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<strong>S2</strong> • <strong>People</strong>

This section includes:Administration • 54Board of Trustees • 60Faculty • 64Staff • 82Seniors. 90Juniors • 118Sophomores • 128Freshmen • 138Second Semester Students • 152Graduate Students • 154Christian Communications Program • 155Who's Who • 158Alpha Chi • 166Honor Students • 169Royalty • 170A lot('ill}•~I}just one 'year!PEOPLE<strong>People</strong> • 53

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o~~@)'\2l0=~@)~Leadersin the Collegeand the ~Church ~~ . ~----------------BILLY RAY COX, MBA, CPA.o@)~~o~~@)'\2l0=o@)~~Serving as director of the AmericanStudies Program, Dr. Cox organized aprogram of guest speakers for specialseminars with the American Studiesstudents and facu lty and for chapelprograms. The following nationalfigures among others were involved inthe American Studies Program thisyear - Dr. C. L. Kay, Senator SamErvin, Congressman Jim Guy Tucker,and Senator Strom Thurmond. He alsoplanned two outstanding educationaltours for students in the program, onein the fall to New Orleans, and theother in the spring to St. Louis.Although heavily involved in thedevelopment program of the collegeand in raising funds for currentoperational expenses, he taught twoclasses - Principles of Auditing andBusiness Law. For the fall semester, hisBusiness Law class was the largest oncampus with an enrollment of 161.His recognized business acumenresulted in his being appointed to anumber of busin!"ss and philanthropicboards includi ng White CountySavings & Loan, Small Business InvestmentCapital , Inc., YoungAmericans for Freedom, NationalSecurity Council and President of theWhite County Service Corporation.During the year he spoke at theI nternational PI atform AssociationConvention in Washington, D.C. , andthe Publ ic Relations Workshop atAb ilene Christian <strong>University</strong>. In additionhe attended the NationalCounci l on Philanthropy Workshop inSt. Louis.He served as a deacon of the Collegechurch of Christ and taught a wellattendedSunday morning Bible classfor college students.~Serving as president of the ArkansasIntercollegiate Athletic Conference forthe second time in 20 years, Dr. Pryorcontinued to serve as <strong>Harding</strong>'s AICFaculty Representative. He operatedthe clock at all home football gamesand was the official scorekeeper at allhome basketball games."Dr. Joe" received his 35-yearservice pin at the Faculty-StaffBanquet held near the close of thespring semester. In addition to hisadministrative responsibilities, hetaug~ 't two sections of generaleducation physical science. He alsoserved his 34th year as a faculty advisorto the Petit Jean.I n October, Pryor attended theannual meetings of the ArkansasDeans' Association in Little Rock andthe Christian College Deans in Malibu,California. In March and April, heattended the meeti ngs of theAssociation of College Honor Societiesin Tampa and the North CentralAssociation in Chicago.Pryor served as secretary-treasurer ofthe National Council of Alpha Chiwhich added several chapters duringthe 1977-78 school year, and personallyinstalled chapters in Virginia,Kentucky and Arkansas.He served as an elder of the Collegechurch of Christ and was chairman ofthe committee that was responsible forthe campus ministry activity. He alsoserved on the worship committee andas a substitute teacher for the largeauditorium Bible class on Sundaymorning.JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PhD.56 • Vice--Presidents

Implementing for the first year thepolicy of no use of tobacco for themen students, necessitated by theHEW Title IX Legislation and Christianprinciples, Mr. Campbell worked to setup and communicate guidelines andprocedures that made this policyworkable.Campbell participated in theChristian counseling Workshopdirected by the departments 01 Bihleand psychology. He served as an elderof the Downtown church of Christ.EDDIE RAY CAMPBELL, MAT.New rules,regulationsand servicesprovidedTED M. ALTMAN, EdO.Stressing the importance of effectivecommuni cations, Dean Altmanworked closely with students andcolleagues in affirming the studentpersonnel policies of the College. Hewas involved in implementing oncampus Title IX regulations required bythe department of Health, Education,and Welfare, He also served as advisorto the Austri an Campaigners andencouraged other campaign groups asthey prepared for work during thesummer of 1978.Altman attended the Youth ConflictSeminar in Memphis and the annualmeeting of the National Association ofStudent Person nel Administrators,serv ing on its advisory board. He alsoattended the meeting of the ChristianCo llege Student Personnel DeansAssoc iation and was active in theThree Rivers chapter of Phi DeltaKappa.During the year, he was appointedan elder by the Westside church ofChrist after serving several years as adeacon . He also served as vicechairmanof the Camp WyldewoodBoard of Directors.MARl BETH DOWNING, MEd .Counseling with girls in her officeand visiting them in the dormitoriesand apartments, Miss Downing soughlthe personal and spiritual growth ofthe female students. In addition shesupervised the work of the residentassistants and advised the facultysponsors of the women's social clubs .Miss Downing attended theWorkshop for Christian Counselors inAbilene and many other suchworkshops in various parts of thecountry.58 • Administrators

Returning at the beginning of the fallsemester from a year's leave of absence,Mr. Alexander completedcourse requirements for his EdD degreein higher education at Memphis State<strong>University</strong>.His leadership in the admissionsoffice was evidenced by an increase inthe number of applicants to <strong>Harding</strong>College even though there was anational decrease in the number ofcollege-aged students..... ....FRED ALEXANDER, MEd.HARRY D. OLREE, EdD.Appointed Athletic Director at thebeginning of 1977, Dr. Olree replacedHugh Groover who resigned to devotefull time to Camp Wyldewood.He also served as the principalinvestigator for two projects, onesponsored by NASA and the other ajoint effort of Oral Roberts <strong>University</strong>,the <strong>University</strong> of Oklahoma and<strong>Harding</strong> on behalf of the Institute forAerobics Research in Dallas.He also served as an elder or meCollege church of Christ and helpedsupervise the extensive missionprogram of the congregation.VIRGIL M. BECKETT, BA.Developing additio nal academicuses of the computer , Mr. Beckettspent many hours refining proceduresfor the on-line computeri zed preregistrationof students. A 48% increasein enrollment in the last decadedemanded efficency of operation. Healso developed procedures that expeditedthe master class schedu le.Beckett was a member of theAmerican Association of CollegiateRegistrars and Admissions Officers,and attended the meeting inSpringfield, Missouri, for the formationof a regional association ofAACRAO comprising the states ofArkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, andMissouri.He served as chai rman of theAcadem ic Retention Committee andwas a member of the ExecutiveCommittee, Academic Affairs Committee,Admissions Committee and thead hoc Computer Committee. Beckettwas also active in the work of theCollege church of Christ.Beckett was the recipient of one ofthe two Outstandi ng Staff Memberawards for 1977, presented at theannual Facultv-Staff Dinner.Undertaking steps to increaseenrollment in the graduate program,Dr. Jones a",anged for more graduatecourses to be held in the evenings. Healso attempted to gain the approval ofthe State Department of Education forthe preparation of reading specialists.He directed 20 students to the completionof the MEd degree in Augustand all 20 obtained teaching positionsfor 1977-78.Duri ng the summer, Jones attendedtwo seminars carrying graduate creditconducted at the <strong>University</strong> of CentralArkansas. One of the seminars was onindividualized instruction and theother was on supervision. He attendedmeetings of Arkansas Graduate Deans,the Arkansas Teacher EducationAssociation and the ArkansasEducation Association. He was alsoactive in the Three Rivers Chapter ofPhi Delta Kappa, a nationalprofessional education society. Healso preached each Sunday for thecongregation at Poughkeepsie.WYATT JONES, EdD.Administrators • 59

!BENSON AUDITORIUM is shown here in anartist's rendering. The auditorium to be locatedon the corner of Blakeney and Center Streets wasbegun in Match.'",@®@IT@® ~~lill®IT~ ffi)®TIil~@TIil ~lill@fi~@ITfilillITIJD60 • Development Council

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Front Row, Houstonkames, Mrs. R. S. Warnock, Mrs. Carrie LouLittle, Richard Fuller, John D. Baldwin, DanRussell, James H. Cone, Richard Burt; SecondRow, George S. Benson, Jim Bill Mclnteer, LouisGreen, Roy D. Sawyer, chairman, MiltonPeebles, Flanoy Alexander; Third Row, DonShores , Dallas Harris, Jack Goode, Olen Hendrix,Houston Ezell; Back Row, D. F. Anguish, H. N.Cogburn, Richard Gibson, W. C. Hatfield, DavidPaul Burton, and Clifton l. Ganus.Board, Council devote energy,time planning new auditoriumAt the fall semi-annual meeting ofthe Board of Trustees held on thecampus November 4, the Boardselected the date of March 1, 1978, forstarti ng construction on the newauditorium to be named after Dr.George S. Benson . Dr. Benson servedas president of the College from 1936-65. The Board also approved a cost of$2 .6 million for the auditorium whichwill have a seating capacity of approximately3,500. Target date forcompletion of the auditorium was setas August, 1979. The Board alsodiscussed the status of the financialcampaign underway in Memphis onbehalf of the <strong>Harding</strong> GraduateSchool, seeking $1.6 million for capitalimprovement and program development.Meeting with the Board for the firsttime was new member William C.Hatfield of Dallas, Texas. This broughtto 28 the number of members on theBoard, including Dr. Clifton L. Ganus,President of the College, who serves asan ex-officio member.The Board awarded the 1977 <strong>Harding</strong>College Trustees award to G.Preston Kendall of Evanston, Illinois.Mr. Kendall has been a long-timefriend and supporter of Hardi ngCollegeUnder the leadership of ChairmanRoy Sawyer of Sardis, Mississippi, theBoard continued its efforts to becomemore knowledgeable about the Collegethrough talking with various studentand faculty groups and hay ing variousadministrative officers describe to theBoard the day-by-day responsibilitiesand activities of their offices.Providing valuable service to<strong>Harding</strong> College in student recruitment,public relations, developmentand financial contributions, thePresident's Development Councilcomposed of 324 members met oncampus September 16-17 and Apri I 28-29 to hear reports on the College andto discuss ways that they could be ofservice to the College. During 1977, 20new members were added to theCouncil which continued to act as the"eyes and ears" of <strong>Harding</strong> College,representing <strong>Harding</strong> College to theircommunities and their communities to<strong>Harding</strong>.During the fall meeting, plans werediscussed for a three-year campaign tocomplete the funds needed to constructthe new auditorium. Plans werealso discussed for implementing aprogram that would provide speakersfrom the College to speak on Christianeducation in the home congregationsof Council members and to describethe programs and needs of <strong>Harding</strong>College in particular. Bob Watson wasdesignated as the coordinator of thisprogram.Board of Trustees • 61

-BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Front Row, HoustonKames, Mrs. R. S. Warnock, Mrs. Carrie loulittle, Richard Fuller, John D. Baldwin, DanRussell, James H. Cone, Richard Burt; SecondRow, George S. Benson, Jim Bill Mclnteer, louisGreen , Roy D. Sawyer, chairman, MiltonPeebles, Flanoy Alexander; Third Row, OonShores, Dallas Harris, Jack Goode, Olen HendrixHouston Ezell; Back Row, D. F. Anguish, H. N:Cogburn, Richard Gibson, W. C. Hatfield, DavidPaul Burton, and Clifton l. Ganus.Board, Council devote energy,time planning new auditoriumAt the fall semi-annual meeting ofthe Board of Trustees held on thecampus November 4, the Boardselected the date of March 1, 1978, forstarti ng construction on the newauditorium to be named after Dr.George S. Benson . Dr. Benson servedas president of the Coll ege from 1936-65. The Board also approved a cost of$2.6 million for the auditorium whichwi ll have a seating capacity of approximately3,500. Target date forcompletion of the auditorium was setas August, 1979. The Board alsodiscussed the status of the financialcampaign underway in Memphis onbehalf of the <strong>Harding</strong> GraduateSchool, seeking $1.6 million for capitalimprovement and program development.Meeting with the Board for the firsttime was new member William C.Hatfield of Dallas, Texas . This broughtto 28 the number of members on theBoard, including Dr. Clifton L. Ganus,, President of the College, who serves asan ex-officio member.The Board awarded the 1977 <strong>Harding</strong>College Trustees award to G.Preston Kendall of Evanston, Illinois.Mr. Kendall has been a long-timefriend and supporter of Hardi ngCollege.Under the leadership of ChairmanRoy Sawyer of Sardis, Mississippi, theBoard continued its efforts to becomemore knowledgeable about the Collegethrough talking with various studentand faculty groups and having variousadministrative officers describe to theBoard the day-by-day responsibilitiesand activities of their offices.Providing valuable service to<strong>Harding</strong> College in student recruitment,public relations, developmentand financia l contributions, thePresident's Development Councilcomposed of 324 members met oncampus September 16-17 and April 28-29 to hear reports on the College andto discuss ways that they could be ofservi ce to the College. During 1977, 20new members were added to theCouncil which continued to act as the"eyes and ears" of <strong>Harding</strong> College,representing <strong>Harding</strong> College to theircommunities and their communities to<strong>Harding</strong>.During the fall meeting, plans werediscussed for a three-year campaign tocomplete the funds needed to constructthe new auditori um. Plans werealso discussed for implementing aprogram that would provide speakersfrom the College to speak on Christianeducation in the home congregationsof Council members and to describethe programs and needs of <strong>Harding</strong>College in particular. Bob Watson wasdesignated as the coordinator of thisprogram.Board of Trustees • 61

Experiencing an increase inenrollment for the ninth consecutiveyear, <strong>Harding</strong> enrolled a record 2,841students for the 1977 fall semester, anincrease of 117 students over the 1976fall semester. Residence hall facilitiesand classrooms were filled almost tocapac ity, presenting the College withits greatest challenge and responsibilityin her 54-year history.According to Fred Alexander,Director of Admiss ions, the enrollmentwould have been well over 3,000 lastfall if spaces had been available. Sincethe fa ll of 1959, the birth year of manyof this year's freshmen, the enrollmentat <strong>Harding</strong> has increased by 1,840students. This represents a 184%increase compared to the 157%average for four-year col leges anduniversities and the only 7(1'10 averagefor private colleges. In explajning the_growth <strong>Harding</strong> has experienced,Alexander stated, "We believe it'sbecause students are finding somethings here wh ich are very meaningful.Some things they like! They are havinga hi gh quality educational experiencein an atmosphere which is rare bytoday's soc ial and spiri t ual standards."Represented in the student bodywere 47 states, the District ofColumbia, and 24 foreign countries.No students were enrolled from NorthDakota, Rhode Island, a nd Wyoming.There were 1,443 women students and1,398 men students with 183 transferstudents and 817 freshmen. Marriedstudents numbered 250, of whom 155were men and 95 were women.Boarding students numbered 1,226women and 1,080 men for a total of2,306. The fu ll -time equivalent basedon a 15-semester hour load was 2,750.The faculty numbered 158 of whom51 held the earn ed doctorate and 68held the Masters degree or higher but, not the dodorate . Five facultymembers lacked only the completionand defense of the dissertation for theearned doctorate.The instructional faculty consistedof 124 full-time equivalent teachers,for a student-faculty ratio of 22 .18.Three facu lty members were grantedleaves of absence for 1977-78 to workon doctorates: Rodger Lee Brewer, inEnglish at the <strong>University</strong> of M issouri;W. Robert McKelvai n, in psychologyat Texas A&M Univers ity; and EugeneUnderwood, in English at East TexasState <strong>University</strong> wh ile teaching halftime at <strong>Harding</strong>.During the past f iscal year, July 1,1976, through June 30, 1977, 570degrees were conferred by <strong>Harding</strong>,including 505 baccalaureate degreesand 20 MEd degrees on the Searcycampus and 45 graduate degrees bythe <strong>Harding</strong> Graduate School ofReligion in Memphis, Tennessee.Td ' help promote the best possibleinstruction, the College began offeringin 1966-67 Distinguished TeacherAwards to three teachers annually,presented at the spring commencementwith a stipend of $1,000eac h. The three recipients on May 15,1977 , were Dr. Dennis M. Organ,Assistant Professor of English; Dr.Edward G . Sewe ll , Professor ofEducation; and Dr. Winfred O. Wright,Proessor of French. This was thesecond time for Drs. Sewell and Wrightto receive this award .For the first time, <strong>Harding</strong> conductedan intersession from May 16 toJune 1, 1977, between the springcommencement and the beginning ofthe regu lar summer session , offering 10courses and enrolling 146 students forfrom one to four semester hours ofcred it each. Since reports from bothstudents and faculty members washi ghly favorable, another intersessionwill be held in the summer of 1978.Attendance of faculty members atstate, regional, and national meetingswas high. Participation of facultymembers in various professio nalmeetings through read ing papers andserving as officers or members ofvari ous committees was extensiveenough for a coll ege that is primarilyan undergraduate institution withstrong emphasis on teaching. Severalarti cles were also published inscholarl y journ als of variousdisciplines . Faculty members andadministrators participated widely incivic cl ubs and community activities.Hard ing students continued theirhigh level of achievement in a widevari ety of activities. Michael Pullara, asenior social sc ience major, presentedthe best undergraduate history paperat the Arkansas meeting of Phi AlphaTheta hosted by Southern Arkansas<strong>University</strong>. Wayne Brown placed firstin the poetry contest sponsored byArkansas Foreign . Language TeachersAssociation . Jonathan Cloud, a62 • Academics

Experiencing an increase inenrollment for the ninth consecutiveyear, <strong>Harding</strong> enrolled a record 2,841students for the 1977 fall semester, anincrease of 117 students over the 1976fall semester. Residence hall facilitiesand classrooms were filled almost tocapacity, presenting the College withits greatest challenge and responsibilityin her 54-year history.According to Fred Alexander,Director of Admissions , the enrollmentwould have been well over 3,000 lastfall if spaces had been available. Sincethe fall of 1959, the birth year of manyof this year's freshmen, the enrollmentat <strong>Harding</strong> has increased by 1,840students. This represents a 184%increase compared to the 157%average for four-year colleges anduniversities and the only 70"10 averagefor private colleges. In explaining thegrowth <strong>Harding</strong> has experienced,Alexander stated, "We believe it'sbecause students are finding somethings here which are very meaningful.Some things they like! They are havinga high quality educational experiencein an atmosphere which is rare bytoday's social and spiritual standards."Represented in the student bodywere 47 states, the District ofColumbia, and 24 foreign countries.No students were enrolled from NorthDakota, Rhode Island, and Wyoming.There were 1,443 women students and1,398 men students with 183 transferstudents and 817 freshmen. Marriedstudents numbered 250, of whom 155were men and 95 were women.Boarding students numbered 1,226women and 1,080 men for a total of2,306. The full-time equivalent basedon a 15-semester hour load was 2,750.The faculty numbered 158 of whom51 held the earned doctorate and 68held the Masters degree or higher but. not the doc·torate. Five facultymembers lacked only the completionand defense of the dissertation for theearned doctorate.The instructional faculty consistedof 124 full-time equivalent teachers,for a student-faculty ratio of 22.18.Three faculty members were grantedleaves of absence for 1977-78 to workon doctorates: Rodger Lee Brewer, inEnglish at the <strong>University</strong> of Missouri;W. Robert McKelvain, in psychologyat Texas A&M <strong>University</strong>; and EugeneUnderwood, in English at East TexasState <strong>University</strong> while teaching halftime at <strong>Harding</strong>.During the past fiscal year, July 1,1976, through June 30, 1977, 570degrees were conferred by <strong>Harding</strong>,including 505 baccalaureate degreesand 20 MEd degrees on the Searcycampus and 45 graduate degrees bythe Hard i ng Graduate School ofReligion in Memphis, Tennessee.TO"help promote the best possibleinstruction, the College began offeringin 1%6-67 Distinguished TeacherAwards to three teachers annually,presented at the spring commencementwith a stipend of $1,000each. The three recipients on May 15,1977, were Dr. Dennis M. Organ,Assistant Professor of English; Dr.Edward G. Sewell, Professor ofEducation; and Dr. Winfred O. Wright,Proessor of French. This was thesecond time for Drs. Sewell and Wrightto receive this award.For the first time, <strong>Harding</strong> conductedan intersession from May 16 toJune 1, 1977, between the springcommencement and the beginning ofthe regular summer session, offering 10courses and enrolling 146 students forfrom one to four semester hours ofcred it each. Si nce reports from bothstudents and faculty members washighly favorable, another intersessionwill be held in the summer of 1978.Attendance of faculty members atstate, regional, and national meetingswas high. Participation of facultymembers in various professionalmeetings through reading papers andserving as officers or members ofvarious committees was extensiveenough for a college that is primarilyan undergraduate institution withstrong emphasis on teaching. Severalarticles were also published inscholarly journals of variousdisciplines. Faculty members andadministrators participated widely incivic clubs and community activities.<strong>Harding</strong> students continued theirhigh level of achievement in a widevariety of activities. Michael Pullara, asenior social science major, presentedthe best undergraduate history paperat the Arkansas meeting of Phi AlphaTheta hosted by Southern Arkansas<strong>University</strong>. Wayne Brown placed firstin the poetry contest sponsored byArkansas Foreign Language TeachersAssociation. Jonathan Cloud, a62 • Academics

sophomore Bible major, won theArkansas Bob Hope Collegiate Talent 2Search with his dramatic prisonsoliloquy, "The Morning of a NewBondage," which he also composed.The 1977 Petit Jean received an AII­American rating from AssociateCollegiate Press, the 18th consecutiveAll-American rating by the Petit Jean ,and the general excellence award ofthe Arkansas College PublicationsAssociation. The Bison also receivedan All-American rating from theAssociated Collegiate Press in collegenewspaper competition . TheEconomics Team won the southwestregional " Students for Free Enterprise"championship in Dallas with itsproject, " Free Enterprise, Let'sRei nvent the Wheel." The Bus i nessTeam won first place in its industry inthe Emory <strong>University</strong> IntercollegiateBusiness Games. Debate teams placeboth first and second in the ArkansasSpeech Communications Festival and!,he forensics teams won the sweepstakesaward in six of the 11 tournamentsin which they participated.Dr. Billy Ray Cox received theGeorge Washington Medal for publicaddress for his speech, " Beyond 76 -The Healing of the Land," and Dr.Clifton L. Ganus received a citation forhis speech , " America's Birthday,1976," his eighth award from theFoundation . The Center for PrivateEnterprise Education received thehonor certificate in the EconomicEducation Program division.The institution has purposelypursued a conservative approach to; higher education designed to meet the: needs of the traditional college,.student. The success of a large number; of graduates in graduate andr'professional study indicated that the• students of <strong>Harding</strong> are receiving: excellent academic preparation . The. commitment and dedication of thegraduates to the work of the churchand to the spread i ng of the gospel ofChrist throughout the world indicatethat the spiritual objectives are beingachieved to a high degree. To insurethe same success in the future, <strong>Harding</strong>must continue to update itsprograms to keep students prepared forleadership and service in an everchangingsociety.1. AIDINC Jean C...,. with • ,Iudenf, bill,Buddy R ...... checb off the coned lip ....l . IIIEAKINC the monotony of the day, Dr.Tom H ...... rd enjoys • Rood ........Academics • 63

