearCourse Content• Approaching Sociology• Applying Sociology• Researching Sociology• Family Lives• People, Politics, Media & Ideas• Crime & Deviance• Sociology <strong>of</strong> Emotions• People at Work• Work-based Projects• Self & Society• Independent Study• Response to Crime• Pornography &Modern Culture• McDonaldisation• Campaign Power: People& Pressure Groups• Welfare Now: Race, Gender,Class & Disability• Body & Society• History <strong>of</strong> Sexuality• ‘Race’ & Racism in Britain• ‘Race’ & Education• Career & Personal Development• Sociology <strong>of</strong> EducationFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.It is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 240-300 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• EnglishLanguage StudiesBA (Hons) p86• HistoryBA (Hons) p101• Politics:People & PowerBA (Hons) p135• Media &Cultural StudiesBA (Hons) p121145

UCAS CodeSport BusinessManagement BA(Single Honours)cn62 BA/SBMFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76• Sports CoachingScienceBSc (Hons) p153• Outdoor AdventureLeadership &ManagementBSc (Hons) p128• Sport &Exercise ScienceBSc (Hons) p151Sport Business ManagementBA (Hons)Course IntroductionSport is a business which needs tobe properly managed, whether thisis for commercial gain, or to achievenot-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it social objectives.There is a great deal <strong>of</strong> variationin relation to what constitutes a‘sport business’. These can rangefrom large, global manufacturers<strong>of</strong> sporting goods, sports clubs,sport event organisers, publicleisure facilities, niche sport tourismoperators and numerous otherenterprises, which may on firstexamination seem to have little todo with sport, but are in fact vitalcogs in the sport industry. Thesemany different enterprises go t<strong>of</strong>orm an industry which is bothdynamic and continues to flourishin the UK and internationally, whichhas created a continued demandfor talented, qualified pr<strong>of</strong>essionals,who can deliver and manage highquality sport services and products.This course allows students tostudy this complex, diverse andgrowing industry, together withdeveloping the necessary skillsto manage sport businesses.develop your expertisein entrepreneurship,problem-solving andrisk management.This is done by a mixture <strong>of</strong>traditional teaching, embeddingwork-based learning and adoptingproblem-solving, entrepreneurshipand risk management approachesto the study <strong>of</strong> sport businesses, all<strong>of</strong> which will play an invaluable rolein enhancing your employabilitywhen leaving a <strong>University</strong> whichhas an excellent reputation indelivering sport programmes.Career OpportunitiesThe course provides a soundbasis for careers in sportsfacility management, eventsmanagement, sports development,health promotion, the fitnessindustry, outreach work,marketing, sports research andsports entrepreneurship.It is also an ideal base forpostgraduate study.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including case study analysis,problem-solving, courseworkassignments, individual andgroup presentations, businessmanagement, report writingand project planning.Additional Information• Single Honours onlyCourse Content• Sport Business Environment• Risk Management• Financial Concepts• Marketing Concepts• Business Decision-making• Sport Event Management• Sponsorship & Fundraising• OperationalSport Management• Work Placement Research• Research Methods• Strategic SportEvent Management• Sport Strategy in Action• Contemporary Issues• Independent Study• International Business StrategyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Sport Business Management& Events ManagementBA (Hons)*Course IntroductionSport events have continued t<strong>of</strong>lourish in both the UK and globally.Whilst most attention may begiven to the global-mega sportingevents, such as the Olympics andthe football world cup, these stillonly represent a small part <strong>of</strong> thesport event industry which operatesthroughout the year and across theworld. These events can range fromthe regular competitive sportingfixtures, to regional, national andinternational competitions whichcan take place annually or every twoto four years. If one considers theadditional use <strong>of</strong> sport facilities forconferences, corporate hospitalityand numerous non-sporting culturalevents, then it becomes clear thatthe sport event industry is a huge,vibrant and a sustainable area<strong>of</strong> business and employment.The essence <strong>of</strong> sport events is thearousal <strong>of</strong> emotions which canbe a source <strong>of</strong> intense pleasureand satisfaction. The delivery <strong>of</strong>this experience is not somethingwhich happens by accident, butmust be managed, ranging fromensuring people are kept safe,support services are co-ordinatedand the event runs smoothly andon time. Furthermore, the demandto create, stage and manage eventshas gained further momentumbecause <strong>of</strong> their increasing politicaland economic significance.Governments for example have usedevents to promote both a countryand city brand to the internationalbusiness community, designed toattract investment and tourists.Sport events have also been usedto help regenerate economicallydeprived locations and regions,helping to boost infrastructureand improve environments.This course is a sport businessmanagement degree which<strong>of</strong>fers students the opportunityto specialise in sport eventmanagement. It gives students botha broad set <strong>of</strong> business managementskills, relating to marketing, financeand human resource management,then more specific knowledge andskills relating to event management,such as project management, riskassessments and feasibility analysis.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used, includingreports, essays, oral presentationsand coaching sessions.Career OpportunitiesThe jobs available in the sportevent industry are very varied.These can relate to jobs in sales andmarketing, sponsorship, projectmanagement, media management,staffing and recruitment, licensingand merchandising. To gain aneven better sense <strong>of</strong> the types<strong>of</strong> jobs available, you can trysome <strong>of</strong> the following links:Img Events: www.imgevents.co.ukSport and Marketing Intelligence:www.sportcal.com/Home/Default.aspxEvent Magazine: www.eventmagazine.co.uk/go/jobsImpact Sport Recruitment:www.impactsportsrecruitment.co.uk/opportunitiesUK Sport: www.uksport.gov.ukCourse Content• Sport Management Foundation• Risk Management• Business Dynamics.• Sport Tourism & EventManagement• Research Methods• Sport Operational Management• The Research Process• Sport Business: WorkbasedLearning• Operational Sport EventManagement• Sponsorship & Fundraising• Independent Study• The Sports Entrepreneur• Sport Strategy in Action,• Strategic Sport Event &Facility Management• Marketing• Global & Olympic Sport*Subject to validationThe sport event industryis a huge, vibrantand a sustainablearea <strong>of</strong> business andemployment.UCAS CodeSport BusinessManagement &Events ManagementBA (Hons)N890 BA/sbmemEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76• Sports CoachingScienceBSc (Hons) p153• Outdoor AdventureLeadership &ManagementBSc (Hons) p128• Sport BusinessManagement BA(Hons) p146147


Sport Development & CoachingBA (Hons)Course IntroductionOver the past two decades thesport development sector hasgrown rapidly, becoming a keyarea <strong>of</strong> employment for sportgraduates. At its most basic level,sport development relates toencouraging people to take aninterest or participate in sport oractive recreation, whatever theirage or capability, in order to allowthem to continue to improve andexcel. Yet this simple definition doesnot begin to convey the numerousvariations in sport development jobsand the many exciting opportunitieswhich now exist not only in theUK, but also internationally.The course develops a mix <strong>of</strong>coaching and managementskills which are vital ingredientsin the delivery <strong>of</strong> high qualitysport development services andprogrammes. There is a strongvocational focus, letting youexperience work-based learning,real case study scenario exercisesand various practical activities,with many opportunities to gainadditional qualifications.the course develops amix <strong>of</strong> coaching andmanagement skills.Underpinning all these elementsis the development <strong>of</strong> a greaterunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the economicand political environment inwhich sport operates in, andhow this constantly creates boththreats and opportunities in sportdevelopment programmes.Career OpportunitiesThe jobs available in sportdevelopment are numerous andvaried, dealing with both operationaldelivery and strategic planning.Examples <strong>of</strong> sport developmentjobs can range from the variousgoverning bodies <strong>of</strong> sport appointingsport development <strong>of</strong>ficers (sdOs)to promote and develop theirparticular sport; local authoritieshaving <strong>of</strong>ficers who are thereto develop active recreation inthe local population; charitiesappointing <strong>of</strong>ficers who targetspecific groups; schools establishing<strong>of</strong>ficers to co-ordinate and developexcellence in a variety <strong>of</strong> sports;and international organisations,such as UNIceF having peoplewho help co-ordinate the work <strong>of</strong>governments and partners to helpdevelop sport and play programmesfor children, around the world.AssessmentA wide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used, includingreports, essays, oral presentationsand coaching sessions.Course Content• Psychology <strong>of</strong> Sport• Principles <strong>of</strong> Sport Coaching• Foundations in CommunitySport & Development• Introduction toSociocultural Issues• Partnerships in Sport Coaching• Risk Management• Research Methods• Effective Coaching• Operational Sport Development• Sociology <strong>of</strong> Sport• Placement Module• Sponsorship & Fundraising• Entrepreneurship• Development <strong>of</strong> the Child• International SportDevelopment & Volunteerism• Sport Strategy in Action• Disability• Issues in Sport• Independent StudyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeSport Development& Coaching BA (Hons)CX61 BSc/sdcFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modules• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Sport &Exercise ScienceBSc (Hons) p151• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156• Sports Performance& CoachingHND p155149

UCAS CodeSport & ExercisePsychology BSc(Single Honours)C813 BSc/SpPsyFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• PsychologyBSc (Hons) p139• CounsellingPsychologyBSc (Hons) p73• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• ForensicPsychologyBSc (Hons) p95• Sports TherapyBSc (Hons) p158• Sport &Exercise ScienceBSc (Hons) p151• BusinessPsychologyBSc (Hons) p65www.worcester.ac.ukSport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionSport & Exercise Psychology isan exciting programme, taughtby enthusiastic and well qualifiedstaff. This programme equipsstudents with the theoreticalknowledge and the practical skillsassociated with the study <strong>of</strong> the‘mind-body interaction’ in sport.The degree has been developed toprovide an understanding <strong>of</strong>the role <strong>of</strong> psychology within sportand exercise, across both teamand individual sports and atdifferent levels <strong>of</strong> competitionand participation.This programme is accredited bythe British Psychological Society asconferring eligibility for GraduateMembership <strong>of</strong> the Society andthe Graduate Basis for CharteredMembership (GBC), which is requiredfor entry to further postgraduatecourses for those wishing to trainas pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists.Analysis <strong>of</strong> sport performanceand exercise participation from apsychological standpoint is centralto the main aims <strong>of</strong> the course.Students have the opportunityto direct their study in Sport &Exercise Psychology and pursuein-depth focused independentresearch. Students will experiencea range <strong>of</strong> teaching environmentsincluding the Sport Psychologylaboratory, lecture theatre, fitnesssuite, sports centre and sports field.Career OpportunitiesSports Psychology is a fast-growingdiscipline that is recognised asa pr<strong>of</strong>essional specialism withinpsychology and has charteredstatus. Graduates will beeligible for Graduate Basis forChartered Membership (GBC)with the British PsychologicalSociety (Bps) – necessary forfurther pr<strong>of</strong>essional training.Sport Psychology is a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalchartered area <strong>of</strong> psychology. Thiscourse is used as a preparatoryfirst degree for those studentswanting to follow a career asa Sports Psychologist (whichrequires further postgraduatestudy and supervised practice).The course prepares students fora range <strong>of</strong> graduate careers withknowledge and skills appropriate forareas such as: sports psychology,sports coaching, police service,armed forces, fitness and healthindustries, sports training andgeneral graduate careers.EmployabilityA degree in Psychology is highlyfavoured by employers, givingyou an excellent advantage in thejob market. During your studieswith us you will learn new skills,develop existing expertise, studya wide range <strong>of</strong> approaches andmethodologies and leave with abroader range <strong>of</strong> knowledge, skillsand abilities. An important part <strong>of</strong>this learning process is the ability toreflect upon your own experiences,an aspect <strong>of</strong> practice engaged inby all pr<strong>of</strong>essional psychologists.Sport Psychology is apr<strong>of</strong>essional charteredarea <strong>of</strong> psychology.We will help you to develop theseskills through the Academic Tutoringsystem; you will be providedwith an Understanding Skills &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism booklet, which youwill use both as a record <strong>of</strong> yourlearning and a tool for self-reflection.AssessmentPractical research reports, casestudies, essays, literature reviews,presentations, examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours only (designatedmodules only plus a selectionfrom other subjects)Course ContentYear 1• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport (Kinesiology)• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport (Physiology)• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport (Psychosocial)• Study <strong>of</strong> Psychology 1 & 2• Research Methods 1 & 2Year 2• Social Psychology• Biopsychology• Research Methods 3• Lifespan Development• Cognitive Psychology• Psychology <strong>of</strong> Sport & ExerciseYear 3• Independent Study• Health Psychology• Group Dynamics in Sport• Applied Sport Psychology• Issues in Sport• Learning & Performance<strong>of</strong> Sports Skills

Sport & Exercise ScienceBSc (Hons)Course Introduction<strong>Worcester</strong> has a proven record<strong>of</strong> excellence in the field <strong>of</strong> sportand exercise science and thiscourse will interest anyone whohas an enthusiasm for sport,exercise and health. It providesa practical insight into scientificstudies <strong>of</strong> sport and ways tointegrate that knowledge into thepractice and training <strong>of</strong> differentsports. You will study physiology,psychology and biomechanics,as well as modules that explorethe way in which these disciplinesinteract to affect both sportingperformance and health. You willalso gain a thorough groundingin the investigative and researchtechniques required in order to workeffectively in this field. The coursecontent and design is endorsed bythe British Association <strong>of</strong> Sportand Exercise Sciences (Bases).This course includes theoretical,practical and vocational elements.Students will experience a range<strong>of</strong> teaching environments andbenefit from a host <strong>of</strong> state-<strong>of</strong>the-artfacilities, while the libraryhas an extensive range <strong>of</strong> sport andexercise resources, together withonline access to Sports Discus.The Institute has links withuniversities throughout Europe, USA,New Zealand, Australia and Kenyaand you will have the opportunityto study for one semester abroad.Career OpportunitiesWith the successful 2012 Olympicbid, opportunities in the field <strong>of</strong>sport and exercise science areset to increase and this courseprepares students for a wide range<strong>of</strong> careers. Graduates have enteredthe following occupations: sportand exercise science support,fitness and health industry, sportscoaching, sports development,the police and the armed forces.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment typesincluding laboratory reports,oral presentations, essays,coaching sessions and exams.Additional Information• Single Honours (designatedmodules only, plus a selectionfrom other subjects)the course content anddesign is endorsed bythe British association<strong>of</strong> sport and ExerciseSciences (BASES).www.bases.org.uk/undergraduateendorsement-scheme-buesCourse Content• Body & Mind in Sport & Exercise• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Human Movement• Introduction to theScientific Study <strong>of</strong> Sport• Research Methods• Scientific Underpinnings<strong>of</strong> Sport Performance• Scientific Underpinnings<strong>of</strong> Physical Activity,Exercise & Health• The Biomechanics <strong>of</strong>Sport & Exercise• Consultancy in Applied Sport& Exercise Psychology• Strength, Power & Speed• Limits to Human Performance• Physiological Support<strong>of</strong> the Elite Athlete• Enhancing Performance• Contemporary Investigationsin Sport & Exercise Sciences• Physical Activity &Disease Prevention• Independent StudyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeSport & ExerciseScience BSc(Single Honours)C600 BSc/sesFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Sport Development& CoachingBA (Hons) p149• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156• Physical EducationBSc (Hons) p130• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76151

