Your electricity key prepayment meter - Npower

Your electricity key prepayment meter - Npower

Your electricity key prepayment meter - Npower


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A <strong>prepayment</strong> <strong>meter</strong> lets you pay for your energy before you use it. You simply visita shop to buy credit which is added to your <strong>key</strong>. Then you insert the <strong>key</strong> into your<strong>meter</strong> to top up your credit.Top Ten Tips1. Only use your npower programmed <strong>key</strong>2. Top up your credit regularly, even over the summer months3. Only use the emergency credit in an emergency4. Check your <strong>meter</strong> regularly to monitor your credit or debt balance5. Keep receipts for your own records6. Keep your <strong>key</strong> in a safe place7. Let us know when you move home8. Have a pen and paper to hand when you contact us9. Be near your <strong>meter</strong> when you contact us10. If you have a question you may find an answer on ourwebsite npower.com/<strong>prepayment</strong>3

Electricity <strong>key</strong> <strong>prepayment</strong> <strong>meter</strong>LCD Screen - the displayscreen on your <strong>meter</strong>enables you to see howmuch credit is on your<strong>meter</strong>. You can also viewall of the display screensfrom here.Meter Serial Number(MSN) - the Meter SerialNumber is stamped onthe front of the <strong>meter</strong>.Blue ‘Display’ Button - informationheld on the <strong>meter</strong> can be accessed atany time by pressing the blue button.Key Slot - the <strong>meter</strong> Key isinserted here to add creditto the <strong>meter</strong>.Buying creditDepending on where you live, as annpower <strong>electricity</strong> <strong>prepayment</strong> customeryou may be able to top up at PayPoint,Payzone and Post Office outlets. There’sa list of your nearest outlets in the letterwe sent you with your <strong>key</strong>. Only top up atan authorised outlet and never buy creditfrom anyone visiting your home.To top up your credit, take your <strong>key</strong> to anoutlet. The credit you buy will be added tothe <strong>key</strong>. You can buy any amount of creditin whole pounds up to a maximum of £49per transaction. You can have up to £255credit on your <strong>meter</strong>.Always buy credit for your <strong>meter</strong> usingyour own npower programmed payment<strong>key</strong> to make sure the money is creditedto your account. If you use a <strong>key</strong> from aprevious supplier, the money you paymay not be credited to your npoweraccount. You could be charged the wrongrates and your payments may go to thewrong supplier.4

Details we need from your receipt:If you call us with a query we may need information from the receipt, so werecommend that you keep your receipts.<strong>Your</strong> npowerreference numberSN (Serial number)Meter Serial NumberSupplier name ‘npower’– shows you’re using anpower <strong>key</strong>TXN (transaction number)Take the <strong>key</strong> home and insert it into the slot in the <strong>meter</strong>. The credit you bought will betransferred to your <strong>meter</strong> and you’ll see the amount of credit update.Keep your <strong>key</strong> in a safe and handy place, and keep it clean when it’s not in your <strong>meter</strong>.Lost or damaged your <strong>key</strong>?Don’t worry, just give us a call and we’llget you a new one as quickly as possible.We may arrange for you to collect anew <strong>key</strong> from a local outlet (which maynot be the same place where you usuallytop up your <strong>key</strong>).• We’ll give you a unique referencenumber and details of your nearestoutlet - so please have a pen andpaper handy when you call.• Take the reference number to theoutlet and they’ll give you a new <strong>key</strong>.If we can’t arrange this for you (dependingon where you live) or if you find it difficultto collect your new <strong>key</strong> from an outlet,we’ll send you a new <strong>key</strong> through thepost. Please note this can take up to 3working days to arrive.5

