ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL

ResH&S 2012 FINAL


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RESPIRATORY HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE FLAVOR MANUFACTURING WORKPLACECONTINUEDFEMA CAS Principal NameMolecularWeightCalculated VaporReportedPressureValue PEL Data a,b Poundage c (lbs)4303 18114-49-3 Diacetyl trimer 258.27 NA See Diacetyl 1995: NA2005: NAOH O2010: 0OOOO2418 140-88-5 Ethyl acrylate 100.12 29.4 mm Hg 20 ºC38.4 mm Hg 25 ºCOO2487 64-18-6 Formic Acid 46.03 27.4 mm Hg 20º CO35.9 mm Hg 25 ºCH OH2489 98-01-1 Furfural 96.09 1.65 mm Hg 20 ºCOO2.32 mm Hf 25 ºCHPEL - Skin TWA 25 ppm,100 mg/m3OSHA PEL - TWA 5 ppm,9 mg/m3OSHA PEL - Skin TWA 5ppm, 20 mg/m31995: 112005: 32010: 591995: 20,6002005: 7,1502010: 9,5001995: 7,7102005: 8,2402010: 9,3002543 96-04-8 2,3-HeptanedioneO128.17 0.785 mm Hg 20 ºC1.11 mm Hg 25 ºCO2558 3848-24-6 2,3-Hexanedione 114.14 2.11 mm Hg 20 ºCO2.93 mm Hg 25 ºCNA 1995: 1002005: 782010: 120NA 1995: 6202005: 4002010: 2,500O3168 4437-51-8 3,4-Hexanedione 114.14 9.2 mm Hg 20 ºCO12.3 mm Hg 25 ºCNA 1995: 392005: 132010: 200O16

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