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the lid, she gasped in horror. “You would insulthim by dressing him in death in the military uniformhe refused <strong>to</strong> wear in life.”Later, David was permitted <strong>to</strong> the bedside of hisdying brother Michael and was unexpectedlyreleased, after which he made his way back <strong>to</strong> thecolony on foot. Jacob Wipf was not released untilApril 12, 1919, long after the Armistice had beensigned. In a letter <strong>to</strong> his community, Wipf wrote,“Sometimes I can’t help envying my three brotherswho are already released from this <strong>to</strong>rture. Then Iwonder why is the hand of the Lord so heavy uponme? I, who tried <strong>to</strong> remain faithful <strong>to</strong> God and <strong>to</strong>my community. Why must I continue my solitarysuffering? But then an incredible joy comes overme, such that I could weep for joy, when I considerthat Our Lord considers me worthy <strong>to</strong> suffer forHis Name’s sake. And I must confess, comparedwith our confinement thus far (in Alcatraz) this lifehere (in Fort Leavenworth military prison) is likeliving in a palace!”It was a huge funeral. The Hutterites had lost faithwith the American government and decided <strong>to</strong>immigrate <strong>to</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>.“Here we lie upon the barren earth, as God wills,without harm <strong>to</strong> anyone. We do not wish <strong>to</strong> doharm or evil <strong>to</strong> any man, yea, not even our worstenemy. And all of our life and deeds, words andworks are open <strong>to</strong> all. Yea, before we would strikeour greatest enemy with the hand, <strong>to</strong> say nothingof with the gun or sword, as the world does, wewould rather die, and let our own lives be taken.We have no material weapons, neither spear norgun, as anyone can see.” — Jacob Hutter in TheChronicle of the Hutterian Brethren, Vol I, p. 112.*At this time the quartet sang “Wie ein Hirsch inMattigkeit,” one of our German church hymns,which is based on Psalm 42 of which the verses 1<strong>to</strong> 4, as well as 6, 9 and 11 are particularly appropriate:As the hart panteth after the water brooks,so panteth my soul after thee, o God.My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God:when shall I come and appear before God?My tears have been my meat day and night, whilethey continuously say un<strong>to</strong> me, Where is thy God?When I remember these things, I pour out my soulin me: for I had gone with the multitude, I wentwith them <strong>to</strong> the house of God, with the voice ofjoy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.O my God, my soul is cast down within me: thereforewill I remember thee...I will say un<strong>to</strong> God my rock, Why hast thou forgottenme? Why go I mourning because of theoppression of the enemy?Why art thou cast down, o my soul? and why artthou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: forI shall yet praise him, Who is the health of mycountenance, and my God.47

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