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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 4 97<br />

"Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of<br />

the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest." (St. Luke 10:2).<br />

"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes,<br />

and look on the fields; for they are White already to harvest." (St. John 4:35).<br />

If space visitors have indeed been with us always, we expect to find mention of them in ancient records. The<br />

study of these ancient manuscripts and documents will show anyone that "Flying Wheels", "Fire-Circles", and<br />

"Flying Boats", have been around for a long, long time. It doesn't matter what they are called, they are always<br />

described in the same way; even as they are today. Saucers were not _first_Â<br />

seen in the 1800's, and this period didn't see the first large public demonstration in history. What actually took<br />

place toward the close of the Nineteenth Century was the _first public demonstration of the modern, industrial<br />

age_.<br />

Mass appearances of Saucers in the past have been rare, but they have taken place. For example, the great<br />

Khmer race of the Middle Ages completely disappeared from the face of the Earth almost overnight! The<br />

Khmers had developed a great Hindu and Buddhistic civilization and were a native race of Cambodia in<br />

Indo-China, but they were of undetermined origin. Information from present space visitors indicates that great<br />

space ships removed the entire race of Khmers from Indo-China leaving their great capitol of Angkor Vat<br />

deserted and barren.<br />

Portuguese diaries of the 1700's describe ancient, massive ruins in the interior of the Matto Grosso in Brazil.<br />

There are indications on every hand that great numbers of people were suddenly removed from these vast,<br />

Grecian-like cities, and transported elsewhere. Since they didn't just walk away (for their trail would be<br />

picked up) they must have gone off in spacecraft like the Khmers. There are many other historical accounts<br />

that readily fall into this same category.<br />

Egyptian hieroglyphics have been translated by Borris de Rachewiltz which show the existence of Flying<br />

Saucers in ancient Egyptian times during the XVIIIth. Dynasty. The transcription is a part of the Royal Annals<br />

of the period of Thuthmosis (Thotmes) III, circa 1504-1450 B.C. The original manuscript is in very poor<br />

condition, however, part of the translation is as follows:<br />

"In the year 2, third month of winter, sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life found that a circle<br />

of fire was coming in the sky. They thought it had no head, and the breath of the mouth had a foul odor. Its<br />

body was one 'rod' long and one 'rod' large. It had no voice. Their hearts became confused through it and they<br />

laid themselves on their bellies.<br />

"Now after some days had passed over, Lo! those things were more numerous than anything. They were<br />

shining in the sky more than the sun to the limits of the four supports of heaven. Powerful was the position of<br />

the fire circles. The army of the king looked on and His Majesty was in the midst of it."<br />

In the Fourth Dynasty, the dynasty of Cheops, who reigned as its second king about 2750 B. C., Solar Boats<br />

reached their peak of magnificence. The solar boat was constructed to carry the dead Pharaoh on his journey<br />

to "heaven". These boats were at least equal to tombs in importance in ancient Egyptian religion, if not more<br />

important. They were the one ritual object that remained constant, although other things changed and<br />

disappeared. Models of solar boats were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, the boy king. The solar boats<br />

didn't vanish from the Egyptian scene until the invasion by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.<br />

Was the solar boat the Egyptian representation of the space visitor's vehicle? The ancients said that the<br />

immortals went in solar boats of the night for the terrifying nocturnal trip through the Under-world. The boats<br />

had to pass twelve gates. The "fire circles" became incorporated into the Egyptian religion as solar boats just

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