_ ill3D@ll®---.,;. __________________ 1J ... lien. MIE. MIlDAssociate ProfessorBibleJ ... , D. "'es, PhDProfessorDoctrineEddie CIHr, MAInstructorBible,~~Ttl ..... Eddins, MThInstructorBiblet. Conard Hays, BDProfessorB;bleRobert L Helsten, MAAssociate ProfessorBible.I .. L. I .... 1111Associate ProfessorReligious EducationJtny JOM., ThO00_ .. CIooi.-Associate ProfessorPreachingJoe Dale Jones, MAInstruttorBibleAvon Malone, MAAssistant ProfessorB;bleD .... McCampbell. PloDAssistant ProfessorPhilosophyJoh. T. Mdtl ...,. MAAssistant ProfessorGreekl. Y. pfeifer. M1IIAssistant Profe~sorBiblePool Polard. MTh. 8L".Assistant ProfessorHebrew and BibleN •• te , . Pryor. noProfessorB~leEdward Sonders, MidAssistant ProfessorBibleJ .... Woo4 So ..... PloDProfessorBibleDon 5hoello""". ThDAssociate ProfessorMissions and BibleVCIft TIIte, PhDAssistant ProfessorMissionsGctIlyn Van ........... MSVisiting ProfessorMissionsWIlEd Warren, MARAssistant ProfessorBible64 • Bible

_________________ ill)fif0ll@ __oe Jones fillsCP positionThe Christian Communicationsrogram gained a new assistantirector in january. joe jones, annstructor in the Bible Department wasppointed to that post effectiveanuary 1. His primary duty is toversee the enrollment pol icy of therogram.Don Shackelford returned asirector of the Mission PrepareProgram after serving two years ashairman of the Bible Department ofLubbock Christian College andompleting the ThO. degree at Newrleans Theological Seminary.Special projects of the Bibleepartment this year were the Fallectureship in October, directed byeale Pryor; the Preacher's Forum inarch, and summer workshops forreachers, elders and wives of eldersnd preachers. Two Counselingorkshops for church workers wereeld during the summer in connectionith the Department of Psychology.Additionally, plans for a large "13-in-1" Workshop to be conducted inAugust were developed.At the beginning of the fallemester, over 200 Bible majors ate aeal at the home of Dr. jones,hairman of the department, in apecial program designed to orientBible majors to <strong>Harding</strong> College and tocquaint them with the Bible facultynd fellow Bible majors.Cailyn Van Rheenan, a missionaryrom Uganda and Kenya, served asisiting Professor of Missions for 1977-8.Dr. Neale Pryor presented a series oflectures on "Can You Trust the Bible?"t the <strong>University</strong> of Mississippi, andther members of the Bible Departmentspoke at special lectureshipshroughout the country.1. PREPARING to counsel a prospective Biblemajor, Gaily" Van Rheenan, visiting professor ofBible and Missions, greets hil1\ with a smile.2. LEANING against the newly erected barricadein front of the Student Center, Bob Helstenresponds to a question.3. PAUSING in the Administration Building onthe way back to the Bible Building, Jerry Jonesjokes with Jimmy Allen and Lott Tucker.4. CONSULTING the College Catalogue, ConardHayes and Tom Eddins check courserequirements .5. ATTENDING the dinner for Bible majors, LV.pfeifer converses with Charlie Biggers and MikeCope.Bible .65

-~ITt£-----------Lo .... C. ... MfAInstructorArtloy o-•. ldOAssistant ProfessorArtS_,On ... 1SIInstructorArtCIoo_._M_.MA~ ..ProfessorArtPouI PItt. MAAssistant ProfessorArtDon ......... MAAssociate ProfessorArtRobinson gets Governor's Awardfor acrylic in statewide showArt shows by various members of thedepartment and by senior art majorshighlighted the year for the ArtDepartment. Paul Pitt put on a show atthe White County Library andexhibited his works in two Little Rockshows . Dr. Faye Doran and herhusband exhibited their works in ashow at Oklahoma Christian College.In the Arkansas Arts. Crafts andDesign Fair at Little Rock. DonRobinson received the Governor'sAward for an acrylic painting.A new addition to the curricul umwas a course in Visual Aesthetics.which entails looking at works of art todetermine what is beautiful. using theChristian viewpoint as the determiningfactor. The course was taught by DonRobinson.Mrs. Elizabeth Mason. chairman ofthe art department. served this year asvice-president of the Arkansas ArtEducation Association. In addition.she sponsored art majors on a trip toNew Orleans to see the treasures of thetomb of King Tut.Lowell Carr worked on his PhD in Artat Texas Tech <strong>University</strong> during thesummer of 1977.Senior art majors held their showsthroughout the year in the Stephen'sMemorial Art Gallery. The purpose ofthese shows was to give the studentbody a greater appreciation of the arttalent on campus as well as art ingeneral. Another purpose was to givesenior art majors practical experiencein putting on an art exhibit.Robin Newberry, a senior art majorfrom Parkersburg, West Virginia, wonthe national Kappa Pi Art FraternityScholarship for his outstanding artwork.1. CHECKING a brochure, Mrs. Mason uses it asshe makes plans to help keep the Kappa Pi arttrip in New Orleans on schedule.2. PREPARING a course list, Don Robinsoncounsels an art major during fall registration.66 • Art

_________________ WiU~fi~ _ __!Choral groups• ••Increase In sizeTo meet the needs of the number ofstudents who desired high-level choralparticipation, the Chorale beganadmitting members by audition onlyand the Campus Singers was organizedto meet the needs of students whowanted to sing but did not make theother groups.Students and teachers of the MusicDepartment participated in theArkansas Opera Theatre Convention inLittle Rock,in January and hosted thestate meeting of the Music Teachers'National Association.Many members of the MusicDepartment achieved recognition,including Ann Sewell, who served asvice-president of the college divisionof the Arkansas State Music TeachersConvention, and Jeff Hopper, who wasinducted in Pi Kappa Lambda, nationalmusic honor society.,. ENTERTAINING the Development Council attheir October Banquet, Dr. Davis directs the ACappella Chorus.2. SHOWING his support for <strong>Harding</strong> College,Dr. Erie Moore works at the Pizza Hut on <strong>Harding</strong>Day.3. DIRECTING the thoughts of the studentbody through song, Dr. Bagge" leads singing inchapel.4. RElAXING in the College Inn, Dr. Hollawaystudies his morniOR; mail.,"-__ n,DMIAssociate ProfessorMusicK_1iI Dam. DMv.ProfessorMusicWI ... "........,. PloDProfessorMusic._MOON.'"InstructorMusicTnnb: Cox, MM, MLSAssistont ProfessorMusicClIfton 60_ III. DMAAssociate ProfessorMusicJeff Hoppor. MMAssistant ProfessorMusicMery "'"'_. MAInstructorMusicIrIo ...... I.,De_ .. ew...ProfessorMusic&1III5II ... I,MMAssistant ProfessorMusic,~~ ,'V \J ,~.Music • 67

_ ~@l(ill~@ltfi@IID _________________ ,Coker appointed chairmanDr. Bobby Coker was appointedchairman of the Department ofEducation effective August 1, 1977,replacing Dr. Edward G. Sewell whoresigned to devote himself to full timeteaching. Dr. Coker served as treasurerof the Arkansas Association of Collegesof Teacher Education and on thecommittee to develop a programapproval and on-site visitationevaluation system of teachereducation programs in Arkansas.Many members of the educationdepartment attended seminarsthroughout the stat-e .Dr. Wyatt Jones attended twoseminars conducted by the ArkansasDepartment of Education, one onindividualized instruction and theother on supervision.Dr. Ed Sewell received aDistinguished Teacher Award for thesecond time in 1977.I. SERVING at the Faculty Midnight Brunch, Dr.Sewell enjoys waiting on the students duringfinals week.2. CARRYING OUT his duties as treaswer ofMCTE, Dr. Coker begins his first year asdepartment chaimlO\".-Profes....__,HDLok_,1IAAssistant ProfessorEducationu-. .lIwlloN, I4SInstndor_ion.'-tc...,Jr., ..ProfessorEducation....,CMw,HDDr 1_1a....Assodate ProfessorEducationlolly CooII, IIAAssistant ProfessorElementary E"cation"",-'HDProfessor~tion_-'PIoDProfessorEducation....,.-.IIAAssistant ProfessorElementary Education• ...,_,IIAAssociate ProfessorEducation68 • Education

_______________ IPThl~~fi~®nIEc91ill~~fi@IID_----/Totl '-'1.,Associate ProfessorPhysicol Educationlory! ...., • ....,Associate ProfessorPhysicol Education__.MATAssistont ProfessorPhysical EducotionCod_. MAAssociate ProfessorPhysicol Edueation_...,. MSIAssociate ProfessorPhysicol EdueotionloItrt. c...,IooI. MATAssistant ProfessorPhysical Educotion... c.t.Io. MlolAssociate ProfessorPhysicol Edutotion_ lliott. MATAssistant ProfessorPhysical Educoti ..._Professors serve NAIA.1-' MATAssistant ProfessorPhysicol Education....... LIoyII. MSAssociate ProfessorPhysical Educotion_y,_.PIoDAssistant ProfessorPhysical Educationlorry _. MATAssociate ProfessorPhysical Educotion!lorry _. 1

-ill:w@nfi~lID ®w@J JJ@DJJI1'w®nfi~mm ___________!National conference asks EnglishDepartment to host 1978 meetingAt the 1977 meeting of the Conferenceon Christianity and Literature,the Engl ish Department was asked tohost the 1978 meeting. The departmenthas sent invitations to the Englishfaculties of the other Christiancolleges.Two instructors were on a I.eave ofabsence to work on the doctorate,Rodger Lee Brewer at the <strong>University</strong> ofMissouri and Eugene Underwood atEast Texas State <strong>University</strong>. Underwoodwas able to teach half-timewhile completing his doctorate.Dr. Dennis Organ received one ofthe three Distinguished TeacherAwards for the first time in 1977.Dr. Gary Ell iott, chai rman of theEnglish department, served this year asthe association editor of the "SouthCentral Bulletin" published by theSouth Central Modern LanguageAssociation. In addition, Dr. Elliottpublished two research papers and anarticle in the "Explicator."Dr. Dennis Organ sponsored thecreative writi ng contest for the secondyear and served as faculty advisor to"Shapes and Names", the annualliterary magazine. He served as Editorof the "Recorder" of Alpha Chi, andpublished two research papers as wellas an article in the "Tennyson ResearchB.ulletin"1. SUPPORTING the <strong>Harding</strong> Academy footballteam, of which her son is a member, Betty Ulreyparticipates in an alumni pep rally.2. JOKING with his students, Dr. Dennis Organbegins another class period in his Introduction toJournalism class._I.CIo ...... ,DAAssociate ProfessorEnglishIlol Cope, I'fII)110,..-.. CIooIr.­ProfessorJournalismGory IlIIon, PhDDo,.-..C_Associate ProfessorEnglish_1....,MAAssistont ProfessorEnglishItrry I ..., I'fII)Assistant ProfessorEnglishMcCooopboll, PhDAssistant ProfessorEnglish.0IyM_,MAInstructorEnglish_Orp,1'fII)Assistont ProfessorEnglishChorloa -. MAAssociate ProfessorEnglishIIotIy Uhy, MI4Assistant ProfessorEnglishI ..... U ....... ood,MAAssistant ProfessorEnglish_W .... ,MAAssistant ProfessorEnglish ___ ;;.____ 70 __._E_ng__ liS_h __.nd ___ JO_U_ma __li_sm•____________ ~~~==~==~~~~~~~~~~~ __ za--:=~~--~~===-=-r-------__ ----------___ l

---------------------------------~~®®~@--~OI,_,MAAssistant ProfessorSc>oeOechUoH lin., MCDInstructor\i>OIChMom. ma, MAAssistont ProfessorSc>oeoeoe

........ MAISAssociate Professorlibrary ScienceT ... 10 COl, MM, MISAssistant Professorlibrary Sci .....I_Dyt .. ,MSISAssistant Professorlibrary Sci ....._Hoy .. ,MISInstructorlibrary Sci .....J .. Mel.,...., M5Instructorlibrary Science_$pIrrIor,MAInstrucforlibrary Sci .....Library staff expands its servicesto faculty and students at <strong>Harding</strong>During September, 1977, studentpopulation in the library increased 45per cent over that of the previous year.Hours that the library was open wereincreased to 91 per week and librariansexpanded their assistance ineffectiveuse of the library.Returning from a leave of absencewas Joe McReynolds, who completedthe MlS degree at Memphis State<strong>University</strong>.Winnie Bell attended the ChristianCollege librarians Conference atMalibu, California,and made plans forall six librarians to attend the 1978conference to be hosted by Davidlipscomb College. She served astreasurer of the Searcy chapter of theAmerican Association of <strong>University</strong>Women and was active in Kappa DeltaPi and <strong>Harding</strong> Business Women.1. INTENTLY counting the number ofperiodicals used during the day, Frank Hayesprepares to close the library.2. LEAVING the faculty-staff banquet, WinnieBell says good-bye to an acquaintance.3. MAKING a list of tasks for the night clerks,Joe McReynolds ends another day of work72 • Library Science

_______________ If@IT®fi@ITiJ IL@lITiJ@illl@l@®@_--lDepartmenthosts festivalfor high schoolstudents; teachersdirect two•campaignsThe Department " of Modern ForeignLanguage hosted a language festivalearly in the spring semester for highschool students from all over the stateof Arkansas. The purpose of thisfestival was to give students a greaterinsight into the language and cultureof foreign nations.Two campaigns were planned for thesummer, one in Venezuela and theother in France, in conjunction withI nternational Campaigns. Someknowledge of the local language andculture was necessary for participationin these campaigns.1. PRACTICING songs to be used in campaignefforts, Winfred Wright leads students in Lyon,France.2. POSTING a Venezuelan Campaign notice,Spanish Instructor Ava Conley keeps thecampaigners up-to-date on meeting times.A .. e.....,. MAAssistant Professorst>anish._ ",lIten, MAAssociate ProfessorGermanDOt'OItIy W .. 1otDr de rUniYonitoAssociate ProfessorFrenchWItoInd WrlalotDr. de rUniY ... 1toDo,..-. CIoooIr.­ProfessorFrenchForeign Languages • 73

_ lliI@lTIill@MIWn4 .... PJoDDo_otew...ProfessorHome Economics_Crock .... MSAssistant ProfessorHome EconomicsL,., I""",. MAAssistant ProfessorHome Economics_T-,-. MATAssistant ProfessorHome EconomicsIf. T1Io_. PIlEIAssociate ProfessorHome EconomicsI __,MAAssistant ProfessorHome EconomicsM.ajors providelunches; facultyholds officesFor the second year. homeeconomics majors supervised a kitchenwhich provided cafeteria-type lunchesto students. faculty and staff member.These lunches followed the regulationsfrom the federal government regardingpublic school lunches.Sharen Crockett was appointed to bethe new director of the Kindergartenafter the resignation of Mrs. EdithBarnes, who moved to another part ofthe state.Small revisions of the homeeconomics curriculum were made thisyear in order to keep the departmentup-to-date.Many members of this departmentserved in state offices this year. SharenCrockett served as state advisor of thestudent section of the American HomeEconomics Association and was amember of the state board of AHEA.Elizabeth Wilson served as a memberof the board of directors and EvaThompson as state chairman of theHousing Division of AHEA.1. (HAniNG with a friend at the faculty-staffget-together, Eva Thompson enjoys the beautifulday.2. CAREFULLY compiling a fall semesterschedule, Mildred Bell counsels a freshman.3. GUIDING kindergarteners provides arewarding task for this home economics major.::::'374 • Home Economics

100% of BSN'spass boardsUpon the resignation of Mrs.Michele Warren who wished tocomplete her doctoral dissertation,Mrs. Cathleen Smith was appointedchairman of the department of nursing.In 1976-77 there were 48 studentsin the senior nursing class. Two ofthese students had certified as R.N.'sbefore enrolling in the baccalaureatedegree program. Fol lowing apreceptorship of five weeks in May andJune, 46 members of the class whotook the State Board Test PoolExamination for licensure as registerednurses. All 46 passed theirexaminations and became registerednurses. <strong>Harding</strong>'s nursing program wasthe only one in Arkansas having 100percent of its candidates passing the"state boards."1. PRESENTING class material to her nursingstudents, Elissa Lane instructs them in properteing_C_, III, _ 1M 1 __ 1IN, MS M_"",Id, IN, IISII Nucy 10 ..., 111,_Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Instructor Assistont ProfessorNursing Nursing Nursing NursingNucy a.n. III, MPIIAssistant ProfessorNur>ingPrio .... _, III, IISIIAssociate InstructorNunino......... , .. ,MIIScAssistant ProfessorNur>ing_ Lostor, III, MIIScA5siston' ProfessorNur>ing0. ... Mcu1fIII,_,1SN c.tWten 5 ...., IN. MNAssociate Instructor Otparhntnt ewr..Nursing Assistant ProfessorNur>ing.... kmII, III, IISIIAssociate InstructorNursingLillie T ....., IN, JAStIAssistant ProfessorNursingNursing· 75

_ ~fi@n@@~ ________________ ----:Title VI grantimproves labs;teachers attendshort coursesThe Biology Department received a$13,100 matching grant from theNational Science Foundation InstructionalScience Equipmentprogram to get needed equipment forthe cell physiology and biochemistrylaboratory.Dr. Mike Plummer published eightpapers on herpatology during the year.Over the past year, several facultymembers have attended Chautuagua­Type Short Courses conducted by theNational Science Foundation . Dr.George Woodruff was invited by NSFto serve on a screening panel forproposals for projects in secondaryschool science programs .1. CHECKING OFF course numbers to be sure hehas assigned an ample number of hours, BryceRoberson completes a class schedule.2. INTENTLY thinking on the lecture he is aboutto give, George Woodruff hurries to his nextclass.____Assistant ProfessorBiology....... _,PIODAssistant ProfessorBiology...,..-., PloDAssoctot. ProfessorBiology_ ........ IIAAssociate ProfessorBiology_ Wood -., PloDD.pal .... ewr..PromsorBiology.... W_, lollMsociale ProfessorBiology76 • Biology

.... ~.PIIII _'_OJ.PIIIIProfessorChemistryAssociate ProfessorPhysical Science_ ....... MS J_ph Pryer. PloDAssociate Professor ProfessorPhysical Science Physical ScienceCRff SIoor,. MSTAssistant ProfessorPhysical ScienceCorroIi_. PfIDAssociate ProfessorChemistry_D._.PfIDDepul .. ntewr-ProfessorChemistry__.PIIIIAssociate ProfessorPhysical ScienceNSF grant addsnew equipment;Plummer authors8 publicationsReceiving a Title VI matching grantfrom the United States Office ofEducation. the Physical ScienceDepartment purchased $42,282 ofscience equipment for the chemistryand physics laboratories.Many members of this departmentattended various short courses heldduring the summer by the NationalScience Foundation including ; M~ .Maurice Lawson. Dr. Edmund Wilson,and Dr. James Mackey. Dr. Mackeyalso attended a two-week institute onenergy conservation theory at OakRidge, Tennessee .1. CHECKING to make sure he has worded thequestion correctly, Dr. Williams prepares a testfor his chemistry class.2. TESTING the condition of Doona Baker'sheart, Or. Smith analyzes the data collected for astudy on aerobics.Physical Science • n

_T.., ..... IIAAssistont ProfessorMathematics...... ...,Assistant ProfessorMathematicsDunor. M5Aha _Assistant ProfessorMathemotM:SJ_ • ...,.MSInstructorMathematics.. tMAo-."Associate ProfessorMathtmatK:S__ t • ...,De,.-ota.n.ProfessorMathematics5 .... 5_ ...Associate PrOftsSOi'Mathematics1 ........... 1114Associate ProfessorMathematicsGrant promotesmetric educationReceiving a $28.915 metriceducation grant from the United StatesOffice of Education. the MathematicsDepartment conducted in-servicetraining workshops in metric educationfor teachers in Arkansas schools.Dr. Steve Smith presented a paper atthe National Council of Teachers ofMathematics Name-of Site Meeting inSan Diego. California. in September.Dr. Dean Priest was asked to speak atthe Name-of-Site meetings of theNCTM in Winston-Salem. NorthCarolina, and San Antonio, Texas,during the year. Gene Duggerpresented a paper at the . Deacusmeeting in Boston. Massachusetts.1. OUTLINING a problem on the boan!. SteveSmith gives his students a greater insight into theworkings of numbers.2. CONSULTING Dean Priest with a particularlyhard problem, Vemon Beach finds willing help.78 • Mathematics

--------~~~~Iill@n@@~ ([\IID@] ~@~fi@n@@~ --Iepartment completes self-studyfor accreditation of social workThe Social Work program completedself study for accreditation by theational Council of Social Workucation .Joining the social work facu lty thisar was Charles Joiner who directede annual meeting of directors of theristian Children's Home held in St.uis. Dr. Van Tate directed one of theternational Campaigns in England·d then did research in Kenya duringe summer of 1977.Dr. Bill Verkler. Chairman of theepartment of sociology, served thisar as president of the Arkansasciological Association.I n the Psychology Department,wight Ireland joi ned the faculty,king the place of Bob McKelvain,o took a leave of absence to workon his doctorate at Texas A and M<strong>University</strong>.Psychology majors published amonthly newsletter which was sent toalumni of the department. I n addition11 psychology majors pursuedgraduate degrees at eight differentuniversities.Dr. Jack Thomas, Chairman of thePsychology Department, passed thelicensure examination forpsychologists in Arkansas .1. LEAFING through a student's test results, Dr.Verkler prepa"res to counsel a freshman on hiscareer based on personality tests.2. PAUSING after his presentation, Dr. VanTate prepares to answer questions at theanthropology workshop......... 1t1y,MSSWAssistant ProfessorSociology.".iptlrwlollll,MSInstructorPsychologyCIIorto. _, MSSWAssistant ProfessorSocial Wor1

-!E3DIl~fiIID®~~---------------- 11. GLANCING back to be su'" he has the rightcourse number, David Burks prepares to announcethat another class is closed.2. QUICKLY retuming his opponent's shot, DonDiffine enjoys a fast game of table tennis.Searcy Chambel•uses economICsurvey reportUnder the direction of Dr. Diffine,economics majors made an in-depthsurvey of Searcy and White County.The Searcy Chamber of Commerce isusing this report in its approach tolocating new industry in Searcy.The economics team won the SouthwestRegional "Students for FreeEnterprise" championships in Dallasand the Business team placed first inits industry in the Emory <strong>University</strong>Intercollegiate Business Cames.The Department of Business andEconomics began publication of"Camaraderie," a semi-annualpublication to the alumni of thedepartment.DI,1d I ....... , PItD, CPA r.=====:::::;-;:::~=::::::;r==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;JDo...-m CJoaJr..Associate ProfessorManagementLaon c.tw, MIAInstructorBusinessIlly I., eo" lID, CPAProfessorBusiness AdministnrtionDoe _,PIIDAssociate ProfessorEconomics_-"'PIIDAssociate ProfessorManagementI •• _, MIlA, CPAAssistant ProfessorAccounting....... oIIoy, I.,Assistant ProfessorBusiness_-..u_riol_Assistant Professor"""""',MSAssociate ProfessorBusiness Education_Y._, MIA,CPAInstructorAccounting_."or,MSAssistant ProfessorMarketingSto_ ..... ,MUInstructorBusiness Administration60 • Business

