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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 2 76<br />

our System. There isn't time for another waste. Now that the Great Cycle is ending and we are all entering a<br />

new plane, all must be purified. That which is beyond hope will eliminate itself. We say 'eliminate itself' for<br />

we will destroy nothing. Those on Saros who believe the Creator punishes or destroys anything are in<br />

darkness. You are punished by your own deeds, as your world is now punishing itself for its crimes against<br />

Universal Law.<br />

"Yours will not be the first world to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding in the<br />

full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment on Saros. However, if you do<br />

accept the means offered you, and if you do establish such a 'millennium' upon the basis of your present<br />

accomplishments, yours will be the first civilization to do so.<br />

"Always before, the knowledge, the techniques, the instruction, have become the possessions of a chosen few;<br />

a few who chose themselves by their open-minded and clear-sighted realization of the 'shape of things to<br />

come'. They endeavored to pass on their knowledge in the best possible form and by the most enduring means<br />

at their command. In a sense, they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equalled their success. Human<br />

acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never<br />

knew of our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience.<br />

"For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized by many copyings, of one of our space<br />

craft, became the 'Sacred Eye of Horus', and eyes of many other gods. Other symbolical and alchemical 'eyes'<br />

are merely representative of our means of transportation. Osiris and Apollo became gods to the people, but<br />

they were actually our representatives on Saros: they were men! The 'golden disk' now confused with the solar<br />

disk and made a part of religion, and the 'discus' hurled sunward by the Grecian athlete and your athletes are<br />

also symbolic of our traveling devices or 'Saucers'.<br />

"The really important fact, however, is that we are here among you! And you, as a world-race will know it<br />

before very much longer. The time is almost ripe, but as with all ripening things, the process may not be<br />

hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a right time for every action, and the right<br />

time for our complete revelation of ourselves to Saros is fast approaching.<br />

"Many of you have seen our 'advance guard' already. You have met us often in the streets of your cities; but<br />

you have not noticed us. Some, however, do 'sense' us! When we speed through your skies in the traditional<br />

vehicles, you are amazed, and those of you who tell of what you have seen are ac-counted dupes and fools.<br />

Actually, you are prophets of your age, seers in the true sense of the word. You in Kansas and Oklahoma, you<br />

in Oregon and in California, and Idaho, Indiana, Maine, and Vermont--you who know what you have seen, do<br />

not be dismayed by what so-called 'authorities' tell you. Remember, many of them haven't seen what you<br />

have! Their faulty opinions are not based on actual experience.<br />

"Can you imagine a material almost transparent to the rays of ordinary light, yet strong enough to endure the<br />

stress of extremely rapid flight? Look again at the Great Nebulae, and think of the construction of your own<br />

Milky Way Galaxy, and be-hold the Universal examples of what we have found to be the perfect shape for an<br />

object which is to travel through what you still fondly refer to as 'empty' space. Our Crystal Bells operate in<br />

their own Resonating Electro-Magnetic Field the same as all celestial bodies do. Your own Saros is nothing<br />

but a huge space craft. We can travel the so-called 'speed of light' and faster, but actually light does not travel;<br />

_Light Is!_Â<br />

"If we chose to remain unseen, we could do so easily and, in fact, we have done so almost without exception<br />

for hundreds of yeas. No one sees us unless we want to be seen! You must now become accustomed to our<br />

shapes in your skies, for one day soon they will be familiar, friendly, and reassuring sights.<br />

"One of our very ancient prophecy legends says: "To the apples we salt we return." Some of you understand<br />

what this means. Long ago we knew what would take place on Saros and we knew that we would have to

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