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Layout 2 - Manlius Pebble Hill School

Layout 2 - Manlius Pebble Hill School

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2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 1AofTRADITIONGIVINGANNUAL REPORT 2010/11Gifts from July 1, 2010- June 30, 2011

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 2Table of ContentsA Message from thePresident of the Board 2Financial Summary 3A Baxter Story... 4“Build It for Baxter” 5The <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>Endowment and Investment Fund 7Our Promise for the Future:A Campaign for<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong> 12Annual Giving Campaign 151869 Society 15Circle of Excellence 15Friends of the Head of <strong>School</strong> 16Verbeck Society 16<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> Patrons 17Red and White Club 20MPH Parents’ Association 22Matching Gifts Companies 22Gift-In-Kind Donations 23Library Club 23Tree of Life Society 24We have carefully compiled thisAnnual Report with the hope of correctlylisting all donors for the 2010-2011school year. If there is an error, weapologize and ask that you notifyKelly Rose, associate director ofdevelopment, at 315/446-2452, ext. 112.A Message from thePresident of the BoardOn behalf of the <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong><strong>School</strong> Board of Trustees, please accept mypersonal letter of gratitude to each one ofyou for supporting our <strong>School</strong>. During thispast year, my first term as President of theBoard of Trustees, I have been privileged towitness firsthand the generosity of time,talent and treasure that so many of youhave shared with our <strong>School</strong>. Your generosity continues to enable <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> to fulfill its mission. I started off my year at an independent schoolconference in Dallas, Texas with our late Head of <strong>School</strong>, Baxter Ball. We hadthe opportunity to meet and dine with “MPHers” who represented the widespectrum of who we are: from our youngest alumni just getting throughcollege to members of the Verbeck Family, who represent and promote thedeep traditions of our <strong>School</strong>. They all graciously took the time to share withme the many ways in which MPH had and continues to impact their lives.Of course, I could not have known that the trip to Dallas would be my onlyopportunity to learn about MPH, independent schools and meet and greetour fine alumni with Baxter. His untimely passing has had a profoundpersonal impact on many of us. Yet, as the MPH community worked throughthis challenging year, I have been personally encouraged and humbled towitness the overwhelming amount of support we’ve received by those whoBaxter stewarded and inspired to believe so strongly in the mission of ourfine <strong>School</strong>.As the President of the Board of Trustees, I want to assure all of you that themission of MPH, the mission Baxter and the entire MPH community hadworked so hard to build, has been carried on with strength and conviction.I want each of you who so generously supported the <strong>School</strong> last year to knowhow many MPH parents, faculty, friends, alumni, and students continue toreach out to me expressing pride in the high level of education MPHprovides and confidence in our future.Please accept my heartfelt thanks to each of you who’ve chosen to support<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Your support allows us to continue to honor ourhistory, educate young boys and girls to become contributing members ofour society and continue to deliver what I firmly believe is the finesteducation in Central New York and beyond.Jamie Sutphen

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 3MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTFinancial SummaryJuly 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011Support and RevenueNet Tuition and Fees $7,088,796 83%Annual Giving and Parents’Association Contributions $397,589 5%Community Programs $722,296NYS Mandated Services,Fees and Other Sources $152,228Student Program Income $177,201Unrestricted InvestmentIncome and Interest $283,937TOTAL $8,822,047ExpendituresInstructional $4,506,457 50%Community Programs $464,626Food and Health Services $457,421Plant Operations $623,836Transportation $148,856Employee Benefits $1,067,813General and Administrative $1,525,840Plant and EquipmentImprovements $177,630TOTAL $8,972,479| 3

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 4A TRADITION OF GIVINGA Baxter Story...I started working at MPH almostexactly 11 years ago. It was Decemberand winter break was right around thecorner. Karen Spear was touring mearound the campus and Baxter wasone of the first faces to greet me. Hislarger than life presence seemed to fillthe Knox Farmhouse.Baxter: “Well, Tina. Welcome aboardMPH. Good to have you. Itrust Karen is giving you agood tour?”Me:“Thank you Baxter. Yes, she isand I am very excited to behere.”Baxter: “Good, good. Karen, makesure you take her to the Lower<strong>School</strong> Holiday play. She needsto get the ‘ethos’ of the place.”His comment stuck with me, althoughI wasn’t sure really what he meant.Why would Baxter send me to watch aLower <strong>School</strong> play on my first day?Later that morning, as I stood withmy new colleagues listening to theentire student body belt out the lyricsto “The 12 Days of Christmas,” I gotit. All at once the intimidation aboutstarting a new job seemed to meltaway as I marveled at the MPH spiritI was witnessing and I had my “a-ha”moment… this is what Baxter meant.I smiled as I realized what Baxter haddone and how he was able to read meso well. Even though we’d only meet afew times before, he knew thatsending me to see such a spiritedperformance would have me “hookedon MPH.”Over the years, I witnessed countlessother examples of Baxter makingsimilar connections. He was a greatjudge of character whose interactionswith people came right from his heart.Whether it was boosting a student’sconfidence, giving a faculty member asounding board, or making time tochat with the countless visitors whopopped into his office, Baxter metpeople where they were, and he did soin such a heartfelt way.I still miss his daily phone calls askingif we “got any gifts in.” Receivingmonetary support for MPH delightedhim, as he saw it as a validation of hisSixth grade collage of Baxter Ballwork. I just know he’d be tickled byhow much support has poured intohis fund. He was passionate aboutcompleting The Bradley McNeil ’93Learning Commons and saw it asthe crown jewel in his MPHaccomplishments.With your continued help, we will“Build it for Baxter” and his legacywill continue to stimulate “the life ofthe mind” for generations to come.Thank you.Tina MorganDirector of Development4 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 5MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORT“Build It for Baxter”The Baxter F. Ball Memorial FundOn February 14, 2011, <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> lost its iconic Head of <strong>School</strong> Baxter F. Ball. His 21 years of dedication to MPHleft our <strong>School</strong> stronger, even though his passing has left a hole in our hearts.At the request of Baxter’s family, gifts in his memory are being used to construct The Bradley McNeil ’93 LearningCommons. This building will contain a much-needed library and was a project near and dear to Baxter’s heart.Baxter F. Ball Memorial FundAccumulated Capital: $37,105AnonymousJonathan Abdo and Amy T. AbdoLeah M. Adelson ’07Mark Adelson and Kathy AdelsonDavid Allard and Lynne E. AllardChester Amond and Lee AmondTrent Amond ’74 andJanet Amond (Day) ’78Christopher Baltus and Banna RubinowEdward Barnard ’38 andBetty Barnard ’39Donald Barter and Janet BarterRichard Barter and Patricia BarterWalden Bass and Emily BassLawrence BeckerMackenzie R. BellFrederick B. Benedict ’58ATodd Berger and Rhonda BergerEddie Bevilacqua andMargarida BevilacquaJeniffer M. BiribwamugumuDavid Broda and Marty BlakeBen Bolte and Candy BolteMia Bott ’99Donald Boudreau ’42Donald Brang and Karen S. BrangJohn Bryant and Margaret BryantDaniel BurkeDawn M. ChapmanLarry Charlamb andJayne Charlamb ’87 (Rubenstein)Mark Rupert and Margot ClarkCNY Community FoundationDavid J. ConnorRosemary CookMichael Copps and Susan CoppsRichard CuddingtonPatrick DaltonJohn Danial and Andrea DanialThe Dark Horse TavernWilliam Darrin, Jr. ’63HQ andVicky TaloniDavis Mechanical Services, Inc.Nicholas Delaware ’57HQSteve Dietz and Elizabeth DietzVincent DiMento andMary Jo DiMentoSteven Dixon and Julie DixonDonald Blair and Nancy L. DockPaul Dratch and Elaine DratchRichard Driscoll and Therese DriscollRandal Elder and Beth DinkowskiJohn Endries ’99Peter Englot and Anne EnglotJean FallisRaymond Falso and Sarah FalsoMatthew Ferro ’96 and Wendy FerroPhilip L. FerroChris O’Malley andWendy R. Flanagan ’82David Worth and Leslie W. ForbesVin Maresco and Susan FosterBruce W. Fraser ’59AJeffrey FreedmanHadwen Fuller ’66A and Corinne FullerAllison S. GarzaSean Gavigan and Ellen GaviganCourtney GimbelMichael Goldsmith ’71C andLinda GoldsmithEllen Gorra ’03Carl Greco and Pamela GrecoJames Griffin and Chary GriffinJeffrey A. Gullo ’04Stephen M. Gullo ’97Susan S. GulloWalter Habel and Jackie HabelI.H. HammermanGary Hawkins ’76 andHeather Hawkins ’76Dan Lawton and Paula Hawkins ’80Sandy Kraker and Joline HemmingerAndrew C. HerronFrank HerronStephen M. Herron ’03Jennifer L. HicksRyan Pipes and Kendall HoekstraAlexander Holstein, Jr. andCharlotte HolsteinDean Hunter and Eva HunterStephen Johnson ’62 andDiane JohnsonEdward Jordan and Laura JordanGertrude KatchmarLen Weiner and Kathy KellyGeoff Kershner and Melissa KershnerMarvin Koss and Lynn KossLauren KovarikBeth Krauss and Robert CraftIndicates Tree of Life Members| 5