UCAS CodeSports Coaching Hnd26nc S HND/spcmFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 180 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A full Disclosure& Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Sport Development& CoachingBA (Hons) p149• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76• Sports StudiesHND p157• SportsPerformance& CoachingHND p155In partnership with Stourbridge CollegeSports CoachingHNDCourse IntroductionThrough a selection <strong>of</strong> practical andbusiness-oriented managementmodules, you will develop theskills and knowledge requiredfor a successful career in sportscoaching. You will be equippedto cope with the challengesand issues in this dynamic andrapidly expanding sector.The course is run in associationwith Stourbridge College andyou will study at Stourbridgeand the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>,taking advantage <strong>of</strong> the excellentfacilities and support availableat both campuses. Vocationalthroughout, you will benefit fromapplying the skills you learn tothe workplace and have accessto leisure facilities in Stourbridgeto carry out work-based study.ProgressionOn successful completion <strong>of</strong> theprogramme, there are opportunitiesto progress onto a linked BSc (Hons)degree programme at <strong>Worcester</strong>.Career OpportunitiesWith more people playing sportand engaging in physical activity,there are new job opportunities inthis sector. You will be prepared fora career as a sports coach, in sportsdevelopment, sports administration,sports policy development or inhealth and fitness.Alternatively, on completion <strong>of</strong> aTop-up degree, you may wish tocontinue to postgraduate study andother pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course is taught atStourbridge College and the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including coursework assignments,module tests, individual andgroup presentations, casestudies, reports and exams.Additional Information• Two year, full-time course withpart-time route available• Industry approved curriculum• National Governing BodyCoaching Awards optionCourse Content• Scientific Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport• Social & Psychological Issues• Business <strong>of</strong> Sport• Investigative Techniques• Sports Marketing• Sports Coaching Applications• Principles <strong>of</strong> Sports Coaching• Sport Experience• Performance Analysis• The Physiology <strong>of</strong> Sport& Exercise• The Psychology <strong>of</strong> Sport& Exercise• Work Experience Project• Sports Development• Coaching Special Populations• Outdoor Activity LeadershipFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.on successfulcompletion, thereare progressionopportunities onto alinked BSc (Hons) degreeprogramme at <strong>Worcester</strong>.www.worcester.ac.uk

Sports Coaching ScienceBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionSports Coaching Science is adynamic, established subjectfor anyone with an enthusiasmfor coaching and its relationshipwith sports performance,physical activity, health,teaching and sports science.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> has afine reputation for its sports degrees,and the course utilises an excellentrange <strong>of</strong> facilities both on and <strong>of</strong>fthe campus including a state-<strong>of</strong>the-artsports hall, fitness suite,physiology laboratory, gymnasia,Motion and Performance Centre andartificial playing areas. Experiencecan be gained through a workplacement in a coaching context <strong>of</strong>your choice and opportunities existfor study abroad in universities inthe USA, Australia and Europe.We have an established SportsPerformance Centre that supportscoaches and athletes in the region.The Institute’s Sports Centrealso <strong>of</strong>fers a wide range <strong>of</strong>National Governing BodyCoaching Awards through theCoach Education Programme.If you have relevant experience ordiffering entry qualifications,you may enter the course at Hndlevel with the possibility <strong>of</strong>transferring to the third year <strong>of</strong> thedegree course upon successfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> the Hnd.Career OpportunitiesThe degree provides an excellentfoundation for a wide range<strong>of</strong> careers, including sportsdevelopment and management,sports coaching, fitness instructor,match and performance analysts,teaching, research, the armedforces and public services.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including scientific reports, oralpresentations, essays, coachingsessions, exams, marketing plans,practical performance and coaching.Additional Information• Single Honours, Major, Joint, Minora wide range <strong>of</strong>National GoverningBody coachingawards are <strong>of</strong>feredthrough the coacheducation programme.Course Content• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport(Practical Kinesiology)• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport (Physiology)• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport(Psychosocial)• Partnerships & Coachingin Sport*• Principles <strong>of</strong> Sports Coaching*• Sociocultural Issues in Sport• Research Methods• Effective Coaching• Scientific Approachesto Coaching• Performance Analysis• Non-invasion Sports• Fitness Assessment• Invasion Sports• Sports Nutrition• Reflective Coaching• Applied Performance Analysis• Coaching Placement• Sport Coaching & Development• Sport & Disability• Learning & Performance<strong>of</strong> Sport Skills• Training for Sport• Outdoor & Adventure* These modules are highlyrecommended as they are aprerequisite for Effective Coaching.For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeSports CoachingScience BSc(Single Honours)C601 BSc/scsIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinations addbreadth to your studiesand can enhanceyour employability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure & BarringService check isrequired for this courseYou may also like...• Outdoor AdventureLeadership &ManagementBSc (Hons) p128• Sport Development& CoachingBA (Hons) p149• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Sports Performance& Coaching Hnd p155153

UCAS CodeSports CoachingScience withDisability Sport BSc(Hons) C694 SCSDSFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Sport Development& CoachingBA (Hons) p149• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156• Physical EducationBSc (Hons) p130www.worcester.ac.ukSports Coaching Sciencewith Disability SportBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionBuilding on the <strong>University</strong>’sextensive experience in this field,the course is believed to be thecountry’s first degree dedicated toproducing experts in disability sportand fitness who can go on to followcareers helping and coaching peoplewith disabilities who wish to engagein sport and physical activity.The <strong>University</strong> has an excellentreputation for supporting youngstersand athletes at all levels in a range<strong>of</strong> disability sport. Significantly,a growing number <strong>of</strong> studentscontinue to find employmentduring and post study. The visionto inspire, include and innovateat all levels in disability sport isbeing realised as partnershipswith disability sports governingbodies, special needs schools anduniversities from around the worldcontinue to flourish. Additionally,there are several members <strong>of</strong> thestaff and student body who havegained international recognition innumerous disciplines including blindfootball, deaf rugby and adaptedrowing. The <strong>University</strong> is the home<strong>of</strong> the regional wheelchair basketballcentre, the <strong>Worcester</strong> blind footballteam, the innovative dyspraxia cluband the <strong>Worcester</strong> Snoezelen Centre.Sports Coaching Science studentscan now specialise in SportsCoaching Science & Disability Sportand gain a further insight into thearea <strong>of</strong> disability sport throughtheoretical and practical experience.Mick Donovan, Head <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong>’s Institute <strong>of</strong> Sport &Exercise Science, said: “Disabilitysport has been something thatwe, here at <strong>Worcester</strong>, have beencommitted to for several years.There is a clear focus on preparingour students for future employmentand giving them the skills to respondto a diverse range <strong>of</strong> learners withwide-ranging abilities and disabilities.“What better time to be launchinga new course in disability sport,than the year when the ParalympicGames came to Great Britain? Itis anticipated that the Games willinspire large numbers <strong>of</strong> adultsand children with a disability towant to get involved in sport andexercise and with that comes theneed for more coaches, volunteersand teachers to work in the field.”Career OpportunitiesThe course provides an excellentfoundation for a wide range <strong>of</strong>careers in sport development,sport coaching, physical educationteaching, research, armed forces andpublic health, pr<strong>of</strong>essional sport,health & fitness management.Students who have specialised indisability sport in the past havegone on to become sports anddisability <strong>of</strong>ficers; sport development<strong>of</strong>ficers for adults with disabilities;special need co-ordinators; CountyCouncil support <strong>of</strong>ficers forchildren with behavioural issues;Disability Sport Governing Bodyco-ordinators and self-employedsports disability consultants.The <strong>University</strong> has anexcellent reputation forsupporting youngstersand athletes at alllevels in a range <strong>of</strong>disability sport.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including scientific reports, oralpresentations, essays, coachingsessions, exams, marketing plans,practical performance and coaching.Additional Information• Single HonoursCourse Content• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport(Practical Kinesiology)• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport (Physiology)• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport(Psychosocial)• Partnerships & Coaching in Sport• Principles <strong>of</strong> Sports Coaching• Sociocultural Issues in Sport• Research Methods• Effective Coaching• Scientific Approaches to Coaching• Performance Analysis<strong>of</strong> Disability Sport• Non-invasion Sportsor Invasion Sports• Sports Nutrition• Reflective Coaching• Disability Sport Work-basedCoaching Placement• Applied Sport & Disability• Sport Coaching & Development• Sport & Disability• Learning & Performance<strong>of</strong> Sport Skills• Training for Sport• Final Year Independent Studyproject focused on Disability SportFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.

In partnership with Telford College <strong>of</strong> Arts and TechnologySports Performance & CoachingHNDCourse IntroductionThe Hnd in Sports Performance& Coaching is a two year fulltimequalification which runs inconjunction with the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. All learning will takeplace at Telford College <strong>of</strong> Arts andTechnology. The course focuseson sports coaching, analysis <strong>of</strong>performance and the theoreticalknowledge underpinning sport.Learning takes place in a practicaland lecture-based environmentand will focus on developingpr<strong>of</strong>essional skills throughvocational opportunities withinthe sporting industry. You willhave the opportunity to workwith a broad variety <strong>of</strong> sportingpopulations, including eliteathletes, novice and intermediateparticipants, children, peers andstudents with learning difficulties.The course will develop yourpersonal and transferable skillswhilst also developing the attributesassociated with the study <strong>of</strong> sport atHigher Education level.Telford College <strong>of</strong> Arts andTechnology (tcat) also providesexcellent access to:• The TCAT Super Dome whichprovides facilities for all-weathertraining and the latesttechnology in playing surfaces• Sports Hall, housing basketball,netball and badminton tointernational standard• Aerobic Studio, with mirroredwall, suitable for dance, balletand aerobic activities• State-<strong>of</strong>-the-artmulti-gym, comprisingTechno gym equipment• New facilities include anon-campus floodlit 3G fullsize rugby/football pitchCareer OpportunitiesThe course provides an excellentfoundation for a wide range<strong>of</strong> careers including sportsdevelopment and management,sports coaching, fitness instructor,match and performance analysts,teaching, research, the armed forcesand public services.ProgressionOn successful completion <strong>of</strong> theprogramme you can progressdirectly onto the second or thirdyear <strong>of</strong> a linked BSc (Hons)degree at <strong>Worcester</strong> e.g. SportsCoaching Science.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyThis course runs in conjunctionwith the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>and Telford College <strong>of</strong> Arts andTechnology. All teaching will takeplace at Telford College <strong>of</strong> Artsand Technology which is 50 milesfrom <strong>Worcester</strong>. Accommodationis available on request andorganised on an individual basis.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including coursework assignments,module tests, individual and grouppresentations, case studies, reportsand exams.Additional Information• Two year, full-time only course• Industry approved curriculum• National Governing BodyCoaching Awards optionCourse Content• Introduction to the Principles<strong>of</strong> Coaching• Psychological & SocialFoundations <strong>of</strong> Sport• Physiological Foundations<strong>of</strong> Sport• Training for Sport• Physical Activity,Exercise & Health• Foundations <strong>of</strong> Sport(Practical Kinesiology)• Introduction to MotorLearning & Skill Acquisition• Partnerships & Sports Coaching• Research Methods• Sports Nutrition• Scientific Approaches toSports Coaching• Health-based ExerciseTesting & Prescription• Effective Coaching• Performance Analysis• Sport Event Project Management• Invasion Sportsfocus on developingpr<strong>of</strong>essional skillsthrough vocationalopportunities withinthe sporting industry.UCAS CodeSports Performance& Coaching Hnd16xc Y HND/spcFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 180 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76• Sports StudiesHND p157• Sports CoachingHND p152155

UCAS CodeSports Studies BSc(Single Honours)C6X3 BSc/spsIt is also possible tostudy this degree incombination withanother course.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s degreecombinationsadd breadth toyour studies andcan enhance youremployability.For a complete list<strong>of</strong> combinations anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Cricket Coaching& ManagementBSc (Hons) p76• Sport BusinessManagementBA (Hons) p146• Physical EducationBSc (Hons) p130• Sports CoachingScienceBSc (Hons) p153www.worcester.ac.ukSports StudiesBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionSports Studies will interest anyonewith an enthusiasm for sport,exercise and health, coaching,teaching, sports management,sports marketing or development.Depending on your module choices,your course takes place in a range<strong>of</strong> environments including a variety<strong>of</strong> high tech scientific laboratories,lecture theatres, seminar rooms,sports facilities and fitness/training centres. There is a choice<strong>of</strong> themes for you to follow such assport science, physical activity andhealth, PE teaching, sport coaching,sports performance, sociology <strong>of</strong>sport and sport management.If you are considering a careeras a Physical Education teacher,our joint PE and Sports Studiespathways enable you to blendyour choice <strong>of</strong> sport modules witha physical education pathwaydesigned to provide a strongfoundation for the PostgraduateCertificate in Education (pgce).You will have the opportunityto work within the sportingindustry on placement, andopportunities also exist for youto study abroad. Regional SportsDevelopment and CoachingOfficers are based on campus.You will benefit from excellentfacilities, including the <strong>Worcester</strong>Sport Performance Centre,designated by UK Sports Institute(UKSI) as a regional provider <strong>of</strong>Sport Science Support and theMcClelland Centre for Healthand Wellbeing. The <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> is a Sports Coachand Regional Coaching Centre.National Governing Body CoachingAwards are available through theCoach Education Programme.Career OpportunitiesThis degree provides an excellentfoundation for a wide range <strong>of</strong>careers in sports development andmanagement, sports coaching,physical education teaching,research, the armed forces, publicservices, pr<strong>of</strong>essional sport andhealth and fitness management.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessmentmethods are used which include:performance analysis, presentations,essays, teaching and coachingsessions, exams and projects,practical work experience andindependent research.Additional Information• Single Honours, Joint, Major, MinorCourse Content• Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> Sport& Exercise Science• Sport Development Foundation• Sport Management Foundation• Principles <strong>of</strong> Sports Coaching• Adapted Physical Activity,Sport & Disability• Introduction to MotorLearning & Skill Acquisition• Fundamentals <strong>of</strong>Athletics in Schools• Scientific Underpinnings<strong>of</strong> Sport PerformanceFormer BSc SportsStudies student JennyMcConnell, now utilisesher knowledge andexperience to managethe ‘<strong>Worcester</strong> SportsPerformance Centre’.JENNy McCONNELL• Scientific Underpinnings<strong>of</strong> Physical Activity,Exercise & Health• Sport Operational Management• Sponsorship & Fundraising• Sport & Disability• Swimming & OutdoorAdventure Activities• Motor Skill Progression• Multi Sports• Strength Power & Speed• Independent Study• Contemporary Issues In Sport• Work-based Learning• Global & Olympic Sport• Sport Strategy in Action• Sport Event Marketing• The Sports Entrepreneur• Advanced Sports Nutrition• Project Feasibility• International Development& Volunteering• Consultancy in Applied Sport& Exercise Psychology• Advanced Sport & Disability• Learning & Performance<strong>of</strong> Sports Skills• The Developing Child in Sport• Biomechanical Analysis<strong>of</strong> Sports Techniques• Primary PE• Limits to Human Performance• 14-19 PE Curriculum• Physical Activity in the Prevention& Treatment <strong>of</strong> DiseaseFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.

