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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8 152<br />

will be small, for "few are now ready". Show the space visitors if you are "ready to venture"; if you belong to<br />

those who shall remain, you will see chaos from "elsewhere--from outside."<br />

The following message was received by Van Tassel:<br />

"The Bible again explains to Earth people our purpose here. In St. Matthew 24:39-42, it reads: 'And knew not<br />

until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be<br />

in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord<br />

doth come.' We have registered in our records the names and locations of those who have lived with right<br />

intent. These are the ones who shall be taken up in our ships while the Earth goes through cataclysmic<br />

upheavals. Those who have contributed to and lived by destruction shall be left to the agonies of the effects<br />

they have helped to cause."<br />

Later, The Remnant, will be returned to the surface of Earth where they will be the new race in a new world.<br />

In Colville, Washington, an elderly lady received the following:<br />

"By a seeming miracle shall men's eyes be opened to the wonders of a world now unperceived by them. Not a<br />

miracle but a perfectly natural action of an ever existent law will bring this phenomenon to pass. As hath been<br />

told thee aforetimes, there be a change rapidly metamorphosing much of the material world through the<br />

introduction of Cosmic Energy into the very atomic structure of all material objects. When ye consider all<br />

material forms (whether animate or what ye do term inanimate) as the result of a certain specified rate of<br />

vibratory action, it will be the easier for thee to comprehend the action of a vastly accelerated rate of vibration<br />

upon all manner of objective manifestations. At the appointed time, this influx of Cosmic Energy, vibrating at<br />

an inconceivably increased speed, will cause changes marvelous to behold. Lo, the wonders of the now<br />

invisible realms of enchanting beauty will be revealed to Man, if so be he hath previously attuned himself to<br />

his own highest concept of beauty. Of material beauty there shall be no end, but far greater than any mere<br />

physical demonstration shall be the revelation of that spiritual fullness of life which alone can satisfy Man's<br />

inmost yearning for true and lasting happiness."<br />

The Cosmic Energy now bombarding the Earth and her inhabitants will actually change man's thinking.<br />

Recent findings by Dr. Seymour Kety and his associates at the National Institute of Mental and Nervous<br />

Diseases indicate that the physical brain is not a "thinking" machine, but at best can be compared to a radio<br />

set! Dr. Kety's conclusions are based on studies of blood circulation through the brain. These studies carried<br />

out at the Institute showed the following results:<br />

(1) The average-size human brain requires about three-fourths of a quart of blood a minute; (2) It consumes<br />

about an ounce and a half of oxygen, brought to it by the red blood cells; (3) It uses only about a teaspoonful<br />

of sugar, the "fuel" of the body, per hour. The most surprising discovery in Dr. Kety's experiments is that<br />

these three requirements are the same, regardless of what the brain is doing. These findings are somewhat<br />

disturbing to various theories expounded in the past, one of which stated that intelligence varied with the<br />

richness of the brain's blood supply. The other theory propounded before the National Academy of Sciences,<br />

was that thinking required a definite amount of "fuel".<br />

Therefore, if man's brain is nothing but a receiving and transmitting instrument similar to a radio set, he must<br />

be able to receive and interpret the "music of the spheres" or the Great Cosmic Intelligence that forever is<br />

permeating all space; man merely must "tune in" to it. Those who refuse to receive the new vibrations<br />

mentally, will lose their physical equipment on Earth and thereby give up their "radio sets" that will not accept<br />

the new lessons. They will go elsewhere and acquire new "sets" that will allow them to learn and progress as<br />

they must.<br />

Other parts of the human body are affected by the new vibrations also. The pineal gland and the solar plexus

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