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 6A TRADITION OF GIVING“Build It for Baxter”ContinuedWilliam R. LaneWilliam Laney and Luella LaneyJohn Lawyer and Susan FrenchWilliam Leahey and Susan B. LeaheyRobert Lewis ’45 andGelene Lewis (Terpening)Joe LoRe and Yvonne LoReMichael Lorenz and Mindy LorenzGail MacMillanJames Maher and Kimberly MaherJames Manning andPriscilla ManningGeorge Farenthold andLisa Marsh RyersonDevereaux McClatcheyRoderick McDonald andJana McDonaldMatthew McGinley andLinda McGinleyMark McQueeney and Shane VenturaMichael J. McSherryTimothy Meehan andDonna J. MeehanRobert Miller and Lynn MillerStephen Mintz and Maureen MintzTina and Shawn MorganMPH Parents’ AssociationDerek Norcross ’02Victor Oberting andCourtney ObertingWilliam O’Malley, Sr. andKathleen O’MalleyTimothy Orcutt and JoDean OrcuttDavid O’Reilly and Shelley O’ReillyRobert Ostrander andMajorie OstranderRachel Parks ’10Thomas Parks and Beth ParksLaura PeerMargaret H. PhillipsElizabeth C. Pietrafesa (Ellis)Nathan Podkaminer andJane PodkaminerDebbie PolatThomas Potter ’67B andMary Margaret O’DowdRalph Rakieten andJoginder RakietenWilliam Rankin, Ph.D. ’59HQ andSally RankinAlexandra Reece ’11Nathaniel Reidel ’65 andDiane Reidel ’64Jill ReillyRebecca RhodyJoseph Roach and Barbara G. RoachJeffrey RubensteinDavid Rufo and Laura SpringPaul Sack and Sarah SackMichael Salter and Linda SalterSchwab Charitable FundRobert Scott and Heather ScottEvelyn SebikMara Semel ’98Michael Sessa and Stephanie SessaPeter Shidemantle and Karen DimonFrank Signorelli and Sari SignorelliBenjamin Slutzky ’09Gary Slutzky and Amy SlutzkyRuth (Villency) Small ’60 (Villency)Dustin L. Smith ’99Stan Sobin and Debra Soloway SobinJane SolowayDirk Sonneborn andCarol SonnebornCarl Sopchak and Michelle SopchakStrategic Investment AdvisorsDonna StuccioSyracuse UniversitySandy Temes and Delia C. TemesTerpening Trucking Co., Inc.Peter Terry and Sylvie TerryRalph Torrillo, Jr. ’98 andKimily ThorntonRalph Torrillo, Sr. andJosephine TorrilloToni Torrillo ’95Town Mechanical, Inc.Anthony Tringale, CLU ’60CSusan G. Turner ’69George Urist and M.J. UristJon Verbeck and Kathy VerbeckEric Verley and Mirielle J. VerleyNolan Weidner and Karen L. WeidnerJack Wells, Jr. ’60B andClaudette WellsJay Wilcoxson andErica L. Wilcoxson ’97David Wray6 |Indicates Tree of Life Members

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 7MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTThe <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> Endowment & Investment FundMPH’s Endowment and Investment“Fund” refers to the investmentaccounts comprising the MPHInvestment Portfolio. This includesthe Restricted General EndowmentFund, the Donor-Restricted Endow -ment Fund, and the UnrestrictedGeneral Institutional Fund.The <strong>School</strong>’s Board of Trusteesoversees the investment of monies inthis fund, interest from which is usedto support needs such as scholarships,financial aid, faculty chairs, and otherimportant needs.At present, this fund is small byprivate school standards, whichsuggest a fund should be at least threetimes a school’s operating budget –for MPH that would mean $27million. It is the growth of this fundthat will protect the <strong>School</strong> in theevent of an unforeseen catastrophicevent or emergency situation. It iswhat will ensure that the <strong>School</strong>continues as a vital educationalinstitution for future generations ofstudents.Within the Donor RestrictedEndowment Fund, there arenumerous individual funds, which arelisted on the following pages inalphabetical order. Many of thesefunds were initiated in the 1970s and1980s upon the retirement or passingof former faculty members, alumni, orfriends. In some cases, we are unableto ascertain from old records the exactamount of the gifts made to establisha particular fund.A brief description of each of thenamed funds follows, along with thetotal amount of accumulated capitalin each. We have also recognized anynew donations made in the 2010-2011year. As of 2010/2011 the Board ofTrustees implemented a $50,000minimum to endow a new fund.For information about naming aDonor Restricted Endowment Fundor contributing to an existing fund,please contact Tina Morgan, directorof development, at 315/446-2452,ext. 124.Endowment and Investment Fund Growth$5,000,000$4,893,949$4,000,000$3,000,0002,500,0002,000,0001,500,0001,000,000500,000094/95 95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11| 7

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 8A TRADITION OF GIVINGGeneral Memorial FundGifts to the General Memorial Fundreside in the <strong>School</strong>’s GeneralInstitutional Fund. The Institutionalfund is used to help ensure the longtermsuccess of the <strong>School</strong> andprovides a Board-specified annualdistribution to the <strong>School</strong>’s operatingbudget, support academic programs,and fund scholarships.Gifts to this fund are a powerful wayto honor friends and loved ones andprovide lasting support to futuregenerations of <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>students.Accumulated Capital: $20,652Charles Mancabelli ’61In thankfulness and memory ofGenevieve and Robert MancabelliD. J. Ridings & Jane RidingsIn memory of Peter RidingsJoseph Stevens ’63HQ and Carole StevensIn memory of Bill Bisgrove,Dick Pierce, and Channing VerbeckThe Amos ScholarshipGiven in support of Native Americanstudents, this scholarship wasestablish with an initial gift of $50,000from John Amos ’33 in 1993, whichwas matched by <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong><strong>School</strong>.Accumulated capital: $97,061The Harold J. “Whitey”Anderson ScholarshipThis scholarship was established inthe spring of 1977 to honor Harold“Whitey” Anderson on the occasionof his retirement from <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>. The Whitey Scholarship isprovided to an Upper <strong>School</strong> athletein a team sport who reflects thequalities of a great teammate,demonstrates sportsmanship,possesses high ideals and personalcharacter and excels in his/her abilityto effect winning outcomes of theteam’s games. The recipient must alsomaintain academic standing that ischaracterized by responsible attentionto his/her school work which qualifiesthe athlete’s eligibility to participate in<strong>Manlius</strong>/<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> team sports.Accumulated capital: $39,086(does not include pledges, only paid gifts)Philip Allen ’62ATimothy Cohane ’61BHowell Estes III ’60HQEdward Foehl ’61CStewart C. Gaumer, Jr. ’64HQJohn Hyatt ’59CW. Robert Maguire ’61CPaul Morton II ’59AWilliam Rezak ’59ACharles Richards ’59AThe David Bahner FundNamed in October 1987 in memoryof David Bahner, a former musicteacher and band director at The<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>. In recognition of thisFund, an award is made at closingceremonies each June to a Middle<strong>School</strong> instrumental student.Accumulated capital: $6,967Neal Brad Solomon ’62HQJ.R. Clancy ScholarshipEstablished in the spring of 1998 witha gift from J.R. Clancy. A scholarshipis given each year to a student withexceptional promise in the area ofperforming arts.Accumulated capital: $24,257The Lt. James H. Dawley, Jr.ScholarshipCreated through a bequest from Mr.and Mrs. James Dawley in honor oftheir son, Lt. James H. Dawley, Jr. ’40,an alumnus of <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> who waskilled while serving with the naval airforces. A scholarship in his honor hasbeen presented annually since 1998 toan Upper <strong>School</strong> student who excelsin all areas of school life.Total bequest: $695,723The David EdwardsScholarshipCreated in the spring of 1977 tohonor David Edwards, former head ofthe English Department at The<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>, on the occasion ofhis retirement. Mr. Edwards passedaway in December of 1990 and Mrs.Edwards in December of 1995. Inboth their memories, a scholarship isgiven each year to an Upper <strong>School</strong>student who excels in his or her studyof English.Accumulated capital: $103,3918 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 9MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTThe FacultyDevelopment FundInitiated in 1983 with a gift from theEdward E. Ford Foundation. Thefunds provide lasting support for thecontinued education and professionaldevelopment of faculty and staff.Friends of the <strong>School</strong> matched theoriginal grant. The Edward E. FordFoundation later made another gift tothis Fund.Accumulated capital: $68,115The Flag ScholarshipOriginated in 1998 to providescholar ship assistance specifically forthe children of The <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>,<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>, or <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>alumni to attend <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>.As part of this scholarship campaign,The <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong> flagpole wasmoved to the <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>campus in 1999. Each year, a child ofan alumnus/a is presented with theFlag Scholarship.Accumulated capital: $42,538Emmett Greenleaf ’53HQ andSharon GreenleafThe Glynis George FundInitiated in October of 1980 inmemory of young Glynis GeorgeKelly, a former student at <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> who was tragically killedin a motorcycle accident. In hermemory, an award is given each yearto an Upper <strong>School</strong> student whoshows particular aptitude for creativewriting.Accumulated capital: $1,318The Goodyear-BurlingameScholarshipEstablished in May of 2001 in honorof The Goodyear-Burlingame <strong>School</strong>,a local private school which closed in1951. Alumni from this school havemade gifts to this Fund with the hopethat funds can be collected sufficientto endow a scholarship in the name ofGoodyear-Burlingame.Accumulated capital: $15,124AnonymousRichard Alberding and Marilyn AlberdingLucia Albright ’46John Bock and JoAnn Bock ’41Louise G. BristolJohn A. CirandoBeatrice Eberst ’46Peter Friedel and Jane Friedel ’47Stewart Hancock, Jr. ’40 andRuth Hancock ’40Harold Hawley and Susan Hawley ’41Richard Ledyard and Theckla LedyardRobert Lewis ’45 andGelene (Terpening) LewisNancy Mc CartyMrs. Nancy Jardine MeisterH. Murray and Letty Murray ’36Judith D. OplingerMary Ellen Ryan ’40David Sander and Amelia G. SanderVirginia Steigerwald ’42Jay Wason and Martha Wason ’46The Martha L. HeerCitizenship Fund(formerly the MPH Lower <strong>School</strong>Library Fund) This award ispresented at Commencement to theSenior who best exemplifies the“5 Cs” – cooperation, consideration,confidence, concern, and courtesy.It is presented in honor of formerLower <strong>School</strong> Head Martha Heer,who was the embodiment of the“5 Cs” and who initiated theirintegration into MPH culture.Following her passing, Mrs. Heer’sfamily and friends established thememorial fund that makes this awardpossible. Mrs. Heer devoted morethan three decades of her life to theeducation of MPH students, and it isthe <strong>School</strong>’s hope that contributionsto this fund will enable it to grow intoa fully-endowed MPH scholarship.Accumulated capital: $10,311The Major James R. JacobsScholarshipEstablished in December of 2000through a gift made by Robert J.Smutny, former faculty member ofThe <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>. A scholarship to<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong> ispresented each year in memory ofMajor James R. Jacobs, also a formerfaculty member of The <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>School</strong>.Accumulated capital: $106,146| 9

