potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org


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ORGANIC POTATO PRODUCTION Management Option Scouting/thresholds Site selection Resistant varieties Crop rotation Seed selection/treatment Postharvest and sanitation Notes Recommendation for Powdery Scab Record the occurrence and severity of powdery scab. Thresholds have not been established for <strong>org</strong>anic production Avoid planting in low spots with poor drainage and wet soils. Powdery scab can occur over a wider pH range than common scab. No resistant varieties are available. Red, white and yellow skinned varieties are more susceptible. Select a field with no history of powdery scab and grow <strong>potato</strong>es only every 4th or 5th year. Avoid pepper, tomato and solanaceous weeds. Plant phytosanitary certified seed (See Section 7.1: Seed sources). These are not currently viable management options. Zinc foliar nutrients can reduce disease incidence. At the time this guide was produced, the following materials were labeled in New York State for managing this pest and were allowable for <strong>org</strong>anic production. Listing a pest on a pesticide label does not assure the pesticide’s effectiveness. The registration status of pesticides can and does change. Pesticides must be currently registered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to be used legally in NY. Those pesticides meeting requirements in EPA Ruling 40 CFR Part 152.25(b) (also known as 25(b) pesticides) do not require registration. Current NY pesticide registrations can be checked on the Pesticide Product, Ingredient, and Manufacturer System (PIMS website) http://pims.psur.cornell.edu/ (Reference 3). ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR CERTIFIER before using a new product. Table <strong>12</strong>.14 Pesticides Labeled for Management of Powdery Scab Class of Compounds Product Name (active ingredient) Trilogy (hydrophobic extract of neem oil) PERpose Plus (hydrogen peroxide/dioxide) Product Rate 0.5-­‐1% in 25-­‐100 gal of water/A 1 fl oz/Gal (initial/curative) 0.25-­‐0.33 fl oz/gal (weekly/preventative) PHI (days) REI (hours) Efficacy Comments -­‐ 4 ? Limited to a maximum of 2 lbs/acre/application. -­‐ 1 (interior); until dry (field) ? For initial or curative use, apply higher rate for 1 to 3 consecutive days. Then follow with weekly/preventative treatment. For weekly or preventative treatments, apply lower rate every five to seven days. At first signs of disease, use curative rate then resume weekly preventative treatment. 59B PHI = pre-­‐harvest interval, REI = restricted entry interval. -­‐ = pre-­‐harvest interval isn't specified on label. Efficacy: 1-­‐ effective in half or more of recent university trials, 2-­‐ effective in less than half of recent university trials, 3-­‐not effective in any known trials, ?-­‐ not reviewed or no research available <strong>12</strong>.15 Leak, Pythium spp.Time for concern: Infection usually occurs at harvest, especially when internal pulp temperatures are above 65˚FKey characteristics: This soil borne fungus infects <strong>potato</strong> tubers through wounds at harvest. External symptoms consist ofgray to brown lesions with water-soaked appearance around wounds. Tubers become rubbery or spongy and exude a liquidwhen squeezed. If advanced, then secondary bacteria are already decaying tissue and “shell rot” results. See Cornell HUfact sheetUH(Reference 55) and HUupdateUH (Reference 76).Relative risk: Annual occurrence and especially serious if tubers are dug when soil temperatures are high. Avoid diggingfrom soils that are waterlogged.4820<strong>12</strong>

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