4P's benefits 2T families - City Government of Ormoc

4P's benefits 2T families - City Government of Ormoc 4P's benefits 2T families - City Government of Ormoc


(top) After receiving their ATM Cards, beneficiaries of the 4Pswithdraw their money at Landbank’s Automated Teller Machinelocated outside the Ormoc City Superdome, where the distributionof the ATM cards was held. (leftt) A beneficiary fills up a form for herATM card requirement from Landbank personnel.4Ps Benefits from p. 1their health, nutrition and educationparticularly children aged 0-14.Its dual objectives are SocialAssistance- to provide cash grantto the poor to alleviate their needson a short term poverty alleviationand Social Development- to breakthe intergenerational poverty cyclethrough investments in humancapital.4P’s helps to fulfill thecountry’s commitment to meet theMillennium Development Goals,namely; Eradicate Extreme Povertyand Hunger, Achieve UniversalPrimary Education, Promote GenderEquality, Reduce Child Moralityand Improve Maternal Health.The beneficiaries were assessedif they are the residents of the poorestmunicipalities based on 2003 SmallArea Estimates or SAE; householdwhose economic condition isequal to or below the provincialpoverty threshold; household thathave children 0-14 years old and/or women pregnant at the time ofassessment; and household thatagree to meet conditions specifiedin the program.Last April 30 of this year, 1,873families received conditional cashgrants at Cogon Gym, this city.They received cash allotted for theperiod of 2 months. This week,almost 2,000 beneficiaries obtainedATM cards from Land Bank fromwhich beneficiaries can get theircash assistance by using their ATMcard once in every two monthsBarangay Rescue Team from p. 1the organization of BART which isinitially composed of 30 persons in18 barangays. Leading the seminarare the three major components ofthe emergency force of the localCDRRMC lead by the Rescuegroup lead by Dominic Eamiguel,the Information and Education(IAE) group lead by CiriacoTolibao Jr., and Elsie Jaca, of theHealth Emergency ManagementSystem (HEMS). The three teamsaccording to Councilor Alfarojoined together to lecture BARTmembers of their basic rules anda lecture in teaching BLS or theBasic Life Support. Accordingto Alfaro 3 years ago then CityDisaster Coordinating Councilconducted a Participatory DisasterRisk Assessments (PDRA) andasked the barangays what are thefrequent disaster that occur intheir localities. The said meetingidentified 21 barangays as mostprone to flooding that’s why thesebarangays are taught to knowthe different meanings of signalsCouncilor Alfaro pointed out.He added that the people in thebarangay knows what to do whenthis signal is aired adding thatthey also provided bells to eachbarangays for the said purpose.Alfaro disclosed that in anoccurrence of a disaster the first torespond is the rescuer and the firstaider. While the second responderwhich will follow after 24 hours arethe HEMS.City Health Officer Dr. NelitaNavales pointed out that the HMESwill monitor the safety of theoperation at the evacuation center.The HEMS headed by sentinelnurse Elsie Jaca will focus on theoperation like water sanitation,hygiene, food safety, potable water,toilet, waste disposal, vermin, andthe elimination of all crawlingcreatures for the proper health andsanitation of the center and theevacuees.“Tingali unya og ang tawomalibre sa baha, malibre sa linogpero mamatay didto sa evacuationcenter sa sakit kay unsanitary angoperation.” Alfaro stressed.4AngOrmocanonwww.ormoc.gov.ph