What will you pay?Prepayment <strong>meter</strong> charges are madeup of:• A daily amount to cover the standingcharge and any outstanding debtyou may be repaying through your<strong>meter</strong>, and,• A charge for each unit of <strong>electricity</strong>you use.The standing charge is a fixed amount youpay for each day you’re connectedto the <strong>electricity</strong> network, to cover costslike <strong>meter</strong> reading and maintenance.Prepayment <strong>meter</strong>s apply the standingcharge daily, so it’s important youcontinue to top up your credit even if youdon’t use any <strong>electricity</strong>. If you run out ofcredit the standing charge will continueto be applied and will build up as a debtwhich you must repay.Standard orEconomy 7 <strong>meter</strong>?If, like most customers, you use most ofyour <strong>electricity</strong> during the day and don’tuse it to heat your home and produce hotwater, you’ll probably have a standard<strong>meter</strong> and your tariff will have a singleunit rate.If you use <strong>electricity</strong> at night to heatyour home and produce hot water youprobably have a two-rate <strong>meter</strong>, calledan Economy 7 <strong>meter</strong>. The tariff for these<strong>meter</strong>s has:• A higher unit rate for <strong>electricity</strong> usedduring the day• A much cheaper rate for units of<strong>electricity</strong> used during a 7 hourperiod at night.Collecting debtIf you’ve had a <strong>prepayment</strong> <strong>meter</strong>installed to help you to repay a debt,it will be collected from the credit youput onto your <strong>meter</strong>. If you check thedisplays on your <strong>meter</strong> regularly you’llsee the debt amount reducing. Onceyou’ve paid the debt in full your <strong>meter</strong>will automatically stop collecting.If you’re having difficulty paying yourdebt and keeping your <strong>meter</strong> topped up,please contact us as soon as possible andwe’ll be happy to discuss some optionswith you.6

Understanding your <strong>meter</strong> displays<strong>Your</strong> <strong>meter</strong> has a digital screen with various displays of information. To scroll throughthese displays you press the blue button repeatedly on the front of the <strong>meter</strong>. Eachdisplay is identified by a letter or number, depending on the type of <strong>meter</strong> you have.If you have credit on your <strong>meter</strong>Display numberA or 1888.888E or 3F or 4GH or 5I or 6What this meansThe amount of credit on your <strong>meter</strong>, e.g. £4.50This is a test display only to be used byan engineerThe total amount of credit the <strong>meter</strong> has receivedsince it was last reset by an engineerThe amount of standing charge and debt(if applicable) that your <strong>meter</strong> collects each weekThe total number of units recorded by your <strong>meter</strong>since it was manufactured<strong>Your</strong> <strong>meter</strong> reading<strong>Your</strong> price per unit of <strong>electricity</strong><strong>Your</strong> <strong>key</strong> must be inserted into your <strong>meter</strong> to see the following display:R or 7The amount of emergency credit your <strong>meter</strong>will give you, if you need to use it8

If you’re repaying a debt you can also see these displaysDisplay numberWhat this means<strong>Your</strong> <strong>key</strong> must be inserted into your <strong>meter</strong> to see the following displays:S or 8T or 9The amount you currently owe usThe weekly amount that has been seton your <strong>meter</strong> to repay your debtIf you’re in emergency credit mode you’ll see these displaysDisplay numberA or 1B or 2What this meansThe amount left before your supply will run out,e.g. £4.50E (E = Emergency credit mode)The amount you need to put into the <strong>meter</strong> beforeit returns to normal, e.g. £7.00 or £12.00 for Economy 7If you have an Economy 7 <strong>meter</strong> you’ll also see these extra displaysEconomy 7 is a special tariff with two different unit rates (a day rate and a cheapernight rate), usually used by people with night storage heaters.Display numberCDH or 5I or 6JKWhat this meansCurrent time and rate in use, e.g. at 2pm it will showyou the day rate, at 2am it will show youthe night rateCurrent date and rate in use<strong>Your</strong> <strong>meter</strong> reading for your day usage<strong>Your</strong> price per unit for your day rate<strong>Your</strong> <strong>meter</strong> reading for your night usage<strong>Your</strong> price per unit for your night rate9

Having problems?Sometimes you may see an error message on your <strong>meter</strong> screen.Here are some of the most common errors and guidance on how to fix them.Display What this means What you need to doError 10Error D4Error A4/B4Token NoError 1 or E1You may be usingan old <strong>key</strong>.<strong>Your</strong> <strong>key</strong> isn’tprogrammed correctly.The <strong>meter</strong> serialnumber on your<strong>key</strong> doesn’t matchyour <strong>meter</strong>.The <strong>meter</strong> serialnumber on your <strong>key</strong>doesn’t matchyour <strong>meter</strong>.<strong>Your</strong> <strong>meter</strong> hasdeveloped aninternal fault.First, check to make sure you’re usingthe most recent <strong>key</strong> you’ve receivedfrom us. Please contact us - we’ll giveyou an 8-digit number and tell youhow to use it to reprogramme your<strong>key</strong>. Make sure you have a pen andpaper to hand when you call.Please contact us - we’ll give you an8-digit number and tell you how touse it to reprogramme your <strong>key</strong>. Makesure you have a pen and paper to handwhen you call.Please contact us - we’ll give you an8-digit number and tell you how touse it to reprogramme your <strong>key</strong>. Makesure you have a pen and paper to handwhen you call.Please contact us - we’ll give you an8-digit number and tell you how touse it to reprogramme your <strong>key</strong>. Makesure you have a pen and paper to handwhen you call.Please contact us - we may need toarrange for an engineer to visit you.10

