Journal of European Integration History – Revue d'histoire de l'

Journal of European Integration History – Revue d'histoire de l'

Journal of European Integration History – Revue d'histoire de l'

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Challenge to the Community 29With respect to Austria, in contrast,”Couve took a much more mo<strong>de</strong>rate line, saying that it was recognized that Austria'sneutrality was not her fault, and that the Community would no doubt be disposed todo what they could for Austria. But she on her si<strong>de</strong> must be “sage” and in particularshould not spoil her better case by aligning her policy with that <strong>of</strong> Switzerland andSwe<strong>de</strong>n.” 85The three EFTA neutrals had jointly prepared their applications for EEC associationaccording to Article 238 and had submitted them in Brussels on 15 December1961. At that stage, the Community had in fact <strong>de</strong>bated for some time <strong>–</strong> not least inconnection with the Greek application <strong>–</strong> how to use the instrument <strong>of</strong> Article 238.After a conference on association in spring 1960 representatives <strong>of</strong> the EEC governmentshad <strong>de</strong>clared that association agreements should only be conclu<strong>de</strong>d withthe perspective <strong>of</strong> full membership and should be in the form <strong>of</strong> a customs unionwith special provisions for agriculture. 86 The report on association by the PoliticalCommittee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>European</strong> Parliament, which the rapporteur, the German SocialDemocrat Willy Birkelbach, submitted in 1961, confirmed the key <strong>de</strong>mand thatassociation agreements should be exclusively reserved for countries whichinten<strong>de</strong>d to join the EEC, but did not yet fulfil the economic conditions <strong>of</strong> membership.87Of course the conclusions <strong>of</strong> the Birkelbach report were in no way binding onthe EEC governments. Yet, they reflected wi<strong>de</strong>spread doubts among the Six as towhether they should negotiate association agreements with the industrializedEFTA neutrals. The Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak, who had presi<strong>de</strong>dover the Spaak Committee's <strong>de</strong>liberations in 1955, explained general keyconditions which in his view were absolutely indispensable in any agreement withthe EFTA neutrals when talking to British negotiators in Brussels in January 1962.Spaak said that“he did not see how the Six could possibly agree to make association agreementswith the neutrals. In the first place he himself thought that Article 238 was inten<strong>de</strong>donly to cover the cases <strong>of</strong> countries which would have liked to become full membersbut were for the time being at least, too vulnerable economically to do so. In the secondplace, he thought that the economic advantages <strong>of</strong> both membership and associationshould be reserved exclusively for those countries which were prepared toaccept what he called the “servitu<strong>de</strong>s politiques”. Broadly speaking, the association<strong>of</strong> the three neutrals would bring no political and very little economic advantages tothe Six, whereas the benefits which the three neutrals themselves would obtainwould be disproportionately great. [In any case,] association must not be moreadvantageous than membership and, secondly, the admission <strong>of</strong> neutrals as associ-85. Roll (Brussels) to France: PRO FO 371/164767/11 (24 February 1962).86. “Erwägungen über die Grundsätze einer Assoziierungspolitik <strong>de</strong>r Gemeinschaft”, Brussels19.4.1960: PA AA/520/Ref. 200-I A2.87. “Politische und institutionelle Probleme <strong>de</strong>r Assoziierung. Teil V <strong>de</strong>s Berichts über die politischenund institutionellen Aspekte <strong>de</strong>s Beitritts in die Gemeinschaft o<strong>de</strong>r Assoziierung mit ihr”, Dok. APE6687 (1961): PA AA/520/Ref. 200-I A2.

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