marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat


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Chapter 4 – Marker-<strong>assisted</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>wheat</strong>: evolution, not revolution 53IntroductionWheat is a very important world staplecrop. The 2005 United States Departmentof Agriculture (USDA) estimates for theglobal production of <strong>wheat</strong> (both breadand durum) and maize are, respectively,627 million tonnes and 708 million tonnes.In Europe, bread <strong>wheat</strong> is without doubtthe most important broad-acre crop, witha production <strong>in</strong> the extended EuropeanUnion of 25 states of 115 million tonnes(maize 48 million tonnes). The largest productionand highest productivity of bread<strong>wheat</strong> are achieved <strong>in</strong> northwest Europe.Historically, <strong>wheat</strong> has been bred largelyby government-sponsored national andregional programmes, but the <strong>in</strong>troductionof plant variety rights <strong>in</strong>to Europe <strong>in</strong>the 1960s encouraged participation by theprivate sector. Currently, <strong>wheat</strong> breed<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> northwest Europe is almost exclusivelycarried out by private companies, withsome research underp<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g by the publicsector. Breeders cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be successful<strong>in</strong> the production of high-yield<strong>in</strong>g, diseaseresistant,high-quality varieties and, <strong>in</strong> theUnited K<strong>in</strong>gdom at least, genetic advancesfor yield have been runn<strong>in</strong>g at between 0.5to 1 percent per annum for many years.Wheat is a naturally <strong>in</strong>breed<strong>in</strong>g species,and although a level of heterosis canbe demonstrated, difficulties <strong>in</strong> enforc<strong>in</strong>gcross-poll<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> a reliable and cost-effectiveway have h<strong>in</strong>dered the development ofany significant contribution of F 1 hybridsto the variety pool. Most varietal developmentprogrammes are therefore based onversions of the long-established pedigreebreed<strong>in</strong>g system, where large F 2 populationsare generated and conventional phenotypic<strong>selection</strong> is carried out <strong>in</strong> early generationsfor highly heritable, qualitative traits(such as disease resistance) and <strong>in</strong> later onesfor quantitative traits (primarily yield andquality). Thus, most varieties are bred andgrown as <strong>in</strong>bred, pure breed<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>es. As aresult, the unit value of seed and economicmarg<strong>in</strong>s for breeders are low. By contrast,maize is a naturally out-cross<strong>in</strong>g species thatshows highly significant levels of heterosis.This has resulted <strong>in</strong> the majority of maizebreed<strong>in</strong>g be<strong>in</strong>g geared to the productionof F 1 hybrids. In <strong>in</strong>dustrialized countries,maize hybrid breed<strong>in</strong>g has for some timebeen dom<strong>in</strong>ated by a small number of largeprivate sector companies that are able to susta<strong>in</strong>profitability through their control overthe genotype of their varieties. No revenue islost as a result of the use of farm-saved seed,and the <strong>in</strong>bred components of a successfulhybrid are not available to competitors touse as parental material for their own varietalimprovement programmes. This hasfar-reach<strong>in</strong>g implications on the feasibilityof MAS <strong>in</strong> maize, and largely expla<strong>in</strong>s thelead that maize enjoys over <strong>wheat</strong> <strong>in</strong> thedeployment of MAS technology.The cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g development of molecular<strong>marker</strong> technology over the last decadehas been a happy by-product of “bigbiology” genomics research. As recentlyas 1996, the def<strong>in</strong>ition of 5 000 SSR loci <strong>in</strong>the human genome merited a major publication<strong>in</strong> Nature (Dib et al., 1996), but thenumber of known human s<strong>in</strong>gle nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNPs) now runs <strong>in</strong>to millions.Thus, although <strong>marker</strong> availability,potentially at least, is no longer limit<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> crops, and the clear potential benefitsof <strong>marker</strong> deployment to plant breed<strong>in</strong>gare undisputed, only relatively recentlyhas it begun to make more than a marg<strong>in</strong>alimpact on breed<strong>in</strong>g methodology. Even<strong>in</strong> maize, where the level of DNA <strong>marker</strong>polymorphism is high, large-scale deploymentof MAS did not gather any significantmomentum until more than 15 years afterthe publication of the first restriction frag-

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