2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing


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2-STACK DRILLThe 2-stack drill is most often run in tandem with another stack; usually another2-stack, but we will also practice with a 1- and 2-stack combination, as well as a2- and C-stack combo. In the diagram above, you can see that theresponsibilities of the 2L defender are very similar to those in a 1-stack. Thedifference is the cutback responsibility, which we define for 2L defenders whomirror a back who crosses behind the center toward the far side of the offensiveformation. In cutback, the 2L defender cautiously plays the ball inside-out – atleast a yard behind the ball carrier until he clears the core -- and guards againstthe ball carrier cutting back against the grain.C-STACK DRILLA C-stack places a 2L defender behind a 1L End in Area C (see pass defense areadesignations, p. 6). From here, his responsibilities resemble those of 2Ldefenders, with two important differences: the further outside stacked 2Ldefenders are from the center, the more they must be aware of:1) cutback runs; and2) passes.To that end, I should note that C-stacks are the only place you will find Lenand/or Ron personnel stacked in the defensive core. By definition, they must becovering a TE. The additional responsibility they have is rotation, whereby 2L51

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