<strong>Your</strong> npower statementWe’ll still send you a statement twice a year that shows you how much <strong>electricity</strong> you’veused and the payments you’ve made.<strong>Your</strong> statement may show payments you’ve made after the reading was taken and thebalance was calculated.Customer account number19 February 2013Our phone numberand opening timesDMr J Bloggs237a Street NamePlace nameCountyPostcodeWhat’s left to pay£144.605 Energy explainedWe charge for energy in kilowatt hours (kWh).A kWh is 1 kilowatt of power used in 1 hour.Each day you use on average:6.17 kWh of <strong>electricity</strong>A kilowatt hour gives you<strong>Your</strong> <strong>electricity</strong> statement9 August 2012 to 10 February 2013Customer account number06584723074For your information onlySaving energy tipOnly fill the kettle with the amount ofwater you neednpower.com/savingenergy9 usesof a kettle4 hourswatching TV24 hoursgamingContact usOnlineFrom landlinesnpower.com 0800 073 3000We’re open Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 8am-6pmFrom mobiles0330 100 30006 Where to get helpFrom landlines0800 073 3000From mobiles0330 100 3000Or write to usnpowerPO Box 93Peterlee SR8 2XXType too small?Ask us for a large type bill.Moving house?Contact us within 10 daysof your move.npower.com/movingTrouble paying?Talk to us, we can help.Need extra help?If you’re over 60, in poorhealth, or have a disability,you could get help withmanaging your energy costs.Ask about our WarmResponse service.From mobiles0330 100 8669From landlines0808 172 6999Text phone0800 413 016<strong>Your</strong> reference numbersElectricity <strong>meter</strong> numberElectricity supply numberPower loss?0800 66 88 77Northern Powergrid isresponsible for yourpower supplyCustomer account number06584723074I01A20675S 01 01 01 55 2255 1287 123Energy supplied at456 Street Name, Place Name, Country, Post Code1 <strong>Your</strong> energy detailsTopping upYou’ll probably use more energyover the colder months, soremember to budget for thatwhen topping up, particularlyif you’re repaying a debt throughyour <strong>meter</strong>.Questions?For more information about<strong>prepayment</strong> <strong>meter</strong>s, visitnpower.com/payment<strong>Your</strong> tariffYou are onStandard PAYGEndsNo end dateExit feeNoneHow you payPay as you goElectricityLatest <strong>meter</strong> readingOur reading 1 5 3 1 5You usedYou’re using less each daycompared to the sameperiod last year1148 kWhor 6.17 kWh per day11.48 kWh 16.82kWhThis year Last year(Actual) (Actual)How to complainIf there’s anything you’reunhappy with, our complaintsteam could put things right.From landlines0800 316 9328From mobiles0330 100 8628Onlinenpower.com/complaintsWrite to usnpower ComplaintsPO Box 97, Peterlee, SR8 9APYou can downloada copy of our leaflet“Putting things right”from our website, or askus to send you a copy inthe post.If we can’t solve yourproblem within eightweeks or you have receivedour final response letter,you can contact theEnergy Ombudsman.ombudsman-services.org0330 4401624The Citizens Adviceconsumer serviceIt's easy to get independentadvice so that you“Know your rights” as anenergy consumer. You mightwant to get a better deal,find out how to make acomplaint, get advice aboutthe quality of your <strong>electricity</strong>or gas supply, or ask for helpif you’re struggling to payyour bills.npm11417/RF14287/10.13To “Know your rights” visitwww.adviceguide.org.ukfor up to date information orcontact the Citizens Adviceconsumer service on08454 04 05 06This is the number to call if you loseyour <strong>electricity</strong> supplyWe may monitor and record calls for security, quality or training purposes. Ask your provider for the cost of calls to 0800 and 0330 numbers.This is not a tax invoice. npower is a registered trademark and the trading name of <strong>Npower</strong> Gas Limited ( Registered No. 2999919) Registered in England and WalesRegistered Office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehall Way, Swindon SN5 5PB4How to get in touch for help and advicePlease remember that the balance shown on this statement is only for information.

