Force Protection - Chemring Group PLC

Force Protection - Chemring Group PLC

Force Protection - Chemring Group PLC


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Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutions<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong>Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection,EOD and military demolitions solutions1 Counter-IEDDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.uk| <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Delivering global protection

<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong>Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutions<strong>Chemring</strong> is a world leader in the global forceprotection and security market with high technologyproducts to detect, disable and defeat the threatsposed by either concealed IEDs, unexplodedordnance, electronic warfare, and chemical andbiological agents.Route Proving & Clearance – Vehicle Mounted Detection PAGE 3Route Proving & Clearance – ROV & Handheld Detection PAGE 4Chemical and Biological Threat Detection PAGE 5Threat Defeat PAGE 6Route Clearance and Breaching PAGE 7Demolition Stores PAGE 8Electronic Warfare PAGE 9Site Access & Security PAGE 10Capabilities PAGE 1 12The JUNO ® chemical detector can be used to monitorfor very low levels of chemical agents.Counter-IED| <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Delivering global protection

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsRoute Proving & Clearance– Vehicle Mounted DetectionThe growing threat of buried IEDs as well as post-conflict UXO unexploded ordnancecontamination has increased the need for a range of sophisticated detection technology.Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) productsNIITEK is a world leader in the development and manufacture of combat proven mine and unexploded ordnancedetection systems. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) sensor technology was developed specifically for detectingmetallic and non-metallic mines. The detection kits have several components which include: NIITEK’s proprietaryGPR sensor technology, sophisticated automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithms, automatic marking and aclever automatic ground tracking and damage control carrier bracket. All of these are monitored and controlledby a user-friendly graphical touch-screen interface that allows the operator ‘see’ under the ground.Husky Mounted Detection System (HMDS)• Readily adaptable to other vehicles• Breakthrough Pd/FAR* performance• Integrated on Husky vehicle• Automated sensor height control• Intuitive controls/touchscreen display• 3D subsurface visualisation*Pd=Probability of Detection; FAR=False Alarm RateHMDS is currently operational in Afghanistan.Husky Mounted Detection System (HMDS).www.chemring.co.uk<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> | Counter-IED 3

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsChemical and Biological Threat Detection<strong>Chemring</strong> is a leading provider and systems integrator of advanced point andstand-off chemical threat detection systems and biological agent detectors, providingfull lifecycle product design, development, production and logistics support.Chemical DetectionChemical attack includes poisoning by chemical substances, ex-militarychemical warfare agents (CWA) or legitimate, but harmful household ortoxic industrial chemicals (TIC).I-SCAD ® Stand-off Chemical DetectorOffers detection of chemical warfare agents and toxic industrialchemicals using a passive IR stand-off chemical detector that usesproven pattern recognition algorithms.I-SCAD ® is the first 360 degree system for ground platforms, with adetection range of up to 5km, allowing users to avoid contaminatedareas or don protective masks and clothing. In addition, I-SCAD ® is alow power, untraceable and eye-safe detector, which doesn’t emit anyinterrogating signal.JUNO – Hand-held chemical detectionJuno is a combined portable monitoring and small point chemicalagent detector which can also determine if items have beencontaminated by narcotics.Biological DetectionBiological attack includes deliberate release of dangerous bacteria,viruses or fungi, or biological toxins.Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS)Offers rapid and fully automated detection, identification, warning andsample isolation of high threat biological warfare agents (BWAs).iCollectorEnabling fully autonomous networks of biodetectors that continuouslymonitor the air for biothreat agents for public health, law enforcement,emergency response and environmental protection organisations.ATHINA Biological Security System (ABSS)Provides end-to-end detection, collection, sample preparationand identification of biological threats, suitable for on-scene andsite monitoring.Vehicle-mounted I-SCAD ® .JUNO ® – Hand-held chemical detection.JBPDS.www.chemring.co.uk<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> | Counter-IED 5