£a~ Cobill, MAAssistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceClifton Ganus, PhDProfessorHistorvTom Howard, EtIDAssistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceFred Jewetl, £cIDAssociate ProfessorHistoryVirgil Lawyer, MAAssociate ProfessorHistoryRay Muncy, PhDDepartment ChairmanProfessorHistoryJoe Segraves, PhDProfessorHistoryCliff Sharp, MSTAssistant ProfessorEarth ScienceThomll$ Statom.. MEdAssistant ProfessorHistoryMuncy writeschapter for stateistorical report2Chosen by the Secretary of State, Dr.Ray Muncy wrote a chapter in theArkansas Historical Report for 1978.He also was selected OutstandingCitizen of Searcy for 1977 by theSearcy Optimist Club. The Barristers, apre-law club sponsored by Dr. Muncy,began visiting various law schoolsaround the nation.Dr. Tom Howard, who was appointedto the position of Director ofInstitutional Testing after Dr. BobbyCoker was promoted to Chairman ofthe Educational Department, receivedthe EdD degree from the <strong>University</strong> ofArkansas at Fayetteville.Other members of the departmentwere active in state, regional andnational professional organizations.1. RELAXING during Hilarity, Dr. Jewell wears asmile.2. CHECKING to see how many history major swill be coming in the fall, Dr. Muncy consultsDurward McGaha during early orientation.History • 81

__ ~~~IT~ ______________________________ ~Staff has diversified responsibilitiesContributing significantly to thesmooth, effective operation of <strong>Harding</strong>College were more than 300 full-timestaff members with diversifiedresponsibilities . More than 500students were directed in part-timework by the permanent staff. The twodining hall staffs fed 2,100 studentsand dormitory supervisor,s providedcounsel.Securityofficers patrolled thecampus night and day and becamepersonal friends to many students.Secretaries implemented departmentaland administrative services tostudents. The maintenance staff keptthe buildings and grounds in goodrepair. The engineering staff kept theequipment and energv source func-MAKING another room reservation for the fall,Ike Hamilton tries to eliminate crowding.tional and began construction inMarch of the new auditorium. Thebusiness office provided financial aid,supervised student employment andprovided many other services tostudents. The educational mediacenter, the computer center, theplacement office, the counsellingcenter, the testing center, and thehealth center made valuable contributionsto faculty and studentsalike. The admissions office coordinatedstudent recruitment and thepubiic relations office informedclientele and the general public aboutthe College and its achievements. Thedevelopment office raised $600,000 foroperational expenses this year inaddition to a much larger amount inthe Phase III Development Program.Th ... R. A.-on, as, Library AssistantIcltl M. AWeI, Dir. , Stephens Hallaetty J. Albri,ht, Sec., Nursing Dept.Dane M. Ahman, 85, Admissions CounselorCarolyn f. Anderson , Sec., English Dept.Maretll, ... leilty, Sec., Athletic DirectorIkIrbora Barnes, MAT, Dir., Women's Intron"KJrolsJerome ......... lA, Oir., Media CenterRick Barne., lA, Admissions CounselorPatricia BorHtt, Sec., Housing OfficeBarbara Bat •• , Sec., Business OfficelaVerne 8ectch. Sec., Home Ec. De9t.c.dla,de, MA, Oir. , Mens' IntrornurolsRhlba Berryhm, lA , library AssistantTrayl, P. Blue. IS. loon Collection OfficerLucille Bohonnon, Clerk, Post OfficeWilliam E. Bridg •• , IS, Manager, Book StoreHerman Brown, ElectricianTommy L. 8,own, PostmistressD"n I . Inti ..... Bookkeeper, Accounting OfficeThelma Buchanan, Dir., Kendall HallSue Bucy, Bookkeeper, Business OfficeJoyce Bullard, Sec. , RegistrarRonnie Burkett, Asst. Maintenance SuperVisorEd Burt, Mgr., Bowling Loneslutil Burt, Accounts Payable ClerkTe,.sa BUll, Sec., Oir. of Admissionslouis Butterfield, EelS, Oir., Television StudioRebecca Clark, Sec., library PeriodicalsBob Corbin, MEd, Research Associate82 • Siaff

--------------------------------~~~--~Doris Coward, lA, Sec., Alumni OfficeManie Jean Cox, LYN, LPN, Oir., Health CenterDavid Crouch, 85, Ok., Placement/Alumni RelationsJean Curry, Account Receivable ClerkWilHam Curry, Sr. , Mgr., Heritage CafeteriaAnnette Dolton, Accounts Receivable Cleric:Larry Daughety, Oir., Graduate HallLawrence Dean, Compositor, <strong>Harding</strong> PressMorgaret Dean, Mgr., Moiling RoomClora 8. Dobbins, Accounts Receivable Clerk.Georgia DuBois, Mgr. , PBX and Information DeskGene Dugger, MS, Director of Computing"John L. Dykes, MA, Mgr., Student CenterLa.lno Dykes, 85, Sec., Vice Pres. for FinanceJo Ann Eads, Computer Operator, AdmissionsHope Edwards, PBX OperatorMerle Ellion, Shipping and Receiving ClerkUndo Fairclough , CustodionFast food keeps college life on the goThere is still one place on campuswhich serves quick snacks, includinghomemade bread and sweet rolls,candy of all kinds and ice cream - theCo ll ege Inn.Located on the first f loor of theStudent Center, the Inn has been a partof the atmosphere of the college andthe meeting place of friends for anumber of years.Mrs. Hazel Lomax, Manager of theCollege Inn and maker of thosehomemade sweet rolls, has worked inthat capacity for the past nine yearsbeginning in the old Ganus StudentCenter, the building which todayhouses the Admissions Office and thedepartments of speech and modernforeign languages as well as thecampus radio station.The Inn has consistently grownthroughout the years until today itemploys 15 people, includingstudents. It now has a seating capacityof 300.The greatest advantage of the newfacility, according to Mrs. Lomax, is agreater amount of space which hasresu lted in more convenient andquicker food preparation.Due to the inflation rate, for the firsttime in three years prices had to bead justed this year.In addition to feeding many peopleeach day. the College Inn helps withthe coffeehouses sponsored by theStudent Association.Mrs. Lomax say the real " rush hour"is from 11 :30-12:15, when not onlycollege student patronize the Inn, butstudents from the Academy as well.There are two other rushes, in the midmorningand afternoon, but the one atnoon is the biggest.PREPARING to enjoy an ice cream cone, lynKetteler is served by Lucille Brooks at the CollegeInn.The Co llege Inn provides service tohelp keep the mad-rush of college life- studies, classes and co-curricularactivities - going at their break neckpace.Staff • 83

_ ~l£®~~ ______________ _Cynthia A. Fancher, Sec., Public RelationsNancy Favolion, BA, T emporory ClerkAlvin Fowler, BA, CPA, Special RepresentativeDebbie A. GoleClui, ProgrammerBetty lou Gobbetl. 8$, Accounts Receivable ClerkCatherine Gould, BA, CPS, Sec .• Dean of the CollegeDale Goukt, MAT. Custodiol Foremanaetty Gr.,n, Sec., Athletic DeportmentStanley Green, ISE, Oir. of Public RelationsMory Grove., Sec., Natural Science DivisionAnita Hamilton, 8A, Sec., Book StoreIsaac Hamilton, 85, Director of HousingCorinne H"', Mgr .• Heritoge Center'Sara Hedrick, 85, Clerk, Book StoreChorl .. V. Niel" BA, Graphic ArtistLaura Hodges, BA, Admissions OfficePat.y HowDrd, Sec., Vice-PresidentTom Howanl, IdD, Ok., Institutional TestingKar,n Howel, Receptionist. Bible Dept.8eth Huey, 85, Sec., Stoff PersonnelDavid Hurd, BA, Asst. Ok., Television StudioMicha.1 JaMI, IS, oir. of PhotographyRuby Janel, as, Relief Dorm DirectorJoyce Johnlon, Sec., Deon of MenRonda Johnlon , Sec., Dean of WomenAlice Joiner, BA, Kindergarten DirectorJamel Jonel, Ok., Recording ServicesAlice Ann ..... , Asst. Ok. , PublicationsJean ."y, Sec., Dir. of Graduote StudiesPhylill Lancalt.r, Sec., Financial AidROlelyn Leonard , CustodianCarol Lewey, BA, Sec., Recording CenterHaz" Lomax, Mgr., College InnMi:e LUCGI, BA, Asst. Ok., Media CenterSibyl Luke, Sec., Testing OfficeAnd .... Mannen, BA, Ok. of InformationMary Morfin, Oir., Pattie Cobb HallRonnie McClt.-y. as, Programmerl AnalystJanic. McCoy , Sec., Dean of StudentsSharon McCubbin, Sec., Computer Center84 • Staff

C. W. McDaniel, Mgr., College laundryDurword McGaha, MSt,' Asst. Dir. of AdmissionsSue McGaha, Accounts Receivable Cler\(Mary L. Mengel, Sec., Natural Science DivisionJudi Mitd.eI, Receptionist, Business OfficeLew Moore, MAT, Asst. Dir. of CounselingDiano MOrril, Sec., Student Personne l OfficeClarence Moyer, Custodiol ForemonStaff • 85

-~~~UU""""""----------------lJane Musick, Asst. Oir. Financial AidsByron Napier, Custodion, Athletic CenterJames D. Nichols, MEd, Oir. of Stoff PersonnelRichard Niswander, Campus Security OfficerKim Norven, Receptionist, Nursing Dept.John Nunnally, MS, Ok. , Computer ProgrammingMary Lou O'Brien, Sec., Speech Dept.KOl'9n E. Oliver, Sec., libraryHarry D. Olree, EdD, Athletic DirectorEdwina Pace, Sec. to the PresidentSherry Palmer, Sec., Placement OfficeElgia Potterson, Sec., Sociology Dept.W. T. Pearson, Construction SuperintendentLindo C. Perry, BA, Sec., Bible Dept.E. Lyle Poindexter, Shop ForemanLorene Poindexter, Clerk, Post OfficeMary Polk, Bookeeper, Accounting OfficeCharlene Prock, Sec., Student Personnel OfficeHubert Pulley I Garden SupervisorJanice Qualls, Receptionist, Health CenterKenneth Qualls, BA, Admissions CounselorGreg Rhodes, Heritage SupervisorLavern Richey, Graphic Computer Operatorl inda Richey, Clerk, Post OfficeCindy Richmond, BA, Sec., Counseling CenterTerry Rine, Sec., Athletic Directorlouise Rivers, Sec., Development OfficeRachel Roberson, BA, Sec. , History Dept.Edna Roberts, RN , Student Services NurseSarah Robinson, Dir., New Women's HallByron Rowan, as, ComptrollerDorothy Scott, Sec., libraryDon Shackelford, ThO , Dir., Armstrong HollSherry Shepherd, Sec., Assistant to PresidentRus. ell Showatter, MA, Dir.,·Financiol AidNancy Simpson, Accounts Receivable ClerkCorron Smith, PhD, Research AssociateCharlene Smith, Sec., Vice PresidentDianne Sosebee, Sec., Nursing Dept.Herman Spurlock, BA, Chief EngineerIda Taylor, Bookkeeper, Accounting OfficeJack Thomos, PhD, Dir. of Counseling CenterMae Anne Tucker, BA, Clerk, Book StoreBernie Vines, Supt. of Buildings and Groundslois Vines, BA, Sec., Education Dept.Paula Vine., BS, library AssistantWlliam T. Waloce, MA, Assistant RegistrorJoan Watters, Custodian86 • Staff

New Dimension added to <strong>Harding</strong> communication" <strong>Harding</strong> College, may I help you?"Your telephone call has just beenanswered by an operator at the NewDimension telephone system. Installedin the American Heritage Building inearly August, the system replaced theold PBX system which had becomeunable to handle the volume of calls tothe college. A decision was then madeto purchase the new system instead ofanother PBX. The Dimension systemhas been rented on a three-year basiswith the eventual cost totalling lessthan the previous system, according toLott Tucker, vice-president of finance.The problems, as with anything new,were many during the first months ofoperation. I nstallation of the systemwas delayed because the wiri ng wasinadequate to handle the computerizedsystem. Many extensionswere changed causing additionalconfusion. In addition, many callswere lost in the system, which mayhave been caused by improper handlingof calls on " hold," according toMr. Tucker.However, with time, these problemswere cleared up and the many advantagesof the system came to light.I n addition to the cost advantagementioned above, the Dimensionsystem speeds up the handling of calls.If an extension is busy, the computerrecords the information and as soon asthe extension is clear, it automaticallyrings to signify that the line is clear.Also, a beep sounds to indicate thatthere is someone waiting to talk onthat extension. In an office, the systemis used as a loudspeaker.The new system is operated electronically,as opposed to the plug-inPBX , and is roughly one-half the size ofthe old system.This new innovation in telephoneequipment added a new "Dimension"·to <strong>Harding</strong> communication.ANSWERING one of the many calls re

-SENIORS----------------:~IN Full blooMEntering their last year of college,the seniors enjoyed the full bloom ofcollege life. They were ready for a lotof last experiences as well as a lot offirst experiences as graduation approached.The annual Regina Spirit Awardwent to Julia Miller. The Regina SpiritAward is given by the senior class tothe senior who best shows Christianprinciples in every aspect of life. Julia,from Pasadena, Texas, served aschairwoman of JOY, vi ce-president ofZeta Rho social club, secretary ofAlpha Chi , and participated in World-Evangelism Forum and Austri anCampaigns.1. REGINA Spirit Award recipient Julia Millertacks up a new notice on the JOY bulletin board.2. SENIOR OFFICERS. Seated: Joe McReynoldssponsor.Back Row: David Ozbim, Secretary;Danny Keahey, Treasurer; Tommy Carr, VicePresident; Marc Showalter, President.3. DILIGENTLY, John Redden searches throughthe card file to find the location of a reservedbook.TOMMY AIBon. Smithf"ld, lX. Accounting. TNT 1.2,3,4.KEITH ABNEY. Searey, AR. Mathematics.ANN ADDISON. Lipan, lX. Nursing . Kappa Delta Kappa 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2,Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; JOY 1,2; .Nursing Honor Society 3,4.ROBERT AKINS. Holly Spring •• MS. Physicol Education. Transfer fromNorthwest Mississippi Junior College. Kappa 5i95 3,4; PEMM Club 3,4,5;footba ll 3,4.TIM ALBRIGHT. Beloit, Ohio. Bible. Dean's Ust 2,3; Chorale 1; TimothyClub 3,4; Intra murals , ,2.nRI ALEXANDER. San Jose, CA. Business. GATA 1,2,3.4. Treas. 3;Religious Director 2; Theta Tau Queen 3,4; Winter festival Coort 3; PiKappa Delta 3,4; Chorale 1; PEMM Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1 ,2,3,4.JAKE AllCOCK. St. CotftorineJ, Ontorio, Conado. Special Education.Timothy Club 4; Northeast Campoigns 2; Dactylology 2.PAUL ALLEN. Aftins, AR. Bible! Accoontiog.TIM ALLEN. Adrian, MI. Music Ed. Sigma Tau Sigma 1,2,3,4.BARBARA ANDERSON. Center Ridge, AR. Elementary Education. ThetaPsi 1,2,3,4; Pres. 4; V.P. 3; Athletic Director 2; Historian' ; Alpha Chi4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Ma y fete Rep. 3; Kappo Delta Pi 3,4; JOY 1; BigSisters 1; SNEA 3,4; lntmmurals 1,2,3,4; Women's Judicial Boord 3.GAIL ANDERSON. Washington, PA. Marketing. Transfer from Ohio ValleyCollege. Delta Chi Omega 3,4,5, Historian 5; Chorale 3,4,5; Dactylology4.DEBORAH ARNN. Pocahontas, AR. Speech. Kappo Delta Kappo 1,2,3,4;Alpha Psi Omega 4; Campus Ployers 2,3,4.90 • Seniors

PAUL ARNOLD. West Memphis. AR. Sociology. Kappa Sigma Kappa1.2.3,4.DENISE ATIINSON. Eatontown, NJ. Elementary Education. Tri-Sigmo1.2.3,4.KREG ATTERBERRY. Bella Vist., AI. Mass Communications. King's Men1,2,3,4, Treas. 2, Relig. Dir. 4; OEGE Beau 3,4; KHCA Staff 2,3,4.JAN AUGSBURGER. Okeene, Ok. Art. Transfer from Arkansas State andMemphis State. Dean's List 3,4.DEBBIE BAIRD. Eatontown, NJ. General Home Economics. Kirei Na Ai1,2,3; Dean's list 2,3; AHEA 3.TIM BAIRD. Rolla, MO. Math and Bible. Beta Phi 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3; AlphaChi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Bison Band 2; Timothy Club 4; Intramurals1.DAVID BAKER. Havertown. PA. Biology. Galaxy 3,4; Junior ClossSecretory 3; SA Sports Representative Committee 4; Basketball 3,4,Captain 4; Intramurals 3,4.JODY BAKER. Euless, TX. Business Administration. Kappa Kappa Kappa1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, V.P. 4, Relig. Oir. 3; Sigma Tau Sigma Queen 3, 4; JOY1,2,3,4; Moy Campaigns 2,3.TERRI BAKER. Monroe, LA. Elementary Education. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4, Pres.4, V.P. 3, Treas. 2,3, Historian 1; International Campaigns 1; Art Guild2, SNEA 4.BUZZ BALL. Neosho, MO. Journalism. Transfer from Crowder JuniorCollege. Knights 2,3,4; Bison Staff 3,4, Sports Editor 4; Intramurols 3,4.PAM BANDY. Greenville, KY. Music Education. Kirei Na Ai 1.2, SpringSing Dir. 1; Dean's List 1; Stage Band 1,2,3,4; Orchestra 2; Bison Band1,2,3,4; A Cappella 3,4; Chorale 2; International Campaigns 4; BigSisters 2; Band Quartet 3,4; Homecoming Orchestra 3,4; A Tempo1.2.3.4, SNEA 3,4.SUSAN BANDY. Camp Springs, MD. Elementary Education . OEGE 1,2,3,4.Seniors .91

JOHN BARBER. Dumas,.. Accounting. Theta Alpha Gamma.SHERRI BARBER. Searcy, AR. Elementary Educatio:'l. Theta Alpha Gamma.TIM BASS. Okemos, MI. Bible. Knights 1,2,3,4.DARYL BASSEn. N. Little Rock, AR. Social Science. Galaxy 1,2,3,4.JOHN BATA. Harrisburg, AR. Accounting. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4;Dean' s list 2; KHCA Stoff 1; Bison Bond 1; American Studies 4.WILLIAM BAXTER. McCrory, AR. Psychology. Alpha Tau 1,2,3,4.SUSAN BEAN. Oxnard, CA. Elementary Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma1,2,3,4, Treas. 4, Relig. Ok. 3; Student Affairs Committee 3,4; Chorale1; JOY 1,2,3,4; Conquerors 2,3,4; SNEA 4.CRAIG BEARD. Albertville, AL. Bible. Transfer from Florida College.Alpha Gamma Omega 5, Pres. 5; Shantih Beau 5; Dean' s list 4; TimothyClub 4,5.KATHY BElL. Marianna, AR. Elementary Education. Regina 1,2,3,4;Dean's list 2; Orchestra 2; Pep Band 1,2,3,4; Bison Bond 1,2,3,4;Chorale 1,2; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Northwest Campaigns 2; A Tempo 1;SNEA 3,4.MARK BEll. Dayton, OH. Bible. Transfer from <strong>University</strong> of Cincinnotti.Chi Sigma Alpha 2,3,4; Orchestra 2; Pep Bond 2,3,4; Bison Bond 2,3,4;Chamber Singers 2; Chorale 2; Timothy Club 4; Resident Assistant 3.MARSHA BENDER, Austin, lX. Business Management. Transfer from RlrEast Di visions of los Angeles City College and <strong>University</strong> of Maryland.Ko Jo Koi 3,4, Treas. 3,4; Student Association Class Rep. 4; lyceumCommittee 4; American Studies 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4, Treasurer 3,4;Economics Team 3,4; Who's Who 4.SUE BERLIN. Cumberland, MD. Speech Therapy. Transfer from FrostburgState College. Phi Delta 3,4, Historian 4; Civitons 3.MIKE BINNS. Idabel, OK. Social Science. Transfer from OklahomaChristian College. Kappa Sigma Kappa 2,3,4,5; Pep Bond 2,3,4,5; StageBand 2,3,4,5; Bison Bond 2,3,4,5; Bison Band Pres. 5; Most OutstandingMember 3,4,5; Big Buddies 2; Young Democrats 2; SNEA 5; ResidentAssistant S.RICKY BLEVINS. Cahokia, IL. Elementary Education. Koppo Sigma Kappa1,2,3,4.OLIVE BLUTHARDT. Troy, OH. English. Transfer from Ohio VolleyCollege. Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 3,4; Bison Stoff 4; Pi Kappa Delta 4;Sigma Tau Delta 3,4, Pres. 4; JOY 3,4.DEBRA BOLTON. Romeo, MI. Nursing. Kirei No Ai 1,2, Sec. 2; Chorale 1;JOY 1,2; Big Sisters 1,2; Dactylology 1,2; Resident Assistant 2,3,4,5.ROBERT BONNER. LiHle Rock, AR. Bible. Transfer from Arkansas State<strong>University</strong>. Sigma Tau Sigma 3,4; Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's list 3,4; TimothyClub 3,4; May Campaigns 3; Student Assistant in Publicity Office 3,4;Intra murals 3; Who's Who 4.LYLE BONTRAGER. North Highlands, CA. Moss Communications. Transferfrom American River College. Sigma Tau Sigma 3,4,5, Pres. 5, Sec. 4,Treas. 4; Alpha Chi 4,5; Dean's list 3,4,5; KHCA 4,5; Intramurals 3,4,5.92 • Seniors

SWAppiNG bucks fOR booksThe Student Association BookExchange saves the average student$20 every semester. Probably every<strong>Harding</strong> student has, at one time oranother, used the exchange to eitherbuy or sell books. This shows howimportant the exchange is, but howmany people really know what goes onbehind the scenes?Most people know that the bookexchange is sponsored by the SA andoperated by Zeta Rho and TNT socialclubs. Anyone who has sold books hasfilled out a card telling hi s name, thetitle of the book and the price of thebook. Each card is assigned a numberand' the student is given a copy of thenumbers to present as a receipt whenthe exchange is over.Anyone who buys books may haveto wait in a mi le-long line for hoursonly to find or not find the books heneeds.What most people don't know aboutSTRETCHING, Fran Till checks the required booklist while going through the SA Book Exchange.the exchange is the number of people,books, and hours of organization ittakes to get a book from the studentselling to the student buying and themoney from the student buyi ng backto the student selling. If this soundslike a big operation, it is . This springsemester alone, 2,417 books weretake n in by the exchange. The moneyfrom these books came to over$10,000. It takes three people abouttwo days to get all the signs made,tables set ~p, books in order, andlabels stamped. Four people, RussPorter, Chuck Posey, Mike Parkey, andTricia Starks organized the exchangethis year, and 40 or so TNT and ZetaRho members operated it .The SA takes six per cent of the costof every book sold. This money comesback to the student during the year inthe form of free ice cream, coffeehouses and various other services.All in all , the book exchange isprobably one of the most appreciated,but least advertised services the SAprovides. Thank goodness for behindthe-sceneswork!MIKE BORGER. Amorillo, TX. Finance. Galaxy 1.2,3,4.LOLA BOWEN. Atkinta, GA. Nursing. Kappa Phi 1,2, Historian 2; Dean 'slist 1; Joy 1,2,3; Northeast Campaigns 2; Resident Assistant 3; HonorSociety of Nursing 4, Treas. 4; <strong>Harding</strong> Student Nurses Association 4.DANNY BOWERS. Shre,eport, LA. Bible. Mohicans 1,2,3 4.ALLEN BOYER. Ft. Myers, fl. Business Management. Alpho Tau Epsilon1,1,3,4.SUSAN BRADY, Conwgy', AI. Chemistry and Biology. Goto 1,2,3,4; AlphaChi 3,4; Dean's lisl 1,2,3; Student Association 3,4; Class Rep. 3,President 4; Traffic Advisory Committee 4, Spring Sing Committee 4;American Studies 3,4; Pre-Med Club 1,2,3,4; State Secretory-ArkansasCollegiate Academy of Science 4; Who's Who 4.CHUn BRAY. Oklahoma City, OK. Nursing. Transfer from OklahomaChristian College. Ju Go Ju 3,4, Historian 4.EllEN BRENNEMAN. Spartanburg, SC. English. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3,4; Dean'slist 1 ,2; Kappa Delta Pi 2,3,4; Sigma Tau Delta 2,3,4; JOY 2; NorthwestCampaigns 2; Big Sisters 2; French Club 1,2,3,4.WAYNE BREWER. Sterling, Il. Bible. Transfer from Big Bei' CommunityCollege. Frater Sodalis 3,4 , V.P. 4, Sec. 3, Relig. Dir. 4. Athletic Dir 4.Timothy Club 4. . ,MARIAN BRIM. Jacksonyille, Il. Special Education. Transfer from IllinoisCollege. JOY 3; Doctylology 3,4.JUDY BROWDER. Monhattan, KS. Chemistry.SHAWN BROWN. Waupaca. WI. General Science. TNT 2,3.4; Orchestra 3;Stage Bond 1,2,3; Bison Band 1,2,3; Pre-Med Club 1; Science Club 3; ATempo 3.PAULA BRUMBHOW. Fort Worth. TX. Jaurnolism. Transfer from TarrantCounty Junior College. Zeta Rho 2,3,4, Relig. Ok. 3; May Campaigns 2.Seniors ·93