In partnership with <strong>Worcester</strong> College <strong>of</strong> TechnologySports StudiesHNDCourse IntroductionDo you have an enthusiasm forsport, exercise and health? If theanswer is yes, then this Hnd maybe what you are looking for. It hasbeen developed with <strong>Worcester</strong>College <strong>of</strong> Technology to providea vocational programme thatcan lead to employment in thesports industries or progressionto a sports-related degree.All modules integrate theory andpractice using the experiencegained from involvement in sport.The course has been designed tomeet the needs <strong>of</strong> employers suchas local authorities, sports andrecreational centres and otherpublic and private providers, andthose who are successful on thecourse will be well placed to workwithin the sports industry.The course will develop yourpersonal and transferable skillswhilst also developing the attributesassociated with the study <strong>of</strong>sport at Higher Education level.a range <strong>of</strong> awards fromNational GoverningBodies are available tosupport your study.Career OpportunitiesThe course has been carefullydesigned to <strong>of</strong>fer a range <strong>of</strong>employment opportunities withinthe sports industry, includingsports development, sportsmanagement, health and fitnesspromotion and sports coaching.ProgressionOn successful completion <strong>of</strong> theprogramme you can progressdirectly onto the second or thirdyear <strong>of</strong> a linked BSc (Hons)degree at <strong>Worcester</strong> e.g. BScSports Studies.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyYou will be based at boththe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>and <strong>Worcester</strong> College <strong>of</strong>Technology and have access tothe full range <strong>of</strong> excellent sportsfacilities on both campuses.AssessmentWide variety <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including scientific reports, oralpresentations and essays, coachingsessions, exams and marketing plans.Additional Information• A two year, full-time coursewith part-time route available• Students have access tostate-<strong>of</strong>-the-art facilities,including Bases accreditedlaboratories, Sports Hall, fitnesssuite, 3G AstroTurf,playing fields, dance studio,Motion and PerformanceCentre and HumanPerformance Laboratory• Nationally recognised qualificationthat prepares you for workin the sports industry• Exciting range <strong>of</strong> modulesgives broad understanding<strong>of</strong> Sports Studies• Placement opportunities in thesports sector giving you thechance to use skills in awork-based environmentCourse Content• Anatomy & Health• Practical Sports Studies• Sport Psychology• Sport Nutrition• Sport in Context• Work Experience• Research MethodsIn addition, a range <strong>of</strong> awards fromNational Governing Bodies areavailable to support your study.UCAS CodeSports Studies Hnd006C HND/ssFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 180 UCAS tariffpoints and GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck may berequired forsome modulesYou mayalso like...• Sport Development& CoachingBA (Hons) p149• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156• Sports CoachingHND p152• Sports Performance& CoachingHND p155157

UCAS CodeSports Therapy BSc(Single Honours)C603 BSc/SpThFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 280 UCAS tariffpoints to includean A2 in eitherpe or HumanBiology plus GCSEMaths and EnglishLanguage at GradeC or above• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course.Successfulcandidates willalso be required tocomplete a medicalquestionnaire• Shortlistedapplicants willbe invited forinterviewYou mayalso like...• Pre-Hospital,Unscheduled &Emergency CareFdSc p136• Sport & ExercisePsychologyBSc (Hons) p150• Sports StudiesBSc (Hons) p156www.worcester.ac.ukSports TherapyBSc (Hons)Course IntroductionSports therapists play an importantrole in keeping athletes and peoplewho do sport for leisure, fit andat peak performance. With morepeople participating in sport thereis a greater demand for pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcare. The emphasis <strong>of</strong> the SportsTherapy course is on providingyou with the knowledge and skillsto work competently with bothelite and recreational athletes in afull range <strong>of</strong> sports. The course isaccredited by the pr<strong>of</strong>essional body,The Society <strong>of</strong> Sport Therapists,and on completion you will beeligible to apply for Registration asa Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Sport Therapist.You will study human movement,biomechanics, physiology andexercise physiology, exerciseprogramme prescription, nutrition,sports psychology and rehabilitation.Sports Therapists need an in-depthunderstanding <strong>of</strong> these sportsscience and therapeutic techniquesand interventions to enable youto communicate with and to workpr<strong>of</strong>essionally with athletes andcoaches. You will also learn thetherapeutic skills <strong>of</strong> examinationand assessment <strong>of</strong> all joints, jointmobilisations, massage, sportsrehabilitation and electrotherapy.The course will develop youracademic skills such as scientificwriting, researching, criticalthinking and clinical reasoning.A double module <strong>of</strong> clinicalplacement running across thefinal year helps to developexcellent clinical practice and todemonstrate the skills required<strong>of</strong> a graduate Sports Therapist.You will be first-aiders to the<strong>University</strong> sports teams from yourfirst semester onwards. You willalso work regularly in the sportsmassage and sports injury clinics.You are encouraged to developyour practice through volunteeringto provide first aid and massageat external sporting events.Career OpportunitiesGraduates can follow a number<strong>of</strong> career paths including graduateSports Therapist at a sports clubor with a team. You will be ableto work in private practice or as atherapist within fitness and leisurecomplexes. You may choose to focuson the sports rehabilitation role.The course also provides a soundbasis for postgraduate courses insports science, sports medicine orfor PGCE teaching qualification.AssessmentA variety <strong>of</strong> assessmentstrategies are used to prepareyou for future employment,including practice assessments,laboratory reports, essays,reflective practice, presentationsand written examinations.Additional Information• Single Honours programme,which cannot be combinedwith any other subject• Only available full-time• Opportunity to gain afirst aid qualification• Accredited by The Society<strong>of</strong> Sports Therapiststhe experience <strong>of</strong> alifetime – one semesterstudying on an americanuniversity athletictraining programme.MARTIN IDDON• Placement links have beenforged with a number <strong>of</strong> localpr<strong>of</strong>essional and amateurfootball and rugby teams – othersports also provide placementopportunities. The Institutealso has links with overseasuniversities, particularly the USACourse Content• Musculoskeletal Anatomy• Sports Injuries & Assessment• Special Populations• Exercise Physiology• Fundamentals <strong>of</strong>Sport & Exercise Therapy• Sports Rehabilitation• Peripheral Joint Mobilisations• Sports Nutrition• Research Methods• Sports Psychology• Biomechanics• Vertebral Mobilisations• Sports Entrepreneur• Advances & Developmentsin Sports Therapy• Independent Study(double module)• Clinical Placement(double module)Plus an option from a selection <strong>of</strong>Sports Science modules at Level 6.For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.

Teaching: PrimaryInitial Teacher Education(with Qts)BA (Hons)Course IntroductionDesigned in partnership with localprimary schools to meet therequirements for Initial TeacherEducation, this ‘outstanding’ course(Ofsted 2008 and again in 2010),provides the perfect groundingfor those who wish to teach allareas <strong>of</strong> the Primary Curriculum.During the first two years youwill follow a broad and balancedprogramme which lays a securefoundation for the third andfinal year <strong>of</strong> study. You will thenundertake some Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalResearch in a Specialist Subject(priss) in Year 3, which involvessome school-based research,investigating an element <strong>of</strong>a selected curriculum area ortheme. At the end <strong>of</strong> the courseyou will be equipped to meet theTeachers’ Standards for the Award<strong>of</strong> Qualified Teacher Status (Qts).On entry, all students follow acommon programme, spanning ages3-11 years during Term One. Towardsthe end <strong>of</strong> Term One, students optfor the 3-7 years or 5-11 years routefor the remaining course <strong>of</strong> study.There is a Primary Modern ForeignLanguage pathway in the degreeand you can focus on either Spanishor French language and languageteaching methodology. There isalso an opportunity to undertake aplacement in a special educationalneeds school for four weeks.From time to time there areopportunities for other specialisedplacements in schools.Career OpportunitiesOur Newly Qualified Teachers(NQTs) have one <strong>of</strong> the highestemployment rates <strong>of</strong> all graduates.There are excellent employmentopportunities and good promotionprospects alongside job security.At the end <strong>of</strong> the course you will beadvised about suitable in-servicecourses to follow in your teachingcareer, as part <strong>of</strong> your continuingpr<strong>of</strong>essional development.Direct Entry RouteIf you have a Foundation degreeor equivalent in an area related toeducation, it may be possible toenter the programme in Year 2. Youwould also need GCSE English, Mathsand Science at Grade C or aboveand have some recent experiencein a primary classroom. Shortlistedcandidates will be interviewed.Non-Standard EntranceMature students undertakingan Access Diploma will need todemonstrate subject knowledgein a National Curriculum area.If candidates require furtherinformation about appropriatestudy, they may request advice.AssessmentVarious assessment methods,including the use <strong>of</strong> a pr<strong>of</strong>ile<strong>of</strong> teaching competencies andcoursework closely linked withschool experience. Students willdemonstrate the ability to meet thenew Teachers’ Standards (2012).awarded a prestigiousnational scholarship tohelp her continue hermasters degree in specialeducational needs.www.worcester.ac.ukSAM BATESEntry Requirements• A minimum <strong>of</strong> 320 UCAS tariffpoints from a maximum<strong>of</strong> three and a half A Levels (orequivalent Level 3 qualifications).Plus at least six GCSEs atGrades A*-C, including Maths,English Language and Science• Post-16 qualifications should, forpreference, have some NationalCurriculum relevance. It may bebeneficial if qualifications reflectedthe likely choice <strong>of</strong> curriculumfocus, for example, A Level Science• Shortlisted applicants will beinterviewed. The Teaching Agencyrequires all trainee teachers tosatisfactorily complete a medicalquestionnaire to demonstratetheir fitness to teach and toobtain an Enhanced Disclosure& Barring Service check• Candidates are also expectedto have passed the Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalTests set by the TeachingAgency in English and Maths• Candidates will be expected tohave had some recent experiencein a primary school setting andto include this as part <strong>of</strong> thesupporting statement in theirapplication. Currently candidates,as a condition <strong>of</strong> entry, providea report from a primary schoolhead teacher where they havecompleted a minimum <strong>of</strong> twoweeks’ work experience (orthe part-time equivalent)UCAS Code• Primary – EarlyYears (3-7 years)X121 BA/1yr Qts• Primary – LaterYears (5-11 years)X122 BA/1yr QtsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comYou mayalso like...• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCE– Secondary p164• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional PracticeBA (Hons) Top-upDegree p138• Education StudiesBA (Hons) p85• Integrated Workingwith Children &Families BA (Hons)Top-up Degree p110• Early Childhood(Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPractice)BA (Hons) p81All programmessubject to TA fundingor requirementsare subject togovernment changes.159

UCAS CodeTeaching &Learning FdA XX12G, I FdA/tlFor the latestinformationand UCAS codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• A Disclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course• Applicants musthave currentexperience <strong>of</strong>working in aneducation setting• Mature studentsshould seepage 175 foradditional detailsYou mayalso like...• Early Years Sector-Endorsed FdA p83• IntegratedChildren’s ServicesFdA p109• Learning SupportFdA p115In partnership with the Learning Instituteand Somerset SCITTTeaching & LearningFdACourse IntroductionThis course provides an in-servicecareer pathway for teachingassistants and other support staffworking in an education context.It is a school-centred programmebased at institutions in Somerset,Cornwall and Devon and is nottaught at the <strong>Worcester</strong> campus.The programme is a two yearfull-time or three/four yearpart-time course leading toa Foundation degree.There are two possible pathways:• An FdA for those wishing toprepare for primary teaching,early years pr<strong>of</strong>essional statusor teaching support roles inprimary and nursery settings• An FdA for those wishing toprepare for teaching support rolesor secondary teaching in a range<strong>of</strong> vocational and applied subjects– contact the providers for details.This course provides you withthe skills, knowledge and insightto enable you to make a valuedcontribution to the educational,social and emotional well-being <strong>of</strong>children in a range <strong>of</strong> supportivecontexts. We welcome applicationsfrom experienced maturestudents, please see the MatureStudents section for details.Career OpportunitiesThis course represents a substantialstep toward acquiring a full Honoursdegree through a one year fulltimeor two year part-time Top-upcourse. Successful completionallows possible progression on tothe BA (Hons) Top-up Degree inPr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice taught in theSouth West with equivalent Top-updegree delivered at <strong>Worcester</strong>.This may subsequently providea route into teaching through apgce or school-led programmes.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyBased in the South West <strong>of</strong>England. This course is not taughtat the <strong>Worcester</strong> campus. It isrun by the Learning Instituteand Somerset SCItt.AssessmentEssays, seminars, practicalworkshops, pr<strong>of</strong>essional journals,projects and reports.All students will be assessed on workundertaken within employment.an in-service careerpathway for teachingassistants and othersupport staff workingin an education context.Course Content• Introduction to Study Skills• Reflective Journal• Communication & Partnershipin Children’s Services• Behaviour for Learning• Work-based Project• Curriculum Subjects• Introduction to Teaching& Learning in PrimaryFoundation Subjects• Introduction to Teaching& Learning in the Secondary Phase• Introduction to Global Education• Supporting in EarlyChildhood Development• Meeting the IndividualNeeds <strong>of</strong> Children & YoungPeople with SpecificLearning Difficulties• Planning, Assessing &Evaluating Learning• Teaching & Learning in PrimaryCore Curriculum Subjects• Teaching & Learning in PrimaryFoundation Subjects• Teaching & Learning inthe Secondary Phase• Auditing & Meeting SubjectKnowledge Needs• Developing Students’ FunctionalSkills, & Principal, Additional& Generic Learning• Work-based Independent StudyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Teaching: School Direct PartnershipProvision (Primary and Secondary)Course IntroductionWithin its school partnershipthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>operates the School Direct andSchool Direct (salaried) route.This route into teaching wasintroduced for both primary andsecondary phases in 2012/13. Thisis a postgraduate route which isdesigned to encourage schools tohave a greater role in initial teachertraining (Itt) through workingin closer partnership with anoutstanding accredited Itt providersuch as the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.In partnership with the <strong>University</strong>,participating schools recruit andselect their trainees. The trainingtakes place partly in school andpartly at the <strong>University</strong>, again infull partnership. The <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, as the accreditingbody for Qts and awardingbody for PGCE is responsible forthe academic and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalstandards within the programme.School DirectThe School Direct programmeis open to all eligible graduateswith a 2.1 or above (see TAwebsite for eligibility criteria)and is funded by student tuitionfees (currently £9,000) paid bythe trainee. A trainee may beentitled to receive a bursaryfrom the Teaching Agency (ta)dependent on phase/subject/degreeclassification. This informationis available on the TA website.School Direct (Salaried)The School Direct (salaried)programme is intended for highachieving career changers whohave at least a 2.1 for their firstdegree. Another feature <strong>of</strong> thisroute is that eligible applicantsmust be able to demonstrate threeyears’ previous career experience.Trainees on School Direct (salaried)will be employed and paid a salaryby the school, as a minimum, onthe lowest point <strong>of</strong> the unqualifiedteacher scale (currently this is£15,817 outside London).The School Direct TrainingProgramme (salaried) will beopen for applications in earlyNovember 2012, and applicationscan be made through theTeaching Agency’s website.More information on SchoolDirect can be found at:www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching/teachertraining-options/schoolbased-training/school-directTo enquire about these routesvia the <strong>University</strong> please emailschooldirect@worc.ac.ukPassing the Skills TestsBefore starting the PGCE courseyou must pass the TA Literacyand Numeracy Skills tests. Youcan book your tests up to threemonths in advance for a dateby which you are expecting tohave submitted an application.When you take the tests you willneed to provide pro<strong>of</strong> that you haveapplied for a teacher training course.We will only interview peoplewho can provide pro<strong>of</strong> that theyhave booked the skills tests.If you attend an interview beforepassing the tests you will begiven a conditional <strong>of</strong>fer.You will have two months afteryour interview date to take andpass the tests. Tests are taken atthe various test centres around thecountry. For more information see:www.education.gov.uk/schools/careers/traininganddevelopment/pr<strong>of</strong>essionalWithin its schoolpartnershipthe <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>operates the SchoolDirect and SchoolDirect (salaried) route.EntryRequirements• An Honours degree(2.1) or equivalent• Grade C in GCSE orequivalent in Englishand Mathematics. Allprimary applicantsmust also holdgcse (or equivalent)at Grade C orabove in a Sciencesubject. These GCSE(or equivalent)qualificationsshould have beenobtained at thetime <strong>of</strong> application• You will need toprovide evidence<strong>of</strong> significant andrecent schoolexperience in ateaching setting• Shortlistedapplicants willbe interviewed• The TA requires allTrainee Teachersto satisfactorilycomplete a medicalquestionnaire todemonstrate theirfitness to teach,and to obtainan EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService checkYou mayalso like...• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCE– Primary p162• Primary InitialTeacher EducationBA (Hons) p159• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCE– Secondary p164161

