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FridayA different way of lifePut your sword back in<strong>to</strong> its place; for all whotake the sword will perish by the sword.—Matthew 26:52We cannot have peace if we are only concernedwith peace. War is not an accident. It isthe logical outcome of a certainway of life. If wewant <strong>to</strong> attackwar, we have <strong>to</strong>attack that wayof life. —A.J.MusteWe live in aworld that atbest seesviolence as anecessary evil.Some of that violenceresults from aneed <strong>to</strong> have andprotect privileges andmaterial things. Upholding differentpriorities and values is an activeway <strong>to</strong> promote peace.SaturdayCreative solutionsYou have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for aneye and a <strong>to</strong>oth for a <strong>to</strong>oth.’ But I say <strong>to</strong> you,Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikesyou on the right cheek, turn the other also.—Matthew 5:38, 39Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presenceof creative alternatives for responding <strong>to</strong>conflict—alternatives <strong>to</strong> passive or aggressiveresponses, alternatives <strong>to</strong> violence.—Dorothy ThompsonSometimes conflict results from a lack of imaginationof how <strong>to</strong> solve things differently.Surely the Crea<strong>to</strong>r of theuniverse can provideenough creativityfor differentresponses <strong>to</strong>conflict, responsein which anenemy can beturned in<strong>to</strong> afriend.SundayIncreasedvisibilityYou are the light of theworld. A city built on a hillcannot be hid. No one after lighting alamp puts it under the bushel basket,but on the lampstand, and it giveslight <strong>to</strong> all in the house. —Matthew5:14,15Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,it is the only thing that ever has. —MargaretMeadPeacemaking is an action, not an ideology. If warresisters are not diligent in their objections and intheir work for peace, Jesus’ message of peace willnot prevail.OntarioThis devotional guide is part of Peace Sunday Packet 2006 produced by <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> Ontario. If youhave comments or feedback, email peacepacket@mennonitecc.ca or call 1-800-313-6226 ext. 3006

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