marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat


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54Marker-<strong>assisted</strong> <strong>selection</strong> – Current status and future perspectives <strong>in</strong> crops, livestock, forestry and fishment length polymorphism (RFLP)-basedmaize genetic map. In the less geneticallyvariable cereals, prom<strong>in</strong>ently <strong>wheat</strong>,the level of polymorphism is not now <strong>in</strong>practice likely to represent the major constra<strong>in</strong>tto MAS uptake, although <strong>in</strong> the pastit was argued that this was the case. Whathas changed <strong>in</strong> recent times is that current<strong>marker</strong> technology, and systems ofDNA acquisition, laboratory managementand <strong>in</strong>tegration <strong>in</strong>to the breed<strong>in</strong>g cycle,have all developed to the extent where thebenefits of MAS can be <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly realized<strong>in</strong> actual practice. As many of theseimprovements are <strong>in</strong>cremental rather thansudden, we argue that the trends <strong>in</strong> MASapplication <strong>in</strong> <strong>wheat</strong> are characteristicallyevolutionary rather than revolutionary.Target traits for MAS <strong>in</strong>northwest European w<strong>in</strong>ter<strong>wheat</strong> breed<strong>in</strong>gThe use of MAS to date has a history ofabout 20 years, and until recently <strong>in</strong>volvedthe exploitation of just two non-DNAbasedassays. The first, which has beenreta<strong>in</strong>ed with only slight modificationss<strong>in</strong>ce its <strong>in</strong>ception, exploits a correlationbetween bread-mak<strong>in</strong>g quality and allelicstatus at the Glu-1 (endosperm storageprote<strong>in</strong> subunit) loci. It uses electrophoreticprofiles obta<strong>in</strong>ed by the straightforward,robust and cheap procedure sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) from crude seed prote<strong>in</strong>extracts, which have been shown to bepartially predictive of end-use quality. Thesecond is predictive for the presence of thegene Pch1, which confers a high level ofresistance to eyespot, a stem base diseasethat is difficult to screen us<strong>in</strong>g conventionalpathology methods. Both these targets have<strong>in</strong> the meanwhile become assayable bypolymerase cha<strong>in</strong> reaction (PCR)-basedassays, although SDS-PAGE rema<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong>rout<strong>in</strong>e use thanks to its flexibility and costeffectiveness. In recent years, the numberof loci for which DNA-based assays havebeen generated has <strong>in</strong>creased dramatically,the majority us<strong>in</strong>g PCR as a technologyplatform. Over 50 of these are described(specifically <strong>in</strong> a United States of Americacontext) at http://mas<strong>wheat</strong>.ucdavis.edu/,which reports the output of an ongo<strong>in</strong>gUnited States Department of Agriculture(USDA)-funded programme. The focusis heavily on disease and pest resistance,reflect<strong>in</strong>g the generally simple <strong>in</strong>heritanceof genes conferr<strong>in</strong>g these traits.Some of the above traits are of sufficientrelevance to the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom contextthat identical or equivalent assays havebeen <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong> a number of breed<strong>in</strong>gprogrammes, where they are used as guidesto parental <strong>selection</strong> and/or <strong>in</strong> early generation<strong>selection</strong>. Prom<strong>in</strong>ent among these are<strong>marker</strong>s for the genes Rht-1 (responsible forthe “Green Revolution” semi-dwarfism),P<strong>in</strong>b (gra<strong>in</strong> texture), Pch1, Lr37/Yr17 (agene complex conferr<strong>in</strong>g resistance to twoof the most important leaf fungal pathogens)and the <strong>wheat</strong>/rye translocation1B/1R (which is associated with high levelsof yield). Emerg<strong>in</strong>g MAS targets are necessarilyprogramme-dependent, but the broadfocus is on quantitative trait locus (QTL)targets that could have a major impact onbreed<strong>in</strong>g efficiency. In the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom,as elsewhere worldwide, current focus is onresistance to the diseases Fusarium headblight (FHB), Septoria tritici blotch (STB)and barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), andon durable resistance to yellow rust. Othercurrent targets, more specific to the UnitedK<strong>in</strong>gdom and northwest European context,but <strong>in</strong> rout<strong>in</strong>e use, are resistance to the<strong>in</strong>sect pest orange blossom midge (OBM),and soil-borne mosaic virus (SBMV).

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