-SENIORS--------------~DONITA BRYANT. Hope, AI. Elementary Education. Transfer fromHenderson State <strong>University</strong> . Zeta Phi Zeta 3,4; JOY 3: Big Sister 3; SNEA4.JIM BUKOVATZ. Topeka, IS. Accounting.KEVIN BULLARD. Searcy, AR. Management. Kappa Sigma 1,2,3.4 ; Ju GoJu Beau 4; Swimming 1; Intromurals 1,2,3.4; Softball oil-Star 2,3,4;Football All-Star 4.BElINDA BUNCH. Daltos, lX. Speech. Transfer from <strong>University</strong> of Texas.Kappa Koppa Kappa 2,4, Spring Sing Dir. 4; A Cappello 1; JOY 1; BigSisters 1.CLINT BUNCH. Dallas. lX. Marketing. Transfer from <strong>University</strong> ofTexas. Koppa Sigma Kappa 3.4, Spring Sing Dir. 4; Intromorals 4.DAN BURDEN. Gainesville, Fl. General Science. Sub-l 16 1,2,3,4.MARTHA aURlm. Searcy. AR. Art. Shontih 1,2,3,4; Art Guild 1,2,3,4,Compus Ployers 1,2,3.4; Alpho Psi Omega 3,4; Kappa Pi 3,4, Pres. 4.THOMAS BUTERBAUGH. Indiana, PA. Art. King's Men 1,2; ,Alpha Chi 4;Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Petit Jean Staff 1,2,3,4, Section Editor 2, AssistantEdit or 3, Editor 4; Society of Collegiate Journalists 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2,4;Koppa Pi 3,4; Art Guild 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4.SUSAN BUTLER. Flint, MI. Social Work.. Transfer from Michigan State<strong>University</strong>. Delta Chi Omega 2,3,4; JOY 3; Northeast Campaigns 3; BigSisters 3; Dactylology 2,3; Behavioral Science 2,3; National Associationof Christians in Social Work 3,4.STEVE BUnERFIElD. Dalla., TX. Psychology and Bible. Transfer fromAbilene Christian <strong>University</strong> . Alpha Chi 4; Timothy Club 2,3; Big Buddies2,3,4; Psychology Club 2,3,4; Psi Chi 3,4.CEDRIC BYRD. Menifee, AR. Physical Education. Galaxy 1,2,3,4.JEANNIE CAGLE. Atlanta, GA. Nursing. Transfer from David Lipscomb.Dean's List 3; HSNA 4; Nursing Honor Society 3,4.MIKE CAGLE. Decatur, AL. Bible. Transfer from David lipscomb. AlphoOmega 2,3,4; Timothy Club 2,3,4.PERRT CAIN. Memphis, TN. Moss Communications. Chi Sigma Alpha1,2,3,4,5, Pres. 5, V.P. 4; KHCA Staff 1,2,3,4, Monager 4.11M CALVERT. Searcy, AR . Nursing.DEAN CAMPBElL. Columbu., OH. Art. Galaxy 1,2,3,4,5,6; Tri Sigma Beau1,2,3,4; Art Guild 1,2.GREG CANNON. Sulphur Spring., TX. Physical EClucation. Knights 1,2,3,4.SHERYl CANNON. Grant Town, WV. Social Work. Transfer from OhioVolley College. Beta Phi Kappa Queen 4; JOY 4, Welfare CommitteeChairman 4.TOM CAPSHEW. Bloomington, IN. Academic Psychology. TNT 1,2,3,4;WHC Beau 2,3,4; Dean's list 2,3,4; Homecoming Committee 2; InternatiooolCampaigns 2; Psychology Club 4; Psi Chi 3,4; ResidentAssistant 3; Intramurals 4; Men's Dorm Counsel 4.10M CARR. Searcy, AR. Business Management. Transfer fromTallahassee Community College. Galaxy 3,4; Senior Class Vice-President4; SA Traffic Committee 4; Big Buddies 3; Intra murals 3,4.BECKY CARREll. Memphls, TN. Nursing. Tri-Kappa 1,2,3,4.CARLA CAmR. Wheeling, WY. Nursing. Tri-Sigma 1,2,3,4.GENA CAnERTON. Wynn •• AR. Nursing. Delta Chi 1,2,3,4.DIANE CUSOR. Godfrey, IL. Office Administration. Gata 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3,Historion 4; Alpha Tau Epsilon Queen 2,3; International Campaigns 4;Resident Assistant 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.94 • Seniors

MIKE CHALfN8URG. Stcnudr:, MN. Math. Koinonia 1.2,3,4, Pres. 3,4;Dean's List 1,3; Pep Band 1,2.3,4; Bison Band 1.2,3,4.CINDY CHANDUR. Randolph A.F .8., TX. Secondary Education. Theta Psi1,2,3,4, Pres. 3. V.P. 2, Relig. oir. 3, Athletic oir. 4, Spring Sing oir.2,3,4; Dean's list 3.NANCY CHANDUR. Winnsboro, lX. Physical Education. Gata 1,2,3,4,Pres. 4, Relig . Oir. 4, Athletic oir. 3; Dean's List 4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4;Cheerleader 3, Ca.-Captain.LIZ CHAPPELL. De.r Park, TX. Home Economics. May Campaigns 3; BigSisters 2,3; Dactylology 2.STAN CHlSM. Houlton, TX. Bible. King's Men 1,2,3, Relig. oir. 2; WorldEvangelism Forum 2,3,4; Timothy" Club 1,2,3,4; Northwest Compaigns1.2,3,4; ooctylology 2; Resident Assistant 3.KIM CHOATE. Rochllter, MI. English. Shantih 1,2,3,4. V.P. 3; SocialAffairs Committee 4; JOY 1; French Campaigns 4; Big Sisters 1; FrenchClub 1,2,3,4.CHARUNE CLAT. N. Miami, FL. Nursing. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4.DENNA COBURN. Cape Girardeau, MO. Elementary Education. Servants1; Dean's List 3,4; SNEA 3,4.KAREN COLE. Spring, TX. Elementary Education. Kappa Phi 1,2,3,4, Pres.3,4, V.P. 3, Relig. Dir. 2; JOY 1,2,3; International Campaigns 2; Doc·tylology 3; SHEA 4.SANDT COLLINS. Rogers, AR. Speech Therapy. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3,4.IERRT JO COLVm. Sarasott, FL. Special Education. Kirei No Ai 1.2,3,4.PAUL COLVIN. JeM, LA. Speech Therapy. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2;Dean's list 3; Bison Band 1; A Cappello 2,3; Chorale 1.TERESA COLVIN. Newport, AR. Elementary Education. OEGE 1,2,3,4;Orchestra 3; Bison Band 1,2.3.EUGENE COOK. Hawthorne, FL. Business Management. Transfer from<strong>University</strong> of Florida and Santo Fe Community College. Kappa SigmaKappa 3,4.KATHT COOPER. Little Rock. AI. General Business. Tofebt 1,2,3,4, Pres.2, Historian 2; ooctylology 1,2; May Campaigns 2.MIKE COPE. Neosho, MO. Bible. Knights 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Tofebt Beau3,4; Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Wha' s Who 4; Spiritual LifeCommiNee Chairman 3; Timothy Club 3,4, Conquerors 2,3; InternationalCampaigns 2,3; Big Buddies 1.2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4.PAT COPE. EI Dorado. AR. Social Wone. Delta Theta Epsilon 1,2,3,4, Pres.3, Relig. oir. 1,2, Spring Sing Dir. 2; JOY 1,2.3,4, Chairman 2,3; BigSisters 2,3; Behavioral Science 1,2,3,4; Resident Assistant 2,3,4; Intramurals1,2,3,4; Women's Judicial Boord 1,2,3.IATHERINE COPUAND. Lake Park, GA. Vocational Home Economics.Kappa Delta Kappa 1,2,3,4.aRDIS CaPUANO. Searcy, AR. Management. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4.TIM COUCH. RI".ntcH, GA. Accounting. Transfer from free

-SENIORS--------------~GREG CROWE. Grand Junction, CO. Psychology. Knights 1,2,3,4.LAMAR CULPEPPER. Yreka, CA. Psychology, KHCA Staff 2,3; Chorale 3;Timothy Club 2; Science Club'; Creative Writing Study Association 3,4;Co-chairman 3,4; Creative Writing Contest 3,4, Poetry First Place 3,Third Place 4.VICKI DALTON. Kansas City, MO. Elementary Education. Phi Delta1,2,3,4, Pres. 3,4, Athletic Dir. 3, Historian 2; JOY 3,4; InternationalCampaigns 4; Northeast Campaigns 3; SNEA 4.JANAN DARROW. Malvern, AR. Art. Regina 1,2,3.4; JOY 2; InternationalCampaigns 2.KEN DAUGHERTY. Searcy, AR. General Business. TNT 1,2,3,4.MARY lOU DAUGHETY. Searcy, AR. Elementary Education.LANNY DAUKSCH. Tamaroa. It General Science. Kappa Sigma Kappa1.2.3.4: Football 1,2,3 .4.BRYAN DAVIS. Tulsa, OK. Management and Finance. Frater Sodalis1,2,3.4, Treas. 3, Executive Council Member 2,3; Captain of BowlingTeam 3,4.MELINDA DAVIS. Garland, TX. Office Administration. JOY ' 1; InternationalCampaigns 1,3 , Resident Assistant 3,4.MYLA DAVIS. Baton Rouge, LA. Accounting. Transfer from LouisianaState <strong>University</strong>. Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,3,4, Pres. 4, V.P. 4, Trees. 3;American Studies 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4.PEGGY DAVIS. Searcy, AR. General Business.VANESSA DAVIS. St. louis, MO. Elementary Education. Omega Phi1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Historian 3, Spring Sing Dir. 2; Chorale 1; Big Sisters 2;Resident Assistant 3,4; Women's Judicial Boord 2,3,4.% • Seniors

CHERYL DEATON. Morrilton, AR. Mathematics. Theta Psi 1,2,3,4, Pres.3, Treas. 2, Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Bison Band 1,2,4, KappaDelta Pi 2,3,4; JOY 1,2; Northwest Campaigns 2,3; May Campaigns 1,Big Sisters 2; SNEA 2,3,4; Who's Who 4.DEBRA DELAUGHTER. Texarteana, TX. Business Education. Theta Psi 1;Shantih 2,3,4; Dean's list 1,2; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4, Delta Mu Delta 3,4.MARY LEE DELl. Littte Rock, AR. Music Education. Regina 1,2,3,4, MayQueen Nominee 3.DARLA DENHAM. Hebron, KY. Office Administration. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3,4.DAVID DENMAN. MiIHngton, TN.tMathematics. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4.NANCY DENNY. Woodbury, TN. Nursing. Transfer from David lipscombCollege. Queen Beta Phi Kappa 4; Circle K 3,4.ALIDA DIAZ. Jacksonville, FL. Spanish-French. Shantih 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4,Historian 3,4, Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4, Academic AffairsCommittee, International Campaigns 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Who'sWho 4.JAMES DICKERSON. Pangburn, AR. Piano.CHERIE DICKS. Lake City, FL. Social Science. Transfer from Lake CityCommunity College. Beta Tau 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3,4, Trees. 4; Alpha Chi 3,4;Dean's List 1,2,3,4; May Fete Court 3; American Studies 3,4; Phi AlphaTheta 3,4; Northwest Campaigns 4; Intramurals 2,3,4.JULIE DISCH. Ridgecrllt, CA. Business Management. Theta Psi 1,2,3,4;American Studies 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4.BRAXTON DIXON. Brewton, AL. Business Administration. King's Men1,2,3,4.RODNEY DOLLINS. Poplor Bluff, MO. Psychology and ElementaryEducation. Transfer from Three Rivers Community College. Alpha TauEpsilon 3,4; Theta Psi Beau 4; May Campaigns 2,3; Psychology Club 2,3.CAROLYN DRENNAN. Benton, AR. Art. Theta Psi 1,2,3,4.CAtHY DRENNAN. LowNlneeville, GA. Elementary Education. Transferfrom Freed-Hardeman College. Regina 3,4; A Cappella 4; JOY 3,4;International Campaigns 3,4; SHEA 4.DENISE DUFRENE. De. Allemand., LA. Social Worlc:. Transfer fromSoutheastern Louisiana <strong>University</strong>. Ko Jo Kai 2,3,4,5, Athletic Ok. 3,4;Titan's Queen 5; Titan's Little Sister 5; Intramurals 5.SUSAN DUKE. Valparaiso, Fl. History. Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3,4;Sunshine Chairman 4; Russian Campaigns 4; PEMM 3; SNEA 4; ResidentAssistant 3.JOHN DUKES. Houston, TX. Chemistry.NANCY JO EBERLY . Brookston, IN. Office Administration. Omega Phi1,2,3,4, V.P. 4, Athletic Dir. 3; Northeast Campaigns 2,3.LORI ANN ECKSTEIN. Charleston, WV. Psychology. Tronsfer fromMarshall <strong>University</strong>. Theto Psi 3,4; Alpho Chi 3,4; Dean's List 2,3,4;Psychology Club 2,3,4; Behovioral Science 2; Psi Chi 3,4.TERRY EDWARDS. FloNlaee, ltaty. Music Education and BiblicolLanguages. Transfer from Liceo N. Machiovelli. Chi Sigma Alpha 2,3,4;Dean's List 4; Petit Jean Staff 3; A Cappella 4; Chamber Singers 3;Men's Ensemble 4; Chorale 3; International Campaigns 2; ~ Tempo 4;Resident Assistant 4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Tobie Tennis 3.EDWARD EICHELBERGER. Chattanooga, TN. Accounting-Finane!::. AlphaTau Epsilon 1,2,3,4, Dean' s List 1,3; American Studies 2,3; Pi Gamma Psi3; Delta Mu Delta 3; Intramurals 1,2,3.JERRY ELLiDn. Monroe, LA. Management. Transfer from Northeastlouisiana <strong>University</strong>. Sub-T 16 3,4.LADONNA ELLiOn. Fouke, AR. Home Economics. Delta Chi Omega1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Dean's List 2,3, Chorale 1; JOY 1,2,3; NortheasfCampaigns 2; Resident Assistant 3,4; AHEA 3,4, Treas. 4; Who's Who 4.CALVIN ELLIS. Lake Ctty, FL. Biblical Languages. TNT 1,2,3,4; Theta PsiBeau 3.Seniors ·97

-SENIORS----------------:lMElVIN EMBERSON. Searcy, AI, Physical Education. Kappa Sigma1,2,3,4.DANNAH EMBRT. NIW Castle. KY. Social Work. Transfer from NortheasternChristian College. Tri Sigma 3,4, Historian 4; Alpha Chi 4;Dean's list 1,2,3,4.JOE ENGLISH. Mihon, FL. Business Management. Kappa Sigma 1,2,3,4.nM UTES. Clinton, AI. Bible. Alpha Omega 1,2.3,4; Pep Band 1,2; BisonBand 1,2.BOB EVANS. Santa Rosa, CA. General Science. Sigma Tau Sigma1,2,3,4,$, V.P. 5; Intromurals 1,2,3,4,5.JEANNIE nEll. Booneville, AI. Nursing. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3,4, President 2,V.P. 2; Alpha Chi 2,3,4; Dean's list 1,2; May Fete Court 1; Petit JeanStaff 1,2; JOY 1.2; International Campoigns 1.2,3; Big Sisters 2.RICHARD FANCHER. Houston, TX. Applied Psychology. .LEWIS FAULKNER. Memphis, TN. English Education and Social Science.Transfer from Old Dominion <strong>University</strong>. Galaxy 3,4; Sigma Tau Delta 4;SNEA 4.BfTH FEELER. Hohs Summit, MO. Kappa Phi 1,2,3,4.STEVE FERRELL. RoUa, MO. General Business. Lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4;Dean 's List 1,2; Intramurals 3,4.PAT FISH. Searcy, AR. Nursing.KEVIN FISHER. Florissant, MO. Accounting. Theta Tau 1,2,3,4; Bowling1,2,3.4.MARK FISK. Mt. Prosped, IL. Speech. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4, ReI. oir.4; SA Special Projects Committee Chairman 4; KHCA Staff 3,4; Alpha PsiOmega 2,3,4, Pres. 4; World Evangelism Forum 2,3; Conquerors 3,4;International Campaigns 2,3; Campus Players 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3; SNEA1,2,3.4.LINDA FLA n. Bartlesville, OK. Home Economics.STEVE FLAn. Memphis, TN. Management. Track 1,2,3,4.KATHY FLORENCE. Worthington, OH. Nursing. Ko Jo Kai 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4;Dean's List 1; Homecoming Court 4; May Queen 3; SNEA 4; Cheerleader2.DIANA FLOWERS. Santa Clara, CA. Nursing.MIKE FLYNN. Sterling Heights, MI. Business Management. Tronsfer fromMichigan Christian College. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean'sList 3,4; American Studies 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4; Big Buddies 4, LowClub 3,4; SNEA 4; Bowling 3,4; Intramurals 3,4.SUE FOUY. Haven, KS. English. OEGE 1,2,3,4, Spring Sing oir. 2,3,4,Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Student Association Rep. 1; A Cappello 1; JOY 1.B08 FOWLER. Ann Arbor, MI. Physical Education.CAROL FRENCH. Swam Creek, MI. Elementary Education. Transfer fromMichigan Christian College. Zeta Rho 3,4; SNEA 3.MAYNARD FRIEND. Nashville, TN. Business. Beta Phi 4; Lambda Sigma1,2,3; A Cappello 2; Chamber Singers 1; Chorale 1; French Club 2,3;Intra murals 1,2,3,4.JANET FURAKAWA. Walnut Creek, GA. Psychology.JERROLD GAILBREATH. Madison Heights, MI. Business Management.Tran sfer from Michigan Christian College. Theta Tau Delta 3,4; oelto Muoelto 3,4.98 • Seniors

MARK GALEAIZI. Merced, CA. Physical Education. Cross Country1,2,3,4.ROSS GALLAHER. 'ensocola, flo Speech. King's Men 1,2,3,4.NANCY GANUS. New Orleans, LA. Elementary Education. Kappa Phi1,2,3,4, Relig. Dir. 3; Alpha Chi 3; Dean's List 1,2; JOY 1,2,3; Dactylology1.'SHEILA GARDNER. Detroit, MI. Spedal Education. Zeta Phi Zeta 1,2,3,4;Winter Festival Queen 4.RON GARNER. Dexter, MO. Management.STEVE GARRETT. Benton, AR. Mathematics. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4; AlphaChi 3; Dean's List 1,2,3; World .Evangelism Forum 1,2; InternationalCampaigns 1,2; Brazil Campaigns 1,2.fRAN GASTRICH. New Richmond, OH. Vocational Home Economics.Transfer from Michigan Christian College. Chi lambda Chi 3; Dean's List3,4, JOY 3,4, SNEA 3, AHEA 4.CAROL GATES. Rockford, IL. Business Education. Transfer from<strong>University</strong> of Iowa; OEGE 5; Dean's List 4,5; SA Movie Committee 5;American Studies 4,5; JOY 4,5; Dactylology 4; SNEA 4.DON GEARY. Connellsville, PA. Bible. Transfer from NortheasternChristian College. Alpha Gamma Omega 4; Pi Kappa Delta 3,4; Phi AlphaTheta 3,4; Timothy Club 4; Alpha Gamma Omega 4; SNEA 3,4; DebateSquad.BOB GERLACH. Dallas, TX. Accounting. Frater Sodalis 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4;Dean's List 1; Pi Kappa Delta 1,2; Bowling 3,4.SHERI GIBSON. Conneaut, OH. Nursing. OEGE 1,2,3,4.JULIE GLASS. Dallas, TX. Political Science. Shantih 1,2,3,4.WENDALL GLASS. Caspians, LA. Business Eudcation. Transfer fromlouisiana State <strong>University</strong>. Petit Jean Staff 3; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Intramurals3.JAMES GODWIN. Newport, AR. Elementary Education.RALPH GRAHAM. Portageville, MO. Accounting. Alpha Tau 1,2,3,4, Sec.­Treas. 3,4; American Studies 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Delta Mu Delta 4; BigBuddies 1; May Campaigns 1; Resident Assistant 3,4; Swimming 3,4;Intra!"urals 1,2,3,4.STAN GRANBERG. Tacoma, WA. Biblical languages. Knights 1,2,3,4,Pres. 3, Treas. 2; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; SA Spiritual Life Commitee 4;Bison Bond 1; Timothy Club 1,2; Canquerers 1,2,3,4; NorthwestCampaigns 2; Big Buddies 1,2.META GRANT. Covina, CA. Music Educotion. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4,5, Pres. 4,V.P. 3, Treas. 4, Historian 2; Spring Sing Dir. 3; A Cappello 1,2,3,4;Belles and Beaux 4; JOY 1,2,3,4; International Campaigns 3; Big Sisters1,2,3; A Tempo 1,2,3,4, Sec.·Treas. 3; SNEA 5.MARSHALL GRATE. Waterloo, IN. American Studies. Alpha Chi 3,4;Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Americon Studies 1,2,3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4;Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4.MIKE GRAUL. Cahokia, IL. Physical Education. Football 1,2,3,4.CELESTA GREAR. Parkersburg, WY. Elementary Education. Transfer fromOhio Volley College. Campus Singers 4; World Evangelism Forum 3; JOY3; International Campaigns 3; SNEA 4.RANDY GREEN. Adrian, MI. Physical Education. Theta Tau 3,4,5, V.P. 5;law Club 3,4,5; PEMM Club 3,4,5; SNEA 3,4,5.RUTH GREYILLIUS. Camden, AR. Social Work.ALLAN GRIMES. farmer City, IL. Bible. Transfer from Parkland College.Alpha Omega 3,4; Track 3,4.KEITH GUNYORDAHL. Hewitt, TX. Social Science. Transfer fromOklahoma Christian College. Theta Tau 3,4,5; Phi Alpna Theta 4,5; MayCampaigns 3; Campus Singers 5; Resident Assistant 3,4,5; Intramurals3,4.Seniors • 99

