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Committed even un<strong>to</strong> death:the s<strong>to</strong>ry of Tom FoxTom Fox was serving with the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Iraq. Hewas taken hostage and subsequently killed by his cap<strong>to</strong>rs in early 2006.A lot has been said and written about Tom Fox—how exceptionalhe was, how he is the example of peacemaking for our time. Tom,as I have known him, would be the first <strong>to</strong> deny it. He was notexceptional; he was an ordinary man—setting out vegetables ongrocery racks, playing the clarinet for a livelihood, walking onthe roof<strong>to</strong>p in Iraq for exercise, proudly telling about hischildren’s accomplishments.What is exceptional is that he listened <strong>to</strong> God. When Jesus said, “Youhave heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a <strong>to</strong>oth for a <strong>to</strong>oth.’ But I say <strong>to</strong> you,Do not resist an evildoer,” Tom listened. When Jesus said, “Love your enemies and prayfor those who persecute you,” Tom <strong>to</strong>ok him seriously. This is nothing more than is askedof any of us when we gather for worship. It is no more exceptional than is true for any ofus who claim Jesus as our Saviour and Guide.God has a lot <strong>to</strong> say <strong>to</strong> this world. The question is: Are we listening? Tom was.—Pearl Hoover, Sojourners MagazineTom Fox in amoment ofreflection nearan olive treein Palestine.CPT pho<strong>to</strong>Getting in the Way: Christian Peacemaker TeamsCPT was conceived in the mid 1980s, when the peace churches were seeking new ways <strong>to</strong>express their faith. It arose from the following challenge by Ron Sider:“Over the past 450 years of martyrdom, immigration and missionary proclamation, theGod of shalom has been preparing us Anabaptists for a late twentieth-century rendezvouswith his<strong>to</strong>ry. Never has the world needed our message more. If we still believe it, now isthe time <strong>to</strong> live what we have spoken…“Unless we . . . are ready <strong>to</strong> start <strong>to</strong> die by the thousands in dramatic vigorous newexploits for peace and justice, we should sadly confess that we never really meant what wesaid, and we dare never whisper another word about pacifism <strong>to</strong> our sisters and brothersin those desperate lands filled with injustice. Unless we are ready <strong>to</strong> die developing newnon-violent attempts <strong>to</strong> reduce conflict, we should confess that we never really meant thatthe cross was an alternative <strong>to</strong> the sword.”Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) offers an organized, non-violent alternative <strong>to</strong> war andother forms of lethal inter-group conflict. It provides organizational support <strong>to</strong> personscommitted <strong>to</strong> faith-based non-violent alternatives in situations where lethal conflict is animmediate reality or is supported by public policy. CPT seeks <strong>to</strong> enlist the response of thewhole church in conscientious objection <strong>to</strong> war, and in the development of non-violentinstitutions, skills and training for intervention in conflict situations. —www.cpt.orgOvercome evil with good. Rm 12:21S<strong>to</strong>ries and reflections12

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