Teacher information Pack - Simply Beef and Lamb

Teacher information Pack - Simply Beef and Lamb

Teacher information Pack - Simply Beef and Lamb

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They are asked to prepare, cook <strong>and</strong> serve their original recipe to James Martin <strong>and</strong>a panel of experts for the ultimate taste test. First, second <strong>and</strong> third place studentswill be presented with prizes <strong>and</strong> certificates.Students that do not make it through to the regional cook-off will receive a printablecertificate from James Martin <strong>and</strong> full feedback on their recipes.The National Champion <strong>and</strong> overall winner will be the student that scores the highest markin a regional cook-off.The following are provided to make sure both teachers <strong>and</strong> students have all the<strong>information</strong> they need to enter <strong>and</strong> enjoy the challenge.• Challenge requirements including marking criteria for the original recipe• Cook-off requirements <strong>and</strong> marking criteria• Step-by-step guide• Resources <strong>and</strong> support materials• Your questions answered.Downloadable resources:• Entry form• Recipe <strong>and</strong> budget <strong>information</strong> template• Time plan• Student guide to the challenge• Activities <strong>and</strong> worksheets to support the students to develop, prepare <strong>and</strong> cooktheir recipe. These include:• Recipe development• Applying healthy eating to recipe development• Budgeting skills.These resources are available from www.simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk/makeitwithmince4

The challengeDevelop <strong>and</strong> make an original main meal dish using quality beef or lamb mince. Itshould be served with suitable accompaniments.The original recipe must:• Include 200g of quality beef or lamb mince• Include at least 2 portions of vegetables <strong>and</strong>/or fruit (including beans <strong>and</strong> pulses)• Serve 2 people• Include a full ingredient list (with quantities)• Include a detailed recipe method• Include a working time plan• Be within a budget of £10• Entries must also include an image of the finished dish.MarkingThe recipes will be judged against the following criteria; they will be marked from 5(outst<strong>and</strong>ing) to 1 (poor) on:Recipe originalityDish presentationOverall nutritionalvalue <strong>and</strong> healthyeatingBudgetIngredient listRecipe methodWorking time planThe judging panel are looking for a creative spin on an old classicor something entirely unique to capture their top scores.The judging panel will be looking at the image to see the way inwhich the dish is plated <strong>and</strong> presented.We are looking to see that students have an underst<strong>and</strong>ing ofplanning a well-balanced meal in the context of the Eatwell plate.The recipe is within the £10 budget.Listed in the order they are used in the method.The method is clear <strong>and</strong> logical.All aspects of the cooking of the dish are covered. Elements thatare not traditionally in the recipe are included, e.g. washing up.5

Students who have been selected for the cook-offs will be informed between the 4-6 November 2013.The regional cook-offs will then take place 11 - 13 November 2013.The cook-off will require students to prepare, cook <strong>and</strong> serve their original recipe to James Martin <strong>and</strong>the panel of experts for the ultimate taste test.James Martin <strong>and</strong> the Make it with Mince team will be on h<strong>and</strong> throughout the cook- off to assist <strong>and</strong>advise the students.Following a talk from James Martin the students will be allocated a cooking area <strong>and</strong> given one hourto prepare, cook <strong>and</strong> serve their dish from scratch.MarkingStudents will be scored from 5 (outst<strong>and</strong>ing) to 1 (poor) on the following:Cooking skills <strong>and</strong> kitchenetiquetteDish originalityTastePresentationJames is looking to see how the students manage their time, how theycarry out practical tasks, how they organise their workspace <strong>and</strong> workhygienically <strong>and</strong> safely.James <strong>and</strong> the team are looking for a creative spin on an old classic orsomething entirely unique for the taste buds.This is the ultimate test. How does it taste? Have the students overcookedor undercooked certain elements? Are the flavours too dull or too strong?Do the flavours work well together <strong>and</strong> is the dish seasoned?This isn’t about attractive placemats <strong>and</strong> added extras although studentsare invited to bring along props if they choose to. It is about how thestudents present their meal, how they plate up.Final judgingAll the students are winners for making it through to the cook-offs so everyone will go home with alittle something to commemorate the day.Following judging, James Martin <strong>and</strong> the team will announce <strong>and</strong> congratulate the 1st, 2nd <strong>and</strong> 3rd placestudents who will be presented with their prizes <strong>and</strong> certificates. The remaining students will all receivecertificates <strong>and</strong> have the opportunity to have their photo taken with James.The National ChampionThe Make it with Mince team is touring Engl<strong>and</strong> looking for the very best in cooking talent. They willbe selecting winners from the North East, North Yorkshire, North West, Midl<strong>and</strong>s, South West, East ofEngl<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> South East to take part in the six regional cook-offs.The student who scores the highest mark across the regions will be crowned the National Champion.6

