marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat


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Chapter 17 – Marker-<strong>assisted</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>in</strong> fish and shellfish breed<strong>in</strong>g schemes 353erode the <strong>in</strong>itial LD and therefore it isexpected that accuracy of estimat<strong>in</strong>g thebreed<strong>in</strong>g value of many haplotypes willdecay (Zhang and Smith, 1992), the extentof the erosion be<strong>in</strong>g dependent on severalpopulation parameters (Meuwissen,Hayes and Goddard, 2001). In practice, theresponse to <strong>selection</strong> obta<strong>in</strong>ed needs to beverified <strong>in</strong> each generation; thus, re-estimationcan be used based on a random sampleof <strong>in</strong>dividuals from the population.One possible caveat is that by assum<strong>in</strong>ga certa<strong>in</strong> mode of gene action (i.e. onlyadditive effects), there may <strong>in</strong> fact be a morecomplicated genetic architecture <strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>gquantitative traits. For example, whenestimat<strong>in</strong>g dom<strong>in</strong>ance and epistasis with thesame data, more haplotype effects need tobe estimated. Therefore, it is likely that theaccuracy of <strong>in</strong>dividual effects will decrease.Another potential complication that ariseswhen the true model <strong>in</strong>volves non-additiveeffects is that assignment of potential matesneeds to be optimized to <strong>in</strong>crease the meanphenotype of the population simultaneouslythrough heterosis aris<strong>in</strong>g from comb<strong>in</strong>ationof different QTL alleles. In the long term,the frequency of homozygotes that areidentical-by-descent will <strong>in</strong>crease with<strong>in</strong>the population as a whole; consequently,methods are required to constra<strong>in</strong> the ratesof <strong>in</strong>breed<strong>in</strong>g to obta<strong>in</strong> similar changes ofthe population mean across generations.Furthermore, expression of differentcomb<strong>in</strong>ations of alleles after <strong>selection</strong> willrequire re-estimation of between-haplotypeeffects <strong>in</strong> each generation.ConclusionQTL mapp<strong>in</strong>g and MAS are not as welladvanced <strong>in</strong> aquaculture species as <strong>in</strong>terrestrial plants and animals. However,the merger between genetics and genomicsis expected to be a fertile area of research<strong>in</strong> the com<strong>in</strong>g years due to the plethora of<strong>in</strong>formation that is currently be<strong>in</strong>g gatheredby many laboratories around the world.It is through these research efforts thatvariations affect<strong>in</strong>g complex traits <strong>in</strong> fishand shellfish species may be detected andused for <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the usefulness of MASschemes. In the f<strong>in</strong>al analysis, however, allthese techniques must be cost-effective ifthey are to be profitable <strong>in</strong> actual breed<strong>in</strong>gprogrammes.AcknowledgementsI am <strong>in</strong>debted for comments from Mr EricHallerman who greatly helped clarify themanuscript. This chapter has been fundedpartially by: INNOVA-Corporación deFomento de la Producción (CORFO)(05CT6 PP-10) on “Us<strong>in</strong>g functionalgenomics for understand<strong>in</strong>g disease resistance<strong>in</strong> salmon” from the Governmentof Chile; Vicerrectoria de Investigaciony Creación, Universidad de Chile hatchproject 03/03312; and Fondo de Cienciias yTecnologia (FONDECYT) 1061190.ReferencesAnderson, E.C. & Thompson, E.A. 2002. A model-based method for identify<strong>in</strong>g specieshybrids us<strong>in</strong>g multilocus genetic data. Genetics 160: 1217–1229.Arkush, K.D., Giese, A.R., Mendonca, H.L., McBride, A.M., Marty, G.D. & Hedrick, P.W. 2002.Resistance to three pathogens <strong>in</strong> the endangered w<strong>in</strong>ter-run Ch<strong>in</strong>ook salmon (Oncorhynchustshawytscha): effects of <strong>in</strong>breed<strong>in</strong>g and major histocompatibility complex genotypes. Can. J.Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. 59: 966–975.

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