ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL


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Maintaining safe and healthy workplaces is a matter of utmost importance to FEMA and its members. FEMAconsulted with experts on the development of this document and made extensive use of a wide varietyof information resources. As described in detail in their report, the application of this information to yourworkplace is a function of specific aspects of your workplace and the products manufactured and handled.Because of the unique nature of each workplace, the information in this report should be considered onlya general guide. FEMA is not responsible for either the use or nonuse of the information, or any actions, orfailure to act, in any specific workplace based on reliance on the report. It is your individual responsibility toverify this information as it applies to your workplace before acting, and to comply with all relevant federal,state, and local laws and ordinances. We strongly urge you to consult with appropriate experts regardingthe circumstances relevant to respiratory health and safety in your facilities.© Copyright <strong>2012</strong>. The Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States. 1620 I Street,N.W., Suite 925, Washington, D.C. 20006

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