The challenge is open to all students in Key Stages 3 <strong>and</strong> 4 so you can decide how it willmost usefully support your curriculum or extracurricular activities.Register for the challenge online or byemail.Introduce the students to the competition.Provide the students with the challenge<strong>information</strong>.Encourage participation. Use the poster toinform the students that they can enterthe challenge. Show JamesMartinvideo.Use the PowerPoint presentation aboutthe challenge. Show the students the pastwinners <strong>and</strong> the dishes they created.Download the student <strong>information</strong> pack,entry form <strong>and</strong> recipe/budget template.Fill in a recipe/budget form to show.Practical skill development:Cooking <strong>and</strong> heat management.Food safety, cross contamination. Storage.Recipe development:Look at the principles of recipedevelopment.Nutrition:Review the nutritional value of beef/lambmince to help with planning.Energy density:Introduce the concept of energy density.Demonstrate a mince- based dish with afocus on preventing crosscontamination<strong>and</strong> storage ofuncooked/cooked meat.Show the students Suite 4 of Digibites‘Design Right’ to help with recipe ideasfrom the Meat <strong>and</strong> Education website.Use the Meat <strong>and</strong> Education websiteresources to look at the contribution ofmeat to a balanced diet.Look at ingredients that could be added toa mince recipe to reduce energy density.Budgeting:Review the principles of working to abudget.Use the budget template to model thecost of the recipes under development.7

Students complete the entry form,recipe/budget <strong>information</strong> <strong>and</strong> time plan.All documents available for download.Submit the entries online or by post. Checkthe deadline date.Wait for the good news!You may wish to promote the work thathas been completed with a display orimages of the completed dishes on theschool VLE.Registration opens 16 April 2013Entries close 18 October 2013Students selected for regional cook- offs Between 4-6 November 2013Regional cook-offs 11 - 13 November 20138

Make it with Mince website www.simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk/young-chefsYou will find the downloadable resources in the teacher zone. These include:• PowerPoint presentation to help introduce the challenge to your students• Previous winners PowerPoint presentation to inspire <strong>and</strong> motivate yourstudents• Interactive white board resources• Parents/Carers <strong>information</strong> page on the challenge• A poster to raise awareness of the challenge• Entry form, recipe <strong>and</strong> budget template <strong>and</strong> time plan• Information factsheet about buying <strong>and</strong> cooking mince• Video presentation by James Martin about the challenge <strong>and</strong> links to previouswinners with their recipes• Lesson plans• Classroom mince recipe videos• The Farm to Fork Mince video story.Recipe inspiration can be found at www.simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk/recipesFor a wide range of education resources, <strong>information</strong> <strong>and</strong> recipes visit the Meat <strong>and</strong>Education website www.meat<strong>and</strong>education.comFor <strong>information</strong> <strong>and</strong> resources on healthier eating <strong>and</strong> planning a balanced diet, visitwww.foodafactoflife.org.uk9

If there is anything else you need to ask, please email:makeitwithmince@simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk or call the Hotline on 020 7861 3858.BackgroundQ. What is EBLEX <strong>and</strong> why is it running this project in schools?EBLEX is a division of the Agriculture <strong>and</strong> Horticulture Development Board. They look afterbeef <strong>and</strong> lamb farmers in Engl<strong>and</strong>. This is the eighth year of the Red Tractor Make it withMince Challenge <strong>and</strong> it has been designed to engage <strong>and</strong> educate secondary school studentsabout the importance of good nutrition <strong>and</strong> cooking.StudentsQ. What age group can enter the challenge?Students who are in Key Stages 3 or 4 (age 11-16) are eligible to enter the challenge.Q. How many children can be put forward from each school?You are welcome to enter as many students as you would like.RecipesQ. Can existing recipes be used?No. Students may take inspiration from cookery books or recipe magazines but the entryneeds to be the student’s original work.Q. Is there a time limit for the recipes?Students will be given a time limit of one hour in order to prepare, cook <strong>and</strong> present theirdishes.Q. Is there a price limit on the ingredients?Yes, ingredients can cost up to a maximum price limit of £10.Q. Are students expected to cover the cost of their ingredients?Schools <strong>and</strong>/or students will be required to fund the cost of their ingredients until theyreach the regional cook- off. EBLEX will refund the cost of ingredients used in the regionalevents upon production of receipts. Students are not required to bring mince to the cookoffs;we will provide mince of Red Tractor quality.Q. Will students be judged on presentation as well as recipe content?Presentation is important to the overall entry <strong>and</strong> students will be judged on the finalpresentation of their dishes. However, the main focus will be on the formulation of recipes.Q. What does a main meal plus accompaniment mean?The purpose of the challenge is to promote a nutritionally balanced diet <strong>and</strong>, therefore,entries must represent a complete meal. Accompaniments will vary depending on the recipebut include side orders of carbohydrate such as potatoes, rice or pasta, vegetables <strong>and</strong>/orsalad to complement the dish.

