LV generator protection - engineering site - Schneider Electric

LV generator protection - engineering site - Schneider Electric

LV generator protection - engineering site - Schneider Electric


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Short-circuit downstream of a UPSThe UPS use PWM switch mode power supply to reproduce the output voltage.As a rule their current regulation will limit current to 1.5 times ln. The output filterwill be able to supply for 1/4 of a period loads at 4 or 5 times ln: this may besufficient to selectively eliminate short-circuits on small feeders and thusguarantee continuity of supply.On the other hand, on large feeders, as current is limited, the short-circuit mayremain steady and the UPS immediately switches to the standby supply sourceto increase short-circuit current and ensure tripping of the downstream <strong>protection</strong>devices.Generator Set/UPS combinationb restarting the Rectifier on a Generator SetThe UPS rectifier can be equipped with a progressive starting system of thecharger to prevent harmful pick-up currents when installation supply switches tothe Generator Set.E79477EMains1GS startingUPS chargerstarting5 to 10 sFigure 18: Progressive starting of a type 2 UPS rectifier.b harmonics and voltage distortiontotal voltage distortion t is defined by:Uh 2 nτ(%) =Ufwhere Uhn is the n order voltage harmonic.This value depends on:v the harmonic currents generated by the rectifier (proportional to the power Sr ofthe rectifier)v the longitudinal subtransient reactance X”d of the <strong>generator</strong>v the power Sg of the <strong>generator</strong>.We define U' Rcc (%) = X"d S RS Gbrought to rectifier poweri.e. τ = f(U’ RCC).the <strong>generator</strong> relative short-circuit voltage,Note 1: as subtransient reactance is great, harmonic distortion is normally toohigh compared with the tolerated value (7 to 8 %) for reasonable economic sizingof the <strong>generator</strong>: use of a suitable filter is an appropriate and cost-effectivesolution.Note 2: harmonic distortion is not harmful for the rectifier but may be harmful forthe other loads supplied in parallel on the rectifier.23

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