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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 6 133<br />

Space intelligences have said: "Orion is the Great Hunter of the Universe. It is gorgeous in the skies and men<br />

of Venus know it very, very well. It is somewhat erratic, and like a Great Hunter it is always after its<br />

prey--especially Taurus the Bull. Orion is surrounded by small round ball bodies (Type 2 "fireballs"?); these<br />

are always in action between the Sun of our Solar System and Orion. No one on Earth has seen them yet.<br />

There are fighting worlds in Orion. They are always ready for action and looking for trouble. Orion disturbs<br />

other planets and keeps them from operating in the correct manner. Also, Orion is not too highly evolved<br />

scientifically because they use the old-style craft. However, they are masters at projection. Orion interferes<br />

and holds back. People of Orion are not our kind of people, they do not belong to our Confederation. They<br />

interrupt and are unruly. At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. These<br />

people are sometimes small in stature with strange, oriental type eyes. Their faces are thin and they possess<br />

weak bodies. They come among you to disperse all things not in keeping with their own ideas; they upset our<br />

plans. They run amuck and we avoid them. They prey on the unsuspecting; they are talkative; they astound<br />

intellects with their words of magnificence. While their wisdom may have merit, it is materialistic, and not of<br />

pure aspiration toward the Father. We have our own men who watch over these pirates of Creation. They have<br />

their own Council and the Orion Confederation; but they know little through their own ingenuity for they are<br />

the Universal parasites! Disturbers, negative elements; soon they will be eradicated. Watch out for controlled<br />

persons in your midst. Our men will spot them and you will be informed of them. They come often in<br />

disguise, but men of the Confederation are never deceived. We know them! The Orion people are The<br />

Intruders in your world and they come from planets belonging to countless star-suns engulfed by the nebula<br />

of Orion. If the Orion men fail in their mission of disturbance, they return not to Orion, but to Sirius. This is<br />

their cycle of return. They must learn the Great Path--they will learn, but in the meantime, we will not have<br />

them disturb our preparations and plans for the Earth planet. We try to help them and suggest work to aid<br />

them, but they are a stubborn race. They cannot enter your atmosphere usually by spacecraft, but they can and<br />

do reach the Earth world by projecting their intelligence into weak Earthly bodies which they completely<br />

control for short periods of time in order to perform their disturbances. Watch for them; their numbers<br />

increase as the "sorrows" of Earth increase. They will persist, but they will not succeed--but we will succeed,<br />

for our mission is of the Father's authority and His will shall prevail. Worry not about these Orion influences;<br />

they cannot harm those who serve the Infinite Father. Pity them, love them, pray for them, for they know not<br />

what they do!"<br />

The strange disappearance of two men on November 11, 1953, once again touched off the controversial issue<br />

of whether or not human beings are being snatched off the Earth by weird interplanetary flying machines.<br />

Many feared that the inexplicable levitations into the sky by invisible and unknown forces, sometimes<br />

accompanied by electrical or magnetic phenomena which science is powerless to explain, were caused by the<br />

visiting Flying Saucers.<br />

Space friends are true friends! They are not subjecting captured men to vivisection or horrible death in<br />

monstrous spacecraft chambers of horror. With the power at their command they wouldn't be wasting their<br />

time with a mere handful of earthians. What then, are they doing? Certain people are disappearing; of that<br />

there is no doubt. Some are levitated into the sky, even in the presence of witnesses. Others never return from<br />

plane rides, and the wreckage is never found. Commercial and military planes crash and no bodies are<br />

discovered. What happens to the missing occupants?<br />

On November 18, 1953, the Los Angeles Mirror reported that two missing electricians may have been<br />

kidnapped by interplanetary invaders in a Flying Saucer. The two Saucer enthusiasts were Karl Hunrath and<br />

Wilbur J. Wilkinson. They had taken off in a rented airplane from Gardena Airport on November 11th with a<br />

three-hour gas supply. Despite widespread search, no trace of the plane or its occupants has been seen. The<br />

rumor that the plane was found dismantled on the top of a California mountain with no sign of the two men is<br />

unfounded. Officials claim that nothing has turned up in the case as yet.<br />

Wilkinson's wife told reporters that Karl Hunrath was an avid believer in Flying Saucers. She also told them<br />

that the two men believed the end of the world was nearing and that strange little men from the planet Mars or

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