Brgy Liberty thankful forOrmoc LGU supportby Josephine N. SerseñaThe second termer barangaychief of the far flung Brgy. Libertyin the person of Honorable Demetrio“Demit” Dañas is thankful to theprojects and programs that hisconstituents enjoys. ChairmanDañas is a seasoned public servanthaving served as barangay kagawadfor three consecutive terms. Brgy.Liberty is estimated to be thirtyseven(37) kilometers away fromthe city proper and can be reachedthrough passenger jeepney.During the interview, Dañassaid that they need the IRA ofP822,000.00 from the city tofinance infrastructure projects andprograms. As of the moment theyhave 17 tanods to help maintain thepeace and order in Brgy Liberty andaside from the monthly allowancethat they are receiving from thelocal government, the barangaycouncil members gives every“tanod” on duty an incentive ofP50.00 which they take from theirown pockets. “Kaming miembrosa ako council kada magduty mi,maghatag pud mi sa tanod ngamagduty nianang adlawa ug kanagikan na na sa among kaugalingongbulsa para maynalang madugangsa ila allowance para ganahanpud muduty kay pila ragudpoy ila madawat.” Among theaccomplishments through their IRAChairman Dañas mentioned theirtanod outpost, the renovation oftheir barangay hall, road concretingwhich includes the latest which is100 meters long.On top of these he lauds thehelp of the administration of MayorBeboy Codilla and the SanguniangPanlungsod of Ormoc. Despite thelack of good roads because the citygovernment never lacks supporteven just to give temporary relieflike road surfacing particularlyduring rainy season. In one wayor another it will ease their travelsespecially in going to the city tobring farm produce like vegetablesand abaca which is their mainlivelihood.In addition the village chieffinally states that hopefully roadprojects from Brgy Lake Danao toBrgy Liberty and the water systemhere will be given attention andthey will take it as a precious giftwhen time comes. They are alsoexpecting a bridge to be realizedin Sitio Barucan “amoy pinakalisodnamo diha labi pakay nalawom ugkinahanglan abunuhan pa gani soako gyud ni asikasohon.” It waslearned that the City EngineeringOffice has conducted inspection andis preparing the program of workfor said project. Another project thatBrgy Liberty wishes to have with inthis present term is to have accessto potable water because at themoment they are using a source inSitio Barucan which is 3 kilometersaway from the barangay properwhere most of the populace resides.As far as sanitation is concernedthe Brgy Chairman also told AngOrmocanon that inspite beingsituated in one of the remotestand farthest barangay in Ormoc,they still try to follow the cityhealth rule of having one C.R. inevery household. Out of the 204Hon. Demetrio Dañashouseholds only 10% does nothave toilet facilities yet and they aretrying their best to comply with thissanitation practice. He expressedhis thanks to the City HealthDepartment for the porcelain watercells that they have availed. Hisconstituents is also practicing solidwaste management segregation.As with regards to the peaceand order situation, Dañas admitsthat until the early 80’s BarangayLiberty is noted as with the leftleaningwhere the so called peopleof the masses used to settle, but itsall history now, he said. Dañassaid that he cannot really tell ifthese people are still in existencebut he is sure they are just transientsas the barangay is bounded by othermunicipalities.to the following Barangay Officials - July 2011DATE BARANGAY NAME DESIGNATION1 Donghol Perez, Leoncio Punong Barangay1 San Isidro Vicedo, Fe Brgy. Kagawad1 Tongonan Victorio, Jhon Carlo Sk. Chairman2 Mabini Tomada, Diego Brgy. Kagawad2 Don Felipe Melgazo, Angelita Brgy. Kagawad2 San Juan Ruiz, Reafler Sk. Kagawad3 