Incident reporting policy - Homerton University Hospital

Incident reporting policy - Homerton University Hospital Incident reporting policy - Homerton University Hospital
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The person in charge at the time of the incident, involving; a patient, member of staff, visitor andcontractor; will ensure an on-line incident form is completed even if there is no apparent injury.The form should be completed at the time of the incident the free text should contain facts, notopinions.The free text must not contain any patients or staff identifiable information.The employee‟s manager/supervisor, and in-patients ward manager, if different from that department,or manager for the area where the incident occurred will be informed by receipt of an e-mail notificationthat provides them with a link to access the incident once it has been submitted.The designated person should ensure the form is accurately completed and coded; and as themanager, needs to complete the “Action taken” section of the form, grade the incident in the “RiskGrading” section and give final approval to the incident.Completing the incident form does not constitute an admission of liability of any kind on any person.Details on how to complete an on-line incident report can be found on the Risk Management TrustIntranet site under Electronic Incident Forms - Guidance on Reporting Incidents Electronically viaDatixWeb and How to Investigate Incidents.If the patient is taking part in a research project or trial this should be indicated on the incident form.The Assistant General Manager or Governance Facilitator will automatically receive a copy of anyincident relevant to their Directorate.8.4 An incident report will be completed at the employee‟s base if the incident occurs:In the community.Public places within the Trust‟s boundaries.Public places outside the Trust‟s boundaries, but occurring in the course ofauthorised duties on behalf of the Trust.8.5 If a member of staff is injured at work the employee‟s manager must inform the Risk ManagementDepartment and the Employee Health Management Services (EHMS) if any sick leave is taken relating toan alleged industrial injury.8.6 For incidents involving:Patients. The person in charge should ensure that the incident form on Datix is completed immediately. Thenurse in charge must ensure that the patient is seen by a Doctor who will record this in the patient‟s notes.The remedial action taken is recorded on the form. The ward/departmental manager checks, assesses,provides additional information and approves the incident.Visitor/Contractor If necessary the individual will be escorted to the A&E department. The form will becompleted by the nurse in charge, with assistance from those involved and any witnesses. If the individualrefuses to attend A&E the incident should be reported immediately to the Clinical Site Manager (bleep 118).9.0 Grading of Adverse Incidents9.1 All adverse events should be graded according to their severity by the manager they are reported to usingthe matrix detailed in Appendix 1.9.2 Incidents are graded so that the Trust can identify the overall impact of incidents and to allow for theidentification of performance improvement opportunities.9.3 All incidents are saved on the Risk Management Database maintained by the Risk ManagementDepartment.9.4 Any incident classified as a “Serious Untoward Incident” will be processed in accordance with the TrustsSerious Untoward Incident Policy (See Section 22.0)10.0 Follow Up10.1 Incident InvestigationIt is important that where appropriate incidents are investigated in order to:identify the cause (direct and indirect);identify the necessary actions required to prevent a recurrence;Identify a named person for ensuring that the necessary actions are taken, with an agreed deadline.Page 8 of 47