UCAS CodeAll applicationsshould be madethrough the GraduateTeacher TrainingRegistry (gttr).See www.gttr.ac.ukfor further details.You mayalso like...• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCESecondary p164• Primary InitialTeacher EducationBA (Hons) p159EntryRequirementsPrior to entry,students must haveas a minimum:• An Honours degree(2:2) or equivalent• Grade C in GCSEor equivalentin English,Mathematicsand Science.These GCSE(or equivalent)qualificationsshould have beenobtained at thetime <strong>of</strong> application• You will need tohave evidence <strong>of</strong>some recent workexperience in aprimary school ormaintained nurserysetting beforeapplying for thecourse, ideally 5-10days’ practice in aprimary, foundationor nursery setting(within the last year)Teaching: Postgraduate/Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGraduate Certificate in EducationPrimaryCourse IntroductionThis outstanding course, asconfirmed by students, schoolsand Ofsted (2008 and againin 2010), has been designed inpartnership with local primaryschools to meet the requirementsfor Postgraduate Teacher Education.Our recent outstanding Ofstedreport recognised ‘the strength <strong>of</strong>the partnerships with schools andcolleges’. It will prepare you to teachacross the primary age range andin all National Curriculum subjects.You will be equipped to meet thePr<strong>of</strong>essional Standards for theAward <strong>of</strong> Qualified Teacher Status(Qts) upon successful completion<strong>of</strong> the course. Before commencing,you will decide whether you wishto focus on teaching Early Years(pupils 3 to 7 years old), or Early/Later Years (pupils 5 to 11 yearsold) within the PGCE programme.A Maths Specialist Pathway isavailable. On this pathway you willspend a significant amount focussingon the teaching <strong>of</strong> Mathematicsacross the primary key phase.This course includes a significantPr<strong>of</strong>essional Pedagogy andManagement element whichcovers the role <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalteacher, the child as learner andwider issues associated with schooland society. You will develop anadvanced understanding <strong>of</strong> childdevelopment and classroomrelationships, as well as the skills inclassroom organisation, behaviourmanagement, assessment,recording and reporting that areessential to effective teaching.Ofsted 2010 recognised ‘trainees’ability to critically reflect andimprove their practice’.Core subject modules will prepareyou to teach English, Mathematicsand Science in Key Stages One andTwo, and, especially in the case <strong>of</strong>Advanced Early Years students,in nursery and reception classes.Foundation subjects and ReligiousEducation are also covered.School experience is a substantialand integral part <strong>of</strong> the coursefrom the first term, through bothserial and block practice, withfurther experience in Terms Twoand Three. In total, <strong>of</strong> the 38weeks <strong>of</strong> the course, 24 weekswill be spent in schools. Thereare opportunities to undertakeplacements in a SEN school.Inclusive EducationThroughout the course thereis an emphasis on inclusiveeducation, with particularreference to managing behaviourand special needs. You will alsohave the opportunity to furtheryour knowledge, understandingand skills in an area <strong>of</strong> primaryeducation through a Masters levelextended study from a chosenoption range <strong>of</strong> curriculum areas.Primary SubjectSpecialism (pss)PSS <strong>of</strong>fered include all theNational Curriculum subjects aswell as Languages, Ict, RE, SpecialEducational Needs and Disability,Advanced Early Years and OutdoorLearning. Candidates apply forthe course selecting which <strong>of</strong>these they would like to developas their Extended Subjects, basedon their qualifications and/orexperience contributing towardstheir development as a specialist.There are opportunities for otherspecialised placements in schools.You will have opportunities tospend time as part <strong>of</strong> your 24 weeksresearching your primary specialism.You will be involved in assessingyour teaching skills and competenceas they develop through the use<strong>of</strong> a Pr<strong>of</strong>essional DevelopmentPr<strong>of</strong>ile to which teachers andtutors will also contribute.www.worcester.ac.uk

At the end <strong>of</strong> the course youwill be advised about your firstyear in teaching through theCareer Entry and DevelopmentPr<strong>of</strong>ile, as part <strong>of</strong> your ContinuingPr<strong>of</strong>essional Development.Masters CreditsAll students register for 60credits at Masters level andthereby achieve the PostgraduateCertificate in Education.Career OpportunitiesThere is a high employment rate forNewly Qualified Teachers (NQTs)from the course. Upon successfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> the PGCE course,you take with you a Career Entryand Development Pr<strong>of</strong>ile (cedp) tostart the process <strong>of</strong> your continuingpr<strong>of</strong>essional development as ateacher. Ofsted 2010 recognisedthe ‘highly effective personalisation<strong>of</strong> training linked closely withstrong pastoral support thatresults in the majority <strong>of</strong> traineesmaking outstanding progress’.Assessment-onlyRoute for Primary QtsPlease see page 166.AssessmentGeneral teaching skills, includingplanning and assessment.Coursework, some <strong>of</strong> whichis at Masters level, closelylinked with school experiencewill also be graded.Additional Information• For further information regardingtuition fees, grants and bursariesfor PGCE students, please see ourwebsite at www.worcester.ac.uk• 60 Masters credits availableFinance• <strong>University</strong> fees for PGCE homeand EU students are £9,000• <strong>University</strong> fees for PGCEoverseas students are £9,600• Fee loans/grants are available,but subject to status• Maintenance loans/grants areavailable, but subject to status• Funding is subject to changeby the TA• For information on financialincentive schemes please see thepgce course page on our websiteat www.worcester.ac.ukAll programmes subject to TAfunding or requirements aresubject to government changes.a former pgce traineewho, within five years,has completed theNational senco awardand is now managingspecial educational needsand disability provisionacross herefordshire.Zayla is teaching as part<strong>of</strong> the highly successfullord scudamore primaryfederation based inherefordshire.ZAYLA BEECHAMEntryRequirementscontinued• Shortlistedapplicants willbe interviewed• The TA requires allTrainee Teachersto satisfactorilycomplete a medicalquestionnaire todemonstrate theirfitness to teachand to obtainan EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService check• Successfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> theTeaching AgencyPr<strong>of</strong>essional Skillstests in Englishand Maths www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching• Applications forfull-time PGCEPrimary should bemade via GTTR by1st December <strong>of</strong> theyear prior to entry163

UCAS CodeAll applicationsshould be madethrough theGraduate TeacherTraining Registry(gttr). Seewww.gttr.ac.ukfor further details.You mayalso like...• PostgraduateCertificate inEducation – PGCEPrimary p162• Primary InitialTeacher EducationBA (Hons) p159Teaching: Postgraduate/Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGraduate Certificate in EducationSecondaryCourse IntroductionThe secondary PGCE course isplanned, taught and assessedthrough a partnership, rated as‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted (2010).Many key strengths were highlightedin the Ofsted report including ‘theclose attention to meeting trainees’individual needs’ and ‘the extremelyhigh quality personal supportfor trainees’. Student teacherschoose this course because <strong>of</strong> itsexcellent reputation in the region.Teachers in schools act as mentorsto students in the school-basedelements <strong>of</strong> the course, which areheavily focused on developingthe practical skills that are thebasis <strong>of</strong> effective teaching.At the end <strong>of</strong> their PGCE course(July 2012), 99% <strong>of</strong> studentsrated the quality <strong>of</strong> their trainingas very good or good.Whilst my corporatecareer was veryrewarding personallyand financially, Iwanted to ‘make adifference’ and so Idecided to retrain andsubsequently completedmy PGCE at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>.MEL MULDOWNEYPractical ExperienceThe course is designed to graduallydevelop teaching skills with careful,structured support. 120 days <strong>of</strong> thecourse are spent in schools. There isa gradual introduction to teaching,from observing to team teaching andultimately teaching a class alone. Theteaching experience is in at least twoschools to deepen understanding<strong>of</strong> various teaching environments.The teaching blocks are interspersedwith time at the <strong>University</strong>,providing the opportunity to reflecton experiences, deepeningunderstanding <strong>of</strong> teaching andpreparing you for the secondteaching experience and ultimatelyyour first year in teaching.The partnership schools usedfor placements are across a widegeographical area including<strong>Worcester</strong>shire, Herefordshire, SouthShropshire and the Black Country.Partnership schools include TeachingSchools, Academies, High schools,Grammar schools and FE Colleges.Effective SupportThere is excellent support from<strong>University</strong> tutors and school mentorsand encouragement to demonstrateincreasing skills in teachingcompetence. There is experience <strong>of</strong>a variety <strong>of</strong> teaching and learningin relation to the subject as wellas undertaking the wider range<strong>of</strong> responsibilities expected <strong>of</strong> ateacher, including pastoral duties.The course is designed to preparestudent teachers to teach in eitherthe 11-16, 11-18 or 14-19 agerange. The subjects <strong>of</strong>fered are:• Economics with Business• Design & Technology(Food & Textiles)• English• History• Mathematics• Languages• Physical Education• Physics• Chemistry• Biology• Psychology• Computer ScienceSpecialist PathwaysWe also run a Special Needspathway, an English as anAdditional Language pathway,a Citizenship pathway and a 14-19 Physical Education pathway.These allow student teachers t<strong>of</strong>ocus on particular aspects <strong>of</strong> theirteaching alongside their subject.Masters LevelThere will be the opportunity towork at Masters level (Level 7)during the PGCE year. Up to 60Masters credits are available.www.worcester.ac.uk

EntryRequirementsPrior to entry youmust have:Career OpportunitiesGraduates from the Secondarypgce at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>are some <strong>of</strong> the most employablein the country. Statistics from thetda show that 87% <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>graduates are working as teacherstwo years after graduation. Thisis 7% higher than the nationalfigure and means the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> is ranked third nationally.Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs)have one <strong>of</strong> the highest employmentrates <strong>of</strong> all graduates and are verymuch in demand, especially thosewho have trained in a shortagesubject. At the end <strong>of</strong> your PGCEcourse, we will advise you onsuitable in-service courses foryour continuing pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment as a teacher.Passing the Skills TestsBefore starting the PGCE courseyou must pass the TA Literacyand Numeracy Skills tests. Youcan book your tests up to threemonths in advance for a dateby which you are expecting tohave submitted an application.When you take the tests you willneed to provide pro<strong>of</strong> that you haveapplied for a teacher training course.We will only interview peoplewho can provide pro<strong>of</strong> that theyhave booked the skills tests.If you attend interview beforepassing the tests you will begiven a conditional <strong>of</strong>fer.You will have two months afteryour interview date to take andpass the tests. Tests are taken atthe various test centres around thecountry. For more information see:www.education.gov.uk/schools/careers/traininganddevelopment/pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDeveloping yourSubject KnowledgeThere are courses availablenationally to develop subjectknowledge. You must have aplace on a PGCE course to qualify.Subject Knowledge Enhancement(SKE) courses are available forMathematics, Physics and Chemistry,Languages, Design & Technology.These vary in length from sixmonths full-time study to 10 days.The <strong>University</strong> currently <strong>of</strong>fers SKEcourses for Design & Technology(Food), Physics, Chemistry, Mathsand Modern Languages (French).We also run an 8-day pre-pgcecourse for Maths, Physics,Chemistry and ComputerScience to help develop effectivecommunication skills.What we are lookingfor at interview• Potential to be a good teacher• Good communication skills• Good subject knowledge• A level <strong>of</strong> confidence• Resilience to cope with thedemands <strong>of</strong> the course• Some knowledge <strong>of</strong> secondaryschools in the UK• Knowledge <strong>of</strong> currenteducational issuesFunding• <strong>University</strong> fees for PGCE homeand EU students are £9,000• <strong>University</strong> fees for PGCEoverseas students are £9,600• Fee loans/grants are available,but subject to status• Maintenance loans/grants areavailable, but subject to status• Funding is subject to changeby the TA• Enhanced bursaries for thosewith a Masters or PhD• Discretionary bursaries forthose with at least five years’work experience. The workexperience must be related tothe subject you will train in• For information on financialincentive schemes please see thepgce course page on our websiteat www.worcester.ac.ukFor further information regardingtuition fees, grants and bursariesfor PGCE students, please see ourwebsite at www.worcester.ac.ukAll programmes subject to TAfunding or requirements aresubject to government changes.• An Honours degree(2:2 or above)• Grade C in GCSEor equivalent inEnglish Languageand Mathematics.(The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> organisesalternativeexaminations inthese subjectsfor those withoutthe appropriatecertificates)• Visited a secondaryschool before thecourse starts• Passed the TALiteracy andNumeracyskills tests• The TA requires allTrainee Teachersto satisfactorilycomplete a medicalquestionnaire todemonstrate theirfitness to teachand to obtainan EnhancedDisclosure & BarringService check• All shortlistedapplicants willbe interviewed165

EntryRequirements• An Honours degree(2:2 or above)or equivalent• Grade C orequivalent ingcse English andMathematics.(The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> organisesalternativeexaminations inthese subjectsfor those withoutthe appropriatecertificates.) If youare being assessedfor Primary (3-11years) you will alsohave a grade C orequivalent at GCSEin a science subject• Certificated passesfor the TeacherAgency’s Skillstests in Literacyand Numeracy• 2 years’ experience<strong>of</strong> teaching wholeclasses or groupsin two differentinstitutions• EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck• Shortlistedapplicants willbe invited forinterviewTeaching: Assessment-only Routefor Primary and Secondary QtsCourse IntroductionThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>,an ‘outstanding’ accreditedand approved provider, <strong>of</strong>fersassessment <strong>of</strong> Qts for experiencedbut unqualified teachers. TheAssessment-only route allows youto demonstrate that you alreadymeet all the standards for Qts,without the need for any furthertraining. You will need to presentdetailed evidence, and your teachingwill be assessed in school byexperienced teacher mentors withsupport from <strong>University</strong> tutors.Practical ExperienceYou need to have at least twoyears <strong>of</strong> whole class teachingexperience in UK schools or collegesand a school in which you can beassessed over a period <strong>of</strong> a term.Prior to being assessed you musthave taught in at least two schoolsor colleges. For further detailscontact ao@worc.ac.uk or see ourAssessment Only web pages atwww.worcester.ac.uk to discussyour situation. Overseas teachingexperience can be consideredprovided the work is based on theEnglish National Curriculum orrecognised UK examination courses.We welcome applicationsfor all subjects at Secondary,however, priority will be givento Secondary subjects inMathematics, Chemistry, Physicsand Modern Foreign Languages(MFL). Secondary applicants donot have to hold a degree in aspecified subject so long as youcan meet the Teaching Standards.You are expected to meet thesubject and curriculum expectations<strong>of</strong> the Teaching Standards andtherefore a specialist degree wouldbe desirable. If you are applyingfor Primary there is no statutoryrequirement to have a degree ina National Curriculum subject.Effective SupportYou will have an initial interview toassess whether you are likely to beable to demonstrate that you aremeeting the Teaching Standards.This will be with an Assessmentonlytutor at the <strong>University</strong>. TheAssessment-only route does notrequire training elements as it isan expectation that you will havebeen trained whilst teaching inschool. You will be assigned a tutoronce you are registered on theprogramme and the assessmentperiod <strong>of</strong> 12 weeks commences.AssessmentYou need the support <strong>of</strong> a schoolwhere you can teach a wholeclass(es) for the equivalent <strong>of</strong> a50% timetable covering specialistsubjects, where applicable.Once you have been <strong>of</strong>fered a placeon the Assessment-only route butprior to commencing the assessmentperiod, you must take and pass thepr<strong>of</strong>essional skills tests in literacyand numeracy in order to commencethe assessment period. Failure topass the skills tests would meanthat we could not register you forthe Assessment-only programme.Further information on how toregister for your tests and the termsand conditions can be found on theTeaching Agency website or fromassessmentonly@worc.ac.ukOther RequirementsYou will:• have the intellectual and academiccapabilities needed to meet therequired teaching standards;• possess the appropriatequalities, attitudes and valuesexpected <strong>of</strong> a teacher;• be able to read and use clearand accurate Standard Englishin order to communicateeffectively verbally and throughthe written word and;• have met the requirementsfor health and physicalcapacity to teach.All successful applicants acceptedon to the Assessment-only routewill be required to hold an enhancedcrB disclosure before commencingthe programme. Further detailscan be found on our website.Funding• Candidates will be charged £1,700for this Assessment-only route• Any additional guidance necessaryas part <strong>of</strong> preparation for theroute will be subject to a feeAll programmes subject toTeaching Agency requirements aresubject to government changes.Your teaching will beassessed in school byexperienced teachermentors with supportfrom <strong>University</strong> tutors.www.worcester.ac.uk

