marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat


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Chapter 14 – Marker-<strong>assisted</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>in</strong> Eucalyptus 261breed<strong>in</strong>g and production forestry. Thisapplication is nowadays rout<strong>in</strong>ely used byseveral forest companies <strong>in</strong> Australia, Brazil,Portugal, South Africa and Spa<strong>in</strong>. Qualitycontrol and quality assurance of largescaleclonal plantation operations becomecrucial aspects <strong>in</strong> forestry, especially <strong>in</strong>vertically <strong>in</strong>tegrated production systemswhere the pulp mill plans on the availabilityof clones with specific wood propertiesat specific times. Given the scale of suchoperations that frequently have to feedplantation programmes of several thousandhectares per year, (i.e. several millionseedl<strong>in</strong>gs), mislabell<strong>in</strong>gs can seriously affectthe expected production. Correct clonalidentity has also important implications<strong>in</strong> several breed<strong>in</strong>g procedures such asseed orchard management or controlledpoll<strong>in</strong>ation programmes affect<strong>in</strong>g theexpected ga<strong>in</strong>s of breed<strong>in</strong>g cycles.Several technologies are available todayto resolve questions of clonal identity <strong>in</strong>Eucalyptus. Dom<strong>in</strong>ant <strong>marker</strong>s such asrandom amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) or amplified fragment lengthpolymorphism (AFLP) have been used forclonal f<strong>in</strong>gerpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g of eucalypts (Keil andGriff<strong>in</strong>, 1994; Nesbitt et al., 1997; Costae Silva and Grattapaglia, 1997). Dom<strong>in</strong>ant<strong>marker</strong>s are, however, very limited <strong>in</strong>their ability to establish conclusively theidentity of two redundant <strong>in</strong>dividual treesdue to artefact polymorphisms. Dom<strong>in</strong>ant<strong>marker</strong>s can be used to establish thattwo <strong>in</strong>dividuals are not the same, but thestatement that two <strong>in</strong>dividuals are identicalis usually only approximate and no formaltest statistics can be attached to thisassertion. The high degree of multi-allelismand the very clear and simple co-dom<strong>in</strong>antMendelian <strong>in</strong>heritance of microsatellitesprovide an extremely powerful system forthe unique identification of <strong>in</strong>dividualsfor f<strong>in</strong>gerpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g purposes and parentagetest<strong>in</strong>g particularly when the <strong>in</strong>dividuals areexpected to be related. Kirst et al. (2005a)demonstrated the high resolv<strong>in</strong>g powerof this class of <strong>marker</strong>s <strong>in</strong> Eucalyptus. Abreed<strong>in</strong>g population of 192 <strong>in</strong>dividuals of E.grandis was genotyped with a set of six highlypolymorphic microsatellites. The numberof alleles detected ranged from 6 to 33 withan average of 19.8±9.2 and the expectedheterozygosity averaged 0.86±0.11. Us<strong>in</strong>gthree loci all 192 genotypes could be readilydiscrim<strong>in</strong>ated. The comb<strong>in</strong>ed probabilityof identity (i.e. the probability of two<strong>in</strong>dividuals hav<strong>in</strong>g the same multilocusgenotype) consider<strong>in</strong>g all six loci was less thanone <strong>in</strong> 2 000 million. Similarity coefficientsestimated from microsatellite data weremuch smaller, thus more discrim<strong>in</strong>ative,than those usually obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> similarstudies with RAPD and AFLP <strong>marker</strong>s.In common with human forensic DNAanalysis, the standard method for clonalidentification <strong>in</strong> eucalypts today is basedon multiplexed, multicolour fluorescentanalysis of microsatellite <strong>marker</strong>s sized <strong>in</strong>an automatic sequencer. The identity ofsamples is declared based on a maximumlikelihood ratio where the likelihood ofobserv<strong>in</strong>g those genetic data conditionalon the hypothesis of the two samples be<strong>in</strong>gderived from the same clone is comparedwith the alternative hypothesis, i.e. thatthe two samples are derived from differentclones. Furthermore, the repeatabilityand precision of multilocus genotypedeterm<strong>in</strong>ation allows correct comparisonsacross laboratories and at different times.Varietal protectionFollow<strong>in</strong>g publication of the varietalprotection law <strong>in</strong> Brazil, specific <strong>in</strong>structionsfor protect<strong>in</strong>g Eucalyptus cloneswere published <strong>in</strong> 2002 by the M<strong>in</strong>istry

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