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Non-violence is not a way of avoiding the issues inrelationships or in the world. Non-violence calls us<strong>to</strong> look for creative alternatives <strong>to</strong> violence. It callsus <strong>to</strong> look at the deeper issues that underlie theconflict. Which is easier—<strong>to</strong> retaliate whenwronged or <strong>to</strong> respond with something positiveand good?Jesus offers us some ways:Do not resist the evildoer. We call it non-resistance.Trust God <strong>to</strong> work something good out of yourrefusal <strong>to</strong> do evil.Turn the other cheek.To the one who takes your coat give yourcloak as well.If someone forces you <strong>to</strong> go one mile, go another.Give <strong>to</strong> those who beg from you and don’t refusethose who want <strong>to</strong> borrow from you.He also says:Love your enemies. Pray for those whopersecute you...These are rather unusual teachings in the contex<strong>to</strong>f violence or conflict. What they call from us is achoice. It is a choice <strong>to</strong> be governed by somethinggreater than our reflexes. Retaliation is natural.Hatred of those who hate us is also natural. ButGod works differently. True, we cannot changeothers or control how they will speak of us orwhat they will do <strong>to</strong> us. But their greed does nothave <strong>to</strong> be matched by our greed; their violencedoes not have <strong>to</strong> be matched by our violence.Christ invites us <strong>to</strong> new responses that reflect theway of Christ and that also keep our conscienceclear.I do not read this text <strong>to</strong> say that we should just le<strong>to</strong>urselves be victims. I read it <strong>to</strong> say that there areactions we can take that will address the situationwithout being violent, without doing the samething that is being done <strong>to</strong> us. How is it Christian<strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong> an unchristian act in the sameunchristian way? We can choose <strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong> aconflicted situation in a non-threatening way.Following conscience. Making choices that are lifegivingrather than life-taking are in line with theteaching of Jesus. Blessed are the peacemakers.One more thing. There are two references <strong>to</strong> childrenin <strong>to</strong>day’s readings from Scripture. “Blessedare the peacemakers, for they will be called childrenof God.” Later on, “Love your enemies andpray for those who persecute you, so that you maybe children of your Father in heaven....” Are you achild of God? Does your life show a resemblance<strong>to</strong> God, like a child resembles his or her parents?The resemblance will show in peacemaking, inloving enemies, and in prayer for the persecu<strong>to</strong>r.May God give grace <strong>to</strong> each of us <strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong>words and acts of violence in ways that build peaceand point <strong>to</strong> God through Jesus, the greatest peacemakerof all. Blessed are the peacemakers.37

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