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ORGANIC POTATO PRODUCTION 21. Mohler, C. L. and Johnson, S. E., editors. (2009). Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A Planning Manual. Sustainable AgricultureResearch and Education. Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service. Cooperative Extension, Ithaca NY.http://www.nraes.<strong>org</strong>/nra_crof.html22. Sexton, Peter, Plant, Andrew, Johnson, Steven B. (2007). Effect of a mustard green manure on <strong>potato</strong> yield and disease incidencein a rainfed environment. http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.<strong>org</strong>/pub/cm/research/2007/<strong>potato</strong>/. Crop Managementdol:10.1094. Univ. Maine Cooperative Extension.Weed Management 23. Bowman, G. (1997). The Sustainable Agriculture Network. Steel in the Field. Beltsville, MD. E-book.http://www.sare.<strong>org</strong>/publications/steel/index.htm24. Cornell University, Weed Ecology and Management Laboratory. http://weedecology.css.cornell.edu/index.php25. Rutgers University, New Jersey Weed Gallery http://njaes.rutgers.edu/weeds/26. University of Vermont, Videos for Vegetable and Berry Growers. http://www.uvm.edu/vtvegandberry/Videos/weedvideo.htm27. Sullivan, P., National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (formerly ATTRA), Principles of Sustainable Weed Managementfor Croplands. http://attra.ncat.<strong>org</strong>/attra-pub/weed.html28. Colquhoun, J. and Bellinder, R. (1997). New Cultivation Tools for Mechanical Weed Control in Vegetables. Cornell University,http://www.vegetables.cornell.edu/weeds/newcultivationmech.pdf29. Stone, Alex, Producer. Weed ‘Em and Reap Videos. Department of Horticulture. Oregon State University.http://hort.oregonstate.edu/WeedEmandReap/30. Diver, S. (2002). Flame Weeding for Vegetable Crops. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA).https://attra.ncat.<strong>org</strong>/attra-pub/summaries/summary.php?pub=11031. Grubinger, V. Else, M.J. Vegetable Farmers and their Weed-Control Machines.Planting methods 32. New York State Certified Seed Potatoes 2011 Crop Directory. New York Seed Improvement Project. 103C Leland Lab, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, NY 14853.http://cals.cornell.edu/cals/plpath/about/facilities/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&PageID=104882133. Maine Seed Potatoes Certified 2009. Department of Agriculture Food and Rural Services, Division of Plant Industry. 744 Main St.Suite 9, Presque Isle, ME 04769. http://www.maine.gov/agriculture/pi/<strong>potato</strong>/2009SeedPotatoCert.pdf34. Colorado Certified Potato Growers Association. P.O. Box 267, Monte Vista, CO 81144. http://www.colorado<strong>potato</strong>.<strong>org</strong>/seed/35. Smith-Heavenrich, Sue. (2007). Greensprouting Potatoes Gives Northern Growers a Head Start. Maine Organic Farmers andGardeners Associationhttp://www.mofga.<strong>org</strong>/Publications/MaineOrganicFarmerGardener/Spring2007/GreensproutingPotatoes/tabid/706/Default.aspxFertility 36. Agri Analysis, Inc., http://www.agrianalysis.com/37. A&L Eastern Agricultural Laboratories, Inc, http://al-labs-eastern.com/38. The Pennsylvania State University, Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory, http://aasl.psu.edu/39. University of Massachusetts, Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory, http://www.umass.edu/plsoils/soiltest/40. Agro One Cooperative Inc., Ithaca, NY, http://www.dairyone.com/41. Analytical Laboratory and Maine Soil Testing Service, University of Maine. http://anlab.umesci.maine.edu/42. Rosen, C., Bierman, P. Using Manure and Compost as Nutrient Sources for Fruit and Vegetable Crops. University of Minnesota.http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/M1192.html42A. Penn State Agronomy Guide. (2007-8). The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Agronomy. University Park, PAHarvest and Storage 43. Frazier, M. J., Olsen, N. and Kleinkopf, G. (2004). Organic and Alternative Methods for Potato Sprout Control in Storage.University of Idaho, college of Agriculture and Life Science. http://info.ag.uidaho.edu/pdf/CIS/CIS1<strong>12</strong>0.pdf44. National Organic Standards Section 205.605 and 205.606. Section 205.605 National Organic Standards and Section 205.606National Organic Standards. Agriculture Marketing Service, National Organic Program.45. Griffiths, H. M. and Zitter T. A. (2009). Postharvest and Storage 2009. Vegetable MD online.http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell.edu/NewsArticles/PotatoHarvestStorageAug2009.pdf8520<strong>12</strong>

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