Doña Feliza Costan, Anamarie Sk. Kagawad3 Sabang Bao Polido, Nenil Brgy. Secretary3 Linao Chu, Sofronio Brgy. Kagawad3 Linao Alkuino, Sofronio Brgy. kagawad3 Nasunogan Tandoy, Dandet Brgy. Kagawad4 Hibunaon Manto, Domingo Brgy. Kagawad4 Tambulilid Sabino, Allan Brgy. Kagawad4 Quezon Jr. Codog, Patricia Brgy. Secretary5 Magaswe Roces, Cristina Sk. Kagawad6 Bantigue Basas, Letecia Brgy. Kagawad7 Leodoni Huerta, Joel Brgy. Kagawad7 Mahayahay Chu, Mary Rose Sk. Kagawad8 District 27 Enecio, Danilo Punong Barangay8 Can-untog Bibat, Carie Brgy. Kagawad8 Can-adieng Villanueva, Alberto Brgy. Kagawad8 Airport Galos, Esmeralda Punong Barangay8 District 9 Beslig, Marc Philan Brgy. Kagawad9 Can-untog Seledio, Mila Sk. Kagawad9 Dolores Concon, Carlito Brgy. Kagawad9 Naungan Dajab, Raul Brgy. Kagawad9 Quezon Jr. Daisog, Orlan Sk. Kagawad10 Mabato Gualiza, Florencio Brgy. Secretary10 Donghol Marilao, Romeo Brgy. Kagawad10 Mahayahay Gonzales, Gloria Brgy. Kagawad10 Doña Feliza Laurente, Filomeno Punong Barangay11 Manlilinao Aunzo, Alexander Sr. Brgy. Kagawad11 Manlilinao Paring, Ricardo Sr. Brgy. Kagawad11 Libertad Carillo, Edmar Sk. Kagawad12 District 23 Galenzoga, Emilda Brgy. Kagawad12 Conception Secuya, Clarito Brgy. Kagawad12 District 17 Cabahug, Benedict Brgy. Kagawad12 Margen Cabahug, Arwin Sk. Chairman12 Margen Malinao, Kenneth Rey Sk. Kagawad13 Gaas Moremonte, Fernando Brgy. Kagawad13 Libertad Juntilla, Buenaventura Brgy. Kagawad13 Punta Maglasang, Glenn Punong Barangaywww.ormoc.gov.phAngOrmocanon 5

Brgy Liberty thankful for<strong>Ormoc</strong> LGU supportby Josephine N. SerseñaThe second termer barangaychief <strong>of</strong> the far flung Brgy. Libertyin the person <strong>of</strong> Honorable Demetrio“Demit” Dañas is thankful to theprojects and programs that hisconstituents enjoys. ChairmanDañas is a seasoned public servanthaving served as barangay kagawadfor three consecutive terms. Brgy.Liberty is estimated to be thirtyseven(37) kilometers away fromthe city proper and can be reachedthrough passenger jeepney.During the interview, Dañassaid that they need the IRA <strong>of</strong>P822,000.00 from the city t<strong>of</strong>inance infrastructure projects andprograms. As <strong>of</strong> the moment theyhave 17 tanods to help maintain thepeace and order in Brgy Liberty andaside from the monthly allowancethat they are receiving from thelocal government, the barangaycouncil members gives every“tanod” on duty an incentive <strong>of</strong>P50.00 which they take from theirown pockets. “Kaming miembrosa ako council kada magduty mi,maghatag pud mi sa tanod ngamagduty nianang adlawa ug kanagikan na na sa among kaugalingongbulsa para maynalang madugangsa ila allowance para ganahanpud muduty kay pila ragudpoy ila madawat.” Among theaccomplishments through their IRAChairman Dañas mentioned theirtanod outpost, the renovation <strong>of</strong>their barangay hall, road concretingwhich includes the latest which is100 meters long.On top <strong>of</strong> these he lauds thehelp <strong>of</strong> the administration <strong>of</strong> MayorBeboy Codilla and the SanguniangPanlungsod <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ormoc</strong>. Despite thelack <strong>of</strong> good roads because the citygovernment never lacks supporteven just to give temporary relieflike road surfacing particularlyduring rainy season. In one wayor another it will ease their travelsespecially in going to the city tobring farm produce like vegetablesand abaca which is their mainlivelihood.In addition the village chieffinally states that hopefully roadprojects from Brgy Lake Danao toBrgy Liberty and the water systemhere will be