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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 4 112<br />

Very few ministers are telling their congregations that the Saucers may have a connection with the "signs in<br />

the skies" that the prophets of old spoke of. Some theologians, however, believe that the coming of the<br />

Saucers heralds the coming of the Elder Brother himself. Remember, Jesus was called a "devil" so why<br />

shouldn't we expect His Host also to be referred to in the same manner?<br />

There are powerful forces in this country and throughout the world today who want the people to believe that<br />

the authority behind the Saucers is of the Evil One! Through ignorance and superstition they hope to control<br />

this situation as they have in the past. Dr. Vannevar Bush, president of Carnegie Institute in Washington,<br />

recently said that discoveries in the atomic field are only a small segment of the advances being made in other<br />

fields of scientific research. He declared that "the dam is about to break" in the whole field of biological<br />

science. The trend is not so evident as it now is in the atomic field, but he described it as a "great blossoming".<br />

He said there is the possibility that the emotional reactions of a whole nation might be controlled through a<br />

chemical placed in the food they consume! They could be made docile or irrational, lazy and unimaginative or<br />

energetic and constructive.<br />

Already, world food products are contaminated by chemical poisonings in the guise of "preservatives",<br />

"enriching ingredients", "bleaching", and "synthetic vitamins". Now the prospect looms that in the near future<br />

the very emotions of people are to be controlled by substances placed in their daily rations. Shortly, biological<br />

science will experience the "shaking up" given physics a few years ago when the Atomic Age suddenly came<br />

upon man. But many of the so-called "advances" are of a destructive and negative nature as are the ideas that<br />

atomic power can be used for peaceful pursuits.<br />

The people of the world can be deceived by those who put "darkness for light". The real advances will be the<br />

total elimination of food-tampering, food contamination, and chemical fertilization. True advance will not be<br />

the complete control of world population by having power over every thought, action and deed of man<br />

through his food consumption. Man will not only be released from dogmas, doctrines, false theories,<br />

pseudo-authorities, war mongers, spiritual conceit, and other centuries-old "chains that bind", but he will take<br />

his true place in Cosmos as a Son of God and a potential god himself!<br />

In _The Saucers Speak!_ mention was made of a Wyoming evangelist who claims he has had contact with<br />

Saucers for many years. He says they land near him, give off horrible stenches of burning sulphur, and the<br />

occupants are hideous, beastly devils with swishing forked tails and large horns. He says he could write a<br />

book that would put all Saucer research done so far "in the shade". He names this theory for world salvation<br />

after himself, of course. This man is not preaching love, brotherhood of man, and the imminent return of the<br />

Elder Brother. Instead, he warns people to beware of the "devils" and "imps" in the Saucers!<br />

"Doomsday is here; disaster is upon us; we shall all surely die", cry those of "little faith". The Holy Book and<br />

the Golden Scripts are full of the Elder Brother's promises. He will "make our foreheads like flint", "nothing<br />

at all shall hurt us", "He is with us till the end". The evidence is abundant on every hand that the children of<br />

God have nothing to fear. Nowhere does Jesus speak of death and destruction as man's heritage in the New<br />

Age!<br />

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (II Timothy<br />

1:7).<br />

One of the unusual types of sightings connected with occupants of Saucers is the "mask sightings". In the<br />

early part of 1954, several young people were passing March Field, California in an automobile. Glancing<br />

onto the Air Force Field, they observed a shiny-looking Saucer resting on the ground. They stopped their car<br />

and got out in order to get a better look. After observing the craft at closer range, they noticed it was quite<br />

smooth and apparently no one was around. Still curious, they decided to get an even closer look. As they<br />

neared the object, a man suddenly stepped in front of them. He raised his arm and threw a "fireball" at them. It<br />

passed by them and struck their car. They immediately turned and fled, driving into the nearest Sheriff's office

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