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 10A TRADITION OF GIVINGThe James Henry Knox ’34CScholarshipCreated in April of 1989 by ElizabethKnox in memory of her husband,James Henry Knox, alumnus of The<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>. A Knox Scholar isnamed each year in his honor.Accumulated capital: $11,622The David Lauffer FundEstablished in April of 1978 inmemory of young David Lauffer, aformer student at <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong><strong>Hill</strong>. An award is given each year to a<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> student whoexcels in music.Accumulated capital: $1,197The John P. Lenore ’47AScholarshipEstablished in November of 2007 byJohn Lenore, an alumnus of The<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>, in gratitude for theeducation he received at <strong>Manlius</strong>.This scholarship is awarded to ayoung man of great promise who maynot otherwise have the resources toattend <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Preference is given to a student fromthe state of West Virginia.Accumulated capital: $93,354The Lewis Memorial FundCreated in memory of Philip andAndrew Lewis, former <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> students. Two awards aregiven each year in their memory: Oneto a student excelling in the area ofcomputer science and one to astudent excelling in photography.Accumulated capital: $9,541Joseph Gold and Judith T. GoldCharles A. Lewis ’79Robert Lewis ’45 andGelene Lewis (Terpening)The Malone FamilyFoundation ScholarshipIn May of 2010, <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong><strong>School</strong> was awarded a $2 millionendowment grant by the ColoradobasedMalone Family Foundation.The grant will be used exclusively toprovide scholarships to new studentsin Grades 7 – 12 who are in the topfive percent of their class and in needof financial assistance.The first school in New York Stateever to receive a grant from theMalone Family Foundation, MPHimmediately put that funding towork, offering a scholarship to abright, talented young womanwithout the financial resources toafford an independent schooleducation. The <strong>School</strong>’s first Malonescholar joined <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>’sNinth Grade last year. Grant monieswill be invested so that Malonescholarships, which will grow innumber in succeeding years, maycontinue to be awarded in perpetuity.The Malone scholarship program inaddition to the <strong>School</strong>’s existingCrosby merit scholarship programand the more than $1 million inneed-based tuition grants MPHprovides annually.Accumulated Capital: $2,042,260The Fay McCarthy FundEstablished in October of 1980 tohonor the former barber at The<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Fay McCarthy. Ascholarship to <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> isgiven to a student who exemplifiesthe ideals of <strong>Manlius</strong>.Accumulated capital: $13,196The Porter Family FundEstablished in March of 1989 byWilliam and Carol Porter.Accumulated capital: $6,342The Rugh/LawrenceClassics Chair FundEstablished in December of 2002 inhonor of Torrance Rugh, formerfaculty member and coach at<strong>Manlius</strong>, and Jim Lawrence, formerfaculty member and chair of theWorld Languages Department.Interest from this fund supplementssalary and professional developmentopportunities for a teacher of Latinto ensure that Latin is taught inperpetuity at this <strong>School</strong>.Accumulated capital: $102,959Robert Gallo and Janice GalloIn memory of Lotte RughPaul Gandel and Kandice SalomoneIn memory of Lotte RughAndrew Graham and Ann GrahamIn memory of Torrance and Lotte RughJoseph Stevens ’63HQ and Carole Stevens10 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 11MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTThe Leibert D. SedgwickScholarshipEstablished in June, 2003 followingthe passing of Leibert D. Sedgwick,former headmaster and facultymember from both The <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>School</strong> and <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong><strong>School</strong>. Gifts made in his memory areadded to this fund, the interest fromwhich will be used to providescholarship assistance to a qualifiedstudent each year. Past donors hopethat sufficient funds can be collectedto fully endow a scholarship inCaptain Sedgwick’s name.Accumulated capital: $10,446The Bernard ShawHistory FundCreated in June of 1995 in memory ofBernard Shaw, former head of theHistory Department at The <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>School</strong> and at <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>.The Bernard Shaw Honors in HistoryAward is given to an Upper <strong>School</strong>student each year as the department’stop award for academic excellence inHistory.Accumulated capital: $81,852Neal Brad Solomon ’62HQThe James W. SongsterScholarshipEstablished in the spring of 1990 inhonor of former Headmaster JamesW. Songster as he left the <strong>School</strong>. Eachyear, an award is given in honor ofMr. Songster to a graduating Seniorwho has best met his or her potentialboth in academic and extracurricularareas.Accumulated capital: $6,289J. Allan PryorThe Verbeck ScholarshipInitiated in January of 1997 followingthe death of Samuel S. Verbeck, aformer teacher at The <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>School</strong>. Each year, the VerbeckScholarship is given in honor of themany contributions made by theentire Verbeck family over the life ofboth The <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>School</strong> and<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>.In July 2009, the estate of Guido F.Verbeck, Jr. ’32E made a $100,000 giftto this fund.Accumulated capital: $149,095Harold Bishop, Jr. ’46C andCarolyn BishopHowell Estes III ’60HQ and Jordana EstesAnthony Tringale, CLU ’60CGuido F. VerbeckJane A. VerbeckThe Voorhees FundEstablished through a bequest madeto <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong> in theearly 70s.Accumulated capital: $34,305| 11