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsThreat DefeatExplosive ordnance disposal teams need accurate and reliable technologies tosafely defeat target IEDs or explosive ordnance. We provide a range of disruption,de-arming and freeze neutralising products and offer tailored capability buildingthrough equipment and capability packaging. Our products are designed for useby military, police, Special <strong>Force</strong>s, SWAT teams and commercial demolition teams.InitiatorsFlexible remote detonation of explosives, from a safe distance andin a controlled manner, is a key requirement for military forces andspecialist commercial operators.We offer a range of reliable, operationally proven initiators, fromhard-wire exploders to sophisticated, securely coded RF systemsoffering optimum flexibility and control over both short distancesand longer ranges. These include:• Hard-wire exploders (Shrike and mini-Shrike), operationallyproven from the arctic to the tropics.• Short range RF initiators for BREACH (rechargeable) andFRED (replaceable batteries, multichannel), where a lightweight andeasy to use initiator is required as an ROV firing circuit accessory,and as used in Explosive Method of Entry scenarios.• Long range, 81 channel, programmable RF solutions such asMini-RABs (Remote Answer Back System) and TABs (TimerAnswer Back System) offering unique diagnostic capability.• PEDs and TED: versatile, programmable electronic longdelay timers.Disruptors<strong>Chemring</strong> offers a range of ‘light’ to ‘heavy’ recoilless disruptorsand other equipment designed to safely neutralise IEDs andunexploded ordnance in-situ, whilst minimising the risk of detonationand maintaining the integrity of any forensic evidence. Our disruptorscan also be integrated with robot vehicles for any ROV (remotelyoperated vehicle) and UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) manufacturer.These include:• RE 12g Mini Disruptor is powered by an electrically initiated 12 gaugecartridge and features a 19mm bore barrel. This recoilless disruptorcan be used within either a water charge, frangible or solid projectilewith a mass of 50g.• Maxi De Armer Disruptor Recoilless Stand Off RE70 M3 Plusis a modular, recoilless de armer and disruptor. The tool can beconfigured either as a de armer for firing a range of solid projectilesor a disruptor for firing a range of fluid and frangible projectiles.RE70 M3 Plus Stand-off disruptor.FRED.RE70 M3 Plus as attached to a Remotec Wheelbarrow Mk8b ROV.6 Counter-IED | <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Delivering global protection

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsRoute Clearance and Breaching<strong>Chemring</strong> offers lightweight portable products designed to create a safepassage through mined and high IED threat areas. Reusable, inert trainingversions are also available.Mine and Obstacle Breaching Systems<strong>Chemring</strong> is the leading manufacturer of man-portable Obstacle Breaching Systems for quicklyclearing safe passageways through minefields and other obstacles.PEMBS (Portable Explosive Mine Breaching System)The leading European system in use with French, Australian, German,Norwegian, Spanish and Greek armies. PEMBS is available in light,heavy, and training variants.APOBS (Anti-Personnel Obstacle Breaching System)APOBS is the US standard explosive line charge system in use with theUS Army and Marine Corps.Scalable Lightweight Infantry Clearance Explosive (SLICE)Next generation portable clearance system. SLICE is an ultra-lightweight, rocket launched explosive line charge in a modular, distributedsystem based on meeting the strictest requirement of limiting additionalsoldier burden. The packs are designed to secure to in-service loadcarrying equipment for rapid deployment without risk of snagging oradding significant weight.APOBS set upPacked PEMBS minefield breaching system.APOBS.www.chemring.co.ukSLICE, packed into small, portable units.<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> | Counter-IED 7

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsDemolition StoresWe have developed a complete capability in demolition stores to meet the needsof military users for Explosive Ordnance Disposal, field engineering and demolition.We provide a full range of explosive products from electric and igniferous initiationsystems to intermediaries, such as detonating cords and components, and maincharges, both bulk explosive and cutting charges.SABREXThe next generation of Flexible Linear Cutting Charge (FLCC) that usesexplosive energy to produce a fine; fast and stable cutting jet to cut awide range of target materials. It is the most highly developed explosivecutting tool on the market and provides the Demolitions Engineer,Breacher and EOD specialist with an unrivalled capability on land andunderwater. SABREX is available in a family of five natures specificallyselected to match the most commonly occurring target sizes.Bangalore TorpedoAdvanced Performance Bangalore Torpedo (APBT) incorporatesa unique and patented design feature which enhances its cuttingcapability against traditional non-resilient and incoherent target arrays.This design feature has also demonstrated cutting performance againsta 6mm steel target. APBT can be joined with up to seven additionalBangalore Torpedo tubes for tactical deployment to defeat large orextended obstacles up to 8 metres in length.Charge Demolition Sheet Explosive – SX4 (DPX9)Fully compliant with the requirements of MPER96 and is an insensitiveRDX based High Explosive suitable for EOD or general demolition tasks.The specially formulated explosive composition provides a high levelof safety whilst maintaining peak performance for metal cutting whereminimum shock wave and noise levels are acceptable. SX4 (DPX9) isdesigned to be easily and reliably initiated by L1A2, or L2A2 detonators,detonating cord L5A1 or Detonating Cord Boosters (DCB).Mouldable Plastic ExplosiveC4 is a plastic explosive which is mouldable by hand to form demolitioncharges of various shapes and weights. C4 Plastic Explosive is fullycompliant with the requirements of MPER96 (amended) and is an RDXbased High Explosive suitable for EOD or general demolition tasks. C4 isdesigned to be easily and reliably initiated by L1A2, or L2A2 detonators,detonating cord L5A1 or Detonating Cord Boosters (DCB).Thermite TorchA lightweight incendiary device used to facilitate the destruction byburning of the explosives and propellant in unexploded ordnance(UXOs) and to initiate the burning of other less combustible materials.SABREX.Bangalore Torpedo.8 Counter-IED | <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Delivering global protection

