YYLN Spring Newsletter - Norman Wettenhall Foundation

YYLN Spring Newsletter - Norman Wettenhall Foundation

YYLN Spring Newsletter - Norman Wettenhall Foundation


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By Dan Garlick and Helga Binder2012 Conference Project UpdateYARRAM YARRAM LANDCARE NETWORKNational Landcare Conference and AwardsJACK THOMPSONThe 2012 National LandcareConference was held onSeptember 3-5 in sparklingsunshine on the DarlingHarbour, Sydney NSW.<strong>YYLN</strong> Board Chair DavidMcAninly, member Helga Binderand Dan Garlick attended onbehalf of the network.It was a conference packedfull with ideas, story-sharing,networking and learning.There were sessions onConserving our Biodiversity,Engaging our Communities,Sustainable Agriculture &Innovation and presentationsfrom National Landcare Awardfinalists. Plenary sessions hadexcellent panels discussingFood Production and the futureof Landcare, including aninspirational ‘telepresence’ withDAVID, BELINDA AND DAN WITH BOB HAWKE AT THE AWARDSDavid Suzuki. An edited versionof this will be on uTube so thatyou can all look and be inspired.Social Media and its potentialto spread the message ofLandcare was a repeated themethroughout the conference. Afew brave souls even startedtweeting on #landcareconf12but most of us were secretlythinking that tweeting shouldbe left to the birds. We wereall encouraged to get ourLandcare websites up toscratch and connected with ourLandcare facebook pages andour Instagram images so thatwe can encourage the rest ofAustralia to ‘like’ us. Good luck!The National Landcare Awards,a focal point in the conferenceand were presented on theTuesday night.DAN GARLICK PRESENTING ON LANDCARE IN TRANSITIONFlying the flag for our regionwere State Award winners, LibbyBalderstone, Belinda Brennanand the WGCMA.It was a great night, withapproximately 1000 landcarersattending. Special guestsincluded former Prime Minister,Bob Hawke, Minister JoeLudwig, Landcare AmbassadorJack Thompson (Helga is stillswooning having had her phototaken with him) and CatrionaRowntree who MC’d the night.Congratulations to all thewinners (none from Victoria),especially to Libby on being afinalist, but more importantlyon your tremendous Landcareefforts and operation at WarrigalCreek. We are not biased insaying that you should havewon!WINNERSIndividual Landcarer Award -Chris Scott NSWNatural Resource ManagementAward (WGCMA was Vic finalist)- SEQ Catchments – QLDInnovation in Sustainable FarmPractices -Running Creek FeedTest Station – QLDLocal Landcare FacilitatorAward (Belinda Brennan was VicFinalist) - Susie Chapman – QLDCoastcare Award – South WestRocks Dune Care – NSWEducation Award – NorthDandalup Primary School – WAYoung Landcare Leader –Megan Rowlett – NSWIndigenous Award – BunyaMountains Elders Council – QLDPrimary Producer Award (LibbyBalderstone from Yarramwas the Vic Finalist) – DannyFlannery – NSWCommunity Group Award –Ellen Brockman IntegratedCatchment Group -WAUrban Landcare Award –Georges River CombinedCouncils’ Committee – NSWLandcare Partnership Award –Byron and Tweed Shire Councils– NSW ■DAVID SUZUKI INSPIRES US FROM CANADAYARRAM YARRAM LANDCARE NETWORKBy Samantha MonksSamantha Monks, <strong>YYLN</strong> Project OfficerInvasive Plants &Animals (IPA) ProgramWe continue to work closelywith our partners and localcommunity in controlling ofand education on invasiveplants and animals. Over thewinter months we have beentargeting gorse regrowth alongthe “regular” roadsides, publicand private land. With the brightyellow Gorse flowers in fullbloom, it is very easy to spot.We are hoping to secureour 4th year of consecutivefunding from the VictorianGorse Taskforce (VGT) for theGippsland Coastal Plains GorseControl Program. Since 2009,this community programhas successfully treated over700ha of Gorse on privateland, significantly reducingthe size and density of Gorseinfestations from Yarram toSeaspray.New and old infestations arestill being reported so pleasecontact me ASAP for assistanceor advice in Gorse control.Note: Please see <strong>YYLN</strong> AdviceSheet: “Guide for Invasive Plant &Animal Control” . ■Protecting the CornerInlet Coastal HotspotProgramThe Corner Inlet andNooramunga Marineand Coastal Parks areinternationally recognised assignificant coastal wetlands,containing the most extensiveareas of intertidal mudflats inVictoria. Nooramunga covers acomplex area of approximately30,000 Ha that includes thecoast between Port Welshpooland McLoughlins Beach,adjoining the Ninety Mile Beach.Coastal SaltmarshProtection Project<strong>YYLN</strong>’s 2011-‘12 coastalsaltmarsh project sites betweenManns Beach and Reeves Beachwill be planted out this springwith 8000 locally indigenoustube stock. More than onehundred hectares of coastalsaltmarsh has been protectedfrom stock in the final year ofthis project. Since 2009, throughthe Corner Inlet Connectionspartnership, the WGCMAand <strong>YYLN</strong> have protectedapproximately 600ha of coastalsaltmarsh on freehold farm landin the Nooramunga area.Erosion Control Program10,000 tubestock will be plantedout in spring across the 2011-’12 erosion control projectsites on the steep slopes ofHedley Range. Extremely keenBinginwarri Landcare membershave volunteered to help withsome of the plantings. Thankyouteam!Note: Over 4km of fencing wasrecently completed forming vitalbio-links across several propertiescovering more than 9 hectares ofactively eroding gully areas in thislandscape-scale project.Serrated Tussock(Nassella trichotoma)in WGCMAThe WGCMA in partnership with<strong>YYLN</strong> and DPI, has establishedCOASTAL SALTMARSHthe “Seaspray ST ContainmentZone”. Over the last 12 months,a community awareness surveyhas been conducted, a followup door knock to all landholdersliving within the control zoneand two well-attended STWorkshops at Seaspray andStratford. Representatives fromthe ST Working Party travelledto Gippsland to attend theworkshops and inspect ST trialsites in Seaspray and Stratford.NOTE: This three year projectfunded by CfOC, aims to treatand control Serrated Tussock (ST)across West Gippsland. A Weedof National Significance (WoNS),ST is regarded as one of the worstweeds in Australia because of itsinvasiveness, potential for spread,economic and environmentalimpacts. ■National Tree Day forSchoolsOver 400 primary schoolchildren across the <strong>YYLN</strong> areacelebrated National Tree Day forSchools on Friday 27 th July. Eachstudent from 6 primary schools,Alberton, Yarram, St Mary’s,Devon North, Woodside andSeaspray PS was presented withtheir own tree, shrub or creeper.These were supplied by <strong>YYLN</strong>and grown at the local TarraWholesale Nursery. All plantsspecies are locally indigenous tothe <strong>YYLN</strong> area.Each school also received a“Linking Landcare” kit andclassroom activities from PlanetArk to help children learn aboutdifferent Landcare practices andthe importance of trees in thenatural environment. Now in its16 th year, Planet Ark’s SchoolsTree Day, “provides supportand care for the Australianenvironment.”It was great to see the studentsso happy and excited aboutreceiving a plant. Several adultscommented that it broughtback memories from their ownchildhood when they took atree home and planted it in theirgarden. ■ALBERTON, DEVON NTH AND ST MARY’S STUDENTS WITH TREES!!!!1011

