2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing

2LD Defense - Gregory Double Wing


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Against the pass, the Nose/Tackles sequence becomes:Primary:Secondary:Pursuit:Line gap becomes pass rush alley, narrowing and converging at thepasser; if blocked out of his alley, the pass rusher must work hisway back.React to screens, draws, delayed runs.Begins when QB escapes from core with the ball.Ends' responsibility sequence against the run is:Primary:Pursuit:Secondary:Contain.Backside end must trail play at the same depth as the ball, alwayskeeping the QB in sight.Very limited responsibilities. Once containment is lost, End isalmost always out of the play.Against the pass, the responsibility sequence becomes:Primary:Secondary:Contain the QB -- rush him outside-in, cut off sprint- or roll-out.React to screens outside the core, and contain draws, screens andshovels inside the core.Note: Ends have certain specified pass coverage responsibilities. They aredetailed on pp. 21-24.Techniques:Nose/Tackles have two techniques, power move and slant; and two reflexreactions, breakdown and tear.Power Move: The N/T launches himself straight ahead at the blocker, strikingblows on the upper arms just below the shoulder pads with the heels of thehands. The defender's helmet may also impact the blocker just above thenumbers; in any case, the defender must maintain the flex in his knees and keephis back bent forward at the waist. He locks out with both arms without givingground; even if he cannot completely lock out against larger opponents, hemaintains separation from the blocker this way. Keeping his eyes on the ballcarrier,the defender pushes on one shoulder pad and pulls on the other tocontrol the blocker and clear a path to the ball. If the blocker grabs a forearm orelbow, the defender pulls down through the blocker's thumb to clear his arm.Slant: Defender lead-steps (never use a cross-over step) into his assigned gapat a 45 degree angle. He simultaneously punches his opposite arm and shoulderacross his body to deny the offensive lineman he lines up across from a clearshot at his chest. With his head and shoulders in the gap, he can now play the19

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