-SENIORS---------------;jBOB GUTIERREZ. Tuc.on, AI . Kappa Sigs 1,2,3,4, Hi storian 1,2,3,4,Special Projects·Chairperson 4; Kappa Pi 3,4; Art Guild 2,3.4.RI,CK HACKMAN. Coloraclo Springs, CO. Chemistry and Biology.DENlTA HAll. Maryville, TN. Special Education. Phi Delta 1.2.3,4.JAMES HALL. Milwau .... WI . Chemistry and Moth. Koinonio 1,2,3,4,5,Pres. 3, Sec. 2,4, Treas. 2,4, Historian 2,4, Spring Sing Oir. 2,4; Dean'slist 1,2,3,4,5; Arkansas Colleges Academy of Science, 4, Treasurer 4.nRRI HALLFORD. Houlton. TX. Art. Tri Kappa 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; Chorale 2;Compus Ployers 1,2; Art Guild 2.3,4,5.UN HAMILTON. aay City, TX. Accounting. Alpha Epsilon Chi 1,2,3,4;Alpha Chi 3,4; Deans' list ',2,3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4; YoungDemocrats 3.SARAH HAMILTON. Trenton, TN. Biology. Tri-Sigmo 1,2,3,4; Bison Bond1; Intramurals 2.GARY HANES. Mandeville, LA. Social Science. Transfer fromSoutheastern louisiana <strong>University</strong>. Knights 1,2,3,4, Historian 2; AlphaChi 3,4, Notional Rep. 4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4; Petft JeonStaff 2,3,4, Photographer 2,3,4; Bison Staff 4, Photographer 4, StaffColumnist 4; American Studies 4; Phi Alpha Theta 4, Sec.-Treas. 4;International Campaigns 3,4; Hammon Scholarship 4; Young Democrats3; Resident Assistant 4.JAMES HARDEN. Ashland City, TN. Special Education. Galaxy 1,2,3.4-STEVE HARDIN. Helena, AL. Marketing and Bible. Transfer from<strong>University</strong> of Alobamo. Theta Alpha Gammo 4,S; V.P. 4,5; Dean's List4,5; Timothy Club 4,5; InterrlOtional Campaigns 5; Who's Who 5.BOB HARDING. Painesville, OH. Art. Transfer from Michigan ChristianCollege. Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4; Dean's List 3; Student Activities Committee4; Kappa Pi 4; Art Guild 3,4.GLENDA HARDMAN. Yakima, WA. Psychology. Transfer from York.College. Dean's List 3; Bison Bond 3,4; A Cappello 4; Psychology Club3,4, Sec. 4; Resident Assistant 3,4.LINDA HARE. Vtenna, Austria. Art. Beta Tau Gammo 1,2,3,4,5, Relig.Ok. 2, Historian 1; Dean's list 3; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Kappa Pi 3,4,5;World Evangelism forum 1,2,3,4,5; Austrian Campaigns 2,3,4,5; BigSisters 2,3,4,5; Art Guild 1,2,3,4,5; Who's Who 4.BOB R. HARRIS. Bentonyille, AR. Finance. Lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4,Athletic Dir. 4; Dean's List 4; Intramurols 1,2,3,4.BOB W. HARRIS. Vicksburg. Ne. Biology. Beta Phi 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1.DEBORAH HARRISON. St.p Rock, AR. Vocational Home Economics. SNEA4, AHEA 4.KEN HARRISON. Fayenevllle; AR. Accounting. Transfer from <strong>University</strong>of Arkansas. Alpha Chi 4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; American Studies 3,4; PiGamma Psi 4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4.RANDY HARROD. C ......., Al. Bible. TNT 1,2,3,4.100 • Seni ors

ANTHEA HARVEY. Annona, lX. Art Education. Tronsfer from Paris JuniorCollege. Kirei No Ai 2,3,4; Lambda Sigma Queen 3.4; Kappa Delta Pi 3.4.Kappa Pi 3,4; Spelunkers 4; Art Guild 2,3.4-STEVE HAWLEY. lubboc., lX. Social Science. Mohican 1.2,3,4.MARK HAYES. Houma, LA. Biblical Languages. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4.Sec. 3,4; Petit Jean Staff 2; Society of Collegiate Journalists 2,3.4;Timothy Club 2,3.4; Third World Mission Forum 4; Spring Break Campaign1; Track 4.CHARLOnE HENDRIX. Conway, AI. Social Work. Snantih 1,2,3,4; Dean'slist 1,4; NACSW 3,4; French Club 1,2.A i-tOME AWAY FROM i-tOMESome decisions in college life wereinevitable such as wh ich classes totake, whether to attend first or secondchapel, and where to live at college.The residence decision was critical andwith five men's dormitories and fourwomen's to choose from, sometimes itbecame difficult.Advantages and disadvantages hadto be weighed with the dorm of one'schoice winning. Some dormitories hadcertai n perils that had to be faced -Harbin, otherwise known as Siberia,was nice with its being the newest onefor men, but one had to have a love ofwalking and not mind the long, coldtrek to breakfast on winter mornings.Many men who chose Keller felt loyalto t heir dorm with some wearing "Tobe or not 2-B" T-shirts showing theirsection of the Dorm . AmericanHeritage was probably the mostAT THE STOVE in the New Married Students'Apartments, Ann Hainley prepares the family'snext meal.luxurious, but when the elevators wentout, the three flights of stairs made onewonder if " Heri tage penthouse" wasworth the trouble.Women living in Pattie Cobb andeating in the basement of that buildinghad a definite advantage because theycould get out of bed five minutesbefore the breakfast line closed andstill be there on time to be served.However, dormitori es were not theonly housing available. For a luckyfew, new houses built near campusbecame their home away from home.Some men were even courageousenough to cook their own meals insteadof eating in one of the cafeterias.Women lived in available New MarriedStudent Apartments, even though theywere not married, and also enjoyedoff-campus housing.Those married students whosebudgets would not all ow them thecomforts of the newer apartmentsconsidered the Old Married StudentApartments as "home."InH HENNEMAN. Nashville, TN. Home Economics. Transfer from Davidlipscomb College. Tri·Sigma 1,2,3 ,4, Relig. Dir. 3; Dean's list 1,2;American Studies 3,4; JOY 2; lison Staff 3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4;AHEA 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Stote Chairman 4; Who's Who 4.DOUG HENNEMAN. Nashville, TN. Journalism. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4,Pres. 3,4; Dean's list 1; KHCA Staff 2,3; Bison Stoff 1,2,3,4; Sigma TauDelta 3,4; Society of Collegiate Journalists 3,4; French Club 1,2,3;Intramurals 1,2.LISA HENRY. Chattanooga, TN. Elementary Education. Omega Phi1,2,3,4; A Cappella 2,3,4; Women's Ensemble 3,4; JOY 2.4; In-­ternational Campaigns 2,3; SNEA 3,4.LOWRY HERSHEY. OdesSG, TX. Speech. Beta Phi Koppa 1.2.3,4.RHEALYN HERSHEY. Odessa, TX . Mathematics. Delta Theta Epsilon1,2.3,4.CHRISTINA HERTENSTEIN. Lynchburg, OH . Vocational Home Economics.Transferfrom Ohio Valley College. Delta Chi Omega 2,3,4, Relig. Dir. 4;Brazil Compaigns 4; SNEA 4; AHEA 3,5.JOANNA HICKMON. Searcy, AR . Elementary Education. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4 ;Homecoming Court 3.nNA HINES. Danville, IL. Social Science. Kirei Na Ai 1,2,3 ,4.Seniors • 101

-SENIORS---------------...;Bmy HIlEMAN. KeHering, OH. Social Work. OEGE 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Relig.Oir. 1; King's Men Queen 3,4; Chorale 1; JOY 3; Northwest Campaigns3; Behavioral Science 1 i NACSW 4.JOE HODGES. Searcy, AR. History. Transfer from York College. ThetaAlpha Gamma 3,4; Spanish Club 4.DAVE HOGAN. Republic of Singapore. Bible and French. Chi Sigma Alpha3,4; Dean's list 2; Petit Jean Stoff 2,3,4, Head Photographer 2,3,4,Society of Collegiate Journalists 3,4; World Evangelism Forum 1,2,3,4,Pres. 4; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; French Campaigns 3; French Club 3,4;Resident Assistant 3,4; Third World Mission Group 4; Mission Prepare2,3,4; Who's Who 4.PHILIP HOGGARD. Lonoke, AR. Biology. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4,Athletic Dir. 3; Dean's List 1,3,4; Big Buddies 2,3; May Campaigns 2;PEMM Club 2,3; Pre-Med Club 1,2: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; One Act Plays 2.BRIAN HOGLE. Gainesville, FL. Finance. Galaxy 1,2,3,4.MARILYN HOLMES. Plainview, TX. Psychology. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4, Sec.3; Dean's List 1: Chorale 1; Northwest Campaigns 4; Austrian Campaigns2,3: Psychology Club 2,3,4: Psi Chi 3,4; Resident Assistant 2,3.KAlHY HOOD. Austin, lX. Nursing. Beta Tau Gamma 1,2,3,4.KREGG HOOD. Dallas, lX. Bible and Mathematics. Chi Sig[lla -A.lpha 4;Dean's List 1; KHCA Stoff 4; Religious Programming Director 4: Pi KappaDelta 1,2: Timothy Club 3,4; Spelunkers 2,3; Debate Squad 1,2; ResidentAssistant 3,4; Tennis 1,2; Intramurals 3,4; Who's Who 4.ROGER HOOTEN. Dallas, TX. Accounting. TNT 1,2,3,4.JAMES HOOTON. Pine Bluff, AR. Accounting. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4; PiGamma Psi 4.BARB HOOVER. Gillham, AR. Nursing. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Treas. 2;Dean's List 4; May Fete Nominee 3: Chorale 1; JOY 1,2; InternationalCampaigns 2; Austrian Campaigns 3; Big Sisters 2,3; Spanish Club 1.DONNA HUCKABEE. Bossier City, LA. Physical Education. Kappa Phi1,2,3,4.CAROL HUEY. Marysville, OH. Nursing. Chi lambda Chi 1,2,3,4.DAVE Hun. Marysville, OH. Art. Galaxy 1,2,3,4; Ju Go Ju Beau 3,4; BigBuddies 3,4; Art Guild 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2.LINDA HUFFMAN. Searcy, AR. Elementary Education.JEFF HUGHES. Dallas, TX. !'rt. Mohicans 1,2,3,4; Zeta Phi Beau 3,4.STEVE HUGHES. Dallas, TX. Accounting. Transfer from Abilene Christian<strong>University</strong>. SA Married Student Rep. 4; Dean's list 2; HomecomingCommittee 4; American Studies 3,4.JIM BOB HUMPHRY. Searcy, AR. Accounting. Knights 1,2,3,4.MELANIE HUNTER. Yalaha, FL. Psychology. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4; Dean's List1,2,3,4; Petit Jean Stoff 1: JOY 1; May Campaigns 1, Psychology Club3,4; Psi Chi 3,4.RAY HUNTER. San Antonio, TX. Elementary Education. Transfer fromTexas A&M <strong>University</strong>. Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4,5; Bison Bond 3; InternationalCampaigns 4; SNEA 2,4.DEAN HUTSON. Fort Smith, AR. Marketing. Transfer from WestarkCommunity College. Sub T-16 3,4, Historian 4; Zeta Phi Zeta Beau 4;Dean's List 2; Baseball 1,2; Intromurals 1,2,3,4.GREG INMAN. Fort Wayne, IN. Music. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4.CRAIG IRELAND. Midland, MI. Physical Education. Transfer fromMichigan Christian. Theta Tau 3,4,5, Athletic Djr. 4; PEMM Club 4,5,SNEA S.JANE JACKSON. Ft. Worth, TX. Educational Media. Regina 3,4; PetftJean Stoff 2,3,4, Section Editor 3,4; Chamber Singers 1; Chorale 1;Society of Collegiate Journalists 2,3,4, Sec. 3; Civitons 2; ResidentAssistant 2; Women's Judicial Boord 4; KHCA Staff 4, News Director 4.102 • Seniors

JEFF JACKSON. Williston, SC. Bible and Nursing. Alpha Epsilon Chi1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, V.P. 2, Treos. 4; Alpha Chi 3,4,5,6, Pres. 6; Dean's List1,2,3; Bison Bond 1,2, Chamber Singers 1; Chorale 1; World EvangelismForum 2,3,4,5,6, Timothy Club 1,2,3,4,5,6, Pres. 6; Northeast Campaigns1,2,3,4,5,6, Campus Director 5,6; Nursing Honor Society 6 ,Resident Assistant 3,4; Assistant Dorm Manager 5,6.JENNIFER JACKSON. Williston, SC, Business Education. Tofebt 1,2,3,4,Bison Staff 4.STEVE JACKSON. Searey, AR. General Business.nNA JACKSON. Searey, AR. Business Education."JANET JAMIESON. Ripley, MS. Special Education. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4.BERNICE JAMISON. Searey, AR. Elementary Education. GATA 1,2,3,4.KEVAN JEFFORDS. Federal Way, WAr Nursing. Transfer from <strong>University</strong>of Michigan; Knights 3,4, Sec. 4, Historian 4, Spring Sing Dir. 4; HSNA 4.CHERYL JENKINS. Louisville, KY. Dietetics. Kappa Delta Kappa 1,2,3,4,Historian 2; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Chorale 1; JOY 1,2, AHEA 1,2,3.JO JOHNSON. Newport News, VA. Art.MARY JOHNSON. Montgomery, AL. Nursing. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4.MAn JOHNSON. Paducah, KY. Social Science. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4,Athletic Dir. 4; Intramurols 1,2,3,4.AllEN JONES. Wynne, AR. Physical Education. Alpha Tau 1,2,3,4.GARY JONES. Searcy, AR. Bible and Journalism. King 's Men 1,2,3,4,Pres. 3,4.JAMES JONES. Middletown, OH. Social Work.RANDY JONES. Ardmore, OK. Management. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4,DANNY KEAHEY. Montgomery, Al. History. Transferfrom <strong>University</strong> ofAlabama. Dean's List 3; Closs Treas. 4; Academic Committee 4;American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4; World Evangelism Forum 3;lnternatiooal Campaigns 4; Northwest Campaigns 3; Resident Assistant4.KAREN kEElIN. San Manuel, AI. Nursing.RANDY, KEMP. Mareelto, AR. Journalism. Lambda Sigma 1,2; Bison Stoff1,2,3, Editor 3; American Studies 4; Society of Collegiate Journalists2,3.4.SANDRA IUNNEDY. Good Hope, LA. Elementary Education. Delta Theta1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, Sec. 1,2, Relig. Dir. 4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; May FeteNominee 3; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; JOY 2,3; Northwest Campaigns 2,3;Women's Judicial Boord 3,4.DAVID KIMMEl. Oskaloosa, OK. Business Administration. King's' Men1,2,3; Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Big Buddies 1; May Campaigns2; Spring Break Campaigns 2,3; Circle K 2; Gymnastics 4, Intramurals1,2,3.JUDY kIMMEl. Unionville, MO. Vocational Home Economics. Delta ThetaEpsilon 1,2,3,4.RICHARD KING. Searcy, AR. Bible and Accounting.ARNOLD KLEMM. Seevrity, CO. Accounting. Transfer from Yorlc: College.Alpha Chi 4; Dean's List 3,4; Pep Bond 3; Bisons Bond 3,4; Chorale 3;American Studies 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4.MERRILL KLEMM. Bowie, MD. Business Management. Transfer fromUnited States Naval Academy. Lambda Sigma 3,4; Treas. 4; Deon's List3; Free Enterprise Team 3.Seniors • 103

_SENIORS-----------.......CHERYL KNIGHT. Belleville. MI. Speech Education. WHC 1,2,3.4.SHARI KRUMREI. Haarlem, Holland. Vocational Home Economics. KireiNo Ai 1,2,3,4, Relig. Dir. 2, Historian 4, Internotional Campaigns1 ,2,3,~; Big Sisters 2; Resident Assistant; AHEA 2,3.DEBBIE LAND. Oklahoma City, OK. Elementary Education. Zeta Phi Zeta',2,3,4; Winter Festival Court 4.JENNIFER LANE. Wynne, AR. Nursing.KEITH LAREY . Texarkana. AR. Accounting. Transfer from HendersonState <strong>University</strong>, TNT 3,4,5; American Studies 5; Pi Gamma P~i · 5; CircleK 2.LANmE LAWRENCE. Conway, AR. English. Dean's List ',2,3,4; KoppaDelta Pi 3,4; Sigma Tou Delta 3,4; Northwest Campaigns 3.SHAUNA LAWYER. Oklahoma City, OK. Social Work. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4,V.P. 4; Treas. 3; Spring Sing Dir. 3,4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Chorale 2; JOY1; Intramurals 4.MARCINE LAY. Baton Rouge. LA. Office Administration. Chi Lambda Chi1,2,3,4, V.P. 4, Treas. 2, Relig. Dir. 2; Petit Jean Staff 4; InternationalCampaigns 4; May Campaigns 2; Intramural 3.SARA LAY. McAlester, OK. Elementary Education. Delta Theta Epsilon1,2,3.4. V.P. 3; Fraters Queen 3; International Campaigns 4; SNEA 4;Resident Assistant 4.ELBERT LEE. Searcy. AR. BibleEVA LEE. Searcy. AR. Art.HARRY LEHMAN. Jacksonville, FL. Theta Tau 1,2,3,4.RALPH LEMON. Homestead, FL. Biology. Gymnastics 3,4.RUSS LEMOND. LiHle Rode, AR. Management. Transfer from <strong>University</strong>of Arkansos. Theta Tau Delta 3,4; Big Buddies 3,4; Swimming 3; Intramurals3,4;ANN LEONARD. England, AR. Mathematics. Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3,4,Treas. 4; Dean's list 1,3,4.BARRIES LEUNG. Kowloon. Hong Kong. Frater Sodalis 1,2,3,4.NOAH LEWIS. Aldan, PA. Biology. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4.PAM LOGAN. Plano, TX. Elementary Education. Ko Jo Kai 1,2,3,4, Pres.4, Relig. Dir. 3; Homecoming Queen 4; Chorale 1; JOY 1,2,3,4; BigSisters 2,3.CHRIS LOPEZ. Columbus, OH. Social Worle:. Transfer from Ohio State<strong>University</strong>; Tri Koppa 2,3,4; Dean's List 3; Behavioral Science Club 3;Resident Assistant 4; NACSW 3.ANGELA LUNN. Mammoth Spring, AR. Vocational Home Economics. ChiLambda Chi 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Sec. 2,4; Alpha Chi 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4;AHEA 2,3,4.104 • Seniors

LISA LYNN. Memphis, TN. Art. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, V.P. 3, Sec. 2,Winter Festival Court 3; Chorale 1; JOV 2; Big Sisters 2."LANmE MAHLE, Houston, lX. Special Education. Tofebt 1,2,3,4, SpringSing Dir. 4; JOY 1; Dactylology 1,2; Bison Stoff 4; Pre-Med Club 2; SNEA3,4.CAROL MANLEY. Caruthersville, MO. Social Work. Kirei 1,2,3,4 Relig.Dlr. 3; Dean's list 1,4; Bison Bond 1; JOY 3,4; Northwest Campaigns2,3; Big Sisters 3.SNOWFLAKESand Becky SlinkardStudent CenterDavid Williamsas they venture to theLARRY MANLEY. Bluff Chy, TN. Music Education. Chi Sigma Alpha 4; ACappello 4.LEA MARKHAM. Newport, AR. English. Beto Tou Gamma, 1.2,3,4; AlphaChi 4; Deon' 5 list ',2,3,4; Orchestra 1; Bison Band 1; Kappa Delta Pi 4;Sigma Tau Delta 3,4; Dactylology 1; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 4.JULIA MARTIN. Greenville, SC. French. Tri-Sigma 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi 4;Dean's list 2,3,4, Bison Bond 1, Kappa Delta Pi 3,4,ANN MARTIN. Benton, AR. Accounting. Transfer from Henderson State<strong>University</strong>. GATA 3,4, SA Student Activities Committee 4, Sec. 4,American Studies 3; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4;MARLA MARTIN. Onawa, Il. Academic Psychology. Transfer fromMichigan Christian College. Psychology Club 3,4.TONNA MASSEY. Aurora, MO. English. Snantih 1,2,3; SA Special ServicesCommittee 4, Student Rep. for library Services 4, KHCA Staff 3,4;Orchestra 3, Psychology Club 3; Behavioral Science 2,3; Psi Chi 3,4;Spanish Club 4.KATHY MATHENY. Bastrop, LA. Special Education. GATA 1,2,3,4;Homecoming Court 3.DEBORAH MAXWELL. Dearborn, MI. General Science. Kappa Delta Koppa1.2.3.4.DEBORAH McBURNEY. Cedar Rapids, IA. Music. Transfer from YorkCollege. Chorale 3,4; Chambers Singers 3,4.Seniors • 105