Lost your supply?If your <strong>electricity</strong> supply goes off, firstcheck the screen on your <strong>meter</strong>. Ifthere’s an amount followed by ‘DEBT’on the display this means you’ve runout of credit. If you haven’t used youremergency credit you need to insert your<strong>key</strong> to get your supply back on.If you’ve already used your emergencycredit you need to top up your <strong>key</strong> with£1.00 more than the debt amountdisplayed on the <strong>meter</strong>.If your supply is off but there’s credit onyour <strong>meter</strong>, there could be an internalwiring fault in your home. Check to see ifyour trip switches are set to ‘ON’ in yourconsumer unit. If you aren’t sure howto do this, or if the fault re-occurs or thetrip switch fails to re-set, you’ll need tocontact a qualified electrician.If the screen on your <strong>meter</strong> has nodisplays when you press the blue buttonthere may be a power cut in your area andyour neighbours will be affected too.To report a power cut you need tocall your local <strong>electricity</strong> distributioncompany. You can find their number inyour phone book under ‘<strong>electricity</strong>’, onyour npower bill or statement or on:npower.com/<strong>electricity</strong>distributorsMoving homeIt’s very important that you tell us you’removing so you only pay for the <strong>electricity</strong>you’ve used.If you’re moving out…Make sure you don’t pay for <strong>electricity</strong>used by the new occupier – get in touchon the day you move and tell us:• <strong>Your</strong> moving date and the <strong>meter</strong>reading(s) on that date - we’ll needthese to close your account• <strong>Your</strong> forwarding address – we’ll send afinal statement to your new address.We’ll also check to see if we alreadysupply your new home - if we do we canset up your new account there.Please leave the <strong>key</strong> in the <strong>meter</strong> for thenew occupier to use – it won’t work atyour new address.If you’re moving in…Make sure you don’t pay for <strong>electricity</strong>used by the previous occupier - get intouch on the day you move and tell us:• <strong>Your</strong> name – we’ll set up a newaccount in your name• <strong>Your</strong> moving date and the <strong>meter</strong>reading(s) on that date - we’ll needthese to open your account.12

Save energy, save moneyReducing the amount of <strong>electricity</strong> youuse can save you money. For tips andideas on how you could save visitnpower.com/savingenergyGet in touchIf you have any questions about your<strong>prepayment</strong> <strong>meter</strong> you can call ourspecialist Prepayment Customer Serviceteam on 0800 073 3000 (free from mostlandlines) or 0330 100 3000 (includedin any ‘inclusive minutes’ from mobiles).We’re here to help you 8am to 8pmMonday to Friday and 8am to 6pmSaturday. If you have hearing or speechdifficulties and use a textphone, ournumber is 0800 416 016.you’re talking to us.If you experience a power loss,you’ll need to contact your local<strong>electricity</strong> distribution company.You can find their number in yourphone book under ‘<strong>electricity</strong>’,on your npower bill or statement or on:npower.com/<strong>electricity</strong>distributorsWe’ve got lots of useful informationon our website so take a look if youhave any questions – just go tonpower.com/helpandsupport. If youneed to contact us you can completean online form there too.And if you want to write to us our addressis: npower, PO Box 114, Peterlee, SR8 9DJ.When you call us we may ask you togive us information from your <strong>meter</strong>screens or payment receipt – so pleasehave a pen and paper and some recentreceipts to hand. Also try to make sureyou can see your <strong>meter</strong> screens while14

Phone calls: Calling us on a 0800 number is normally free when you call from a landline but charges may vary if you use a mobile. Calling us on a 0330number will cost you no more than 01 or 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles. If you get ‘inclusive minutes’ with your package, calls on a 0330 numberwill be part of these.npower is a registered trademark and the trading name of <strong>Npower</strong> Limited (registered in England and Wales No. 3653277) and associated companies.Registered office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 6PB.npm8199/RF13640/10.13

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