given attention andthey will take it as a precious giftwhen time comes. They are alsoexpecting a bridge to be realizedin Sitio Barucan “amoy pinakalisodnamo diha labi pakay nalawom ugkinahanglan abunuhan pa gani soako gyud ni asikasohon.” It waslearned that the <strong>City</strong> EngineeringOffice has conducted inspection andis preparing the program <strong>of</strong> workfor said project. Another project thatBrgy Liberty wishes to have with inthis present term is to have accessto potable water because at themoment they are using a source inSitio Barucan which is 3 kilometersaway from the barangay properwhere most <strong>of</strong> the populace resides.As far as sanitation is concernedthe Brgy Chairman also told Ang<strong>Ormoc</strong>anon that inspite beingsituated in one <strong>of</strong> the remotestand farthest barangay in <strong>Ormoc</strong>,they still try to follow the cityhealth rule <strong>of</strong> having one C.R. inevery household. Out <strong>of</strong> the 204Hon. Demetrio Dañashouseholds only 10% does nothave toilet facilities yet and they aretrying their best to comply with thissanitation practice. He expressedhis thanks to the <strong>City</strong> HealthDepartment for the porcelain watercells that they have availed. Hisconstituents is also practicing solidwaste management segregation.As with regards to the peaceand order situation, Dañas admitsthat until the early 80’s BarangayLiberty is noted as with the leftleaningwhere the so called people<strong>of</strong> the masses used to settle, but itsall history now, he said. Dañassaid that he cannot really tell ifthese people are still in existencebut he is sure they are just transientsas the barangay is bounded by othermunicipalities.to the following Barangay Officials - July 2011DATE BARANGAY NAME DESIGNATION1 Donghol Perez, Leoncio Punong Barangay1 San Isidro Vicedo, Fe Brgy. Kagawad1 Tongonan Victorio, Jhon Carlo Sk. Chairman2 Mabini Tomada, Diego Brgy. Kagawad2 Don Felipe Melgazo, Angelita Brgy. Kagawad2 San Juan Ruiz, Reafler Sk. Kagawad3 Doña Feliza Costan, Anamarie Sk. Kagawad3 Sabang Bao Polido, Nenil Brgy. Secretary3 Linao Chu, S<strong>of</strong>ronio Brgy. Kagawad3 Linao Alkuino, S<strong>of</strong>ronio Brgy. kagawad3 Nasunogan Tandoy, Dandet Brgy. Kagawad4 Hibunaon Manto, Domingo Brgy. Kagawad4 Tambulilid Sabino, Allan Brgy. Kagawad4 Quezon Jr. Codog, Patricia Brgy. Secretary5 Magaswe Roces, Cristina Sk. Kagawad6 Bantigue Basas, Letecia Brgy. Kagawad7 Leodoni Huerta, Joel Brgy. Kagawad7 Mahayahay Chu, Mary Rose Sk. Kagawad8 District 27 Enecio, Danilo Punong Barangay8 Can-untog Bibat, Carie Brgy. Kagawad8 Can-adieng Villanueva, Alberto Brgy. Kagawad8 Airport Galos, Esmeralda Punong Barangay8 District 9 Beslig, Marc Philan Brgy. Kagawad9 Can-untog Seledio, Mila Sk. Kagawad9 Dolores Concon, Carlito Brgy. Kagawad9 Naungan Dajab, Raul Brgy. Kagawad9 Quezon Jr. Daisog, Orlan Sk. Kagawad10 Mabato Gualiza, Florencio Brgy. Secretary10 Donghol Marilao, Romeo Brgy. Kagawad10 Mahayahay Gonzales, Gloria Brgy. Kagawad10 Doña Feliza Laurente, Filomeno Punong Barangay11 Manlilinao Aunzo, Alexander Sr. Brgy. Kagawad11 Manlilinao Paring, Ricardo Sr. Brgy. Kagawad11 Libertad Carillo, Edmar Sk. Kagawad12 District 23 Galenzoga, Emilda Brgy. Kagawad12 Conception Secuya, Clarito Brgy. Kagawad12 District 17 Cabahug, Benedict Brgy. Kagawad12 Margen Cabahug, Arwin Sk. Chairman12 Margen Malinao, Kenneth Rey Sk. Kagawad13 Gaas Moremonte, Fernando Brgy. Kagawad13 Libertad Juntilla, Buenaventura Brgy. Kagawad13 Punta Maglasang, Glenn Punong Barangaywww.ormoc.gov.phAng<strong>Ormoc</strong>anon 5

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