Incident reporting policy - Homerton University Hospital

Incident reporting policy - Homerton University Hospital Incident reporting policy - Homerton University Hospital
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Community• Unplanned homebirth• BBA (Born Before Arrival)• Maternal or newborn readmission to hospital• Lost results• Lost specimens• Failure/delay in receiving results• EPR inaccurate/incorrect information• Postnatal discharge problemsNon-clinical IncidentThe following is a non-exhaustive list of non-clinical incidents and examples:• Any physical assault and/or verbal aggression on any person by any person• Any slip trip or fall to staff, visitor or member of the public. Where a patient trips over damaged paving,flooring, over cables, down the stairs or a hole• Needlestick or sharps injury to any person (other than a patient) inflicted by any person.• Any work related ill health including stress• Any burn or scald to staff, visitor or member of the public. Where a patient is injured due to spills of hotgravy or a hot beverage / liquid by themselves or others. Where patient is burnt due to a fire, contactwith a heater• Accidental exposure to electrical source to any person other than a patient• Accidental exposure to chemical agents to any person other than a patient• Accidental exposure to biological agents to any person other than a patient• Accidental exposure to radiation to any person other than a patient• Manual handling injuries to staff• Upper limb disorders/repetitive strain to staff• Any injury to any person other than a patient resulting from trapped limbs etc, or being struck bymoving, flying or falling object• Failure of a passenger lift, a ladder, a crane etc• The theft, loss or damage to property belonging to any personPage 32 of 47

Appendix 3: Terms of Reference - Incident Review Group1. AccountabilityThe IRG is will be responsible for reporting to the Patient Safety Committee any Clinical individualincidents or Trends it feels need appropriate escalation. In respect of individual non Clinical Incidents /trends these will be reported to and escalated to the Health and Safety Committee.2. PurposeThe aims of Incident Review Group are:• To ensure a systematic, holistic, multi-disciplinary and proactive approach to the identification andmanagement of risks through the review of incidents that have occurred at the Trust• To ensure that Incident trends and areas for concern are escalated to the appropriate Committeeas described in the Risk Strategy for the Trust. Clinical incidents to Patient Safety Committee (orClinical Governance if appropriate) and Non clinical incidents to the Health and Safety Committee.• To ensure that the Medical Director, the Director of Governance and the relevant directorate staffcan be appropriately briefed on areas of actual and potential risk. To provide a forum for thedirectorates to come together to discuss cross directorate working issues.3. Duties of the GroupThe remit of the group is to:• Review the incidents reported on a weekly basis to ensure that appropriate remedial action hasbeen taken.• Identify incidents which have the potential for reoccurrence that these are suitably investigated.• Identify incidents which have the potential to lead to claims and ensure that these are suitablyinvestigated.• Identify trends and associated risks from serious adverse events, adverse events and triggerevents and ensure that they are being addressed.• Identify clinical risk issues for review by the Clinical Risk Management Lead Clinicians.• Share the lessons learned from serious adverse events.• Review and help progress towards meeting NHSLA level II standards in the first instance, with aview to further progression to attainment of level III standards.• Identify issues that need to be addressed through clinical audit, quality initiatives or clinical riskmanagement.4. Membership• Chief Nurse and Director of Governance (chair)• Head of Governance• Clinical Risk Manager• Maternity Clinical Risk Manager• Assistant General Managers for Quality & Risk• Lead Nurses• Consultant Nurse Specialists• This is an open meeting to which any member of the Trust is welcome although if a sensitive caseis going to be discussed they may be asked to leave for that part of the meeting.5. QuorumDirector of Governance or Clinical Risk Manager.At least one of the Assistant General Manager for Quality & Risk.6. Frequency of meetingsMeetings will be held on a weekly basis (Thursday mornings) with the exception of the first Thursday ofeach month.7. ReviewThe Terms of Reference of this committee shall be reviewed by the Patient Safety Committee and theHealth and Safety Committee annually.Page 33 of 47

Community• Unplanned homebirth• BBA (Born Before Arrival)• Maternal or newborn readmission to hospital• Lost results• Lost specimens• Failure/delay in receiving results• EPR inaccurate/incorrect information• Postnatal discharge problemsNon-clinical <strong>Incident</strong>The following is a non-exhaustive list of non-clinical incidents and examples:• Any physical assault and/or verbal aggression on any person by any person• Any slip trip or fall to staff, visitor or member of the public. Where a patient trips over damaged paving,flooring, over cables, down the stairs or a hole• Needlestick or sharps injury to any person (other than a patient) inflicted by any person.• Any work related ill health including stress• Any burn or scald to staff, visitor or member of the public. Where a patient is injured due to spills of hotgravy or a hot beverage / liquid by themselves or others. Where patient is burnt due to a fire, contactwith a heater• Accidental exposure to electrical source to any person other than a patient• Accidental exposure to chemical agents to any person other than a patient• Accidental exposure to biological agents to any person other than a patient• Accidental exposure to radiation to any person other than a patient• Manual handling injuries to staff• Upper limb disorders/repetitive strain to staff• Any injury to any person other than a patient resulting from trapped limbs etc, or being struck bymoving, flying or falling object• Failure of a passenger lift, a ladder, a crane etc• The theft, loss or damage to property belonging to any personPage 32 of 47

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