In partnership with Kidderminster CollegeUrban & Electronic MusicHNDCourse IntroductionThis two year full-time coursefocuses on the growing demandfor electronic music-based audiopr<strong>of</strong>essionals, developing relevantskills and expertise to industry level.Highly practical in nature, thecourse places strong emphasison contemporary music creation,audio post-production and soundrecording techniques, integratingtechnology and creativity withentrepreneurship skills. There is avibrant mix <strong>of</strong> lectures, seminars,workshops and individual andgroup project work, as well asresearch and private study. You willhave access to current industrystandardresources, includingfacilities for music composition,production, recording, mixing,post-production and mastering.We <strong>of</strong>fer a rich programme <strong>of</strong>co-curricular activities; theseinclude guest lecturers, studytours and music-based visits toenhance industry opportunitiesand awareness including trips toNew York, London and Barcelona.The course is ideal for producers,musicians, DJs and vocalistswith a background or interest inelectronic-based music, such asHip Hop, Dubstep, Electronica,Drum & Bass, House and R&B,which is now a substantialpart <strong>of</strong> the music industry.Career OpportunitiesThis course will equip you with theskills needed to play a part in theexciting world <strong>of</strong> electronic-basedmusic. Whether you have yoursights set on being a music producer,sound designer, sound engineer orremixer, want to set up your ownmusic-related business or becomea music technology lecturer, thenthis is the perfect course for you.Alternatively, successful completion<strong>of</strong> the Hnd will enable progressiononto a BA Top-up Degree in MusicProduction/Music Technologyor postgraduate study.Location <strong>of</strong> StudyRun as a partnership betweenthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> andKidderminster College, studentsstudy at Kidderminster College.AssessmentVarious assessment methods areused including practical musiccreation activities, written reports,analytical essays, studio logs, casestudies, presentations and seminars.Additional Information• Individual iMac workstationsfor students• Two recording studios• Five music rehearsal rooms• Live area with PA sound system• Strong emphasis on soundfor mediaEmily is now based inBrighton, DJing andproducing music andrunning with herown independentrecord label.emily watson• Experienced staff with vastindustry experience• Extensive music businessskills developed• Opportunities to release musicon a new digital record label• Available full- and part-time• Regular interaction withindustry pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• Additional workshops inpodcast, blog and web design• Additional Final Cut Proand Photoshop sessions• DJ workshops available• Continuous development<strong>of</strong> music portfolioCourse Content• Principles <strong>of</strong> Sound& Digital Audio• Computer Systems for Music• MIDI & Audio Music Production• Music Listening Skills• Audio Production Techniques• Creative Keyboard Techniques• Studio Techniques & Practices• History <strong>of</strong> Electronic Music• Creative Synthesis• Music for Audio-visual Contexts• Advanced Production Techniques• The Music Industry& Entrepreneurship• Creative Mixing &Mastering Techniques• Music Production Analysis• Final Music Project(double award)For a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeUrban & ElectronicMusic Hnd043W K HND/uemFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 60 UCAS tariffpoints• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• CreativeDigital MediaBA (Hons) p74• Media &Cultural StudiesBA (Hons) p121• Drama &PerformanceBA (Hons) p80• Digital FilmProductionBA (Hons) p79167

UCAS CodeYoung PeopleServices FdAll45 FdA/ypsFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• We welcomeapplications fromstudents withstandard andnon-standard entryqualifications.Consideration willalso be given tothose with relevantwork experienceand/or certificatedlearning, whichdemonstrates anability to studyat this level• Shortlistedapplicants will beinterviewed andmay be asked tosubmit an essay todemonstrate theirability to studyat Foundationdegree level• An EnhancedDisclosure &Barring Servicecheck is requiredfor this course• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetailsYou mayalso like...• Youth &Community ServicesBA (Hons) p169Young People ServicesFdACourse IntroductionWhen you study this course youwill spend much <strong>of</strong> your time inwork-based learning. This will giveyou confidence in your own skillsand knowledge, and develop yourability to work effectively within achallenging, dynamic, youth-focusedpr<strong>of</strong>essional environment. Developedin partnership with sector employers,the course will equip you to work ina number <strong>of</strong> services focused on theneeds <strong>of</strong> young people. The courseis designed to meet the pr<strong>of</strong>essionaland occupational standards for YouthWork. If you are hoping to begin acareer working with young people,or if you are already working in thisarea and want to gain a relevantHigher Education qualification, thiscourse will be suitable for you.ProgressionOn successful completion <strong>of</strong> thiscourse you will be eligible to applyfor direct entry to the third year<strong>of</strong> a relevant Honours degree.Specifically you will be eligible toundertake the National Youth WorkAssociation accredited qualificationthrough progression to the thirdyear Top-up Honours degree inYouth and Community Services.current policy isaddressed to ensureyou are prepared forchanging demandsin practice.Career OpportunitiesThere is demand for effectivework with young people acrossa range <strong>of</strong> activities and servicesand consequently you couldfollow a career in youth justice,youth participation, advice andguidance, youth advocacy, housingsupport, substance misuse,education support and more.AssessmentYou will be assessed in boththeory and practice elements <strong>of</strong>the course. There is a wide range<strong>of</strong> assessment types, includingassignments, case studies,presentations, practice recordings,reports and reflective journals.Additional Information• Two year, full-time course withpart-time route available• Formal taught element <strong>of</strong> thecourse is confined to one dayper week to enable you to dowork-based learning, (or enablingemployed students to undertakestudy on a day release basis)• Work-based learning for 25per cent <strong>of</strong> the courseCourse Content• Young People Services:An Introduction• Managing Practice:The Reflective Practitioner• Understanding Young People:Learning & Change• Assessment, Intervention &Outcomes: Information• Understanding YoungPeople: Rights & Agency• Diversity & Equality:Challenging Discrimination• Practice Skills: Workingwith Young People• Young People Services:A Comparative Study• Managing Practice:Teamworking & Leadership• Understanding Young People:Transition & Inclusion• Assessment, Intervention& Outcomes: Targeting• Active Involvement <strong>of</strong>Young People• Specialisms in Practice• Practice Skills: Workingwith Groups & ProjectsFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.www.worcester.ac.uk

Youth & Community ServicesBA (Hons)Course IntroductionThis course will provide you withthe opportunity to study for anHonours degree while developinga strong pr<strong>of</strong>essional discipline andidentity. It is designed for thosealready working with young peoplewho require a Jnc-pr<strong>of</strong>essionalyouth work qualification toenhance future career prospects.The course provides a broadcontext for the study <strong>of</strong> youngpeople services whilst enablingyou to acquire the knowledge,skills and attitudes essential foreffective youth work practice.This course builds on the strength anddiversity <strong>of</strong> current service provisionto prepare you for an increasinglycomplex and continually changingwork environment. It is validatedby the National Youth Agency andrecognised by the Joint NegotiatingCommittee for Youth and CommunityWorkers as conferring nationallyqualified youth worker status.You will develop an appreciation <strong>of</strong>the needs, rights and aspirations<strong>of</strong> young people, while learningto assess and understand them.validated by thenational youth agencyand recognised bythe JNC for youthand communityworkers as conferringnationally qualifiedyouth worker status.Career OpportunitiesA pr<strong>of</strong>essional youth worker’s skills,knowledge and experience arevalued in a wide range <strong>of</strong> servicecontexts and consequently you couldfollow a career in youth work, youthjustice work, youth participation,children’s rights and advocacy work,advice and guidance work andwork within a wide range <strong>of</strong> youngpeople support services notablyhousing support, substance misuseservices and education support.AssessmentWide range <strong>of</strong> assessment types,including assignments, case studies,presentations, practice recordings,reports and reflective journals.Additional Information• Three year full-time or five yearpart-time route available• Supervised work-based learningfor 25% <strong>of</strong> the course• Taught aspects <strong>of</strong> the courseare confined to a single dayper week, enabling employedstudents to undertake studyon a day release basisCourse Content• Young People Services:An Introduction• Managing Practice:The Reflective Practitioner• Understanding Young People:Learning & Change• Assessment, Intervention& Outcomes: Information• Understanding YoungPeople: Rights & Agency• Diversity & Equality:Challenging Discrimination• Practice Skills: Workingwith Young People• Young People Services:A Comparative Study• Managing Practice:Teamworking & Leadership• Understanding Young People:Transition & Inclusion• Assessment, Intervention& Outcomes: Targeting• Active Involvement <strong>of</strong>Young People• Specialisms in Practice• Practice Skills: Workingwith Groups & Projects• Community Work in Practice• Managing Practice:Multidisciplinary Approaches• Action Research in Practice• Assessment, Intervention& Outcomes: Policy• Practice Skills: Working withIssues & Communities• Independent StudyFor a complete list <strong>of</strong> availablemodules, please visit our website.UCAS CodeYouth & CommunityServices BA (Hons)L590 BA/yacFor the latestinformation anducas codes visitwww.ucas.comEntryRequirements• 220-240 UCAStariff points• Please see pages174-177 orwww.worcester.ac.uk for furtherdetails• Shortlistedcandidates will beinvited for interview,and will be expectedto demonstratethat they have anunderstanding <strong>of</strong>the nature <strong>of</strong> workwith young people.Candidates willbe expected tohave experience <strong>of</strong>working with youngpeople in a paid orvoluntary capacity• A satisfactoryEnhanced Disclosure& Barring Servicecheck and healthclearance willbe requiredfor successfulapplicantsYou mayalso like...• Young PeopleServices FdA p168• DevelopmentalPsychologyBSc (Hons) p78• Child & AdolescentMental HealthFdSc p66169



partnersWe have a long history <strong>of</strong> positive partnershipworking. We believe in increasing the range <strong>of</strong>opportunities for people to study at a higherlevel. We have developed alliances with collegesand other organisations to broaden accessto Higher Education across the region.in brief• We value andwork closelywith ourpartners inproviding andsupportinghigh qualitycourses,pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopmentandvocationalprogressionopportunitiesinto andwithin HigherEducation.www.worcester.ac.ukThe <strong>University</strong> has well-developedworkplace links and is stronglycommitted to its educationalpartnerships, not only with schools,hospitals and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalorganisations, but also with FEColleges and other training andeducational providers, locally,regionally and further afield. Forstudents this means a clear pathwayfrom local Access, GCE, A and ASLevels, BTEC Nationals and otherLevel 3 qualifications.We value and work closely with ourpartners in providing and supportinghigh quality courses, pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment and vocationalprogression opportunities into andwithin Higher Education. These linksaim to promote participation inHigher Education and extend therange and level <strong>of</strong> programmes andqualifications <strong>of</strong>fered, includingcourses in the areas <strong>of</strong> health andsocial care, allied health, counselling,sport and sports coaching, earlyyears, learning support, horticulture,dance, urban music, managementand leadership. In 2011 the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> becamenct’s university partner <strong>of</strong> choice.Partner Organisations with whom we work:Regional partners• birmingham Metropolitan College• bournville College• Business DevelopmentConsultancy• chadsgrove School• Diocese <strong>of</strong> Hereford• Gloucestershire College• gloucestershire Hospitalsnhs Foundation Trust• Halesowen College• Herefordshire Council EarlyYears Childcare Service• Herefordshire College<strong>of</strong> Technology• Kidderminster College• Ludlow College• North East <strong>Worcester</strong>shire College• Pershore College (part <strong>of</strong>Warwickshire College)• Royal National Collegefor the Blind• South <strong>Worcester</strong>shire College• Stourbridge College• St Michael’s Hospice• St Richard’s Hospice• Telford College <strong>of</strong> Artsand Technology• The Leadership Trust Foundation• The Bulmer Foundation• Warwickshire College• <strong>Worcester</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Technology• <strong>Worcester</strong> Sixth Form CollegeWider partnerships• bromley Schools Collegiate• CCS/Iron Mill Institute• ChildVision• Devon STTG• national Childbirth Trust• Oxford School <strong>of</strong> Psychodramaand Integrative Psychotherapy• Institute <strong>of</strong> Payroll Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals• learning WorksInternational Limited• Lithuanian Academy <strong>of</strong>Physical Education• somerset SCITT• SW School <strong>of</strong> Dramatherapy• the Learning Institute

directly funded courSesThe <strong>University</strong> also has partnershiparrangements where the partner institutionhas its own H.E. student funding for courseswhich are approved by the <strong>University</strong> andlead to a <strong>University</strong> award.Such courses are owned anddelivered either entirely bythe partner or jointly with the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>. Forfurther information about thecourses listed below and theirapplication arrangements, pleasecontact the partner institution.• bromley Schools Collegiate:pgce Secondary• devon Secondary Teacher TrainingGroup Courses: PGCE SecondaryModern Foreign Languages &pgce Secondary Performing Arts• NEW College Courses: BA(Hons) Social Work & FdA EarlyYears (Sector Endorsed)• Somerset SCITT Course:pgce Primary• Warwickshire College(Leamington) Course: FdScCounselling (CognitiveBehavioural) and (Person Centred)• <strong>Worcester</strong> College <strong>of</strong> TechnologyCourses: FdA Business, FdA FitnessTraining and Healthy Lifestyles,FdA Service Sector Management,FdA Sports (Tourism) Coachingand Development• <strong>Worcester</strong> College <strong>of</strong>Technology and Institute <strong>of</strong>Payroll Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Course:FdA Payroll Management173

entry requirementsin brief• please contactthe admissions<strong>of</strong>fice forfurther adviceTel: 01905 855111email: admissions@worcester.ac.ukThe <strong>University</strong> considersall aspects <strong>of</strong> yourapplication, not simply yourqualifications and grades.We look at your personalstatement, reference andany relevant experience(particularly for pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcourses where this may berequired) as well as youracademic backgroundand performance.Your application is youropportunity to demonstrateyour commitment,motivation, enthusiasmand evidence that youcan benefit from study atHigher Education level.Eligibility for coursesTo study at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>, you must normally beat least 18 by the time you start thecourse. If by that date you are under18, but at least 17, you can still studyat the <strong>University</strong>. However, in thatcase, we will need your parents orguardians to agree to some extrasafeguards because you are stilllegally a minor. You must also satisfythe entry requirements <strong>of</strong> the courseyou wish to study. All applicantswill need to demonstrate that theyhave the maturity and personal skillsto study and live independently ina Higher Education environment.General entry requirementsThere are a wide range <strong>of</strong> acceptableentry qualifications and thefollowing list is by no meansexhaustive. It is designed to providea sample <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the mainqualifications that applicants presentfor entry. Applicants are advised tocontact the Admissions Office if theyhave any specific questions aboutqualifications that do not appear onthis list. Further information can befound on the relevant course pagesat www.ucas.com. Each coursehas specific entry requirements,expressed in terms <strong>of</strong> the UCAStariff, although qualificationsnot currently in the tariff will beconsidered. Candidates may <strong>of</strong>ferqualifications in combinationto achieve the required total.The tariff requirements for specificcourses can be found on the relevantcourse page in the prospectus.Minimum entry requirementsfor degree courses4 GCSEs plus 120 tariff points froma maximum <strong>of</strong> 3 and a half A Levelsor equivalent Level 3 qualifications.Minimum entryrequirements forhnd/FD courses4 GCSEs plus 40 tariff pointsfrom a minimum <strong>of</strong> 1 A Level orequivalent Level 3 qualifications.Acceptable qualifications:GCE Advanced Levels andAdvanced SupplementaryNormally a minimum <strong>of</strong> two GCEA Level passes. Two AdvancedSupplementary passes can countas the equivalent <strong>of</strong> an A Level.The minimum general entryrequirement could be satisfiedas follows:• 3 A Levels plus 1 AS Level• 2 A Levels plus 3 AS LevelsAll A Level subjects are normallyacceptable including General Studies.However, subjects should be distinctand not have overlapping content.BTEC Nationals (NQF)Considered either on their own(Diploma or Certificate) orin combination with otherqualifications (Award) to meetthe tariff requirements.www.worcester.ac.uk

