Journal of European Integration History – Revue d'histoire de l'

Journal of European Integration History – Revue d'histoire de l'

Journal of European Integration History – Revue d'histoire de l'

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The Diplomacy <strong>of</strong> ‘dignified calm’ 99That was precisely the message Lemass wished to direct towards Brussels andthe capitals <strong>of</strong> the Six. The articles emphasised that the Irish were prepared to enterthe EEC even if the British application failed. Secondly, the journalists stressedLemass's positive attitu<strong>de</strong> towards NATO and the <strong>de</strong>fence <strong>of</strong> Europe. The text <strong>of</strong>the press conference was circulated wi<strong>de</strong>ly to senior Commission <strong>of</strong>ficials and theforeign ministries <strong>of</strong> the Six throughout September. Biggar reported that he hadseen Spaak on 18 September and the Ambassador had been told to see the Belgian<strong>de</strong>puty foreign minister. Fayat appeared to be impressed when he was shown thetext <strong>of</strong> Lemass's press conference. 79 Ambassador McDonald was called to the Quaid'Orsay on 19 September 1962 where he learned that the French had already readthe reports <strong>of</strong> the press conference. 80There was discussion in Dublin in mid-September about the i<strong>de</strong>a <strong>of</strong> followingup the distribution <strong>of</strong> the text <strong>of</strong> Lemass's press conference with the sending <strong>of</strong> anai<strong>de</strong> memoire to Hallstein in anticipation <strong>of</strong> the Council meeting on 27 September.However, senior <strong>of</strong>ficials in Finance and in Foreign Affairs successfully arguedagainst such a démarche on the grounds that,“a), It might revive old misgivings about Ireland's economic capacity; andb), Hallstein might take the line that any such document should be addressed to thegovernments <strong>of</strong> the member states.”It was <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d, instead, that Ambassador Biggar would request an interviewwith Hallstein and simply speak from a prepared note. Hallstein saw Biggar on 20September when he spoke in general terms about the international situation. Hallsteinwas <strong>de</strong>lighted at the recent success <strong>of</strong> the <strong>de</strong> Gaulle's visit to Germanybetween 4 and 9 September 81 and at the contact between <strong>de</strong> Gaulle and A<strong>de</strong>nauer.It <strong>de</strong>monstrated the <strong>de</strong>sire for Franco-German reconciliation and their <strong>de</strong>terminationto avoid any possibility <strong>of</strong> a future war was far more <strong>de</strong>eply and sincerely feltthan even the German press suspected. Hallstein regar<strong>de</strong>d it as a veritable plebiscitefor peace and friendship. Whatever about his euphoria about the German visit <strong>of</strong>General <strong>de</strong> Gaulle, he was quite non-committal about the Irish situation. 82Only the very sanguine in Dublin would have expected anything significant toemerge from the meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on 27 September 1962 on the Irish application.Irish diplomatic sources had been favourably impressed by the reaction inmost <strong>of</strong> the capitals <strong>of</strong> the Six concerning the Irish application; but the French werei<strong>de</strong>ntified in Dublin as being the major problem and that proved to be the case.Couve <strong>de</strong> Murville told his fellow ministers at the Council that he had no objectionin principle to the Irish application but that he had to refer back to Paris for instructions.There was no alternative but to adjourn the item until the following meeting.8379. Biggar to Cremin, 19 September 1962, S17246O/62, Department <strong>of</strong> the Taoiseach, National Archives,Bishop St., Dublin.80. Ambassador MacDonald saw Soutou.81. See J. LACOUTURE, De Gaulle: The Ruler, 1945-1970, London 1991, p. 341.82. Biggar to Cremin, 21 and 24 September 1962, D/T, S17246Q/62, NAI.83. Ambassador Lennon, The Hague, to Cremin, 1 October 1962, D/T, S17246Q/62, NAI.

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