-SENIORS--------------~DAVID McCAIN. Memphis, TN. Bible. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4,5; WorldEvangelism Forum 3,4,5; Timothy Club 1,2,3.4.5; International Campaigns3,4,5; Brazil Campaigns 3.4.5; Debate 1; Resident Assistant3,4,5; Intramurals 1,2,3,4,5.RICHARD It McCLELEN. North Highland, CA. Physical Education. ChiSigma Alpha 1,2; Sigma Tou Sigma 4,5, Athletic Dir. 3,4 ; Deans' List 4;Bison Band 1; Chorale 1,2; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; PEMM Club 5; Intromurals1,2,3,4,5; Who's Who 5.KEN McCRATIC. Dallas, lX. Accounting.GREGORY McCUBBIN. Covinton, IN. Chemistry and Mothematics.lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4,5, Pres. 3, V.P. 2, Athletic Dir. ' ; Alpho Chi 4,5,V.P. 5; Deon's list 1,2,3.4; Pep Bond ' ; Bison Bond , ; Intramurals1,2,3,4.KAREN McfANN. Myrtle, MO. Elementary Education . Delta Chi Omega2,3,4, Treas. 4, Historian 2; Alpha Omega Queen 4; Alpha Chi 3,4;Dean' s list 1,2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3; JOY 2,4; International Campaigns4; Big Sisters 4; Dactylology 3; SNEA 4.MARY McFANN. Myrtle. MO. Vocational Home Economics. Transfer fromCrowley' s Ridge College. Delto Chi Omega 3,4; Dean' s List 4; InternationCampaigns 4; Dactylology 3; SNEA 4; AHEA 3,4.BECKY McKEEVER. Stockton. MO. Elementary Education. Alpha Chi 4;Dean's List 2,3,4 ; Kappa Delto Pi 3,4; JOY 2,3,4; Northwest Campaigns4; Big Sisters 3,4; SNEA 4. .STANLEY McKEEVER. Dunnegan. MO. Social Work and Sociology. Track2,3.4.LINDA McKINNEY. Searey, AR. French.BRUCE McLARTY. Memphis, TN. Bible. King's Men 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; AlphaChi 4; Dean's list 1,3,4; Timothy Club 1,3,4. Conquerors 3,4.DEB McQUEEN. Washingtan. D.C. English.DIANA McVEY. Elgin, OR. English. Delta Theta Epsilon 1,2,3,4, Histarian2; Dean's List 1; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4.MARK McWHORTER. Marion.lL. Koinonia 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Sec. 2, Treas.2, A Coppello 1,2.TEAH McWHORTER. Valdosta, GA. Music. Alpha Chi 4; Dean's List 2,3,4;A Cappella 2,3; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; A Tempo 2,3,4; SNEA 4; ResidentAssistant 2,3.RUSSELL W. MEADOWS. EI Dorado. AR. Biology. TNT 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4;Oean' s list 1,2,4 ; SA Spiritual Life Committee 2; Pre-Med Club 1,2.3,4;Golf 2.JULIAN MEDDERS. Resaca. GA. Journalism. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4;Bison Staff 4, Photographer 4.INGRID MELSON. New Orleans, LA. Physical Education. Kappa KappaKappa 1,2,3,4; Kappa Sigs Queen 3; Petit Jean Royalty 3; PEMM Club1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.DENISE MESSICK. Mountain Home, AR. Social Work.JILL METZLER. Toms River, NJ. Special Education. Transfer from OceanCounty College.JOE MILLER. Judsonia, AR. Elementary Education.JULIA MILLER. Houston.TX. Bible. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4; Fraters ClubQueen 2; Alplla Chi 3,4, Sec. 4; Dean' s List 1,2,3,4; SA Spiritual LifeCommittee 4; Chorale 1,2; World Evangelism Forum 1,2,3,4; TimothyClub 1,2,3,4; JOY 1,2,3 .. 1, Chairwoman 3,4; Austrian Campaigns 3;Who's Wha 4; A Tempo 1.KATHY MILLER. Rolla. MO. Accounting. Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3,4, V.P.3, Athletic Dir. 2; Dean's List 1,2,3; American Studies 3,4; Delta MuDelta 3.4; Intramurals 2.MARK A. MILLER. Cridersville, OH. Accounting. Transfer from Ohio Stote<strong>University</strong>. Kappa Sigma Kappa 2,3,4, Treos. 3; Alplle Chi 4; Dean's List1,2,3,4; Student Association 4, Treas. 4; Class Treas. 2; SA Food ServiceCommittee 4, Choirman 4; American Studies 2,3,4; Emory Business Team3; Reno Business Team 4; Pi Gamma Psi 2,3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3.4, Pres.3,4; Russell Brown Accounting Scholorship 3; Arkonsas BonkersAssociation Scholarship 3; Who's Who 4; Law Club 2,3,4, Sec.-Treas. 3,4;Intramu~ols 2,3,4.MARY MILLER. Childs, PA. Secretarial Science. Kappa Phi 1,2,3; Intramurals1,2,3,4.1 06 • Seni ors

ROBIN MILLER. PiggOH, AR. Speech. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4; Pep Bond1,2; Bison Bond 1,2,3; Chorale 1,2,3; Alpha Psi Omega 2,3,4,5; WorldEvangelism Forum 3,4; Timothy Club 1,2,3; Northeast Campaigns 4; KH­CA Staff 2.3,4; Compus Players 1,2,3,4,5, Pres. 4; SNEA 5.nRESA MILLER. Hazel Park, MI. Nursing. Transfer from MichiganChristian College. Kappa Phi 3,4,5; HSNA 4,5.STANLEY MITCHELL. East Point, GA. Biology. Koinonia 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3,4;Pre-Dentistry Club 3,4.MICHAEL MITCHELL. Sheffield, AL. Physical Education. Galaxy 1.2,3,4,Athletic Dir. 3; PEMM Club 2,3; SNEA 4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4.SARA MITCHELL. Birmingham, AL. Nursing . Transfer from <strong>University</strong> ofAlabama. Phi Delta 3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean 's list 3,4; Nursing HonorSociety 3,4; HSNA 3,4, Treas. 4.DANA MOONEYHAM. Truman, AR. Physical Education. GAlA 1,2,3,4,Pres. 3, V.P . 2, Spring Sing oir .... ·2,3; Homecoming Committee 4; BigSisters 4; PEMM Club 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1; Cheerleader 4, Co-Captain••CRYSTAL MOORE. Ferndale, WA. Elementary Education. KHCA Stoff 3;Alpha Psi Omega 4, V.P . 4; Dactylology 2; Campus Players 1,2,3; SNEA2,3,4.HESTER MOORE. Paragould, AR. Nursing. Transfer from Crowley's RidgeCollege.MARLIN MOORE. Carbondale,IL. Biology. lambda Sigma 1,2,3, Treas. 3;Alpha Gamma Omega 4, Treas. 4; Dean's list 3; SA Social AffairsCommittee 1; A Cappello 1,2; World Evangelism Forum 1,2,3,4; InternationalCampaigns 2,3; Big Buddies 1; Dactylology 4; SNEA 3,4;Resident Assistant 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.DIANE MOREY. Deer Park, lX. Transfer from Texas Women's <strong>University</strong>.Beta Tau Gamma 3,4,5; American Studies 5; Society of CollegiateJournalists 4,5; Behavioral Science 3; Bison Stoff 4,5.FRED MORGAN. Shreveport, LA. Mathematics. lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4;Athletic oir. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.LEILANI MORGAN. College Park, GA. Psychology. Sigma Sigma Sigma1,2,3,4.LEWIS MORGAN. Pine Bluff, AR. Mathematics. Spelunkers 1,2,3,4, Pres.4, Sec. 2,3; Dean's List 2; SA Movie Committee 4; Bison Bond 1,2.ARLENE MORRlS. Augusta, AR. Nursing. OEGE 1,2,3, Pres. 3, V.P. 2, Sec.2; Alpha Chi 5; Dean's list 2,3,4,5; Honor Society of Nursing 5, Pres. 5;JOY 2,3; Conquerors 1,2,3; Big Sisters 2,3; Dactylology 2,3; HSNA 3,4,5.DAVID MORRIS. Searc." AR. Biology. Galaxy 1,2,3,4,5, Pres. 5; Dean'slist 2; SA Spiritual Life Committee 3; SA Student Affairs Committee 4,5;Resident Assistant 2,3,4; Baseball 1.2,3; Intromurals 1,2,3,4,5; Who'sWho 4.LINDA MORROW. G~nmoro, LA. Physical Education. Transfer fromSoutheastern Christian College. Delta Chi Omega 3,4.STEVEN MORROW. Appleton, WI. Accounting and Management. Mohican1,2,3,4.MICHAEL MOSHIER. Fresno. CA. Chemistry. Transfer from CaliforniaState <strong>University</strong>. Alpha Epsilon Chi 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, V.P. 3; Pre-MedClub 1,2,3,4.GEORGE MOSS. Chattanooga, TN. Bible. Transfer from Alabama ChristianCollege. Knights 3,4; Timothy Club 4; Northwest Campaigns 3; ResidentAssistant 4.KIM MOSS. Union City, TN. Missions. Transfer from Freed-HardemanCollege. Theta Alpha Gamma 5; Petit. Jean Staff 3,4, Assistant Editor 3,Editor 4; Society of Collegiate Journalists 3,4,5, Pres. 4; WorldEvangelism Forum 3,4; Timothy Club 3.4; Internationol Campaigns 3.POlLY MUUEN. Oxford, MS. Art. Transfer from <strong>University</strong> ofMississippi. Tri-Sigma 2,3,4,5, V.P. 4; lambda Sigma Queen 5; Closs Sec.3; May Fete Nominee 4; A Cappello 2; JOY 2; Florida Campaigns 2,3;Brazil Campaigns 3; Manno Group 2,3; Spelunkers 4; Art Guild 2,3,4,5;Resident Assistant 2.DEBORAH MUNDAY. Parkersburg, WV. Biology. Transfer from OhioVolley College. Tri-Sigma 3,4; Women'S Ensemble 4; Chorole 3,4; 10-tramurals 3.FLETCHER MURPHY. Houston, TX. Management. Theta Tau Delta1,2,3,4.FRANK MYERS. Bryn Mawr, PA. Accounting. Sub T-16 1,2,3.4.Seniors • 107

-SENIORS---------------..;jBEVERLY HALL. Elba, AL. English. OEGE 3,4.GARY NEGRI. St. Louis, MO. General Science. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4.fREDA NElSON. Gallatin, TN. Special Education. Tofebt 1,2,3,4, Historian3; SA Elections Committee 4; JOY 1,2,3,4.BOB NELSON. Vincennes, IN. Accounting. Sigma Tou Delta 3,4.ROBIN NEWBERRY. Parkersburg. WV. Art. Alpha Tau 1.2,3,4; Alpha Chi3,4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Kappa Pi 2,3,4, Pres. 3; tnterrlOtionol Campaigns4; Art Guild 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.JACQUE NEWBY. Wildwood, GA. Speech. Transfer from Freed-HardemanCollege. Kirei No Ai 3,4; Dean's list 3,4; Bison Band 3; NorthwestCampaigns 3; Russian Campaigns 4.DE ANNA NICHOLS. little Rock, AR. Nursing. Transfer from <strong>University</strong> ofArkansas. GATA 3,4, Sec. 4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; JOY 3. .LESLIE NOBLE. Linle Rock, AR. Business Education. Ko Jo Kai 1,2,3,4,Pres. 4.TERRY NOBLIN. St. Louis. MO. Business Administration. Transfer fromlindenwood College.THURL NOONKESTER. Campbell. CA. Secondary Education, Social Scienceand Physical Education. Sub T-16 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4,5, OmegaPhi Beau 4,5.OOROTHY NORRIS. Linl. Rock. AR. Social Work. Shantih 1,2,3,4, V.P. 2,Sec. 2, Pres. 4, Historian 1; Dean's List 1,4; A Cappella 1,2; JOY 1,2,Committee Chairman 2; Dactylology 1; Bison Stoff 2,4 , BusinessMonager 4; Resident Assistant 2,4.lARRY NOSSAMAN. Yorte. NE. Journalism. Transfer from York College.Theta Alpha Gamma 4; Dean's List 3,4; Bison Staff 3.A ONE MAN S~OWThe sign outside the gallery read:Robin Newberry - Senior Art Show -October 26 to November 7. Insidewere ceramics, drawings, paintings,sculpture and the artist's specialty,print making - the culmination offour years of dedicated work.Robin, from Parkersburg, WestVirginia, explained what goes into asen ior show. " Preparation begins in thevery first classes as a freshman by bothdoing art work and learning aboutpresentation of the finished work. Asthe date for the show draws nearer inthe senior years, the pieces are matted,framed, and ready to be put ondisplay. The exhibit must be plannedout and signs, posters and announcementsmade, and then the hardpart of actually putting up the show isSTOPPING BY the gallery to check thateverything is still hanging correctly during hissenior art show, Robin Newberry answers viewerlibby Cochran's questions. Robin explains thesteps in silk screening to libby who studies hisprint "Be still and know that I am God."finally done."The show, held duringHomecoming, attracted over 1,000visitors who signed the registrationbook, a hard bound volume made byRobin in his three-dimensional designclass.With the show up, Robin expressedhis feel ings . " It's a great feeling to seeall your "art work on exhibit, havepeople come to see it and tell you theyreally enjoyed it. All the hours uponhours that go into the show seemworthwhile when you know it is appreciated,not only by close friendsand relatives, but also by people youdon't know at all."The show gave the artist the chanceto make a little money. Robin said hesold a few pieces, including ceramicsand paintings .Robin, a December graduate, planson getting into the commerci al artfield and hopes later to go free lance."I believe there is a place in the worldfor the Christian artist."108 • Seniors

SUSAN NOSSAMAN. Howard, 1(5. English. Transfer from York College.BRUCE NUNNALLY. Memphis, TN. Accounting. Galaxy 1,2,3,4, Treas. 4;Alpha Chi 2,3; Dean's list 1,2,3; Who's Who 4; American Studies 2,3;Reno Business Team 3; Delta Mu Delta 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3.HANK OAKES. Mountain Home, AR. Mathematics Education. lambdaSigma 1,2,3,4.STEVE OCKAY. Dryden, NY. Physical Education. lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4.LINDA ODELL. Conway, AR. Nur$ing. Delta Theta Epsilon 1.2,3; JOY1,2,3; International Campaigns 2; HSNA 2,3,4:LARRY OEHURn. Luverne, MN. Bible. Timothy Club 3,4.ANITA OLBRICHT. East Syracuse, NY. Art. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres.4, Athletic Director 2, Historian 2; Bison Staff 1; Chorale 1; JOY 1,2,3,4;Northeast Campaigns 1; Art Guild 1,2,3,4.DIANE OLlYER. Turnernille, NJ. Biology. Transfer from David LipscombCollege. OEGE 2,4; Dean's list 3; Northwest Campaigns 2.MIKE OLlYER. Dallas, TX. Biblical languages.TIM OLRn. Memphis, TN. Moth and General Business. TNT 1,2,3,4;Alpha Chi 3; Dean's list 1,2,3; American Studies 3; Intramurals 1,2.DEBBIE OWENS. Ft. Worth, TX. Vocational Harne Economics. Theta Psi1,2,3,4, Relig. Dir. 2; Dean's list 1,2,4; SA Academic Affairs Committee4; Chorale 2; Kappa Delta Pi 5; JOY 3,4,5; International Campaigns 3;Big Sisters 5; Dactylology 3,4; SNEA 3,4,5; AHEA 3,4,5; Womens'Judicial Board 5.DAYID OlBIRN. Searey, AR. Biology. Galaxy 1,2,3,4; Shantih Beau 4;Class Sec. 4; SA Social Affairs Committee 2,3; low Club 4; Pre-Med Club1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.JERRY PALMER. Searey, AR. Art. Transfer from Freed-HardemanCollege. Galaxy 3,4.KATHY PARISH. Judsonia, AR. Nursing. Transfer from <strong>University</strong> ofCentral Arkansas. Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; HSNA 2,3,4;Nursing Honor Society 4.MIKE PATTERSON. Beaverson, OR. Biology. Transfer from EasternOregon State College. Theta Tau 3,4; Bison Staff 3, Photographer 3.BERNICE PAULS. Beomsville, Ontario, Canada. Home Economics.Transfer from Western Christian College. Kitei 3,4, Sec. 4; Dean's List 3;JOY 3; French Club 4; AHEA 3.RICK PAYNE. Sanford, FL. Elementary Education. Galaxy 3,4.SYLYIA PECTOL. Winston,Salem, NC. English. Tofebt 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3,V.P. 3, Treas. 2; Knight's Queen 4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; HomecomingCourt 4; May Court 3; Petit Jean Queen 4; Pep Band 1; Bison Band 1;Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Sigma Tau Delta 3,4; World Evangelism Forum 3,4;International Campaigns 2; Spring Breok Campaigns 1,3; SNEA 3,4.ED PEEBLES. Portsmouth, YA. Accounting. lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4.GLORIA PERRY. Beamnille, Ontario, Canada. Nursing. Alpha Chi 1;World Evangelism Forum 2; JOY 2.NANCY JO PERRY. Genoa, WY. Journalism. Transfer from Ohio ValleyCollege and David lipscomb College. Bison Staff 4; JOY 4.JIM pmus. Little Rock, AR. Management. Mohicans 1,2,3,4.MARY PETTY. Huntsville, AL. Business Administration. Kappa p,hi1,2,3,4, Treas. 4, Relig. Oir. 3; KHCA Staff 2.DEREK PFEIFER. Searey, AR. Bible.Seniors • 109

STAN PHIPPS. West Memphis, AR. Bible. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4.EDDIE PIERCE. Hixson, TN. Accounting. Alpha Omega 2,3; Galaxy 3,4,Treas. 3; Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; American Studies 3,4; DeltoMu Delta 3,4, V.P. 3.CATHY PIGG. Alma, KY. OEGE 1,2,3,4, Treas. 2; Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean'slist 1,2,3,4; American Studies 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; Delta Mu Delta3,4.ALAN POGUE. Longview, TX. Bible. Transfer from Eastfield CoUege 000Kilgore College. Dean's list 4; Who's Who 4; Pi Kappa Delta 3,4, Pres.Kappa Delta 3,4, Pres. 4; Debate Squad 3,4.R. C. POLK. Pensacokl, flo Secondary Edocotion. Dean's list 2,4; KappaDelta Pi 2,3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4; Timothy Club 1; SNEA 2,3,4.CONNIE PONDER. Searq, AR. Elementary education. Kirei 1,2,3,4.2,3,4, Alpha Omego Queen 4;Treas. 4, Historian 2; Alpha Omega 4·Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3; JOY 2,4; InternationalCampaigns 4; Big Sisters 4; Dactylology 3; SNEA 4.JOHNNY PONDER. New Boston, TX. Accounting. lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4.ROD PORTER. Manteca, CA. Biology and English.RUSS PORTER. Rockford, IL. Bible. TNT 1,2,3,4; Chi lambda Chi Beau 2;Dean's list 2; SA Class Representative 4; Book. Exchange Chairman 3,4;Pi Kappa Delta 1,2,3,4; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; Northeast Campaigns 1,2;Russian Campaigns 3; Who's Who 4; Debate Squad 1; Resident Assistant3.AUBREY POwnL. Greenville, TX. Bible. Transfer from East Texas State<strong>University</strong>. Knights 1,2,3,4; Dean's list 1; Timothy Club 3,4,5; Doc·tylology 3.CECIL PRICE. Houston, TX. Music Education. Beta Phi Kappa 1,3,4;Dean' s list 1; <strong>Harding</strong> Toxi Service Chairman 4; A Cappello 1,3,4; Men'!Ensemble 4; Circle K 1; Resident Assistant 4.JEff PRICE. Searcy, AR. Man:eting. TNT 1,2,3,4; Golf 1 ,2,3,4.JILL PRINCE. Columbus, OH. Music Education. Transfer from Ohio VolleyCollege. Regina 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4, Relig. Dir. 3; Dean's List 1,4; Petit J ....Stoff 4; A Cappella 4; Chamber Singers 3; Chorale 3; JOY 3,4; Big Sisters4; A Tempo 3,4; SNEA 4.ROGER PRITCHEn. Chondler, AI. Bible and Mathematics Education.Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4; Northwest Campaigns 3,4; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4ELLEN PULLEY. McCrory, AR. Secretarial Science. Theta Psi 1,2,3,4, Sec3, Relig . Dir. 4, Historian 2; Chorale 1; Big Sisters 2,4; May Campaigns2; A Tempo 1.MIKE PURDOM. Purdy, MO. Accounting. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4; Dean'sList 3; Chorale 1; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Spring Break Campaigns 3; DoctyloloQV4.110 • Seniors

DUNkiNGdEANSPRETENDING that she isgoing to hit Dean of MenEddie Campbell with a wa·ter balloon at Hilarity,Dean of Women MaribethDowning is shocked whenBenjie Nail pushes herhands and the balloonsplatters both deans.JOHN QUICK. Niles, MI. General Science. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3.4-KATHLEEN REAGAN. Memphis, TN. Special Education. GAlA 1,2,3,4."JANICE REAVIS. Turrell, AR. Elementary Education. Chi lambda Chi1,2,3,4, Pres. 3; Athletic Dir. 1; International Campaigns 1; SNEA 4.JOHN REDDEN. Memphis, TN. Physical Education. Chi Sigma Alpha1,2,3,4; Regina Beau 3; KHCA Staff 1; International Campoigns 2,3;Brazil Campaigns 2,3; Big Buddies 1,2,3,4; PEMM Club 4; PsychologyClub 2,3; Tennis 1,2,3,4.RILEY REED. Cleburne, nt. Bible. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,4; A Cappella 1,2;Timothy Club 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4; Resident Assistant 3,4.WAYNE REED. Ft. Worth, TX. Bible. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4;Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3; Bison Band 2; Chorale 3; Belles andBeaux. 3; World Evangelism Forum 3,4; Young Democrats 3.PAULA REEH. Shreveport, LA. Elementary Education. Sigma Sigma Sigma1,2,3; Chorale 1; International Campaigns 2,3.JOHN REESE. Salado, AR. Political Science.MICHAEL REICHEL. Munith, Germany. Bible. Transfer from Pepperdine<strong>University</strong>. TNT 3,4; World Evangelism Forum 3,4; Timothy Club 3,4;International Campoigns 3; Intramurals 3,4.CRAIG REID. Columbus, OH. Business Monagement. Transfer from OhioVqlley College. Basketball 3,4; Intramurals 5.LISA REYNOLDS. Noshville, TN. Elementary Education. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4;Dean's list 2,3,4; SA Class Representative 2; Homecoming Court 2,3;Who's Who 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; JOY 1,2,3,4; Big Sisters 4; SNEA 4.NANCY REYNOLDS. Stone Mountain, GA. General Business. Theta Psi1,2; Orchestra 2,4; Bison Band 1,2,3,4; Chorale 1; Northwest Campaigns2,3,4.STEVE REYNOLDS. Missoula, MT. Accounting. Transfer from <strong>University</strong>of Montana. TNT 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 5.GARY RHODES. Hope, AR. Physical Education. TNT 1,2,3,4.CRAIG RICHARDSON. Sthiedam, Holland. Biblical languages. Theta TauDelta 1,2; Dean's list 2,3,4; World Evangelism Forum 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2,3;Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; International Campaigns 1,2,3,4; ResidentAssistant 3,4; Cross Country 1.DENNIS RINE. Searty, AR. Physical Educotion and Psychology. Chi SigmaAlpha 1,2,3,4.MARIA RIOS. Mexito City, Mexico. Public Relations. Beta Tau 3,4.DENISE ROBERTS. Lockport, IL. Business Education. Kappa Delta Kappa1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, V.P. 2; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; American Studies 3,4; PiGamma Psi 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4; Northwest Campaigns 2; SNEA 4.REBECCA ROBERTS. Memphis, TN. Elementary Education. Kappa DeltaKappa 2,3,4; Orchestra 2; Chorale 1,2,3,4; Northeast Campaigns 2.RICHARD ROBERTS. Searcy, AR. Accounting and Finance. Koinonia, ,2,3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Petit Jean Staff 3,4; AssistantBusiness Manager 3; Business Manager 4; American Studies 3,4; PiGamma Psi 4; Delta Mu Delta 4.Seniors ·111