BTEC Qualifications (QCF)Considered either on their own(Extended Diploma or Diploma)or in combination with otherqualifications (SubsidiaryDiploma or Certificate) to meetthe tariff requirements.OCR NationalsConsidered either on their own(Diploma or Extended Diploma)or in combination with otherqualifications (Certificate).Advanced and Progression DiplomasThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>welcomes the Diplomas as a suitablealternative to the traditional A Levelroute into HE courses. Applicationswill be accepted from AdvancedDiploma students for entry to manyundergraduate programmes, bothrelated HE courses at Foundationdegree and Honours degree level,and other courses in the <strong>University</strong>.Further information on ourrequirements from Diplomas canbe found on the UCAS website.Access to HE DiplomaSuccessful completion <strong>of</strong> arelevant QAA-recognised AccessDiploma is acceptable (60 creditswith at least 45 at Level 3).Some courses may require theachievement <strong>of</strong> some Level 3credits at Merit or Distinction.Welsh BaccalaureateTariff point requirements can bemet through the achievement <strong>of</strong> theWelsh Baccalaureate, including Core.Scottish Certificate <strong>of</strong> EducationFour higher grade passes at GradeC are regarded as the minimumentry requirements. AdvancedHighers are equivalent to A Level.Irish Leaving CertificateFour to five higher/honours gradepasses at Grade C are required, asa minimum condition <strong>of</strong> entry.NVQ Level 3/ModernApprenticeshipApplicants <strong>of</strong>fering NVQ Level 3will be considered and may be askedto complete supplementary work.Similarly, Technical Certificatesfor those following AdvancedModern Apprenticeships willbe considered on an individualbasis, with particular reference torelevance to the intended course.Advanced GNVQAcceptable providing it is passed atMerit level. Some subjects/coursesmay require a Distinction grade,and possibly an additional A Level.International Baccalaureateand European BaccalaureateA minimum score <strong>of</strong> 24 points isnecessary in the InternationalBaccalaureate and a minimumscore <strong>of</strong> 60% in the EuropeanBaccalaureate. Higher entry levelsmay be set for some courses.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional QualificationsPr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications will beconsidered on an individual basis.Key SkillsKey Skills at Level 2 are viewed asan enhancement <strong>of</strong> a student’sapplication but cannot beaccepted as satisfaction <strong>of</strong>subject-specific requirements.Key Skills at Level 3 may be allowedto contribute up to 20 UCAStariff points towards meetingthe condition <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fer.General Studies andCritical ThinkingThese qualifications are normallyacceptable in part satisfaction<strong>of</strong> the entry requirements.International QualificationsInternational students will needto demonstrate evidence <strong>of</strong>study at a level equivalent tothe general entry requirements.These will be in accordancewith UK NARIC Guidelines (atthe time <strong>of</strong> application) andInternational Qualifications forentry to Higher Education (ucas,2011 and revised annually).Other Qualifications andMature StudentsWe welcome applicants who holdalternative qualifications/experiencedifferent to those shown in thissection who can demonstratethe ability to benefit from thecourse and show their potential tocomplete the course successfully.175

Although recent preparatory studyat an appropriate level (e.g. anAccess course) is recommended,students may be considered on thebasis <strong>of</strong> prior evidenced pr<strong>of</strong>essional/work experience and/or otherassessment procedures, and theassessment <strong>of</strong> personal suitability.<strong>University</strong> Admissions staff will beable to <strong>of</strong>fer information, adviceand guidance on this process.English Language Requirementsfor International StudentsThe following qualifications satisfythe English Language requirementsfor admission to the <strong>University</strong>,although some courses mayrequire higher scores:• The International EnglishLanguage Testing System(IELTS) – Minimum score <strong>of</strong>5.5 for each component• Cambridge Certificate inAdvanced English (CAE) – Grade C• Cambridge Certificate<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in English –Grade C or above orfce Grade A/B• TOEFL: American Test <strong>of</strong>English as a Foreign language –86 (ibt) with a minimum <strong>of</strong>21 in each component• Pearson Test <strong>of</strong> English(Academic) – An overall score<strong>of</strong> 59 or above, with not lessthan 59 points in any <strong>of</strong> the4 skills (listening, reading,speaking and writing).Previous Study or ExperienceStudents with relevant previousstudy at HND or degree levelor extensive experience maybe considered eligible forAccreditation <strong>of</strong> Prior Learning.Entry may be possible to Year 2 or3 <strong>of</strong> the course, depending uponthe qualifications or experiencegained. Credit can also be givenfor individual modules.Equivalent or LowerQualifications (ELQs)Students studying for qualificationsequivalent, or lower than, aqualification they already hold,are no longer funded by HEFCE.The <strong>University</strong> reserves theright to charge higher tuitionfees for such students.Similarity detectionThe <strong>University</strong> makes use <strong>of</strong> thegttr/ucas Similarity Detectionservice. For more information onthe service, see www.ucas.comDetails <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>’s policy canbe found at www.worcester.ac.uk/documents/AdmissionsPolicy.pdfOffer policyThe <strong>University</strong> aims to encourageapplications from the widestrange <strong>of</strong> educational, socialand ethnic backgrounds.We work with a number <strong>of</strong> schoolsand colleges to ensure that studentswho have the potential to benefitfrom and to succeed in studying at<strong>Worcester</strong> have the opportunityto do so. To support this aim the<strong>University</strong> can use discretion tovary entrance requirements and incases where the general requirementcannot be met but where it considersthat an applicant possesses thenecessary attributes to undertakeundergraduate or other study,admission may be made at thediscretion <strong>of</strong> the Assistant Registrar(Recruitment & Admissions) andrelevant academic colleagues.Criminal convictionsOn the application form, you will beasked whether you have a ‘relevant’conviction. If you do, we will writeto you for more information aboutyour <strong>of</strong>fence(s) and this informationwill be carefully considered in thecontext <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>’s duty<strong>of</strong> care to its students and staff.Depending on the course, we mayalso need to consider if you meetpr<strong>of</strong>essional standards requirements.The information you provide willbe treated in strict confidence.Please see the section on CriminalConvictions available in the UCASbooklet: Applying Online, availableat: www.ucas.com/apply formore information.www.worcester.ac.uk

Criminal RecordsBureau (crb) checksSome courses require CRB disclosure.This is indicated on the relevantcourse page. If you are made an<strong>of</strong>fer, you will be sent instructionson how to arrange for a CRB check.If you are living overseas and havenever been a resident <strong>of</strong> the UK, any<strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> a place will be subject to theequivalent <strong>of</strong> a CRB check, normallya satisfactory check from your localpolice station (sometimes referred toas a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Good Conduct).You may also be required toundertake a CRB check as well,depending on pr<strong>of</strong>essionalrequirements.Please note that if a CRB check isrequired candidates are advisedto disclose all convictions(cautions/reprimands/warnings)at the earliest opportunity.InterviewsFor some courses, interviews may berequired, and this is indicated on therelevant course page. The interviewwill be designed to assess youracademic potential, as well as toevaluate your understanding <strong>of</strong>, andaptitude for, your subject, and to giveyou the opportunity to explain whyyou are committed to studying it.Deferred entryWe welcome students who wishto take a gap year before enteringHigher Education. Those whochoose to do so, however, shouldbe aware that <strong>University</strong> courseprovision and national fee andfunding arrangements are subjectto change from year to year.The <strong>University</strong> reserves the rightto withdraw an <strong>of</strong>fer based onthe information disclosed.English BaccalaureateThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>does not currently intend to usethe English Baccalaureate as anentry requirement. Where thereare specific subject or graderequirements, these will be clearlystated in the relevant prospectusentry and on the <strong>University</strong> website.in brief• please contactthe admissions<strong>of</strong>fice forfurther adviceTel: 01905 855111email: admissions@worcester.ac.uk177

in brief• You canfind outmore aboutmaking yourapplicationon the UCASwebsitewww.ucas.com• please contactthe admissions<strong>of</strong>fice forfurther adviceTel: 01905 855111email: admissions@worcester.ac.ukmake your applicationApplying through UCASApplications for full-timeundergraduate degrees, sandwichdegrees, Diphes, HNDs andFoundation Studies, including thosefor mature students, are made viathe UK’s Universities & CollegesAdmissions Service (ucas).First stepsFirst, you need to research universitydestinations and courses using theucas website and the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> website or prospectus.You will need to note the uniqueinstitution and course codes foryour chosen universities andcourses to include on your UCASapplication form. All the informationyou need about applying to the<strong>University</strong> can be found on theucas website at www.ucas.comApplicant typesSchool or College StudentsAll UK schools and colleges(and a small number <strong>of</strong> overseasinstitutions) are registered withucas to manage their students’applications. Advice is available fromyour teacher or a careers adviser atyour school or college. You fill in theonline application and submit it toa member <strong>of</strong> staff. After checkingyour details, and having added theacademic reference, your schoolor college submits the completedapplication online to UCAS. Youpay online using a credit card ordebit card. You may also be able topay through your school or college.Independent applicants (UK)Other UK applicants who are notat school or college should applyonline independently. It is likely thatyou are a mature applicant who,unlike school and college students,cannot readily seek advice fromyour teacher but can instead consultwith various careers organisations(such as Connexions). You areresponsible for paying the correctapplication fee, for obtaining andattaching the academic referenceand for submitting the completedapplication online to UCAS.International Applicants(EU and Worldwide)Except for those whose school orcollege is registered with UCAS,individuals from the EU (excludingthe UK), and the rest <strong>of</strong> the world,apply online independently. Adviceis available from British Council<strong>of</strong>fices and other centres overseas,such as your school or college. Youare responsible for paying the correctapplication fee, for obtaining andattaching the academic referenceand for submitting the completedapplication online to UCAS.UCAS applyUsing the form, you will tellucas details including whichcourses and institutions you areapplying to, your qualificationsor projected qualifications,employment experience, personaldetails and a personal statementmaking your case for entry.You will receive an applicant numberand password for UCAS’ followupenquiry service, ucastrack,and will receive a communicationconfirming these details.You can use ucastrack to find outwhat decisions institutions havemade in response to your application.Completing the formTo fill in the applicationform you need:• the <strong>University</strong>’s code, W80• the <strong>University</strong>’s codename, WORCSApplying for a PGCEAll applications for a PGCE mustbe made through the GraduateTeacher Training Registry (GTTR).For further details, please contact:The Graduate Teacher TrainingRegistry (gttr), Rosehill,New Barn Lane, Cheltenham,Gloucestershire GL52 3LZ.Tel: 0870 1122205www.gttr.ac.ukYou are advised to apply asearly as possible for coursesbeginning the following autumn.A number <strong>of</strong> courses fill quickly– places are allocated by theTeacher Training Agency toeach Initial Teacher EducationProvider and these are limited.Applicants for Primary PGCEshould note that there is aclosing date <strong>of</strong> 1st December<strong>of</strong> the year prior to entry.Part-time andpostgraduate coursesPart-time and postgraduateapplications should be made directlyto the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>using the application form thatcan be found at: www.worcester.ac.uk/apply Applications can bemade throughout the year.www.worcester.ac.uk


IMPORTANT INFORMATIONShould you apply for and receive an <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> a placeon any <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>’s courses, thiswill be subject to your acceptance <strong>of</strong> the terms andconditions set out. You must, therefore, read theterms and conditions before accepting any <strong>of</strong>fer.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> and youA contract is formed between the<strong>University</strong> and yourself once youaccept the <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> a place. Theterms <strong>of</strong> this contract include thefollowing, and your acceptance <strong>of</strong>a place is expressly subject to them:1. You will be required as a condition<strong>of</strong> enrolment to abide by, and tosubmit to the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>’s Articles <strong>of</strong>Government, Regulations andRules, as amended from time totime by the Board <strong>of</strong> Governors orAcademic Board. These include,without prejudice to the generality<strong>of</strong> that statement, the academicregulations, arrangements forhearing appeals and grievances,codes <strong>of</strong> discipline, library andcomputing regulations and safetyrules. Copies <strong>of</strong> all thesedocuments are available on the<strong>University</strong> website which can besupplied on request prior toenrolment. You are encouragedto make yourself familiar withthe various sections.2. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> will useall reasonable endeavours to delivercourses and programmes <strong>of</strong> studyin accordance with the descriptionsset out in the relevant prospectus.However, the prospectus isproduced at the earliest possibledate to provide maximumassistance to intending applicants.It is inevitable that changes willoccur between the date <strong>of</strong> printingand the start <strong>of</strong> the academicyear to which it relates. Somechanges may be due to resourceconstraints, others to staff changesor to developments in the relevantsubjects. The <strong>University</strong>, therefore,reserves the right to vary thecontents and delivery <strong>of</strong> courses,to discontinue, merge or combinecourses and to introduce newcourses. Such changes may occureither before or after admission.3. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>undertakes all reasonable stepsto provide educational services.It does not, however, guaranteethe provision <strong>of</strong> such services.Should industrial action orcircumstances beyond the control<strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> interfere withits ability to provide educationalservices, the <strong>University</strong> willundertake all reasonable stepsto minimise the resultantdisruption to those services.4. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> doesnot accept responsibility, andexpressly excludes liability, fordamage to students’ propertyor intellectual property, otherthan through the negligence <strong>of</strong>the <strong>University</strong>, its staff or agents,or for the consequences <strong>of</strong> anymodification or cancellation<strong>of</strong> courses as set out in thepreceding paragraphs.5. In the event that any term,condition or provision contained inthis statement, in the prospectusor elsewhere in the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>’s Articles <strong>of</strong>Government, Regulations andRules shall be held to be invalid,unlawful or unenforceable to anyextent, such term, condition orprovision shall, to that extent,be severed from the contractbetween you and the <strong>University</strong>without affecting the remainingterms and conditions whichshall continue to be valid to thefullest extent permitted by law.Prevention <strong>of</strong> fraudThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>reserves the right at any stageto request applicants/enrollingstudents to provide furtherinformation relating to any aspect<strong>of</strong> their application/enrolment.www.worcester.ac.uk

If such further information is notprovided within the period stipulatedthen the <strong>University</strong> reserves theright to refuse to consider theapplication/enrolment, rescind homefees status and demand payment<strong>of</strong> any fees or monies owing.The <strong>University</strong> reserves the rightto refuse admission (or cancelregistration) to any applicant (orstudent) who has misrepresentedinformation in their application.Data protectionThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>holds personal data on allapplicants and enrolled studentsin computer-based administrativesystems. All such data is kept inaccordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong>the Data Protection Act 1998.At registration, students willbe given information abouthow they can request accessto data which the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> holds on them andhow it is used. Such uses includereturning information to statutorygovernment agencies and thisincludes the passing <strong>of</strong> informationto authorised third parties forthe National Student Survey.Any applicant with queries abouttheir record should write to:Data Controller, Registrar’sOffice, St John’s Campus,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, HenwickGrove, <strong>Worcester</strong> WR2 6AJ.in brief• The <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>welcomesapplicationsfromcandidatesfrom allsocial andethnicbackgroundsand iscommitted tothe promotion<strong>of</strong> equalopportunitiesfor all.• Always readour termsand conditionsbeforeacceptingany <strong>of</strong>fer.• Furtherinformationconcerningregulationsabout studentfees, specialrequirementsimposed bythe law andmembership <strong>of</strong>the Students’Union maybe obtainedon request.181