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 12A TRADITION OF GIVINGPledges to Our Promise to the Future:A Campaign for <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong>MPH’s current capital campaign has a goal of raising $6 million. As of June 30, 2011, over $4 million in pledges has beenraised, making this the most successful capital campaign in the <strong>School</strong>’s history. To date, the Laurie Mezzalingua ’86 Centerfor Early Learning was constructed, $2 million will help fund the construction of The Bradley McNeil ’83 Learning Commons,and an additional $2 million will be added to the <strong>School</strong>’s endowment.Listed below are the generous friends of the <strong>School</strong> who have made a gift or pledge to the Campaign. If you would like to lendyour support to this effort, please contact Tina Morgan, director of development at 315/446-2452 ext. 124.Gifts of $250,000 or moreJohn Lenore ’47A and Dorothy LenoreEdward W. McNeilDaniel Mezzalingua ’56C andKathy MezzalinguaRobert J. SmutnyGifts of $100,000 or moreCommunity Foundation forSoutheastern MichiganPatrick J. Danial ’98Walter KeatingPaul Sack and Sarah SackEstate of Guido Verbeck, Jr. ’32E andCarolyn VerbeckStephen Wynn ’59HQGifts of $50,000-$99,999William Allyn and Penny AllynWilliam BisgroveCNY Community FoundationRichard Doust ’61 and Joan DoustMichael Falcone and Noreen FalconeThe Edward E. Ford FoundationHadwen Fuller ’66A and Corinne FullerWilliam Futera and Cheryl FuteraRobert Goldman and Karen GoldmanBaird Hansen ’71 and Muffy HansenTom Kniesner and Debbie FreundElizabeth L. KnoxPeter Kuniholm and Eleanor KuniholmPeter Manolakos and Susan ManolakosShawn Marshall ’92 andKatherine MarshallJohn Ramsey ’59A and Jo-Anne SheldonThomas Rhoades ’59A and Trudy RhoadesElaine RubensteinJoseph Scuderi and Julie ScuderiSyd Silverman ’50C and Joan SilvermanJames Stoneman ’44B and Thea StonemanRichard Zerveck USAF ’37B andElaine ZerveckGifts of $25,000-$49,999Roland Anderson, Jr. ’66B andTacie AndersonCurt Andersson and Susan AnderssonLydia ArnoldBaxter F. BallGifts to the Baxter F. Ball Memorial FundFrederick B. Benedict ’58ASteven Brechin and Nancy CantorJames Bright and Cynthia BrightPeter Carmen and Mary Beth CarmenLeslie Deming ’46A and Marsha DemingDonald Blair and Nancy L. DockThomas Gunerman and Penny GunermanDan Bingham and Gail HamnerDaniel Jonas and Alexandra EpsilantyMerrill Lynch Matching GiftsRobert Miller and Lynn F. MillerThe Miller Family FoundationSinan Mimaroglu and Debra MimarogluPaul Morton II ’59A and Sandy MortonEric Mower and Judith C. MowerRadhika Reddy and Narayana P. ReddySchwab Charitable FundJames Shake and Elizabeth ShakeJon M. Statler ’68AKyle Storie and Cheryl StorieTerry L. TurnipseedGeorge Urist and M.J. UristLawrence Van Der Bogart andWendy Van Der Bogart ’74Gifts of $10,000-$24,999AnonymousMark Adelson and Kathy AdelsonScott Allyn and Laura AllynRussell Andrews ’64 and Linda HenleyChester Amond and Lee AmondCharles Beach and Beth BeachEugene J. ChappellCharitable Gift FundLarry Charlamb andJayne (Rubenstein) Charlamb ’87Community Foundation ofCollier CountyDouglas Craig ’89 and Amanda CraigJohn Danial and Andrea DanialGeorge Dundon and Mimi DundonHowell Estes ’60HQ and Jordana EstesStuart Grossman ’56 and Marty SorensenJohn Hancock ’31 and Frances HancockJennifer L. Hicks12 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 13MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTStuart Hirsch ’63B and Ellen HirschAlexander Holstein andCharlotte HolsteinPaul KardjianCheryl KardjianJim Lutton and Barbara LuttonLance McKee and Susan McKeeClaire A. Myers-Usiatynski ’72Richard Nowak ’60B and Marie NowakSt. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchPfizer Foundation MatchingGifts ProgramWilliam Preston and Patricia PrestonPaul Shanahan, Esq. ’76 andCheryl ShanahanJason Sherr andDonna M. (Blount) Sherr ’89Carter Strickland and Nan H. StricklandJohn Sutphen ’74 and Jamie SutphenRobert Theis ’67B and Sarah TheisWilliam Uyeda and Marcia BurkeyGuido F. Verbeck IIIJon Verbeck and Kathy VerbeckJack Wells, Jr. ’60B and Claudette WellsJoshua Wells ’89 and Allison WellsHoward Williams and Linda MorrisGifts of $9,999 and BelowLarry Adams ’59ASharon Adderley-Jones and Dennis JonesDavid Allard and Lynne E. AllardPhilip Allen ’62AKwame Amankwah andAllison WadsworthRaymond Appleby andElizabeth W. ApplebyGale ArnoldRichard Beckwith ’50B and Sally BeckwithCharles Beeler ’54 and Joan BeelerBentley & Hoke, LLCDonald Berger and Heidi BergerCherie BisnettPeter Blanck and Wendy BlanckBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLCThomas Brandon ’66B andPamela BrandonDonald Brang and Karen S. BrangBurrows Little Falls FoundationRalph Burrows and Marcia BurrowsChristopher Cadin and Albertine CadinTyler S. Cagwin ’98Martha D. CameronGary Carpenter and Carla CarpenterRobert Connell and Janice CarrAndrew Church and Regina ChurchMargot Clark and Mark RupertCharles Clarkson and Sharon ClarksonClass of 2008Timothy Cohane ’61BJoseph Colombo and Therese ColomboMichael Copps and Susan CoppsSonia CruzEdward Curtis and Kathleen CurtisThomas Denton ’65 and Jan DentonLouis Dettor andChristine (Woodcock) Dettor ’88Bruce Dew and Lynn K. DewVincent DiMento and Mary Jo DiMentoChristopher Dooher andSilviana Medina-DooherJesse Dowdell andBarbara Fanning-DowdellRichard Driscoll and Therese DriscollSherry EcksteinEdward Foehl ’61CJames Ford and Sara (Regan) Ford ’89Susan Foster and Vin MarescoJamie Frank and Tracy FrankAndy Gallery and Nancy GalleryKeith Gatling and Cheryl GatlingAllison Garza and Anthony GarzaStewart C. Gaumer, Jr. ’64HQ andCarolyn GaumerAngela Glickstein and Barry GlicksteinMark Godleski and Kasha M. GodleskiWilliam Goff ’59B and Catherine GoffEdward Green and Joan GreenNancy Green and Anthony MarschallChad Gregory and Annmarie GregoryGary Grossman and Bonnie GrossmanSusan S. GulloT.J. Gunerman ’05Tom Hadlick and Laurie HadlickBob Hampton and Jan HamptonHancock & Estabrook, LLPBill Harmand and Kathy HarmandCharles Heer, Jr. ’64 and Sylvia HeerJoline Hemminger and Sandy KrakerChris Hempel and Kristin HempelJohn Hogan and Amy HoganBrian and Patricia HokePhil Holstein and Alyse L. HolsteinDavid Holstein and Jeanne HolsteinAndy Howard andHeather (Sinn) Howard ’89The Hussman FoundationJohn Hyatt ’59C and Nancy HyattRonald Jackson and Maria JacksonAndrey JacksonJin Woo Jang and Seunghee ChungThe Jewish Community FoundationStephen Johnson ’62 and Diane JohnsonEdward Jordan and Laura JordanGeoff Kershner and Melissa KershnerDonna Kiddney and Harry KiddneyNoël King ’71 and Manon KingWilliam Koss ’61CAlexander Koziara and Michele KoziaraGary J. Lavine and Madaline S. KudischJames C. LawrenceJeffrey Layhew and Vicki LayhewWilliam Leahey and Susan B. LeaheyAlexandre Leclerq and Christina LimpertBrian Lee and Warin LeeDavid Lester and Kathryn LesterRobert Lewis ’45 andGelene (Terpening) LewisJonathan Lichtman ’70 andBetsy LichtmanAlex Leclerq and Christina LimpertJames Loedel and Susan LoedelNathan LutzAlisa S. (deRosa) Magidoff ’89W. Robert Maguire ’61CAndre Martineau and Suzette MelendezMatthew McGinley and Linda McGinleyJames McGinty and Noxolo SephumaLuke McKenney ’80 and Penny McKenneyTimothy Meehan and Donna J. MeehanJohn Miller and Ellen MillerAhmet Mimaroglu andHayriye MimarogluStephen Mintz and Maureen MintzFred Montas and Kristen Montas GravesDavid L. Montgomery andDeana MontgomeryStephen Montgomery andMelissa Montgomery| 13