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsElectronic WarfareIn today’s contemporary operating environment there is a need to understand apotential threat and get inside the adversary’s Observe, Orientate, Decide, Action(OODA) loop. Electronic Warfare (EW) operations in today’s battlespace requireintuitive and rapidly deployable systems to monitor the constantly changingcommunications terrain.RESOLVERESOLVE is designed for the intercept, geolocation, exploitation and denial of tactical communications in theHF to UHF frequency bands, including ‘modern waveforms’. It is a state-of-the-art field proven ElectronicSurveillance and Attack system and benefits from having both the software and hardware developed inconjunction with <strong>Chemring</strong>’s operational experts.SystemsRESOLVE comprises a number of interoperable systems ranging fromdismounts to fully integrated platform and static solutions. Using thesystems communications architecture, multiple platforms can benetworked together to perform collaborative position fix operations. Inaddition, Electronic Attack can be queued remotely enablingsurveillance and attack platforms to be positioned to deliver maximumeffect. The flexibility of RESOLVE ensures commonality across theequipment fleet whether mounted or dismounted delivering not onlymilitary advantage but reducing the significant training and supportburden associated with a mixed equipment fleet.RESOLVE in Manpack configuration.Target positioning and direction finding.RESOLVE in Integrated Vehicle configuration.www.chemring.co.ukRESOLVE in Semi-Static configuration.<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> | Counter-IED 9

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsSite Access & Security<strong>Chemring</strong> has created a range of scalable, modular site access security systems thatdeter and detect potential threats. <strong>Chemring</strong> can integrate these systems with otherperimeter and security solutions, providing a robust capability to protect a variety ofcritical infrastructures, including airports, seaports, borders, mining and utilities inaddition to government and military facilities.VehicleScanVehicleScan is a modular, site access and security solution, providinga fast, safe and effective surveillance tool to view the underside ofvehicles at key facilities and vulnerable locations. Images can be storedwithin a network, providing unique change detection recognition.VehicleScan is ideal for both mobile deployment or as part of a fixed,static security infrastructure that might include high risk locations andhigh profile events.Using an intuitive graphical user interface that provides high resolution,colour images, VehicleScan is an essential tool in the detection of IEDs,contraband, weapons and even people.<strong>Chemring</strong> has provided systems at G20 summits, the FIFA World Cupand 2011 Pan American games.Stand-off Explosives Detector<strong>Chemring</strong> is supporting design, test and fielding of a real-time sensorsystem to detect bulk to trace explosive threats from standoffdistances. The technology provides for stand-off detection of militaryand homemade explosives, precursor materials and disturbedearth associated with the emplacement of IEDs for force protection,countermine and C-IED missions.Current effort includes the fabrication and delivery of multiplesensors to the US Army, as well as product testing, soldier trainingand field support.Stand off, trace explosive and disturbed earth detectionVehicleScan – static and mobile under vehicle surveillance and automatic image comparison10 Counter-IED | <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Delivering global protection

Innovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsCapabilities• World leading ground penetrating radar• Chemical and biological systems manufacturing, integration and development• Insensitive munitions design capability• Dedicated plastic explosive manufacturing facility• World class primary explosive manufacturing facility• Advanced optical, laser, electronic, sensor, signal, software prototype labs• Electronic/electrical test capabilities• High dynamic range digital acquisition systems• Advanced signal processing for ATR, noise reduction• Graphical user interfaces• Electromagnetic induction sensors• Analogue circuit design• 3D mechanical design, modelling for cabling and air flow/thermal modelling• Testing of explosive classification type 1, 2, and 3• Detonator output testwww.chemring.co.uk11<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> | Counter-IED

Delivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukInnovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection, EOD and military demolitions solutionsCounter-IEDHomeland SecurityCounter-IED<strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong>CountermeasuresMunitionsPyrotechnicsPyromechanismsInnovative network security, surveillance, signalsintelligence and CBE threat detection solutionsInnovative route proving & clearance, CBE threat detection,EOD and military demolitions solutionsElectronic and expendable countermeasuresfor land, sea and air systems.Medium-to-large calibre artillery and mortar ammunition,missile components and warheadsHigh quality pyrotechnics formilitary and security applicationsPyromechanical components of the highest quality and reliability,for a range of mission critical systems<strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong><strong>Chemring</strong> House1500 ParkwayWhiteleyFarehamHampshireUnited Kingdom PO15 7AFTel: +44 (0)1489 881880Email: info@chemring.co.ukIssue 2 © <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> 2012The information in this document is the property of <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> and may not be copied or communicated to a third party or used for any12purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>. This information is given in good faith basedupon the latest information available to <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>; no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not betaken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.Counter-IED| <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Delivering global protection

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