ADMISSIONS POLICYin brief• the FULLADMissionspolicy CAN BEfound ONLINEwww.worcester.ac.uk/documents/AdmissionsPolicy.pdfPrinciplesThe admission <strong>of</strong> students is basedon the reasonable expectation thatthe applicant will be able to fulfilthe objectives and achieve thestandard required for the awardfor which they are registered.Entry requirements should beexplicit in identifying the knowledge,skills and competences requiredat admission and relating theseto content, mode <strong>of</strong> deliveryand outcomes <strong>of</strong> the award.Selection criteria should set outthe standards and means by whichan applicant will be judged.The <strong>University</strong> is committed towidening access to and participationin Higher Education by raisingawareness and expectations inthe pre-university communityin order to increase the pool <strong>of</strong>qualified candidates who can benefitfrom the provision on <strong>of</strong>fer.No student will be subjected to lessfavourable treatment on grounds<strong>of</strong> race, ethnic or national origins,colour, gender, sexuality, parentalstatus, marital status, disabilitystatus, creed, political belief orsocial or economic background.Constant monitoring and review<strong>of</strong> admissions practices andprocedures is necessary to effectimprovements as required andto respond to any changes inthe institutional mission andexternal factors including changingpatterns in the applicant market.ComplaintsIf you are unhappy about the wayyour application is handled, thenin the first instance you shouldcontact the Assistant Registrar(Recruitment and Admissions).This can be done informally, inperson, by telephone or via email.If you wish to make a formalcomplaint, you should putyour concerns in writing.You can expect a reply within 15working days. If you are not satisfiedwith the response, you have the rightto appeal to the Academic Registrar,who will investigate accordingly.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>reserves the right to make academicjudgements on the suitabilityand potential <strong>of</strong> an applicant.Distance contractsregulationsThe same regulations also requireus to clarify that the services withwhich we will provide you, shouldyou accept an <strong>of</strong>fer from us, areas set out in the sections <strong>of</strong> thisprospectus that detail the contentand duration <strong>of</strong> our courses <strong>of</strong> study(subject to the caveats regardingwithdrawal or variation <strong>of</strong> courses).Criminal recordsWhen an applicant reveals a criminalrecord on an application form, the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> will ask theapplicant to declare informationabout ‘unspent’ convictions, unlessthe course <strong>of</strong> study is likely tobring the student into contact withchildren or vulnerable adults whereinformation will be sought regardingall convictions and cautions.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> is aRegistered Body with the CriminalRecords Bureau (crb) and uses itsservices to assist with the admissiondecisions to courses <strong>of</strong> study thatinvolve working with children orvulnerable adults e.g. applications forteaching and nursing. As a registeredbody, the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>complies with the CRB Code <strong>of</strong>Practice and undertakes to treat allapplicants fairly and consistently.www.worcester.ac.ukSupport for disabled students canbe negotiated through the DisabilityCo-ordinator who works for theDisability and Dyslexia Service.Early contact is advisable to ensureappropriate levels <strong>of</strong> support fromthe outset <strong>of</strong> the student’s course.The <strong>University</strong> recognises theimportance <strong>of</strong> the provision <strong>of</strong> accurateand appropriate pre-entry informationand support to prospective students inorder to ensure that all applicants willbe given every opportunity to choosecourses in an informed manner andto be admitted to a suitable course.The admissions process falls underlegislation that regulates ‘contractsformed at a distance’. The contractthat is created when you accept an<strong>of</strong>fer either through UCAS or GTTR, ordirectly to the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>,is binding on the <strong>University</strong> (i.e. the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> must admityou if you satisfy all the conditionsspecified in the <strong>of</strong>fer). You canwithdraw at any time and withoutpenalty after accepting an <strong>of</strong>fer;the ‘distance contracts’ regulationssimply reinforce your rights.Having a criminal record will notnecessarily prevent an applicantfrom being admitted to a course<strong>of</strong> study at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong>. The decision willdepend upon the course <strong>of</strong>study and the circumstances andbackground <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fences.The <strong>University</strong> also reserves the right torefuse admission (or cancel registration)to any applicant (or student) whohas misrepresented information intheir application. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> is duty bound to report onattendance to the UK Border Agency.

UCAS course CODESTo complete the application form,you will need to mention the nameand code <strong>of</strong> the university andcourse you plan to apply for.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>’sdesignated code is WORCS, W80.If choosing a course to be studiedat one <strong>of</strong> our partner organisationslisted here you will need toenter the appropriate partner(campus) code in the relevantsection <strong>of</strong> the application form.You can find out more aboutour Partner Institutions onpage 172 or on our website.The appropriate campus codeshould be entered in the relevantsection <strong>of</strong> the application form.All UCAS codes can befound on the course searchsection <strong>of</strong> www.ucas.comIf you have any queries withyour application please call theAdmissions Office on 01905 855111.Partner OrganisationsBirmingham MetropolitanCollege (J)Tel: 0121 355 5671Bournville College (V)Tel: 0121 483 1000Gloucestershire College(Gloscol) (U)Tel: 01452 532000Halesowen College (B)Tel: 0121 602 7777Hereford Early Years Development& Childcare Partnership at theGreen Cr<strong>of</strong>t Centre (Q)Tel: 01432 271693Herefordshire College <strong>of</strong> Technology(Hereford Campus) (C)Tel: 01432 352235Herefordshire College<strong>of</strong> Technology(Holme Lacy Campus) (L)Tel: 01432 870316Kidderminster College (K)Tel: 01562 820811Ludlow College (M)Tel: 01584 872846North East <strong>Worcester</strong>shireCollege (N)Tel: 01527 570020Pershore College(Part <strong>of</strong> Warwickshire College) (P)Tel: 01386 552443Royal National Collegefor the Blind (R)Tel: 01432 265725Somerset SCITT (G)Tel: 01823 410100South <strong>Worcester</strong>shire College (E)Tel: 01386 712600Stourbridge College (S)Tel: 01384 344344Telford College <strong>of</strong> Arts& Technology (Y)Tel: 01952 642200The Learning Institute (I)Tel: 01579 386123Warwickshire College (Z)Tel: 0845 217 7414<strong>Worcester</strong> College<strong>of</strong> Technology (T)Tel: 01905 725555in brief• check the ucaswebsite forcourse codeswww.ucas.com183

JOINT Honours COMBINATIONSAnimal BiologyAnimationApplied Social PolicyArchaeology & Heritage StudiesArt & DesignBiologyBusiness ManagementComputingCreative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional WritingCreative Digital MediaDigital Film ProductionDrama & PerformanceEcologyEducation StudiesEnglish Language StudiesEnglish Literary StudiesAnimal BiologyCC31Animation WI61 WW6G W690Applied Social PolicyXL35Archaeology & Heritage Studies WN19 NN29 VD44Art & Design WN19 WW94 WX93 WQ93BiologyC193Business Management NN29 NG2L NW24Computing WI61 NG2L GX43Creative & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writing WP38 WQ83 WQ82Creative Digital Media WW6G WP38 P393Digital Film Production W690 P393Drama & Performance WW94 NW24 WQ43Ecology CC31 VD44 C193Education Studies XL35 WX93 GX43 XQ3H XQ33English Language Studies WQ83 XQ3H QQ23English Literary Studies WQ93 WQ82 WQ43 XQ33 QQ23Environmental Management VV47 GF4V DN49Film Studies PW36 WP4H QP3J QP3HFine Art Practice WW61 WW41 XW31 QW31Geography LN79 DF48Graphic Design & Multimedia WWP2 GWKF PW3GHistory NV91 WV81 QV31Human BiologyC192Human Geography LN72 CL17Human NutritionBL45Illustration WW6F WF90 WW82 QWF2Journalism GP45 PQ53 QP35Media & Cultural Studies WP13 WP83 PQ33 QP33Physical Education X390 QCJ6Physical Geography FC83 CF18Politics: People & PowerLL25Psychology CL85 WC98 CC18 NC28 WC48 XC38Screenwriting WW68 W990 WW6V WW48 QW3VSociology LL53 XL33Sports Coaching ScienceSports Studies QC3P QC36www.worcester.ac.uk

many <strong>of</strong> our undergraduate degree courses are availableas joint honours as well as major/minor combinations,allowing you to combine two courses to tailor yourdegree to your interests and career aspirations.Environmental ManagementFilm StudiesFine Art PracticeGeographyGraphic Design & MultimediaHistoryHuman BiologyHuman GeographyHuman NutritionIllustrationJournalismMedia & Cultural StudiesPhysical EducationPhysical GeographyPolitics: People & PowerPsychologyScreenwritingSociologySports Coaching ScienceSports StudiesFC83WW61 WWP2 WW6F WW68BL45 LL25 CL85 LL53VV47 LN79 NV91WF90 WP13 WC98CC18LN72NC28GF4VGWKFWV81 WW82 WP83 W990PW3GGP45PW36WW6VWP4H WW41 WC48 WW48DN49 DF48 C192 CL17 CF18XW31 X390 XC38 XL33QP3J QWF2 PQ53 PQ33 QCJ6 QW3V QC3PQP3H QW31 QV31 QP35 QP33 QC36NF98F891P390PW38WW1FNF98 LV71 LX74 LC76W292WPFHLV71 VL12 VL13CBC4 CCD6 CCC8 CC61LB74LL7HCBC4 LB74 BCK8 BCK6WW1FW292PP53 PL52 PCM6 PC5PP390 WPFH PP53 PL32 LP33LX74 CCD6 CFP8 C690 C691F891CFP8VL12 PL52 PL32 LL23CCC8 BCK8 CL83PW38VL13 LL7H LP33 LL23 CL83 LC36CC61 PCM6 C690LC76 BCK6 PC5P C691 LC36185

ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCEThere is a growing consensus that leaders in the 21stcentury will need a strong moral compass along witha fundamental understanding <strong>of</strong> sustainability if theyare to succeed in a complex and fast changing world.• 2008: Awardedthe CarbonTrust Standardfor reducingcarbonemissions• 2009: GreenApple awardfor recyclingwith students• 2010: First<strong>University</strong> inEngland toattain PlatinumEcoCampusAward• 2011: FairTrade status• 2011: Ranked3rd in thePeople andPlanet GreenLeague• 2012: The Hiveobtains BREEAM‘Outstanding’and ‘HighlyRecommended’Green GownAwardStudying at <strong>Worcester</strong> will give youpractical experience both withinthe curriculum in your course, oropting for a Sustainability Electiveor by joining in with the manyextra curricula opportunities todevelop sustainability skills.There are many fun schemesand projects on campus wherestudents can take part. Theseinclude major sustainability changeprogrammes (many <strong>of</strong> whichinclude local businesses). Studentscan progress from volunteeringto being employed. For examplesustainability mentors can workwith schools to develop andsupport practical activities linkedto the school curriculum. Here aresome more examples <strong>of</strong> projectscurrently happening on campus.Student involvement• Green impact – Working withstaff teams to help them withsmall practical changes, andthen learn how to undertake anaudit. Some <strong>of</strong> the many skillsyou’ll develop are leadershipand project management.• Go Green Week – A studentled initiative supported bythe <strong>University</strong> with a week <strong>of</strong>activities. Develop your eventmanagement and creativity skills.• Student Switch Off – Thevery popular inter-Halls energycompetition with events andprizes, learn good energyhabits that will save you lots<strong>of</strong> money in the future.• Recycling and reuse schemes –These have won many nationalawards. Join in and help us workwith our community to do evenmore. These schemes help developgreat communication skills andare real confidence boosters.The Sustainability department<strong>of</strong>fers supportive placements andprojects and work very closelywith all academic departments toprovide practical experience – allgood things to add to CVs. Theselinks also exist with the Students’Union and student societies. TheEnvironment and ConservationSociety especially help developideas; current activities includejoint student/staff lunchtime talks,being members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>Strategic Biodiversity ManagementGroup managing the studentallotments. The Society also has aplace on the Board <strong>of</strong> a local landuse co-operative. The Sustainabilitydepartment are always open tonew ideas, if you have a passionto make a difference get in touchvia the website www.worcester.ac.uk/discover/sustainabilityWe also encourage all studentsto play their part. Here’s someinformation about what’s happeningon campus, and how the <strong>University</strong>manages its environmental impact.• Generating our own electricity– In 2012 we started generatingour own electricity via solarphotovoltaic panels on thero<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Woodbury buildingat the St John’s Campus.a second even larger systemhas gone on the Arena ro<strong>of</strong>.• Green energy – 100% <strong>of</strong> all theelectricity used on campus thatwe don’t generate ourselves isprocured from renewable sources.• Carbon reduction – Learnhow to measure the carbonfootprint <strong>of</strong> an organisation,or think about your own.• Recycling and reuse – Allstudents can recycle throughoutthe campus and in their Halls,including food waste. All flatshave their own food caddies andthere is support for recyclingwhen you move out <strong>of</strong> Halls.When you’re moving out atthe end <strong>of</strong> the year we help tocollect unwanted goods whichare <strong>of</strong>fered to local charities.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> has anoutstanding track record amongstuk universities for its achievementsin sustainable developmentand specifically in developingstudent sustainability skills andhas won many national awards.www.worcester.ac.uk

in brief• The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> hasan outstandingtrack recordamongst UKuniversities forits achievementsin sustainabledevelopmentand specificallyin developingstudentsustainabilityskills and haswon manynationalawards.187


How to getto the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong><strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>St John’s CampusHenwick Grove<strong>Worcester</strong>WR2 6AJRacecourseCity CampusForegateStreetStationShrub HillStationScan this QR codeto see maps <strong>of</strong> allour campuses online.www.worcester.ac.uk/discover/find-usTel: 01905 855000Fax: 01905 855144Email: study@worc.ac.ukwww.worcester.ac.uk0.25 mile<strong>Worcester</strong>CathedralCity Campus ReceptionWR1 3asTel: 01905 852444Birmingham<strong>Worcester</strong>HerefordRoss-on-WyeGloucesterOxfordCardiffBristol15 milesRacecourseForegateStreetStationShrub HillStation0.25 mile<strong>Worcester</strong>Cathedral189

<strong>University</strong> QuarterAll our sites are within an easy 20-minute walk<strong>of</strong> each other and <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> city centre.6.5.St John’s CampusThe Garage2.Riverside Building3.<strong>Worcester</strong> Arena<strong>University</strong> ParkWell over £100m <strong>of</strong> investmenthas seen the opening <strong>of</strong> manyoutstanding facilities.City Campus4.6.1.The Hive1. The Hive Library2. Riverside Building3. <strong>Worcester</strong> Arena4. City Campus5. St John’s Campus6. New Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence

Hylton RoadHenwick RoadSt John’s CampusP HWoodburyBredonPSt John’s HallsPCampus Shop / SUP EP JP KFLP St John’s HallsPThomas Telford BuildingAstroTurf® 1 Binyon BuildingHines BuildingEdward Elgar BuildingGConference CentrePDMain ReceptionPeirson LibraryP CP BPAShort StayCar ParkMalvern GatePMLong StayCar ParkSports CentreAstroTurf® 2PNCharles Darwin BuildingSevern GateSheila ScottAPVisitors’ Car ParkCar ParkDisabled ParkingC<strong>of</strong>fee ShopDining RoomPost Room/Goods InwardBus StopOldbury Road191

