ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL


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THE FLAVOR AND EXTRACT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONCONTINUEDFEMA CAS Principal NameMolecularWeight3779 7783 - 06 4 Hydrogen sulfide 34.08 3.81 x 10-9 mm Hg25 ºC2220 78-84-2 Isobutyraldehyde 72.11 131 mm Hg 20 ºC164 mm Hg 25 ºCOHH S HCalculated VaporReportedPressureValue PEL Data a,b Poundage c (lbs)OSHA PEL - Exposuresshall not exceed 20 ppm(ceiling) with the followingexception: if no othermeasurable exposureoccurs during the 8-hourwork shift, exposures mayexceed 20 ppm, but notmore than 50 ppm (peak),for a single time periodup to 10 minutes NIOSHREL - 10 ppm, ceiling limit15 mg/m3 (10 minutes)1995: 32005: 2102010: 22NA 1995: 1,1002005: 1,0102010: 1,4002222 79-31-2 Isobutyric acid 88.11 2.35 mm Hg 20 ºC3.27 mm Hg 25 ºCONA 1995: 8,7502005: 6,8402010: 8,700HO2716 74-93-1 Methyl mercaptan 48.11 1.28 X 103mmHg 20 ºC1510 mm Hg 25 ºCSHOSHA PEL - ceiling limitTWA 10 ppm, 20 mg/m31995: 522005: 2402010: 4002746 75-18-3 Methyl sulfide 62.13 391 mm Hg 20 ºC479 mm Hg 25 ºCSNA 1995: 8,2002005: 22,9002010: 17,0003217 764-40-9 2,4-Pentadienal 82.1 20 mm Hg 25 ºC NA 1995: 0O2005: 02010: 0H3218 764-39-6 2-Pentenal 84.12 13.9 mm Hg 20 ºCO18.5 mm Hg 25 ºCHNA 1995: 32005: 242010: 5417

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