Workplace health and safety hazard identification checklist ...

Workplace health and safety hazard identification checklist ... Workplace health and safety hazard identification checklist ...
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Workplace health and safety hazard identificationchecklist: Cleaning industryUse the checklist below to identify potential health and safety problems in your workplace.If you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions, you may need to make changes. Further infocan be obtained from the practical guidance sheets for your industry.Look at the tasks performed in your workplace and foreach task ask yourself the following questions:Manual tasksAre workers using minimal force/effortto perform the task?Are the forces required to perform thetask within the physical capacity of theworker?If the task is performed for prolongedperiods, can it be performed at aneasy pace?Are workers able to perform the taskwith their arms close to their body?(i.e. not reaching away from their bodyor overhead).Are workers able to perform the task inan upright, forward facing position?(i.e. not bent over or twisting/turningtheir back).YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoAre workers necks in a comfortableposition when viewing things? (i.e. notbent, tilted or twisted).Are workers able to vary their posturethroughout the task? (i.e. don’t have tostand, sit, kneel or squat for extendedperiods).Are workers able to perform the taskwith their wrist and forearm in acomfortable position? (i.e. notbent/twisted).Are workers protected againstvibration when using poweredequipment (e.g. floor scrubbers orpolishers) for long periods?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoMachinery and equipmentDoes your equipment meet AustralianStandards?Is your equipment regularly servicedand maintained according to themanufacturer’s instructions?Is equipment only used for itsintended purpose?YesNoYesNoYesNoAre all users of equipment trained inhow to use it safely?Does all equipment have guarding onmoving parts to prevent user contact?YesNoYesNo

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>safety</strong> <strong>hazard</strong> <strong>identification</strong><strong>checklist</strong>: Cleaning industryUse the <strong>checklist</strong> below to identify potential <strong>health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>safety</strong> problems in your workplace.If you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions, you may need to make changes. Further infocan be obtained from the practical guidance sheets for your industry.Look at the tasks performed in your workplace <strong>and</strong> foreach task ask yourself the following questions:Manual tasksAre workers using minimal force/effortto perform the task?Are the forces required to perform thetask within the physical capacity of theworker?If the task is performed for prolongedperiods, can it be performed at aneasy pace?Are workers able to perform the taskwith their arms close to their body?(i.e. not reaching away from their bodyor overhead).Are workers able to perform the task inan upright, forward facing position?(i.e. not bent over or twisting/turningtheir back).YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoAre workers necks in a comfortableposition when viewing things? (i.e. notbent, tilted or twisted).Are workers able to vary their posturethroughout the task? (i.e. don’t have tost<strong>and</strong>, sit, kneel or squat for extendedperiods).Are workers able to perform the taskwith their wrist <strong>and</strong> forearm in acomfortable position? (i.e. notbent/twisted).Are workers protected againstvibration when using poweredequipment (e.g. floor scrubbers orpolishers) for long periods?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoMachinery <strong>and</strong> equipmentDoes your equipment meet AustralianSt<strong>and</strong>ards?Is your equipment regularly serviced<strong>and</strong> maintained according to themanufacturer’s instructions?Is equipment only used for itsintended purpose?YesNoYesNoYesNoAre all users of equipment trained inhow to use it safely?Does all equipment have guarding onmoving parts to prevent user contact?YesNoYesNo