GlossaryUniversities, like many large organisations,use special words and phrases. Here is anexplanation, in alphabetical order, <strong>of</strong> some<strong>of</strong> the key terms that you may come across.www.worcester.ac.ukAAcademic Tutor – Each student isallocated an academic tutor, whois available to support its studentsfor any academic-related issues.Adjustment – A process run byucas which enables applicants, whomeet and exceed the conditions <strong>of</strong>their firm choice, an opportunity toreconsider where and what to study.Alumni – A former student <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong>. The Alumni Associationprovides a structure for thedevelopment and maintenance<strong>of</strong> links between former studentsand the <strong>University</strong>. You cancontact the <strong>Worcester</strong> AlumniAssociation at alumni@worc.ac.ukAssessment – The academic workthat you will need to complete inorder to receive a grade and pass amodule, which is part <strong>of</strong> your course.You may be required to do a group/individual presentation, report,essay, artwork, campaign or exam.BBachelor Degrees – A HigherEducation degree that laststhree years if studied full-time orfour years with a year in a workplacement or studying abroad.BA (Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts degree)– The BA degree is awarded tostudents who successfully completedtheir course in an Arts subject.BSc (Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree)– The BSc degree is awarded tostudents who successfully completedtheir course in a Science subject.Blackboard – A virtual learningenvironment, which providesyou with information (i.e.module documentation, slidesand seminar tasks) uploaded byyour module tutors for you.Buzzword – You need thebuzzword when you set up yourucas registration so that youare linked to the correct school/college. Each school/college hasits own unique buzzword.CClearing – Clearing is the finalstage <strong>of</strong> each year’s admissionsprocess to <strong>University</strong> and isanother chance <strong>of</strong> securing aplace to start in September. Itis a period when universities fillup the remaining undergraduateplaces they have available andit’s effectively your last chance t<strong>of</strong>ind a university place this year.Conditional Offer – A conditional<strong>of</strong>fer is an <strong>of</strong>fer made by auniversity that you chose in yourapplication. It has certain conditionsthat you have to meet in orderto secure this place, e.g. achievecertain grades at A Levels.Credits – Each module awardsyou a certain amount <strong>of</strong> credits. Toobtain a degree from the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>, you need to collect360 credits in total (120 creditseach year). Single modules will giveyou 15 credits, whereas doublemodules will give you 30 credits.CPD – Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment – a qualification that isdesigned for experienced candidates,who would like to develop theirpr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge and skills.DDeferral – An agreement madebetween the <strong>University</strong> and thestudent for a delay in starting theircourse until the following year.DSA – Disabled Students’Allowance – Money awarded to helpstudents with disabilities to meetsome <strong>of</strong> their costs while doingtheir Higher Education course.Dissertation/IndependentStudy – This is a final-year projectthat you will have to complete. It isusually between 5,000 and 20,000words on a topic chosen by you andrelated to your course. It normallyshows the result <strong>of</strong> researchcarried out by you and otheracademic studies in the subject.Double Module – An academicmodule that runs both semestersand awards 30 credits.EEarn As You Learn – A <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> scheme that is

open to its current students.It is designed to help you gainwork whilst studying. A number<strong>of</strong> job opportunities are availablethroughout the year: jobs at the<strong>University</strong>, direct link to Job CentrePlus and Jobs Zone for local jobs.Elective Modules – These modulescomplement your main area <strong>of</strong>study, but give you a chance to meetstudents and staff from differentdisciplines and acquire a deeperunderstanding <strong>of</strong> key contemporaryissues. Current options at <strong>Worcester</strong>include: Business and SocialEnterprise; Explorations in Education;Sustainability; Healthy Lifestyles;World Cultures and Languages.Employability & AchievementWeek – A week <strong>of</strong> events related toenhancing students’ employabilityskills. It is open to <strong>Worcester</strong>Business School students.EU Students – Students whoare EU nationals (or children <strong>of</strong>an EU national) and have livedin the EU, EEA or Switzerlandfor at least three years.Extra – The system which allowsstudents who have alreadymade their five choices on theirucas application, but are notholding any <strong>of</strong>fers, to apply foranother course. This processtakes place before Clearing.FFirm Offer – The <strong>of</strong>fer for acourse place which the studenthas accepted as a first choice.Foundation Degree – Aqualification that combinespractical, work-based learningwith classes on the academictheory. It is a two year, full-timecourse, which equips you with theskills and knowledge to progressin the workplace or go on t<strong>of</strong>urther study. You can top-up thequalification to a BA or BSc withan additional year <strong>of</strong> study.Freshers – ‘Freshers’ are newstudents who have just startedtheir university education.Freshers’ Week is the first week atuniversity when a variety <strong>of</strong> eventsand activities organised by theStudents’ Union are taking place.Full-time Course – A full-timecourse is a course that usually takesthree or four years to complete thedegree. Teaching sessions are goingon each week in the semester.GGap Year – A year-long break thatyou can choose to do betweenleaving school and starting furthereducation or leaving furthereducation and going to university.Graduate – A student who hasbeen awarded a degree from aHigher Education institution.Grant – Maintenance Grant –Financial support awarded to studentsfrom lower income families to supporttheir costs while doing their degree.Grants do not have to be repaid.HHalls <strong>of</strong> Residence –The <strong>University</strong>-managedaccommodation availableto students.Home Students – A homestudent is a student who hasno restricted right <strong>of</strong> residencein the UK and has been in thecountry for purposes other thanfull-time education at university.HNC – Higher National Certificate –A modular part-time course whichcan be topped up to an HND course.It is the equivalent to the first year <strong>of</strong>an undergraduate full-time course.HND – Higher National Diploma –A modular full-time course whichcan be topped up with one or twomore years <strong>of</strong> study to graduatewith a BA or BSc (Hons). It is theequivalent <strong>of</strong> the second year <strong>of</strong>an undergraduate full-time course.Honours Degree – A qualificationawarded by a Higher Educationinstitution after the successfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> a full-time/parttimestudy on a degree course.IInduction Week – Induction week isthe first week <strong>of</strong> the academic yearfor newly registered students. Duringthe induction week, students registerat the <strong>University</strong>, attend a number<strong>of</strong> compulsory sessions related tostudent life on campus and attendtheir first introductory sessionsrelated to their courses. It is run atthe same time as Freshers’ Week.Institute – Each course belongs toan Institute according to the subjectarea. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>has the following Institutes: Institute<strong>of</strong> Education, Institute <strong>of</strong> Health &Society, Institute <strong>of</strong> Humanities &Creative Arts, Institute <strong>of</strong> Science& the Environment, Institute <strong>of</strong>Sport & Exercise Science and<strong>Worcester</strong> Business School.Insurance – The <strong>of</strong>fer for a placeon a course which the student hasaccepted as their second choice.International Baccalaureate –The International BaccalaureateDiploma (ib) is an internationallyrecognised qualification, whichis an equivalent to A Levels.ITT (Initial Teacher TrainingDiploma) – The teachingqualifications you can achieveare: Preparing to Teach in theLifelong Learning Sector; Certificatein Teaching in the LifelongLearning Sector; and Diploma inTeaching in the Lifelong LearningSector. The Diploma is a twoyear part-time programme.JJoint Honours – A degree inmore than one subject.193

www.worcester.ac.ukLLecture – A teaching class atuniversity led by a lecturer, whopresents and talks through thetopic for the session. Students areexpected to take notes and askquestions at the end <strong>of</strong> the lecture.Loan – Two types <strong>of</strong> student loansare available to students: Tuition FeeLoan, which covers the amount <strong>of</strong>money that has to be paid to coverthe university fee; MaintenanceLoan, which helps with coveringliving costs. These loans do nothave to start being repaid untilthe student is working and earns acertain amount <strong>of</strong> money a year.MMajor/Minor Course – Studentsdoing joint honours can decide if theywant one <strong>of</strong> the subjects to be themajor subject, meaning that therewill be more modules from thatsubject and less from the minor one.Masters Degree – A higher leveldegree that can be taken once anundergraduate course is successfullycompleted. It is an example <strong>of</strong>a postgraduate qualification.Modular Course – The coursesat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> aremodular, meaning that each course isbuilt up from a number <strong>of</strong> modules,altogether awarding 120 credits peryear (for full-time study). You willneed to take eight 15 credit or four 30credit modules each year to completeyour degree in three years. Some <strong>of</strong>your modules will be compulsory(this means that they are a fixed part<strong>of</strong> your programme), whereas otherswill be optional (you can chooseparticular modules to complementyour compulsory modules).NNUS – National Union <strong>of</strong> Students– The national organisationthat represents students andlooks after their interests.OOverseas Students – This termdescribes all students whosenationality is different from theuk and EU/eea nationalities.PPart-time Students – Part-timestudents usually complete theirdegrees in four to seven years.They have all the advantages andsupport in learning and studentservices as full-time students.Peer Assessment – During PeerAssessment all students share theirprogress and ideas related to a taskgiven as part <strong>of</strong> their module andthey exchange feedback on howto improve their current work.Personal ID – This is a 10 digitnumber that is assigned tostudents who want to apply fora place at a Higher Educationinstitution by UCAS.PGCE – Postgraduate Certificate inEducation – The PGCE course is ateacher training course which can betaken after successful completion<strong>of</strong> an undergraduate degree.PhD (Doctor <strong>of</strong> Philosophy) –A qualification that can be takenafter the completion <strong>of</strong> a Mastersdegree. It is the culmination <strong>of</strong>years <strong>of</strong> research, study and writingwhich is assessed. The holder <strong>of</strong> aPhD can use the title <strong>of</strong> Doctor.Plagiarism – Plagiarism is whensomeone uses other people’s writingor ideas and pretends that they aretheir own. Universities use a number<strong>of</strong> plagiarism scanning systems andconsider plagiarism as cheating.Portfolio – In order to apply for acourse, especially the creative artscourses, students need to prepare aportfolio with a collection <strong>of</strong> theirbest work. Usually, admissions tutorswill set a number <strong>of</strong> requirementsfor the content <strong>of</strong> the portfolio.Postgraduate Courses – Higherlevel courses, which can be takenafter the successful completion<strong>of</strong> an undergraduate degree.Postgraduate study can lead to aMasters degree or a PostgraduateCertificate or Diploma.Programme Advisor – <strong>University</strong>member <strong>of</strong> staff who advisesstudents on module selectionand course pathway selection.QQTS – Qualified Teacher Status –qts is required in Englandand Wales to become and tocontinue being a teacher.RResidential HouseholdIncome – Family’s ResidentialHousehold Income is calculatedby taking the gross income <strong>of</strong> theparents/guardians and taking <strong>of</strong>fallowances for a pension schemeand superannuation paymentsthat qualify for tax relief/anychild that is dependent on them/parents who are also students.

Any unearned income, e.g. intereston savings, formal sponsorshipand dividends on shares arealso taken into account.SSandwich Course – The sandwichcourse includes a year away from theinstitution, which has to be spentin working on a position relatedto the course. It is taken betweenthe second and the third year.Scholarship – Financial supportawarded to students. The<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> <strong>of</strong>fersa number <strong>of</strong> scholarships, formore information, please visitthe website or see page 19.Semester – The study year at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> is dividedin two halves, known as semesters.It is the teaching and examinationperiod <strong>of</strong> the year. The first semesterstarts at the end <strong>of</strong> September formost courses, although Nursingand Teaching students start earlier.Term dates are available on ourwebsite at www.worcester.ac.ukSeminar – Seminars are anacademic session, normallyfollowing a lecture. They are moreinteractive, as most <strong>of</strong> the timethey are student led, or involvehigh levels <strong>of</strong> student participationin discussions and tasks.Single Honours – A degreein a single subject.Single Module – A modulethat is one semester longand carries 15 credits.Societies – Student organisedand led interest clubs, runby the Students’ Union.Students can join any societyor set up their own.SOLE Page – Part <strong>of</strong> the students’online environment, the SOLE pageprovides information on moduletimetable, results, contact detailsand a wide range <strong>of</strong> online resources.StARs – Student AcademicRepresentatives – A system launchedby the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Students’ Union. Each course fromall levels elects a student, whobecomes a Star and represents thestudents on their course. They act asa communication channel betweenthe students, SU and the <strong>University</strong>.Student Services – The departmentwithin the <strong>University</strong> that providesa wide range <strong>of</strong> student support:Disability & Dyslexia, CareersAdvice, International Office, Welfareand Finance, Accommodationand Counselling, etc.Students’ Union – A studentled organisation which aims topresent and ensure that students’voices and interests are heard andsupported. The Students’ Unionorganises the Freshers’ Week,as well as a wide range <strong>of</strong> socialactivities throughout the year.Study Abroad – Opportunityprovided by the <strong>University</strong> network<strong>of</strong> partnering Higher Educationinstitutions. Students can apply to doa semester in a partnering universityoverseas or in a European country.TTariff Points – The points systemused by UCAS to classify entryqualifications for all HigherEducation courses. For example,a B grade awards 100 tariff points.Track – The process <strong>of</strong> trackingthe progress <strong>of</strong> the studentapplication in the UCAS system– receive information on <strong>of</strong>fersmade and reply to <strong>of</strong>fers.Tuition Fee – The amount <strong>of</strong>money charged by universitiesfor their courses.Tutorial – A discussion sessionwith the module tutor on yourwork or any issues with the course.It can be a one-to-one individualtutorial, or a small group tutorial.UUCAS – Universities and CollegesAdmissions Service – The majority<strong>of</strong> students use the UCAS applicationsystem to apply for Higher Educationcourses in the UK – www.ucas.com<strong>Undergraduate</strong> Student –A student who is currently enrolledon an undergraduate course.VVice Chancellor – The ChiefExecutive <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>. TheVice Chancellor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Worcester</strong> is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor David Green.W<strong>Worcester</strong> Weeks – A week insemester one and two, whichdoesn’t have lectures and providesextra time for students to preparefor their first series <strong>of</strong> assignments.Students are expected to workon their own study and research.There are also <strong>of</strong>ten extra activities,such as employability seminars,field trips and guest speakers.195

Iillustration BA (Hons) 107important information 180information and Learning Services 22, 28information technology foreducation BSc (Hons) 108integrated children’s Services FdA 109integrated Working with children &Families BA (Hons) top-up Degree 110international BusinessBA (Hons) top-up Degrees 111international Businessmanagement BA (Hons) 112JJoint Honours 13, 184Journalism BA (Hons) 113LLeadership 62Learning at <strong>Worcester</strong> 10Learning Disabilities FdSc 114Learning Support FdA 115Library, the Hive 28Lifelong Learning Qualificationsfor teachers cpD 116Lifelong Learning Qualifications forteachers itt Diploma in teaching inthe Lifelong Learning Sector (DtLLS) 117Mmanagement 62management BA (Hons) 118maps 190marketing 62marketing, Advertising &public Relations BA (Hons) 120marketing BA (Hons) 119media & cultural Studies BA (Hons) 121mental Health FdSc 122midwifery BSc (Hons) 123Nnursing BSc (Hons) 124Human nutrition BSc (Hons) 106OOccupational therapy BSc (Hons) 126Open DaysSee inside coverOrganic Horticulture Hnc 127Outdoor Adventure Leadership& management BSc (Hons) 128Overseas exchanges 13Pparamedic Science DipHe 129partners 172part-time Jobs 22part-time Study 13pGce primary 162pGce Secondary 164physical education BSc (Hons) 130physical education & Outdooreducation BSc (Hons) 131physical Geography BSc (Hons) 132physiotherapy BSc (Hons) 133plant Science BSc (Hons) 134politics: people & power BA (Hons) 135pre-Hospital, unscheduled& emergency care FdSc 136pr<strong>of</strong>essional Gardening Hnc 137pr<strong>of</strong>essional practiceBA (Hons) top-up Degree 138psychology BSc (Hons) 139psychology/psychologicalStudies BSc (Hons) 140public Relations 62RRehabilitation & Recovery FdSc 141SScholarships 19Screenwriting BA (Hons) 142Applied Social policy BA (Hons) 47Applied Social policy:Health & Society BA (Hons) 48Applied Social policy:Law & the Family BA (Hons) 49Applied Social policy:Older Adults BA (Hons) 50Social Welfare BA (Hons)top-up Degree 143Sociology BA (Hons) 145Specialist top-up Degrees in SocialWelfare BA (Hons) 144Sport Business managementBA (Hons) 146Sport Business management &events management BA (Hons) 147Sport Development &coaching BA (Hons) 149Sport & exercise psychologyBSc (Hons) 150Sport & exercise Science BSc (Hons) 151Sports coaching HnD 152Sports coaching Science BSc (Hons) 153Sports coaching Science withDisability Sport BSc (Hons) 154Sports performance &coaching HnD 155Sports Studies BSc (Hons) 156Sports Studies HnD 157Sports therapy BSc (Hons) 158Student centre 21Students’ union 30Supporting your Studies 21Tteaching: Assessment-only Routefor primary and Secondary QtS 166teaching & Learning FdA 160teaching: postgraduate/pr<strong>of</strong>essional Graduate certificatein education primary 162teaching: postgraduate/pr<strong>of</strong>essionalGraduate certificate in educationSecondary 164teaching: primary initial teachereducation (with QtS) BA (Hons) 159teaching: School Direct partnershipprovision (primary and Secondary) 161the city <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> 8, 33tuition Fees 16UucAS course codes 183urban & electronic music HnD 167WWeb Development 68Welcome from the vice chancellor 2Why choose <strong>Worcester</strong>? 5Yyoung people Services FdA 168youth & communityServices BA (Hons) 169Applied youth Justice BA (Hons) 51197

inspiredforlife<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>Henwick Grove<strong>Worcester</strong> WR2 6AJTelephone: 01905 855 000Email: study@worc.ac.ukOur prospectus is also available inalternative formats, please contact us viastudy@worc.ac.uk or 01905 855141Manufactured using 100%de-inked pulp recycled fibreThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> supportsthe responsible use <strong>of</strong> our forest resourceswww.worcester.ac.uk

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