City of Kamloops Annual Report 2010

City of Kamloops Annual Report 2010 City of Kamloops Annual Report 2010


Kamloops Children’sMuseum a first in BCLocal, provincial and national history andculture – from a child’s perspective – arethe focus of BC’s first interactive Children’sMuseum, now a permanent part of theKamloops Museum and Archives. Thisone-of-a-kind facility, which held itsgrand opening in July 2010, was part of atwo-year, $400,000 museum renovationproject and was designed visually andergonomically to appeal to children ofall ages. Older children may relax with abook in the space-station-themed readingsection, while little ones may be drawn tothe dress up area and puppet theatre. TheChildren’s Museum also features interactivedisplays, a steamship station, hands-onwater table, games and models.Partners in ProtectionThe City of Kamloops partnered with HISVentures Ltd to host the Partners in ProtectionAnnual General Meeting in November,which attracted attendees from BC, Alberta,the Northwest Territories and from as far asOntario and Boston, MA. Partners in Protectionis a multi-disciplinary organizationcommitted to raising awareness, information-sharing,and developing forums forencouraging proactive, community-basedinitiatives. The AGM covered a range of fireprotection topics including a presentationby the Kamloops Interagency FireSmartCommittee on the Kamloops CommunityWildfire Protection Program. The City isrecognized as a model of best practice andhas been invited to present at numerousconferences and workshops including theNational Fire Protection Association (Denver,CO), International Wildfire Conference(South Africa) and Federation of CanadianMunicipalities Sustainable CommunitiesConference (Ottawa).12 City of Kamloops Annual Report 2010

Livabilitycommitment to healthand sustainability.Olympic Torch Relay aproud time in City historyA string of crowd-pleasing momentsstretched into memorable hours of celebrationas Kamloops residents honoured andcheered for participants along the OlympicTorch Relay route on Jan 27, 2010. TheOlympic spirit was felt throughout much ofthe day and into the evening as celebrationscontinued at Hillside Stadium wherethousands of people turned out to enjoya full line-up of entertainment and eventshosted by the Torch Relay committee, City,Provincial and Olympic representatives. Thenight was highlighted by hometown heroesNancy Greene Raine and Mark Recchi,who served as the final torchbearers for theKamloops-leg of the torch run, and carriedthe flame through the stadium encouragedby cheers from a delighted audience. TheCity also supported Olympic celebrationsthrough Opening and Closing ceremonyevents hosted at City Hall and the InteriorSavings Centre including fireworks, freepublic skating and a chance to take photographswith the official Olympic Torch.Pedestrian patrollerseducate on vehicle safetyOngoing foot patrols through local shoppingareas and face-to-face advice todrivers on preventing vehicle crime, arethe key to two successful safety programsin Kamloops. Project H.E.A.T. and Safe forthe Season are both operated by the City’sCommunity Safety department and KamloopsRCMP. Community Safety volunteersare supported by Auxiliary Constables inproviding proactive information to driverson preventing thefts and break-ins. ProjectH.E.A.T. volunteers focus efforts duringweekends, July through October, patrollinglocal parking lots and strip malls, talking tovehicle owners and leaving crime preventiontip cards on windshields, while Safefor the Season concentrates on educatingshoppers during the holiday season.Theatre BC Mainstagebrings cultural celebrationA theatrical feast of activities, from workshopson costume design to full scaleperformances, kept Kamloops participantsand audiences enthused throughout aweek’s worth of Mainstage 2010. Mainstage– one of the country’s longest runningtheatre events – provides unique educationalopportunities to participants as wellas ongoing theatre presentations that localaudiences can enjoy throughout the week.In addition to nightly performances, ticketholders access a variety of activities includingdaily workshops, adjudicated “coffeecritiques” and plays that run the gamut ofgenres from comedy to musicals.City of Kamloops Annual Report 2010 13

Livabilitycommitment to healthand sustainability.Olympic Torch Relay aproud time in <strong>City</strong> historyA string <strong>of</strong> crowd-pleasing momentsstretched into memorable hours <strong>of</strong> celebrationas <strong>Kamloops</strong> residents honoured andcheered for participants along the OlympicTorch Relay route on Jan 27, <strong>2010</strong>. TheOlympic spirit was felt throughout much <strong>of</strong>the day and into the evening as celebrationscontinued at Hillside Stadium wherethousands <strong>of</strong> people turned out to enjoya full line-up <strong>of</strong> entertainment and eventshosted by the Torch Relay committee, <strong>City</strong>,Provincial and Olympic representatives. Thenight was highlighted by hometown heroesNancy Greene Raine and Mark Recchi,who served as the final torchbearers for the<strong>Kamloops</strong>-leg <strong>of</strong> the torch run, and carriedthe flame through the stadium encouragedby cheers from a delighted audience. The<strong>City</strong> also supported Olympic celebrationsthrough Opening and Closing ceremonyevents hosted at <strong>City</strong> Hall and the InteriorSavings Centre including fireworks, freepublic skating and a chance to take photographswith the <strong>of</strong>ficial Olympic Torch.Pedestrian patrollerseducate on vehicle safetyOngoing foot patrols through local shoppingareas and face-to-face advice todrivers on preventing vehicle crime, arethe key to two successful safety programsin <strong>Kamloops</strong>. Project H.E.A.T. and Safe forthe Season are both operated by the <strong>City</strong>’sCommunity Safety department and <strong>Kamloops</strong>RCMP. Community Safety volunteersare supported by Auxiliary Constables inproviding proactive information to driverson preventing thefts and break-ins. ProjectH.E.A.T. volunteers focus efforts duringweekends, July through October, patrollinglocal parking lots and strip malls, talking tovehicle owners and leaving crime preventiontip cards on windshields, while Safefor the Season concentrates on educatingshoppers during the holiday season.Theatre BC Mainstagebrings cultural celebrationA theatrical feast <strong>of</strong> activities, from workshopson costume design to full scaleperformances, kept <strong>Kamloops</strong> participantsand audiences enthused throughout aweek’s worth <strong>of</strong> Mainstage <strong>2010</strong>. Mainstage– one <strong>of</strong> the country’s longest runningtheatre events – provides unique educationalopportunities to participants as wellas ongoing theatre presentations that localaudiences can enjoy throughout the week.In addition to nightly performances, ticketholders access a variety <strong>of</strong> activities includingdaily workshops, adjudicated “c<strong>of</strong>feecritiques” and plays that run the gamut <strong>of</strong>genres from comedy to musicals.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kamloops</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong> 13

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