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 14A TRADITION OF GIVINGHenry Moran, Jr. ’59HQ and Holly MoranShawn Morgan and Tina MorganLiza T. MorrisonRichard Moseson andChristianne MosesonWalter Neuhauser and Donna NeuhauserDave Neuner and Jenn NeunerNew York Life FoundationNorthwestern Mutual LifeJoseph O’Brien and Mary Kate O’BrienCahmlo Olive and Lyndsey WeinerWilliam O’Malley and Deborah O’MalleyDavid O’Reilly and Shelly O’ReillyRobert Ostrander and Majorie OstranderIn memory of Mrs. Nancy ParkerJim Perry and Paula PerryWilliam Porter and Carol PorterWilliam Preston and Nancy R. PrestonWilliam Preston and Patricia PrestonThomas Pritchard and Killeen PritchardEarl Redding andMarna (Suarez) Redding ’96Craig Regan and Kathleen R. ReganNat Reidel ’65 andDee Burlingame Reidel ’64William Rezak ’59ARebecca Rhody and Joe RhodyCharles Richards ’59A and Carol RichardsDonald Ridall and Loraine RidallJoseph Roach and Barbara G. RoachHannah Roth ’89 and Kathleen EarlyDavid Rufo and Laura SpringMichael Salter and Linda SalterJoshua B. Saltman ’00Virginia SatterfieldScott Taylor and Carolyn SawinHarold W. Schwartz ’62HQ andLinda SchwartzMark Stanbro and Beth ScottDavid Slocum ’48HQ and Ruth SlocumGary Slutzky and Amy SlutzkyRuth (Villency) Small ’60David Smith and Sherilyn SmithJames Sonneborn andMarcene S. SonnebornMatt Spear and Karen SpearRobert SpearingPam SteeleBob Stewart and Pamela StewartCarol StoneJohn Sullivan ’59HQ andAnne Tyler-SullivanDavid Temes ’97 and Sara Temes ’96Sandy Temes and Delia C. TemesPeter Terry and Sylvie TerryTime Inc. Time to Give Back CampaignRalph Torrillo, Jr. ’98 and Kimily TorrilloRonald Turner andCynthia L. (Hawkins) Turner ’78Forbes S. Tuttle ’42 and Sally TuttleJohn S. TuttleAnne E. UnisEric Verley and Mirielle J. VerleyMatt VuralElizabeth VuralJay Wason ’74 andSara (Deming) Wason ’74Nolan Weidner and Karen L. WeidnerLen Weiner and Kathy KellyJon Wells and Elizabeth (Craig) Wells ’93Grace E. WentworthCraig Westfall and Beryl L. WestfallStephen Wheeler and Jane MetcalfDerek Wolfanger and Carolyn WolfangerEd Woodworth and Chris WoodworthDavid Worth and Leslie W. ForbesPeter WozniakJoseph Zirkman and Carolyn Frani**As endowment is an importantcomponent of this capital campaign, thislisting includes gifts to named funds thatreside in Donor Restricted EndowmentFunds during the campaign timeframe (i.e.The Whitey Anderson Scholarship,Goodyear Burlingame Scholarship, etc.)14 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 15MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTAnnual GivingCampaignDonorsMPH Gift Clubs1869 SocietyGifts of $5,000 or moreAnonymousMark Adelson and Kathy AdelsonCurt Andersson and Susan AnderssonPatrick J. Danial ’98Daniel Jonas and Alexandra EpsilantyEdwin Kelley and Susan KelleyKyle Storie and Cheryl Storie1869 Society$5,000 or greaterCircle of Excellence$2,000-$4,999Friends of theHead of <strong>School</strong>$1,000-$1,999Verbeck Society$500-$999<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> Patrons$100-$499Red and White ClubUnder $100Circle of ExcellenceGifts of $2,000 - $4,999Scott Allyn and Laura AllynChet Amond and Lee AmondCharles Amos ’64Edward Amos ’79Richard Bruno, Jr. and Lisa BrunoPeter Carmen and Mary Beth CarmenCentral New YorkCommunity FoundationCharitable Gift FundLarry Charlamb andJayne (Rubenstein) Charlamb ’87Joseph Darling and Maureen DarlingCristina Danial ’01Donald Blair and Nancy L. DockMichael Falcone and Noreen FalconeHadwen Fuller ’66A and Corinne FullerWilliam Futera and Cheryl FuteraFritz Gentile and Laurie GentileRobert Goldman and Karen GoldmanDan Bingham and Gail HamnerBob Hampton and Jan HamptonBaird Hansen ’71 and Muffy HansenJennifer HicksNoël King ’71 and Manon KingDennis Lerner and Mary LernerPeter Manolakos and Susan ManolakosAndre Martineau and Suzette MelendezEdward W. McNeilRobert Miller and Lynn MillerDonald Oliver and Leslie OliverMark Paciorek and Dawn PaciorekWilliam Preston and Patricia PrestonNathaniel Reidel ’65 andDiane Reidel ’64Elaine RubensteinJames Stoneman ’44B andThea StonemanJohn Sutphen ’74 and Jamie SutphenRichard Sykes and Christine SykesRobert Theis ’67B andSally TheisGeorge Urist and M.J. UristJack Wells, Jr. ’60B and Claudette WellsJoshua Wells ’89 and Allison WellsStephen Wheeler and Jane MetcalfBrahim M. ZogbyIndicates Tree of Life Members| 15

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 16A TRADITION OF GIVINGFriends of theHead of <strong>School</strong>Gifts of $1,000 - $1,999Verbeck SocietyGifts of $500 - $999AnonymousNeal Allen ’51A and Joan AllenBank of America Matching GiftsCharles Beach and Beth BeachPeter Blanck and Wendy BlanckSamuel Craig andNancy E. Craig (Owen)William Darrin, Jr. ’63HQ andVicky TaloniBud Day and Lou DayLino DiCuolloGloria Hooper-RasberryRandy Irwin ’94Christine H. Jenkins ’02Stephen Johnson ’62 andDiane JohnsonBenjamin Kram ’95Kreitzberg Family FoundationFred Freitzberg ’53C andBarbara KreitzbergCharles Krylo and Inta KryloDouglas Linquest and Lisa LinquestAnthony Malavenda andMartine BuratJohn Marsellus ’56 andCandance Marsellus ’57Walter Melnikow andLauren A. MelnikowSinan Mimaroglu andDebra MimarogluSusan MitchellLink Mossop ’52CLloyd Osgood ’67 andSusan OsgoodWilliam Preston andPatricia PrestonJoseph Romano and Lynne RomanoBeverly RoyEric Kingson and Nancy SmithStrategic Investment AdvisorsNan Strickland andCarter StricklandUnited Way of CNYJon Verbeck and Kathy VerbeckAnonymousFadi Abdallah and Vincenzina RacanaDavid Barclay and Alexandra BarclayFrederick B. Benedict ’58AJames Bright and Cynthia BrightDoug CahillJoyce G. CarmenJ. Georg Cerf ’59B and Joanna Cerf ’59Andrew Church and Regina L. ChurchThe Clarkson FamilyCommunity Health Charities of NY, IncAndrew Craig ’50C and Virginia CraigRichard Doust ’61 and Joan DoustDonald Drury ’58B and Doris DruryEmmett Greenleaf USA ’53HQ andSharon GreenleafRobert D. Harrington, Jr. ’51CDonaldo C. Hart, Ph.D. ’61HQRoger A. Hilfiker ’53AAlex Holstein and Chuckie HolsteinThe Jewish Community FoundationJR Clancy, Inc.Juan Kassab and Dorothy KassabDaniel C. Klemperer ’02Tom Kniesner and Debbie FreundThomas LaVoy and Maureen LaVoyDonna LynchGeorge Farenthold andLisa Marsh RyersonJohn Mezzalingua ’85 andKim MezzalinguaNorman Mordue JSC ’61A andChristina MordueRobert Ostrander andMajorie OstranderJohn Paradis and Mary ParadisCarl Peterson ’99Pablo Pick ’61C and Karol PickThomas Potter ’67B andMary Margaret O’DowdRobert H. Pratt ’67HQWilliam Rankin, Ph.D. ’59HQ andSally RankinSchwab Charitable FundHarold Schwartz ’62HQ andLinda SchwartzDuncan S. Somerville ’60CTamas Szombathy andZsuzsa Szombathyne MeszarosRalph Stevens and JoAnne StevensPeter Terry and Sylvie TerryA.J. Torelli ’65 and Cindy TorelliI. Michael Vella and Colleen M. VellaAndrew Von Deak andCandace Von DeakLen Weiner and Kathy KellyBarry Wishengrad andSharon Wishengrad16 |Indicates Tree of Life Members

