RTC Meeting Minutes February 20, 2008 - Department of Medical ...

RTC Meeting Minutes February 20, 2008 - Department of Medical ...

RTC Meeting Minutes February 20, 2008 - Department of Medical ...

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<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> ImagingUniversity <strong>of</strong> Toronto<strong>RTC</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>Minutes</strong><strong>February</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>08Room NCSB-1C551, Toronto General HospitalAttendeesPart 1 & 2:Dr. Linda Probyn – Chair Dr. Patrice Bret Dr. Robert BleakneyDr. Jeff Jaskolka Dr. Cathy MacDonald Dr. Vik PrabhudesaiDr. Robyn PugashDr. Hemi DuaPart 2 only:Dr. Peter de Maio Dr. Melissa Kern Dr. Anisa MnyusiwallaDr. Anshu RajputRegretsDr. Lisa Ehrlich Dr. David Mikulis Dr. Errol ColakPart 1: (4:00 – 5:00 p.m.) Evaluations Sub-Committee (Site Coordinators andChief Resident only)Part 2: (5:00 p.m.)1. <strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> Previous <strong>Meeting</strong><strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> previous meeting (December 12, <strong>20</strong>07) were distributed and approved.The <strong>RTC</strong> minutes will be posted on the resident website and e-mailed to the staff.2. Presentation <strong>of</strong> Fellowship Positionsa. Dr. Martin O’Malley – Abdominal Fellowship PositionsDr. O’Malley proposed to add 2 additional Abdominal Imaging (AI) Fellowshippositions to start July <strong>20</strong>08. A copy <strong>of</strong> the proposal outline was distributed to thecommittee members. Dr. O’Malley pointed out that since the overall volume <strong>of</strong>cases related to AI has increased and several AI programs have grownFile: MIN_<strong>RTC</strong>_Feb_<strong>20</strong>_08.doc

significantly, the two additional positions will not have negative impact on theeducational experience <strong>of</strong> the residents. The committee unanimously approvedthe proposal.b. Dr. Larry White/Dr. Bob Bleakney – MSK Fellowship PositionOn behalf <strong>of</strong> Dr. White, Dr. Bleakney proposed to add an additional one year <strong>of</strong>training for one <strong>of</strong> the current MSK Imaging fellows. A copy <strong>of</strong> the proposaloutline was distributed to the committee members. The committee membersapproved the proposal.3. Administrative SupportDr. Probyn updated the committee members that Alana Hibbert, the new full-timeadministrative secretary, has left the <strong>Department</strong> to pursue other interests. LynMichisor will continue as a full-time administrative secretary and will continue totake on the day-to-day administrative tasks until a suitable replacement is found.Ayethida has returned from maternity leave in January <strong>20</strong>08 and has taken on the role<strong>of</strong> ‘project leader’. She will be looking after various projects such as updating thewebsite along with several other projects. Gina Sciortino is also providing support asneeded.4. Site SurveysDr. Probyn distributed to the site coordinators site surveys from POWER (anonymousresident feedback over a 6-month time interval (July to December <strong>20</strong>07)) as well as asummary <strong>of</strong> feedback obtained during resident interviews between October <strong>20</strong>07 and<strong>February</strong> <strong>20</strong>08. Dr. Probyn indicated that some <strong>of</strong> the concerns raised have alreadybeen acted upon (these are also marked on the summary sheets).These include:1. Sunnybrook – Some staff without home access have requested that residents e-mail images for review, which is very time consuming for the resident during abusy night <strong>of</strong> call. (Action – this was communicated to Dr. Pugash who with thesupport <strong>of</strong> Dr. Moody communicated to the Sunnybrook staff that this isprohibited).2. SMH – At times some staff are difficult to reach and seem reluctant to providesupport on-call including some staff without home access. (Action – this wascommunicated to Dr. Common and discussions are ongoing as to how this will beaddressed).-Concern raised regarding lack <strong>of</strong> respect for resident/staff confidentiality.(Action – this was communicated to Dr. Common and discussions are ongoing asto how this will be addressed).5. Resident Issues1. The resident representatives reported that some <strong>of</strong> the call rooms are not beingcleaned across all sites. (Action – site coordinators to look into this at theirrespective sites).File: MIN_<strong>RTC</strong>_Feb_<strong>20</strong>_08.doc

2. The last row <strong>of</strong> chairs in TGH seminar room is not optimal for viewing the screen.(Action – suggest moving forward if residents are having difficulties seeing).3. The conference rooms at Sunnybrook and SMH are too small to accommodate theresident group during half-days. (Action – Sunnybrook and SMH half-day andvisiting pr<strong>of</strong>essor lectures will be moved to a larger room).4. The question <strong>of</strong> Restricted Registration was raised. (Action – Dr. Probyn willlook into this and report back to the committee).6. Junior/Senior CallA Sub-Committee will be formed to evaluate the Junior/Senior call. The SubCommittee will consist <strong>of</strong> Drs. Linda Probyn, Bob Bleakney, Hemi Dua, MelissaKern and a representative from thePGY3 year. The Sub-Committee will conduct asurvey via Survey Monkey to get resident feedback. The committee will report backto <strong>RTC</strong> in April with the results <strong>of</strong> the survey and suggestions for improvements forthe upcoming year.7. RCPSC UpdateDr. Probyn reported to the committee that the external review <strong>of</strong> DiagnosticRadiology will take place before October <strong>20</strong>09. It will be arranged by the Dean’s<strong>of</strong>fice and the exact date has not been confirmed yet. The committee was informedthat an additional weakness “access to space, telephone and computers available toresidents to conduct their work in a quiet setting is poor” was added to the last RoyalCollege correspondence.The resident representatives were asked to provide feedback to the committeeregarding this weakness.Areas where there are limited workstations include:-Sunnybrook (abdominal, interventional and ultrasound reporting areas)-MSH (breast reporting area)-At the moment workstations for residents are adequate at SMH(Action – Site coordinators are to look into the lack <strong>of</strong> workstations at their sitesand make improvements where able).The residents do not report a problem with telephone access in any reporting area noris there currently an issue regarding the noise level in any reporting area at any site.Residents are encouraged to communicate and concerns to the Site Coordinator,Program Director, resident representatives and/or <strong>RTC</strong> in this regard so they can beacted upon in a timely fashion.8. Next <strong>RTC</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>File: MIN_<strong>RTC</strong>_Feb_<strong>20</strong>_08.doc

The next <strong>RTC</strong> meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19, <strong>20</strong>08. This is aregular meeting and will begin at 4:30 p.m.<strong>Meeting</strong> adjourned at 6:45 p.m.Next meeting: Wednesday, March 19, <strong>20</strong>08Regular <strong>RTC</strong> meetingFile: MIN_<strong>RTC</strong>_Feb_<strong>20</strong>_08.doc

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