ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL


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THE FLAVOR AND EXTRACT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONSafety and Health Act (Section 5(a)(1) of theAct) for broad authority over flavor manufacturingin general, and specifically for possibleexposure to diacetyl. OSHA also implementeda National Emphasis Program for microwavepopcorn manufacturing plants.Flavor manufacturers should be familiarwith, and comply with, the OSHA respiratorstandard. This standard remains the most commonsource of OSHA citations among flavormanufacturers.The federal Hazard CommunicationStandard applies to many areas of flavor manufacturing.OSHA issued specific guidance in2007 on hazard communication as it relates todiacetyl. OSHA has informally stated that thisguidance also applies to 2,3-pentanedione, althoughOSHA has not yet amended the 2007guidance to include this flavoring substance.OSHA’s confined space regulations mayapply to some flavor manufacturers employinglarge vessels or tanks in their operations.OSHA and NIOSH maintain web pageson flavorings-related lung disease. The OSHApage can be found at www.osha.gov/SLTC/flavoringlung/index.html.The NIOSH page canbe found at www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/flavorings/current-niosh.html.NIOSH also maintainsa science blog on diacetyl and food flavorings atwww.cdc.gov/niosh/blog/nsb111008_diacetyl.html.Important information is availablethrough the NIOSH program of Health HazardEvaluations (HHEs). These are evaluationsconducted by NIOSH staff on a wide variety ofworkplaces. Several types of facilities relevantto the flavor industry have been evaluated byNIOSH, including microwave popcorn manufacturingplants and flavor manufacturing facilities.Reports of NIOSH HHEs are availableon the NIOSH website at www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/.CaliforniaIn 2006, the California Division of OccupationalSafety and Health (Cal/OSHA) implementedthe innovative program the FlavorIndustry Safety and Health Evaluation Program(FISHEP) with the assistance of FEMA. Thisprogram resulted in workplace safety consultationsby Cal/OSHA with flavor manufacturersoperating in California. FISHEP also resultedin the completion of serial spirometry testing ofseveral hundred California flavor manufacturingworkers. FISHEP assisted California flavormanufacturers in maintaining safe workplacesand also provided important information used inthe development and adoption of the Californiaflavor manufacturing workplace regulations.In 2010, California implemented aworkplace safety regulation specifically for flavormanufacturing in California. The regulationcontains a “1% cut-off” for diacetyl in compoundedflavors and contains provisions relatedto flavoring substances considered as “alternatives”to diacetyl – acetoin, 2,3-pentanedione,diacetyl trimer, 2,3-hexanedione, and 2,3-heptanedione.The state’s final statement of reasonsexplains the rationale for the regulations.WashingtonIn 2008, the Washington State Departmentof Labor and Industries published an informationsheet for restaurant owners and workersabout diacetyl. The sheet states that it “providesinformation to cooks and restaurant workersabout possibly harmful exposures to diacetylduring cooking.”3

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