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plateaus. We are at present on a rising level. The 1890's experienced a rise, and the following fifty years was a<br />

plateau of leveling off time. The movement began before the nineteenth century, of course, but in a small way.<br />

Emanuel Swedenborg, scientist and mystic, brought great new truths to the spiritually hungry world in the<br />

1700's . . . and there were other men, like Wesley and before him Spinoza; however the great mystic, Father<br />

Jakob Lorber, was born in 1800; Nikola Tesla, inventor, was born in 1857; Steinmetz, electrical wizard, was<br />

born in 1865; Charles Hay Fort, writer and researcher, was born in 1874; Charles Fillmore of Unity, was born<br />

in 1854; H. P. Blavatsky brought the great knowledge of Theosophy to the world in the 1800's; H. W. Percival<br />

gave the world his knowledge, and later, _Thinking And Destiny_; Dr. John B. Newbrough, in 1882, released<br />

his monumental work, _Oahspe_; Camille Flammarion, great French astronomer, was born in 1842; and<br />

among many others, P. D. Ouspensky, Lecomte du Nouy, etc.<br />

Thus, in the last half of the nineteenth century, Universal Truth made a valiant attempt to penetrate the mind<br />

of Man before the Great Age of Materialism set in with the advent of the colossal Machine Age. Men like<br />

Brown Landone, and Flournoy, who wrote From India To The Planet Mars, contributed greatly to this<br />

expanding program under the influence of space intelligences. Even John Jacob Astor got in the plan and<br />

wrote about the coining electrically governed world and interplanetary travel in 1897.<br />

Besides a Great Influx of Universal Truth coming to the minds of Man, there was a definite pro-grain<br />

instituted on the physical plane and on the surface of Earth, itself. Space visitors were actually deposited and<br />

left on our world to mix, mate, and marry with us. The new ideas and theories first came out in book form,<br />

and this was the prelude to the appearance of spacecraft in the skies of Earth. In our present century, first<br />

came the science-fiction tales of space travel, then came the actual space visitation.<br />

In Paris, France, in 1892, Flammarion said: "We dare to hope that the day will come when scientific methods<br />

yet unknown to us will give us direct evidence of the existence of the inhabitants of other worlds, and at the<br />

same time, also, will put us in communication with our brothers in space. What marvels does not the science<br />

of the future reserve for our successors, and who would dare to say that Martian humanity and terrestrial<br />

(Earth) humanity will not some day enter into communication with each other?" Then in 1896, Flammarion<br />

wrote Uranie, and in 1897 things really began to happen. Here's the report as taken directly from the old<br />

records:<br />

Chicago Record, Friday, April 2, 1897: "_See Great Airship!_ Kansas City, Missouri people excited . . .<br />

mystical black object casting before it red light startled whole city for the last two weeks! At last descended . .<br />

. ten-thousand people swear they have no hallucinations! Scoffers and disbelievers claim the people have been<br />

seeing the planet Venus or the Evening Star, even though according to the almanac this planet should have set<br />

below the horizon at least an hour before! Object appeared very swiftly, then appeared to stop and hover over<br />

the city for ten minutes at a time, then after flashing its green-blue and white lights, shot upwards into space . .<br />

. light gradually twinkling away and looking like a bright star. Time: 8:15 p. m.<br />

"Everest, Kansas has sighted a strange airship, Competent reporters state that this must be the air-ship that was<br />

built in Oakland, California and which broke away at launching time . . . this giant air-ship hovered one half<br />

hour at a time and descended at regular intervals very close to the Earth. A giant searchlight flooded the whole<br />

city with light from this aerial monster which with the velocity of an eagle darted up and away. Power source<br />

must have been attached to the light for it dimmed as the ship went up and away. On observer states that there<br />

seemed to be a basket or car beneath a great dark object thought to be a gas bag overhead . . . car was shaped<br />

like a canoe and had four wings, two on each side, fore and aft . . . light was greenish or blue against the light<br />

of a locomotive in the rail yard that was yellowish. Colored lights seemed to be all around the car."<br />

This unusual craft showed up later in Michigan, but before quoting from the record, let's analyze the above<br />

report. First of all, the authorities passed off the entire incident by calling the spacecraft the planet Venus.<br />

That same thing has happened in our present Saucer saga. They called the object Captain Mantell was chasing<br />

Venus, when it couldn't possibly have been that planet. This craft over Kansas City flashed blue-green lights<br />


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