Use the incident for learning from in order to educate others to help prevent recurrences.10.2 In all circumstances, staff involved in an incident must be advised of the progress of any investigationand/or action plan resulting from the incident. Following an incident consideration should be given to theneed to provide a de-briefing meeting for staff, to ensure that appropriate support is provided.10.3 Incident Review Group (IRG)All incidents are reviewed by the IRG which meet 3 times a month (see Appendix 3 for Terms ofReference). At this meeting, chaired by the Chief Nurse and Director of Governance, a decision is madefor individual incidents to be followed-up (investigated further) or not. Results of these investigations areentered onto Datix by the Assistant General Managers for Quality & Risk, and are fed back at subsequentmeetings. Through the Assistant General Managers learning is then disseminated back to theDirectorates.Further details regarding incident investigation can be found in the Trust document „Incident InvestigationGuidance‟ which details the Root Cause Analysis tools to be used for incident investigations.11.0 Staff SupportDuring or immediately after an incident has occurred it may be necessary to provide support for any staffinvolved.It will be the role of manager, including on-call managers, to be alert to those factors, which maynecessitate and provide the necessary resources for this to take place. The welfare of any staff involved ina serious incident must be considered particularly in relation to psychological trauma or stress. Thissupport may be immediate or ongoing in nature depending upon the circumstances and individual needsof that member of staff. Employee Health Management Service may be used for counselling and stressmanagement if required.Any support offered must remain confidential to the individual. It is also important for staff to be kept fullyinformed of the progress of an investigation with which they have had clear associations. This will be theresponsibility of the manager undertaking the review or chair of any investigation team. In particular staffmust be kept aware of progress and when the report has been completed, the findings, recommendationsand action to be taken should be relayed to them, giving them the opportunity to ask questions.Importantly, support should also be given to patients and carers or members of the public involved in anincident. It will be for the manager in whose area the incident occurred, to provide that support and toensure than any inquiry teams are made aware of any areas of concern or information not previouslymade available.11.1 Responsibilities of ManagersAfter any incident, the manager or appropriate colleagues should take appropriate steps to address anyimmediate concerns, which may include contacting senior PCT Managers or addressing any immediatemedical concerns. After the immediate incident has been dealt with, post-traumatic incident support caninclude the following:• Assess the situation e.g. get main details of the incident, send the member of staff home if necessary.• Personal debrief and support for staff member involved. A personal debrief should always take placebefore the member of staff returns to work, even if they return to work shortly after the incident.• Team debrief to learn wider lessons of incident.• Return to work plan negotiated with staff member involved. It is recommended this be in writing.• Access to Occupational Health service and counselling service – immediate and ongoing.• Possible involvement with others such as HR, Health & Safety Manager, Trade Unions, othermanagers.• Immediate managers being sensitive to possible delayed reactions in trauma.• Access to information and PCT policies / procedures.Page 9 of 47

Use the incident for learning from in order to educate others to help prevent recurrences.10.2 In all circumstances, staff involved in an incident must be advised of the progress of any investigationand/or action plan resulting from the incident. Following an incident consideration should be given to theneed to provide a de-briefing meeting for staff, to ensure that appropriate support is provided.10.3 <strong>Incident</strong> Review Group (IRG)All incidents are reviewed by the IRG which meet 3 times a month (see Appendix 3 for Terms ofReference). At this meeting, chaired by the Chief Nurse and Director of Governance, a decision is madefor individual incidents to be followed-up (investigated further) or not. Results of these investigations areentered onto Datix by the Assistant General Managers for Quality & Risk, and are fed back at subsequentmeetings. Through the Assistant General Managers learning is then disseminated back to theDirectorates.Further details regarding incident investigation can be found in the Trust document „<strong>Incident</strong> InvestigationGuidance‟ which details the Root Cause Analysis tools to be used for incident investigations.11.0 Staff SupportDuring or immediately after an incident has occurred it may be necessary to provide support for any staffinvolved.It will be the role of manager, including on-call managers, to be alert to those factors, which maynecessitate and provide the necessary resources for this to take place. The welfare of any staff involved ina serious incident must be considered particularly in relation to psychological trauma or stress. Thissupport may be immediate or ongoing in nature depending upon the circumstances and individual needsof that member of staff. Employee Health Management Service may be used for counselling and stressmanagement if required.Any support offered must remain confidential to the individual. It is also important for staff to be kept fullyinformed of the progress of an investigation with which they have had clear associations. This will be theresponsibility of the manager undertaking the review or chair of any investigation team. In particular staffmust be kept aware of progress and when the report has been completed, the findings, recommendationsand action to be taken should be relayed to them, giving them the opportunity to ask questions.Importantly, support should also be given to patients and carers or members of the public involved in anincident. It will be for the manager in whose area the incident occurred, to provide that support and toensure than any inquiry teams are made aware of any areas of concern or information not previouslymade available.11.1 Responsibilities of ManagersAfter any incident, the manager or appropriate colleagues should take appropriate steps to address anyimmediate concerns, which may include contacting senior PCT Managers or addressing any immediatemedical concerns. After the immediate incident has been dealt with, post-traumatic incident support caninclude the following:• Assess the situation e.g. get main details of the incident, send the member of staff home if necessary.• Personal debrief and support for staff member involved. A personal debrief should always take placebefore the member of staff returns to work, even if they return to work shortly after the incident.• Team debrief to learn wider lessons of incident.• Return to work plan negotiated with staff member involved. It is recommended this be in writing.• Access to Occupational Health service and counselling service – immediate and ongoing.• Possible involvement with others such as HR, Health & Safety Manager, Trade Unions, othermanagers.• Immediate managers being sensitive to possible delayed reactions in trauma.• Access to information and PCT policies / procedures.Page 9 of 47

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