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 17MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORT<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> PatronsGifts of $100 - $499AnonymousDavid Abrams and Kimberley AbramsWilliam Albee ’60ALee Albring and Susan AlbringFrancis Alessi ’59C and Pamela AlessiDavid Allard and Lynne E. AllardKwame Amankwah andAllison WadsworthTrent Amond ’74 andJanet (Day) Amond ’78Otto Anderson ’75 and Jamie AndersonMarilyn A. AntosPeter Ault ’48B and Eloise AultBruce Badger ’53A and Barbara BadgerDonald Baker and Marjorie BakerBaxter BallAntonio Barrera and Pilar BarreraRichard Barter and Patricia BarterKeith Batman and Barbara PostRalph S. Battles, Jr. ’68AMarc Beckman and Karen BeckmanRonnie BernazzaniThomas Bersani and Joan ChristyRobert Bisha and Jean BishaDavid Blanford and Margaret BlanfordErnest Bockli ’48C and Marge BockliJack Branin, Sr. ’54 and R. BraninCol. John Brooks USA ’39C andIngeborg BrooksNicholas Brust and Caroline BrustWojtek Bulatowicz and Michele TarnowRichard J. Bundy, Jr. ’60BStephen Burchesky ’66C andBonnie BurcheskyWalter BurkardLevone Burris and Jennifer BurrisLawrance Burroughs ’61HQ andHelen BurroughsMartin Byrnes and Kathleen ByrnesPatrick Calvey ’46C and Rita CalveyMartha D. CameronGary Carpenter and Carla CarpenterEugene Carver ’46B and Pat CarverRobert F. CasciolaCharles M. Cauper ’67CThomas Cerio and Julie CerioMelissa ChessherMark Rupert and Margot ClarkGeorge H. Clune II ’43CEric R. Cohane, Jr. ’61HQRobert Colley and Katryn HansenJoseph Colombo and Therese ColomboJames Conrad ’50B and Joanne ConradAngus Cook and Sondra JonesJohn Crandell ’72 and Linda CrandellDonald E. Cross ’67HQ and Heidi CrossMeghan CroughEdward Curtis, Jr. and Claire CurtisRobert Daino and Vanlinh NguyenRobert Davies ’43 andJanice Davies (Hudson)Melissa Davis ’80Leslie Deming ’46A and Marsha DemingThomas Denton ’65 and Jan DentonGerald De-Souza and Desalyn De-SouzaM. Walter Dietzer ’50 and Lee DietzerMichael Dorey andPatricia Dorey ’83 (King)Richard Dower ’62HQ and Lenna DowerJohn W. Draper ’66BJohn Driscoll and JoAnne DriscollPhilip DriscollRichard Driscoll and Therese DriscollRandal Elder and Beth DinkowskiRichard M. Englander ’53CPeter Englot and Anne EnglotAntonio Eppolito and Nancy EppolitoBradley Erbes ’69HQ and Tami ErbesHarold Erichs ’54C and Valerie ErichsDonald Evans and Marcia EvansDavid M. Fairchild, Ed.D. ’43HQRalph Faxon ’54HQ and Laura FaxonCharles Feiszli and Susan FeiszliStewart Finkler ’49HQ andMarian FinklerJill Flack and Robert FlackPhyllys FlemingKnowlton Foote, Ph.D. ’56HQ andConstance FooteJames Ford and Sara Ford ’89 (Regan)Vin Maresco and Susan FosterJamie Frank and Tracy FrankStephen Frazzini and Sheila HuddlestonA. Bruce French ’58HQ andNancy FrenchMichael H. FrithMonica Fruscello ’02Nicholas Fruscello and Joan FruscelloZuozhe Zhang and Wei GaoBradford Garrity ’66C and Laurel GarrityGE Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramJohn A. Gibson ’69Michael Goldsmith ’71C andLinda GoldsmithRichard L. GoyerCarl Greco and Pamela GrecoSteve Greenstein and Ann ElliottJoseph Gregory and Constance GregoryPhilip Gross and Laurie GrossGary Grossman and Bonnie GrossmanBernie Guinto and Brenda GuintoT.J. Gunerman ’05David F. Gwynn ’60AH. Robert Hamel ’36 &Margaret L. HamelStewart Hancock andRuth Hancock ’40 (Pass)Christopher Harris and Dianne HarrisJohn Hastings, Jr. ’40 andMargaret HastingsKatherine C. Hastings ’78Mark V. Hayes ’02Katherine C. Hedges ’97Sandy Kraker and Joline HemmingerChris Hempel and Kristin HempelIndicates Tree of Life Members| 17

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 18A TRADITION OF GIVING<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> PatronsGifts of $100 - $499 (continued)Arthur Henahan ’45A andRuth HenahanFrank HerronGeorge Hildebrandt andGal HildebrandtGary Hofstetter ’72Benjamin Holstein ’96 andAmy HolsteinRichard Holtby ’69HQ andHelen HoltbyJohn Howard ’53HQ and Ann HowardJames Hunter and Rene HunterNancy Hunterton ’65 (Sargent)Ted Irving ’03Jon Ives USN ’55C and Ann IvesRoberto Izquierdo andRoseann IzquierdoJesse Jacobs and Nikki BucktoothDonald Jahn ’61HQRussell A. Jahn ’59AConrad Janke and Helen JankeStuart Jaquay ’51HQ and Susan JaquayOtis Jennings and Deborah RealeM. Christopher Johnson ’99 andKatharine Johnson ’94 (Flocken)Paul Johnson ’61AJohn B. Joiner ’57Leon Jonas and Millie JonasEdward Jordan and Laura JordanKarl Kabza and Marlene C. KabzaRobert Kellman andJessie Kellman (Shayevitz)Harrison Kimbrell ’51A andJoyce KimbrellBernard T. KingDavid Kovarik and Heidi KovarikAlexander Koziara andMichele F. KoziaraWilliam Laney and Luella LaneyWilliam Leahey and Susan B. LeaheyDaniel Lear ’64 and Rebecca BloomAlfred Lee ’51CWilliam Leffingwell ’45C andJoan LeffingwellJohn Leggat, Jr. andShannon Magari LeggetBryan LendyRobert Lewis ’45 andGelene Lewis (Terpening)Scott Loeb ’96James Loedel and Susan M. LoedelGordon Lucey and Suzanne LuceyEric LuftJames Luke and Mary Jane LukeNeil Mariados and Anita MariadosGeorge Farenthold andLisa Marsh RyersonRichard Mason and Grace MasonRichard Matson ’58AMark McDade ’67B andMichele Ann McDadeArthur McDonald and Barbara BeckosJames McKechnie ’63 andNike McKechnieMark McQueeney and Shane VenturaMark Meisner and Ann SutherlandStephen Meyer and Susan MeyerDewey MeyersJared K. Miller ’00Patricia Miller and Wanda FremontRobert Miller ’53A and Sue MillerStephen Mintz and Maureen MintzDavid Mitchell and Beth MitchellFred Montas and Josette MontasStephen Montgomery andMelissa MontgomeryYoung Moon and H. Kim MoonMichael Moran ’66HQ and Gale MoranRichard Moran ’65HQ andMargaret MoranShawn Morgan and Tina MorganLiza T. MorrisonPhilip Morse, Ph.D. ’62 and Amy MorseOmar Muakkassa ’02Robert Munger and Sara GuntrumMark Murphy and Maureen MurphyRichard Myers and Janet MyersEdward Nathan ’61HQ andSandi NathanThomas R. NemecekDave Neuner and Jenn NeunerJohn Nicholson and Joan NicholsonAllison Nieves ’88 (Cunningham)Jeff Nilles and Jill NillesElwood Obrig ’59C andBernadette ChantayanJae OhWilliam O’Malley andDeborah O’MalleyLarry Palmer andSusan Palmer ’73 (Szasz)Fabian PalominoRobert B. Pierson ’50BCarol RansomJack Reale, Sr. and Jeanette RealeEarl Redding andMarna Redding ’96 (Suarez)Jeffrey Barnes andJennifer L. Reece-BarnesHenry Reed and Brenda ReedSteve Reiter and Annegret SchubertWilliam Rezak ’59A and Paula RezakThomas Rhoades ’59A andTrudy RhoadesLance Richardson and Jean FaheyAndrew J. Robinson ’94Robert Robinson and Carol RobinsonStephen Robinson ’54A andDianne RobinsonJoseph P. Rogers, Jr. ’53CMark Romano and Lisa RomanoKent Rosemont and Marjorie RosemontLawrence Rowland andMargot H. Rowland ’66 (Hunter)John W. Sager18 | Indicates Tree of Life Members

