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Learning in ActionCO RegistryA number of years ago, MCC established a ConscientiousObjec<strong>to</strong>r Registry as a means whereby Christian individualscould record personal statements, identifying their commitment <strong>to</strong> peace and<strong>to</strong> a position of conscientious objection <strong>to</strong> participation in war. The mainreason for making a recorded statement is help <strong>to</strong> clarify one’s beliefs andconvictions. Another important reason is that, in the event of military conscription,a written record of a position on conscientious objection could assistin establishing a CO claim. You may wish <strong>to</strong> create an opportunity for thepeople in your church <strong>to</strong> consider this registry. Information about the CORegistry, with accompanying study materials, is found atmcc.org/canada/co/registry.Registry signing ceremonyDuring the fall of 2003 Charleswood <strong>Mennonite</strong> Church in Winnipegembarked on a study of war and conscientious objection. They used theMCC Conscientious Objec<strong>to</strong>r Registry kit and the <strong>Mennonite</strong> Confessionof Faith as resources. Both adult and youth Sunday school classes werepart of the process. At first the classes met on their own, but later theycame <strong>to</strong>gether for two Sundays. During these sessions adults and senioryouth worked on writing out their statements of conscientious objection.In the current National DefenceAct there is no recognition ofconscientious objection. And, as<strong>Canada</strong> currently does not haveconscription, there is no legislationwith respect <strong>to</strong>conscientious objection.However, <strong>Canada</strong>’s Charter ofRights and Freedom’s recognizesthe right of freedom of conscience,“Everyone has thefollowing fundamental freedoms:(a) freedom of conscienceand religion” (Sec.2). Given<strong>Canada</strong>’s his<strong>to</strong>ric record, it ispresumed that individuals couldmake a claim for conscientiousobjec<strong>to</strong>r status on the basis ofthe charter and his<strong>to</strong>ricprecedents.During the worship service on Peace Sunday, November 9, 2003, three individualsread their statements <strong>to</strong> the congregation. These three, <strong>to</strong>gether with 11 others,presented their statement for blessing and for witnessing by the congregationalchairperson. After the service the statements were placed on file in the church office.Sunday school studyDevote one quarter of the Sunday school year for all youth and adult classes <strong>to</strong> study thechurch’s teaching about war and peace. Use the Bible, as well as other resources as thestudy texts (see Resources section for complete references). Youth might find it particularlyhelpful <strong>to</strong> use the format of answering the <strong>to</strong>ugh questions that come up when one namesoneself a pacifist.• Thermostat: How Can We Turn Toward Peace in a Time of Fear? A DVD andresources booklet for Grade 7 and up.• Decide for Peace: A Guide for Personal Bible Study and Reflection on ConscientiousObjection, Hall Eddy. Considers such timeless questions as the causes of war, whetherwar can be just, and whether Christians should always obey their governments. Foryouth and young adults.• Second Mile: A Peace Journey for Congregations. Invites congregations and smallgroups <strong>to</strong> enter a journey of worship, study, action and reflection that will help thembecome active signs of Christ’s peace in a broken world. 20 sessions.www.gosecondmile.org/whatis.htm• What Would You Do? John Howard Yoder. Tackles the questions most often posed <strong>to</strong>those who identify themselves as pacifists.30

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