marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat

marker-assisted selection in wheat


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136Marker-<strong>assisted</strong> <strong>selection</strong> – Current status and future perspectives <strong>in</strong> crops, livestock, forestry and fishit could. Although this should not impactthe economic efficiency of MABC or forwardbreed<strong>in</strong>g, it could affect the overallcost efficiency of MAS.F<strong>in</strong>ally, the efficacy for MAS <strong>in</strong> relativelycomplex populations such as syntheticsand open-poll<strong>in</strong>ated varieties (OPVs) hasnot been <strong>in</strong>vestigated. Compared with thebi-allelic populations used <strong>in</strong> the privatesector, such populations are likely to havemore than two alleles at a given locus. Also,unlike the simple bi-allelic populations,allele frequency should be an importantcomponent of predictions with such populations.Therefore, there should be moregenetic effects and <strong>in</strong>teractions to considerwhen mak<strong>in</strong>g predictions based on MASwith OPVs and synthetics.In the future, successful implementationof MAS <strong>in</strong> maize may lead to more frequentproblems related to limited genetic variation.The emphasis of aggressive private sectormaize breed<strong>in</strong>g programmes on crossesbetween elite, related <strong>in</strong>bred l<strong>in</strong>es to createsegregat<strong>in</strong>g source populations has led toconcerns about the depletion of geneticdiversity <strong>in</strong> such gene pools and the abilityto enhance such gene pools with highquality genetic variation (Niebur et al.,2004). Such concerns, which existed priorto the deployment of DNA <strong>marker</strong>s andMAS <strong>in</strong> maize, are likely to <strong>in</strong>crease asMAS becomes more prevalent. If MAS <strong>in</strong>forward breed<strong>in</strong>g schemes is as effective asreported, then alleles and haplotypes mayapproach fixation more rapidly (Crosbieet al., 2006). At that po<strong>in</strong>t, breed<strong>in</strong>gprogrammes will need to repeat theprocess of calibrat<strong>in</strong>g genotype-phenotyperelationships <strong>in</strong> a slightly different arrayof reference populations to start the nextmetacycle of MAS (Johnson, 2004).There is much anticipation for the futureof MAS as genic sequences become the<strong>marker</strong> loci, functional <strong>in</strong>formation is discoveredfor the many candidate genes andgene products are assessed for their potentialas useful sources of <strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong>breed<strong>in</strong>g programmes (Varshney, Granerand Sorrels, 2005; Lee, 2006). Certa<strong>in</strong>ly,these huge sets of raw data will contributeto progress. Eventually, other sources ofgenetic variation unrelated to the primaryDNA sequence such as DNA methylationwill be evaluated for their <strong>in</strong>fluence on genotype-phenotyperelationships. Currently,epigenetic variation is mostly ignored fromthat assessment although it is well knownthat much of the maize genome may bemethylated (Kaeppler, 2004) and may bemore dynamic than predicted by currentgenetic models and mechanisms (Fu andDooner, 2002). Also, the <strong>in</strong>fluences of noncod<strong>in</strong>gsequences such as small <strong>in</strong>terfer<strong>in</strong>gRNA (siRNA), matrix attachment regionsand long-distance regulatory sequenceshave yet to be considered for their effectson genetic variation and estimates of geneticvalues used <strong>in</strong> MAS (Lee, 2006).Most of the early limitations of MAS,due to the availability or cost of genotypicdata, have been overcome. However,the availability or cost of high-qualityphenotypic <strong>in</strong>formation is becom<strong>in</strong>gone of the major limitations of MAS.Dur<strong>in</strong>g the past 20 years, developmentof new technologies and automation andm<strong>in</strong>iaturization of laboratory procedureshave contributed to reduc<strong>in</strong>g the cost of<strong>marker</strong> data po<strong>in</strong>ts as well as the timeneeded to produce them. Large-scale<strong>marker</strong> laboratories produce <strong>marker</strong> datapo<strong>in</strong>ts at less than a tenth of the cost of20 years ago. By contrast, neither cost northe time required to produce phenotypicdata has changed much, if at all, <strong>in</strong> thesame timeframe. As the establishment of<strong>marker</strong>-trait associations and ultimately

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