-SENIORS--------------~JEFFREY ROBERTSON. Miami, FL. Mass Communications. Lambda Sigma1,2; KHCA Staff 1,2,3,4, Manager 4, Music Director 1, ProductionDirector 2, Program Director 3.PAUL ROBISON. Searcy, AR. Bible and English. Alpho Chi 4; Dean's list',2,3,4,5; Who's Who 5; A Cappella 1,2,3; Sigma Tau Delto 4; WorldEvangelism Forum 5; Timothv Club 1,2; International Campaigns 2,3,4.SARAH ROGERS. Searcy, AR. General Business. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3,4.JERAINE ROOT. Hauston, lX. Political Science. OEGE 1,2,3,4; Dean's List',2,3,4; Orchestra 1,2,3; A Cappello 1,2; Chamber Singers 4; Chorale3,4; American Studies 3,4; International Campaigns 3; French Club1,2,3,4.DARLA ROWE. Paragould, AR. English. Transfer from Crowley's RidgeCollege. Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 4; Kappa Delta 3,4; Sigma Tau Delta4.KAY ROWE. Watertown, SO. Social Work. Transfer from York College.JOY 3; Dactylology 3,4; Psychology Club 3; NACSW 3,4.WOODIE ROWE. Paragould, AR. Bible. Transfer from Ctowley's RidgeCollege. Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 3; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4.DONNA RUSSELL. Rome, NY. Biology. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4; Bison Bond 1;Dactylology 1,2; Pre-Med Club 1,2,3,4.DOUG SANDERS. Antioch, TN. Accounting and Economics. Chi SigmaAlpha 1,2,3,4.FAITH SANDERS. Memphis, TN. Biology. Theta Psi 1,2,3,4.JOHN SANDIDGE. Memphis, TN. Speech.IDA SANTELlAN. Holland, MI. Spanish. Tofebt 1,2,3,4, Historian 2;Dean's List 1; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4.SHERYL SAWYER. Sardis, MS. Social Work.CAREY SCHAllER. N. Little Rack, AR. Business Management andEconomics. Koinonia 1,2,3,4. .RUSSELL SCOTT. Searcy, AR. Music. Theta Alpha Gamma 1,2,3,4; AlphaChi 4; Dean's List 4; Orchestra 3,4; Pep Band 4; Bison Band 3,4; ATempo 3.IRA SEWELL. Dallas, lX. Accounting. Transfer from Richland College.Alpha Tou 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Intramurols 3,4.kATHY SEWELL. Somerville, TN. English. GATA 1 ,2,3,4; Pep Band 1; BisonBand 1; Intramurals 1.GREG SHEPHERD. Piketon, OH. Physical Education. Transfer from OhioValley College. PEMM Club 4, SNEA 3,4; Cross Country 3,4; Track 3,4;Intra murals 3,4.GLORIA SHOOP. kalamazoo, MI. Mass Communications. Ko Jo Kai1,2,3,4, Spring Sing Dir. 2; KHCA Staff 1,2,3,4, Production Dir. 3,Program Dir. 4; Pi Koppa Delta 1,2,3,4; Alpha Psi Omega 2,3,4; CampusPlayers 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4.MARC SHOWALTER. Searty, AR. Special Education. TNT 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4,Spring Sing Dir. 1,2; Kappa Phi Beau 2,3,4; Class Pres. 4; Social AffairsCommittee 1; KHCA Staff 4; Big Buddies 1; May Campaigns 1,2,4; Golf1,2,3,4; Intromurals 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4.JOHN SIMPSON. Oshkosh, WI. Accounting. Transfer from PensacolaJunior College.JOHN SLAIS. Hot Springs, AR. Accolinting. Transfer from Garland CountyCommunity College.BECkY SLINKARD. Rogers, AR. Business Education. Ko Jo Koi 1,2,3; JOY1,2,3,4; Big Sisters 2,3,4; AHEA 1; Women's Judicial Board 3,4.DAVID SMITH. Little Rock, AR. Management. Dean's List 1.2,3; DeltaMu Delta 4.112 • Seniors

LINDA SMITH. BrookhaYen, MS. English. Transfer from Copiah-lincolnJunior College. Tri-Sigma 3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 3,4; Kappa DeltaPi 3,4; Sigma Tau Delta 4.NANCY SMITH. Fort Wayne, IN. Special Education. Transfer fromMichigan Christian College. Delta Chi Omega 3,4, Relig. Dir. 3; Alpha Chi4; Dean's list 3,4; Big Sisters 3; Gymnastics 3.STEVE SMITH. Montgomery, AL. Nursing. Mohican 1,2,3,4.SUSAN SMITH. Roswell, GA. Nursing. Transfer from David LipscombCollege. Tri-Sigma 3,4.nM SMITH. Se.ey, AI. General Science. Chi Sigma Alpha 4; Alpha Chi4; Dean's list 1,2,3,4; Pep Band 2; Bison Band 1,2; A Cappello 2,3;Chorale 1,4; Belles and Beaux 3,4; Pre-Med Club 1; Spring Sing Host 4.CURT SPAIKS. Eureka, IL. Bible. TNT 1,2,3,4, Historian 4; Kirei No AiBeau 2,3,4,5; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Timothy Club 2,3,4,5; InternationalCampaigns 1,2,3,4; Big Buddies 3.Bnn SPILLMAN. Judsonia, AI./Elementary Education. Kappa DeltaKappa 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3, Relig. Dir. 2, Athletic Dir. 1,2; SNEA 4; ResidentAssistant 4; Intramurals 1,2,4.PAM SPILLMAN. Searcy, AR. Home Economics. Kappa Delta Kappa1,2,3,4, Pres. 2, Historian 1,2; Dean's list 3; Northwest Campaigns 2;AHEA 2.JENNY JO SPIVEY. Valdosta, GA. Psychology. Regina 1,2,3,4; SA Ad·vertising and Public Relations Committee 4; A Cappella 3; InternationalCampaigns 1,2; Psychology Club 3.KIM STACY. Newport, AR. Speech. OEGE 1,2,3; SNEA 3; Intramurals l.scon STAFFORD. W. Springfield, MA. Social Science. Galaxy 1,2,3,4; PhiDelta Beau 3,4; Dean's List 3; Social Affairs Committee 2,3; Pre-MedClub 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.LARRY STALLEY. Glendora, GA. Biblical Languages and Bible. Transferfrom Citrus Junior College. Knights 3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 3,4.World Evangelism Forum 3,4; Timothy Club 3,4; Spelunkers 3.MARY BETH STALLEY. Searcy, AR. Biology and Nursing. Regina, 1,2,3,4,ReI. Dir. 2; Dean's List 3; Chorale 1; SNEA 2,5; Northeast Campaigns1,2.DARLA STANAGE. Grtlencostte, IN. Elementary Education. Kappa DeltaKappa 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, V.P. 3, Treasurer 2,3; Dean's List 3,4; Joy 1,2;SNEA 3.4.STEVE STENZEL. Lincoln, NE. Art. Theta Alpha Gamma 3,4.DAN STEWART. Pensacola, Fl. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3.TONY STEWART. St. M.-ys, WV. Biology. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4,Athletic Dir. 3,4; Pep Band 1,2; Bison Band 1,2; Circle K 2; Pre-Med Club1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.DAVID STOBAUGH. Cleye_nel, AR. Biology. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4;Dean's List 3,4; Spelunkers 1,2,3,4.PAM STOHLDRIER. Little Rock, AR. Business Education. Transfer from<strong>University</strong> of Little Rock. Zeta Phi Zeta 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's List3,4; American Studies 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 4; JOY 3,4; InternationalCampaigns 4; SNEA 4; Resident Assistant 4.GENE STOUGH. Montgomery, AL. Bible. Sigma Phi Omicron 1; Koinonia 2;International Campaigns 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.RICK STRICKLAND. Henegar, AL. History. Transfer from AlabamaChristian. Timothy Club 3; European Campaigns 3.ROBIN STUMNE. Benevllle, IL. Transfer from York College. Chi LambdaChi 3,4,5; JOY 3; Northeast Campaigns 3; Big Sisters 3; Art Guild 3,4.JAMES SUDBURY. Slidell, LA. Missions. Pi Kappa Delta 3,4, Historian 4;Dean's List 3; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; Debate Squad 3,4.NANCY SWANSON. Hazelhurst, MS. Accounting. Transfer from Freed­Hardeman College; Chi lambda Chi 3,4,5; Dean's List 3; AmericanStudies 5; Pi Gamma Psi 5.Seniors - 113

-:SENIORS------------...KIM ULlAFlRRO. Conway, AI. Psychology. Tri·Sigma 1,2,3.4, Pi KappaDelta 1,2; Debote Squad 1,2; Psychology 4.MONTE TATOM. Hurst, TX. Bible. Alpha Epsilon Chi 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2, Sec.4; Timothy Club 2,3,4; Northwest Campaigns 2; SNEA 2.3.4.REX TAYLOR. Springfield, MO. Art. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3; KoppaPi 3,4; Northwest Campaigns 2; May Campaigns 1; Art Guild 1,2,3,4,Pres. 4.MAX THANNISCH. Lift .. Rock. AI. Management. Alpha Tou .1,2,3,4;Intromurols 2,3,4. .VICKI THARP. Corning, AI. Elementary Education. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4.BILLY THOMAS. Heber Spring., AI. Sociology, Alpha Tau 1,2,3,4.DAVID THOMASON. Searcy, AR. Business Management. TNT 1,2,3,4.BEVERLY THOMPSON. Davenport, HE. Nursing. Transfer from YorkCollege. Phi Delto 3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean'st list 3,4; HSNA 3,4, Pres. 4,Nursing Honor Society 4, V.P. 4; Who's Who 4.BRIAN THOMPSON. Gravenhurst, Canoda. Bible. Transfer from Greatlakes Christian College. Timothy Club 4; Intromurals 2,3.JAN" THOMPSON. West Pklins, MO. Journalism.lEE THORNTON. HashviUe, TN. Accounting. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3 ,4,Pres. 3, Sec. 2, Dean's list 1, SA Social Affairs Committee 2; SA AthleticCommittee 4, Chairman 4; KHCA Stoff 1; Bison Sta" 1,:$, ASSIstantBusiness Manager 2, Business Manager 3; American Studies 2,3; PiGamma Psi 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3,4; Society of Collegiate Journalists2,3; May Campaigns 4; Who's Who 4; Resident Assistant 4; Swimming1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.LINDA TIPTON. Edinburg, TX. Speech. Shantih 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, V.P. 2;Relig. Dir. 3; Alpha Chi 3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Chamber Singers 1;Chorale 1,2; Pi Kappa Delta 2,3,4, V.P. 2, Pres. 3, Sec-Treas. 4; KappaDelta Pi 3,4; JOY 1,2; International Campaigns 3; Big Sisters 2,3,4;Who's Who 3; Debate Squad 1,2,3; SNEA 3.ALAN TOMME. Colleywine, TX. Social Science and Pre-Law. TNT 1,2,3,4,Treas. 4; Dean's list 2,3; SA Rep. 3; SA Student Activities 1,2,3,4,Chairman 4, SA Faculty Fine Arts Lyceum Committee 3,4; KHCA Staff3,4; American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4; Spring Break Campaigns1; Young Republicans 1; Who's Who 4; law Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals1.2.3.4.LAURA TRAFFANSTEDT. Little Rock, AI. Elementary Education. Dean'slist 2,3; A Cappella 3,4; Women's Ensemble 3,4; Chorale 1,2; JOY 1,2;SNEA 4.PAULA TROmR. Memp.d., TN. Speech. Regina 1,2,3,4.seon TROUT. Youngwood, PA. Physical Education. Transfer fromNortheastern Christian College. Theta Tau Delta 3,4.RICHARD TRULL. Hayward, CA. Bible and Accounting. Transfer fromCalifornia State <strong>University</strong>. Alpha Epsilon Chi, 3,4, Pres. 4; V.P. 3;Dean'st list 3; American Studies 4; Timothy Club 3,4; NorthwestCampaigns 3,4; Intramurals 4.GEORGE TURNER. Searcy, AR. History. Transfer from Kennesaw JuniorCollege. Theta Alpha Gomme 3,4, Historian 3; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list3,4; American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4.STEPHEN TURNER. Commerce, TX. General Science. Chi Sigma Alpha1.2.3.4.CHARLES UNDERWOOD. ParogouW, AR. Accounting. Transfer from TexasWesleyan College. American Studies 3,4.DAVID UNDERWOOD. Florence, At. Elementary Education. Galaxy1,2,3,4; International Campaigns 1; Big Buddies 2,3; Intramurols1. • Seniors

Ouri ng an assignment to write afeature on elevators, the following trueinterview occurred with a formerHeritage resident.Petit Jean: So you were trapped inthe American Heritage elevator. Canyou describe your exact feelings at theterrifying moment?Heritage resident: At first I didn'tknow what had happened. Then Irealized that the elevator had suddenlystopped between floors.Petit Jean: What do you think wasthe cause of this climactic elevatorexperience?Heritage resident: Well, actually Ithink it was the result of my. . a hum,accidently pushing the emergency stopbutton. Anyway, the elevator came torest between the first and secondfloors. It was then that I rememberedmy claustrophobia as well as my Momand Dad back home in Tennessee.I didn't panic although I assumedbecause of a similar episode that I hadseen on the Bob Newhart Show that Ihad only minutes of oxygen left.Petit Jean: What did you do?Heritage resident: I began ringingthe emergency bell and assum i ng fromElEVATOR PERilsa recent adventure which I saw on theBionic ManPetit Jean: Vou forced the dooropen lHeritage resident: No, but I didforce open the tiniest crack to where Icould see that a small crowd hadgathered on the second floor justabove me. I must admit it was a weakmoment for me, because I began toquickly create several alibis to coverup for my having tampered ah, Imean accidently pushed theemergency stop.Finally some kind samaritan yelleddown and a'sked me what was theproblem. Naturally I told him that Iwas stuck. He kindly advised me topull the emergency ring whichautomatically unstops the emergencystop button.To my horror the elevator,programmed for the second floor,jerked and began to move upward,directly to the curious and bemusedaudience awaiting my landing. I partedthe crowd with the remains of myshattered dignity and walked down thehall to my room where I immediatelyshut the door and locked it.RUTH VANe£. Nashville, TN. Home Economics. Transfer from DavidLipscomb College. Chorale 1; World Evangelism Forum 3,4; JOY 3,4;Austrian Campaigns 3,4; Big Sisters.MARK VANCIl. Hammonton, NJ. English. Kappa $igs. 2,3,4.BRUCE VANTINE. Lowell, AR. Accounting. Galaxy 1,2,3,4.EARNEST VAUGHN, Spencer, OK. Bible.SUSAN VAUGHN. Sandusky, OH. Special Education. Spring Sing Hostess3.AMY VAWTER. McKenzie, TN. Business Administration. Snantih 1,2,3,4.E~ELYN VEST. Melbourne, AR . Accounting. Transfer from Crowley'sRidge College. Beta Tau Gamma 3,4, V.P. 4, Treas. 3,4, Athletic Dir. 2;American Studies 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Delta Mu Delta 4; JOY 4; Intramurals2,3,4.Bill VISALLI. New York, NY. Bible and Social Science. King's Men1,2,3,4, Parlimentarian 3; Alpha Chi 4; American Studies 4; Pi KappaDelta 4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4; World Evangelism Forum 2,3,4; TimothyClub 2,3,4; International Campaigns 1,2; Big Buddies 1,3,4.RONI VISALU. Liberty, MO. Elementary Education.BILLY WALKER. Pensacola, fl. Elementary Education. King's Men1,2,3,4.DOUG WALKER. Brinkley, AR. Management. Sub T-16 1,2,3,4,5, Pres.3,4,5; Ju Go Ju Beau 4,5; American Studies 5; PEMM Club 2,3,4,5;Resident Assistant 4,5, Asst. Mgr. 5; Intramurals 1,2,3,4,5.LARRY WALLER. Lonoke, AR. Biology. Galaxy 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Chi lambdaChi Beau 3,4; Student Association 4, V.P. 4, Homecoming CommitteeChairman 4, Interclub Council Chairman 4, Food Services Committee 3;Pre-Med Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4; OutstandingYoung Men of America 4.Seniors • 115

-SENIORS----------------i1Graduation brings mixed emotions.Saying good by to many good friends issad, but finishing school is an overwhelmingrelief. A senior is tornbetween looking back on goodmemories and looking forward to newexperiences.Looking back is the sad part. Theoutings to Petit Jean, the spring days atHeber and the Sunday afternoons atWyldewood are hard to leave. Nothingcan ever replace the security ofCh ri stian friends and the influence of<strong>Harding</strong>'s atmosphere.On the other hand, looking forwardmakes college seem inconsequential.It won't be hard to leave the 10:30curfew, the cafeteria food, the chapelannouncements or final exams.Though career life has its pressures andunpleasantries, learning from people isbound to be more exciting thanlearning from books! New friends andnew experiences will take the place ofold ones and finally using four years ofcollege training will be satisfying.When all is said and done, though,the time finally arrives and there is nochoice but to close one chapter andbegin another. Whether a graduatelooks back or looks forward, he eagerlyrealizes that time must move on.SM~LlNG, Mary Lee Dell receives her diploma.frOm Dr. Ganus at December graduation.FILiX WALTON. Searcy, AI. Management.DAVID WARI. Little Roclc, AI. Accounting. Dean's list 2,3,4; Pi GammaPsi 4; Delta Mu Delta 4.CINDY WARREN. Idabel, OK. Physicol Education. OEGE 1,2,3,4.JIM WARREN. Aiken, SC. Journalism. Sigma Tau Sigma 1,2,3,4, V.P. 2;Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 1.2,3,4; Bison Stoff 1,2,3,4, Sports Editor 3,Editor 4; American Studies 3.4; Society of Collegiate Journalists 3,4.Tennis 1.2.BECKY WATSON. Nash, TX. Business Education. Transfer from TexarkanaCommunity College. Shantih 2,3,4.MARY WEBB. JUdIOAta, AI. Speech Therapy.JAMIE WEIDNER. Ann Arbor, MI. Nursing. Transfer from David LipscombCollege. Kappa Phi 3,4, Historian 4; Nursing Club 3,4; Honor Society ofNursing 3,4; Circle K 3.80B WENNER. FarmingdDle, NY. Management. Transfer from Greatlakes Ctw"istian College. Alpha Omega 2,3; Dean's list 4.EMILY WHISENANT. Cullman, At Nursing. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4, Athletic Dir.2; Dean's list 1; JOY 1,2,3,4; Northwest Campaigns 2; Big Sisters 2;Nursing HSNA 2,3,4.DEBORAH WHITAKER. Ining, TX. Biology. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4.CHESLEY WHITE. Sherwood, AR. Physical Education. Kappa Sigma Kappa1,2,3,4.JUDY WHITE. Mabelvale, AR. Business Education. Regina 1,2,3,4, Pres.3, V.P. 3, Treos. 1: Bison Bond 3; JOY 2,3; Internationa l Campaigns 3;Big Sisters 2; SNEA 4; Women's Interclub Council 4, Pres. 4.SHIRLEY WHITE. Athens, OH. General Business. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4,Treas. 2, Historian 3; Dean' s list 3,4.DAVID WILLIAMS. Niceville, fl. Accounting. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4,Trees. 2; Dean' s list 2,3,4; American Studies 4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; DeltaMu Delta 3.4; Basketball Mgr. 2: Intramurols 1,2,3,4.DIANNE WILLIAMS. StuHgart, AR. Special Education. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3.4,Pres. 3, Hist. 4; Chorale 1,2,3.4; May Campaigns 1,3.JAMES WILLIAMS JR. Phoenix, AI. Bible. Transfer from GlendaleCommunity College. Dactylology 3.4; Spelunkers 3.4: Tennis 3,4: Intramurals3,4.116 • Seniors

RALPH WILLIAMS. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. Bible and Speech.KHCA Staff 3,4; Timothy Club 4; Campus Players 2,3.4.GEORGE WILSON. San Diego, CA. Computer Applications.KATRINA WILSON. Springhill, LA. Spanish. Ju Go Ju ',2,3,4; HomecomingCourt'; Closs Secretary'; Who's Who 4; A Cappello 1,2; JOY 2,3;International Campaigns 3; Spring Sing Hostess 3; Spanish Club 2,3,4;French Club 2,3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4.LISA WILSON. Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. GATA 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4,Treas. 3, Hist. 3; Dean's list 2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; JOY ',2,3,4; BigSisters ',2; Civitans 2,3; SNEA 2,3,4."BOB WINSTON. S. Fulton, TN. Physical Education. Football ',2,3,4.CLAIRE WINZER. Middletown, MD. Nursing. Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College. HSNA 3,4, Sec. 4; Honor Society of Nursing 4;Civitans 3.BOB WISE. Bellevitte, It Social Science. Theta Tau ' ,2,3,4.HOLLY WISER. Ovid, MI. Music Education.KEVIN WISER. Ovid, MI. Mu~ic Education. Transfer from MichiganChristian College. A Cappella 4; Chorale 3.JERRY WOlfE. Depauw, IN. Music Education. Chi Sigma Alpha ' ,2,3,4;Dean's List' ; Orchestra 2; Pep Bond 1,2,3,4, Director 4; Bison Band, ,2,3,4; A Cappella 3; Chamber Singers'; Chorale' ,2; InternationalCampaigns 4; Homecoming Orchestra 3; A Tempo' ,2,3; SNEA 4.STEVE WOODHOUSE:. Detroit, MI. Bible. TNT ' ,2,3,4.TIM WOODROOF. Searcy, AR. Academic Psychology. King's Men' ,2,3,4,Spring Sing Dir. 2,3,4; OEGE Beau 3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list' ,2,3,4;Spring Sing Host 3,4; Who's Who 4; Time of Day ',2; InternationalCampaigns 3; Psychology Club 2,3,4; Psi Chi 4.PAT WOODS. McRae, AR. Nursing.KAREN WOOTEN. Owasso, OK. Music Education. Bison Band 1,2,3,4; ACappello 3,4; Chorale ',2; A Tempo ',2,3,4; SNEA 1,2,3; Big Sisters 2.MIRIAM WORD. SPO, NY. History. Ko Jo Kai ',2,3,4.BARBARA WRIGHT. Sec.-cy, AR. Special Education. Zeta Rho ' ,2,3,4,V.P. 3, ReI. Dir. 2; Dean's list 2; A Cappella' ,2,3; Belles and Beaux 3;International Campaigns 2; Big Sisters 2; May Campaigns' ,3; SNEA 4.DEAN WRIGHT. Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada. Bible. TNT ',2,3,4.GLORIA WRIGHT. Marked Tree, AR. English. Kirei No Ai ' ,2,3,4. •JON WRlE. Searcy, AR. Speech. TNT ' ,2,3,4, Sec. 3; KHCA Staff ' ,2,4; PiKappa Delta 2; International Campaigns 2; Dactylology 4; Intramurols1.4.DEWln YINGLING. Searcy, AR. Accounting. Kappa Sigs ',2,3,4.BOB YOAKAM. Adrian, MI. Elementary Education. Transfer fromMichigan Christian College. Theta Tau Delta 3,4; Dean's List 3,4; KappaDelta Pi 3,4.SUZAN YOUNG. Bellbrook, OH. Nursing.EVE ZIEGLER. Searcy, AR. Music. Transfer from Pepperdine <strong>University</strong>.Dean's list 3; A Cappella 4; International Campaigns 4; A Tempo 4.STEVE ZIMPFER. Baton Rouge, LA. Biology. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4,V.P.4; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list ',2,3,4; Sigma Tau Delta 3,4; WorldEvangelism Forum 2; Big Buddies 3; Intramurals ',2,3,4.Seniors • 117

