2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing


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INSTALLATION: THE SCHEDULEThe following schedule is designed to get a bare-bones <strong>2LD</strong> up and runningwithin two weeks, assuming 20 hours are available for defensive practice. (It iseven possible to do so in 5 days if four hours a day are available for defense.)Special attention is given to the drills Coach Thomson invented to teach theparticular skills involved in playing the <strong>2LD</strong>. Key practices are preceded by aChalk Talk script which covers the concepts to be taught on the field.CHALK TALK BEFORE PRACTICE 1:(Hand out diagram on page 41 before chalk talk)Intro: "We'll teach you a new vocabulary, new positions, new drills. You arelearning something UNIQUE -- only a handful of teams in the country play thisdefense, and most offenses have never even HEARD of it, much less faced it."[Diagram 6-5 goal line defense. Demonstrate simplicity of concept: First level(linemen) attacks their gaps, second level (linebackers/backs) mirrors receivers.Show how the back of the End Zone forms an End Line behind which the offensecan’t operate -- it cuts down on offensive options.][Now move 6-5 to 50 yard line. Erase one nose guard, replace him with DS at+28. Draw in End Line at +18. Explain that in theory the functions of the <strong>2LD</strong>and 6-5 are identical.][Define each position. First Level (1L): Nose and Tackles responsible for interior(A and B) gaps. Ends crash through off-tackle (C) gaps.][Second Level (2L): Len and Ron always take #1 receivers to each side offormation. Mike always takes #3 receiver. Sam aligns on strongside (as definedby game plan -- pre-season, always on TE) #2 receiver; Will takes weakside #2.Note 2L defenders may be called on to cover wide-outs AND stack in the corebehind 1L defender AND take on TE by themselves. They are LB/DB hybrids;there is room for all types of players in the 2L, but they had better be quick.][Deep Safety (DS): A new position, and one that requires an absolute LOVE ofhitting -- we will choose our DS after we see who can deliver a ferocious hit, getup, shake it off, and do it over and over again.][Defining the Offense: Show concepts of Core, line gaps, Backfield area, Area C,Area B, Area A, and the numbering of Mobile personnel. (Refer to top diagram,page 6, and diagram on page 41.)]43

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