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Worshipping theGod of PeaceBelow are several elements you canput <strong>to</strong>gether in a service that suitsyour congregation’s style of worship.Planting the themeCO’s plantingtrees on VancouverIsland, BC, aftersnags have beencut down. MHCPho<strong>to</strong> Collection.Ploughshare. Create a visual display at the front ofthe church, including a branch or live plant (<strong>to</strong> represent an olive branch), an oil lamp anda hoe or other gardening <strong>to</strong>ol. An alternative would be <strong>to</strong> have an initial display with asword/gun, a pot with dry soil, an unlit candle and some barbed wire, then as the congregationwatches, or as the theme is introduced, each item could be replaced with thoseabove.Trees have always been used <strong>to</strong> represent genealogies. Since our spiritual heritage(our roots) as peace churches includes those who have faced the choice of beingconscientious objec<strong>to</strong>rs, and since God’s vision of rootedness and righteousness isalso so aptly represented by a tree (see Jeremiah 17, Psalm 1), this could be aninspiring metaphor for a worship service. One option might be <strong>to</strong> begin the servicewith a poster of a tree with no leaves, then <strong>to</strong> gradually add leaves as the serviceprogresses and each s<strong>to</strong>ry is <strong>to</strong>ld.Lamp. Another focus might be <strong>to</strong> stress the image that comes from our call <strong>to</strong> be lights inthe world (Matthew 5:14). In fact, some churches already light oil lamps <strong>to</strong> remember <strong>to</strong>pray for peace in a broken world. If there are enough lamps, several could be lit at differentpoints in the service, or as each s<strong>to</strong>ry is <strong>to</strong>ld.Slide show. Sometimes a visual message stays with people for a longer timethan many words. If your church has the capability of using a slide show, MCC<strong>Canada</strong> Peace Ministries offers a free <strong>download</strong> of the Powerpoint presentation“Peace is a choice.” (mcc.org/canada/peace/resources/other). The slide show couldbe used as a call <strong>to</strong> worship, in closing the service, or as a children’s s<strong>to</strong>ry.Telling S<strong>to</strong>ries. This packet contains some war resistance s<strong>to</strong>ries and ideas, but ifyou could glean some from within the congregation that would take on special meaning.You might use Peace Sunday as an opportunity <strong>to</strong> search out and invite the congregation<strong>to</strong> share their experiences and <strong>to</strong> use the gifts of the s<strong>to</strong>rytellers among you. The appendixhas some suggested interview questions.Several s<strong>to</strong>ries can be used <strong>to</strong> complement the sermon, or can be <strong>to</strong>ld or read at differentpoints in the service.The sample s<strong>to</strong>ry of the “Hutterites in Alcatraz” in the Appendix is one example of hows<strong>to</strong>ries, songs and scripture might be joined in a presentation.17 Resources for worship

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