Other Procurement, BA 4 - U.S. Navy

Other Procurement, BA 4 - U.S. Navy

Other Procurement, BA 4 - U.S. Navy


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CLASSIFICATION:UNCLASSIFIEDFY 2005 President's Budget SubmissionDATE:P-40 FEBRUARY 2005APPROPRIATION/BUDGET ACTIVITY P-1 ITEM NOMENCLATURE/LINE ITEM #OTHER PROCUREMENT, NAVY/<strong>BA</strong> 7Program Element for Code B Items:BLI: 812800 Physical Security Systems (PSE)OTHER RELATED PROGRAM ELEMENTSPrior ID ToYears Code FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Complete TotalQUANTITY N/A N/A N/AEQUIPMENT COST(In Millions) 8128 76.494 178.018 238.276 216.576 206.594 173.923 236.527 222.725 N/A CONT.SPARES COST(In Millions) $0.0PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION:Narrative Justification: This program provides centrally procured equipment to improve the physical security posture of <strong>Navy</strong> installations worldwide. The program applies the Commander <strong>Navy</strong> Installations Risk-based investment strategy, ensuringappropriate Anti-terrorism and Force Protection (ATFP) solutions are fielded. The PSE program procures equipment that supports and improves 21 specific <strong>Navy</strong> capabilities to detect, defer and defeat terrorist and criminal activity targeted against <strong>Navy</strong>personnel, government property and facilities ashore/afloat. The program provides funds to procure equipment for <strong>Navy</strong> Military Construction projects, including Intrusion Detection System(s) (IDS) and other Electronic Security System(s) (ESS) beforebuilding occupancy.This line also provides funding for:Flight Line Ground Sensors: NSA Souda Bay - this equipment is an essential requirement for aircraft landings/safety issues and replaces existing equipment.Electronic Security System (ESS) for Compound Perimeter, NSA Souda Bay - this equipment will improve physical security in a high risk area and reduce dependence on high cost security guard patrols for 24/7 surveillanceof installation.Land Mobile Radio Base Infrastructure, NAVSTA Rota - equipment will provide a consolidated radio system at an installation which covers an extensive geographic area, enabling communications. Additionally, the use of thisequipment, by providing for more flexibility and improved response time.Theater Wide Badging System - provides a theater wide secure badging system to replace systems procured at each site which may be more open to fraudulent access and copying.Shipboard Protection System (SPS) - SPS delivers an integrated, shipboard, suite of systems designed to detect, identify, and engage asymmetric threats. Capabilities for Increment I include: Integrated Radar SurveillanceSystem, and Non-lethal weapons/devices. The surface surveillance system integrates EO/IR sensors, radar, and stabilized guns into a common tactical surveillance system. Non-lethal weapons provide a "barrier" to inhibit theability of waterborne threats to approach moored ships. The SPS “End State System” will provide <strong>Navy</strong> vessels with the ability, in foreign and domestic ports, to protect themselves from attacks by asymmetric threats. This abilityrequires that information necessary to seamlessly execute the detect-to-engage sequence be collected, processed, communicated, and acted upon before threats reach their objectives.Shipboard Protection System (SPS) improvement program - a family of systems to detect, classify and destroy asymmetric threats.Mobile Security Force - funding for the Mobile Security Force.Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Afloat - funding for ATFP Allowance Equipment.Body Armor Factory - funding for Light Assault Vest System.Sea Fox Remote Controlled Surface Vessel -Sea Fox has proved to be an immediately available asset to support Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) efforts in a variety of circumstances. This funding will procure up to 10vessels and associated mission packages for follow-on proof-of concept operations testing and integration with current AT/FP tests and operation.Physical security of TRIDENT II SSBNs and TRIDENT II (D5) missiles - The procurement and installation of physical security equipment to provide for the physical security of TRIDENT II SSBNs and TRIDENT II (D5) missilesand nuclear weapons at shore-based TRIDENT II facilities.SSBN Waterfront Restricted Area Security - This category provides for the security equipment required to safeguard SSBN Waterfront Restricted Areas and to escort SSBNs to and from the dive points at the Naval SubmarineBases at Kings Bay, GA and Bangor, WA. FY 2005 equipment purchases include security vehicles, underwater acoustics detection systems (sonar heads), harbor patrol boats, close quarters battle vehicles, and the Crab Islandsecurity system. FY 2006 equipment purchases include security vehicles, communications equipment (C4I), sonar heads, escort boats, CCTV system and expansion, and land/water interface barrier electronic security system(ESS) sensors (at Bangor). FY 2007 equipment purchases include dual line fence ESS, and land/water interface barrier ESS sensors (at Kings Bay).Strategic Weapons Facility Limited Area Security - This category provides for the security equipment required to guard and protect the TRIDENT II (D5) missile while the missile is in storage, being handled, or in a movementconvoy to and from the waterfront at the Strategic Weapons Facility, Atlantic (SWFLANT) in Kings Bay, GA and the Strategic Weapons Facility, Pacific (SWFPAC) in Bangor, WA. Equipment is used in support of SSP's historicalmission of securing the Limited Area and provides for the refresh of security vehicles to replace existing (aging) vehicles used in roving patrols of the Limited Area and to support TRIDENT II (D5) missile movement convoys.P-1 Shopping ListItem No. - 142 page 1 of 3

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