2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing


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In the Read drills, the hitting portion of the Enforcement drills is always replacedwith bear-hug or two-hand touch. The object is for the DS to cover more andmore of the width of the field with his peripheral vision as he reads the QB andbackfield action. Live receivers run progressively more complicated pass routepackages, always involving one deep route. These start on one half of the field(p. 58, top), but then progress to the entire width of the field, forcing the DS toexpand his peripheral read to eventually encompass all 53.33 yards of width ofthe football field (p. 58, bottom).The first phase involves the DS reading the QB, bouncing and gliding, andbreaking on the ball as it is thrown, then calling out the correct number offingers from the nearby coach. This phase should be very brief, no more thanone rep per DS. Then live receivers are added, running the basic pass routepackages (i.e., Flood -- #1 Fade, #2 Out, #3 Flat; Curl -- #1 Curl, #2 Flat; Cross-- #1 Shallow Cross, #2 Post; etc.) These are only on one side of the field at atime, involve only basic pass routes without elaborate fakes, and only have onedeep pass route. Finally the route packages are expanded to include 4 or 5receivers across the entire width of the field, but still only running the basic routepackages to cue DS pattern recognition. Others are added as the pre-seasongoes on -- Seam and Hook packages, and quick passing packages includingSlant, Pick and Circle, as well as Choice routes to an isolated backside receiver.The final pre-season phase turns into pass skeleton drills with a complete 2L inplace, and using the actual pass route packages (i.e., Bunch, Kentucky Mesh, Go,Smash, etc.) that opponents will run during the season. In-season practices, infact, will only use this final format.59

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