ChemicalsHave you obtained a Material SafetyData Sheet (MSDS) for all thesubstances <strong>and</strong> chemicals used inyour workplace?Have you read each MSDS <strong>and</strong>identified which substances areclassified as a ‘<strong>hazard</strong>oussubstance’?Have you got a register which has alist of the ‘<strong>hazard</strong>ous substances’used <strong>and</strong> a copy of each ‘<strong>hazard</strong>oussubstances’ MSDS?Is a copy of each ‘<strong>hazard</strong>oussubstances’ MSDS available nearwhere it is used?Have you done a written riskassessment for each ‘<strong>hazard</strong>oussubstance’?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoHave you identified ways to preventpeople being exposed to ‘<strong>hazard</strong>oussubstances’ <strong>and</strong> put those controls inplace?Have you identified any ‘<strong>hazard</strong>oussubstances’ for which you have toprovide <strong>health</strong> surveillance?Do ALL containers have a labelshowing exactly what substance is init?Have you given workers using‘<strong>hazard</strong>ous substances’ training in howto use those ‘<strong>hazard</strong>ous substances’safely?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoSlips, trips <strong>and</strong> fallsDo practices prevent floors frombecoming slippery?Is work organised so that wet floorsdon’t need to be walked on?Are all floor surfaces even <strong>and</strong>undamaged?Are there railings etc. to preventpeople falling off mezzanine floors orother high areas (e.g. loading bays)?Are all areas well lit?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoAre walkways/stairways/ramps keptclear of boxes, rubbish, leads, or othertrip <strong>hazard</strong>s?Do workers wear non-slip footwear?Are walkways, ramps <strong>and</strong> stepsclearly marked?Are all ladders used stable <strong>and</strong> ingood condition? (n.b. all laddersshould be rated for industrial use <strong>and</strong>have a load rating of at least 120kg).YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoFirst aidIs a first aid kit/s available at theworkplace?Are the first aid kits contents suitablefor the types of injuries that may besustained at your workplace?YesNoYesNoIs the first aid kit regularly checked<strong>and</strong> items replaced if they are nolonger usable (or out of date)?Do workers have access to peopletrained in first-aid?YesNoYesNoSharp objects <strong>and</strong> biological <strong>hazard</strong>sDo work practices minimise workers’exposure to biological <strong>hazard</strong>s(e.g. blood, body fluids)?Do work practices reduce the risk ofworkers contacting sharps (e.g.discarded needles, broken glass)?YesNoYesNoIs there a process for reportingincidents of exposure to sharps orbiological <strong>hazard</strong>s?Are there established procedures formedical attention if a skin penetratinginjury occurs?YesNoYesNo<strong>Workplace</strong> Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Queensl<strong>and</strong>, Department of Justice <strong>and</strong> Attorney-GeneralInformation guide: Cleaning industry series – Hazard <strong>identification</strong> <strong>checklist</strong>PN10211 Version 2. Last updated February 2010.

Are there procedures for the h<strong>and</strong>ling<strong>and</strong> disposal of sharp objects?YesNoElectricalIs all electrical equipment in goodcondition <strong>and</strong> free from damage?Is electrical equipment inspected <strong>and</strong>tested by a competent person(e.g. electrician) or connected througha <strong>safety</strong> switch?Are damaged plugs, leads <strong>and</strong>sockets immediately removed fromservice?YesNoYesNoYesNoAre leads kept away from sources ofdamage? (e.g. water, heat, vehicles,trolleys etc.)Are outlets <strong>and</strong> other electricalequipment used in wet areas suitablefor that type of work?YesNoYesNoEmergency proceduresHave you identified emergenciesthat may require an evacuation ofthe workplace?Is there an emergency evacuationprocedure?Is the evacuation proceduredisplayed in the workplace?Are workers trained in theevacuation procedure?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoAre emergency exits clearly marked<strong>and</strong> kept free from obstructions?Are appropriate fire extinguishersavailable <strong>and</strong> regularly inspected?Is fire fighting equipment easilyaccessible (i.e. not blocked, coveredetc.)?Is there a procedure for responding to<strong>and</strong> recording <strong>and</strong>/or reportingincidents/injuries?YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoHeat stressDo workers know how to recognisethe signs of heat stress?Can workers control the amount oftime spent in hot, humid areas?Is cool water made available toworkers?YesNoYesNoYesNoAre cool, shaded rest areas availablefor workers?Are workers encouraged to wear lightweight,light-coloured <strong>and</strong> loose fittingclothing in hot areas?YesNoYesNo© The State of Queensl<strong>and</strong> (Department of Justice <strong>and</strong> Attorney-General) 2011Copyright protects this document. The State of Queensl<strong>and</strong> has no objection to this material being reproduced, but asserts its right to be recognised asauthor of the original material <strong>and</strong> the right to have the material unaltered.The material presented in this publication is distributed by the Queensl<strong>and</strong> Government as an information source only. The State of Queensl<strong>and</strong> makes nostatements, representations, or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, <strong>and</strong> the reader should notrely on it. The Queensl<strong>and</strong> Government disclaims all responsibility <strong>and</strong> all liability (including, without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses,losses, damages <strong>and</strong> costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, <strong>and</strong> for any reason.<strong>Workplace</strong> Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Queensl<strong>and</strong>, Department of Justice <strong>and</strong> Attorney-GeneralInformation guide: Cleaning industry series – Hazard <strong>identification</strong> <strong>checklist</strong>PN10211 Version 2. Last updated February 2010.

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