Q. How many people should the recipes cater for?The recipe must serve two people using 200g quality beef or lamb mince.Q. Several of my students wish to enter but without using beef or lamb mince – is thispossible?We are sorry but this challenge is open only to recipes developed with beef or lamb mince.Q. Can students get additional assistance with their recipes from the Young Chef team atEBLEX?The email helpline makeitwithmince@simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk will be active from 16April 2013 for any queries.Q. Do the recipes need to stick to any particular culinary theme?No, the challenge is open to all recipe types <strong>and</strong> we welcome beef or lamb mince dishesfrom a global perspective, whether it is English, Mexican, Indian, etc.TeachingQ. How much help is allowed by teachers?It is up to the individual discretion of teachers as to how much time <strong>and</strong> support they give tothe challenge. There is no time allocation set aside for teaching hours for the challenge. Wedo recommend that students are given as much guidance as possible when developing theirrecipes without ‘putting ideas into heads’.Challenge EntryQ. How do I register interest?To take part in the challenge your school must register interest by email or online.Online : www.simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk/young-chefsEmail: makeitwithmince@simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.ukIf you would like an <strong>information</strong> pack sent in the post, please inform us.Q. What is the deadline for recipe entries?The recipe entries must be submitted on the entry form <strong>and</strong> recipe/budget template.The completed entries must be received by 18 October 2013.You will receive an email thanking you for your entry - If it has not been received you will notbe sent an email. Please re-send or call the Make it with Mince Challenge hotline (020 78613858) if you do not get a reply within 48 hours.Regional Cook-OffsQ. Where are the regional cook-offs held?The designated cook- off locations are in York, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge<strong>and</strong> Reading.Q. When will I know if any of my students have been selected for the regional cook-off?If your student is successful they will be informed between 4-6 November 2013.Students are required to attend <strong>and</strong> participate at the closest regional cook- off. This cookoff will take place between 11-13 November 2013.

Q. If pupils are selected to take part in the regional cook-offs are they expectedto fund their own ingredients?No. Students/schools will be asked to meet costs ahead of the regional events. However, forthe regional cook- off, while students will be asked to bring their own ingredients (with theexception of Red Tractor beef OR lamb mince which will be provided), all costs associatedwith the purchase of these ingredients will be refunded by EBLEX.We ask that teachers request an expenses form from:makeitwithmince@simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk <strong>and</strong> attach proof of receipt for those costs.Q. If students are selected to take part in the regional cook-offs are they expected to fundtheir own travel?No. All transport costs (within reason) associated with taking part in the regional events willbe refunded by EBLEX. You are asked to find the most cost-effective method of transport.We ask that teachers request an expenses form from:makeitwithmince@simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.uk <strong>and</strong> provide proof of receipt (petrol costs,st<strong>and</strong>ard class train fare, bus/coach fare, but excluding taxis) when sending the claim.Please give the form to a Make it with Mince Challenge team member at the regional eventor post to:Red Tractor Make it with Mince ChallengeGood RelationsHolborn Gate26 Southampton BuildingsLondonWC2A 1PQQ. If students are selected to take part in the regional cook- off are they expected tobring their own equipment?Basic equipment (chopping boards, etc), will be provided by EBLEX. If your recipe needsspecific equipment e.g. a h<strong>and</strong> blender, we recommend students bring this to the event.They must bring their own knives <strong>and</strong> favourite kitchen equipment, i.e. a favouritevegetable peeler, for example.Q. Are teachers allowed to attend the regional event?It will be a requirement that one representative from the school attends the regional cookoffwith their selected student. If this is not possible, contact must be made with the Make itwith Mince organisers immediately to make alternative plans.There will be a waiting area set aside for parents/carers, but it is likely that they will not beable to watch the challenge due to limited space.

Q. What do students receive for participating?The incentive for participating will be a series of prizes awarded to those who receive 1st,2nd <strong>and</strong> 3rd places in the regional cook-off.All participants will receive a certificate. The prizes will be awarded as follows:Prizes for the Regional Winners.1st Place£200 cooking equipment vouchers for the winning student’s schoolA Mini tablet for the studentAn exclusive chef white jacket <strong>and</strong> a competition winners’ certificate2nd Place£100 cooking equipment vouchers for the studentAn exclusive chef white jacket <strong>and</strong> a competition winners’ certificate3rd Place£50 cooking equipment vouchers for the studentAn exclusive chef white jacket <strong>and</strong> a competition winners’ certificateGr<strong>and</strong> Prize for the National ChampionA day in London with celebrity chef James Martin to learn about working in the cateringindustry with a potential behind-the-scenes trip to Saturday Kitchen <strong>and</strong> a chance toexperience cooking in two top London restaurants.Q. When <strong>and</strong> where will the Red Tractor Make it with Mince Challenge be visiting myregion?The cook-off roadshow will be visiting regions across Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> your school will beentered into the nearest venue. The cook-offs will take place between 11-13 November2013. Venues will be confirmed at a later date.Q. How long will the cook-off last?We estimate that the cook-off will last around 3 hours (including preparation time).Running order will be confirmed closer to the date but final judging <strong>and</strong> awards will takeplace directly afterwards.Q. I don’t have access to email – what should I do if I need help?We have a phone line that will be monitored between the hours of 10:00am – 4:00pm toanswer any queries that you may have. Outside of these hours, please leave a message <strong>and</strong> arepresentative will get back to you as soon as possible. This phone number is 020 7861 3858.Or, alternatively, email makeitwithmince@simplybeef<strong>and</strong>lamb.co.ukHow to store <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>le beef <strong>and</strong> lamb mince

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