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 19MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORT<strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> PatronsGifts of $100 - $499 (continued)Robert Salisbury and Toni SalisburyMichael Salter and Linda SalterGary Samson ’62B andM. Susanne SamsonA. Christopher Sandstrom andMarianne SandstromDonald Schaper andGuenhaele SchaperGeorge Scholderer ’61HQ andSally ScholdererJonathan Schonsheck and Janet CoyWilliam Schu and Deborah SchuDwayne Schuster andMaureen Schuster ’90 (Songster)Dustin Sellon ’91 and Sarah SellonMara Semel ’98Vincent Sgambati and Jack StevensJohn SheppardJason Sherr andDonna M. Sherr ’89 (Blount)Theodore N. Shiro ’47APearl SianoMichael Silipo ’64A and Jody SilipoSyd Silverman ’50C and Joan HoffmanRobert Simonton ’50 andTanya Lou SimontonCarver Sinn ’91John Sleeth ’60HQ and Nancy SleethGary Slutzky and Amy SlutzkyJames D. SmallJohn Somerville ’62C andKaren SomervilleJack Songster ’80 and Cheryl SongsterJanice SongsterDavid Sonnenfeld andKathleen McGrathCarl Sopchak and Michelle SopchakEric Spina and Karen SpinaWalter “Rick” Spofford ’57HQ andKaye SpoffordRobert Spring and Betty Jo SpringHarry Stathe ’46C and Bea StatheJon M. Statler ’68ABethany M. Stewart ’99Courtney L. Stewart ’05Robert Stewart and Pamela J. StewartWilliam Stone ’55 and Kay StoneMichael Stoogenke and Darcy SachsJoy StricklandSandy Temes and Delia C. TemesSamuel Temes ’03David Temes andSara Temes ’96 (Lewis)Philip Thoin, Jr. ’54A and Geri ThoinMatthew Thomas ’01Dorothy ThompsonWalter Thompson and Judy ThompsonPhillip Thorpe ’54B and Linda ThorpeRalph Torrillo, Jr. ’98 andKimily ThorntonJennifer Tuozzolo ’97Lawrence Van Der Bogart andWendy Van Der Bogart ’74(M. Harwood)Michael Varrasse and Shernaz HurlongPeter Verheyen and Hope KuniholmSteven Von Deak ’01 andTiffany Babiarz ’01Kirby Vosburgh, Ph.D. ’61 andKaye VosburghBarbara VuralSarah Wagner ’78 and Steven PagliaWayne Wagner ’56A and Linda WagnerDaniel Walsh and Sherie ViencekGregory Walsh and Jill WalshRichard WaltersTodd P. WatsonNicki Weeden ’69Steven Wells ’81 and Pamela WellsAlvin White and Maud WhiteJohn White and Martha WhiteSophie I. WitkowskiSteven L. Wojslaw ’98Mark Wood ’82Jeff Woodward and Lori OttHilary F. Yeager ’95Seth F. Yeager ’98Robert Young ’64CIndicates Tree of Life Members| 19

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 20A TRADITION OF GIVINGRed and White ClubGifts under $100AnonymousJonathan Abdo and Amy T. AbdoAasil Ahmad ’96Stephen Alven ’52 and Susan AlvenCharles Andrews and Betty AndrewsDaniel Annan and Agnes AnnanReginald Ballantyne ’41HQ andConnie BallantyneCarmine Baratta ’53CRobert S. Barton ’59HQJohn Bayle ’67B and Marcia BayleGary Beach ’74 and Kathy BeachAlexander J. Bearman ’98John M. Beckerman ’64Bruce Beh ’38A and Patricia BehWilliam BellGeoff Bender and Jennifer GrossTodd Berger and Rhonda BergerBob Berwick and Susan KelseyEddie Bevilacqua andMargarida BevilacquaChristine C. BianchiThomas Bierut and Judith BierutPenelope Black ’60 (Peterson)Austin Blair ’03Thomas Brandon ’66B andPamela BrandonKem Branin ’56 and Maggie BraninEarle Bretz, Jr. ’49CThomas Brockelman and Susan MayJohn Bryant and Margaret BryantTimothy Burback ’68B andPaula BurbackMary Burghardt ’78 (Humbert)Elisabeth BurtonChristopher Cadin and Albertine CadinEdward Carson, Jr. ’62B andGail CarsonDon Castle ’57HQ and Nancy CastleJoseph Cathers and Fay CathersJohn Covino JD ’61BNicholas A. Crounse ’97Kathryn Dearborn ’96 (Clark)Annie DeRegisSteven Dixon and Julie DixonMichael Donlin and Nicole DonlinRobert Douglass ’62B andLorraine DouglassHarold Dowell ’47HQ andRoberta DowellGary Engelhardt and Stephanie BartlingE. Estabrook ’62C andBarbara EstabrookConstance EvelynDavid Feindel andLynn Feindel ’72 (Townsend)Timothy Fish and Brigitte FishTyrone Fisher andSally Fisher ’97 (Torrillo)Sharam Fouladgar-Mercer ’00Walley Francis and Lauri FrancisBruce W. Fraser ’59ABen FrazziniKendrick andSarah FrazziniKendrickAlex Friedman ’08Sean Gavigan and Ellen GaviganMarjorie GavinJack Gelfand and Linda SproehnleHarold Gibbs and K. Elizabeth GibbsLester Goldberg ’44A andJoyce GoldbergGoogle Matching Gifts ProgramScott Griffin and Marianne GriffinChristopher Griffith ’69CWayne Grove and Suzanne MettlerJon Haacke ’64 and Mary HaackeElizabeth HackleyJennifer Hall ’96Andrew Halliday andSarah A. Halliday ’88 (Warburton)John R. Hamel, Jr. ’57Elizabeth B. Hamilton (Ball)Michael Hansen and Mary HansenSuzi Harriff (Bahner)Robert Hart ’51B and Betty-Jean HartDwight Hasselberger ’61David Hinshaw andMindy Epstein-HinshawJohn Hollister ’60Gregory Holstein ’03uGary Huested ’63B andTami HuestedWilliam L. HuffmanDavid Hummel and Cindy HummelDean Hunter and Eva HunterKathleen IsgarKenneth Jasper ’70 and Patty JasperLucius Johnson, Jr. ’42A andFrances PiersonChristina Jureller ’97Jack Kabza ’99Richard Kallet ’46B and Jean KalletPatrick Kinane and Pamela KinaneJeffrey King ’61B and Peggy KingJack Kokoletsos ’51BPeter Kozik and Carol Anne KozikBeth Krauss and Robert CraftPaul E. Landrigan ’60ADwight Lansing and Christine LansingJohn Lawyer and Susan FrenchJeffrey Layhew and Vicki LayhewJane R. Leichter ’70Victoria A. Lillich ’75Leland K. Little ’44HQRobert Lukow and Christine AllenNathan LutzWilliam Manchester ’48 andCarol ManchesterJonathan Mangram ’10John Manly and Julia Demse-ManlyMarketAmericaJohn Martin and Janis MartinDavid McCabe and Katherine LuceyTasseli McKay ’9620 | Indicates Tree of Life Members

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 21MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTRed and White ClubGifts under $100Augustus G. MeansEric Meier and Jennifer MeierStephen Meyer and Eileen StrempelJohn Miles ’61CHoward Miller ’63B and Dorothy MillerRichard Moseson andChristianne MosesonNaji Muakkassa ’07David Murphy ’68 andKathleen MurphyDavid Murphy ’51AKatherine Murray ’08Tom Neave and Mandi NeaveCahmlo Olive and Lyndsey WeinerT. R. Olney ’50CWilliam O’Malley, Sr. andKathleen O’MalleyThomas Parks and Beth ParksHarold Parnes ’71C andMarianne ParnesJohn Patrician and Kathleen PatricianDean Picton ’40A and Bebe PictonScott Pitnick and Wendy SchererFrancis Pordum ’63C andRebecca PordumGenevieve PotterJ. Pratt and P. ElbertJ. Allan PryorMark Rakov ’75 and Jo Anne RakovBenjamin Ransford ’97 andMegan SielkenCarole Resnick and Debra GertzRebecca RhodyAdam Riffer ’92Jeremy Rose and Kelly RoseIan Rosenstein and Sarah RosensteinJock Rotella and Mary Lou RotellaDavid RothSidney Rothschild and Ellen RothschildJames Ruffner ’62HQ and Gloria KellyMary E. Rulison ’73John Salvatore and Genevieve SalvatoreWalter Schloss and Ruth SchlossBarton Arkhurst andSherry Screen-Arkhurst<strong>Hill</strong>iard G. Seaker ’39BEyal Seinfeld andAthaliah Seinfeld ’94 (Konsens)Chris Sekellick ’92Mary Pat Sexton and Mary Ann DwyerFrank Signorelli and Sari SignorelliPaul Silverstein ’67BPeter Simmonds and Joan SimmondsDavid Smith and Sherilyn SmithStanley Smock ’40A and Jean SmockPaul Spenadel, ’42CJames Spencer and Judith SpencerJames Spoelstra and Rhonda SpoelstraJoanne SposatoJohn D. Stahl ’78Joseph Stevens ’63HQ andCarole StevensFrances T. SullivanSteve J. Taylor and Betsy M. EdingerMoris Tcath ’49A and Beverly TeathMark Terrero ’75Alison Theis ’04Meredith L. Theis ’02John Thomas and Linda ThomasLindsey Torres ’00 (Randolph)Jon Trembley ’53A andCheryl TrembleyRobert Tucker ’50 and Donna TuckerSusan G. Turner ’69Garth Turner-Harrington andMary Frances Turner-HarringtonPeter Van Alstine ’62A andMary Van AlstineJose Varon ’68ALaurie F. VolinskyPeter Vrouvas ’46A and Lillian VrouvasJames Watts andMaurine McTyre-WattsGary Webber ’57HQ andSharon WebberWilliam A. Weinbender ’50ARichard R. WestBob WestCraig Westfall and Beryl L. WestfallRead Wilcox ’49A and Margaret WilcoxMichael W. Wolff ’97Daniel K. Woodworth ’57HQDana Worth ’00Jamie Young and Harriet BrownIndicates Tree of Life Members| 21

