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Prayers and readingsPrayer of ConfessionCompassionate Crea<strong>to</strong>r, Loving Parent, forgive us for all the devastation we arewreaking on your beautiful and bountiful creation through our wars, our acts of terrorismand abuse, and our self-centred behaviour as individuals, communities andnations.Forgive us our cynicism and our blindness as we tend <strong>to</strong> sit on the sidelines and doand say nothing as these acts of violence occur around us.Forgive us our tendency <strong>to</strong> point the finger of blame at people of other faiths, nationalitiesand racial groups when things go wrong.Give us the courage in these gloomy situations <strong>to</strong> be peacemakers in your name, ready<strong>to</strong> follow the way of the cross rather than the tempting path of finger-pointing, warand violence.Open our eyes that we may see that the way of the cross through non-violent deedsand words is only way <strong>to</strong> overcome evil without creating new forms of evil in its place.We pray this in the name of Jesus, the One whom we desire <strong>to</strong> follow on the path ofpeace. Amen.—Larry Kehler, Winnipeg, Man.Congregational prayerYou could use a prayer format that creates a listing of the names of people from the s<strong>to</strong>riesused in the service, from the congregation, or from current events. These names could beput in<strong>to</strong> sentence prayers <strong>to</strong> which the congregation responds with, “Lord, hear ourprayer” or “Lord, bring us peace.” For example:Just as the leaders of our churches worked <strong>to</strong> create alternatives <strong>to</strong> fighting,help us also <strong>to</strong> be creative peacemakers.Lord, hear our prayerWe thank you for the early Anabaptists, who set the example of being willing<strong>to</strong> suffer <strong>to</strong> follow you.Lord, hear our prayerJust as Sam Martin s<strong>to</strong>od firm in resisting wearing a uniform and everythingit represented, please empower us <strong>to</strong> stand firm in our witness for peace.Lord, hear our prayerWe thank you for the young men who served as conscientious objec<strong>to</strong>rs,so that <strong>to</strong>day we can learn form their witness.Lord, hear our prayerWe thank you for the many people who have withheld taxes and facedfinancial risk <strong>to</strong> resist paying for war.Lord, hear our prayerGive wisdom <strong>to</strong> those in power <strong>to</strong> make even the small choices that resist violence.Lord, hear our prayer...Continue <strong>to</strong> fill in, according <strong>to</strong> your church’s particular circumstance and focus.19 Resources for worship

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