The CFA has a FREE Home Bushfire Advice Service available.A Fire Safety Officer will come to your property/home and provide advice on property maintenance/improvements to betterprepare for the possibility of Bushfire. Advice includes; vegetation management, planning for high risk fire days, personalcapacity to deal with major fires and other potential hazards. Contact: Rachel Allen on 0400 696 382 or www.cfa.vic.gov.au/hbasContacts for Individual Active Landcare GroupsAlbert River Landcare GroupContact: Geoff CharmanPhone: 5184 1117Email: geoffc@wideband.net.auCarrajung and District LGContact: <strong>YYLN</strong> OfficePhone: 5182 6094Email: yarram@wgcma.vic.gov.auWoodside Landcare GroupContact: Jane GordonPhone: 5187 1400Email: janeo@aussiebroadband.com.auWonyip Landcare GroupContact: Werner LangePhone: 0418 302575Email: longiewl@optusnet.com.auBinginwarri Landcare GroupContact: Kaye ProudleyPhone: 5185 1398Email: katbingi@harboursat.com.auMerriman Creek Landcare GroupContact: Melissa AinsworthPhone: 5146 8328Email: ainsworths@activ8.net.auWon Wron Devon North LGContact: Bill BodmanPhone: 5189 1243Email: bjbodman@wideband.net.auHedley/Nine Mile Creek LGContact: Maree AveryPhone: 0421 222 242Email: maree@skymesh.com.auYarram Urban Landcare GroupContact: Trevor ColvinPhone: 0417 307 098Email: trevorcolvin91@gmail.comLivingston St T: 03 5182 5073Yarram F: 03 5182 6094Vic 3971 E: yarram@wgcma.vic.gov.auW: www.yyln.org.auPOSTAGEPAIDAUSTRALIAThis newsletter has been printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper, using non-toxic inks and 100% solar power - preserving our environment

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