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 22A TRADITION OF GIVINGParents’ Association EventsMagazine Sale September 13 – October 15, 2010Chair: Joe DePaulisGross Income: $14,202.15Tailgate with MPH15th annualSilent Auction November 6, 201028th annualSpring Gala April 9, 2011Chair: Brigitte FishGross Income: $59,376A Taste of the MediterraneanChair: Mary Beth CarmenGross Income: $57,900Matching GiftCompaniesTotal Given: $14,030.00CONMED CorporationFidelity Foundation MatchingGiftsGE Foundation Matching GiftsProgramGoogle Matching Gifts ProgramMerrill Lynch Matching GiftsNational GridNY Life FoundationNorthwestern Mutual LifeNational Foundation ofPhilanthropyPfizer Foundation Matching GiftsProgramThe Big 50/50Chair: Erika BlairRaffle Gross Income: $8,94522 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 23MANLIUS PEBBLE HILL 2010/11 ANNUAL REPORTGift-In-KindDonationsNon-cash contributions to<strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> are classified asgift-in-kind donations.Baxter BallMary BargerFrederick B. Benedict ’58AThomas Bierut and Judith BierutDonald Brang and Karen S. BrangJames Bright and Cynthia BrightNicky BrownAntonia Colella and Luke ColellaLuca F. Daino ’23Chloe A. Daino ’20John P. EllisDavid Worth and Leslie W. ForbesFrank Fox ’51Tom Kniesner and Debbie FreundWilliam Futera and Cheryl FuteraAndy Gallery and Nancy GalleryRaymond GoochPhil Hart ’60AJames Hunter and Rene HunterVaughn D. LangAnthony Potter and LeeAnne LupienAndre Martineau and Suzette MelendezClaire A. Myers-Usiatynski ’72T. R. Olney ’50CJames Phelps ’64BNathaniel Reidel ’65 and Diane Reidel ’64Ian Rosenstein and Sarah RosensteinDavid Rounds ’56ARobert ShenfeldStuart SingerSarah A. SmithEric Spina and Karen SpinaRoy TerryJack Wells, Jr. ’60B and Claudie WellsLibrary ClubTotal Given: $3,230.00David Alexander and Jeanne AlexanderRichard Amidon and Theresa AmidonGale ArnoldErich Bender and Cornelia BenderRonnie BernazzaniRobert Bisha and Jean BishaB.J. BrangRichard Budis and Marie BudisJoyce G. CarmenShulamith ChernoffJames Clark and Dorothy ClarkWayne Confer and Eddy ConferRobert Daino and Judith DainoElizabeth DavidShrikant Dighe and Judith DigheHarry Frazier and Kathy FrazierStephen Frazzini and Sheila HuddlestonRichard L. GoyerWilliam F. HamnerTed Hansen and Toni HansenMaryrose HaysDavid Hummel and Cindy HummelThomas Kelly and Joan KellyRichard Kendrick and Marcia KendrickJames Luke and Mary Jane LukeEdwin Malzan and Ruth MalzanIsaiah MastroianniWally McDonaldKaren McGrathHelen McKinneyJohn Meyer and Norma MeyerFred Montas and Josette MontasWilliam Preston and Patricia PrestonCarol RansomHenry Reed and Brenda ReedJohn Rufo and Camilla RufoRobert Salisbury and Toni SalisburyMildred SampsonDonald Schaper and Guenhaele SchaperWalter Schloss and Ruth SchlossJoseph Scuderi and Elaine ScuderiLouise SessaStanley Sobiech and Donna SobeichRobert Spring and Betty Jo SpringCharles Stefan and Rosalie StefanCarter Strickland and Nan H. StricklandNeil Sussman and Leslie SussmanMichael Tarnow and Pat TarnowWalter Thompson and Judy ThompsonBarbara VuralSophie I. WitkowskiManfred Zirkman and Suzanne Zirkman| 23

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 24A TRADITION OF GIVINGTree of Life SocietyBy naming <strong>Manlius</strong> <strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>School</strong> in your will or including the <strong>School</strong> in your estate plans, you can become a member of theTree of Life Society. This society, founded in June of 1995, recognizes friends and alumni who have made a legacy gift to <strong>Manlius</strong><strong>Pebble</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>. A legacy gift helps ensure that MPH remains a vital influence on the lives of young people for the next century.AnonymousKathy and Mark Adelson(iho Virginia Satterfield)Michael P. Alford ’63Mary Ellen M. AndrewsPhillip M. Andrews ’99Russ Andrews ’64Lydia P. ArnoldWheeler Carr Bachman *Baxter F. Ball *Mr. Edward Barber *Elisabeth Barker ’70Mr. and Mrs. Don BarterMr. and Mrs. Richard BarterDaniel S. Baum ’65Charles W. BeachFrederick B. Benedict ’58A *Hugh I. Biele ’60HQBill Bisgrove *Donald Blair and Nancy DockCol. John M. Brooks (Ret.) ’39CEugene ChappellPaul Clark ’52BGeorge Clune ’43CRobert J. Costa ’53BVirginia “Jake” and Andy Craig ’50CDoug Craig ’89Peg Cram *Dr. and Mrs. John R. Cryan ’59HQJim and Ceme CurleyPatrick Danial ’98Mr. and Mrs. James Dawley *Mr. and Mrs. Les Deming ’46ATom Denton ’65Richard and Therese DriscollAnna Dodge *Anne and John EndriesEdward W. Foley, Jr. ’28 *Friedman/Heavenrich FamilyKarl Gates ’77John Gibson *Stuart R. Grossman ’56Tom and Penny GunermanBob and Jan HamptonHonorable andMrs. Stewart F. Hancock, Jr. ’40Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hastings, Jr. ’40Martha L. Heer *Jennifer HicksCharlotte and Alexander HolsteinGloria Hooper-RasberryTami and Gary Huested ’63BDan S. Jonas and Alexandra C. EpsilantyLaura and Ed JordanWalter Keating ’48B *Elspeth and George Kerr ’51B *Dr. and Mrs. David KunzLaura Lavine ’73Bill and Sue LeaheyElizabeth and Reginald Lenna ’32B *Mary (Rugh) Lerner –in memory of J. T. Rugh, Jr.Gelene and Robert B. Lewis ’45Susan and Peter ManolakosWilliam M. Marcussen ’43BJohn F. Marsellus ’32 *George McCrillis *Edward W. McNeilMr. and Mrs. Crandall Melvin III ’74Kathy and Dan Mezzalingua ’56CLynn F. and Robert I. MillerMelissa and Stephen MontgomeryTina and Shawn MorganClaire A. Myers-Usiatynski ’72A. Boyd Pixley 1908HQ*Susan Platner ’66William and Carol PorterRobert H. Reakirt *Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rhoades ’59ASeymour Roth *Kathy RuscittoVirginia P. SatterfieldElizabeth W. ShakeJames C. ShakeJason and Donna (Blount) Sherr ’89Maryon Simmons *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simonton ’50Elwyn L. Smith, Jr. ’37 *Robert Smutny*Jon Statler ’68AWilliam V. Stone, Jr. ’55Jamie SutphenSara (Lewis) Temes ’96 andDavid Temes ’97Robert J. Theis, Jr. ’67BTerry TurnipseedGeorge and MJ UristPamela Marie Usiatynski ’05Rielly (Andrews) Vlassis ’97Estate of Carolyn W. andGuido Verbeck, Jr. ’32E*Charles Verbeck ’48C *Kathy and Jon VerbeckClaudie and Jack Wells ’60BOrrin B. Werntz ’21C *Dorothy Witherill *Elaine S. and Richard J. Zerveck ’37BNancy and Brahim Zogby*deceased24 |

2010-11 Annual Report v5_<strong>Layout</strong> 2 1/16/12 4:17 PM Page 25ATRADITIONofGIVINGMANLIUS PEBBLE HILL SCHOOL | 5300 JAMESVILLE ROAD | DEWITT, NEW YORK 13214-2499

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