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War will exist untilthat distant day whenthe CO enjoys thesame reputation andprestige that thewarrior does <strong>to</strong>day.— John F. KennedyRedefining courageThere is an imbalance in the language used <strong>to</strong> talk about war and peace. Men whobecame soldiers are held <strong>to</strong> be “heroes for freedom” while conscientious objec<strong>to</strong>rswere dubbed “conchies,” a derisive term reflecting that their choice not <strong>to</strong> fightwas not valued. Soldiers are revered with commemorations and monuments. Forconchies, it has even been difficult <strong>to</strong> compile a list of names of those who servedin this capacity.E.J. Swalm was one of the church leaders who advocated for CO status and supported theyoung men who did alternative service. Having experienced prison himself, he had nodoubt as <strong>to</strong> their courage. He dedicates his 1949 book entitled Nonresistance Under Test<strong>to</strong>:that noble and courageous group of young men and women who, during WWII,served in the Civilian Public Service and Alternate Service programs in the UnitedStates and <strong>Canada</strong> and at great sacrifice worked in mental hospitals, researchinstitutions, served as guinea pigs, smoke jumpers, etc., all for the privilege ofbearing a testimony, not only <strong>to</strong> a personal knowledge of Christ, but for the greatBiblical doctrine of peace.World War II was a very popular war, and it was very difficult <strong>to</strong> oppose it and beridiculed by society. While the current wars may be easier <strong>to</strong> oppose on a political basis, itstill requires courage <strong>to</strong> articulate opposition that is based on a deep commitment <strong>to</strong> JesusChrist’s way of peace. It takes courage <strong>to</strong> choose a different way of being in the world.Teaching peace in the churchWhat happened <strong>to</strong> people in WWII who chose not <strong>to</strong> be CO’s? Many did end up choosingmilitary service. This caused huge divisions and anguish in churches and families. In manyways the church had failed these men by not explaining non-resistance convincingly <strong>to</strong>them, and then excommunicating them, or not following up and pas<strong>to</strong>ring them even asthey were soldiers. Of course it’s important <strong>to</strong> remember people who chose not <strong>to</strong> killothers. It’s a long and courageous tradition in our his<strong>to</strong>ry. But it’s also important <strong>to</strong>remember that our conflict in the church resulted in the departure of thousands of youngmen.A <strong>Mennonite</strong> pas<strong>to</strong>r recently saw a young man from his congregation join the army andhead <strong>to</strong> Iraq. What does one do with people like this? Excommunicate them? Hope theystay away and don’t bother us? Hope they join another church that isn’t pacifist? In thiscase the minister decided <strong>to</strong> pray for the person who enlisted; there was a public prayer <strong>to</strong>send him off, “That he would do no harm and come <strong>to</strong> no harm.”What does it mean <strong>to</strong> be a peace church in how we teach our children? If they decide <strong>to</strong> goagainst our peace teaching, what then? Can we still love them? —Carol Penner, Vineland,Ont.The myth of redemptive violenceTheologian Walter Wink has called attention <strong>to</strong> what the myth of redemptive violence, thedominant religion in our society <strong>to</strong>day. It enshrines the belief that violence makes thingsturn out right, that war brings peace, that might makes right.“The belief that violence ‘saves’ is so successful because it doesn’t seem <strong>to</strong> be mythic in theleast. Violence simply appears <strong>to</strong> be the nature of things. It’s what works. It seems27 Digging Deeper

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