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S<strong>to</strong>ry treasure huntPut out the challenge <strong>to</strong> find s<strong>to</strong>ries of resistance <strong>to</strong> war and peacemaking from withinyour own congregation. Youth or older children could be divided in<strong>to</strong> teams (withsupervision) and encouraged <strong>to</strong> find either the most s<strong>to</strong>ries, or a s<strong>to</strong>ry that no-one hasheard. These s<strong>to</strong>ries could be brought <strong>to</strong> the Peace Sunday service or compiled in writtenform. Note that the <strong>Mennonite</strong> Heritage Centre is interested in compiling names ofconscientious objec<strong>to</strong>rs.Artistic responseRead some of the s<strong>to</strong>ries in this packet <strong>to</strong> the children and have them respond with visualart or poetry, then use their responses as part of Peace Sunday worship service.Have a conscientious objec<strong>to</strong>r dayPlan a testimonial service where individuals from the congregation will be invited <strong>to</strong>share their experiences. Special recognition could be given <strong>to</strong> youth who make theirpeace commitment public on this occasion.Peace workshopDevote worship and Sunday school hours <strong>to</strong> a peacemaking theme, eat a potluck meal<strong>to</strong>gether, and hold an afternoon intergenerational session. Use your congregation’s gifts ofmusic and leadership <strong>to</strong> organize a unique event <strong>to</strong> provide a forum for learning aboutpeace.Peace counsellorsDesignate one or two peace counsellors in the congregation. Assign them responsibilityfor personally contacting every young person <strong>to</strong> discuss conscientious objec<strong>to</strong>r registration(see above).Plan a public witness for peaceThis could be a prayer vigil, a public rally, a meeting with a Member of Parliament, or aletter-writing session. For suggestions: see MCC <strong>Canada</strong>’s “Public Witness for Peace: A<strong>to</strong>olkit for Christians” at mcc.org/canada/peace/resources/smallkit.pdf ormcc.org/canada/peace/resources/<strong>to</strong>olkit.pdf.Wear a T-Shirt or create your ownBrethen Press sells a T-shirt that reads, “When Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies,’ I thinkhe probably meant don’t kill them.” Order from www.brethrenpress.com.<strong>Mennonite</strong> Church USA has T-shirts that state “Peace Takes Guts” and feature severalhis<strong>to</strong>ric peacemakers. The shirts come with a brochure telling the s<strong>to</strong>ry of eachpeacemaker. Order from peace.mennolink.org/resources/<strong>to</strong>order/index.html.(Please be aware that these orders would be cross-border and subject <strong>to</strong> duties.)31

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