potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org


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ORGANIC POTATO PRODUCTION Table 16.1 Insecticides Mentioned in this Publication. TRADE NAME ACTIVE INGREDIENT EPA REG. NO. Microthiol Disperss sulfur 70506-­‐187 Molt-­‐X azadirachtin 68539-­‐11 Mycotrol O Beauveria bassiana 82074-­‐3 Neemazad 1%EC azadirachtin 70051-­‐104 Neemix 4.5 azadirachtin 70051-­‐9 Organic JMS Stylet Oil mineral oil 65564-­‐1 Organocide sesame oil Exempt -­‐ 25(b) pesticide PyGanic EC 1.4 II pyrethrins 1021-­‐1771 PyGanic EC 5.0 II pyrethrins 1021-­‐1772 Safer Brand #567 pyrethrin and soap 59913-­‐9 Saf-­‐T-­‐Side petroleum oil 48813-­‐1 Seduce Insect Bait spinosad 67702-­‐25-­‐70051 Sil-­‐Matrix potassium silicate 82100-­‐1 Sluggo AG iron phosphate 67702-­‐3-­‐54705 Sluggo Slug & Snail Bait iron phosphate 67702-­‐3-­‐70051 SucraShield sucrose octanoate ester 70950-­‐2-­‐84710 SuffOil-­‐X petroleum oil 48813-­‐1-­‐68539 Surround WP kaolin 61842-­‐18 Trilogy neem oil 70051-­‐2 Xen Tari Bacillus thuringiensis 73049-­‐40 Table 16.3 Sprout Suppressants Mentioned in this Publication TRADE NAME ACTIVE INGREDIENT EPA REG. NO. Peppermint oil peppermint oil Exempt -­‐ 25(b) pesticide Clove oil clove oil Exempt -­‐ 25(b) pesticide Abbreviations and Symbols Used in This PublicationA APHIS AR ASO AS DF EC F HC K K2O Acre Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service annual rye aqueous suspension-­‐<strong>org</strong>anic aqueous suspension dry flowable emulsifiable concentrate flowable high concentrate potassium potassium oxide N NFT P PHI P 2 O 5 PR R REI WG WP WPS Nitrogen not frost tolerant phosphorus pre-­‐harvest interval phosphorus oxide perennial rye resistant varieties restricted entry interval water dispersible granular wettable powder Worker Protection Standard 8320<strong>12</strong>

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