-JUNIORS---------------~A MiddAY blOSSOMThe satisfaction of direction andpurpose is the mid-day blossom of thejunior year. 476 strong, the juniors wonthe class trophy for their Homecoming. float in this year's "Try to Remember"competition. More than rememberingis needed, however, to get down to thebasics of learning and growing,deciding and becoming a full-grownflower.1. l(X)KING in her box, Patty Franks goesthrough the daily routine of checking mail.2. JUNIOR OFFICERS. Steve Beliech, President;Eddie Blackshear, Vice President; MelanieWatson, Secretary; Chuck Posey, Treasurer.3. CAREFUllY, Dalynn Kay folds her clotheswhile doing laundry.Mary Ibtl., Dearborn. MITom lbelt, Dearborn, MIKarla Adami, Searcy, ARRon Adami, Bronte, TXNita Allen, Starkville, MSSUlan AI.ton, Searcy, ARRobert Ami •• Farmington Hills, MICathy Angel, Searcy, ARI.-n Amold, Avinger. TXM.cio Austin. Abilene , TXJim 'vant, Searcy, ARKortn Baber, Jeffersonville, INTerry Baird, Bartlesville, OKBecky Balee" Euless, TXDonna eohr, Walnut Ridge, ARJohn BaIe,r, Bastrop, LARobin 101 .. , Seorcy, AIDan Bangl, Marcelio, ARLarry Bank.ton, Truman, AIlaren lamoni, Kensen. ARBarry Borre". Plymouth, MIPat Balhaw, Reynoldsburg, OHTer ••• Ba .. , Okemos, MILawrence Bat •• , Portsmouth, VARhonda Bat .. , Clarksville. AISheila Bawcom, Morgon City, LAK.nn,th a ... dt, Searcy, AIThad B, .. I., Crestline, OHEddl, a.ene, Nashville, ARStevl a,ll,ch, Pensacola, FlJOI ae"tiey, Duluth, GARo •• Blel, White House, TNCathie Binns, Searcy, ARLourie BI.ho" Amity, PARobyn Bktckmore. Effingham, Il118 • Juniors

Edword Blackshear, Callahan, FlDavid Blain, ArlingtOfl, TXCarla Bormann, Springfield, ILlarry Boston, Fort Worth, TXElaine Bas wen. Griffin, GAConni, Bow,", Shreveport, LAUncia Boyd. Wyandotte, MIJudy Braddock, Mesquite, TXSandra Branch, N. little Rock, ARWayne Braun, Seminole, TXJohn Brazos, Sedalia, MOSherril Bmeli, Everton, ARChristy Broadaway, Biscoe, ARlelly Broadaway, little Rock, AREmmett Broaddus, Winchester, KYSandra Brooker, Gainesville, FLEmily Brooks, Searcy, ARDavid Broom, Heavener, OKCarol Brown, Lasalle Quebec, CanadaJanice Brown, Dickson, TNThoma. B,own, N. little Rock, ARWilliam Brown, Caruthers, CACheryl Browning, Arlington, TXSara Bryant. Simi Volley, CAJohn Bucle. St. Loois, MONancy Burtt. Dulin, MODoug Burnt, Iron City, TNt,rlla Burns, Batesville, ARterry BUrns. Mammoth Springs, ARJ,ff Burroughs, Memphis, TNYala,i, Busby, Fort Worth, TXBart.ara Byrd, Step Rock, ARPatti Cameron, Hobbs, NMDavid Camp, Decatur, GAMary Carolyn Campbell, Truman, ARJuniors • 119

-JUNIORS--------------~Mary Ann Cannon, Chicago, ILJohn Caplinger, Columbus, OHMark Correll, Memphis, TNCharles Carroll, Dallas, TXPaula Carter, Baton Rouge, LAMichael CO", little Rock, ARDebra Cave. Searcy, ARWend,11 Cave, Gainesville, FLTeresa Chaney, Memphis, TNJohn Charle •• Baton Rouge, LAOeeAnn Clark, Westminster, CAScott Clark, Royal Oak, MIVicky Clart, Escondido, CAWilliam Clork, Albion, NEMark Clayton, Camden, ARMark Clement, N. Little Rock, ARKevin Cline, Georgetown, PABarbora Coburn. Harrisburg, ARVincent Coburn, Dexter, MOLibby Cochran, Hobbs, NMRo .. Cochran, Hobbs, NMWiHlam Cofield, Houston, TXCharloH, Col, Florence, ALDonna Coker, Searcy, ARJudy Coker, Dunwoody, GADavid Collier, Dierks, AREllen Col'ns, Searcy, ARDebra Confer. Weirton, WVherett Confe" Howard, PACloy Connell, Grand Junction, TNEugene Conner, Millington, TNRick Cook, Vienna, WVJanice Cox, Zionsville, INMartha Cox, Oil Trough, ARMoille Cox, Newnon, GAJudy Croh, Memphis, TNMan Cromer, Jacksonville, ARFlorence Croven, Searc~, ARCindy Cron, Kirksville, MORandall Cron, Glen Burnie, MOHope Dadmun, Richmond, VAKevin Dolafove, Morianna, FLGinny Daniel, Seorcy, ARDenise Davenport, Flippin, ARRockel Davenport, Walder, NYKevin Davidson, Martinsville, ILKaren Davis, Silvis, ILleslie Davls, Newport, ARMarty Davis, Roseville, CAWesley Davis, Trussville, ALScoff Dawkins, Ketchikan, AKJanet Dean, Canton, OHLinda Deapo, N. Little Rock, ARTommy Deason, Pearl, MSRobert Dempsey, Texarkana, AR120 • Juniors

Susan Denewiler, Lakewood, COPatti Jo Dillard, Tempe, AZHarold Dobbs, Columbus, MSKimberly Dooley, Searcy, ARBud Dorris, Hendersonville, TNJeannie Driskell, Tulsa, OKfelice Dudrey, Grand Junction, CODavid Dukes, Polotta, FLRidtard Dull, Clemmons, NCLarry Dumas, Burleson, TXDavid Dyke, East Hartford, CTLou Ann Eads, Bradford, ARJeff Earnhart, Cahokia, ILJarreH Easley, Mountain Home , AR"RolliNG iN T~EdouG~Two hundred and fifty pounds ofpizza dough found its way into thepocketbook of <strong>Harding</strong> College in thisyear's annual <strong>Harding</strong> Day sponsoredby Pizza Hut. The dough cashed in tobe $3,500 for the College from theday's profits.70 per cent of the money from allfood sold went to the College. Theremaining 30 per cent covered theactual cost of the food. About 70faculty and staff members from thecollege volunteered their services sothe Hut could operate without itsnormal staff, and thereby give theCollege a bigger percentage of theprofit.President Can us and Dr. CarrSTAff ARTIST Chuck Hicks checks on a pizza hehas prepared as he works on <strong>Harding</strong> Day.showed their proficiency in pizzamaking so well that Bob Cleveringa,Pizza Hut manager, guaranteed thempermanent jobs if they get tired of theirpresent employ! Dean Downingproved to be an excellent dish washerand coaches busied themselvesbussing tables.The first <strong>Harding</strong> Day raised $845,the second raised $1,400, the third<strong>Harding</strong> Day raised $2,000, andthis year with both the Race St. PizzaHut and the W. Pleasure Pizza Hutoperating, a record $3,500 was raisedfor the college. The <strong>Harding</strong> communitycrowded in, ate their fair shareof pizza and thoroughly enjoyed theoccasion. Pizza Hut's consideration of<strong>Harding</strong> in this way secures its place inthe heart of <strong>Harding</strong> and her students- for all occasions.Max Elltey, Osceola, ARCamille Emison, Millington, TNLucinda Evnas, Mount Sterling, ILRobert Evans, Searcy, ARElitabeth Fain, Bee Branch, ARAndrea Faulkner, Little Rock , ARKim Fielder, McCrory, ARDoug Fish, Searcy, ARChuck Floret, Springfield , MOAlan Fonville, Kosciusko, MSDouglas Fonville, Koseiusko, MSMarinda Foster, Fort Deposit, ALCindy Frank, Rollo, MONeil Franke, St. Louis, MOPatty Franks, Lake Charles, LASteve Frazier, Beaver Dam, WISherry Frederick. Oxnard, CABob Freels. San Pedro, CAAnita Freeman, Tallassee, ALTeresa French. Lakeland, FLDiedre Gardner, Anchorage, AKJuniors • 121

-JUNIORS--------------~ l8r,ncla Game', Memphis. TNGory Garner, Seorcy, ARJudi Garner, Fort Worth, TXJo Ann Garf,H. louisville, KYSt.phen German, Searcy, ARJoll GIIIII., Vienna. AustriaRuth Gibbs, Volley Center, CAGr.ta Gilbert, Houston , TX',r." GU •• , Senatobia, MSGI,"n Gilley, Fort Smith. ARDon'" Gilliland, 8ell City, MORhonda GIoII, Shreveport. LASharon Goad, little Rock , ARGlenn Goin, Searcy, ARRodney Gooden, Russellville. ARBeth Gordon, Mobile, AlDebbie Graddy, N.Uttle Rock , ARCharle. Graham, Yorktown, VACraig Gray, Wheeljng, WVRichard Gray, Pewaukee, WIKar,n GrHn. Cora, MIThomas Gr •• n, Collierville, TNGall Gregg, Columbiana, OHJo Elen Grieb, Oklahoma City. OKLoRita Gritbel, Bennett, 'IAJam .. GrlHlth. Jacksonville. ARKaren Grig9s, N. little Rock , ARJohn Grigson, EI Dorado, ARLori GrOYII, Searcy, ARMike Haa.e, Olive Branch, MSTed Hackney, Coquitlam BC, CanadaTom Hainley, Oxnard, CADoug Hall, Fort Smith, ARLeta Hall, Columbia, MOJo Anne Hambrick, Griffithville, ARRlcIt Hamill, Decatur, TXCatherine Hamilton, Goinesvi lll!!, FL'e9lY Hancock, Freeland , MIRobin HO .. InI, Bloomington, INSandy Hanson, Baird, TXRd Hardllty, Normon, OKRandy Harril, Bentonville, ARShel. Harrilon, Fayetteville, ARCindy Harvey, Mountain Home, ARPatricia Harville, Bentonville, ARLila Hatcher, Lake Orion, MIPaula Hought, Marrietta, OHShannon Hawkins, DeSoto, MOHanittt Head, Nashville , TNHuck Heothcott, Memphis , TNDon Hebbard, 001105, TXLC'uro Hefley, Little Rock, ARPomela Heglund, Memphis, TNSteve Heimburger, Chantilly, VAKaryn Heitkamp, Centralia, ILClaudia Helbig, Natchez, MSCharlel H"ter, Kno xville, TNMiriam Highfield, Fort Payne, ALMelissa Hilbun, Memphis, TNLinda HII , Searcy, ARTom Hinds, Portland, ORDonn Hines, Phoenix, AZJulie Hogan, Singapore, SingaporeJoan Hogg, Little Rock, ARSteve Hogue , Searcy, ARDon Holland , Oak Grove, MODavid Hollimon, Bartlesville, OKJin HoUlman, Madison Heights, MIRichard Holloway, Garland, TXDaniel Hott, Effingham, IL122 • Juniors

Mark Hooper, Kilgore, TXDaniel Hopwood, Hot Springs, ARlay Horsman, Howard , KSPavkl Horsman, Florence, ALPhil Hostetter, Topeka, INPom Housley, Morrilton, ARGerri Huckabee, Searcy, ARNaney Huett , Elizabeth, ARRomona Hutschmiel, Oklahoma City, OKBarbara Huntsman, Judsonia, ARLyndel Huriey, lincoln, IlGiallrby, Piggott, ARTamekl Isaaes, Bossier City, LAMichoel Isenberg, Springfield, MODavid Joekson , Texarkana, TXDon Jackson, Olive Branch, MSJaniu Jackson, Cahokia, IlManan James, New Orleans, LAThomas Jeffers, CocOQ, FlBelinda Jennings, little Rock, ARJake Jensen, Milwaukee, WICtwis Jewett, Royal Oak, MISh .. on Johns, Stillwater, 01(Benfamin Johnson , Springdale, ARDavid Johnson, Newport News, VASherri Johnson, New Boston, TXSteven Johnson, Jefferson City, MOJulia Jones . Dunwoody, GASylvia Jones, West Fork, ARJohn Jordan, Denver', COlaralene Jordan, Searcy, ARTim Jorgensen , league City, TXGinny Kahn, Conroe, TXJeff Kapian, Searcy, ARJohn Kcnpateas. W. Monroe, LAI.en Kariya, Searcy, ARDa'Lynn lay, lubbock, TXLorry Kee, Searcy, ARJon Mark Keith , Oak Ridge, TNKenneth keUey , San Antonio, TXStot Kelley, South Paint, OHLynne Ketteler, Beaver Dam, WICiaire KtckI, Clinton, ARlen Kiddy, Roanoke, ILDaviel Kilman, Searcy, ARlichard King, Okemah, 01(Lowen Kirby, EI Centro, CALaura Kirchner, Nichols, IADianne Kirksey, Brownwood, TXLarry Klippel, McAlester, 01(Patsy Knowles , Columbiana, OHShelley Krin, Hoven, KSLenore Kruse, Neosho, MOCcwi Kuwituy , Norman , OKDayid IwasiJorski, Hazel Park, MIPhil Lacefield, Tulare, CASteve Ladd, Junction City, ORC .. I laFevers, Redding , CAJim lee, Bedford, INNick Lee, Searcy, ARTeia lee, Mobile, AlTerry Lee, Herndon, VAJeff LeM.sters, Canton, OHHoward leonard, Fort Defiance, ARMelanie Leopord, Bettendorf, IADonna lester, Jonesboro, ARPoul Liekman, Mobile, ALJeff Lindsey, Grand Blanc, MINaney Loe, Benton, ARCarol Loughmiller, Southfield, MIJuniors • 123

A new addition to the campusseemingly arose out of the ground thisyear. You have probably run into themtrying to cross the front lawn or someother grassy spot. They are, as youprobably guessed, the chained fenceposts dotting the campus.The first thing you may havewondered about them is the reason fortheir existence. The main reason theywere put up, according to Dr. Carr,was to keep students from makingpaths across the campus. They are, in away, a campus beautificationprogram.In th is case, the beautification isexpensive. According to Bernie Vines,superintendent of bu ilding andgrounds, the total system-fence posts,chains, labor and management-costaround $5,000. The administration,however, is confident t hat they willpay for themselves in t he form of lesscare and maintenance to the lawn.As with anything else, the fenceposts can either be a help or a hindrance.Only time and students wi lltell.CHAINED fence posts keep students on thesidewalk.Gary Lowry, Hot Springs, ARnm Lowry, Bartlesville, OKKaren Lynn, Memphis, TNMichael MacDonald, Searcy, ARLoyon Molone, Seorc~, ARPatricio Monsell, Midland, MITan,a Marlin , Little Rock. ARBarbara Martin, Hope, ARShDl'on Martin, Browning, IlSheryl Martin, Coral Gables, FlVikkl Martin, lancaster, CAMik, M.,on, Houston , TXRebecca Maxw.lI, Dearborn, MIPatti May, Memphis, TNInlCI Mayo, little Rock , ARMalcom McCollum, Apple Volley, CADale McCoy, Vicksburg, MSLinda McDaniel, Humble, TXDavid McDonold, Doctors Inlet, FLJohn McDonougll, Selma, AlRichard McEu,n, Little Rock, AREddie Beth McHan, loke Village, ARChri, Mclenzie, little Rock, ARJane McPh .... on. Beomsvilie. OntarioGreg M,ocIe, Detroit , MIValerie Medders, Resaca , GAEtta Melton, Kensett, ARRory Messick, Mountain Home, ARkim Meth,ny, Monette, ARChari .. Mlchelel, Bunkie, LAGlenn Mm.r, Marietta, GABryant Mil., Seabrook, MDDenni. Miner, Seorcy, ARBecky Mitche;ll, Line .... ille, ALTommy Mitchell, Plano, TXJ ... lca Moor., Paragould, ARMargie Moore. Decatur, ILMartha Moore, Shoron, PARita Moore,Searcy, ARnoma. Moore, Sharon, PABruce MOf'9CWI, Zenia, CAHarohl Ann Morris, Florence, ALkim Morri.on, Macedonia, OHCurt Morrow: Malta , OHRita Mott, W. Chicago, ILDenni. Mount, Lynchburg, OHLu An" Moxley, Myrtle Beach, SCMike Moyer, Searcy, ARRhonda Moyer, Searcy, AR124 • Juniors

Leon Mullins, OeQueen, ARCharles Murphy, Searcy, ARMargoret Murphy, Houston, TXPatrice Murphy, Biloxi, MIkeith Myrick, N. little Rock, ARKarin Nodeau, Whitehall, PAGreg Nance, Tuscumbia, AlKaren Nance, McMurray, PAStephanie Nance, Searcy, ARBarry Napier, Seorcy, ARClolr8l'Nobles, Pelhom, AlDebbie Noblin, St. Peters, MORosemary Norman, Pasodena, TXSteve North, Orlando, FlJ,rry Nowlin, Memphis, TNUsa Nunley, Huntsville, AlMelody Nusbaum, Dixon, IlStewart Ogilvi" Massopogue, NYRonda O'Hearn, Caro, MIken Oliver, Duluth, GASheri Oliver, Auberry, CADonny Osborne, Naples, FlRay Ousley, Sulphur, LAKym Owens, Walnut Ridge, ARPam OWIIIS, Fort Worth, TXPenny Owens, Vanduser, MOSally Paine, Atlanta, GACliff Parker, Dimmitt, TXHoyt Parks, lexington, KYPaul Parris, Memphis, TNCclfhy Perte, Fontana, CAKent Pate, Jonesboro, GAGIodys Potterson, Fart Worth, TXlarry Payne, Oneonta, AlHerby Peck, Maryville, TNKeith Percel, Bethany, MOBoI:I Pertins, Rochester, NYDavid Pertins, Memphis, TNSteve Perry, Ontorio, Canadanm Perry, Rand, WVKurt Petrkh, Virginia Beach, VAJohn Pettit, Ellijoy, GADwight Phillips, Rockford, IlKay Phillips, Sikeston, MODona Philpot, Gainesville, FlBruce pmer, Neenah, WIChari .. Pirtle, Shrewsbury. MOfanny Pitchford, Searcy, ARDavid PIHS, New Yorie, NYKevin Pope, Springfield, MOShannon Porter, Claritston, GACharies Posey, Seorcy, ARMary Kay Pounds, Tipton, OKAndy PoweR, los Vegas, NVRose Prebonkk, Akron, OHCheryl Price, Bloomington, INL,isa Prln" Turlock, CACam Prodl, Searcy, ARKen Pulley, Warren, OHCindy Putnam, Haleyville, AlSusie Qualls, Camden, ARSusan Raburn, Topeka, KSDebra Ramey, Garland, TXRobert Ramsey, Warren, OHJuniors ·125

_ JUNIORS---------------..-:Sheloh Ray, Mount Vernon, ARLauro Reagon, Memphis, TNJohn Reece, Exton, PAJay R .... , Conway, ARConnie Ri,d, Cloverdale, INkim Rith, N. Weyburn Sask., CanadaJean Richardson, Hot Springs, ARWendy Ride.ut, Clawson, MIRon Riffle , Seorcy, AICilia Riley, Little Rock, ARDebbie Riley, Bethesda, MDTim Rineharf, little Rock, AR10m II.eftit, Greenville, SCJaneal Roberts, Arvada, COMarl! Roblnlon, Searcy I AIKath, Robison, Searcy, AI8,th Roge,., Piggott. AIBrent Rogers, Piggott, ARCarolyn Rogen. Bloomington, INGwen Rogerl . Germantown , TNTommy Rage,. , New Carlisle, OHLinda Roll, Kansas City, MOChari •• Ro.enbaum, Richmond. INMarion Ro.,io, Florissant, MORebecca Rowlett, little Rock, ARRenH Ruffin. Ellenwood, GABrenda Runyon, Warren, MIMitch Ru.h, Independence, MOPaula Ru ... II, Dellwood, MOTracy Ru .. ell , Arabi, lARocco Rutledge, Chicago, IlJean Sanden, Nashville, TNKathy Sander., Searcy, ARpan; Sapia, Norcross, GAI,..,. Schlarb, Ottawa Ontario, CanadaPa"; Schwam, Mesquite, TXBrad Scott, Tulsa, OKLee Scott, Vicksburg, MSMalcolm Scott, Bulawaya, RhodesiaGail Settifl, Dallas, TXAI Sexton, Searcy, ARColI"n Sbaffer, lynchburg , OHDewey Shaw, Griffin, GADoug'.' Shay, Morton, IlClifford Shehon, Swartz Creek, MIAnne Shi,ld., Oxford, MSSte .... Shocle, Conway, ARJuli. Sink, little Rock, ARTim Sitl,r, W. Chicago, IlCheryl Slayton, Naylor, MOCindy Smel"r, Florence, AlJudy Smith, Downey, CANedra Smith, Rochester, MIPatricia Smith, Bulawayo, RhodesiaSh,ila Smith, Mitton, FlStephen Smith, Clinton, ARSummer Smith, Calhoun, GASUlanSmith, Yorktown , INSunan, Smitfl, Success, ARSydney Smith, Memphis , TNT,.vor Smith, Warren, MIWanda Smith, Pangburn, ARGinger Spaulding, Bloomington, INSu.anStafford, Texarkana , TXKenStamati., Dalhart, TXLarry Stamp., Springdale, ARDebbie Stewart, Fort Pierce, FlKayren Stok .. , National City, CAMea90n Stout, Chandler, AZJam .. Strother, Floral, AR126 • Juniors

Greg Studebaker, Hoven , KSPaul Sudbury, Slidell, LADavid SummiH, Cardwell, MOPkyllis Tabb, Memphis, TNO'Neal Tankersley, Memphis, TNSherry Taylor, Prescott, AR$uRn Taylor, Flushing, MIFayeHa Thannisch, Devine, TXJanet Thomas, Biloxi, MSBeth Anne Thomason, Memphis, TNCyncly Thompson, Norfolk, VADeborah Thomell, Jackson, MSDaryl Thrasher, N. little Rock, ARDon Thurman, Germantown, MDFran Till, Birmingham, AtTony Timms, Calhoun, GADeb.ie nncher, Cincinnati, OHCoria Tomrlrlson, Judsonia , ARWayne Toye, Flint, MIMark Tribble, Stocktow, CADiane Trombly, Warren, MICindy Trujino, Morrilton, ARRicky Tucker, Jacksonville, ARSylvia Tuggle, Quinton, AlAnn Turner, Bloomington, INChristi TUrner, Tupelo, MSKen Turner, Hughes , ARMelanie Turner, Searcy, ARMike Turner, Marianna, ARDenise Tumey, Gainesville, FlMelinda Verkler , Searcy, ARDonna Veteto, Trotwood, OHMichoel Wade , Bragg City, MOEllen Walker, Searcy, ARDavid Wallace, Judsonia , ARAnne Waller, Canton, OHPhyllis Waller, lonoke, ARkathy Wallis, Cascade, MDMitchell Walton, Walnut Ridge, ARkoren Wamn, Searcy, ARLeah Watson, Nosh , TX"'elanie Watson , Birmingham, ALSUsan Wcrtson , Mount Holly, ARJulie Weidner, Cooksville, IlBeth Wells , Birmingham, AlClayton Wells, Grandview , fN)Dennis Wells , Ashdown , ARJulia Wells, Greenway, ARCynthia Westover, Sidney, OHRonald Wheeler, Ashtabula, OHGlencia Whitaker, Nashville , TNkoren WhiHenberger, Columbiana, OHWayne Wilkinson , St. Charles, MOJanice Williams, Paducah, KYkoren Williams, Freeport, Flkay Williams, Birmingham, AlLindsey Winiams, Searcy, ARWilliam Willis, Pasadena, TXDennis WinneH, Manchester, TNMary Winter, Waldron , ARC.ole Winther, Son Diego, CAJeff Woods, lubbock, TXCarol Woolard, Success, ARDouglas Wooten, Washington, MIAllen Wright, lucasville, OHCarolyn Wright, Searcy, ARJoyce Wrye, Salinas, CADorothy Yarbrough, Judsonia, ARTeresa Yost, louisville, OHDanny Younger, Effingham, IlJuniors • 127

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